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Consent Order M.P. Pollution Contlol Board

E-5, Arcra ColonY
Paryavaran Parisar, Bhopal - l6 N'lP
'l-elc : 0755-24661 91. Fax-0755-246-1742

RED.MDDIUM CCA-Retrewal CONSENT NO: ""* PcB lD: 27662

.ti .:'. i,ra(r.I. 1;[!:,1il]-541.t:t '

I lrt I ).1rllliIr.
l,-ll.\(i l-1 Jg.\r'r:r- 6.15(, hc(f., Plot,\o.F-"1(.\) \[ID( ln(l.AIei IIingtrt Road \.rgpnr.
.l:u irhr{)n llohgxoD.('il\ : ,,irrth \lohglor. l al : linlrllrgi.
l)i\t : li:rlr:lhxl (\l.l'.) l,xtitu(1.' : : 1.7-17.1 l.oDgilu(lc : 79.906.1

\(rtir)r .ll ol thc .\ir' ( l'r-c\ cltli(,rt & ( otI(r{,1 ot l'ullrrtiorr)Acl.l98l

.:'^t/'BJ.t)C?' 'rO THE FOLLOWING OO.ltoJlIQlVS :-
:r. I o(rtti,)tl: l'.11.\o l3'{9 . \'illirgt -.lirrrhr-oIt -\lr)h{:xrrtt. '1.'ltsil -Katirrrqi. l)istt -llahghat (:\'1.P.,
l). \lillilll I erse rrrtrt: (i.159 llrct
r. l'rr)(lll(.r lt l'ro(lu.lion xpir(il\ :
\criIitI / l'rodu CI Ql\ / vc:rr
llining o[ \lang:rnesc 3.1)l)0 Nlcl ri( Tone ['ct'Year
\,'r(: ll)l'_of xr\ (hrrn,.lc in lho\r in(luilr) rhrll ,)l)lxirr lir'ih t('nstrrl lrorrrlhcltl|ird.

(orrdilii'rs l{i{t ir l:C gttl"l{l l,\ Sl, l \.\. tll'r'ide 1.. \o- l(i7X (lrl(rl l0.l:.:011.




I ,,riLlr!r,ll" lltr\ltt \\'irl(r Ail
r .;jr tilr,rlt\ Ut,,l t .\|l \rl
( i.r(r.rl u,)I(lilr,,rs
I l)rstrrLt NliDill,: ()rli.cr. (trll |l{ Scrri\)r). C(rllect,n rrfiicc. l!rrlrr-rh.tt l)rsr. l]lhgl::ri (M.l) )for inti)rrnirtion
ri l'. :rxr('\lllriie ( ()rpi)ii ior. .\rcIrr lIills..l.ltl I{outl. [rlr.,rr.rl r:\l.l'.) i.)r rr..cssrr] acfion plexsr.
li.1: rr:rlr,11ii.r' Ir..'!ionrl o iir- \1PP{ l}. .L,hulput t\1 l')

llv tlre orrler ofCh irnrrn. \ll'l'('li

Signature N9'- Vqrif iecl .44*L

Digitally Sigrteiill . A .\ i:
Mishra, Ir,4err rbe{ S.':,:ret:.ry
Oale oTtiUi2i\l' ri5:54:'l-i PL4 ,\('H\'(r1' .\\.\Nl) \llsllR.\
(()rtrlni(.\ulhcnlicdlfun olr ]\ADIL\R fronr lllD,\l Srrrcr) ]lcolber Secrctilt-\
II'\\-.-*8Kt6-1( ST
Consent Order M.P. Pollution Cortr0l Board
E-5, Arcra Colony
Paryavaran Parisar, Bhopal - l6 l'IP
Tele : 0755-2466191, Fax-0755-24637,12


l. Thc Llailr quaDtiry ofgenerated mine n'ater shall not exceed 20.0 Kl-/dav, and the daily quantity ofsewage at out l-all ol
lh( rrlll shall uot escc'ed 0.5 Kl/day. Mine rvatet to be treated & utilised rvithin mining lease area for plantation,Dust

I l rrrl(' H1flucnt l r'eat,)r('nL:-

ltc uPpli,"lnt shall provide conprehensive efflue[t treatncnt system as per the proposal submitted to the Boarcl and
rrr:rrrtr,rrr llrr' .rnrt' pirrpcrlV lo achie\'e tbllo\1in!.I st3ndsr'ds-

I lls \,,:,.rjr, ,11lr,L:_ I

L lri.!iilc. \, , lrr;r.t lL rnt _,r..1

I iil.,lir(r irllllrn(l.rc !.[cr.rl slllr.lards ril ilischarge as rrotilictl undcr EP.{cl l9tl6 shail be applicablc.

