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SN Computer Science (2023) 4:186


An Insightful Analysis of Digital Forensics Effects on Networks

and Multimedia Applications
Aishwarya Rajeev1,2 · P. Raviraj3

Received: 7 October 2022 / Accepted: 17 December 2022 / Published online: 31 January 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2023

Humans have benefited greatly from technology, which has helped to raise standards of living and make important discov-
eries. But there are a lot of hazards associated with using it. The prevalence of digital video through mobile smartphone
applications like WhatsApp and YouTube as well as web-based multimedia platforms are likewise gaining in importance as
crucial. But there are also global security issues that are arising. These difficulties could cause significant issues, especially
in cases where multimedia is a crucial factor in criminal decision-making, such as in child pornography and movie piracy.
Consequently, copyright protection and video authentication are required in order to strengthen the reliability of using digi-
tal video in daily life. A tampered film may contain the relevant evidence in a legal dispute to convict someone of a violation
or clear a guilty party of wrongdoing. Hence, to develop it is crucial to have reliable forensic techniques that would enhance
the justice administration systems and enable them to reach just verdicts. This article discusses numerous forensic analysis
fields, including network forensics, audio forensics, and video forensics. In this study, many algorithms such as Random
Forest, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), and Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks (CRNN) are used for implementing
different types of forensic analysis. Also, image fusion is used which can provide more information than a single image and
extract features from the original images. This study came to the conclusion that the random forest provides the finest results
for network forensic analysis with an accuracy of 98.02 percent. A lot of work has been done during the past years, through
an analysis of current methods and machine learning strategies in the field of video source authentication and the study aims
to provide a thorough summary of that work.

Keywords Web-based multimedia platforms · Copyright protection · Image fusion · Machine learning strategies


Using scientific methods or skills to look into crimes or

evaluate evidence that might be used in court is known as
This article is part of the topical collection “Advances in forensic science. Making sure that digital content is correct
Computational Intelligence for Artificial Intelligence, Machine and legitimate is the goal of the forensic science subfield
Learning, Internet of Things and Data Analytics” guest edited by S. known as “digital media forensics.” To detect modifications
Meenakshi Sundaram, Young Lee and Gururaj K S.
and forgeries thereby attesting to the legitimacy and reli-
* Aishwarya Rajeev ability of the digitalized data with the origin of the data, it primarily emphasizes scrutinizing the data. Cybercrime is
P. Raviraj a type of digital crime with social motivations that uses the internet as a tool [3]. Over a few decades, the diverse field of
cybercrime has expanded from straight- forward credential
GSSSIETW, Affiliated to VTU Belagavi, Mysuru, threats to geopolitical crime. Forensics is a well-organized,
Karnataka, India
analytically effective form of investigation for tackling
Department of CSE, CIT, Affiliated to VTU Belagavi, cybercrime. The three fundamental components of general-
Ponnampet, Karnataka, India
ized cyber forensics for network environments are taking a
GSSSIETW, Affiliated to VTU Belagavi, Mysuru, Karnataka,

