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An Essay On Indian Culture

Writing an essay on the topic of "An Essay On Indian Culture" can be both intriguing and
challenging. The difficulty arises from the vastness and diversity of Indian culture, which spans
thousands of years and encompasses a multitude of traditions, languages, art forms, religions, and
social practices.

To tackle such a broad subject, one must carefully select and organize the information, ensuring a
balanced representation of the various aspects of Indian culture. The challenge lies in capturing the
essence of this rich cultural tapestry while avoiding oversimplification or superficiality. Moreover,
delving into the historical, religious, and social dimensions requires a nuanced understanding to
present a comprehensive and accurate portrayal.

Balancing depth and breadth is another hurdle. The temptation to cover everything may lead to a
superficial treatment of each aspect, while focusing too narrowly may result in missing the holistic
picture. Striking the right balance is crucial to provide readers with a meaningful exploration of
Indian culture.

Additionally, addressing potential biases and stereotypes demands careful consideration. Given the
diversity within India, it is important to avoid generalizations that oversimplify or misrepresent
certain communities or practices. A well-researched and culturally sensitive approach is necessary to
ensure a respectful and accurate representation.

In conclusion, writing an essay on Indian culture requires thorough research, a keen understanding of
cultural nuances, and the ability to present information in a coherent and engaging manner. It is a
task that demands both academic rigor and cultural sensitivity to do justice to the richness and
complexity of the topic.

And for those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, various resources are
available, including professional writing services like .
An Essay On Indian Culture An Essay On Indian Culture
Telecommunication Is The Real Face Of The Advances Of...

Telecommunication is the real face of the advances in Information Technology (IT). In

fact, the overwhelming advances that humankind has seen in the last decades in IT
(internet, telephone, television and radio broadcasting, satellite communication) are
effects of the advance of Telecommunications (normally the word is used in plural
because it encompasses different types of means of transmission). From the electrical
telegraph of Samuel Morse (1837) to the transmission of voice and image over the
Internet (Skype, Hangout etc.), the Telecommunications has developed too much and
affected the world and the human being behavior.

Telecommunications means the transmission of information between two stations.

Basically, a transmitter, a receiver and an electrical mean channel are enough to complete
a telecommunication process. The channel can be a cable, electromagnetic waves or
fiber optics. This system is interconnected in a very large network on which all
communications in the world is done. A simple fixed telephone call, a cellphone call, a
satellite transmission, an e mail, a download of a music, everything is possible because
of this network.

Even though the main goal of this network is the communication, it can go beyond this.
Actually, this large system supports the international trade, the online education, the
exchanging of messages (e mail, short message), the Internet, the bank transactions and
many other services. Besides, a new kind of
Use Of Force
The Use of Force William Carlos Williams, the author of the story uses a doctor, which
is on a house call to show variety of emotions and decision making that a doctor has to
deal with. The author also illustrates a brief conflict between a patient and a doctor.
The use of force is a short story about one little girl, Mathilda Olson. She has been
severely sick from past 3 days. Mathilda Olson may have diphtheria, a contagious
disease that has been going around in the area, and that disease had killed two kids
already. The mother of Mathilda quickly calls for the doctorand the doctor takes no time
to get there to check the patient. When the doctor arrives at the patient s house, Mathilda
s mother quickly directs the doctor to the kitchen, since it was cold in... Show more
content on ...
He notices that she has been starring at him with no expression on her face what so
ever. The doctor was than concerned that the child may have diphtheria, which has been
causing her sickness. The parents didn t really give enough information about her
sickness. The doctor quickly realizes that she has fever from past 3 days. Mathilda s dad
tells the doctor that, his wife has given her things to help her with her sickness but that
hasn t resulted in anything yet. Doctor asks the parents that, does she has a sore throat?
Both parents quickly respond by replying no and that she has no problem with her throat.
Doctor questions the parents again that if they have checked that? Mathilda s mother
answers that she has tried to but she didn t see anything. The doctor uses his customary
professional manners to determine whether the child has a sore throat. However,
Mathilda refuses to open her mouth while she is still staring at the doctor. No matter how
hard the doctor tried his using his generous behavior to get mathilda to cooperate but it
wasn t enough. Even when her mother tried melting her down by using her undertones
such as he wont hurt you... look how kind he is to you... she even
Egyptian Revolution Vs American Revolution

