Achievers C1 Test Unit 2 Speaking

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2 Speaking Test

Student A
1 Imagine you have recently returned from a
language exchange trip, where you stayed with
a host family in the UK. You meet Student B, who
has just been on a similar trip. Tell Student B about
your trip and answer Student B’s questions.

2 Now swap roles. Ask Student B these questions

about their stay with a host family.
● Where did you stay? How long were you there for?
● What was your host family like?
● What did you do while you were there?
● Did you enjoy it? Were there any problems?
● How much has your English improved?
A: Where did you stay?

B: I stayed in a beautiful city in

the north of England called York.

Student B
1 Imagine you have recently returned from a
language exchange trip, where you stayed with
a host family in the UK. You meet Student A, who
has just been on a similar trip. Ask Student A these
● Where did you stay? How long were you there for?
● What was your host family like?
● What did you do while you were there?
● Did you enjoy it? Were there any problems?
● How much has your English improved?
2 Now swap roles. Tell Student A about your own
exchange trip and answer Student A’s questions.
A: Where did you stay?

B: I stayed in a beautiful city in

the north of England called York.

220 Unit 2 SPEAKING Test Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

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