Examples of Humorous Essays

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Examples Of Humorous Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Examples Of Humorous Essays" presents a unique set of
challenges, blending the intricacies of humor with the structured nature of essay writing. Humor is
subjective, and what may tickle one person's funny bone might leave another stone-faced. This
subjectivity poses a hurdle in selecting examples that universally resonate with a diverse audience.

Additionally, the task involves striking a delicate balance between wit and substance. While the
primary goal is to entertain and amuse, it's crucial not to lose sight of the underlying message or
purpose of the essay. This requires a keen understanding of comedic timing, tone, and the art of
injecting humor without diluting the essay's coherence.

Moreover, identifying and analyzing humorous essays for inclusion in the piece demands a careful
curation process. Finding examples that showcase various styles of humor, from satire to irony, and
ensuring they align with the essay's overarching theme can be a daunting task.

The challenge extends to the writing process itself. Crafting humorous prose requires a certain
finesse in language, an understanding of rhetorical devices, and the ability to navigate the fine line
between cleverness and overindulgence. It's akin to a tightrope walk, where the writer must keep the
audience engaged without veering into the territory of excessive frivolity.

In conclusion, composing an essay on "Examples Of Humorous Essays" is an intricate dance with

words. The writer must navigate the nuances of humor, select apt examples, and maintain a delicate
equilibrium between amusement and substance. It's a task that demands both creativity and precision,
making it a challenging yet rewarding endeavor for those who undertake it.

For further assistance with essays or a variety of topics, one may explore the services available on
HelpWriting.net , where a wealth of similar essays and more can be ordered to ease the writing
Examples Of Humorous Essays Examples Of Humorous Essays
Cause And Effect Of Pollution
The earth is 4.543 billion years old. Our ancestors have been estimated to date back to
six million years, with modern human life dating to 200,000 years ago (Reed). The
effects of humanity on earth can be exhibited by the increase of pollution within our
world. As our population begins to grow, so does our carbon footprint upon the earth. On
a more localized scale, the Central Valley is a mecca to poor air quality and elevating
pollution levels. An assortment of environmental factors increases pollution levels. The
central Valley is a mecca for the climate, natural, industrial, mobile and agricultural
components that equate to this growing problem.
Pollution, otherwise known as PM, or particulate matter, is essentially any substance that
is not made up of water. PM is most commonly made of dust, ash, smoke, fumes, vapors
and mists, emitted from a source and absorbed into the ozone. Particulate matter that
is emitted directly from a source, is called primary PM. Particulate matter that is
formed in the atmosphere by gas is called secondary PM. There are two certified
health based standards classifying particulate matter: PM10, for particles smaller than
10 microns, and PM2.5, for particles smaller than 2.5. PM10 is made up of course dust
particles. Common PM10 sources include: crushing or grinding operations, as well as
soil stirred up in our valley s vast fields, or dirt roads. PM2.5 is composed of finer
particles. Elements most commonly produced by combustion, motor
Edward Snowden Research Paper
Edward Snowden: Villain or Hero? You can t have 100% security and then also have
100% privacy and zero inconvenience. Society had to make choices said President
Obama. It has become a given in society that it is on the government s agenda to
procure its nation s safety in exchange of the privacy or freedom of the people. Edward
Snowden, a paladin of social justice, has now come to light with outstanding facts as for
what specifically it is that the National SecurityAgency (NSA) is able and willing to do
for the country s sake. Snowden, a 29 year old NSA ex employee, worked from Hawaii
on his computer support for the recollection of data in bulk from the whole nation .
Under the name of Verax, which means truth teller in Latin, he... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
official; and John Kiriakou, a former C.I.A. officer now serving a prison term . Reason
why Snowden had to flee before he made public what he had been doing and shared
the information he had. He argued that Hong Kong was a city of people who
encouraged freedom of speech; he met with lawyers and searched for solutions while in
Hong Kong. Albert Ho, Jonathan Man, and Robert Tibbo, a human rights lawyer;
assembled as a team and aided him to fly out to Moscow after he made public various
important and top secret documents which he acquired while working for NSA through
Booz Allen Hamilton . With threats by the US Government, Russian President Putin
alleged that Edward Snowden had committed no crimes in Russian soil and was a free
man. Although his passport was revoked, the now fugitive Snowden was able to get
refugee papers from Ecuador and was attempting to cross into Russian soil from the
airport . As the Hollywood plot unveiled, Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, took
sides with Edward Snowden to help him find asylum. Assange and his team have started
negotiations with Icelandic and Ecuadorian governments for the political asylum that
Snowden pursues . Julian Assange himself lives under political asylum in the Ecuadorian
Embassy in London since mid 2012, explained that Snowden had contacted them for
Service Learning Requirement
Your time is important, and your time is key. Which is why I believe Rowan College At
Burlington County (RCBC) should not make service learning a requirement to graduate
because students won t have enough time, to volunteer. First, students could lose their
jobs for calling out of work too many times to go volunteer. Also, students could start
failing their other classes because they re spending too much time volunteering for
service learning. Last, students will like to spend time with their families after a long
week of classes, and jobs. RCBC should not consider making service learning a
requirement to graduate because students will not have time to focus on it.

