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A Survey on Hybrid Circuit-Breaker Topologies

Anshuman Shukla, Member, IEEE, and Georgios D. Demetriades, Member, IEEE

Abstract—The applications of power semiconductors in cir- Recently, considerable progress has also been achieved in
cuit-breaker (CB) technology can help achieve considerable the applications of power semiconductors in CBs [5], [7]–[11].
improvement in its performance and possible new capabilities. In In one of these applications, an appropriate semiconductor
this paper, new trends in power electronics for the applications in
CBs are presented. It also summarizes and reviews the appropriate device is used to function as a CB itself, thereby, replacing the
hybrid mechanical-static CB topologies. Various conventional and MCBs. This configuration is called the solid-state CB (SSCB)
derived topologies for ac as well as dc applications are described. [12]–[27]. SSCBs, based on high-power semiconductors, offer
Discussions about common and future trends in this technology many advantages when compared to conventional solutions,
development are presented. This study will provide a useful since a solid-state breaker is able to switch in few microsec-
framework and point of reference for the future development of
hybrid CBs for various different applications. onds. In an SSCB, due to the absence of moving parts, there
is no arcing, contact erosion, or bounce. SSCBs also result in
Index Terms—Current limiting, hybrid circuit breaker (HCB), increased system intelligence since it can also be used as a
mechanical circuit breaker (MCB), power electronics, semiconduc-
tors. soft starter. SSCB are much faster in minimizing fault duration
(reduced loss of load probability due to votage sag), However,
because of the semiconductor’s small but still finite onstate
I. INTRODUCTION resistance resulting in heating and power loss, the SSCBs fail
as far as the first basic requirement of a CB mentioned above is
concerned. Therefore, thermal capability of the semiconductor

A circuit breaker (CB) is required to accomplish the fol-

lowing basic requirements: 1) large current handling ca-
pability without excessive losses; 2) capability of very fast tran-
wafer is a serious issue in this application. Furthermore, SSCBs
are rather expensive and have relatively large dimensions.
They are also sensitive to overvoltages and overcurrents, which
sition from the conducting to the blocking state in case of a fault, may break down the junctions of power semiconductors. In
without damaging itself in the process; and 3) after current inter- dc applications based on the power-flow direction, and in ac
ruption, when it is open, the dielectric strength must be built up applications, all possible SSCBs use bidirectional semicon-
in order to block any current despite the high potentials at termi- ductor switches [14]–[16]. This implies double component
nals [1]–[7]. The classical mechanical circuit breakers (MCBs) count, considerably high complexity of the system, and lower
have a very small contact resistance (a few ) in the closed reliability compared to MCBs. Therefore, SSCBs are restricted
position, and represent galvanic separation in the open state. to applications with a limited rate of increase of fault currents,
Therefore, they exhibit excellent performance for the first and where fast switchings are the top priority and incurring losses
third requirements mentioned before. However, it could actually are manageable.
fail in the second requirement due to the transient conditions of It is clear that at very high currents, the MCBs are still a more
the switching circuits (primarily inductive), unless sufficient de- feasible solution than the SSCBs. However, recently, significant
sign tolerances are used [1]–[4]. Furthermore, they have a long interests have developed in combining semiconductor device(s)
reaction time due to the need for blowing the arc in a chute. with an MCB in a proper way to configure a new family of CBs
In the modern power systems scenario, the reliability, us- called hybrid circuit breakers (HCBs) [7]. The main aim of this
ability, controllability, loss, cost, maintenance, and fast response paper is to give a general overview of the research activities and
are some of the most important considerations. However, until recent advancements in HCB technology for all voltage/power
very recently, there were very few alternatives to MCBs. Fur- ratings. The concepts, principles of operation, main features,
ther, in electric grids, the handling of the short circuit is an im- advantages, and possible shortcomings of several HCB topolo-
portant issue to increase power quality (PQ). Therefore, there gies have been described. The important areas in which further
is a growing need to improve the performance of the CBs and research and development are needed in this field have been
look into other possible alternatives to MCBs. identified.


Manuscript received August 26, 2013; revised March 26, 2014 and May 14, As discussed before, the MCBs and SSCBs do not individu-
2014; accepted June 08, 2014. Paper no. TPWRD-00980-2013.
ally meet all three basic requirements of a CB. Interestingly, an
A. Shukla is with the Department of Electrical Engineering., Indian Institute
of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India (e-mail: SSCB (MCB) can still perform admirably for one of these re-
G. D. Demetriades is with ABB Corporate Research, Västerås SE-72178 , quirements where an MCB (SSCB) fails. Therefore, a parallel
Sweden (e-mail:
combination of semiconductor(s) and an MCB might well com-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at bine the advantages of both, resulting in an HCB. An HCB al-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2331696 lows a combination of the MCB’s current-carrying function and

0885-8977 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 1. Example hybrid CB schematic.

