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Essay On Racism

Writing an essay on the topic of racism can be a challenging endeavor that requires careful
consideration, sensitivity, and a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding the subject.
Racism is a deeply rooted societal issue with historical, cultural, and systemic dimensions, making it
a complex topic to address.

One of the challenges lies in navigating the emotional and often controversial nature of racism.
Addressing this topic requires a delicate balance between presenting facts, acknowledging different
perspectives, and advocating for change. The writer must be aware of the potential for strong
emotional reactions and strive to maintain objectivity while expressing empathy for those affected.

Researching the historical context and understanding the various forms of racism is crucial for
crafting a comprehensive and insightful essay. This involves delving into the roots of racism,
exploring its manifestations across different cultures and time periods, and examining how it has
evolved over time.

Another difficulty is addressing the systemic nature of racism. Analyzing how institutional structures
contribute to inequality and discrimination requires a nuanced understanding of sociology, politics,
and economics. Unraveling these complexities and presenting a well-supported argument demands a
thorough examination of academic sources and critical thinking.

Moreover, the writer must be mindful of the importance of using inclusive and respectful language.
Racism is a sensitive topic, and the way it is discussed can significantly impact readers' perceptions.
Striking the right tone and avoiding unintentional biases or stereotypes is a continual challenge
throughout the writing process.

In conclusion, writing an essay on racism necessitates a commitment to thorough research, thoughtful

analysis, and a careful choice of language. Tackling the multidimensional aspects of this issue
demands a nuanced and informed approach. Despite the difficulties, addressing racism in essays
contributes to fostering awareness, understanding, and ultimately working towards a more inclusive

If you find yourself struggling with similar assignments or need assistance with various types of
essays, you may consider exploring for professional writing services. They offer
support in crafting well-researched and articulate essays on a variety of topics.
Essay On Racism Essay On Racism
Essay on Prader-Willi Syndrome
Prader Willi Syndrom

Prader Willi Syndrome is a serious genetic disorder that begins at birth with no known
cure ; causing mental retardation,short stature,low muscle tone,incomplete sexual
development,and its main charecteristic,the desire to eat everything and anything in sight.

Prader Willi syndrome was first known as Prader Labhart Willi Syndrome after three
Swiss doctors who first described the disorder in 1956. The doctors described a small
group of kids with obesity, short stature and mental deficiency , neonatal hypotonia
(floppiness) and a desire to constantly eat because they are always hungry. Many other
features of PWS have since been described, but extreme obesity and the health problems
associated with being fat are the ... Show more content on ...
The average IQ testing shows that people with PWS are mildly retarded, the range is
from severely retarded to not retarded, with 40% having borderline retardation or just a
low normal intelligence. Most affected children, besides their IQ scores, will have many,
severe learning disabilities,and will show poor academic performance no matter what
their IQ shows to their mental abilities.

There are many signs and symptoms of PWS that show up before birth.some are
decreased fetal movement in 80 90% and having an abnormal delivery in 20 30% due to
having a really floppy baby. There are two distinct clinical stages of