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look at the facts, addressing the evidence, and assembling forensic methods have been developed for use with digital
the evidence. images, there has not been much study on how to use videos
The elicitation, preservation, and identification of confis- for the same purposes. Even though Ada Boost and Decision
cated materials are part of the collecting phase. Analyzing, Tree provide excellent models, a random forest provides pre-
interpreting, and validating the evidence items are all part dictions with more accuracy. According to recent research,
of the examination step. Additionally, the handling phase video identification [14] is more difficult than the methods
includes recording and presenting evidence in a way that is that aid in the identification of an image’s origin. Algorithms
acceptable to a court of law. In a cloud platform, there are for using video tracking recognize and classify various sen-
ways to identify ICMP attacks, TCP Sync attacks, or UDP sor forms from audiovisual footage taken by digital cameras.
attacks as well as recommended techniques for gathering and Movies recorded on devices on the go are not immune to
separation. These approaches allow for the limited examina- these types of attacks due to the practice of disseminating
tion of the indication discovered both inside as well as out- these types of data through storage devices, social media,
side. In order to speed up the processing of the digital record and by losing these mobile devices. The chances that these
of suspected cloud infrastructure, it is mentioned to look at films being altered by cybercriminals and used as digital
the TCP or UDP Sync Attack and also ICMP Attack, with evidence in procedural settings have increased recently. In
the data on detection in locations where vital evidentiary order to effectively combat crime, it is necessary to develop
information would probably be there. Due to the extraordi- trustworthy and scalable forensic techniques. Although the
nary recent spread of smart devices like mobile phones and random forest builds models using numerous decision trees,
advancements in numerous technologies, digital multimedia it is much more efficient than decision trees or any other
is evolving into an indispensable and integral element of category model. Nave Bayes performed the lowest among
our existence within our society’s fabric (such as mobile, minority groups, while MLP produced great precision and
wireless networks, etc.). For instance, when counterfeit and retrieval outcomes. Multilayer Perceptron’s (MLP) overall
fraudulent multimedia is accepted as evidence, it may have accuracy was 98.63 percent, Random Forest's accuracy was
an effect on court rulings. The authenticity of electronic 98.02 percent, and Naive Bayes’ accuracy was 96.91 percent.
multimedia like images, audio, and video has become harder
to verify due to continual advancements in theft forgeries.
Although a picture and video quality have improved some- Cybercrime in Different Fields
what, authentication of digital audio is in its early stages. The
examination and inspection of audio to establish its valid- Cybercrime is on the rise, both technologically and psycho-
ity are part of digital authentication and forensics, which logically, and there are more methods to stop it. Despite
have many applications (i.e., detect forgeries, if any). For the research scholar’s hard work, they come up with ways
instance, it is possible to playback or alter a voice recording to defend against them, but the list of zero-day attacks [15]
made by an authorized user in order to acquire confiden- still holds true. In [8] Flexible feature selection (based on
tial information. Additionally, it can be applied for copy- machine learning) and a scalable and adaptable framework
right purposes, such as spotting bogus MP3 music. Some for analysis were included for the purpose of identifying
of the techniques used in audio forensics include Extreme fraudulent traffic. A method for managing massive data in
Gradient Boosting (XGB), K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm real-time, including feature extraction and data cleaning
(KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest from seized and confiscated evidence items, was also intro-
(RF), Logistic Regression (LR), and Multilayer Percep- duced. Finally, a machine learning model was developed
tron (MLP). Due to recent technological developments, the using durable documented proof, evaluated, and contrasted
amount of digital media material on the internet has almost in order to update artificial intelligence data and automate
doubled. People may now capture and save every element the suggested strategy. The correctness of a model is crucial
of their lives as multimedia content due to the increase in for forensic purposes, because it will be used as evidence in
the use of smartphones. In addition, the number of surveil- court to determine the appropriate verdict. It is the respon-
lance cameras used to monitor offices, streets, and traffic sibility of professionals in the field of forensic analysis to
has grown. Due to the exponential growth of multimedia guarantee the reliability of the evidence generated. The
data, it is now essential to manage and fully utilize a variety paper [11] discussed the requirements and difficulties of
of approaches for data analysis. The challenge of identify- using machine learning for digital forensics on the cloud.
ing patterns in data that deviate from expected behavior In addition to its expanding application, it is employed in
is referred to as anomaly detection. Assessing the audio’s a number of criminal activities. Due to escalating risks and
consistency, establishing a recording device's position, and constraints, cloud service digital forensic assessments can-
identifying the audio speakers are just a few of the numerous not be done using the forensics techniques today. Although a
activities that make up digital audio forensics. While several lot of data can be collected as proof, it is difficult to integrate