Ir) ir. B,r.url r\l l.lirtliin thc samr properl) to achievc lollotiir,g sulJartls-
l ' il1'"1 i .,1],,.j lir(r lnl:. I

li0 rna! |

i, ., :..
, 10 rfli,'1.

r_..1 l1)l)0 r\,11,\, lrr \ll i

\r \\ irti.r {'rrd(. \\ trcr Soulcr llcnrilk

((Jl\ in lilp(l - li.ilo l.tr per' r !.000 0.501J

I l)onrr!ri. I'u L11r,0 0.i00 Br,rcN!ll fank Sonli

I \lin( \\:rl.r l)irrhrrlr r).0(,0 20.000 rcnt€d & tilised illside DliDing lea\c nreN.
1 \tlr x\ ir \lirr\ I0.000 0.000 Minc $ atel fo be usod on prioritt.
I Iii, ,-lllucnl sh.rll l)s treatcil ttlt to plcsurib.-ij Strl-rdarJs.rnel re1.e i1 thc p!.ocest, lbr ccolilg and fcrr green bclt

' ,lrr, l,.rr:. J ,,rr.',1.. ,,1 ,nlluirr\'unrt lrcrrri;r:

' ,1., ,rr,l rlrir.rl.'.llitrivclv ctileic[tlv l(] iii.rllr.'\c coil]plllrlce ol'1hc tcrnrs e1ld eonditions ofthis corNefit

,,1,,,\,- (,,,,(l1rr,,n\.

li. ( r,rrl)iiilii,tr (,1']lalllitot ihg d:tlir-

,,1 rr..,ril Lr,rlLrrr,rl tnolllt)ir(l i!ischar!e
rI ,11,,\ rrl- lr(rrlrtrl!iillo0 ol .:lriLlclines csirbir\hirrr lcil pr,rccriurcs tbl tlre alral1.sis ofpollulants. all saorpltng and

lh.' l,nr.:1il.rrr l'rrbiit llr.rlrh As:oci.rtirt:t. Ner," \'olt: l, S. \ rlr.rll trc rrst"rl.

l,r. l,\,,\ L ',,, :,,.. lt,,,'l

Consent Order M.P. Pollution Clontrol B()ard
E-5..\rtra ( ul,rr1
Paryavaran Parisar, Bhopal - I6 lll P
Tele : 0755-2466191, Fax-0755-2463?42

tr. t{r.ordirg ol }loDitoriDg Activiries & Results-

i ,ll,,\1 r
lr, I lr!,Ir1.. u\]rl pliri(' i]ltd 0t[a o1'saulplllp
irr lTrr Llnrr; nr \hiih i]]ra,l\\ls r\'(ta lx'tli rru,l
1 irt)\\ lrrr 1r31 11,1111.',1 thc rrr:rjr sis'.)
Ir\ ) l'lr! ,rrr:rl!1ir.rl tc.hni(lir!j or rrrrlL,,tl: Lstri .rrrrl
L\ r I lL( rJrrllr ,jl rll ru,lLrilr,.i lrrllr iis

l, Llrill\,,i,d Such inir.,esed ticclucncv shrll hc inclicatcel e,n th('t)iscltargc'Nlonitoling Rcport Fomr.

I lrr lrcr ri,.l il- r!'lcrrlior) sltlll hc .'xtcn.lctl ilur irg th.' cou|sc .rl rnv rrrresolvcd Iitiglrtion rL-gildiog tlre dischlu gc of
l)ollutirrli L\ lh. applicrut or \\-h.'n rlqllcs!.cl b)'(icntrel or Strt.'jjoird or lhc c(mrt-
li,. lictlolling (,1 lloniloling Rcsults:-
I-lrL'1-l t\I l;n. l,' lht B(rrrr(1.

