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College of Computing and Information Technology

Work Term Student Daily Activity Report

Student Name Namera Amir Butt Student ID 60097952

Sponsor/Company UDST - IT Operations Mobile No. 55717032

Program/Plan IS - Hardware Week No. 2

All information MUST BE typed using complete sentences for every day of work. Do not use bullet points!

DAY / DATE / TIME ACTIVITIES AND TASKS PERFORMED (please include all details)

Duration of task 20 minutes.Todays first task assigned to me was to set up a

Sunday 22-May-2022
CPU as it was previously imaged to Student PC. I attached the VGA, power,
and ethernet cable and turned the pc on. Once turned on I logged in and
Start Time 07 : 30 AM
checked the required applicatons that needed to be installed if they are in the
system. Once the applications were found I logged of turned the CPU of
unplugged all the wires and close the CPU case.

Plugged in all the cables.

End Time 03 : 30 PM
Opened the case to make sure the ssd was in place and connected.

Duration of task 30 minutes.

The second task assigned was to take the CPU and set it up in a
classroom(engineering building). Checked the CPU before taking it to the
classroom, once the inspection was done I loaded the CPU on the trolly and
took it to the buiding. Went to the classroom and attached all the wires with
the cpu which included the VGA, power, and ethernet cables. Once the setup
was done I turned the system on. Logged in as student. The PC was working
fine and all the required application were on it.
Connected all the cables to the tower. The power, VGA and the ethernet
cables and turned it on.

The system was turned on and logged in with my student id.

Logged in with my student id and I could see all the details on the right hand

Duration of task 45 minutes.

The third given task was to dismantle two monitors and install a printer in an
office. I went to the admissions office with the trolly, turned off the monitors
and unplugged all the wires from both the computers and set them aside. I
unplugged the power, display, and ethernet cables. Unplugged all cables from
the printer as well and set them aside. With help kept the printer on the trolly
and took it inside the office. Set it up and connected the USB, power, and
Ethernet cable. Turned the printer on and went to printer and scanners from
the computer. Once inside the setting pressed on search to find the printer
based on the printer name once the printer was found I connected to it and
made it the default printer. While printing a test paper there was an issue
while printing as the printer showed a warning sign
Unplugged all cables from both the computers and kept them aside.
Connected all the printer cables.

Attached the internet cable to the port and printer.

Turned the printer on and it was initializing.

Searched for printer name in printers and scanners to connect it.

Once the printer name was found I clicked and connected to it.

Took back these all in one computers.

Duration of task 1 hour.

The fourth task was to image 2 all in one computers with student image on
Connected all the cables to the computer including the power, ethernet
cables, mouse and also a keyboard. Turned the computer on and pressed F12
and it showed the option to select IPv4 or IPv6. Selected IPV4 ethernet
connection option shown on the screen. After selecting the option Files were
being loaded and took me to the next screen which was Task Sequence
Wizard. It asked for a password.(setup by ). After adding the correct password
types of imaging were shown on the screen. I selected the Staff PC imaging
and clicked next. The next step showed resolving Task Sequence
Dependencies. after that the Installation progress started. After the
installation process was complete, the system restarted. The system took
atleast 1 hour to setup everything. Repeated the same steps on the other
computer. Turned them on and logged in with my student

After setting up the password it displayed the option to choose what imaging
had to be done.

Installation process.
Logged in and named the PC.

The computer restarted once it was named.

The PC name was changed.

Duration of task 30 minutes.

The fifth task assigned to me was dismantling all wires connected to the CPU
and monitor in a lab. Unplugged all power, etheternet, VGA, and diplay cables
from the CPU and Monitors kept them one place. Removed all CPU and
monitors from their place and kept them aside.

All these computers were disconnected and cables were dismantled.

Unplugged all power cables, VGA, display, and ethernet cables and set them
Kept all these monitors aside.

Duration of task 1 hour.