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everything on one platform. To address these constantly order to find anomalies in the audio data. The chosen feature
evolving problems, fresh forensic approaches are required. set is used with several machine learning methods to find 7
Consequently, there was a framework developed for cloud- distinct anomalous events in 15 distinct environments. The
based universal digital forensics. Additionally, offered method consistently outperformed state-of-the-art research,
techniques for dead and live forensic collection and analy- according to experiments, with the aim of spotting anoma-
sis inside and outside of the TCP and UDP Sync Attack, lies in audio data. As shown in the research [10], it is pos-
and ICMP Attack as well as developing a forensic digital sible to successfully train deep neural convolutional neural
inspection for the incomplete analysis in cloud computing networks and spectrograms to categorize environments and
systems highlighting specifically the issues that a digital record apparatuses in spoken sound. The MP3 recordings
forensic investigator would experience while conducting an from the dataset contained spectrograms that were extracted
examination in a cloud computing setting (Fig. 1). and sent as 2D images to the CRNN models. The selected
dataset consists of three types of environments with vary-
ing levels of noise and four different procurement equip-
Review of Various Forensic Analysis ment consisting of varying levels of quality. The impact of
ambient noise, sound slice, speaker gender, and acquisition
The study [2] presented three human psychoacoustic prin- device quality in the location and microphone categories
ciples for a solution for autonomous audio authentication. were investigated through a number of tests. The findings
These ideas are used for real and false audio in order to get demonstrated that gender had a variable impact depending
the vectors of features. Automated verification is then carried on the classification task. While male speakers’ accuracy in
out utilizing the GMM. The suggested approach offers 100% the microphone classification was marginally higher than
accuracy in identifying fake audio and video in both chan- that of female speakers in the environment classification, in
nels. Despite the differing recording locations, the recording comparison to voiced phonemes, unvoiced phonemes pro-
microphone is the same for both channels. The three differ- duced outstanding outcomes in a shorter amount of time.
ent ecosystems are classified with 99% accuracy, in addi- The outcomes also demonstrated that performance was
tion. The audio text is crucial in automated systems which not significantly enhanced by employing a complete audio
are built on supervised learning. The proposed method is source. In spite of background noise or poor recording qual-
therefore assessed according to both text-dependent and text- ity hence, the proposed CNN and CRNN models generated
independent criteria. A maximum accuracy rate is the great- reliable and excellent outcomes. In terms of classification
est possible. The system is trained and evaluated on different of the environment and microphone, CRNN did better than
speakers during each trial (i.e., it is speaker-independent), CNN overall. A recent study [13] has shown that in order
and the outcomes are consistently precise, dependable, and to keep up with the growth of imaging devices, it is neces-
pointedly better than judgmental assessment. The reduced sary to either invent new approaches or make improvements
subjective evaluation accuracy demonstrates that the fabri- to existing ones. Concurrently, creating new databases for
cated audios are produced with such advanced technology use with modern hardware is crucial. In reality, finding the
that human judges are unable to recognize the fraud. Tech- origin of video devices in a huge dataset is very much more
niques to analyze the data are required as the rate of multi- difficult than typical categorization. The study of new data-
media output accelerates. The ability to spot abnormalities bases revealed that both situations may use improvement,
can be a crucial tool for sustaining both public and private although ISCI systems had greater space for growth.
assets and improving individual security. The study [12] per-
formed trials employing a variety of audio data attributes in Using Deep Learning

Focus should be placed on deep learning's independence

from the video scene's content, and current breakthroughs
in the field of deep learning [4] can also be taken into
account (that is, distinguishing content from the noise).
Combining the approaches and making use of both PRNU
and machine learning techniques may also aid to enhance
results (for instance, employing loss functions that may be
PRNU-based). It can be useful to supply models which are
pre-trained based on both previous and current datasets by
using recent deep-learning techniques in order to improve
outcomes. The article [9] presents a cutting-edge forensic
Fig. 1  Cyber attacks increased 50% year over year method for spotting post-processing on digital videos based

