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Essay For Communication

Crafting an essay on the subject of communication may seem like a straightforward task at first
glance, given the omnipresence of communication in our daily lives. However, delving deeper into
the intricacies of the topic reveals the multifaceted nature of communication, presenting both
challenges and complexities for the essayist.

To begin with, communication is a vast and evolving field that encompasses verbal and non-verbal
expressions, interpersonal dynamics, technological advancements, cultural nuances, and much more.
The sheer breadth of the subject requires a meticulous approach to narrow down the focus and avoid
superficial treatment of its various aspects. Choosing the right angle or perspective to explore within
the limited confines of an essay can be a daunting task, as one must strike a balance between depth
and breadth.

Furthermore, effective communication involves understanding and catering to diverse audiences.

Crafting an essay that resonates with readers from different backgrounds, cultures, and levels of
familiarity with the topic adds an additional layer of complexity. It demands the ability to articulate
thoughts clearly while remaining inclusive and engaging.

The dynamic nature of communication, influenced by technological advancements, societal changes,

and global events, also presents a challenge. Staying relevant and up-to-date with the latest
developments in the field is crucial to provide a comprehensive and accurate portrayal of the subject

In addition to content, the essayist must navigate the intricacies of style and tone to effectively
communicate their ideas. Striking the right balance between formality and accessibility, conveying
passion without sacrificing objectivity, and maintaining a coherent flow throughout the essay are all
aspects that require careful consideration.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of communication is a task that demands not only a
comprehensive understanding of the subject but also a keen awareness of the complexities involved.
It necessitates the ability to navigate through various dimensions of communication while
maintaining clarity, relevance, and engagement. Despite its challenges, mastering the art of crafting
an essay on communication can be a rewarding endeavor, providing insights that resonate with a
diverse audience.

For assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, resources
offer professional support and guidance to ensure a polished and well-crafted final product.
Essay For Communication Essay For Communication
Effects of Illegal Insider Trading Essay
Insider trading is a term that most investors have heard and usually associate with illegal
conduct. But the term actually includes both legal and illegal conduct. The legal version
is when corporate insiders officers, directors, and employees buy and sell stock in their
own companies. When corporate insiders trade in their own securities, they must report
their trades to the SEC. Illegal insider tradingrefers generally to buying or selling a
security, in breach of a fiduciaryduty or other relationship of trust and confidence, while
in possession of material, nonpublic information about the security. Insider trading
violations may also include tipping such information, securities trading by the person
tipped, and securities... Show more content on ...
But, in a case like that of Enron, their stock price was enormous since it was not evident
that they were cooking their books. This would not have happened if insider trading
were legal. Investors would not have lost most of their money investing in a firm like
Enron and taking the hit when they were investigated for insider trading and fraud.
The Enron insiders would have sold their shares and the price would have corrected
itself and the disaster might have been avoided. Investors could have allocated their
money towards more promising investments, which in turn would increase market
efficiency. With legalizing insider trading, stock prices would be more efficient with
the ability to acquire more information. Illegal trading is still common and some may
say it is actually growing. This puts law abiding investors at a disadvantage. Insider
trading bans allow for some comparable behavior. For example, if I were to work for a
company and hear that we were going to post a profit this quarter, I would not sell my
shares. This could be considered insider non trading and is currently legal, but can
basically be considered insider trading. There are plenty of loopholes in the current
system. With increased information, we might be able to smooth the volatility of the
market. It will lessen the exposure to bad information and will benefit the market s
participants. Profits being made from the information will expedite the flow of
information. There is a gray area
Essay on Chapter 63 Nursing Management Musculoskeletal...
Chapter 63: Nursing Management: Musculoskeletal Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery
Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. When teaching seniors at a community recreation
center, which information will the nurse include about ways to prevent fractures? a.
Tack down scatter rugs in the home. b. Most falls happen outside the home. c. Buy
shoes that provide good support and are comfortable to wear. d. Range of motion
exercises should be taught by a physical therapist. ANS: C Comfortable shoes with
good support will help decrease the risk for falls. Scatter rugs should be eliminated, not
just tacked down. Activities of daily living provide range of motion exercise; these do
not need to be taught by a physical therapist. Falls inside the home are responsible...
Show more content on ...
The nurse will instruct the patient with a fractured left radius that the cast will need
to remain in place a. for several months. b. for at least 3 weeks. c. until swelling of the
wrist has resolved. d. until x rays show complete bony union. ANS: B Bone healing
starts immediately after the injury, but since ossification does not begin until 3 weeks
postinjury, the cast will need to be worn for at least 3 weeks. Complete union may take
up to a year. Resolution of swelling does not indicate bone healing. DIF: Cognitive
Level: Apply (application) REF: 1513 TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC:
NCLEX: Physiological Integrity USTESTBANK.COM 7. A 48 year old patient with a
comminuted fracture of the left femur has Buck s traction in place while waiting for
surgery. To assess for pressure areas on the patient s back and sacral area and to provide
skin care, the nurse should a. loosen the traction and help the patient turn onto the
unaffected side. b. place a pillow between the patient s legs and turn gently to each side.
c. turn the patient partially to each side with the assistance of another nurse. d. have the
patient lift the buttocks by bending and pushing with the right leg. ANS: D The patient
can lift the buttocks off the bed by using the left leg without changing the right leg
alignment. Turning the patient will tend to move the leg out of alignment. Disconnecting
the traction will interrupt the weight needed to
Secret Trusts
Another argument against the principle of fraud theory is that it is unconstitutional
because the courts are out rightly undermining the WA 1837 thereby challenging the
doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty but this argument has since been countered with
the maxim that equity will not allow statute created for the prevention of fraud to be used
to perpetrate fraud, that it was not the intention of parliament to deny a person property
that is rightly meant for them simply because of formality requirements.
According to Hudson this theory is the most widely accepted justification on why secret
trusts are enforced despites their non conformity with formality requirements, this
rationale is premised ... Show more content on ...
The remaining cases contain examples of secret trusts created for a multitude of
reasons; for example, there are cases where the testator was persuaded to create the
secret trust by a deceitful secret trustee, cases where the testator wanted to change his
will at a very late stage and it appeared easier to create a secret trust than to amend the
will, cases where the secret trust arose as a result of a poorly drafted will, cases where
the secret trust was created in an apparent attempt to avoid tax liability, cases where
the secret trust was created as a result of legal advice and cases where the secret trust
arose out of the testator s indecisiveness. It is clear that the doctrine was not developed
to allow testators to provide secretly for illegitimate families, or indeed for reasons
involving the Mortmain Acts. The obvious conclusion to draw is that any failure to
perform a secret trust is a fraud, regardless of why the secret trust was created.

