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Electronic Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Electronic Essay" is an intricate endeavor, as it involves delving
into the multifaceted realm of technology, communication, and their impact on modern society. The
challenge lies not only in comprehending the intricacies of electronic essays but also in articulating
thoughts coherently to convey a comprehensive understanding.

To begin with, one must navigate through the labyrinth of information surrounding electronic essays,
encompassing their evolution, purpose, and significance in the digital age. Understanding the nuances
of electronic communication, the transition from traditional to digital mediums, and the influence of
technology on written expression is crucial for an insightful exploration.

Moreover, the writer must grapple with the dynamic nature of electronic essays, considering the ever-
evolving landscape of digital platforms, tools, and formats. The essay should reflect an awareness of
how electronic essays adapt to technological advancements, affecting both content and presentation.
Balancing the exploration of historical perspectives with an examination of contemporary trends adds
another layer of complexity.

Addressing the societal impact of electronic essays requires a nuanced analysis, encompassing issues
such as accessibility, democratization of information, and the potential for digital exclusion. The
writer must carefully navigate through ethical considerations, addressing concerns related to
plagiarism, data privacy, and the reliability of electronic sources.

Additionally, the challenge extends to incorporating diverse perspectives, ranging from the embrace
of electronic essays as a democratizing force to concerns about the erosion of critical thinking skills
in an age of information overload. Balancing optimism with caution, the essay should provide a well-
rounded view of the electronic essay landscape.

In conclusion, the difficulty in writing an essay on the topic of "Electronic Essay" lies in the need for
a comprehensive understanding of technology, communication, and societal dynamics. Crafting a
piece that navigates through historical context, technological evolution, and societal implications
while maintaining clarity and coherence requires a deft touch. It demands a writer's ability to
synthesize information, analyze complexities, and present a compelling narrative.

For those seeking assistance with essays on this topic or any other, a valuable resource is . There, you can find expert writers capable of tackling diverse subjects, ensuring
well-researched and articulate essays tailored to your needs.
Electronic Essay Electronic Essay
The Value Of Ancient Greek Culture
Greece is a country with a very rich history, interests and diverse cultures. They are
particularly proud of their culture, and speak of their country with an intense passion.
Ancient Greece was the basis of much of Western culture today. Tragedy and philosophy
are just some of the key values of the culture of Greecethat has helped us survive, honor,
and create our world what it is today. Tragedy is a major composite of the Greek culture,
they thought it was extremely important for everyone to witness a certain sort of tail they
called Tragedy; popular and influential plays performed in theaters at their annual spring
festival in theatres across Ancient Greece(Sowerby page 108). In these tragedies people
were seen to break
Essay On The Character Of Pearl In Nathaniel Hawthorne s...
Hawthorne, the author of Scarlet Letter, characterizes innocent looking Pearl, who
plays as a wolf in the sheep s skin that brings adversities to her surroundings, by using
her actions, thoughts, and speeches, and he shapes a vivacious Pearl in order to form a
contrast with the depressing Puritan society. Mentioning Pearl as worthy to have been
brought forth in Eden , imbued with a spell of infinite variety , and comparing Pearl s
voice to the sweet warble sound of birds, Hawthorne first brought an immaculate Pearl
into the readers sight (Chap.6). However, her behaviors do not correspond to her
looking, but characterize her as a demon. She would grow possibly terrible when things
go against her, and would snatch up stones to fling at others.
The Allocation Of The European Union Essay
The allocation of the European Union in agreement of all embracing or built in law
has been abundant debated, generally in the ablaze of the amount of affiliation that is
perceived, desired, or expected. Historically, at least, the EU is an all embracing
organisation, and by some criteria, it could be classified as a confederation; but it as
well has abounding attributes of a federation, so some would allocate it as a alliance of
states.For this reason, the organisation has, in the past, been termed sui generis, admitting
it is as well argued that this appellation is no best true. Any application of the
acknowledged attributes of the EU have to alpha by searching at its characteristic
features. Although the EU s acknowledged attributes was set out in two precedent setting
judgments of the Court of Justice in 1963 and 1964 relating to the again European
Economic Community, the judgments are still valid for the European Union in its
accepted form.
The EU s accepted controlling action is accepted as Ordinary Legislative Procedure .
This agency that the anon adopted European Parliament has to accept EU legislation
calm with the Council.
Before the Commission proposes new initiatives it assesses the abeyant economic,
amusing and ecology after effects that they may have. It does this by advancing Impact
assessments which set out the advantages and disadvantages of accessible action options.

