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Sydney Harrison

Who Am I – 16 personalities reflection

My personality was labeled as INFJ-T. This means that I am introverted, intuitive, and I use
feelings and judgement when making decisions. My percentages were distinct except for how I was
pretty much 50/50 when prompted by being an introvert or extrovert. 52% were for introverted
tendencies and 48% extroverted. I thought that was really interesting because for my whole life I’ve
been introverted, but recently, maybe in the past year, I’ve become very extroverted. While I still value
my alone time to recharge, it's interesting to see that change.

The skills listed for this personality type are hardworking, sensitive, capable, well-respected and
helpful as well as many others. These skills and traits relate to my career path exactly because I want to
be a teacher. The website even mentioned teaching being a great career path for my personality type. I
think that being sensitive and hardworking in the environment of education and working with kids is
super important and one of the best qualities in a teacher or educator.

I feel as though this personality type is an accurate depiction of my personality. I withhold the
majority, if not all, of the traits listed for this personality type. For example; I am a feeler and I’m very
sensitive. I like that about myself though. I put a lot of value into finding a purpose in my life, and
planning for that purpose. I find myself reevaluating my choices and looking for growth often.

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