In February 2011, when the Tahrir Square movement forced President Hosni Mubarak
to resign, Abdel Fattah El Sisi became leader and president. Sisi is soft spoken and very
different from the other leaders. Mubarak held his power for almost 30 years. He was
overthrown by a revolution that lacked leadership and organizational structure. In June
2012, Egypt s first democratic Presidential election was won by Mohamed Morsi, a
leader of the Brotherhood. Morsi didn t wait for anything, he forced the retirement of
the Minister of Defense, along with the leaders of the Navy, the Air Defense, and the
Air Force. This move was praised by young Egyptian advocates or opponents, who saw
it as a sign that Morsi was determined to reduce the Army s ... Show more content on ...
This relates to the theme because the people of Egypt got rid of President Hosni
Mubarak and eventually wanted to overthrow Mohamed Morsi. That is exactly what
revolution is. It s the overthrowing of an established government such as their president.
The Egyptian revolution is similar to the American revolution because the thirteen
colonies revolted against Great Britain in 1763 lasting until 1785 just like Egypt revolted
against their presidents and governments. The American Revolution ended in favor of the
thirteen colonies because they got their independence from Great Britain like they
wanted by becoming the United States of America. The Egypt revolution worked at first
when they overthrew President Mubarak but not President Morsi.
I think Egypt did the right thing by revolting against President Morsi. He was only
doing things to benefit himself. It sounded like he was trying to become the one and
only leader of Egypt when he issued a Presidential ruling that gave him all temporary
powers beyond the reach of any court or system. That s not fair. If I was in Egypt s
situation I would definitely try to rebel against him too just like the state institutions such
as the police did. I would do everything in my power to get him out of the presidential
role. That is what I think about the Egypt
Parable Of Despair By Octavia Butler
Thomas Sweeny Wong
Period 5

Parable of Despair

The world is dying.

There is too much injustice.
We need to fix it. Thomas Sweeny Wong

The future is tough to predict. Parable of the Sower is a very well written science
fiction novel by Octavia Butler. The setting is California in the year 2025. The world is
not prosperous anymore and has turned into a poverty stricken place. There are
countless homeless people, jobs are scarce, and there are very few communities of
homes. The few communities that are still occupied have huge walls with barbed wire
and laser wire surrounding them. There are robberies, murders, and rapes just about
every day. People walk the streets naked and bloody because their clothes were stolen
or they could never find any. Some people live in the hills like animals. They kill
anything that comes along, human or not, for food and to protect their territory. Some
of these people are drug addicts who create fires for their own satisfaction. Everyone
who has a chance to live must carry a gun so no one can harm or try to do anything to
them. In this society the police do not help because you have to pay them to come to
the scene of a crime. Most people cannot afford to pay their fees so they handle
whatever they can on their own. The protagonist of this story, Lauren, decides to leave
this society for something better an forms a spiritual group called Earthseed. The word
earthseed is actually a metaphor.
The dominant metaphor of the
My Reading Day
The wind started to blow. The tree house started to spin. It spun faster and faster. Then
everything was still. Absolutely still. This was the beginning of all my childhood
adventures. It was a chilly dull Friday. The sky and the smell of the air reviled that it
was going to rain. Mrs. Anderson: my fifth grade teacher, had an AR reading day
planned for the class. AR is a system mostly used for elementary schools to encourage
kids to read. After you re done reading you have to take a test on a computer.
Depending on your grade depends on the amount of points you will receive, the points
vary from book to book. Mrs. Anderson gave the class permission to bring a blanket to
wrap up in while reading along with snacks. Most of the class had to stay inside the
class room or right up against the wall outside. Having a passion for reading and being
well behaved allowed me to venture out of those boundaries.
Unknowingly, this is where everything would start to change. As soon as Mrs. Anderson
dismissed me, I walked strait to the library. To be completely honest I didn t walk to the
library, I ran. Accidently swinging the front door open to eagerly and having to catch it
from hitting the wall. I sped walked through the over baring scent of citrus table
cleaner. Right after I escaped the table cleaner before it could completely smother me, I
could begin to smell the alluring scent of books. I proceed to the third book shelf on the
left. Slouched against the wall next to the book

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