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Civil Liberties Essay

Writing an essay on civil liberties is no small task; it requires a deep understanding of the subject
matter, critical thinking skills, and the ability to articulate complex ideas. Civil liberties encompass a
broad range of topics, including individual rights, freedom of speech, privacy, due process, and
more. Addressing these concepts necessitates extensive research to grasp historical contexts, legal
frameworks, and contemporary issues.

Crafting a compelling essay involves synthesizing diverse perspectives, navigating through legal
jargon, and presenting well-supported arguments. The challenge lies not only in explaining the
significance of civil liberties but also in exploring their limitations and the delicate balance between
individual freedom and societal interests.

Moreover, expressing one's thoughts coherently while maintaining a persuasive tone is crucial. It
demands a careful selection of words, attention to sentence structure, and an overall mastery of
language. The essay must engage readers and make them reflect on the complexities inherent in
safeguarding civil liberties.

In addition to the intellectual demands, time management is essential. The research, drafting,
revising, and editing processes require meticulous planning to ensure a polished and well-argued
piece. Staying focused on the topic and avoiding tangential discussions is another challenge, as the
scope of civil liberties is vast.

In conclusion, writing a compelling essay on civil liberties is a formidable task that demands
intellectual rigor, research skills, and effective communication. It is an endeavor that challenges both
one's knowledge and writing abilities, requiring a deep dive into legal and philosophical realms.
However, with dedication and the right approach, it is possible to create an insightful and impactful
essay on this crucial subject.