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on an examination of the multimedia container’s structure. Input: < k1; v1 > ⇒ map ⇒ < k2;
The method specifically enables the recognition of the most
v2 > ⇒ ‖combiner‖ < k2; v2 > ⇒ (1)
widely used instant messaging and social networking sites
nowadays. Additionally, it recognizes programs used to reduce ⇒ < k3; v3 > : Output
modify videos in specialized or non-specialist ways [7].
The highlighted extraction model was finalized using the
The suggested model successfully categorizes 12 social
three evaluated database architectures on a Hadoop cluster.
platforms in the experiment of social network detection
Technologies like intrusion detection systems and firewalls
with a success rate of 100%. In summary, the dataset used
have been added to deal with network threats. However,
is complete and more reliable because it consists of several
there are several disadvantages to these tactics when it
films from a variety of sources (social media sites and edit-
comes to network attacks. Recognition of executable data
ing software). Second, compared to other tools on the mar-
in network forensics is also important. Generally speak-
ket, the atom extraction technique extracts more data from
ing, network data containing executable content denotes an
the multimedia container. Furthermore, the structure of the
assault. Determining executable network traffic material is
data export technique makes analysis easier. The extraction
a difficult task, though. One of the main criteria for select-
technique takes into account the handling of information
ing executable content is precision. Here, employ MLP as a
in tiny particles which are incorrectly structured or include
technique for developing practical vectors which are capa-
errors, as well as particles that are not even mentioned in the
ble of recognizing workable data with an extent of fewer
specification of units of multimedia. The other tools do not
than one thousand five hundred bytes, which is typically the
account for this. The extraction technique also works with
MTU, or maximum transmission unit, of a data packet that
videos in the 3GP, MOV, and MP4 formats. The method
can be delivered. Additional false alarms hinder forensics
relies mostly upon supervised machine learning methods to
network-programmed investigative efforts or lower detec-
use the multimedia container structure. None of the studies
tion rates (more than 99 percent efficacy in detection). These
in the literature have employed this combination up to this
function vectors, however, do not take into account the byte
point. Last but not least, the results obtained outperform
order of the data fragment. Therefore, these vectors for data
those suggested in the literature in terms of editing software
chunks with low and extreme entropy are non-very accurate.
identification, apps for instant messaging, and online com-
The “forensic network” is a significant development in net-
munities. Additionally, using the computational expense of
work security. There are various stages in network forensics.
every step in the technique has been greatly decreased.
Each action has a distinct and important goal. The forensics
network assists with more than just the source attack. Attack
Feature Extraction
detection plays a key role in the network of forensics' effec-
tiveness. Two crucial parameters are a low positive false
Any relational database's huge data is primarily imported
recognition accuracy and a high specific prediction rate.
into the Apache Hive data warehouse database using Apache
Deep learning-based digital forensics using the proposed
Sqoop, and the important features of the network traffic are
fusion technique [1] is employed. The FFNN’s MLP varia-
extracted using the Hive query language (HQL). The abil-
tion is the most well known. MLP only permits one way of
ity to import data in accordance with the columns of a data
data flow, from input through processing, to output. There is
file (a CSV file) as well as the construction of the table is
no acknowledgment or feedback; rather, inputs and outputs
another feature offered by Sqoop. The context of the Hadoop
are combined using simple networks. The MLP architec-
cluster and its modules are used by Sqoop and Hive tools,
ture defines a broad pattern of neural links in various layers.
which are used for ‘Big Data’ ETL (extraction, transforma-
Inputs, caches, and outputs are the three layers that make up
tion, and loading) processes, to convert instructions and
the architecture. In an end-to-end layer, there are two con-
questions into MapReduce code. In addition, programmers
nected nodes. MLP is still completely related, too. There is
can use these tools to add their functions or queries to typi-
a limited algorithm-based weight for each association.
cal Java or Python MapReduce programs. Apache Sqoop is
compatible with MySQL and other relational databases in
addition to CSV import. Internally, HQL’s “group by the
clause” clause for features extraction uses the MapReduce
In order to make the automatic audio authentication sys-
algorithm for increased performance. The Mapper module is
tem resistant to text and speakers, the system is tested
responsible for shuffling mapping, sorting, and tokenizing,
and assessed using a set of speakers and a set of recog-
the module of Reducer, which is shown in Eq. 1, is in charge
nizable text. The cross-validation method is also used to
of locating and decreasing the key-value pair by employing
evaluate the system by utilizing every recording of the
its values hash.
fabricated catalog. The components extracted are the three

