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Informative Essay Topics

Crafting an essay on the topic "Informative Essay Topics" can present a unique challenge. While it
may seem straightforward at first glance, delving into the realm of informative topics requires careful
consideration and research. The difficulty lies in selecting a topic that strikes the right balance
between being engaging and informative, while also ensuring that there is enough credible
information available to support the discussion.

Firstly, there's the challenge of narrowing down the vast array of potential topics to find one that is
not only interesting but also relevant and suitable for the intended audience. This process can be
time-consuming and requires a good understanding of the target audience's interests and knowledge

Once a topic is selected, the next hurdle is conducting thorough research to gather accurate and up-
to-date information. This often involves sifting through numerous sources, evaluating their
credibility, and synthesizing the information into a coherent and informative essay.

Additionally, structuring the essay in a way that effectively conveys the information to the reader can
be challenging. It requires careful organization of ideas, clear and concise writing, and the use of
appropriate examples or evidence to support key points.

Moreover, ensuring that the essay remains unbiased and objective is essential when discussing
informative topics. It's important to present information accurately and impartially, without allowing
personal biases or opinions to sway the argument.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on informative topics may seem straightforward, it involves
various challenges, including topic selection, research, organization, and maintaining objectivity.
However, with careful planning, research, and writing, it is possible to create an informative and
engaging essay that effectively educates and informs the reader.

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Informative Essay TopicsInformative Essay Topics
Radicalism And Radical Environmentalism
Environmental writers have always written radically about the environment because that
is what is necessary. The difference between the radical ecologists of today is radical
theory becoming radical action. Henry David Thoreau wrote plenty of radical ideas,
though his most often radical thought comes from On the Duty of Civil Disobedience.
Civil Disobedience provides modern day activists and ecologists with the foundation of
why it is important think critically about government actions, as well as showing readers
direct action against the government. Thoreau contributes partially to the eventual
formation of the radical ecology movement in this sense. The other half of the ideology
of radical environmentalists was popularized by Aldo Leopoldin Sand County Almanac.
Leopold s idea of a land ethicand biocentrism is the main ideology that drives radical
environmentalists. Only when Leopold and Thoreau are put together does a full picture
begin to form of what it takes to understand radical ecologists. Thoreau and Leopold lay
the groundwork for creating the perfect radical environmental movement; where Thoreau
gives instruction on action against the government and the majority, Leopold gives the
radical movement the idea to act on, biocentrism. To understand the conversation of
radicalism as informed by Thoreau and Leopold, there are some ideas that need to be
defined. What does it mean for an environmentalist to be radical? Is radicalism the same
as terrorism? Radicalism is an umbrella term, often used in a myriad of ways. Analyzing
the environmental movement, radical ideology is the concept that the world is
unsustainable, and the ideas put forth to make the world sustainable require a massive
shift in collective societal thought as well as a massive shift in the way most
communities, cities, states, etc. live (Sessions, 1995). The shift in collective thought
would be away from anthropomorphism, the idea that humans are the most important
thing in the world, towards biocentrism, the idea that all things in nature matter equally.
An idea, or action, can be radical without being violent towards living things. This is the
important distinction between radicalism and terrorism. For an action to be terrorism, it
An Examination of Glaxosmithkline Performance in Society
Companies are expected by society to act responsibly which translates into a set of
corporate responsibility principles, the outcome being a substantial difference to the
durability, prosperity and liveability of the communities in which they operate (Smith
2008).GlaxoSmithKline is a world leading research based pharmaceutical company, with
a mission that is challenging and arousing to improve the quality of human life.
GlaxoSmithKlinehas a robust combination of resources and skills delivering strong
growth in today s rapidly changing environment (Pangarkar 2006). The company also has
leadership in four major therapeutic areas, anti infective, central nervous system,
respiratory and gastro intestinal/metabolic and is also leading in the... Show more content
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Giving Priority to water consumption, the company aims to go beyond saving water not
only in their operations but also engage in issues related to water borne diseases
(GlaxoSmithKline n.d.)
Another Community initiative that GlaxoSmithKline is engaged in is the Personal
Hygiene and Sanitation Programme; this is an education program to reduce diarrhoea
related disease. As per statistics every year about 2 million people die of diarrhoea
related disease majority of them are children in developing countries, therefore the aim
of this programme is to educate children in hygiene (Tregear 2005). The impact of this
on the organization leads to improved visibility, and a global recognition leading to
more investors in the company and more prospective customers. Good comments. In
addition to this the company is also a supporter of Hospice care network in Canada that
improves quality of life for terminally ill people and their families.GSK helped develop
several strategies to address complex issues affecting the hospice community (Svendsen
and Laberge 2005). Through this the company built strong, trust based relationships with
its stakeholders.
During the Asian crisis, there were many restructurings and job
The Sexuality Of The Victorian Century
In modern day America and many other countries, it is common for women to express
their sexuality. Trends such as crop tops and high waisted shorts have allowed this to
be acceptable to society. During the 19th century Victorian era, behaviors like such
would be outrageous and horrifying. In that time, sexuality was especially feared.
Women were viewed as domestic goddesses; their only desire was to care for the family
and fulfill their husband s needs. It became quite common that women came to also have
anxiety over their sexuality. This is clearly seen in Draculathrough Lucy s diary entries.
Despite her ultimate transformation into a sensual character, she begins as a woman
hiding her sexual cravings. In his gothic novel, Dracula, Bram Stokeruses the title
character to expose the repressed sexuality of the other characters, especially the
females, criticizing the beliefs of the Victorian Era about woman as sexless figures.
Throughout the novel, Lucy and Mina embark on a transformation from ideal
Victorian woman to vampires. This represents them crossing the line between
conservative women to sexual beings. Even in Lucy s most domestic state, she
expresses a desire for sex. In one day, Lucy is proposed to by three different men.
Overjoyed by these proposals she states, Why can t they let a girl marry three men, or
as many as want her, and save all this trouble? But this is heresy, and I must not say it
(Stoker 80). Essentially, Lucy is stating that she would like to

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