SSCB’s high-speed arcless interrupting function. In order to ob-

tain the same benefits in an HCB as in static interruption, a suf- Fig. 2. Current waveforms during fault.
ficiently fast enough mechanical contacts opening is required.
For example, in an HCB presented in [54], a mechanical switch
opening time of 70 s was achieved.
A classic HCB configuration used in an ac circuit is shown
in Fig. 1, where represents a mechanical switch remaining
closed under normal conditions and, hence, allows the main cur-
rent to flow through it. Therefore, the onstate power loss is kept
limited to the range as in an equivalent MCB. The semicon- Fig. 3. Bidirectional switches.
ductor devices connected in parallel to operate after a fault
occurrence and perform the fault circuit interruption. Normally,
the switched-on power-electronic devices provide a much lower Although the bidirectional switches in Fig. 3 are shown
impedance path to the fault current after starts to open. This to be implemented using insulated-gate bipolar transistors
causes the current to commutate from to the power-electronics (IGBTs), other controllable devices, such as gate turn-off
path. In a dc HCB, some passive elements are essentially re- thyristors (GTOs), metal–oxide semiconductor field-effect
quired for forcing the dc fault current to zero. However, these transistor (MOSFET), metal–oxide semiconductor-controlled
elements may not be required in an ac network due to the natural thyristor (MCT), insulated-gate commutated transistor (IGCT),
zero crossing. It is to be noted that as the power-electronic de- gate-commutated turnoff thyristor (GCT), etc., may similarly
vice is turned off to finally clear the fault, the voltage across be used.
it rises due to the stored energy in the line inductance. This In general, the following features characterize an HCB: 1)
voltage may reach a very high value and destroy the HCB if In an HCB, the fault current needs a certain time to commutate
no additional components are used for reducing the voltage. from the MB to the semiconductor; on the other hand, SSCB can
As shown in Fig. 1, an overvoltage protection device (e.g., a quickly interrupt the current depending on the semiconductor’s
metal–oxide varistor) is connected in parallel to the power-elec- capabilities; it implies that the current which the semiconductor
tronic switches to reduce the peak voltage. Therefore, by lim- has to interrupt is significantly higher compared with the SSCB;
iting the voltage magnitude during turn-off, the varistor protects 2) conduction losses are not an issue as the current in normal
the HCB from damage. After this varistor action, subsequently, operation flows through the mechanical switch; nevertheless,
the line inductance is demagnetized which results in current re- heat sinks are required because the fault current is commutated
duction to zero. to the semiconductor during faults; and 3) a mechanical switch
The representative waveforms illustrating the HCB opera- is required with sufficient capability to withstand system voltage
tion are plotted in Fig. 2. A fault occurs at and after a and overvoltages. Although an HCB possesses many features,
sufficient delay starts to open at . The static switch is its design and operation are challenging due to the following
also turned-on at . An arc is generated across and if issues:
the arc voltage is sufficient, the fault current will commutate 1) different reaction times (fault detection, interruption times)
to the semiconductor path as shown in Fig. 2. In this mode, required for the two components; for example, the inter-
the fault current flows through as well as through the semi- ruption time of an ac MCB is in the range of
conductor path. After current commutation and arc extinction , whereas for a controllable solid-state device,
at , the fault current flows through the semiconductor as the range is ; current interruption through
shown in Fig. 2. In order to avoid arc reignition, the conduction the solid-state device can be in the range of a couple of
time should be comparably large. When the semiconductor is ’s if the stray inductance of the circuit is very low;
turned off, the stored energy in the line inductance is absorbed 2) different current rating capabilities of the MCB and the
by the overvoltage protection device as shown in Fig. 2. solid-state devices; the conventional MCB can interrupt a
The HCB in Fig. 1 is for ac and, hence, requires semi- fault current of up to some tens of kiloamperes, whereas
conductor device(s) having bidirectional current carrying the controllable solid-state devices, for example, IGBTs,
capability. In Fig. 3, three main bidirectional switch configu- can interrupt currents only up to a few kiloamperes;
rations are shown. The selection of such devices depends on 3) the separation of the mechanical contacts is dependent on
component count, complexity, and reliability, among others. the fault current magnitude; higher fault current implies a
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. DC HCB using photogated transistors [30].

Fig. 5. DC HCB using FET [32].

larger separation of contacts; the arc voltage should be suf-

ficient; otherwise, the current will not be able to commutate In [32], an HCB for the dc power system on an aircraft was
from the mechanical breaker to the semiconductor; proposed with the schematic shown in Fig. 5. The making and
4) arc voltage: in order to commutate the current from breaking using a conventional MCB may be very difficult at
the mechanical breaker to the solid-state device, an arc high altitude because of the low mobility of an arc at low pres-
voltage, which is sufficiently higher than the solid-state sure. In such applications, the weight and volume are the de-
device voltage drop, is required [88]; ciding factors in the breaker design. A semiconductor with very
5) commutation time: in an HCB, the mechanical and the large current carrying capability may not be feasible because
solid-state devices form a closed loop that has its own in- of its large weight and size. The HCB presented in [32] has
ductance; if this loop inductance is high, then high com- been designed based on these considerations. A power field-ef-
mutation time is required; high commutation time results fect transistor (FET) is used as the semiconductor connected in
in a further increase in magnitude of the fault current and, parallel in this breaker. The normal current flows through the
therefore, the solid-state device is forced to interrupt very MCB for low wattage dissipation. The semiconductor would
high currents; make or break the circuit since its switching characteristics are
6) conduction time of the solid-state device depends on the unaffected by the altitude. To keep the semiconductor size lim-
following factors: 1) high-conduction time is required in ited, the maximum current that the FET can conduct is chosen
order to completely commutate the current from the me- to be less than the maximum fault current magnitude. In case of
chanical to the solid-state switch; 2) high-conduction time a fault, the main contacts are opened, resulting in an arc. For the
is required when the loop inductance is high; and 3) high- fault current magnitude that is less than the semiconductor-rated
conduction time is required in order to extinguish the arc current, the FET is turned on immediately after arc occurrence,
of the mechanical breaker, that is, to establish zero cur- resulting in current commutation to the semiconductor element.
rent flow through the mechanical breaker; high-conduc- For current higher than the FET’s maximum current rating, it is
tion times result in high conduction losses and, as a result, not turned on and the arc voltage is allowed to increase. In this
overheating of the device which can lead to device fail- process, due to the increasing arc impedance, the fault current
ures; therefore, the conduction time should be kept as low reduces. In this case, the arc mobility should be guaranteed even
as possible. at such low pressure (at high altitudes). It is achieved through
Therefore, an HCB for an application should be designed the generation of an arc motion enhancement atmosphere by the
after considering all of the aforementioned challenges. There interaction of the arc plasma and the plastic wall material. The
are many different HCB configurations available in the litera- current commutation to FET is allowed when the current level
ture. The following sections define the different classes of HCB and arc impedance meet appropriate conditions. Finally, the cur-
configurations and review the existing technology in this area. rent is interrupted by the FET, and the remaining circuit energy
is absorbed by an energy absorbing device. This HCB config-
uration resulted in a compact package that is required for this
application. The designing was targeted for the rating of 1500
A and 270 V dc.
A. DC Applications
In [33], an IGBT-based multistage dc hybrid switch was pro-
Based on the classical HCB circuit shown in Fig. 1, many posed with the schematic shown in Fig. 6, for medium power
different realizations have been proposed in the literature. One (10 kW, 200 V/50 A) dc systems. In the normal case, the cur-
such early application was reported in [30], where phototran- rent flows through the main switch when IGBTs are off. During
sistors were used as the semiconductor component of an HCB, the circuit breaking process, a multistage switching strategy is
as sketched in Fig. 4 for a dccircuit. Its main contribution was applied. The fault current first commutates to IGBT1 in the
the development of the largest phototransistor with a breakdown same manner as described before by the arc created by separa-
voltage of 1000 V. The semiconductor devices were assembled tion of the main switch contacts. The main switch is turned off
in large series strings to withstand a large blocking voltage. Pho- completely when the arc disappears. IGBT2 is then turned on
togating was used for providing the switching signals to the and IGBT1 is turned off so that the current now flows through
transistors. It was concluded that under high-current conditions, IGBT2 and the power resistor. This causes large energy dissipa-
the effectiveness in attracting electrons from the emitter was se- tion in the resistor and the current reduces. Finally, the current
verely reduced for phototransistors. Therefore, the phototran- is interrupted by turning off IGBT2. The MOV then acts as an
sistor was not found suitable for HCB applications. A similar overvoltage protection device in the manner described before.
HCB configuration was proposed in [31] as well where the semi- This multistage current interruption results in slower switching
conductor element is switched on through irradiation. action. An extended multistage dc hybrid topology based on the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 6. Multistage dc HCB using IGBTs [33]. Fig. 8. Schematic of a QPC composed of a dc HCB using IGCTs [41].