Received a ticket about two monitors not turning on. Went to the lab and
troubleshot the monitors. The first thing I did was to turn off the monitor and
CPU and the extension and unplug all cables, plug the cables back again and
turn them on. Still there was no display in the monitor and CPU due to which
they did no turn on. Swaped the cables between them to check if the cables
were faulty. Power cable of CPU were faulty so changed them with new ones.
Plugged all the cables in and the turned the monitor and tower on, all turned
on without an issue logged in to confirm.
The tower did not turn on as the power cable needed to be replaced.
Once the cables were replaced the tower and monitor turned on.

Duration of task 30 minutes.

Monday 23-May-2022
Todays first task was to change the power bar (extension) in lab 20.1.35. I
took the cable cutter, new power bar, and cable ties. Entered the lab and
Start Time 07 : 30 AM turned off the power bar, and unplugged all cables. Once everything was
turned off and unplugged, I cut all the cable ties which was holding the power
bar in place. Removed the older extension and replaced it with the new ones,
and tied it with cable ties. And connected all the cables back and turned the
extension on. The PC's were turned on. Brought back the older power bar.

The power bar(extension) was faulty.

End Time 03 : 30 PM
Took a new power bar to replace the older one.

Removed the older cable ties and the power bar replaced it with the new
power bar and attached them with new cable ties.

Duration of the task 30 minutes.

The second task assigned to me was for cleaning up the internal CPU in an
office in the library. I took the hand blower for cleaning CPU. Once I was
inside the CPU, I opened the CPU case and it was very dusty. Carefully I took it
out of the library building and placed it on the bench and started cleaning it
with the hand blower. Once it was tidy and clean, I took some tissues and
wiped the areas that could not be tidied up by the hand blower. Took the CPU
in the office and closed the case.
Case needed to be cleaned up from the inside.
Opened up the case and it was very dusty.
Hand blower used to clean the tower from inside.
Cleaned up the sides with a damp tissue.

Removed the front cover to clean it.

Once the cleaning was done closed up the case and kept it in place.
Duration of task 3 hours.
The next was to inspect lab 12.1.37 the issues stated in the ticket were, there
are PC's that cannot be connected through LAN SCHOOL. There is no network
in some of the PC's. After entering the lab I turned on the instructor PC but I
was unable to do so because there was no display in the instructor's monitor I
could only view the screen through the projector. Troubleshooted the issue
and found out that the HDMI cable from the CPU to monitor was not
connected. Reported the issue back to IT helpdesk. And the issue was fixed.
Logged in with my workterm username and launched LAN SCHOOL. Then
selected all computers and blanked all screens to check weather all LAN
SCHOOL is able to control all computers. But unfortunately there were few
PC's that did not blank screen.
One desk did not have the monitor connected, I kept the monitor, connected
all cables to it and turned it on.
2 monitors did not have display in them because the VGA cable was poorly
connected, I fixed the issue by unplugging and plugging all the cables back
and turned them on.
One monitor did not have the display visible, unplugged and plugged back the
cables, exchanged the cables with other PC still it did not turn on so I
switched the monitor with the other one which turned on, the issue here was
with the monitor(faulty display.) went back to IT support and brought a
monitor and extra cables. Connected the monitor and cables, put the VGA
cable and tested if the monitor supported the VGA cable or the display cable.
But the VGA cable supported the monitor and turned the system on.
One PC had issue with the power cable, removed the older power cable and
replaced it with a new one.
2 PC's were not connected to the internet. Went and troubleshot the PC's the
ethernet cables were connected to both but still there was no internet
connected in them. Tried to connect them from the PC but that also did not
workout. So, took the port numbers where the ethernet cable was connected
and went to the main rack which contained many network switches and
ethernet cables. The ethernet cable which gave internet access to those 2 PC
through the port was not connected as there was no empty slot on the
switches for it. In order for the PC's to get internet I have to install wireless
cards in them.
I was able to control all PC's except the 2 that did not have internet access in
them through LAN SCHOOL.
The instructor machine (monitor)did not have display in it as the HDMI cable
was disconnected. I could only view the display through the projector.
Launched LAN SCHOOL to make sure all monitors are controlable and working

Not all student PC were connected.

