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Essay On 911

Writing an essay on the topic "Essay On 911" is inherently challenging due to the sensitivity and
complexity surrounding the subject matter. It requires a deep understanding of the historical events,
their implications, and the various perspectives and interpretations associated with them. Crafting
such an essay demands extensive research, critical thinking, and empathy towards those affected by
the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

Addressing the multifaceted nature of the topic involves navigating through emotional narratives,
political analyses, security considerations, and global ramifications. Balancing factual accuracy with
respectful representation is crucial to ensuring the essay's integrity and relevance.

Moreover, the task of writing about such a significant event necessitates a reflective approach,
acknowledging the profound impact it had on individuals, communities, and global affairs. It
requires grappling with questions of justice, security measures, responses to terrorism, and the
enduring legacy of 9/11.

Despite the challenges, engaging with this topic through an essay provides an opportunity for deeper
understanding, commemoration, and perhaps even healing. It encourages critical reflection on the
complexities of modern history and the ongoing efforts to navigate its aftermath.

In conclusion, while daunting, writing an essay on the topic "Essay On 911" is a meaningful
endeavor that requires careful consideration, empathy, and scholarly diligence. Through thoughtful
exploration and analysis, it offers a platform for dialogue, remembrance, and learning.

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Essay On 911 Essay On 911
Inferno Research Paper
Inferno Research Paper Anthony K. Cassell stated in his critical essay titled Farinata that
the methods of punishment in Dante s Hell are exquisitely diverse. The cantos in Inferno
are focused on Circles or subdivisions of Hell that describe specific punishments for the
suffering souls based upon the sin they committed. The deeper into Hell, the worse the
sins that were committed, therefore the agonies of the punishments are greater. In Inferno,
Dante brings the issue of sin into light by giving instances of sins he has taken note of.
He places the guilty souls at different levels of Hell, depending on which crimes he
believes are the worst to commit, showing how Dante portrayed his understanding of
God s justice (Cassell).... Show more content on ...
Pope Nicholas says he is guilty of simony, so Dante does not pity him. Dante tells him
to stay stuck there, for you are rightly punished (XIX.97). This is when Dante first
begins to realize that God s justice is present is Hell. He then speaks out against all
corrupt churchmen, and claims if he were not restrained, he would use even harsher
words. Dante then becomes amazed, if not pleasured, with some of the punishments. In
the Circle containing Thieves, Dante watches in amazement as a serpent bites a sinner
between the shoulders, causing the soul to instantly catch fire, burn up, and then rise
from the ashes to return to the pit of the serpents. In the First Ring of the Ninth Circle
of Hell, called Caina, named after Cain who killed his brother Abel in Genesis, those
who betrayed their kin are punished. The souls must stand in ice frozen up to their
heads. Dante witnesses twins frozen face to face, butting their heads against each other
in rage. Dante accidentally kicks Bocca degli Abati in the face, then leans down to
apologize. Once he recognizes this soul, he tears out his hair before leaving him in the
ice. With the constant rebuking from Virgil, Dante has learned to not pity the damned
souls. He learns to reconcile his sympathy for the suffering with the harsh violence of
divine justice as he begins to see that the punishments fit the crimes committed. In Canto
VI of Inferno, the Third Circle of Hell rains filth and excrement, and
Academic Integrity Practice Assignment
Rachel Dodson ALBA BIO 50 TUE 5 September 2017 Academic Integrity Practice
Assignment Part I Researchers at Heinrich Heine University sought out characteristics of
LUCA, which stands for the last universal common ancestor. They found, through gene
family analysis, that LUCA was a microbe that lived when the Earth had little to no
oxygen. In fact, its metabolism implies that it was an organism that thrived in higher
than normal temperatures and consumed hydrogen gas. From this information,
scientists predicted that an environment near hydrothermal vents would have allowed
LUCA to become successful, as it provides the sources of hydrogen gas and heat. These
findings were published in July of 2016 in Nature Microbiology (Service, 2016). Part II
A.Using direct quotes is never acceptable in BIOSC 0050, and the penalty for doing so
is loss... Show more content on ...
To verify that an assignment is successfully submitted on, a student must
check for a digital receipt, which is automatically emailed to the student (Academic
Integrity Assignment, 2017). C.It is never acceptable to reuse work from other
courses for assignments in BIOSC 0050, as this is deemed self plagiarism and will
result in zero credit on an assignment (Academic Integrity Assignment, 2017). D.The
bottom of page four of the syllabus provides information regarding assignment work.
This page states that all assignments are expected to be completed individually unless
clearly indicated by an assignment. Therefore, one would know if group work is
acceptable if it is specified on the assignment (Foundations of Biology Lab 1: BIOSC
0050 Part I, 2017). E.Page five of the syllabus outlines the academic integrity policy. If
a student violates the policy, he/she will go through a process to examine the infraction.
The student will receive a zero for the plagiarized assignment and could potentially fail
the course or be dismissed from the University of Pittsburgh (Foundations of Biology
Lab 1: BIOSC 0050 Part I,
How Have Tattoos Changed Over Time Essay
Tattoos have changed all throughout the years from the history of them to modern,
the jobs you can and can t have and health risks and the licensing to do tattoos and
piercings. The history of tattooing date back to the first man, Otzi, in 3300 B.C. who
was found frozen in the Alps (Nat A Tat2) and the history piercing date back to
different primitive tribes for their beliefs (Tribu). Scientists say that the tattoos he had
were for medical reasons. When they found his body, they took X rays and where there
were tattoos was where his bones had started to decay. His tattoos were on his back,
knees, ankles, and feet. The ink used on his tattoos was made of powdered charcoal and
rubbing it into his cut skin. Many ancient civilizations did tattoos and piercings for
example the Egyptians, Greeks, Japanese, Arabian and Siberians. Many mummies have
been found with tattoos and are the oldest bodies to be found with gauged or stretched
