Causes and Effects of Global Warming Essay

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Causes And Effects Of Global Warming Essay

Crafting an essay on the causes and effects of global warming is no simple task. It requires a
comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between various environmental, social, and
economic factors. The research involved is extensive, and one must sift through a plethora of
scientific studies, climate reports, and statistical data to form a nuanced and well-informed

Navigating the myriad causes of global warming demands a keen awareness of issues such as
greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, industrial practices, and the use of fossil fuels. The
challenge lies not only in presenting these causes but also in dissecting their intricate connections and
identifying the primary drivers of climate change.

Transitioning to the effects of global warming adds another layer of complexity. Here, the writer
must explore the consequences on ecosystems, weather patterns, sea levels, and biodiversity. Delving
into the impacts on human societies, from rising sea levels displacing populations to the exacerbation
of extreme weather events, necessitates a deep dive into socio-economic and geopolitical dynamics.

Moreover, the essay should not merely outline the causes and effects in isolation but should strive to
establish a coherent narrative that highlights the interconnectedness of these elements. The challenge
is to present a compelling argument that communicates the urgency of addressing global warming
and its multifaceted implications for the planet and its inhabitants.

In conclusion, tackling the subject of the causes and effects of global warming in an essay is a
formidable undertaking. It requires not only a command of the scientific aspects but also a skillful
synthesis of information to create a cohesive and persuasive narrative. Nonetheless, the importance
of addressing this critical issue makes the effort worthwhile, as understanding the complexities of
global warming is crucial in fostering informed discussions and inspiring meaningful action.

