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Introduction to Quality Management Systems

Group #: 1

Name Role
Torrente, Kenshin Ives T. Leader
Members: Cruz, Princess Katrina N. Member
Monterola, Hillary Jane D. Member
Bulanhagui, Isabella Adrianne Q. Member

Section: AB31
Professor: Ms. Charity Canlas


● By groups of 4s, do process maps levels 0, 1, and 2.

● Objective of the exercise is to visually present reasonably complex process using basic BPMN.

● All basic shapes must be used.

● Number properly to facilitate navigation.

Present Level 0 Process Map

1. Level 0. Select a reasonably complex process that has tasks done by 3 to 4 different performer
roles (not individuals).

- For this activity, we've chosen the restaurant process at Mama Lou's, which includes
four essential roles: Customers, Front of House, Kitchen Staff, and Kitchen Area

⎯ A process that is so complex will be challenging to sufficiently and completely presented in 3

and only 3 levels.

⎯ A process that is so simple is presented in less than 3 levels.

This will not get a good grade.

⎯ What are your start and end events?

- The process begins with the customers entering Mama Lou’s restaurant and ends with
leaving the restaurant.

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Present Level 1 Process Map

- In figure 1.1, the event starts with customers entering the restaurant, where
they take their time to place orders and complete the payment. After the
activity, it will end with the customers leaving the restaurant.
2. Level 1. Show the flows across the 3 to 4 different performer roles.

Present Level 2 Process Map

- The process, as illustrated in Figure 1.2, starts as customers enter the restaurant, where the
front-of-house staff warmly greets and guides them to their seats. Afterwards, customers will
scan the menu provided by the designated person in charge, making selections based on their
preferences. Once ready to order, customers seek assistance, and the front-of-house staff
takes note of their choices. The staff confirms the order, inquiring if any additions are desired,
and specifies the estimated waiting time. Following the decision, the order is relayed to
different sections of the kitchen, prompting the food assembler to prepare the selected items.

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Upon completion, the front-of-house staff verifies the orders' completeness and quality before
serving them to the customers. Throughout the meal, the staff checks in on the customers'
dining experience. After the meal, customers request the bill, and the front-of-house staff
prints and presents it. Customers review the bill for accuracy and choose between cash or
credit card payment. Upon transaction completion, the staff provides the receipt along with
any recommendations. The process concludes with customers leaving the restaurant.

3. Level 2. Show flows and use all of the basic shapes.

⎯ Show levels 0 and level 1 maps again.

⎯ Update levels 0 and 1 maps if necessary.

⎯ Present all the level 2 maps required.

⎯ Number properly to facilitate navigation.

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