From a wide range of available case law it can be safety suggested that secret trusts are
enforced on the basis of fraud prevention but the courts remain concerned as to the
possible uncertainty and confusion that could be created by upholding a doctrine that
completely undermines all forms of formalities.
Conclusively, it is also submitted
Violence In Iraq Essay
Soon after the death of Zarqawi, in January 2007 President George Bush announced
that the US would be sending ...more than 20,000 additional American troops to Iraq
(Bush). This announcement was a direct response to the exorbitant number of people
who wear being killed every day due to violence in the country. In fact, according to
David Petraeus in an interview with frontline, an average of 53 people was killed daily.
Interestingly, in the same interview, Petraeus said that it wasn t the additional 25,000
troops that were sent over that were key to the new American strategy in Iraq, instead it
was the change in strategy that was really the crux of the so called surge. That is that,
instead of consolidating on big bases...and handing... Show more content on ...
Now, in the election itself, the incumbent Prime Minister s State of Law Coalition won
89 seats, while the Iraqi National Movement, led by Ayad Allawi, won 91 seats.
Lastly, the National Iraqi alliance, whose elected members would all support Maliki s
re election efforts, won 70 seats. All in all, even with the 70 additional votes coming
from the National Iraqi alliance, Maliki was left 4 votes shy of being re elected,
because no members of Iraqi National Movement would vote for him. Because of this
Maliki knew that he would take drastic political movement for him to be able to
remain in power. This is exactly what Maliki did. In fact, seeing no other option,
Maliki reached out to Iran in order to gain the support of Shias in the Iraqi National
Movement, as well as to keep his supporters in the other two parties from jumping ship
and supporting someone else. In doing so, Maliki even went so far as to one of the
members of the Badr Organization, an outgrowth of Iranian armed and funded militias
dating back to the 1980s... as Iraq s minister of the interior (Stern et al., 54). As a result
of this, Iran gained significant influence in the Iraqi government. In fact, Iran had so
much influence that they were able to convince Maliki to demand that the United
States pulled its troops out in 2011 (Khalilzad interview). Between this and Obama s
already well know desire to remove troops by the end of 2011, it is no surprise that this
is exactly
Sexuality In Dracula
Traditionally the vampire is seen as metaphors for sexuality and power . This comes
from the idea that they are beings without sin and thus can be sexual without
consequence, due to them being dead so not under Gods control. This idea of sexuality
is expressed in Dracula, such as when he turns Lucy. Draculawas published in the
Victorian era when women s sexuality was not something that was talked about, due to
the religious nature of the country and writers, so by Linda becoming this sinless being
she is freeing her sexuality. Some critics have interpreted Van Helsing wanting to kill her,
as Stoker saying that femalesexuality should still be hidden and kept away, like a vampire
. However, others say that Stoker is using Dracula as a way of freeing females and Van
Helsing is the Victorian society trying to... Show more content on ...
Showing that perhaps Stoker does want women to have more power, sexually and
legally. Dracula later says, Your girls that you all love are mine already , the phrase
mine already implies that as soon as they are a vampire they have been lost to this
freedom of expression and cannot be saved. This idea of sexuality is also seen in 1997
2003 s TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer , with the vampires being portrayed as
sexual beings, with Angle s weakness to turn him back into a demon being is a
moment of perfect happiness. Vampires are often seen as being sexual and allowed to
be sexual as they are already dead, and living in sin, so a bit more won t help. In
Vampire novels, like in Anita Blake and also implied in Interview with the Vampire,
the vampires are portrayed as sexual with both males and females, Keller says this is
due to the necessity of secrecy, ... and the fear of discovery for both vampires and
homosexuals, as at the time of publication for Dracula in 1897, being homosexual was
illegal, and while not illegal in the USA for Rice in 1976 it was frowned upon to be gay
and seen as a mental disorder and diffidently not something expressed in
The Character of Iago in Shakespeare s Othello Essay
The Character of Iago

The old cliché One bad apple ruins the bunch is what enters one s mind when
discussing the villainous, deceitful, protagonist Iago in Shakespeare s tragedy Othello.
It is amazing how one person alone can completely destroy, or deteriorate a group of
good natured, trusting, loyal peoples lives in a matter of days three to be exact. What is
the motive behind Iago s heinous, selfish acts, one may ask? A rather obvious theme in
the Shakespeare s tragedy, Othello , is that of the many facets of jealousy, which instigate
the evil doings of protagonist, Iago. Jealousy can be best defined, in the thinking of
Renaissance, as a derivative or compounded passion. It is a species of envy, which is in
turn ... Show more content on ...
Iago s motive behind his evil plot against Othello all starts when Othello chooses
Cassio as his Lieutenant, which leaves Iago feeling as if someone stole his glory. Even
further, Iago s jealousy is deepened by Othello s accomplishments and role he holds
within his state. We are told that he [Othello] is of noble birth, that war and adventures
have been his nurses, that he may be considered a [Moorish] barbarian and yet that the
Venetian state has found him so valuable in action, that he cannot be expelled no
matter what offense may be found in him (Jorgensen 25). This alone makes Iago
surpass any sort of admiration of Othello, for it only feeds his jealousy and envy. Iago
is infuriated and retaliates by making Othello question the degree of his wife s
faithfulness. At last Othello is moved. Iago sees that is poisonous words are beginning to
have an effect and knows better than to enlarge up the ideas that are already planted in
Othello s mind his own imagination will accomplish more...(Charney 213). The deceit
has set in.

Cassio and Iago s relationship, much like all of Iago s relationships, is based on an evil
web of even more lies and jealous acts. Cassio is a true gentleman, and his way of life
is a contrast and an irritation to Iago (Leone 73). Iago proclaims, He hath a daily beauty
in his life that makes me ugly. Iago plots to use handsome, charming,

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