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Argue Essay

Crafting an argumentative essay can be both a challenging and intellectually stimulating endeavor.
The difficulty lies not only in the need for a coherent and well-structured argument but also in the
demand for thorough research, critical thinking, and effective communication of ideas. The process
begins with selecting a compelling topic, one that is not only interesting but also allows for a
nuanced exploration of multiple perspectives.

Once the topic is chosen, the writer embarks on an extensive journey of gathering information,
delving into diverse sources, and scrutinizing various viewpoints. This phase is crucial, as an
argumentative essay requires a solid foundation built on credible evidence and logical reasoning. This
research-intensive aspect adds a layer of complexity to the writing process, demanding a meticulous
approach to ensure the essay's persuasiveness and validity.

The formulation of a thesis statement is another daunting task. Crafting a concise yet impactful
statement that encapsulates the core argument requires a deep understanding of the topic and the
writer's stance. Striking the right balance between specificity and generality is essential, setting the
tone for the entire essay.

The body of the essay involves presenting and defending the main points of the argument. Each
paragraph must contribute to the overall coherence of the essay while maintaining clarity and logical
flow. The challenge here lies in articulating ideas persuasively, addressing potential
counterarguments, and weaving a seamless narrative that keeps the reader engaged.

Additionally, mastering the art of transitions is crucial. Connecting paragraphs and ideas smoothly is
not only a stylistic concern but also integral to the essay's overall persuasiveness. This requires a keen
sense of how each point contributes to the overarching argument and an ability to guide the reader
through a seamless intellectual journey.

In the concluding section, the writer must summarize the key points and re-emphasize the thesis
without introducing new information. Crafting a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression and
reinforces the essay's main argument requires finesse and a knack for leaving the reader with a sense
of closure and reflection.

While the difficulty of writing an argumentative essay is undeniable, it is through this very process
that one hones critical thinking skills, refines the art of persuasion, and gains a deeper understanding
of the chosen topic. Each obstacle encountered in the writing journey becomes an opportunity for
growth and intellectual development.

For those seeking assistance or inspiration, various resources are available, including online platforms
like , where similar essays and much more can be explored or ordered to aid in the
essay writing process.
Argue Essay Argue Essay
Football Concussion Essay
Throughout time, football has been known for its insane amount of damage it causes to
its players. It has ranged from a little scrape on your arm to almost lying on your
deathbed after having a concussion that you thought was just a headache. Although
football is seen as a great sport to watch, no one actually knows the truth behind the actual
game. Many have tried to make the sport involve more safe strategies, but it is just one of
those sports that has gained their reputation from being involved with pushing, hurting,
and sometimes even fighting . I would not allow my son to playfootball, because it has
ways of leaving multiple health issues throughout your lifetime. It may also be one of
the roads to cause traumatic injuries and it gives a more likely chance of death. In this
sport, there are multiple data tables that include the amount of concussions that have
happened throughout the years of the game. One reason why I would not allow my
son to play football is because it leaves the chance of having long time health issues.
According to Sandomir ... acknowledging the growing evidence of the link between
concussions and progressive degenerative brain disease. (Sandomir). Most know the
damages a hit to the head can do while playing the football, but rather brush it off to
continue playing the game. They do this, because their love for their fans and their love
for having a perfect image in football overtakes their care for their injuries. Instead of
just paying
Injured Athletes
In the article I Trusted Em : When NCAA Schools Abandon Their Injured Athletes
college athletes are not getting proper health care from universities. The NCAA is a
huge business and college student athletes get a handbook that tells them the rules
/policies they must abide by. Meghan Walsh speaks about how little healthcare is
mentioned in the NCAA rulebook The National Collegiate Athletics Association
Division I manual includes more than 400 pages of mandates for its member schools.
But there is less than a page regarding healthcare for athletes (Walsh 2). This is not good
on the NCAA s part because it kind of shows that the healthcare/wellness of their athletes
doesn t matter. It is crucial that changes to this manual come to look after
Beauty And Physical Beauty
Physical beauty is something that is far more important than inner beauty in our
crooked society. There is a specific standard that American culture expects us to
uphold to be accepted and loved. Shaming others for how they look is practiced by
almost every individual. It is human nature and almost everyone is guilty of judging or
offending someone at some point in their life. There is a difference between accidently
saying something you did not know would affect someone and excessively hurting
somebody with your words daily. Words are very powerful and if they are used
negatively it could cause someone to develop a distant personality, emotional distress,
and a feeling of emptiness inside.
Growing up, I was always taught that thinness meant beauty. Not only by my class
peers, but by my own family members as well. I grew up as an obese kid/teen. Who
would have thought? School for me was a synonym for hell on earth for many years.
Waking up in the morning was the worst 30 minutes of my life followed by 7 hours of
emotional torment. Making friends for me has always been very difficult because I
am a hardcore introvert. I remember always sitting alone in an obnoxious lunch room
and being picked on by the stereotypical mean girls and boys. Yes, they do exist. I
heard insults from How come you re so fat? to What would happen if we got a needle
and poked her with it? Would she explode? . The insults are ridiculous and funny
looking at it now, but as a child and young teen they killed me inside. I never said
anything back because I was always told to ignore it by my teachers. My mom went to
the office numerous times and complained. I remember constantly asking my mom
everyday afterschool why no one liked me and why I did not have any friends. She never
knew how to respond. It ll go away , They re just kids being kids , they said. It never
actually went away till high school, when everyone had finally matured.
My freshman, sophomore and junior years of high school were probably one of the
most emotionally draining and difficult years of my life. I dealt with severe insecurity
and lacked any sort of mental health. With all the years of taunting and bullying, I was
basically numb yet shattered inside. I developed
Gender Roles In Susan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers
In 1882, Susan Glaspell was born in Davenport, Iowa. She graduated from Drake
University in 1899 and later worked as a reporter, then a freelance writer, composing
several pieces (Kirsner and Mandell 1124). Later Glaspell and her husband, Cram
Cook, founded the Provincetown Players for which Glaspell wrote plays (1124).
Many of her works conveyed the problems early twentieth century women encountered
in society. She wrote the play Trifles based on a murder trial she covered as a
courthouse reporter (1124). Glaspell later rewrote Trifles as a short story called A Jury
of Her Peer (1125). This piece introduces sisterhood between characters and retaliates
against the superiority of the male. In A Jury of Her Peers, Glaspell uses setting,
symbols, and irony to support the theme of genderroles.
Glaspell places the story A Jury of Her Peers in a woeful setting that one of the urban
farm neighbors, Mrs. Hale, ... Show more content on ...
When investigating throughout the house, the men laugh about things that the women
become concerned about such as Mrs. Wright s fruit jars (Glaspell 264). Mrs. Hale s
husband states that women are used to worrying over trifles, referring to things that the
women tend to find important (264). However, the half wiped table, half poured sugar,
and the dirty pans (Alkalay Gut 3) are clues to the investigation unseen by the men due
to their inability to interpret things beyond what they consider to be significant
information (4). Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Wright conclude that Mrs. Wright was forced out
of the pattern of her chores (3). Later, the women find motive for John Wright s murder
when they discover the strangled bird that indicates to Mrs. Hale that Mrs. Wright found
herself as a caged bird being strangled by her husband (6). The ladies then transfer their
roles from being married to the law and following their spouses to sympathetic

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