For those seeking assistance in crafting similar essays or exploring a broader range of topics,
professional writing services like offer valuable support. Their experienced writers
can provide guidance and expertise to help navigate the challenges of essay writing on complex
Causes And Effects Of Global Warming Essay Causes And Effects Of Global Warming Essay
Marketing Strategies For Developing Market Strategies
The purpose of this assignment is to investigate that what is marketing what is the
process involved in developing market strategies .So we will also try to find out what are
the different options available in developing marketing strategies .Marketing itself can be
defined as group of customers, consumers, clients and the distinction between want and
need, from the perspective of Product and service functionality, dependence and
performance Perception, ownership and use Value and meaning Branding, brand value
and competitive advantage Marketing communications Projection of ideas and concepts
to target markets. So throughout the assignment as marketing manager we will try to
find out how to develop marketing strategies.
Learning outcome 1 Understand the principles of strategic marketing management
1.1discussion of the role of strategic marketing in an organisation
Strategic Marketing is a process of creating superior customer value resulting in the
creation of superior shareholder value and a sustainable competitive advantage Diasz
(2012). A marketing strategy consists of an internally integrated but externally focused
set of choices about how the organization addresses its customers in the context of a
competitive environment. A strategy has five elements: it deals with where the
organization plans to be active; how it will get there; how it will succeed in the
marketplace; what the speed and sequence of moves will be; and how the organization
will obtain
Deontological Ethics Kant
Deontological Ethics and Immanuel Kant Kant s theory of ethics was named
deontological theory by Jeremy Bentham. Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher
in 18th century. Kant is a father of the modern philosophy. He believed that all
philosophers should address two main questions. First one is What can I know?
Second is, What should I do? Personal autonomy what restricted by Moral Law is a
base of Kant s ethical theory. Kant was influenced by the Stoics and as a result his
theory focused on what is right thing to do. Sometimes right things are valuable by
this theory because we all have duties and obligations between each other according to
Kant. All actions should be done with good will, moral duty and maximus. Good will
means always do what is right. Moral duty is behavior what everyone respects and it
applies to everyone, everywhere and always. Maximus is a reason for any action. To
find out what is a right thing to do, Kant used a two step verification system through first
and second version of Categorical Imperative. Everything that passes both systems is
right to do. Basically, for the first form person should form maximus and universalize it.
For a second form, person needs to check that everyone was treated with respect to their
autonomy.... Show more content on ...
By this theory everyone has personal autonomy and all people are equally important.
For example, you cannot kill one person because it will lead to happiness of thousand
people and angry mob want to do it. Additionally, consequences are not very important
if you are doing the right thing. For example, if doctor tried to save someone s life and
he failed it does not mean that he needs to be judged as a killer. Also, this theory has
good verification system of what is right and wrong. Finally, all people are equal and
should be treated with respect and cannot be used by
Harlem Renaissance Impact
The Harlem Renaissance was a movement of cultural appreciation of African Americans
looking for better life in the neighborhood of Harlem. Producing works in music,
literature, and art, stressing the importance of equality and appreciation amongst their
different cultures between Whites and Blacks. After The Migration, very important
figures of the time of the Harlem Renaissanceemerged such as Langston Hughes, Zora
Neale Hurston, Jean Toomer, Arna Bontemps, and Claude McKay who contributed
literary works which had large influences. The Harlem Renaissance changed the lives of
African Americans and viewpoints of their own culture along with other cultures
viewpoint of their own.
The Harlem Renaissance was a movement of new works in art and literature from
African Americans in New York from about 1910 to about 1940. Harlem was
originally a neighborhood consisting of white upper class people until the Great
Migration, when large numbers of African Americans flocked to Harlem, causing some
Whites to leave. The government in the South had made laws which stated that Blacks
could now own their own lands but instead, former laws were reestablished, resulting
in these blacks that had now owned land, in debt to former owners, causing the creation
of Sharecroppers. They were given a choice between labor contracts which would
fundamentally mean they were slaves once more or to be evicted from their homes.
Eventually, this caused the Great Migration. These African Americans started migrating
to the urban areas of the North to look for better lives and to seek work from businesses
looking for cheap labor. ( Sharecropping , 2010.)
In the 1920s, a vast majority of African Americans flocked to the North. Even though the
North still had segregation and inequalities, the South had far less economic
opportunities and mostly was involved in the business of Share Cropping which largely
caused the fleeing of African Americans, originally. The South still participated in race
riots, and the area was just far too dangerous for many blacks to live. Businesses began
looking for cheap laborers in which these African Americans were going to provide when
migrating from the rural South to the urban cities of the North. The neighborhood
The Influence Of Soccer As A Soccer Game
Everyone has that one special thing. The thing that is comfortable and familiar. The
thing that makes every problem, worry, and doubt go away. My thing is soccer. I
cannot recall a time in my life where I didn t have a ball at my feet. Soccer has been a
major part of my life ever since I was born. From attending my first soccer game at the
young age of one month, playing my first soccer game when I was two years old, and
still playing to this day, it is safe to say that soccer has taken over my life. To be a
successful soccer player, you need an abundance of different qualities or skills. Good
footwork, passing, and shooting are all major components when it comes to the
technical side of the game. However, soccer is a very physical sport; and to keep up
with your opponent, you need to be aggressive and competitive. At the age of two,
physicality can be a scary thing for a little girl. Although I can t recall it myself, my
parents always bring up the meltdown that I had before I played in my first soccer
game. They say that right before the game started, I began to cry uncontrollably. My
dad, being the coach, came to my side to ask me what the matter was. In response, I
told him that I didn t want to take the ball away from the kids on the other team
because it was mean. He then explained to me that my opponents would be trying to
take the ball away from me too, and that it was just a part of the game. It is still a
running joke that I haven t been the same
Romanticism As A Source Of Spirituality
Romanticism is a time period in history based on a cultural revolution. It is defined
differently based on geographical location, however it overall incorporates the same
common principles: (1) imagination, (2) individuality, (3) nature as a source of
spirituality, (4) looking to the past for wisdom, and (5) seeing the common man as a
hero. These common principles are what inspired writers and artists of the time to
fabricate ideas. This is how the period got named romanticism for the term romantic,
[was] long synonymous with false, fictitious and unnatural (Courthion, 1961, p. 7).
Defining the movement is what overtime pulled the art community away from the
previous baroque era. By the late 1700s romance thus had come to refer broadly to any
work that could be distinguished from works principally realistic in form and subject
matter (Davey, 2006). Against the common misconception, the Romantic Movement was
not considered to be strongly influenced by love. Instead the historically been associated
with narratives of adventure, romance, and myth as opposed to realistic stories or
portrayals of history, politics, or everyday life (Romanticism, 2014).
The Beginning Historians associate the Romantic Movement as coming out of Europe as
[it was a] reaction to Napoleonic era conservatism and the political norms and the
rationalization of nature associated with Enlightenment (Romanticism, 2014). The focus
on romantic literature commenced in
Summary Of The Article Deeply Flawed By Lance Armstrong
The article Deeply flawed. Lance Armstrong admits using performance enhancing
drugs is about Lance Armstrong admitting to using performance enhancing drugs in his
sport of cycling. It outlines key concepts of the what he said in the Oprah interview. It
explores how he took testosterone and human growth hormone, as well as EPO which
is a naturally occurring substance in the body which stimulates red blood cell growth
(it increase the amount of oxygen that can travel to your muscles, which improves
recovery and endurance) and why he did it. He said to do it because everyone was,
Armstrong believed he wouldn t have been able to win his 7 Tour de Francetitles without
doping. The article also explores how Armstrong knows it was a mistake and... Show
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The article has increased my knowledge on how EPO, testosterone and human growth
hormones are the most commonly used drugs in cycling. It explored how the
performance level of cyclist s was so high and this was because they were using
performance enhancing drugs. I realised that the cyclist was taking the drugs because
everyone was and there was very little chance of being caught. Armstrong admitted to
using them because everyone in the field was and he believed he couldn t win without
taking them. Armstrong at the time didn t even consider it cheating. It was just
something you did if you wanted to win. Drugs in cycling lead to an environment where
people weren t winning because they had trained the hardest and had the most ability but
rather an environment where they didn t even consider taking performance enhancing
drugs as cheating. The consequences and prospect of being caught were always there,
but the cyclist were willing to cheat even though they could potentially lose everything;
respect, titles and trust. The article also increased my knowledge on how they got away
with it for so long. The drug use in cycling was occurring so much over Armstrong s
time because the drug testers didn t have a way to find out whether the cyclist were

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