I l. Liuril:itirln of tlischargt, of oil Haz:l.dous SullslaDrt iu h:trurlirl qualrtitics:-

il. I illritxtir)rr rrl visibL. llo:rliug s.rlidr aDd fo: [:

Lj. llislrosil ol Collcctetl Solicl rritstc,'sltrdgc-

i ,r,.1.. lr,rhrLrrr

l.l- l'rolisiorr lbr lileclric Powcl I'lilure-

Ilr.: fl)lr,-art sltlll lLssulc to the c(nts-cnl tssultq srrtltolitj, thtt the dpplicall ltas jt)stallcd or provided tbr al) altelllrti\,c

., r.lr ,,rr.,,l lh. a ,,hiarrr

13, I'rrlhillilir)I ()l lJl pitss t\\lcDl of lrc tmtnt lNcililic\-

.rrirl !,,r,llrri,iri,)l this Lonscttt in Ir'ohrbit!,ai a\aeL1t:

r rr irr rrrirrrrrrlilr[. lo Irc\,at]t lorsol lite ir s!'\'err proli..rt." dalntr.-c. or

,irrr.iL,n,,r hr-lrrrss i|.r.:cotdir,]r:c rrirlt rlrc proa.Jrnr.paailla.l ubortlbrr;porling,ron-compliruce.

.., | ,rr ii ar,rtJrll,ltS


I ) i\linc rlrxDigcnlent shall provide toilcts lbr labors along Nith septic tank and soak pit,

\\. rr|((.|LrI..1...
Consent Order M.P. Pollulion Control Board
E-5, Arera Color."-
Paryavaran Parisar, Bhopal - 16 NIP
Tele : 0755-2466191, F ax-07 55-2463'112


Ir,,p;r.rll .rrhutiltcil to the lloiuJ with rc1'crcnce to generation olentrssiol uld same shall ht'operated & maintaiDerj
.,'rrtirrLrorr. v so us ro achi:r,e thc Ievel ofprrllutanrs to tlie tollo$,ing rtlrrrci:ucls:-

i, ; I U(). )iorIa,ri llrr l)arr )ct,iis ar-e as llllorvs:

,, l',rri':tilirt. \1rt!'l il.rs rhon ll) n]lcr'(ill) - l()tl ux nrr (I,\{r,, Lrgtm' 24 hrs hasisi
I i':rii;nl:iic ir1.1lcr (lcrs lliln l.i nut.trur - r,(i pq nr' tl\l p.t rrr 1.1 hrs basisl
\ \,'lt.lr ,lr. \, i. lS{).lr-'l l[: llJ.r\,-s0 ! rlr
(r \.rru:.(r) , ,\r,1.: l\U.l r 1+ lrrs. HJ5r5l . St, !! rn
. r ,rrl,,,r \1.,rr.,.).r( lt ( )l (y hr. Ba:rir . ..l0ri0 lrr r),

l)r,rllis.. lcsr llr.nt :i ii[]tA) (lrrring dirv tinte lnd l() dt](-.\).1rrr-rlig nigirt timc.

.rr i, rr,,rt .riti,rLrrr.r,r itrr.i

' \ll ,rrlr.r lirj.lilr\e ullrissior sour.es such es leakagcs. seepages. sf)illages ctc slrall be eusured to be plugged or sealed or
nrr,li lrrrrllrt t(r t\otd thepubltc ruisatlce.

: lr,ilLrslr\'\lrilil titk"'c1t!.li\'. stcps ti)r cxt.-usi\,r- trecplanratioi prctirably il 0l tows ofrhe local tree specics with

J. \littl' tltittt:tg(ttttxl ih:lll collrlrtlcr x[(l rrnintltillcd prrl(litl rl)proicll roxd lj-ollr thc uline site.

.1. l.i\t.rl l\ lrr o,'Nll('r sl)rinlilc s\stcrl rlr.rll hc providod {)n hnul rr}jd.

a. I rur\lxltljttirro thxll bc donc thlough ij(,1(rrd vehiclc.

l, I r x \Pr)rl:lliil shoultl nol bc donc lhrouUh lbrcst nrcx.

llrr r) r, i'r.
M.P. Pollution Control Board
Consent Order E-5, Arcra ColonY
Paryavaran Parisar, Bhopal ' 16 \I]'
T ele t $7 55-2466191, Far-0?55-2463742


: ilJ ll r, tlrrirtll

\ r,ll IIru:rr'rLrur lUli(l \\ustcs:-

I\P'"lnx'l' Qrrnrir\ DisPosx!

