Okonkwo As A Problematic Hero

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Taleb Nesrine

Subject: a paragraph about Okonkwo as a problematic hero

A tragic hero is a hero whose action the plot develops. Aristotle once said “A man doesn’t become

a hero until he can see the root of his downfall.”

In Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo demonstrates characteristics of being Aristotelian

tragic hero by being a successful and respected leader in Umuofia, having a tragic flaw, and

discovering his fate soon after his action. First, Okonkwo is considered as a noble or a man of high

status; in that sense, as described by Achebe, “Okonkwo was well known throughout the nine

villages and even beyond. His fame rested on solid personal achievements” (Achebe,3) this quote

explains that he started from zero as he did not inherited from his father, Okonwkwo works very

hard and makes his way to a wealthy ans respected man of titles in Umuofia.

Similar to other problematic heroes, Okonkwo has also a tragic flaw (harmartia), which is a fear of

Weakness and failure. While the fear of failure and failure and weakness drives Okonkwo to work

Hard and helps him earns his fame and achievements, on the other hand, it also causes him many

Problems. Okonkwo is always violent and harsh with his family members because he doesn’t want

To be seen as a weak person. This led him to weaken his relationship with his family and hurts

Himself mentally. Okonkwo discovers his fate by his own actions, his self realization starts when he

Comes back to Umoufia after his seven years exile with a great plan. However, after his arrival, he

Realizes that his fatherland (Umoufia) has changed and he is not as important and famous as he

Used to be before his exile. Okonkwo is strongly unhappy with the establishement of the white men

In his village, his clan disagrees to drive them out of Umoufia, he realizes than than he is defeated

And cannot save his village, so Okonkwo decides to hang himself.

From this, Okonkwo’s character fits the definition of a tragic (problematic) hero, from nothing, he

Rises his wealth and is a successful leader of Umoufia but he also has a tragic flaw of fear of

Weakness and failure that leads him to several failings and ultimately, his suicide.

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