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PETE 524 Advanced Well Logging

Due Date: February 12th, 2024

Q1: Water saturation in homogeneous/single porosity formations can be determined

using Archie equation as follows:

S wn =
 m Rt

1. Explain, how the parameters a, m, and n can be determined in the laboratory?

2. The electrical parameters a, m, and n are strong function of rock mineralogy.
1. Explain, why the lithology change affects these parameters?
2. List the range of these parameters in different rocks.
3. Investigate the uncertainty of each parameter on the water saturation
4. Pore size distribution, pore throat distribution, what is the difference
between the two terms? How they can be determined? Explain
(mathematically) their effect on the electrical parameters.

Q2: Caliper log is considered one of the lithology logs,

1. Explain, how caliper log can be used as a lithology indicator

2. What are the types of caliper tools?

3. Explain how the oriented caliper can be used in wellbore instability


Support your answer with real examples (if possible), do complete citation for the
references that you will use to support your answer.

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