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Civil Liberties Essay Civil Liberties Essay
Battle Of Berlin Essay
The Battle of Berlin started in the spring of 1945 during the last days of World War II
and lasted until May 2, 1945.This battle was one of the most impactful battles of the
World War II. The Battle of Berlin was designated the Berlin Strategic Offensive
Operation by the Soviet Union, It was the finals offense of the European Theatre of
World War II. The Battle resulted in many victims from militaries and local population.
The battle was fought between German Army and the Soviet Army. The Soviet Army
outnumbers the Germans. The Soviet Army had 2,500,000 soldiers, 7,500 aircrafts, and
6,250 tanks. On the other hand the Germans didn t have as much help as the Soviet
Army did. The Germans had 1,000,000 solders, 2,200 aircraft, and 1,500 tanks. Both
Army s had their own commanders. The Soviet Army commander was Georgy Zhukov
but there were commanders under him such as Vasily Chuikov and Ivan Konev. On the
German side their commander was Adolf Hitler and the commander under him was
Gotthand Heinrici and Helmuth Reymann. Heinrici was one of Germany s premier
defensive generals that was elected ... Show more content on ...
It was the three country battle to win Berlin coming from east, west and north. The
Soviets came from the east and south side of Berlin since they planned to damage the
country and at the moment the Red Army of the Western Allies were beginning to move
to the west side of Berlin. Red Army, Russian Krasnaya Armiya, Soviet army created by
the Communist government after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The name Red
Army was abandoned in 1946. Adolf Hitler was in Berlin at this time and his movement
slowly stopped, he tried to decide on a plan to win the war. The Soviets wreaked revenge
on Germany. The United States chose not to participate in what became a horrific
slaughter of both German soldiers and civilians. ( Hutchinson,
Labor Unions And The American Labor Relations Act Of...
Before the 1930s, labor unions had little to no voice in the contracts of industrialized
companies. Labor Unions are organizations of workers whose primary objectives are to
improve the pecuniary and nonpecuniary conditions or employment among their
members (Ehrenberg Smith, pg. 451). The Christian Labour Association of Canada
(CLAC) and the United Automobiles Workers (UAW) are different unions in Canada
and the Unites States. Even though they have some similarities, the two groups have
many differences as well. Some similarities include how they bargain and negotiate.
However, they differ in the type of union, what they stand for, how large they are, why
and when they started, and what they negotiate for. Unions were finally able to form in
the Unites States because the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 passed, which
required employers to bargain with unions that represented the majority of their
employees (Ehrenberg Smith, pg. 453). Because of the National Labor Relations Act,
unions could legally form and be recognized by employers. The United Automobiles
Workers (UAW) began in May of 1935 in Detroit, Michigan. Initially, 200 delegates from
different automobile companies met in Detroit to establish the UAW, and its power over
negotiating strengthen just a few years after forming. The UAW created a union for auto
plant workers, which made them an industrial union. The UAW represents different types
of workplaces from multinational corporations, small
My Argumentative Analysis
Throughout my life, I have always been an avid reader and a lazy writer. Ever since I
discovered comic books in my younger years, I have passionately engaged myself in any
books I can find. I read through books quickly and I try to delve deeper by going past the
surface of the writing. I generally like to read either realistic or science fiction and
when I read something that interests me, I like to read for hours without stopping and
seldom do I like to take breaks while reading. In the past year, I have tried to read harder
books and more non fiction to become a stronger reader. As a writer, I often feel
unmotivated due to my lack of interest in the topic. My attention span while writingis
quite short so I generally like to take my time when completing essays.
Emergent Literacy Stages
There are six major stages of reading development; emergent literacy (six months old to
six years old), initial reading and decoding (six years old to seven years old),
confirmation and fluency (seven years old to eight years old), reading for learning the
new (nine years old to thirteen years old), multiple viewpoints (fifteen years old to
seventeen years old), and construction and reconstruction (eighteen years old and up)
(Evans, 2014). Although all children develop at deferent paces, most of children s
development occurs in the first five to eight years of their life. In these beginning years,
they go through the emergent literacy stage, initial readingand decoding stage, and the
confirmation and fluency stage.
The emergent literacy stage takes place when the child is around six months old until
about six years old. In this stage, children are in the beginning process of becoming
literate. They are developing skills for reading and writing before they know how to read
and write correctly. To do this, children ... Show more content on ...
This is the second stage of literacy and reading comprehension. In this stage, children are
beginning to read simple texts that contain first grade level high frequency words, such
as the, and, but, it, big, small, yes, no, and many more. Throughout this stage, the child is
learning relationships between letters and the sounds they make and printed words
and their spoken words. The child is building skills to read and sound out simple and
regular one to two syllable words. Children in this stage will move from scribbling
letters to a more controlled form of scribbling and will be able to write words out by
sounding out words and stringing letters together. By the end of this stage, the child
should be able to recognize 2,000 to 4,000 words on average, but will only be able to
read approximately less than six hundred words (Stages of Literacy
Year-Round Schooling Benefits
A 3 month summer vacation may sound great, but in reality it doesn t live up to the hype.
Ironically, students are given this large vacation time, but it forces working parents to
take time off when they have no other available supervision resources. Often times, they
even have to come out of pocket every month, or commonly even every week, just to put
their children in safe programs, camps, and clubs. Although when thinking of summer
break, you generally foresee younger kids who cannot watch themselves. This doesn t
necessarily apply to teenagers, but year round schooling is balanced wisely and offers
more breaks periodically, which arguably benefits everything; benefits toward all sides of
the spectrum, moreover from Financials, parental... Show more content on ...
Additionally, teachers who work in year round schools report that they believe it is a
positive experience for them and their students. Also, they ve reported that they
receive a break when they utmost need it. However, as to this, year round schools
have lower staff turnover rates , and allows teachers to obtain the workdays needed
during grading periods. Markedly, students, even parents, have positive outlooks on
year round schooling by reason of the frequent breaks, giving them time to rejuvenate
and be prepared when they return back to school. Remediation is especially significant
when it comes to children retaining knowledge. Year round schooling allows for
remediation to occur periodically over the course of a school year, rather than just 3
months of summer break, which in reality most kids aren t doing anything school
related. For example, that 45 15 day schedule that year round follows, allows teachers to
offer mini summer school classes for students who ve been struggling, which helps them
get caught up by the end of a condensed break and ready to get back on track once
school starts up again. Ultimately, this is why most students who attend a year round
school perform higher academically. Also, many schools who practice this schedule,
offer enrichment programs during on and off time periods throughout the year to help
children to remediate on
Case Study Of Tracoma Holding Berhad
Tracoma Holding Berhad (THB) was founded in year 1995 and in based in Shah Alam,
Malaysia. THB, an investment holding company, engages in the manufacture and sale of
automotive components in Malaysia. In terms of operation, it also undertakes general
contracting and engineering works engages in die making and servicing business and
provides parts and car design services. The Group is principally involved in the
manufacture and supply of automotive parts and components. The Group s products are
principally sold to the national car manufacturers and assemblers such as Proton,
Perodua, Modenas, Tan Chong Motor Assemblers, Hicom Tech See, PHN Industry,
Volvo and Toyota. Tracoma s infinite experience and good track record as one of the
leading local manufacturers of automotive components, and... Show more content on ...
In fact, sukuk hold a number of structures which distinguish them from conventional
bonds and from the other sukuk structures in the part of approved sukuk. We can say
that sukuk is differ in product design, product offering and pay off to the investor.
Back on the case of trachoma, it can categorized that sukuk that was applied on
Tracoma s is under the asset backed securities. Its represent the real form of
securitisation as they expose the sukuk investors to the real value and risk of the
underlying asset. Under this structure, the investor can only expect the returns from the
cash flows of the underlying asset and there is no right of recourse to the owner of the
assets. We can say that this is because under the asset backed sukuk would require the
owner of the asset to sell the company asset on a true sale concept to the sukuk investor
without having any purchase undertaking in the case the asset fails to generate the
expected income to sukuk investor. Shortly, we can say that asset backed sukuk are
normally non recourse sukuk with the underlying asset in term of profit and principal
A Comparison Of Uniform Crime Reports
The Uniform Crime Reports verses The National Incident Based Reporting System
The purpose of this abstract is to critically review the primary data sources used in the
criminological research. The two key factors that measures crime are distinguished:
official crime statistics, which are based on the compile data records of offenders and
offenses processed by the police, courts, and corrections agencies; and unofficial crime
statistics, which are produced by people and agencies outside the criminal justice
system whom can add value to the data source (Regoli, Robert M., and Hewitt, John D.,
2008, p 62). This abstract will discuss the strengths, weaknesses and differences of both
data sources using arrests and self reports to calculate the prevalence of crime in the
United States.
The two primary data sources discuss in this abstract will be the Uniform Crime
Reports (UCR) and the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS). These data
sources are reporting mechanism that tracks criminal activities in the United States and
foreign countries. To articulate why crime exists and the extent of a crime,
criminologists use records that are collected, compiled, and analyzed by government
agencies such as the federal government s Bureau of Justice Statistics (Siegel, Larry J.,
2006, p 31). The official data is used to focus on the social forces that affect crime in
regards to the relationship between crime and poverty, criminologist uses the data which

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