TLE G4 2nd Qtr.

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S.Y 2022 – 2023

Raina M.Rosette
Name: ________________________________ Score: _________________
Teacher: Ms. Rhose Allanes D. Zamora Date: __________________

I. Multiple Choice
Read the questions carefully before choosing your answer. Encircle your answers.

1. These are fungi that attacks fruits, vegetables, flowers and grasses. Their primary
symptom is the appearance of white to purple.
a. nectria cankers c. downy mildews
b. rust d. anthracnose

2. This plant disease is caused by soil- borne fungi.

a. nectria cankers c. downy mildews
b. damping off d. anthracnose

3. They are also known as bird three- eye spot.

a. nectria cankers c. downy mildews
b. rust d. anthracnose

4. They are fungi that attack flowers, ornamentals, vegetables, and fruits.
a. nectria cankers c. fusarium + verticillum wilts
b. rust d. anthracnose

5. These are fungi which require two different plant species as host to complete their
a. nectria cankers c. downy mildews
b. rust d. anthracnose

6. These are fungi that attack hardwoods, vines and shrub.

a. nectria cankers c. downy mildews
b. rust d. anthracnose

7. In this method, the fertilizer is applied near the seeds or around the growing plant
a. top dressing c. band application
b. foliar application d. broadcast method

8. This is done when broadcasting fertilizers over the growing crops.

a. top dressing c. band application
b. foliar application d. broadcast method

9. It is done by dissolving fertilizer in water and applying through a sprayer.

a. top dressing c. band application
b. foliar application d. broadcast method

10. It is done by scattering the fertilizer uniformly on the soil.

a. top dressing c. band application
b. foliar application d. broadcast method

11. They are known as “man’s best friend”. They are loyal, dutiful, playful and happy pets.
a. dogs c. cats
b. hamsters d. rabbits
12. They are cost- effective and easy to take care of, they should always comes in pairs.
a. love birds c. fish
b. guinea pig d. turtles

13. They are rodents. They are good pets and easy to take care of.
a. rabbits c. hamsters
b. cats d. fish

14. They come in a variety of colors and fur patterns.

a. rabbits c. hamsters
b. cats d. fish
15. They are small mammals. They are beautiful animals that have long ears.
a. rabbits c. hamsters
b. cats d. fish

II. Identify the different ornamental plant enemies.

Rust molds
Downy mildews anthracnose

____________ 1. These are fungi that attack fruits, vegetables, flowers and grasses.

____________ 2. These are fungi which require two different plants species as host to
complete their cycle.

____________ 3. They appear on the plant leaves and ½ inch across with yellow margins.

____________ 4. They are fungi that cause small dead spots that often have a raised

____________ 5. They appear powdery or wooly on the surface of the infected part.

III. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is false.

____________ 1. There are some air purifying ornamental plants such as peace lily.
____________ 2. Medicinal plants are grown for their decorative purposes.
____________ 3. Outdoor plants grow in partially or fully shaded areas.
____________ 4. Hanging plants and vines are examples of window garden plants.
____________ 5. Mother in law’s tongue is also known as spider plant.
____________ 6. There are two classifications of ornamental plants----- flowering and non-
flowering ornamental plants.
____________ 7. Weeping fig is also known as peacock plant.
____________ 8. Sword fern is also known as money plant in Southeast Asia.
____________ 9. Annual plants live more that a year but not over two years.
____________ 10. Shrubs or bushes are plants smaller than trees.

IV. Enumeration

Give five (5) breeds of 3.

dogs 4.
1. 5.
3. Give five (5) common
4. household pets.
5. 1.
Give five (5) breeds of 3.
rabbits 4.
1. 5.

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