magnet-based circuits, in case of quench, it is necessarily

required to rapidly remove the energy stored in the super-
conducting magnets by means of quench protection circuits
(QPCs). Normally, a QPC consists of a dc CB which remains
Fig. 7. DC HCB configuration using IGCTs [40].
closed in normal operation and, in case of a quench, commutates
the current into a discharge resistor. The schematic of this HCB
circuit is shown in Fig. 8, where BPS stands for bypass switch
one shown in Fig. 6 was also suggested for higher power-level (MCB), which carries the normal current. The semiconductor
applications. component consists of series and/or parallel-connected IGCTs
The recent developments in semiconductor technology have for sustaining the necessary voltage and current. The circuit
resulted in increased achievable HCB ratings and new applica- also consists of a series-connected pyrobreaker as backup
tions of HCB are being explored. Recently, IGCT has been sug- protection, which interrupts the current in case of the main CB
gested for SSCB and HCB applications because of their large opening failure. The BPS is given an opening command along
power-handling capability and the ability to be controlled on with the turn-on signal to IGCTs when a QPC intervention is
and controlled off. A comparison of IGCT and IGBT for such needed. The resulting arc across the BPS contacts forces the
applications has been performed in [34]. Some more new semi- current to IGCTs, which are kept on until the complete current
conductors, such as the emitter turnoff thyristor (ETO), self- commutation and the BPS contacts are fully open. Then, current
power ETO (SPETO), silicon-carbide (SiC) devices, silicon car- is then finally transferred to the discharge resistor. This paper
bide-static induction transistor (SiC-SIT), etc., have also been also presented a comparison in terms of power losses between
explored for these applications [35]–[39]. an HCB and an SSCB based on the same IGCTs. The power
The use of IGCTs for the HCB application was first reported dissipation in normal operation in an SSCB was found to be
for a dc circuit in [40] with the configuration sketched in Fig. about ten times that of an equivalent HCB. The analysis and
7. It requires two IGCTs in addition to four diodes test results suggested that this HCB can be adequate to interrupt
and a metal-oxide varistor (MOV) element. The tens of kiloamperes with several kilovolts of reapplied voltage.
diode bridge configuration allows this circuit to be used for In [42], the design principles of the circuit in Fig. 8 were pre-
ac applications as well. Its principle of operation is similar to sented for the ratings; 25.7 kA/2.8 kV and 20 kA/5 kV. In [43],
that explained before with reference to Fig. 5. The main con- the HCB of Fig. 8, mainly designed for superconducting magnet
tact (MC) carries the normal current. In case of a fault, contacts protection, was successfully tested for 10-kA current and a re-
separation of MC occurs, resulting in an arc and forces the fault covery voltage of 1 kV. The characterization of arc voltage in
current to the low-impedance semiconductor path with IGCTs different conditions is also presented.
gated on. When the MC contacts attain sufficient recovery of the
dielectric strength, the IGCTs interrupt the fault current upon B. AC Applications
receiving a turn-off signal, and the remaining circuit energy is In the same line as the HCB of Fig. 5, thyristor-based HCBs
absorbed by a metal–oxide varistor (MOV). were proposed for various ac applications in [9] and [44]–[46]
Reference [40] describes that the mechanical delay for with the general schematic shown in Fig. 9. In [44]–[46], it has
the conventional MCBs is in the range of 1–10 ms, while been used as a solid-state transfer switch for power-quality (PQ)
the semiconductor commutation time range is 100 ns–10 s. improvement. The normal continuous current flows through the
Therefore, the semiconductor and network elements are forced MCB (MC). In case of a fault, the MC is opened , resulting
to handle very large fault current until the full current. To in an arc which forces the current commutation to one of the
solve this problem, an ultra-fast contact opening mechanism now turned-on thyristors, depending on the direction of current.
using an ironless Thomson actuator was proposed in [40]. A The current would then be blocked at its first zero crossing, and
prototype of this HCB circuit was realized with the rating of the remaining circuit energy is dissipated using an energy-ab-
4 kA/1.5 kV. The contacts opening time in the rage of 300 s sorbing device connected in parallel to MC.
was achieved using the fast-opening switch. The relationship In [47], a similar HCB as in Fig. 9 has been used for low-
between the MOV-installed energy absorption capacity, and frequency currents interruption generated by a wind generator.
the stored energy in the input or output circuitry and apparatus Thyristors are high-power rating devices but cannot be con-
were identified as the limiting factors of this technology. trolled turned off, which is a limiting factor. Another one of
Another application of IGCT in HCB was reported in [41] for these ac HCBs was reported in [48] and [49], where GTOs,
quench protection of superconducting magnets rated for tens which can be controlled turn on and turned off, were used as the
of kiloamperes and several kilovolts dc. In superconducting semiconductor, as sketched in Fig. 10. The mechanical switch
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 11. AC HCB circuit using microelectromechanical switches [51].

Fig. 9. AC HCB configuration using thyristors ([9], [44]–[46]).

Fig. 10. GTO-based ac HCB configuration [48]. Fig. 12. HCB topology with uniform operating performance even for different
fault locations [52].

