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NAME: ………………………………………………........ CALSS: ………….
1. The absolute zero temperature is defined as the temperature at which
A. Thermal motion ceases
B. The temperature of a gas is 273 °C
B. The volume of a real gas is maximum.
C. Ice melts.
2. A mercury-in-glass thermometer reads −20 °C at the ice point and 100 °C at the steam point.
Calculate the Celsius temperature corresponding to 70 °C on the thermometer.
A. 50.0 °C B. 62.5 °C C. 70.0 °C D. 75.0 °
3. A platinum resistance thermometer has resistance of 5 Ω at 0 °C and 9 Ω at 100 °C. Assuming
that resistance changes uniformly with temperature, calculate the resistance of the thermometer
when the temperature is 45 °C.
A. 13.9 Ω B. 8.9 Ω C. 6.8 Ω D. 3.2 Ω
4. A faulty thermometer registers 102.5 °C at 100 °C. If the thermometer has no zero error, what
will it register at 55 °C.
A. 56.4 °C B. 56.0 °C C. 55.0 °C D. 54.6 °
5. A thermometer records 680 mmHg at steam point and 440 mmHg at the ice point. The
temperature it records at 380 mm is
A. −25 °C B. −20 °C C. 20 °C D. 25 ℃
6. At a given temperature
A. The molecules in a gas all have the same average velocity.
B. The molecules in a gas all have the same average kinetic energy.
C. Light gas molecules have lower average kinetic energy than heavy gas molecules.
D. Heavy gas molecules have lower average kinetic energy than light gas molecules.
7. Two bodies, P and Q are in thermal equilibrium. Which of the following statements about the
bodies is correct?
A. The temperature of 𝐐 is higher than that of P.
B. P and Q have the same heat capacity.
C. P and Q have the same mass.
D. P and Q are at the same temperature.
8. The clinical thermometer is characterized by having a
A. Wide range of temperature. B. Wide bore.
C. Long stem. D. Constriction.
9. Which of the following is correct about the fixed points of a temperature scale?
A. They vary uniformly with temperature.
B. They are easily reproducible.
C. They lie between 0℃ and 100 ℃.
D. They depend solely on atmospheric pressure.

10. The ice and the steam points on an ungraduated thermometer are 120 mm apart. If the
thermometer is immersed in a liquid of temperature 40 ℃, calculate the length of the mercury
thread above the ice point.
A. 20.0 mm B. 38.0 mm C. 48.0 mm D. 60.0 mm
11. Two forces of magnitude 10 N and 15 N act on a body. If the angle between them is 90°,
calculate the magnitude of their resultant.
A. 5.00 N B. 11.18 N C. 18.03 N D. 25.00 N
12. Two forces are acting in opposite directions on the same point as shown in the diagram below.
What is the resultant force?

A. 900 N West B. 900 N East C. 2100 N West D. 2100 N East

13. The velocity through the water of a man swimming across a river (perpendicular to its banks)
is 4 kmh−1. Calculate the velocity of the current downstream if his resultant velocity is 5 kmh−1.
A. 1 kmh−1 B. 9 kmh−1 C. 3 kmh−1 D. 6.5 kmh−1
14. Two forces P and Q act at a point. If their resultant is given by P − Q in the direction of P,
A. The angle between P and Q is 90o
B. The angle between P and Q is 0o
C. The angle between P and Q is180o
D. Q is greater than P.
15. You walk 5km north and then 12km east. Your resultant displacement is
a) 13km at an angle of 22.6° north of east b) 13km at an angle of 67.4° north of east
c) 17km at an angle of 22.6° north of east d) 17km at an angle of 67.4° north of east.
16. The resultant of two forces acting on an object is a maximum when the angle between them is
A. 180º B. 90° C. 45º D. 0°
17. Find the resultant of the force along OB in the diagram above.

A. 110 N B. 50 N C. 30 N D. 20 N
18. A bird flying due north with a velocity of 15 ms sheds a feather in an air current blowing at
20 ms−1 due East. The feather will move with a velocity of
A. 25 ms− 1 East of South
B. 25 ms−1 East of North
C. 25 ms−1West of South
D. 15 m𝑠 −1 North
19. A man walks 30 m east and then 50 m north to the drugstore. What is the magnitude of his
final displacement from his original location?
A. 20 m B. 80 m C. 583 m D. 58. 3 m
→ →
20. Vector A has components Ax = +4.0 units and Ay = +3.2 units, whereas vector B has
components Bx = +2.5 units and B y = +5.5 units. The angle between the two vectors is
A. 24° B. 65° C. 27° D. 39°
21. Which of the following may be determined from a speed-time graph?
A. Displacement B. Distance C. Power D. Force
22. The gradient of a distance-time graph represents
A. Acceleration B. Distance travelled C. Speed D. Time taken
23. The area under a speed-time graph represents
A. Acceleration B. Distance travelled C. Speed D. Time taken
24. The graph below represents the motion of a body moving along a straight line. Which quantity
related to the motion of the body is constant?
Velocity (m/s) A. Speed
B. Velocity
C. Acceleration
D. Displacement

Time (s)

25. An orange fruit falls from its tree for 2.6 s, what will be its final velocity and how far will it
fall? [ Take 𝑔 = 9.81𝑚𝑠 −2 ]
A. 66.3m/s, 124.9m B. 124.9m/s, 66.3 m C. 25.5m/s, 33.2m D. 33.2m/s, 25.5 m
26. Four cars race along a given track starting at the same time. The car that will reach the
finishing line first is the one with the largest
A. maximum speed B. acceleration C. power D. average speed
27. A submarine sends out a sonar signal (sound wave) in a direction directly downward. It takes
2.3 s for the sound wave to travel from the submarine to the ocean bottom and back to the
submarine. How high above the ocean floor is the submarine?
(Speed of sound in water = 1,489 m/s)
A. 1, 700 m B. 3,000 m C. 5,000 m D. cannot be determined
28. A baseball is thrown straight upward. What is the ball’s acceleration at its highest point?
1 1
A. 2 𝑔, downward B. g, downward C. 2 𝑔, upward D. g, upward
29. How long would it take a car starting from rest and accelerating uniformly in a straight line at
5𝑚𝑠 −1 to cover a distance of 200 m?
A. 9.0 s B. 10.5 s C. 12.0 s D. 15. 5 s
30. Use the velocity-time graph below to answer the question that follows.
V / ms −1

0 t/s
5 10 15
The path AB represents the period of
A. uniform acceleration B. uniform retardation
C. zero acceleration D. zero displacement

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