Changed the VGA cable of the monitor and it turned on.

32 out of 36 student PC were shown after fixing few.

Logging in all of them through LAN SCHOOL.

Went to the rack in order to check the internet connection.

This system had the harddrive issue and it needed to be replaced.

Restarting all the student PC.

Duration of task 2 hours.

Tuesday 24-May-2022
The first task assigned was to inspect an office in learning commons. The user
wanted an external monitor as their was the main monitor and an LCD
Start Time 07 : 30 AM connected to it. Took a monitor, VGA, display, HDMI, and power cables and
went to the office. Once in the office I first inspected the cables through
which LCD was connected to the CPU, the LCD (TV) was connected with an
HDMI cable and then with a Diplsay convertor connected to the CPU. An
additional monitor could not be attached because there was only one slot for
display cable on the CPU and the LCD was connected through that. A
convertor will be required to connect the external monitor to the CPU.

This LCD was connected through the HDMI cable to the tower.

End Time 03 : 30 PM
External monitor that need to be installed.
Only one display port was on the tower.

Duration of task 20 minutes.

The second task was to bring back few things from the learning commons.
Took the trolly and went to the learning commons. There was a box
containing different cables, two new box of printer cartridges and an all in
one computer. Brought all those items back to the IT support and stored
them in the store room.

Duration of task 15 minutes.

The next task assigned was to inspect a monitor which did not turn on and
showed up a warning sign. Went to learning commons and looked for the
monitor. The monitor had a warning sign on the screen that said there is a
fault with the hardrive. The harddrive needed to be replaced with a new one.
Duration of task 1 hours 30 minutes.
The next ticket I received was about monitors that did not have display in
them. Went to learning commons and took a look at the monitors. Both the
monitors were connected through the display cable to the tower, there was a
graphic display port card attached in the tower and there were no VGA ports.
Unplugged all the cables and plugged them back again and turned the
monitor on but still they did not turn on. There was no display. So, I just
plugged in one display cable to one monitor and unplugged the other one and
the computer turned on and the display was okay once it was turned on I
plugged in the other display cable and both the monitors had display in them.
Repeated the same steps to the other monitors that did not turn on. They
should not be shutdown due to which both the monitors connected through
the same cable did not turn on.

Display cables connected through graphic card.

Disconnected one display cable which turned the other one on.
Plugged back all cables.

Followed the same steps and turned the other PC's on.

Duration of task 20 minutes.

The next ticket received was to attach a keyboard, mouse and install a
monitor in an office. Took the power bar, VGA cable, display cable, power
cable, keyboard, mouse, and an external monitor. Plugged in all the cables
with the monitor and tower, turned it on. Logged in with the workterm
username and made sure everything is okay. Attached the mouse and
keyboard to the monitor in another office.
Attached the keyboard

Attached the external monitor with all cables, turned it on and logged in.
Connected all cables to the power bar.

Connected the cables to the power and turned it on.

Attached the keyboard and mouse.

Duration of task 1 hour.

The next task assigned was to image a new harddrive to student PC.
Connected the SATA cable and the power cable to the hard drive and turned
the tower on. continously pressed F12 and selected IPV4 ethernet connection
option shown on the screen. After selecting the option Files were being
loaded and took me to the next screen which was Task Sequence Wizard. It
asked for a password.(setup by ). After adding the correct password types of
imaging were shown on the screen. I selected the Staff PC imaging and clicked
next. The next step showed resolving Task Sequence Dependencies. after that
the Installation progress started. After the installation process was complete,
the system restarted. The system took atleast 1 hour to setup everything.
Hard drive that needs to be imaged.

Connected the SATA and power cable and turned it on.

Loading files.

Selected the Student PC image after entering the password.

Named the PC.

Installation process.

Duration of task 15 minutes.

The next task was to connect sound system with the monitor. Attached the
speaker cable to the tower and turned it on. Once the speaker was turned on
I tested sound with playing a video on youttube.

Connected the speaker cable(green one).

Turned on the speaker and tested by playing a video.

Duration of task 1 hour.