used in this circuit was a high-speed vacuum circuit breaker

(VCB), where an electromagnetic repulsion force was used to ; and an energy absorbing device. In addition, a fully con-
open the circuit at high speeds. This helps in limiting the fault trollable static switch and a variable resistance is used.
current through the GTOs. As soon as a fault is detected using a The normal current flows through with all of the semicon-
high-speed fault detection system, the VCB contacts are opened. ductors remaining off. Following a fault occurrence, , , ,
It results in an arc generated between the VCB contacts which and the energy absorber operate in the manner described before.
acts as a counter electromotive force for commutating the fault The fault current levels depend on the source voltage and the
current to the GTO. The basic operating principles of this circuit impedance magnitude between the source and fault locations.
are the same as those described before with reference to Fig. 1. A high fault current results in high electrical forces responsible
The overvoltage protection device used in this configuration is for opening the mechanical contacts in an MCB. If the current
a zinc–oxide (ZnO) element. Two GTOs were used in parallel is decreased during separation, the contacts will return to the
to interrupt around 10-kA current with an estimated fault cur- initial position. Therefore, the MCB contacts can be locked to
rent value of 70 kA. An interrupting time of less than 1 ms was the safe position quickly for a large fault current compared to
achieved using this configuration. However, this solution was when the fault current level is less. For each breaker , the cur-
not found to be adequate to limit very high fault currents be- rent threshold is different. To make the fault current level and,
cause of the relatively long prearcing time of the VCB. hence, the time required for sufficient contacts separation uni-
In [50], a similar HCB configuration as in Fig. 10 has been form for all possible fault locations, a measurement (MU), and
suggested with possible fault current-limiting ability. a control (CU) unit first senses the equivalent impedance be-
In [51], the use of microelectromechanical switches (MEMS) tween the fault and breaker locations. If for a farther located
was proposed in an HCB of the form shown in Fig. 11. A diode fault the time required for contacts separation is to be reduced,
and a microswitch form the switching unit and several such units is turned on to put in parallel the variable resistance with
are connected in series to form a switching string. The series the equivalent line impedance in the fault case. This results in
connection of two such strings (positive and negative switches, the reduction of the overall impedance seen by the source, re-
Fig. 11) forms an ac HCB. One string interrupts the positive sulting in an increase in fault current magnitude. The increment
while the other negative cycle current. High-voltage (HV) rating in fault current can be controlled by appropriately choosing .
of the breaker is achieved by the series-connected switching Once the fault current magnitude rises to the preset value, is
units, and the current rating can also be increased by the parallel turned off so that is disconnected from the line (Fig. 12). It
connection of strings. The snubber circuits are used for uniform makes the fault current drop back to a natural value and results
voltage distribution. The microswitches carry the current under in an earlier commutation from to the semiconductor device.
normal conditions. In case of a fault, depending on the current In this way, irrespective of the fault locations, the response time
polarity, microswitches in either positive or negative strings are of the HCB can be made uniform. It further helps to reduce the
opened, which transfers the current to the diodes. The diodes ratings of an energy absorbing device, semiconductors, mechan-
interrupt the current at its first zero crossing, resulting in cur- ical switch, and of the other network elements. It can be applied
rent interruption by the end of the first-half cycle. It also of- in all HCB circuits.
fers small-size and arcless current interruption. Given the mi- In all of the HCBs discussed in the previous section, the cur-
croswitches rating, it was estimated that such an HCB of rating rent commutation to the semiconductor element is performed
7.2 kV and 630 A , would require around 300 MEMSs con- by the arc produced across the contacts of MCB after they start
nected in series and 6300 in parallel. The estimated assembly opening. Despite a very fast acting mechanical switch in an
size was a cube of 300 500 mm. HCB circuit as used in [53] and [54], even a drastically reduced
In [52], an HCB with the schematic shown in Fig. 12 has been fault current results in arc burning. This arcing across the MCB
proposed to improve and make uniform the response time of the contacts leads to erosion of the contacts, resulting in contacts
MCB even for different fault locations. It consists of a conven- wear, shorter lifetime, generation of strong noise, and need for
tional HCB made up of a mechanical switch ; thyristors , more maintenance [12], [54]–[61]. The reliability and life of the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


switch can be optimized by preventing the arc from occurring.

It is also to be noted that the tolerable blocking voltage slew rate
of the medium (e.g., air) surrounding the MCB contacts can be
significantly increased if the arc, which appears during commu-
tation, is prevented [12]. The arc leads to plasma between the
contacts. When the arc is extinguished, the remaining hot gas
initially limits the dielectric recovery of the gap. For a lower Fig. 13. Current-limiting HCB using the PTC thermistor ([5]).
blocking voltage slew rate, it will take a significantly longer
time before the MCB is able to block the full voltage so that the
semiconductor element could be turned off and the circuit in- (PTC) thermistor, composed of conductive polymer material, is
ductance is demagnetized. Due to this long delay, the current in- used to limit the current. The temperature of the thermistor in-
creases significantly, where the network elements and the semi- creases with the increase in current leading to an increase in
conductor element in the HCB circuit should be able to carry. its resistance. In [5], a PTC thermistor was used to limit the
Therefore, one solution to reduce this maximum current is to current through the semiconductor element in an HCB circuit
minimize the delay time, which can be achieved by ensuring ar- with the schematic shown in Fig. 13. The contacts represent an
cless breaker operation. MCB that is used to provide the main current path. After re-
In a dc network, the classical dc MCBs create a high resistive ceiving a trip command, the contacts are separated, resulting in
arc with contacts separation after obtaining the current interrup- an arc which forces the current to the parallel path provided by
tion command. It results in the development of a reverse voltage the now turned-on semiconductor element with a thermistor in
between the contacts, which should increase much faster than series. The thermistor parameters are so chosen that its resis-
the current rise rate to decrease the fault current in the circuit. tance is well below the limits for the given current magnitude at
In some strong dc networks , the fault current rise rate increases the time of contacts separation. This is needed for smooth cur-
and reducing it by using the reverse voltage becomes difficult. rent commutation from the mechanical contacts to the semicon-
Consequently, the arc becomes difficult to control. Since there ductor element. As the current continues to increase through the
is no natural current zero crossing in a dc network, the con- thermistor after complete commutation, its resistance propor-
trol of fault current and resulting arc is very difficult. The dc tionally increases leading to current limitation. After the circuit
breakers should be able to interrupt and reduce the current to interruption using the arrestor action, it cools down and attains
zero within a certain time. Excessive high voltage should not be the conductive state. A snubber circuit is also used to limit the
created in the system during the interruption process. In the lit- large inductive voltage spikes during turn-off of the semicon-
erature, there are some HCB configurations dealing with these ductor element, which could consist of GTOs or thyristors. This
problems, which can be broadly distinguished in two categories, HCB avoids the need for ultra-high-speed fault detection to limit
namely: 1) zero voltage switching and 2) zero current switching the current as was the case in the HCB topology discussed be-
[62]. fore (Fig. 10) and proposed in [48].
In low-voltage systems, the classical MCBs are normally In [64], a current-limiting AC HCB topology was proposed
able to interrupt and limit the currents. The current limitation with the single-phase schematic shown in Fig. 14, where
is achieved by enhancing the switching-arc voltage close to represents a high-speed mechanical switch carrying the current
or more than the system voltage, which thereby significantly under normal conditions. In case of a fault current to be cleared,
reduces the current magnitude [5]. However, the arc voltage the -contacts are opened using electromagnetic repulsion force
may not be easily raised to medium- or high-voltage ranges. at a very fast rate within a period of time such that the fault
Therefore, current limitation using the MCBs in higher- and current doesn’t exceed the circuit breaker current breaking ca-
medium-voltage applications is not easy. In an HCB, even in pacity. At the same time thyristor (or ) is turned-on). The
a low-voltage system, the arc voltage may not be comparable subsequent arcing across the -contacts forces the fault current
to the system voltage [75]. Therefore, the classical HCB con- to be commutated to or . In this state, the fault current is
figurations, discussed before, will not suffice and some derived limited by the current-limiting element connected in series with
topology for current limitation would be required. the thyristor. After a certain delay, which is required to com-
It is clear from before that there may be various specific re- pletely open , the gate-command signals to are re-
quirements depending on the target circuits and applications for moved. Thus, the limited fault current is interrupted at the next
designing or selecting an HCB. Therefore, the aforementioned current zero-crossing within one cycle after the fault occurrence.
HCBs using only a semiconductor element for fault current han- The ZnO arrestor is connected in parallel to ensure the protec-
dling after the arc appearance between the MCB contacts may tion of these switches against abnormally high or surge voltage.
not be feasible in all such cases. The following sections discuss The current-limiting element may consist of a current-limiting
the derived HCB circuits available in the literature for several reactor (e.g., an air-core reactor), or a saturable reactor, or the
such target circuits and applications. current-limiting fuses, or a current-limiting resistor. It is clear
that the operating principles of this breaker are similar to those
IV. CURRENT-LIMITING HYBRID CIRCUIT BREAKERS in Fig. 13. However, in this topology, the fault current level may
The conductive polymers have current-limiting abilities and reach very high before the complete current commutation from
can be used in combination with an MCB for fault current lim- could take place because of the current-limiting element in the
iting and interrupting [63]. A positive temperature coefficient semiconductor element path. This would require higher current
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 14. A current-limiting HCB ([64]).