Stage 1

Babys with PWS are called quot;floppy babies quot; a lot. Thats because they have
weak muscles, officially it is known as hypotonia. This hypotonia,which almost always
occurs, could be mild to severe. Neonatal hypotonia makes sucking difficult, and a
special feeding method called a gavage is used.A gavage the placing of a tube into the
stomach through the mouth.They use it during the first days of life a lot.. Decreased
caloric intake from the special feeding difficulties may lead to failure to gain weight. To
keep the baby s weight under control supervision by a professional nutritionist or a
specialist who understands the
Revolutions And Analysis Of Petrus
During a reading of the novel Disgrace and analysis of Petrus, my mind wandered to the
aftermath of the revolution in my home country Serbia. After fifty five years of rule, the
oppressive communist regime was finally overthrown and regular citizens could be
heard, with almost contagious optimism, saying I breathe with full lungs again .
However, while we had many benefits of adopting democracy and joining the
international institution, one part of the population quickly started theft of ex
government companies; bribery and corruption were rampant within the new democratic
ruling class. That brings me back to my analysis; while the situation is not fully
comparable, the actions and behavior of Petrus in the novel Disgraceby J.M Coetzee
symbolize positive as well as negative power shift and socio economical changes of long
oppressed majority black population in post apartheid South African society. Much the
same what my home country experienced after the establishment of the new democratic
institution, in a power vacuum, sometimes immoral people who committed unlawful acts
rise first in the hierarchy of the new society. All the revolutions or transformation of the
state have brought us advancements of humanity, but also the dark reign of terror; we
all can remember examples of French and Russian revolution. I will present to you that
J.M. Coetzee showed us both sides of that transfer of power in the character of Petrus.
First, the position of the black majority in
Impact Of Tecumseh On Native American Culture
Even though I was left to wonder what the Native Americans felt about the production of
Tecumseh, the re enactment of the Native American Shawnee tribe was very forward
thinking and not just a theatrical. From the start of having dinner in a family style setting
with several others, whom we did not know, to meeting the cast at the end, invoked the
feeling of unity. Tecumsehis a great example of bringing different cultures for the
common good of all people. The support of locals to preserve history, both Native
American and American, has to be respected.
My family was with me one evening when I received a work order to a Chillicothe,
Ohios Adena Regional Hospital. Not thinking much of it, we all piled into the truck for
another adventure discovering Ohio s beauty. Undenounced to me, my significant other
had thought of a great new family experience, Tecumseh. As we were heading into the
hospital, she announced that after I was done working we would be going to see
Tecumseh! By now, I and the kids were ready for any of her crazy adventures. We all
took to our standard google, wiki, youtube research to find out what we were ... Show
more content on ...
Based on the social cultural state that was instilled in me as a young child, I always
noticed Native Americans. They were a part of our everyday life even though they
were segregated from us. We went to school together and worked together but Native
Americans lived on the reservation. Many Native Americans made a living by selling
traditional items: Turquoise jewelry, arrowheads, pottery, and even food. Other races
would not dare try to copycat what they were doing. Native Americans even had their
own markets. Many stuck to the traditions and sometimes it was open to the public.
Most of the traditional ceremonies were held on the Reservation. For me to attend a
theatrical production of Native Americans felt very odd. I had the sense of betraying
their scared
Mental Illnesses And Its Effects On Mental Illness
Mental illnesses are generally characterized by changes in mood, thought, or behavior.
They can make daily activities difficult and impair a person s ability to work, interact
with family, and fulfill other major life functions (SAMHSA, 2015). Contemplated
early on in history, treatments for mental illness looked to cure the reflections of the
anger of gods, demonic possession, sorcery, the evil eye, or an angry deity, responded
with equally mystical, and brutal treatments (Nash, 2007). Attempts to treat mental
illness date back as early as 5000 BCE as verified by the discovery of trephined skulls in
regions of ancient world cultures (Porter, 2002, p. 10). Only a few realized that
individuals with mental illness should be treated humanely rather than exorcised,
punished, or banished. Psychiatryhas come a long way since the days patients were
shunned from society and shackled in asylums. Experiments and techniques for treating
mental illness from ancient times to the turn of the 20th century have paved the way for
the treatment plans used today.
The history of mental illness represents the ways in which trends in psychiatry and
cultural understanding of mental illness influence thoughts and attitudes towards mental
health. The earliest records of mental illness show that many cultures have viewed it as a
form of religious punishment or demonic possession. In ancient Egyptian, Indian, Greek,
and Roman writings, mental illness was categorized as a religious or personal
Walter Murch Editing
In summary, film editors may employ a wide variety of cutting techniques to obtain their
desired effect. However, all of this depends on the mood the editor is attempting to
portray to the audience. Portraying mood can rely heavily upon the context of the scene
and the overall flow of the film and this can be demonstrated through means of
manipulating timing and pacing. Although these words can be interpreted to mean the
same thing, there are major differences between them and one cannot exist without the
Walter Murch states that one of the central responsibilities of the editor is to establish an
interesting, coherent rhythm of emotion and thought on the tiniest and the largest scales
that allows the audience to trust, to give themselves to the film. (Murch (2001)) ... Show
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Besides editing being both an art form and a technical profession, it is still possible to
recognize good timing from bad . Having a good sense of timing sometime cannot be
taught and is only an inherent characteristic of the person. Murch believes this by
comparing editing to the act of dance, stating that editing is certainly 70% about
rhythm and what you are showing and the rate at which you are showing it. It s very
hard to teach this. In a sense, it s like dance. You can explain the rudiments of dance, but
to really learn how to dance you have to dance. You just have to get out there and do it.
(Murch (2016))
Mood in film is often related to other terms such as tone or atmosphere . Mood can be
shown through various means such as story, character, actor s performance, implication or
motive and cinematic presentation through audio and visual methods.
Having good timing or keeping good time is often something that comes naturally, or
otherwise requires a long time to master. Timing can be broken down into three main

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