Good Compare Contrast Essay Topics

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Good Compare Contrast Essay Topics

Writing an essay on the topic "Good Compare Contrast Essay Topics" can be both challenging and
rewarding. The difficulty lies in the need to carefully select topics that not only have substantial
differences and similarities but also provide a meaningful and engaging comparison. The process
involves thorough research to identify relevant points of comparison and contrast, which demands
time and effort.

One of the challenges is ensuring that the chosen topics resonate with the audience and offer
valuable insights. Crafting a well-structured essay requires a clear understanding of the chosen
subjects, their nuances, and the significance of the points being compared. Striking the right balance
between depth and conciseness is crucial to maintaining the reader's interest while presenting a
comprehensive analysis.

Additionally, the writer must be adept at organizing the information logically, creating a coherent
flow from one point to another. Proper use of transitional phrases is essential to guide the reader
through the comparison smoothly. Achieving a harmonious blend of analytical depth and accessibility
can be demanding.

Moreover, the writer needs to consider the diverse perspectives that readers may have on the topics.
This necessitates the incorporation of a nuanced approach, avoiding biased comparisons and ensuring
a fair evaluation of both subjects.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Good Compare Contrast Essay Topics" requires careful topic
selection, in-depth research, effective organization, and a nuanced perspective. While it may pose
challenges, successfully navigating through these intricacies can result in a compelling and
informative essay that captivates the reader.

If you find the process daunting or time-consuming, it's worth noting that similar essays and much
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Good Compare Contrast Essay Topics Good Compare Contrast Essay Topics
Best Company for 25 Years Nordstrom
Nordstrom Great Service for Over 100 Years
Best Company for 25 Years

At Nordstrom one of the greatest benefits available to employees is that they are
basically hired to be nice to people, and they are given the tools, resources and back up
support to do just that. Being nice in business terms means providing outstanding
customer service, anticipating and meeting people s needs, and creating an
extraordinary workplace where employees want to work all hallmarks of Nordstrom
since its founding in 1901. External recognition of Nordstrom s legendary customer
service comes often, yet it is the letters from customers that really keep employees
going. While some of the service stories are really quite extraordinary what is even more
... Show more content on ...
While competition among salespeople might be expected, the atmosphere at Nordstrom
seems to be one of people helping each other to reach higher sales targets, rather than
trying to only take care of themselves. People securing higher levels of sales are
recognized and rewarded, yet others are encouraged and provided with support to
increase their own sales as well. No one is left behind. One indication of the
competitiveness of overall compensation at Nordstrom comes from a 2007
Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics study covering nearly 4.5 million
retail salespersons. In that study the BLS determined that the average wage for retail
salespeople was $.79/hour. At Nordstrom, the average salesperson s pay in 2007 was
above $8/hour. Nordstrom also provides a benefits package that includes a 40(k)
program where employees may contribute up to 50 percent of their paycheck earnings,
of which the company matches dollar for dollar up to 4 percent. An ESPP stock
purchase program has been in place since 2000, which provides employees the
opportunity to buy Nordstrom stock at a 0 percent discount. Since September 2000,
Nordstrom stock value has increased 286 percent, allowing many employees to earn
significantly on their
Women In Jesus Research Paper
All throughout the Gospels Jesus talks to and about women. He raised them up when all
society did was push them lower. The earth shouted condemnation upon women but Jesus
shouted love and adoration. Women had no authority, but he called them to follow him.
Women were trapped, in house but Jesus called them out. Women were inferior to men,
but Jesussaid he loved them both. Women s words were not trusted, yet Jesus trusted
them to tell others of his resurrection. Women couldn t talk to strangers; Jesus honored
them when they did. Women couldn t interact with male guests, so Jesus interacted with
them and broke the status quo. Women were owned by men, but Jesus said that they
were heirs to God s throne. Jesus heals, helps, hears, harbors, and... Show more content
on ...
The word harbor is used in the sense of protection and care. In other religions, as well
of that in Jerusalem at the time, to stone, hurt, or disown women for almost anything.
But that is not Jesus. In the famous passage, John 4: 1 26, Jesus talked to a woman at
the well. This woman was a Samaritan. Jesus even talking to her broke about three
rules. The first being that she was a Samaritan and he was a Jew. To Jews, Samaritans
were thought to be constantly unclean. So Jesus taking water from her would make
him unclean as well. Second, she was an adulteress. Even though she didn t know that
Jesus knew she had committed adultery, the reader does. Third, she was a woman. In a
mixture of all of these things she should have been the last person Jesus talked to. But
Jesus talked to her anyway. Jesus asked her for water and she responds asking why he,
a Jew, would ask her, a Samaritan, for water. As the conversation continues Jesus
harbored her in a way she couldn t fathom. He protected her from death, from sin, from
herself, and from evil. The woman found out that he knows about her many husbands
and yet he still was offering her eternal life. After she learned that he is the Messiah,
the disciples came back. In verse 27, it says that they marveled at the fact he was
talking to a woman. But Jesus wasn t talking to a woman but rather a daughter. Later,
In John 8: 1 11, another story of Jesus harboring women is told. The scene is set with
Jesus on The Mount of Olives teaching. Pharisees bring a woman up to Jesus and put
her in his midst. The woman had been caught in adultery. The Pharisees asked Jesus if
they should stone her but Jesus saw her worth, that she was more than an adulteress. This
woman was created in God s likeness. First, he protects her from the stoning and then,
more importantly, forgives her of her sin. Jesus is a protector of women. Jesus harbors

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