!(, rt, l'li.li. l),r(l.i,t:r ,r,nl!riil $o,rl. rxrd h,,r'rl. grrrrrr\ l,.gs elt salc ro nuthorize(l p.rh/As Per CPCB. NtoEl Gnirlt lin€s i Othcrs'
I ltr,,.,rfIlicant iltirll tllo\\,the statfoflvladhya Pradesh l'olluri.rn uonrrol Board al1dor their authorized representatlve.
r r1.,.,, lii.,,.1'rr:(,,, r 1 ',',1 ui-l(,l.lrli,rls:
a To illsprct rlrv nralclial stocL. ntatltltiiclurinla plocersus- rijilator:j. l)remises etc to pedbrm the l'ullctio s ol'ihe
l, Io cut,:r trpoli thc alllillcalll's prcrttisus \\hete :ru cj]llre])l solllaa] is loclted .'r ill wbich att-v records are required tt'
[.. l.afl lrriilur ll]. tcrnts lirld c,)llditl()ns ot this (11)lisc'11.
i I ,r lr,rr r :r.!c\s al lcrs.)rlilblc tlr'lcs l() al\'r.r(irds.cqui!aLl lu be krPt uDdcr thc tcrnrs and coDdirions of lhis
,l t,) ln:lir.Ll riasonablc tim.s arJ-molitonl-rg eqlripDlert or moDitoriog method requrred il'l this Collsel]t: or,
..: I ) :ln1pl. .r{ tc.ls(,tllbl. tirncs an!' discharge or pollulants-

p..rrrr,:r Jiletr,,r'r 'l)ropriL't.tr -rhirll inltrre.lihtell' appl-,' tir the eonscltt wlth neI reqllisite inlonrlation

ri:rlll.r11, \ L)5

:. !,.rrrru.l tn |cspccr trf Warcr polhrtion c(nrtl.'l A.t lr)7.1 or Ait Pollutio[ CoDtrol xct. l!)81 or Aul]lorization
t|rr\ !\rrrsr,Il Ls
'Iransboundary movement) Rules 2016 only :rrrd does
LLnJrr rlrr pr or i;roos ol Hazat d(,us t1[d other \\'astc (lvlirn.igclncnt &
r,)r rcl.rL k) u|\ olhet l)epart[renn Ageircres. Liceose required liom other DepartDent/Agencies haYe to be obtained b]'the
IllIl :lllrrntcl', Jr)d l]avc tr) corllll\I scparatelv 3s pel there Acf l{rtlos.
h. llillirti(('col)Jeul irlrtllorisxtion lic. ifrny shalllTe t'ecor.'tllblc by titr R()ilrd !-\'cn.t a lalel date.

,1. . . ..1'i".r r'rt .'t lli. - 'rt.atll ctrllt,,rtsrtr.rrt

r)rfoirli,)n o1-.nntil.l |cnxlties irs pro\itlcrl rincier Lhc sectirin,l:{8) oflhe Waler Act or section 38 (g) ofthe Air Act.

,r irr prn lerllr lxr catrsa illcltrJill!, htltli(,t llllliled lo. dir lirllor!ttrg
Llrrr'iD3 rls I

t.r r \( ('larnl iernls nnLl co)ldili()lls l:rl tllis ( i)llscnl

rl,)()hr rilrrr rlri\ ('1,1lsc11l I'r'rrrisrcpresentaiiorr,rl i'uilLrIc ti] Jrs!losl hlll! all rrlcvl,li f'acts.

rrr-c..rLrr .rctiorr \!ill h. IrlilIxlc(1 J-{iiirtst th!' illdtrslr!.

