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Decision Making Essays

Writing an essay on the topic of "Decision Making" can present various challenges. Firstly, decision
making is a broad and complex subject that encompasses various theories, models, and perspectives
from fields such as psychology, economics, management, and philosophy. Narrowing down the focus
of the essay and selecting specific aspects to explore can be daunting.

Secondly, analyzing decision-making processes requires critical thinking and analytical skills. It
involves understanding different factors influencing decisions, such as cognitive biases, emotions,
uncertainty, and risk. This necessitates extensive research to gather relevant literature and empirical
evidence to support arguments effectively.

Additionally, crafting a coherent and well-structured essay demands clear organization and logical
flow of ideas. Balancing theoretical concepts with practical examples or case studies to illustrate key
points adds depth to the discussion but also requires careful integration.

Moreover, addressing the implications of decision making in various contexts, such as personal,
professional, ethical, and societal, adds another layer of complexity. This requires synthesizing
diverse perspectives and presenting nuanced arguments while maintaining clarity and coherence.

In conclusion, writing an essay on decision making involves navigating through a multifaceted topic,
conducting thorough research, critically analyzing information, and effectively communicating ideas.
It requires not only a solid understanding of the subject matter but also strong writing and analytical
skills to convey insights convincingly.

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Decision Making Essays Decision Making Essays
Argumentative Essay On Killer Bees
Scientists and Beekeepers Can Make Killer Bees Less Aggressive
People discovered honey since an ancient time and considering it as liquid gold. There
are many kinds of bees that produce honey, and it differs from place to place. One
remarkable species is African honeybee which well known for its ability to produce
more honey than other species and survive in hot climate (Anne, 2006). Evans and
Butler(2010) have acknowledged that some species of honey bees are known as Killer
bees or Africanized bees, which are currently living in some parts of South America and
North America, and they started to move northward in the United States. One reason for
naming them Africanized bees is that they were introduced in Brazil and hybridized with
European bees. On the other hand, Killer bees got their name because they are much
more defensive than the other species,they will attack any living creature that is around
them and is consider as a threat for them, sometimes to death (Hodges, 1996).
According to Horn(2006), the Brazilian government tends to focus on beekeeping
business since it is a low cost business, and it does not require a land to work on. The
suitable species were African bees because they produce more honey than their cousin
European bees do, and they can live in tropical weather (Hodges, 1996). However, with
its huge advantage in producing ... Show more content on ...
(2006, June). Africanized killer bees. Continuing Education.
Chau, M. (2013, March 7). 100,1000 Killer bees attack bees Florida Park rangers.
Christian Science Monitor.
Delapane, K., Mayer, D. F. (2000). Crop Pollination by bees. Cambridge, Mai: CABI.
Evans, E., Butler, C. (2010). Why do bees buzz? Fascination answers to questions about
bees, New Brunswick, NJ, USA: Rutgers University Press.
Gullen, L. (2009, September). Ten venomous years. Cygnus Business Media, Inc. 34, 9.
Hodges, D. (1996, October 10). Thebuzz about Africanized bees proves mostly bad
publicity. Christian Science Monitor. 88,
Holden Caulfield Characterization
The Catcher In The Rye is a novel by J. D Salinger, and this book is rich with literary
devices and characterizations. The Author of this novel fully achieved to create a
character that can connect to the reader, and that the reader ends up loving it.
Something about his beliefs about his surroundings, and his vivid way of expressing it,
makes him connect powerfully with readers who come from backgrounds completely
different from his. The main character is mainly the character of the author. The author
decided to put a character that is like him. Salinger was not a person that celebrated life,
and was more of a reserved person, and this tendency can be seen in the main character.
The main character suffered the death of his smaller brother... Show more content on ...
The most important theme in this book is Alienation, or isolating himself from the
society to protect himself. Life has been harsh with Holden, and Holden feels Trapped
on the other side Isolating himself in a way makes him believe that he is better than
everybody else, and also to show that he is no phony, that he is unique. Because of this
isolation, he never has this human love or human interaction. All his problems are kept
to him, and he uses nobody to talk to and let them out. He never tries to get to the root
of his problems and work them out, but instead he isolates himself for protection. The
only one that can understand Holden is his sister Phoebe. Phoebe understand that
Holden has bitterness towards himself rather than the world. She understands his
sadness and problems towards his life, and this can be understood because she is her
sister, and we can judge that she knows him well. At the end of the book, Phoebe want
to go with Holden to the museum, because she understood that he needs her more than
she needs him. Another important theme is the painfulness of growing up. Holden feels
insecure of growing up and the responsibilities that comes with them. He wants to stay
innocent, and not let the time pass. He wants everything to be easily understandable and
eternally fixed. He is guilty of many of the sins that the adults have, and he is not
willing to pay for it. Also he does
Water Supply Components Of A Water Services Development
These rules spread viewpoints that should be considered when placing and realizing
water supply extends for existing local locations and creating groups. The rules will
likewise be of help where a Water Services Authority assembles a Water Services
Development Plan (the last structures piece of a region s Joined Development Plan)
Specialized rules are given for utilization in attainability studies and the detailed outline
of water supply components.