earlobes (Tibu). The Egyptians were also the ones who brought tattooingto Greece and to
Arabia (Nat A Tat2). In Japan, tattoos were used for beauty, beliefs and to mark criminals
(Nat A Tat2).... Show more content on ...
These jobs include healthcare, administrative, teachers, government, law enforcement
and management. These jobs are professionals and are trying to set a good example for
the upcoming generations. These jobs you may have tattoos or piercings but they must
be hidden. Being in the healthcare industry, if you were to get a new tattoo you could
push getting an infection or giving an infection in your place of work such as in a
hospital or nursing home. Being in law enforcement having piercings can be dangerous
because suspects can pull them out and can cause them harm. Teachers with tattoos can
be distracting for students or parents think that they will set a bad example for their
The Epidemic Of Vibrio Cholera
Vibrio cholera is a gram negative rod shaped bacteria which colonises the human gut
causing acute diarrheal disease and leads to frequent epidemics around the world. In
2014 190, 549 cholera cases were reported to the World Health Organisation (Global
Health Observatory Data 2014) , however the true number is likely to be far higher as
there are many greatly affected locations which have poor or nonexistent data. Vibrio
cholera is currently treated by the use of oral antibiotics coupled with rehydration therapy
however the bacteriaare now developing resistance and new treatments must be produced
in order to prevent further epidemics and unnecessary deaths. This essay will discuss the
pathogenesis of Vibrio cholera bacteria along with antibiotic treatment of cholera and its
methods of antibiotic resistance. There are twenty known groups of the vibrio cholera
bacteria however, group V.cholerae 01 and group V.cholerae 0139 only are capable of
causing epidemics. The main causes for the spread of these strains to cause epidemics are
transmission via drinking untreated water from a water source with similar conditions to
the where the organism would naturally grow, or via eating or drinking produce
contaminated by the faeces of infected people. Once ingested pathogenesis occurs. The
bacteria enter the human gut and begin to colonise the small intestine. Their flagella
provide motility and digestive enzymes such as mucinase, a mucolytic enzyme which
depolymerises mucus, allow
Analysis Of The Song Africa By Toto Essay
Personally, one of my all time favorite songs is Africa by Toto, which is featured on
his self titled and fourth album Toto: IV. This song is one of my favorites because it
brings me a sense of nostalgia as I used to listen to this song all of the time as a child.
Now, despite there being no actual reason behind liking the song besides its nostalgic
effects, I absolutely adore it, and every time this song comes on, I get super excited
and sing along no matter where I am. I could be out in public, which has happened
before, and I will immediately stop when Africa comes on and begin to sing the song
at the top of my lungs because it is just so catchy and it brings me back to the good old
days when things were much simpler. One specific interpretation of the song that I
believe could be taken to heart and represent me is that the song is actually about
cleansing (i.e. the rain) and going back to the origins of life, or in this case Africa, to
where life began for this man so that he could start over and get away from the world
for a while. This, I feel, represents me in that sometimes I wish I could get away from
the world and technology for a bit too, and like I addressed earlier go back to much
simpler times, but that s just one perspective of the song as it has been interpreted in
many different ways. Now another song that I love, which has similar effects to Africa
is We Didn t Start the Fire by Billy Joel, which is featured on his album Storm Front. This
International Cooperation And Domestic Politics
The European Union (EU) is a unique economic and political partnership between 28
European member states that together cover much of the continent. The EU operates
through a system of supranational independent institutions and intergovernmental
negotiated decisions by the Member States (Nugent, 2010). EU member states have long
believed that the Union magnifies their political and economic objectives. Nevertheless,
tensions have always existed within the EU between those members that seek a closer
union through more integration and those that prefer to keep the Union on a more
intergovernmental footing, in order to better guard their national sovereignty. The
interaction between international cooperation and domestic politics is pressingly
relevant to the effect of European integration on domestic politics and democratic
accountability in EU Member States. Many scholars consider democratic politics in
Europe to be closely linked to increasing integration. This paper will argue that the
process of European integration at the EU level has strengthened and also weakened the
Member States in various different aspects. Strengths of EU Membership There is a
consensus on the positive effect of European integration on at least one aspect of national
politics, one being the strengthening of the executive power. This is due to the fact that
the executive has direct access to European policy making and policy makers in the
Council, in the European institutions and other Member States
Summary Of The Woman Warrior By Maxine Hong Kingston
John Hilcher
English Comp 122
Professor Ivalotis
20 January 2016

Subjugation of Women in No Name Woman

The Story Woman Warrior written by Maxine Hong Kingston in 1975, is a great
representation of what woman are characterized as in regards to being submissive or
rebellious in their society, and how, even though they are harshly treated, the women
fight back instead of letting themselves be subjugated, it exemplifies the hardships
women face in their lives. In The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts,
Author Maxine Hong Kingston brings to the table a bunch of allegorical and life stories
that bring upon the hardships in which she, herself, must deal with the sexist ideology
and prejudice growing up young Chinese American girl. Throughout her life she was
called such racist and stereotypical names such as gook and is repeatedly told such
chauvinist Chinese sayings like girls are maggots in the rice by her own flesh and blood;
her parents. Maxine Hong Kingston feels isolated from modern American culture and
from the patriarchal Chinese culture.
In her recollection of her memories she reminisces of her search for female archetypes,
while involving some imaginative stories associating Chinese characters as Fa Mu Lan, a
woman warrior known to China; with thoughts of her own obstinate mother, Brave
Orchid. Through these numerous accounts, the narrator searches to proclaim her identity
as a Chinese American female in her own bicultural world. Amidst

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