1 \'{irc mirnagcur"'rll shall llcl lo lr tite nrirtittg actir ilv as p:r Lhc approve,l mitring plarr.

1. \lrnc rnuuage ent ,rhall providc pill:rrs to clEu l\' .l!'nlirrcrrte th. le0\e aiea.

-1. i\.1i1)c rltin.igclrtcut shall dcntarciltc il balIieI zone a-\ no rlrinittg zone in thc periphery of mining lease alea and
ilir,elLrrrctl ir glectt htlt.
Consent t M.P. Pollution Cortrol Board
E-5, Arcra Colony
ParyaYaran Parisar, Bhopal - 16 MP
Tele : 0755-24661 91, F ax-01 55-24637 42

rcljti t\! \\ill N,lr\rrlrrl lreisht {,l tlrc OB (lLrrrl)r shill )rol !'xcee(l l0 rnet!'rs andc.ich \ttge shxll bc ot-l(l rllelcrs
lr(r!lir \! rLh ,iLrP; ,,1 shirlllrL)t !\c.((l ,i5". Ilirrv sirullhi\,r lo trLt,-'llicli\c stcps to cltcck thc soil erosiurr lioln o\tr

l)t (,\ id!.11. Scd irrrr]]t.rtion pit; slrall bc ,:onst[lrtcJ .r tl]e com.'rs t)f ihr- grrhnd dmins rrrd .le-silt('d nt regLllaI

.rrLlicrjo.r !,\.1 rh. l.;relifilled rr'cl arrrl rih3brlrlxtior ol lllinad orrt arail.

- \liI]i lD.rrragcnreIrl shall plovid.'artillcial rcchur--ecr meirsures. rar11 \\atcr llalvcslit'lg s),stor]r.

\ \lrr.. uriln:t,rctllenl shxll fro!ide tincing alJ alound lhe lense Jr.:.1 lo prevent tlle accident haz rd.

c,,rLjrl hu rrrrirrr:rrnll r.rthin tlr!' l)rcsaiLled.t.r:td:_Lrrls.

Ir, (,)nrrolleii Lrlastrug shorrld he pr-aeir.'ed withthe us.old!'la) detrlrators and only druing daylinrd. The mitigdti!e
rrirsrir'i:s li,r e(,r)Lrol ol grolrrd',ibratiorrs anil to er'rest the ily rocks dnd borrlders should be inlplernerltcd

ll \liue nllnrgclnel'l ihrll subllit cn\ ironmentrl srateluaut lbl the plel ious year ending 3 l st Marchonorbefore 30tlr
\rnl(.nrbrr clclv yaiir 1() thc Borrii.

l:. Mlnc nrltnrgenrent shall ensure thc conrpliaDcc c,fcouditiurs ol Envitonmental clearrnce.

\ll'l'( Li tihr. li) 1il]r. irs reqLrirc(l rrrd il rtpplie;rblc

1J. trlrre sh:rlL iompl), $rth tht' l)irecti,rDs'urd.rs irisurd b,"- Hol]'ble Supre[re Court,/HrBh Coxn,/ NC l tirDe to tinrc in the
rclc\,il]]tt'iiit I'!lilic)r1:i.
( orrr.rr,'nulhorizition as lrquircd utrdel thc \{aler (l'rerention & Control ol l'ollution) Act, 1974,'1hc .\ir
ll'r$tntir)n (t coutrol of t'ollution) Acl. l98lis grarted to youl industr-y subiect to lullillment of all thc corditiots
:rclltirillC(l rbo\e. Ior reDer\al purpose r,ou shill hr\'e lo rurke:rn applitrtion to this Board through XC\ at lc:rst Sir

lhc llo:rrtl \hxll not l)ring in lr) usc nlrl outlet Ior thc diicLarge ol cf]luent and g:rseous ernission.

['or rtrd olr tlelralf oI

M,P. Pollution C0ntr ol llorr(l

llv the ordcr ol Cbairman. MPt'C-ll


(()r g:roic ,\ulhcut'i(:rtion olr..\:\DHr\R t'rtm l]ID.\l Ser\,er) llembcr Socrelar\
t t' \\ F I t\ "\K

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