Inspected the lab 10.1.31 launched LAN SCHOOL and blanked all monitor
screen but some monitors were not blanked. Went and troubleshot the
computer one by one. Some of the towers were not turned on due to which
they did not show up on LAN SCHOOL. One of the monitors did not turn on
because the power cable was loosely connected, fixed it and it turned on. The
other two monitors did not turn on as they showed harddrive fault warnings,
their harddrive needed to be reimaged.

Launched and selected all student PC and restarted them.

Blanked out all screens. Some of them did not blank out.

Turned the tower on due to which it did not show up on LAN SCHOOL.

Duration of task 30 minutes.

The seventh task assigned was to install an external monitor in an office. The
monitor was already in the office, I only took the VGA, display, and power
cables. I kept the monitor and connect all the cables to it since the main
monitor was connected via a VGA cable, I connected the external monitor
with a display cable. Once everything was connected I turned the tower and
monitors on and logged to make sure there was internet connection and
Set up the monitor in an office.

Attached all cables to it and turned it on once on I logged in to make sure all
things were available and no issue occurred.

Duration of task 25 minutes.

Wednesday 25-May-2022
The first task assigned was to install a monitor in lab 5.1.57. The instructor
monitor had faulty display(flickering screen) due to which it had to be
Start Time 07 : 30 AM replaced. Took a monitor and some cables if needed. Went to the lab and
unplugged all cables from the monitor and removed it, replaced it with the
one I brought and plugged back all cables. Once everything was connected I
turned it on and logged in. Turned the projector on to make sure there was
no fault with the projector. Everything was okay logged off from the machine.

End Time 03 : 30 PM
Placed the new monitor and turned it on.

Turned the projector on to check the display.

Duration of task 20 minutes.

The next task assigned was to install a monitor in lab 5.1.64. Took the monitor
and extra cables if needed. I always take power, VGA, display and ethernet
cables with me. It was an all in one computer that needed to be installed.
Kept the computer and connected the power cable, ethernet, keyboard and
mouse. Turned it on and logged in with my student id. Everything was okay.
Plugged in cables and turned the computer on

Duration of task 1 hour.

The next task was to image an SSD to STAFF image. Connected all cables and
turned the computer on. continously pressed F12 and selected IPV4 ethernet
connection option shown on the screen. After selecting the option Files were
being loaded and took me to the next screen which was Task Sequence
Wizard. It asked for a password.(setup by ). After adding the correct password
types of imaging were shown on the screen. I selected the Staff PC imaging
and clicked next. The next step showed resolving Task Sequence
Dependencies. after that the Installation progress started. After the
installation process was complete, the system restarted. The system took
atleast 1 hour to setup everything.

Duration of task 3 hours.

In this task I had to install wireless cards as the 2 system did not have an
internet connection in them. Took two wireless internet cards and went to
the lab. Turned off the tower and monitor and unplugged all cables. Opened
up the tower (CPU) case and uncliped the green clips, removed the addon
card cover. Once the cover was removed I gently put in the wireless card and
closed the clip. Closed the tower case and put the antenna on the cards.
Plugged in all the cables and turned the tower and monitor on. There was no
need to install the drivers they were automatically found by the system once
the card was put in. then manually connected to the internet.
Attached the wirless internet card and cliped the clips. The two golden
notched outside are for the antennas.

Attached the antennas

Once everything was secure, closed up the case.

Duration of task 1 hour.

The next task assigned was to image an SSD and replace it with the older
harddrive in the tower(CPU). Turned of the tower and unplugged all cables,
opened up the case. Removed the cables from the hard drive and unscrewed
it, put those screws on the SSD. Once the screws were put on the SSD I
attached the cables to it and turned the tower on to begin the imaging
process. continously pressed F12 and selected IPV4 ethernet connection
option shown on the screen. After selecting the option Files were being
loaded and took me to the next screen which was Task Sequence Wizard. It
asked for a password.(setup by ). After adding the correct password types of
imaging were shown on the screen. I selected the Student PC imaging and
clicked next. The next step showed resolving Task Sequence Dependencies.
after that the Installation progress started. After the installation process was
complete, the system restarted. The system took atleast 1 hour to setup

The older harddrive of the tower.