To begin with, I don t think RCBC should make service learning a requirement ... Show
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For instance, by making service learning a requirement students can lose their focus on
their main courses by, focusing on student learning volunteering. If you give students
too much work to do they could start to feel like it s too much. For example, in the
article Does Service Learning Really Help? Stephanie Strom state that during the
twenty years service learning was around it had increased the number of drop outs and
low test scores. I believe Strom was just stating that this program is a waste it only cause
more harm to students then benefits for them.Therefore, Strom quot provides all the
information RCBC needs to not make service learning a requirement.RCBC like
millions of schools round the world should not want their dropout rate to go up, also
shouldn t want their test scores to go down. Clearly, adding service learning that can
cause students to fail. They can lose focus from service learning by volunteering every
and, all the other requirements that come with service learning. Overall, RCBC should
not make service learning a requirement it can cause students to
Business Meeting Etiquette
Basic Meeting Etiquette

Abstract Meeting etiquette involves all participants and the leader having respect for
each other. Meetings should be purpose driven and focused. The leader establishes the
direction and purpose the listeners should be prepared to follow along or to provide
inputs to that goal. By following etiquette appropriate for the meeting setting, more
resolutions may be accomplished in the allotted time. In a perfect world, a group synergy
may evolve to increase productivity.

Basic Meeting Etiquette

Meetings are a part of managerial function in organizations. Coordination is the orderly

synchronization of all efforts of the organization to achieve the objectives (Haimann
1973, PG 38). Individual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Do not interrupt interaction between group members as long as it is productive.
However, direct away from counterproductive inputs or negativity. The first responsibility
is to be organized.

The group Leader, the person scheduling the meeting, and expected to chair the group,
should provide communication in the form of an Email or memo. The contents should
state why the meeting is being held, potential discussion and brief agenda. This
correspondence with a few individuals along with group announcements of what is going
on and when the meeting is will give respect to the attendees and give them time to
formulate any inputs that they may have to offer.

The group leader should continue to be an example of business etiquette by being on

time for the meeting. Not only on time, but arrive a little early for the meeting to set
up and go over the materials. To make sure one is well prepared for the meeting before
the attendees start arriving. This includes having all materials, power point presentation
as well as all equipment needed for the meeting. Running around at the last second to get
things set up is impolite. Preparedness demonstrates a respect of others. When a leader
is ready and well prepared, the meeting will flow well.