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principles of the human hearing system which go into the The area under the curve can also be determined using
GMM to verify the audio authentication and classify the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves (AUC).
situation. The suggested authentication system’s resistance The internal structure of the multimedia containers serves
to recorded text is assessed using two different types of as the primary tool for putting the suggested technique into
experiments: text-independent trials and text-dependent practice. To this, one may add the successful implementa-
confirmation. Each experiment similarly includes a dif- tion of several algorithms in supervised machine learning.
ferent set of speakers that are used to train and test the Therefore, recommend a procedure having three different
system. This indicates that the technology can verify an steps. (1) Dataset groundwork entails producing, gather-
unauthorized person’s audio. This shows that the system ing, and disseminating videos using 10 SN and 3 IMA. (2)
can authenticate an illegal user's audio. The suggested Construct a machine learning prototype employing two
system is additionally cross-validated using k-folds cross- categories of sub-processes by manipulating films with
validation for each sample to weed out bias in the test sets five EP. (3) Data extraction: This stage requires using an
and information training. The original and fake audio’s atom extraction technique. The utmost competent model
entire data set is split into k-disjoint subgroups for k-folds will be selected as the ultimate model to handle the full
cross-validation. Each time a subset is tested, the leftover dataset aimed at its eventual disposition. The effectiveness
k-1 subsets are used for training. In order to derive useful of the chosen model is evaluated using a dataset other than
insights from audio, the data analysis entailed visualizing the training data. The atom extraction algorithm is used to
the audio waveform and spectrogram. The MFCC, spectral extract features, which is followed by pre-processing. The
roll-off, zero crossing rate, spectral bandwidth, spectral outcome enters the prediction stage to pinpoint the social
contrast, and spectral centroid characteristics are all used network and video editing tools that were used to tamper
together by the feature extraction methods. Before training with the videos. Prior to training and testing, organize and
the classifiers in any machine learning model, pre-process- prepare the video dataset. After that, Algorithm 2 is used
ing is important to get outstanding performance. Because to retrieve the structure of the multimedia containers. The
of this, before audio data are given for additional analysis, data are then ready for analysis using algorithm 3. Algo-
a number of pre-processing steps must be conducted. The rithm 4 is used to build the machine learning model dur-
first phase, known as data framing, comprises the audio ing training, and during testing, the model created during
data being transformed into a device format and collect- training is used to carry out the classification.
ing values subsequently within a predetermined amount of
period. The pace at which voice data is sampled is known
as the sampling rate which will take values out of a 10-s Review of Algorithms Used
audio recording once every second. This frame rate for
sampling reflects a sound file's frame values that are con- (a) In Network Forensic Analysis
tained in one second, and it determines the total frame
numbers by dividing the frame rate of sampling by the The machine learning module's main goal is to present a
length of the audio file, as explained in Eq. 2. useful model that, after being trained for network malware
analysis [5], performs equally well for malware reporting.
Total Frame = Sampling Rate*Time (2) Although the random forest builds models using numerous
A feature extraction technique is the MFCC. The most decision trees, it is much more efficient than decision trees
often used MFCC capabilities in sound processing are or any other category model. The removal of the simple
those for voice recognition. Anomalies are discovered decision tree model's poor prediction accuracy was the
using the MFCC. Following the preparation of abnormal cause. The supervised learning replicas chosen meant for
audio signs, each frame of the audio waveform for each the inquiry remained Neural Net. AdaBoost, Support Vector
signal will have the MFCC vector retrieved as a vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest, and Decision Tree. This
group. Group of Pictures (GOP) in video forensics refers model was verified using the sample from a recorded stream
to I, P, and B frames as intra-coded and coded images of traffic, and these results were validated and discussed
which are both predictive and bi-predictive, one-to-one, in using the CAIDA dataset. Such a design was then made
the coding schemes as H.264 and MPEG series. Despite final for the forensic framework. Following that, authors [2]
the fact that recent codecs are based on “instantaneous evaluated several statistical metrics to demonstrate the relia-
decoder refresh (IDR) frames”, all examined approaches bility and efficiency of machine learning models for big data
utilized frames to detect the source camera. Along with the analysis and to support the use of the random forest which
accuracy of the PCE and NCC values, can also consider is considered the most effective method to analyze network
the true positive rate (TPR) and false positive rate (FPR). traffic in order to find spyware. Even though Ada Boost and
Decision Tree provide excellent models, a random forest

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provides predictions with more accuracy. The random forest acoustic contexts, illustrating how different acoustic envi-
provides the finest results for network forensic analysis. It is ronments can drastically affect the models’ ability to detect
possible to employ the proposed fusion technique (based on anomalies. “With a score of 27 on the datasets for the beach,
deep learning for digital forensics). The most well-known forest walks, and home environment, the suggested approach
FFN variation is the MLP. MLP has been effectively used in [10]” had the largest AUC gain and delivered superior results
many applications, including regression, classification, and for the other classes. When employing CRNN and CNN for
time series prediction issues, by utilizing a straightforward automatic verification, the spectrogram was the only charac-
auto-regression model. Multilayer Perceptron’s (MLP) over- teristic employed. The gender of the speaker has an impact
all accuracy was 98.63 percent, Random Forest’s accuracy on the system's accuracy along with the impact of using
was 98.02 percent, and Naive Bayes’ accuracy was 96.91 both voiced and unvoiced phonemes. Various scenarios
percent. Nave Bayes performed the lowest among minority also show the different types of settings and microphones.
groups, while MLP produced great precision and retrieval These results were obtained by the proposed options in over
outcomes. 10 runs at each operation with similar process parameters
in order to achieve the highest possible levels of accuracy
(b) In Audio Forensic Analysis employing the defined system and features (Fig. 2).