The Commission as well consults absorbed parties

Criminal Justice Assignment
dAssignment Module 1 I grew up in a neighborhood which is riddled with crime.
Unfortunately, people who I grew up with became involved in gangs and criminal
activities. Those actions led to them having a criminal record. When looking through the
options of the podcast, People who are involved in the criminal justicesystem is the one I
thought would be most interesting. The person Bradley Jacobs discusses what he does in
the Center for Alternative Sentencing and Employment Services (CASES). The
organization CASES have employs who work with the courts in behave of people
involved in the criminal justice system. They have a high retention rate of the 90% for
those who stay with the program. They have court liaisons who report to the court and...
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The podcast made me look too similar programs going on here in Los Angeles County;
which there is but CASES is based somewhat on the Nathaniel Act, it makes New York
special. All of these good thing does not mean I don t think there cannot be
improvements to the program. I would like to see them provide statistics on the program
long term outcomes. Short term the program seems to work, but I want to see if this
module is sustainable. The podcast outlines the importance of good connections with the
judicial system. When creating those relationships, it allows case workers to advocate
for a client involved in minor cases by providing outside help. Providing those services of
mental health rather than imprisoning them could help depopulated jails. These
measures help save state and local governments thousands of dollars but also make their
community safer. CASES if successful can reduce crime once their clients finish
treatment. They take mental health evaluations serious when providing case
management. As a social worker, I could build on the what CASES mental health
assessments. Mr. Jacobs discussed how assessments can identify those at risk to be
rearrested while in the program. In the identification of those individuals, different
resources can be given to keep them from committing a criminal offense. I know what
works with New York may not work for Los Angeles, but we can take those same
principles to fit geographical
Satire In Invisible Man
There is a deliberate juxtaposition in the opening pages of Graceland between the
garbage ridden streets of Lagos teeming with naked children and Elvis melancholy,
retrospective and, (not without a deliberate irony on the part of Albani) reading a copy
of Ellison s American classic Invisible Man. The monstrous slum of Lagosis crushing in
its poverty; Elvis, despite the squander of his personal circumstance, somehow doesn t fit
the image of his city. Why, in a novel based in its exploration of a poverty stricken
African slum, would the protagonist live entirely outside of the normality of his setting?
Elvis is an aspiring dancer; frequently ambiguous in both his gender and sexuality, the
unprecedentedly moralistic teenager constantly contradicts... Show more content on ...
It is here that the power of globalization is most evident; Elvis is molded and guided by
intangibilities, and the city of Lagos is also understood through the ways in which it
contrasts America. Despite the literal geographical separation between Lagos and Nigeria
, the colonialist influence of the western world and the United States are clearly chartered
throughout the novel. Admiring himself from many angles, he thought it was a shame
he couldn t wear makeup in public. That s not true, he mentally corrected himself. He
could, like the transvestites that haunted the car parks of hotels favored by rich locals
and visiting whites. But like them, he would be a target of some insult, or worse,
physical beatings, many of which were meted out by the police, who then took turns
with their victims in the back of their vans. It was exasperating that he couldn t appear
in public looking as much like the real Elvis Presley as possible. Struggling with his
identity, Elvis desires to wear makeup without fearing the retaliation of his community. It
is in the implanted whiteness and pockets of Americanism where that freedom is most
closely accessible. Yet, the physical reality of the hotels (their literal placement in
Lagos) meant that the governing moral principles of Lagos prevented Elvis from being
anything but an outcast and a victim if he chose to express himself. The American
presence in Lagos managed to be pervasive while simultaneously having no palliative
effect on Elvis estrangement within the slum. The cast of characters employed by
Albani, from the elitist white tourists to Redemption to Uncle Joseph all serve to
construct an image of Lagos in relation to America. It wasn t singularly the explicit
references to America or to Elvis s connection to the United States that aided Albani in
his describing of
Factors Affecting Loan Payment
Tropentag 2009 University of Hamburg, October 6 8, 2009
Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management
and Rural Development


Factors Affecting on loan Repayment Performance of Farmers in Khorasan Razavi

Province of Iran Mohammad Reza Kohansal Assistant professor of agricultural economic
dep., Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran Hooman Mansoori Msc student of
agricultural economic dep., Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran Abstract This study
investigated the factors influencing on repayment behavior of farmers that received loan
from agricultural bank by using a logit model and a cross sectional data of 175 farmers
of Khorasan Razavi province in 2008. ... Show more content on ...
These authors simulate probabilities of default and default costs on zero down
payment loans and then compare the results with conventional underwriting standards.
They estimate that, if low income borrowers are enticed by zero down payment
requirements and if no adjustment for the higher default rates is made, the cost of the
implicit subsidy would amount from $74,000 to $87,000 per million dollars of
lending. Quercia et al. (1995) show that a lower loan to value (LTV) ratio at the time
of origination (i.e., higher down payment) leads to lower default rates for rural, low
income borrowers. These authors focus on the 1981 Farmers Home Administration
Section 502 program and show that, while contemporaneous equity value in rural low
income mortgage loans is not associated with default, crisis events are. Van Order et al.
(2000) find, however, that the default behavior of both low income and average
income groups is responsive to negative contemporaneous equity, while default rates
and default losses are higher for low income borrowers. Moreover, the influence on
credit risk of individual and neighborhood income is small for LTV less than 80
percent, but it ranges from 15 up to 50 basis points for very high LTV ratios. Enticing
low income mortgage borrowers with lower down payment requirements thus Increases
the risk of default. Oladeebo (2008) examined socio economic factors influencing loan
repayment among small scale farmers in

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