Fig. 16. A fast acting arcless current-limiting HCB ([54]).

Fig. 15. A current-limiting HCB using counter-current injection ([65]). the contacts of are opened by another power electronic circuit
( -drive) consisting of capacitor , inductor and thyristor
. is pre-charged and is zero under normal conditions.
handling capabilities of the semiconductor devices and circuit For circuit breaking action, thyristors and (or ) are
elements. turned-on simultaneously. As described above, the commuta-
In [65], to limit the current in a three-phase low-voltage AC tion circuit with pre-charged drives an opposing current to
system, an HCB topology working on the counter-current in- the main current. Simultaneously, pre-charged starts to dis-
jection principle was proposed with the schematic shown in charge through , which creates a repulsive force to open the
Fig. 15. represents an MCB carrying the normal current. Its -contacts at a very fast rate. For arcless operation, the counter
contacts can be opened very fast by an electrodynamic drive. current forces the current through to zero after a delay
, are diodes and , are thyristors. and are the and the -contacts are opened at this current zero instant by the
passive elements of appropriate sizes and is pre-charged to an -drive using the repulsive force generated. A proper coordina-
appropriate voltage. To limit and interrupt a current, depending tion of forced current zero and -contacts separation should be
on the current polarity at the instant of start of HCB opera- maintained for ideal arcless operation. The voltage suppressor
tion, or is gated-on first. With pre-charged , it drives a ZnO may be used in the circuit to limit the voltage during cur-
counter-current in the opposite direction to the main current and rent interruption in the manner described above. The test results
flowing through in the closed-loop circuit showed that the HCB current-limiting circuit of Fig. 16 with
. This results in reduced current flowing through voltage rating of 230 V satisfactorily interrupted 75 kA (rms),
and then is opened at a fast rate with limited arcing. The cur- and limited the current let-through value up to 9 kA. The -con-
rent will then commutate to the corresponding semiconductor tacts opening time of less than 70 was achieved. Based on
elements, which are already turned-on with and in the cur- these figures, this HCB configuration is one of the most effective
rent flowing path. The commutation time would depend on the presently available low voltage AC/DC current-limiting and in-
initial conditions and impedances of the two parallel paths. The terrupting devices. However, the additional elements used make
current can then be finally interrupted in the same manner as it complicated, costly and of large size.
described above with reference to Fig. 13 by using a surge ar- In [71], an ultra-fast current-limiting AC/DC HCB was pro-
restor connected in parallel to . The reported circuit design posed with the schematic shown in Fig. 17(a). Diodes and
and test results demonstrated the effective limitation and in- , thyristors and , and the inductor with a pre-charged
terruption of short circuit currents in 3-phase 220/380 V AC capacitor perform the current-limiting action in the same
system and the fault clearance time of about 1 ms was achieved. manner as described above with reference to Figs. 15 and 16.
However, the pre-charged capacitor and additional passive ele- Moreover, in Fig. 17(a) also serves as a repulsion coil for
ments increase the complexity, size and cost. In [66], [67], sim- moving the -contacts at a rapid rate. The opening of -con-
ilar HCBs with necessary modifications were proposed for DC tacts using the repulsion coil and forcing the counter-current
systems, in [68] for use in an electric motor vehicle, and in [69] through from the commutation circuit is properly coordi-
by using a micro-electro-mechanical system. In the HCB pre- nated for arcless operation as described above. In Fig. 17(b), a
sented in [70], a similar current limiting action by counter cur- modified version of the topology as presented in [71] is shown,
rent injection in an AC system is performed, where a capac- which has an additional diode for free-wheeling action of
itor is connected in series with the main current carrying MCB. the fault current using the forward-biased and when the
This branch is in parallel with two other branches consisting of fault current reduces. An energy absorbing device might also
suitably connected resistance, capacitance and static devices for be needed as shown for suppressing the voltage after current
current limitation. interruption. Another configuration as presented in [71] is
Based on the same principle as of the HCB topology in Fig. shown in Fig. 17(c), which instead uses four diodes and one
15, an arcless low-voltage AC/DC current-limiting HCB con- thyristor in the commutation circuit. However, its operating
figuration was proposed in [54], with the schematic shown in principles and mode of operation remains same as of the circuit
Fig. 16. The commutation circuit consisting of thyristors, , in Fig. 17(b). The HCBs of Fig. 17 may be less bulky than
, diodes , , and the inductor with a pre-charged capac- the one shown in Fig. 16 due to the absence of the -drive.
itor has the same current-limiting function and operating prin- However, the mechanism of repulsion force generated by coil
ciples as described above with reference to Fig. 15. In Fig. 16, needs to be further investigated and analyzed in detail. These
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 19. A current-limiting HCB using superconductor ([74]).

Fig. 17. Arcless ultra-fast current-limiting HCB configurations ([71]).