Replaced it with a SSD

Launched LAN SCHOOL and all the student PC were showing up and were
Duration of task 20 minutes.
The next task I got assigned to was that there was no display in the monitor
and the students could not connect to the projector. The DVI cable was
disconnected due to which there was no display. Fixed an tightened the cable
a bit and pressed the PC button on the podium.

The HDMI button was pressed.

Since the HDMI button was pressed I clicked on the PC button and the display
was visible on the monitor and projector.
Duration of task 25 minutes.
Thursday 26-May-2022
Todays first task was to install an external monitor for an instructor. Took a
monitor and VGA, display, and power cables. kept the monitor and connected
Start Time 07 : 30 AM it with the VGA cable as the main monitor was connected via display cable.
Attached the power cable to the monitor and turned it on. Once it turned on I
asked the instructor to login in and made the external monitor 1 from the
display screen settings.

Attached the VGA cable to the external monitor.

End Time 03 : 30 PM
Turned the monitor on.

Duration of task 1-2hours.

The next task was to image newly brought 5-6 all in one computers. I plugged
in all cables to the computer and turned it on. Continously pressed F12 but it
did not image instead showed an error. It showed up the IPv6 option instead
of the IPv4 as it was diabled. So, I went into BIOS, advanced, boot options and
scroll down, and enabled the IPv4 option. Once that was done restarted the
computer and press F12 again but the same issue showed up restarted again
and went into settings to manual connect the internet as the internet was no
connected due to which the imaging process did not begin. Tried every
possible way but still nothing worked. So, installed new windows through a
USB. After the new windows was installed, the system restarted, plugged in
the ethernet cable and restarted once again and press F12 and the imaging
process began.
Did not go beyond this step.
This was the error that was being displayed.

Tried to setup the internet through settings manually.

Pressed F10 to go into BIOS and entered the password.

Went into advanced and then boot options.

Scrolled down and enabled the IPv4 Ethernet connection.

Saved the changes and exit.

Windows installation.
Duration of task 2 hours.
The next task assigned was to image a new SSD with staff image on it. I
connected all cables to the tower and put in the SSD with the cables
connected. Turned it on and began the imaging process. continously pressed
F12 and selected IPV4 ethernet connection option shown on the screen. After
selecting the option Files were being loaded and took me to the next screen
which was Task Sequence Wizard. It asked for a password.(setup by ). After
adding the correct password types of imaging were shown on the screen. I
selected the Staff PC imaging and clicked next. The next step showed
resolving Task Sequence Dependencies. after that the Installation progress
started. After the installation process was complete, the system restarted.
The system took atleast 1 hour to setup everything. Once the imaging process
was done closed up the tower case and took it to the office where it needed
to be installed. Asked the user to transfer all his files from the previous
harddrive to his Z drive. He created a folder for the files that he needed to
transfer. Once the transfer was done I turned off the tower and monitor.
Unplugged all cables and removed the tower(CPU). And attached all cables to
the new tower with the new SSD. The power, ethernet, VGA, and display
cables. Once everything was connected I turned them on, there was no
ethernet connection, troubleshot and unplugged the ethernet cable from the
tower but still there was not internet connection. The network cable
connected to the tower was connected to the phone and the other network
from the wall was connected to the phone. In order for the tower to get
internet connection the phone needed to be restarted as the tower had been
replaced. I unplugged the network cable from the port and the phone and
plugged them back again and the landline restarted. And the ethernet
connection was restored.
Connected the tower and logged in.
Restarted the network cables by unplugging them and plugging them back.

Duration of task 15 minutes.

The last task was to pick up 3 computers from an office. Took a trolly and
went to the office in building 20. There were 3 boxed computers that I had to
bring back to the IT support. Kept all three on the trolly and brought it to IT
support and kept it in the store.
These are the computers that had to be brought back.

Supervisor’s Name Mr. Joseph Piercey Supervisor’s Signature _____________________

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