There is broad experience demonstrating that poor outline and administration of water
frameworks in structures can bring about episodes of illness. The building sorts, water
utilizes, malady results, and people influenced are different. The wellbeing dangers are
preventable and ... Show more content on ...
Powerless populace gatherings may be especially defenseless to water related perils and
certain building sorts are in this way of extraordinary concern. Vital cases incorporate
restorative and other human services situations where development of living beings, for
example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a huge wellbeing concern and prompts substantive
avoidable expenses.
At the meeting of government named specialists that concluded the third release of the
Guidelines the issue of water security in structures and the requirement for extra direction
was distinguished as a need. This prompted the improvement of this report.
One of the difficulties is that administration of building water supplies is regularly
neglected. In numerous nations and districts administration activities for water supplies
in structures may fall outside of the drinking s obligation water supplier. This can be
impacted by a scope of elements including responsibility for and privileges of access.
Water security arranges (WSPs) built up for
Economic Factors Of The English Colonization Of North
I believe that we cannot say that only one factor had an impact on English colonization,
as both had a fairly significant influence. In retrospect the fact that Economic factors did
have a greater impact remains true. Merchants that migrated to North America formed
Jamestown as the first settlement and were searching for fortune and a better living then
they could have in England. Jamestown was founded under the Virginia Company, these
English joint stock companies were appointed for this reason to produce successful
settlements. Another reason contributing to the English colonization of North America
were the economic problems and concerns that plagued the English. For this reason they
went to the Americas in search of raw materials such as gold and silver. Even people
that were not merchants, or wealthy businessmen migrated to Americas solely for the
bettering of their and their loved ones lives, by farming or other jobs available at the
time. Others... Show more content on ...
Many people converted to Protestantism as Catholicism was become much too
controlling of people and individuals did not have as much freedom as they rightfully
should have had. To add to this King Henry VIII forced the Anglican Church upon
English men which some obviously did not want to obtain. After this both Catholics and
Protestants were rejected by their fellow Englishmen, fined, or even in extreme cases
sent to jail. It seemed as if in this moment of time no religion could bond together the
English people. All of these factors accumulated and religious warfare was prospering,
blood was being spilled every day, so a considerable amount of people looked towards
the North American colonies (to migrate there.) So the country was a religious,
economic and political disaster, and many saw great promise in the New World, and
believed they could create the perfect
The Outsider Identity Of Society
In our world, almost everyone can be grouped as either an outsider or an insider; they
may lose insider status, but one s society makes it nearly impossible to lose outsider
status. This theme is represented in Nathanial Hawthorns novel, The Scarlet Letter, as
well as the articles, The First White President, by Ta Nehesi Coates, and American
Schools Are Failing Nonconformist Kids, Here s How by Elizabeth Weil. Some may
disagree with the idea that culture reinforces one s stutus, as shown in Weil s article s
support of the idea that society could change the struggling students state of being an
outsider. In reality, one s status is directly caused by their society, for example in The
Scarlet Letter, Hester is demoted to the outside when she violates the strict Puritan
doctrine, which prohibits adultery. Similarly, Coate s article tells that his society s
support of the white supremacist leader, President Donald Trump, is a major
contribution to African American s permanent outsider status. In all, as shown in these
sources, it can be seen that the zeitgeist of the people in a particular period has a
profound effect on people s classification as an insider or an outsider. The article
American Schools Are Failing Nonconformist Kids, Here s How, goes against the claim
that society is the main culprit in distinguishing an outsider from an insider, by putting
the blame on the education system. In her article, Weil provides many examples on how,
were it not for the schools

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