-element with given ratings offers negligible impedance
to the normal currents, the loss remains limited to reasonably
low limits as desired. Further, another branch is connected in
parallel to the series-connected and elements, which
is composed of series connected inductor and a semicon-
ductor element with a bidirectional fully controllable switch
(consisting of and ) connected in parallel to an inductor
. The inductance of is chosen to be larger than that of
Fig. 18. An HCB circuit using PWM for current limitation ([73]). . In case of a fault, the fault current is divided into a current
through and , and another through and one of the now
turned-on devices or . With the increase in fault current,
breakers are particularly suitable as a current limiter in medium the element quenches within a short time and its resistance
voltage AC or DC circuits. In [67], [72], similar DC HCBs with sharply increases to a very high value. It causes most of the fault
necessary modifications were proposed. current to now flow through . The fault current continues to
Another current-limiting HCB topology with the schematic increase and beyond a threshold, the electromagnetic repulsive
shown in Fig. 18 was proposed in [73]. It consists of a fast force generated by magnetization of becomes sufficient
mechanical switch carrying the current under normal condi- enough to open the contacts of . At this point, since the current
tion, and a semiconductor element connected in parallel to for through and is negligible, the opening of -contacts
limiting and clearing the fault currents. The semiconductor el- does not cause arcing and the contacts are completely separated
ement consists of a diode bridge with diodes , a fully within a very short time. After sensing the complete separation
controllable device (like, an IGBT, or a GTO), a snubber of -contacts, a controller immediately turns-off and ,
circuit with a diode and elements, and an MOV which forces the fault current to now flow through and
arrestor. During operation of this semiconductor element, the . Thereby, the fault current is limited because of the large
diode bridge is used to prevent the current to flow in unintended impedance of . Finally, the reduced current is interrupted by
directions and to provide the paths for current flowing in either tripping . It is clear that this HCB has a complex structure
directions through it. In case of a fault current to be limited and and operating sequence, may be large in weight, size and
cleared, the -contacts are opened which forces the fault cur- cost due to additional elements used, and takes longer time
rent to the semiconductor element path in the same manner as to interrupt the current. Nevertheless, the superconductor use
described above for most of the HCB topologies. is controlled opens up a new area of research in HCB technology.
using a pulse-width modulator (PWM) for limiting the fault cur- Fig. 20 shows a current-limiting HCB topology proposed in
rent within a defined range. The PWM may require input sig- [75] using a PTC resistor. The normal current flows through
nals in the form of reference and/or measured voltage, current path A, which consists of a mechanical ultrafast transfer switch
and temperature signals for controlling . The snubber circuit (FTS) having least impedance in the closed state compared to
serves as the energy buffer that allows the current magnitude to paths B and C. Path B consists of a semiconductor element
be regulated when is controlled using PWM. For clearing the (SEM) connected in series with a mechanical fast-opening dis-
fault current, is turned-off and the MOV absorbs the resulting connector (FDS). SEM consists of a GTO and four diodes for
transient overvoltage. may also be operated under linear re- providing the bidirectional current flow through this path. Path
gion without PWM for limiting current. However, as goes C consists of series connection of a PTC element and a mechan-
into high impedance mode dissipating a large amount of power ical load switch (LS) capable to interrupt the current at the first
in this case, the temperature can rise very quickly. Thus, it may current zero. When a fault occurs, an appropriate fast fault-de-
not be a useful current-limiting control option. Even in the PWM tecting system triggers the electrodynamic repulsion drive of
operation, operates at a high frequency depending on the cir- FTS. It causes an arc voltage of approximately 40 V to ap-
cuit overall impedance in fault conditions and also on the ref- pear across the opening double-contact gap, which forces the
erence settings. Therefore, this topology may find only limited current to path B where the corresponding devices are already
applications. turned-on now. After complete current commutation, implying
In [74], a current-limiting HCB using a superconductor was that has reduced to zero, the GTO is turned-off, forcing
proposed with the schematic shown in Fig. 19. It is composed the current to path C. An MOV is connected across the GTO
of a superconductor element , a high-speed switch to limit the voltage rise across it beyond a threshold due to the
(an MCB), and a conventional MCB connected in se- large caused by GTO turning-off. FDS is then immedi-
ries for carrying the current under normal conditions. As the ately opened without arcing. At this instant, the total recovery
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 21. An arcless HCB with semiconductor in main current path ([76]).

Fig. 20. A current-limiting HCB using PTC element ([75]).

of the dielectric strength of FTS must have achieved. The large

current flowing through PTC resistor leads to large power dis- Fig. 22. A current-limiting HCB using tuned elements ([77]).
sipation in it causing significant increase in its resistivity and
voltage drop across it. The limited current is finally interrupted
at its first zero crossing by opening LS. The laboratory test re- device . is an inductor that may optionally be connected
sults of a prototype HCB as in Fig. 20 of rating 12 kV, 20 kA in parallel across and . forms a resonant cir-
verify the feasibility of this concept. However, it needs many ad- cuit tuned to the line frequency and offers negligible impedance
ditional mechanical and semiconductor elements, which makes at the frequency of resonance. Therefore, the normal conduction
it costly bulky. The two-step current limiting and interrupting loss remains limited. In case of a fault current to be interrupted,
process makes it a slow device. Further, specialized mechanical is triggered to open and the resulting arc forces the current to
devices are required in this circuit, which may not be readily one of the now turned-on static devices and . A suitably
feasible. designed capacitor is used to limit the voltage across so
In [76], an arc-free HCB topology with the schematic shown that arcing can be minimized. By suitably choosing the passive
in Fig. 21 was proposed with a semiconductor element in the element parameters, series combination of with
main current path. It consists of a fast MCB and a semi- circuit results in a very high impedance resonant circuit to the
conductor module (SEM) connected in series to carry the cur- line-frequency fault current flowing through or . This re-
rent under normal conditions. SEM consists of two anti-par- sults in significant current limitation. Another form of current
allel IGCTs, as they offer low on-state voltage drop compared limitation is achieved by turning on along with or ,
to other similar devices of equivalent ratings. An MOV is con- which changes the value of . By suitably choosing the re-
nected across the IGCTs to limit the voltage across them. A par- sistance , current limitation can be further strengthened. The
allel branch connected across this main-current carrying branch MOV is used to absorb the remaining circuit energy in the same
consists of two anti-parallel thyristors and a current-limiting el- way as discussed above after and are turned-off to inter-
ement. When a fault occurs, the IGCTs are tuned-off resulting in rupt the current. The breaker performance may be affected with
a high clamping voltage appearing across the MOV, which for- the system frequency variation and also with change in system
ward biases a thyristor and the current is forced to flow through circuit configurations.
it as it is turned-on now. The switch is opened without any In Fig. 23, the schematic of a current-limiting AC HCB pre-
arc as there is no current through it now. The current limiting sented in [78] is shown. It consists of three high-speed MCBs
element consists of an auxiliary inductance , and an oscil- connected in series to carry the current under normal conditions.
lator circuit consisting of inductor , capacitor and a Graetz For a DC circuit, only one of or would be required along
bridge. The current flowing through the thyristors is forced to with . For a fault current interruption, depending on the current
an early zero crossing by using the resonant circuit with direction, or is opened. The resulting arc across its con-
pre-charged capacitor, and the thyristors are turned-off. After tacts forces the current to the parallel-connected diode. At the
this current breaking, is discharged through a resistor con- next current zero-crossing the diode stops conducting, which
nected in parallel with it. As the current attains an early zero forces the current to one of the current-limiting impedances.
crossing, its maximum value is limited by the corresponding These impedances may be in the form of an inductor, or a su-
factor. The test results presented in the paper indicated satisfac- perconductor or any such element. After total recovery of the
tory results. However, the main limitation of this HCB topology dielectric strength of the corresponding MCB ( or ), the
is the continuous power-loss in the IGCTs, which may limit limited current can be finally interrupted by opening the MCB
its applications. Furthermore, a lot of additional passive and . There are several possible configurations of this topology as
semiconductor components would make it costly, bulky and discussed in [78]. It is clear that it is simple and easy to operate.
complex. However, diodes make it slower.
The AC HCB presented in [77] with the schematic shown in
Fig. 22 uses a tuned- circuit for current limitation. The cur-
rent under normal condition flows through the MCB and se-
ries-connected inductor and capacitor . is the primary Mainly because there is no natural current zero crossing in
leakage inductance of a transformer whose secondary terminals DC systems, the configuration and requirements of AC and DC
remain open in normal condition using a fully controllable static CBs are significantly different. In DC CBs, a large energy stored
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 23. A current-limiting HCB using diodes for current commutation ([78]).