Through the use of the automatic authentication system, (c) In Video Forensic Analysis
automatic audio authentication is performed. Numerous
tests are run while accounting for different eventualities in The resolution of tasks in all fields has recently benefited
order to evaluate how well the suggested solution works. significantly from machine learning (ML), especially in the
Experimental data are categorized into three main groups. forensic science and industrial sectors. Machine learning
The first category includes all genuine and fake audio from (ML), a method for automatic data analysis and the devel-
both channels. The second group of environments is cat- opment of analytical frameworks, is a methodology that
egorized using this method. The third type of authentica- combines four categories of approaches: supervised learn-
tion involves text-based verification. These trials employ ing, semi-supervised learning, reinforcement learning, and
different speakers while still using the same text’s audio for unsupervised learning. The video dataset should first be pre-
training and evaluating the suggested system. The speak- pared and organized for training and testing. An algorithm
ers that were employed throughout the system training do is then used to extract the multimedia containers' structure.
not utilize in the validation phase. The structure compares The data is prepared in the end. The machine learning model
the audio to acoustic models made using various Gauss- is created during the training phase, and the classification is
ian mixes in order to verify the same. The phony audio is carried out utilizing the model during the testing phase. The
made with great care, thereby rendering it unbearable for a preparation of the dataset is a crucial step, because it affects
judge to determine whether it is legitimate or forged. The the caliber of the desired results. Only a few files include
particular evaluation’s finest result for accuracy is around original videos, videos that have been posted on social
55% in audio verification. Such exactness demonstrates that media, and videos that have been altered by EP for forensic
the audio generated is of the highest quality and cannot be purposes. The 4258 social media videos shared on 13 dif-
evaluated by hearing or seeing. ferent platforms were compiled in [13]. All social networks,
The automatic audio authentication method under con-
sideration has a 45% accuracy rate, which is higher than the
best human judge. In order to discover anomalies, catego-
rize unexpected incidences, and evaluate their effectiveness,
computational techniques are applied. These techniques
include Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB), K-Nearest
Neighbor Algorithm (KNN), Support Vector Machine
(SVM), Random Forest (RF), Logistic Regression (LR),
and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). The anomaly detection
and classification algorithm, which offers a general system,
can be employed by enlarging the dataset of an uncommon
occurrence in actual audio. Event identification and categori-
zation are problematic since the unique dataset contains loud
noises, making it harder in some circumstances to recognize
events. It is clear from the baseline approach that the CAE
and Wave Net models perform very differently in various Fig. 2  Comparing methods of text classification

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Table 1  Performance of ML algorithms/ models in selected studies

Area of application ML algorithms/models applied Best performing References


Network forensic analysis Neural Net, AdaBoost, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest, Decision Random Forest [2]
Audio forensic analysis Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB), K-Nearest CRNN [10]
Neighbor Algorithm (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest
(RF), Logistic Regression (LR), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Convolutional
Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN)
Video forensic analysis K-Means, Pattern Recognition algorithm, Deep Learning algorithm Deep Learning [6]

Table 2  Comparison of various algorithms

Algorithm Feature Used for Accuracy (%)

Random Forest Classification and regression Network analysis 98.92

Fusion algorithm Combine multiple input images into a single composite Multimedia analysis 91.66
MLP Classification, regression, time series prediction Network analysis 98.63
CRNN Has CNN been followed by RNN Audio analysis, video analysis 89

with the exception of TikTok and Snapchat, where videos find different anomalous events. In the paper, numerous
could only be downloaded and their source was unknown, techniques for network forensics, audio forensics, and video
had their configurations for downloading and streaming vid- forensics were evaluated with the algorithms. It was found
eos in place. Based upon an analysis of the multimedia con- that Random Forest and MLP have more accuracy compared
tainer's structure, the work can identify digital videos that to other algorithms in digital forensics. In this review, the
have been post-processed. The method specifically enables well-researched subject of digital camera identification on
the detection of the most widely used social networks and video was looked at, and a summary of the definitions and
instant messaging programs today. The experiment for the difficulties in this area of study was given. The advancement
monitoring of social networks successfully categorizes 12 of this work must be geared toward examining and broaden-
social sites with an outcome of 100% and can recognize ing the forensic paradigm.
applications used to modify videos in such a particular or
general way. Also, a deep-learning-based tracking algorithm
Funding This article has not received any funding.
is proposed to facilitate video forensic investigation which
can easily detect and distinguish suspected culprits and Declarations
devices from videos (Tables 1 and 2).
Conflict of interest It is stated by the authors that they have no conflict-
ing interest.

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