Additional aspects of preparation should include a prepared and perhaps revised written
agenda generated since the initial announcement for the
Taking a Look at Marico Egypt
Competition review: There are many competitors in this product category that will
compete with the company s product by 2050 and may threaten the product s process
and use this technology before the company. One of these competitors is Procter and
gamble which has a high market share in Egypt; 67% of Procter and gamble business
in Near East markets; Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. They took the 12 original
million pound investment to the present amount of 1.25 billion Egyptian pounds. The
development of Procter and gamble and its production level have been enormous; the
company today supervises a portfolio of 14 brands. Procter and gamble have some
strengths and weaknesses, the strengths they have is that they have over 300 brands
all over the world which are existing in 180 countries, over than 125000 employees in P
G all over the world, it has 24 brands which have sales every year over the billion
dollars, due to outstanding marketing and advertising their brands have high recall and
finally they participated in important sporting events as sponsors. There are also some
weaknesses and one of them is that many false products are on sale under their brand
names, also their products have a high competition from international brands. There is
also another competitor that will compete with the company on this product which is
Marico Egypt and its market share is also high in Egypt; Marico s launched in Egypt in
2006 07, when it obtained the local hair care
U.S. Municipal Solid Waste
In 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency estimated that Americans generated 250
million tons of municipal solid waste, MSW1, of which only 87 million tons were
recycled or composted ( Municipal Solid Waste , 1). This value, however, does not
represent the total amount waste generated by the United States since MSW only
accounts for 2 percent of total wastegenerated. As more trash is generated, space to
construct more landfills becomes an issue. In order to reduce the amount of solid waste
produced, the federal government must implement and enforce a new waste disposal
method that emphasizes compostingfood waste.

To begin with, in the U.S., trash is most commonly sent to a landfill, unfortunately
though, once it arrives there little ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Across the country cities have taken the initiative to reduce their carbon footprint and
enact stricter regulations for sorting trash and collecting it. As stated by Phuong Le of
the Seattle Times, Striving to reduce the trash it sends to landfills, Seattle has banned
foam take out containers and plastic bags, told residents they must recycle cardboard and
compost food scraps... ( Seattle Idea ). In order to eliminate excess waste from entering
landfills, Seattle has prohibited the distribution of non decomposable items and
encouraged composting and recycling. By introducing strict regulations on non
decomposable materials entering the city and having its citizens sort their own trash,
the amount of waste that a city sends to landfills will be reduced. Wheeler, journalist
for the Baltimore Sun, states, Recycling that food waste instead of burning it or
burying can save money...and converting it to compost can help grow new food by
enhancing depleted soils ( Maryland Firm ). Wasted food can be converted into
compost instead of being discarded in landfills can be used in the growth of new foods
while enhancing the soil around it. Since compost is rich in nutrients, the city not only
saves money by recycling food waste but it can also profit since the compost can be sold
to local farmers and gardeners.

Composting is an emerging market that is gaining momentum as more

Bp Management, Ethical And Social Behavior
In the month of April 2010, Deepwater Horizon exploded, killing 11 workers and
releasing oil from the well into an ocean. This paper will discuss BP management,
ethical and social behavior. BP along with a few of its partners Transocean and
Halliburton was involved in the gulf oil spill. The explosion of the drilling rigDeepwater
Horizon was the root cause of the oil spill. This paper will focus on BP organization
behavioral issues that caused the economic, environmental, and human losses. The
research further focuses on what BP leadershipcould have done as a precautionary
measure using highest ethics and managementbehavior.
BP Organization Culture
A unique set of principles, vision, and discipline drives corporate behavior and culture.
Robbins and Judge (2014) describe culture as, shared meaning held by the members
(p.465). The culture guides the employee motivation and their behavior towards
customers and the external world. One of the management skills is supporting individual
and team by understanding and communicating with them. Ability to analyze and
diagnose complex scenario is also a management skill. Various levels of diversity bring
rich skills to organization such as creativity, interpersonal views. BP leaders constantly
demonstrated poor leadership qualities by acting the way they wanted. Displaying of one
s emotions in the workplace has greater impact on collaboration and productivity. Let us
examine how BP culture contributed to the oil disaster.
BP as

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