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Mind Mastery

21 Day Journey to Mastering Manifestation and Personal


Billy G.
Consulting Hypnotist
NLP Practitioner
Welcome to the Mind Mastery Program!

We are excited to have you on board as you begin your journey towards personal
growth and success. To help you get started, we have put together this guide to
provide you with some helpful tips and tricks to ensure you make the most out of
this program.

Tips to Success:

Set clear goals: Take some time to identify what you want to achieve through
this program. Write down your goals and be specific about what you want to
Be consistent: Success is achieved through consistent practice. Commit to
following the program's daily routine, even on days when you may feel less
Embrace a positive mindset: Believe in yourself and trust in the process.
Positivity breeds success, and having a positive outlook on your progress will
help you to achieve your goals faster.
Embrace change: The journey towards success often requires change. Be open
to embracing new ideas, habits, and perspectives that can help you achieve your
desired results.
Stay committed: Success is not achieved overnight. Keep in mind that change
takes time and consistent effort. Stay committed to the program, and you will see
the results you desire.

Time management: With the program's daily videos and exercises, finding time
can be challenging. Try setting aside a specific time each day to go through the

Consistency: As mentioned above, consistency is key to success. If you find

yourself struggling to stay consistent, remind yourself of your goals and the
reason why you started the program.
Distractions: It's easy to get distracted by daily tasks, social media, and other
activities. Minimize distractions by dedicating specific times of the day for your
program and avoiding anything that may take you off track.
Now that you have some tips on how to succeed and overcome any hurdles that
may come your way, let's get started!

Please complete the initial assessment form to help us understand your current
situation and tailor the program to your needs. Once completed, you will receive
access to the program's first week of videos and exercises.

We look forward to working with you towards achieving your desired success!
Deep change comes through tiny habits repeated over time. To create
motivation in changing, begin with the end in mind. It starts with
intention. Set your intentions now to create a powerful basis for the
Journey ahead.

Step 1 - Why Are You Here?

I made the decision to purchase and start this Journey because:

This is important to me because: (Include what or who this could


Step 2 - Who Am I?
It is important to start with knowing what you wish to get out of the
experience. Intentions help to create more clarity, especially when the
seed is planted right before you start.
By the end of this Quest, I am…

Three core values associated with this identity are…

Step 3 - Self Supporting Beliefs

‘’Whether you believe you can, or believe you can’t, you’re right.’’
-Henry Ford

Once you have your intentions clear and you know who you want to
become, consider the beliefs that align with that intention. Beliefs are
the ultimate cornerstone of success. Think of the beliefs that your
highest self would have about themselves and their abilities, and
adopt them.

Write down 3-5 empowering statements about yourself and make

them as simple and clear as possible. Make sure they are in present
tense, positive, emotionally meaningful and in the first person. [ I, me,
my ]

I am poised and ready for more good than I can ever imagine. It is
easy to live my life full of bliss, abundance, and ease.
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, please rate the following areas of your life:

Personal Growth:
Please briefly describe your current situation in each of these areas:

Personal Growth:
What specific goals would you like to achieve in each of these areas?

Personal Growth:
What are the biggest challenges you face in achieving these goals?

Personal Growth:
Commitment to Self for Personal Growth and
I, [insert name], commit to using the techniques learned in this program for my own personal
growth and success, as well as for the benefit of others, my community, and the world. I
understand that these techniques have the potential to create positive change in my life, and I
am willing to put in the effort to achieve my goals.

Specifically, I commit to:

● I will show up everyday and do the Journey because I want to change and improve my
● Practicing the techniques learned in this program consistently and regularly
● Using these techniques only for positive purposes and to benefit others as well as myself
● Being open to new ideas and perspectives, and willing to challenge my limiting beliefs
● Taking responsibility for my thoughts and actions, and using the power of my mind to
create the life I desire
● Continuously learning and growing, and using the knowledge gained to improve myself
and help others
● Become successful in Life and promise to myself that I will beat my best and BE


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