Fig. 26. Zero voltage switching HCBs ([57]).

can be appropriately estimated for a given fault current magni-

Fig. 24. A ZCS HCB ([57]).
tude and opening time of , so that the voltage across never
exceeds a predetermined value necessary for arcless operation.
Fig. 26(b) shows an improved zero voltage switching circuit
where a fully controllable device (e.g., IGBT) is used to clamp
the voltage across when is opened resulting in current
to be commutated to the IGBT [57]. The IGBT is turned-off
Fig. 25. A ZCS HCB using a diode [59]. when is fully on and the current gets commutated to the
snubber circuit. The capacitor size can again be estimated for
the maximum allowed voltage across the CB. This improved
in the line inductances needs to be dissipated. Therefore, they circuit results in reduced capacitor size requirement and the
have to break the short-circuit current very quickly. total switch-off time is also decreased compared to those using
The HCBs for arcless operation in DC systems work on the circuit of Fig. 26(a). Further switch-off time reduction can
two basic principles namely zero current switching and zero be realized by using varistor connected in place of the snubber
voltage switching. In Fig. 24, the a zero current HCB schematic circuit in Fig. 26(b). Such HCB topologies have already been
is shown, where is a mechanical switch carrying the current discussed above in Section III (Figs. 5–8). In [56], the design
under normal conditions [57], [79]. To interrupt a current, techniques and test results of a 600 V/6 kA bidirectional zero
thyristor is turned on forcing a counter-current into due to voltage switching DC HCB using varistor was reported. The
the precharged capacitor . This results in zero current through zero voltage switching over the zero current switching has the
after certain delay and is opened at this instant without any advantage that the bulky resonant components and precharging
arc. The varistor action is the same as detailed earlier. of capacitor are not required. On the other hand, while the zero
In [59], a zero-current switching (ZCS) HCB topology for DC current switching HCB circuit needs a semiconductor with
circuits was proposed with the schematic shown in Fig. 25. The only controllable turn-on capability (e.g., thyristor), a fully
normal current is carried by a mechanical switch . A charge controllable device is required in a zero voltage switching HCB
storage diode (CSD) in series with the secondary of a trans- circuit [56]. Therefore, depending on the semiconductors and
former is connected across . Upon fault detection, the trans- the current and voltage levels, zero voltage or the zero current
former is used to charge the CSD in the forward direction with switching may be used in a circuit.
a high current pulse. The charging current is stopped after it In [12], an improved zero current switching based was pro-
reaches its maximum value. The -contacts are opened at this posed with the schematic shown in Fig. 27. It provides arcless
instant, which forces the fault current through the CSD for suf- operation by reducing the current commutation delay from the
ficiently low commutation impedance offered by the CSD. The mechanical switch to the semiconductor element. The normal
CSD short circuits the current in its reverse direction until the current flows through the mechanical switch and the com-
accumulated charge in the diode is depleted. During reverse mutation inductor . For a current interruption, one of the
conduction a space charge region builds up at the junction thyristors is turned-on depending on the current direction. With
of the diode and the voltage at its contacts rises. The -contacts suitably designed and capacitor , and with needed pre-
need to be separated far enough to withstand this fast increasing charge voltage on , turning-on of the thyristor initiates the
voltage. A prototype of this hybrid switch using a fast mechan- current to commutate from to . The current through re-
ical switch (Thomson drive) has been reported in [59], which mains unchanged until the capacitor voltage polarity is reversed,
was able to switch off the load currents up to 275 A at voltages which initiates the current commutation from to the semi-
of 1250 V with delay times of less than 80 . The application conductor element consisting of GCTs and inductor . The
of this topology is limited to low power levels due to the re- mechanical switch is opened at zero current after complete
quirement of charging of the CSD with a high current and the current commutation. Compared to the zero current and zero
additional associated components. voltage HCBs discussed above, this HCB of Fig. 27 needs lower
For zero voltage switching in an HCB, the semiconductor el- current rating of the semiconductors as the maximum current
ement connected across the mechanical switch ensures that the is reduced using the forced commutation. The reduced current
voltage across this switch remains sufficiently low to prevent peak results in decreased demagnetization time and hence the
arcing when the contacts separate. For example, as shown in total turn-off time is also reduced. However, it needs additional
Fig. 26(a), this may be realized by placing a conventional thyristors and a capacitor with pre-charged voltage, which add
snubber across the mechanical switch [57]. The capacitor size to its cost, size and complexity.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 27. A zero current switching HCB using forced commutation ([12]). Fig. 29. HCB topology for HVDC applications [81].

In [81], an HCB with the schematic shown in Fig. 29 was

proposed for HVDC lines. It comprises two conventional me-
chanical ac breakers and connected in series to carry
the normal line currents. A controllable semiconductor element,
such as an IGBT, with a dedicated control unit is connected
in parallel to . A series-connected suitably sized capacitor
and an inductor are connected in parallel to and .
Fig. 28. Zero voltage switching HCB [80]. For a current interruption, and are opened, resulting in
an arc in both. The arc voltage continues to increase and at a
preset value, it triggers the control unit to turn on the semi-
In [12], a zero voltage HCB in line with the HCB of Fig. 26(a) conductor. It causes the current to commutate from to the
was proposed with two anti-parallel thyristors in place of a diode semiconductor, and the arc across is extinguished. After the
(Fig. 26(a)) connected in series with the capacitor. As described complete current commutation and once the contacts are sep-
above, the fault current flowing through the capacitor results in arated far enough to block the full voltage, the semiconductor
slow increase in voltage and therefore, can be opened without is turned off. Following this, the voltage across semiconductor
arc occurrence. A comparative analysis presented in [12] sug- and grow very rapidly. It causes the current to commutate to
gested that this zero voltage HCB topology was a feasible solu- the parallel connected path, and the arc across is ex-
tion for medium voltage applications. tinguished. The current through and causes a rapid voltage
In [80], another zero voltage HCB was proposed with the increase across the breaker. The control unit is equipped with a
schematic shown in Fig. 28 for interrupting high DC. The voltage arrester that does not allow the voltage across the semi-
continuous normal current path is provided by the mechanical conductor to increase beyond a specified value. The remainder
switch and an optional series connected mechanical switch of the total voltage caused by the drop across and appears
. For a current to be interrupted, thyristor is turned-on first across . The current through increases its voltage that acts
followed by opening of . It forces the current to commutate as a counter-voltage to the external circuit and causes the current
to . is opened after complete current commutation to . to decrease. A varistor connected in parallel to and takes
The small forward voltage drop across prevents arc across over the current if its knee voltage is reached before the com-
mechanical switch contacts when they are opened. Once the plete ceasing of current. The sizes of and elements are so
contacts are separated far enough to be able to block the full chosen that the voltage growth rate does not exceed the breaker
voltage, the commutation circuit connected in parallel with handling capability. This HCB uses conventional ac mechanical
forces the current through to zero by providing a current breakers which are inexpensive and reliable. The semiconductor
pulse equal and opposite to the main current through . At this element is subjected to only a fraction of recovery voltage that
current zero, is turned-off automatically. The commutation means a simple and smaller semiconductor configuration. The
circuit consists of a voltage source , which is used to charge additional and elements though add to its size, and the total
capacitor before the interruption sequence is initiated. A me- time required for complete current interruption may be larger.
chanical or semiconductor switch is used for disconnecting A recent HCB proposed in [82] is shown in Fig. 30. It is com-
from after a predefined charge placement on . To force prised of a conventional ac mechanical breaker to carry the
a counter current through , is turned on, which causes a current under normal conditions. A parallel branch connected
current flow driven by the charge on . When the current in across comprises a controllable semiconductor switch (such
is reduced to zero, turns off and the excess current through as an IGBT), an inductor , and a capacitor . A charging unit is
now flows in the loop , , , and . This oscillating connected across that keeps its voltage charged to a prespec-
current through and reaches zero and tries to reverse but ified value with negative polarity corresponding to the voltage
turning off forces it to be blocked. The fault current then across . A current interruption process is initiated by opening
flows through , , and and, therefore, the voltage across , which results in arc formation between its separated contacts
increases with negative polarity. The increasing negative while the current continues to flow through . The switch is
voltage on decreases the current through it until the current then turned on that brings the parallel branch in the current flow
reaches zero and is turned off. This completes the current path. Since is precharged to a negative voltage, the parallel
interrupting sequence of the breaker. It is clear that the rating branch offers lower impedance to the current which then starts
of needs to be high enough to handle high dc. Furthermore, to commutate from to the parallel branch. It results in a reduc-
it requires big capacity precharging equipment for . tion of current through , and the arc is extinguished after this
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 30. HCB topology for HVDC applications [82].

