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SEMESTER Fall 2023

Clinical Psychology (PSY401)

Assignment Objectives:
Upon completion of the assignment,

 Students will gain a clear understanding of the multifaceted roles of clinical

psychologists in the mental health field, including assessment, therapy,
research, and more.

 Through real-world scenarios, students will apply their academic knowledge to

practical situations, demonstrating the relevance of clinical psychology

 This assignment promotes the integration of theoretical concepts,

emphasizing the practicality and significance of clinical psychology skill
areas in real-life settings.

 The assignment underscores the real-world significance of clinical psychology by

linking theoretical knowledge to practical applications, preparing students for
their future roles as clinical psychologists.

Q No:1 16Marks
Dear Students,
In this question, you will be presented with a series of scenarios or examples
related to the professional activities or skills of Clinical Psychologists that you have
read in Lesson 2 of your course Clinical Psychology PSY401.Your task is to
identify the specific activity/skill being depicted in each scenario in column 2 of the
given table.

Sr. Scenario Identification of Professional

No activity/skill 16 Marks
1. A clinical psychologist conducts a one-on-one Assessment and Diagnosis
interview with a client, asking questions about
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
2. A clinical psychologist uses cognitive- Invention and Therapy
behavioral therapy techniques to help a client
with social anxiety gradually confront and
overcome their fear
of public speaking.
3. A clinical psychologist gives a lecture on Teaching
effects of stress on mental health to a
group of psychology students at a university.
4. A clinical psychologist meets regularly with a Clinical Supervision
group of newly licensed therapists to review
caseloads, offer guidance, and provide
5. A clinical psychologist conducts a study Research
determine the effectiveness of a new
mindfulness- based therapy for treating
6. A clinical psychologist is hired by a large Consultation
corporation to assess workplace stress levels
and provide recommendations for employee
7. A clinical psychologist works with a nonprofit Teaching
organization to design a mental health
awareness campaign aimed at reducing the
stigma associated
with seeking therapy.
8. A clinical psychologist serves as the director of Administration
a mental health clinic, overseeing the
allocation of resources, staff management,
and policy

Q. No.2: Choose any one professional activity/skill from the above table and
reflect on how that activity contributes to the field of Clinical Psychology and
the well-being of individuals.? 4 Marks

I will choose the professional activity /skill of supervision and training

Being a good listener. The ability to facilitate reflection in others through the use
of guided questioning. Being able to help the supervisee in summarising a
clinical supervision meeting. Being able to challenge as well as support the

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