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Internship Report

Per 27 Maret 2023

Ganes Dzikri Pepundi Santosa

LRT City Cibubur

PT. Adhi Commuter Properti Tbk.
30 Januari 2023 - 13 April 2023

During this internship period, I served as an In-House Architect Intern in the Area
Design Team at PT. Adhi Commuter Properti Tbk., where I was assigned to design the
site area in order to utilize and develop the parts of the site that have not been built yet
during the construction of the LRT City Cibubur Apartment Complex, to grow and
revitalize the area and generate recurring income from it.

Orientation Period

Within the first two days of our internship, I was firstly introduced to our Project
Supervisor, Mas Bintang Mahardika, and under him, our Site Supervisor and Quantity
Surveyor, Mas Satria Bagas, as well as the In-House Architect, Mbak Alen, who is in
charge of supervising the interns during our internship.

When we arrived at the site, the apartment complex was still unbuilt and in the middle of
the site is a small marketing gallery and office in which the team worked. The current
focus of the company is to utilize the unbuilt site to create temporary built environments
that would liven up the area both in preparation and while waiting for the apartment
complex to be built in addition to finalizing the design of the apartment complex itself.

In the few days that followed, we were introduced to the Project Director, Bu Arifah, the
current ongoing projects and our tasks during the internship period. The first project/task
I was given was to design a commercial area, making use of unused space in a small
park in front of the Marketing Gallery to rent to tenants and generate recurring income.
Currently they are expanding the current Marketing Gallery to be able to accommodate
more people. In addition to the tasks we were given we were also able to learn a lot
from this project.

Temporary Marketing Gallery Expansion

Initially the team worked from two offices, the temporary marketing gallery on-site,
located on where tower B of the complex will be built, in which the architect, engineer,
and marketing teams work, and a rented ruko nearby in which the legal, content,
financing, accounting and others work. When I arrived though, the rent contract was
almost due.

Apparently the owner of the ruko had no intention of extending the rent contract at the
time as he wanted to sell it instead. This meant that the people working in the ruko
needed to be moved somewhere else by the time the contract was due, which was in
early april. The Project Director, Bu Arifah decided that expanding the current marketing
gallery was the most viable option as there was no other ruko that they could rent.

When I arrived, Mbak Alen had finished the design, and all that was left to do was the
construction. Nonetheless, I learned a lot through this project by monitoring and asking
about the construction process as well as adjustments and the evolution of the design
made because of requests from higher management.

Designing Commercial Area

We were first given the choice of either; working on reviewing the design and
construction drawings of the main project, the apartment complex, or to design
ourselves. Naturally I chose to design, and was given the aforementioned first task. I,
under the supervision of Mbak Alen, started the design process and every few days
consulted with the team on aspects of my design. The budget was 500 million rupiahs
per tenant, and the area will consist of three tenants, all FnB. When the design was
almost finished though, suddenly, after long and careful consideration, the higher
management and Bu Arifah decided to abandon the project entirely, and gave me and
Duta Dewangga Handana to design a permanent marketing gallery on the site instead,
to eventually replace the current temporary one.

Designing Permanent Marketing Gallery

The permanent marketing gallery has been a subject of debate between the higher
management and has been postponed since 2021. In fact, they have opened a tender
for the design, in which three renowned architecture firms, DELUTION Architects,
Studio SAE, and JOSO participated, in which DELUTION Architects won. But because
the project has been postponed for so long, currently the site was built to be the
aforementioned park. Bu Arifah liked the park a lot and thought it’d be a waste to
demolish it to accommodate DELUTION Architect’s design, and so we were given the
task to create a design for the permanent marketing gallery that is integrated with the
current park.

Miscellaneous Knowledge

In addition to the tasks mentioned above, I also often asked around the team on
miscellaneous practical knowledge surrounding the architectural projects, such as the
business driving the project, information surrounding construction and materials, and
many more surrounding the architectural practice.

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