Fig. 32. Forced-current zero-crossing HCB topology with a repulsive coil for
a mechanical switch opening [84].

In the previous subsection, some of the HCBs utilizing the

magnetic energy stored in an inductor for opening the MCB con-
tacts were discussed. In [84], a dc HCB was proposed with the
schematic shown in Fig. 32 that operates the mechanical switch
Fig. 31. HCB topology with the semiconductor in the main current path [83]. using the same principle. In Fig. 32, represents a dc source
feeding a load and an HCB is connected in between. The normal
load current is carried by the mechanical switch . The capac-
current reaches a sufficiently low value so that the contacts itor is normally kept charged using through the charge re-
can be safely opened. The rate of current increase through sistor and diode with the polarity marked as . Thyristors
can be kept under permissible limits by suitably sizing and . and are kept off in normal conditions. For a current in-
The current through causes its voltage to be charged toward a terruption, is turned on, resulting in the discharging of by
positive voltage from its previous negative value. Once the ca- resonance through the magnetic repulsive coil with the
pacitor voltage turns negative, it opposes the current flow and current loop . The corresponding magnetic
causes a reduction in the current increase rate through . Conse- repulsive force generated by starts opening the contacts.
quently, the capacitor voltage continues to increase and reaches is blocked at the next zero crossing of the resonant cur-
a value where it is equal to the knee voltage of the parallel-con- rent, which results in the reversal of the charge polarity of .
nected varistor device. At this instant, the varistor impedance The opening of is synchronized with turning on . It drives
is reduced to below those of the other parallel branches. Con- a current through in the current loop
sequently, the current commutates to the varistor in a period of in the reverse direction to the main current path, and ultimately
time, and a further voltage increment of is ceased. This HCB causes the current through to reach zero resulting in the arc
targets HVDC applications with a focus on the multiterminal dc extinction across . After complete arc extinction, the current
network where it may be used to switch one or more electrical from flows through , , and to the load, and it is lim-
networks into or out of the circuit. The precharging equipment ited by the drop across and opposing voltage across . Its
requirement for in this topology adds to the cost, size, and complex operation and additional passive and semiconductors
complexity. requirements may be a limitation.
For HVDC applications, an HCB topology with the schematic In most of the aforementioned HCBs, the time taken after the
like the one shown in Fig. 31 has been proposed in [83]. It con- fault occurrence for current commutation from the mechanical
sists of a semiconductor element with controllable turn-on to semiconductor switch depends on the MCB contacts’ sep-
and turn-off capabilities in the normal current path connected aration speed. The semiconductor and network elements may
in series with a conventional ac breaker . is not expected to be subjected to very high current stress if this speed is not fast
cause a big on-state loss since its rating is low and a varistor is enough. In [85], a solution to this problem was proposed in
connected in parallel to it to ensure that the voltage drop does terms of the HCB shown in Fig. 33. It is comprised of a high-
not exceed a specified value. and are kept turned on to carry speed MCB in series with an auxiliary breaker for carrying the
the normal current. A branch having a series connection of in- normal current. This set is connected in parallel to the main
ductor and capacitor and another branch consisting of a breaker, comprised of one or more semiconductors connected
varistor are connected in parallel to and . For current in- in series. The auxiliary breaker is chosen to have smaller resis-
terruption, is opened, resulting in an arc across its contacts. tance than the main breaker and it comprises at least one power
At the same time, a control unit triggers the switching of at semiconductor switch. It is clear that the power dissipation in
a frequency close to the natural frequency of the – circuit. this case under normal operation would be more compared to
It causes the charging of by fault current through and the that in a conventional MCB due to the semiconductor element
fault current starts oscillating. This oscillation amplitude con- in the auxiliary breaker. Nonetheless, the current commutation
tinues to increase until a zero current crossing is reached by the to the main breaker would be very fast for the same reason. For
fault current through . At this instant, is turned off, resulting current interruption, first the auxiliary breaker is opened which
in current interruption through . The rising recovery voltage results in current commutation to the main breaker. Afterwards,
across and after current interruption is limited by the third the mechanical switch is opened and then the main breaker is
parallel branch having a varistor. Its limitation is having a semi- opened to commutate the current to the parallel-connected non-
conductor in the normal current path and the associated onstate linear resistor in the same manner and for the same reasons as
loss. Further, should be capable of switching at a high fre- described before for the other HCBs. Depending on the system
quency, which might be difficult to achieve for such high cur- requirements and type (ac or dc), any suitable semiconductor de-
rent-rating devices. vice may be chosen for use in main and auxiliary breakers. The
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


It will help in combined optimization of the overall HCB

In general, HCBs can enhance the security and reliability
of both ac and dc networks. The number of sensitive loads is
increasing and it will further increase the requirements of the
Fig. 33. Zero-current switching HCB topology [85]. breakers in terms of speed and current interruption capabilities.
In most cases, the specific application requirements will dictate
the breaker configuration and it is challenging to propose a uni-
high-speed switch is needed to decouple the auxiliary breaker versal solution/configuration.
from the line in order to prevent the full voltage from being
applied to the auxiliary breaker. This topology works on the
zero-current switching principle, as described before, and is tar- REFERENCES
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