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WORLD 6 Storm Babet triggers flooding, power cuts in northern Europe
Kyrgyzstan, Iran
INSTAGRAM SUNDAY win promotion
OCTOBER, 2023 Women’s national
220 FILS tennis teams from
ISSUE NO.9722 both nations move
3844 4692 up to Asia/Oceania
Zone Group II for
/nobmedia next year’s Billie
Jean King Cup | P12

Ton-up Klaasen stars as South Africa hammer England 11 SPORTS

BUSINESS 5 Joe Biden to host new Americas summit on migration, economy
Israel steps up

No stability without
bombing of Gaza;
Hamas says offered
to free 2 hostages,
but Israel refused
Jerusalem, Undefined

two-state solution
T he Israeli military an-
nounced it was step-
ping up its bombardment
of Hamas-controlled Gaza
Saturday just hours after
the first aid trucks arrived
from Egypt. “From today,
we are increasing the strikes
and minimising the danger,”
military spokesman Admiral
Daniel Hagari told a press HM King calls for immediate end to Gaza war, urges intensified Arab action
conference yesterday.
“We have to enter the next
phase of the war in the best
conditions, not according to
what anyone tells us.”
Meanwhile, AlJazeera
quoting Hamas said the
group informed Qatar it was
going to release two Israeli
captives, but Israeli author-
ities refused. “We informed
our Qatari brothers yester-
day evening that we would
be releasing Nourit Yitshaq
and Yokhefed Lifshitz for
humanitarian reasons and
without e xpecting anything HM King and other participants during a family photo following the Cairo Summit
in return. However, the Is-
raeli occupation government Furthermore, King Hamad
refused to accept them,” Ha-
mas’s al-Qassam Brigades
spokesman Abu Obeida
• HM demands access
to vital humanitarian aid The two-state solution is a real guarantee for peaceful
confirmed Bahrain’s unwaver-
ing support for the legitimate
rights of the Palestinian people

• Israel, Iran and other

said on Telegram. coexistence between the peoples of Palestine and Israel, to establish their independent
and sovereign state based on
armed groups, were
because there will be no stability in the Middle East the borders of June 4, 1967, with
India launches key among those absent
without securing the legitimate rights of the Palestinian East Jerusalem as its capital.
people; which leads to a just, comprehensive and HM highlighted the dire con-
test for manned from the Cairo talks
sustainable peace in the region. ditions faced by the Palestinian
orbital mission
• Israeli troops are
people and the urgent neces-
sity to address the humanitar-
New Delhi
massed on the Gaza ian crisis through continuous
border ahead of an viewing it as a key guarantor of lasting peace in the Middle warned HM King. King Hamad diplomatic initiatives involving

I ndia on Saturday success-

fully launched the first
unmanned trial run of its
expected ground
invasion that officials
enduring peace and stability in
the region.
Speaking at the Cairo Peace
East hinges on safeguarding the
legitimate rights of the Pales-
tinian people. “There will be
underscored that the two-state
solution represents a genuine
pathway to coexistence between
regional and international stake-
“The suffering of the Pales-
upcoming crewed orbital have pledged will Summit chaired by Egyptian no stability in the Middle East, the Palestinian and Israeli pop- tinian people and the dire con-
mission, in the latest mile- begin “soon” President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, without securing the legitimate ulations and holds the promise ditions they are undergoing
stone for its spacefaring King Hamad emphasised that rights of the Palestinian people,” of a just, comprehensive, and underscore the pressing need
ambitions. sustainable regional peace. to contain this dangerous cri-
The Gaganyaan (“Sky- TDT | Manama The UN agency for Palestinian refugees said This declaration closely fol- sis and its humanitarian conse-
craft”) mission is slated to that 17 staff have been confirmed killed in the lows Bahrain’s launch of a dona- quences,” HM King said.

send three astronauts into is Majesty King Ham- war, warning the actual numbers “are likely tion campaign, with King Ham- HM King further stressed the
Earth’s orbit in 2025, an ad bin Isa Al Khalifa to be higher”. At least 30% of all housing in ad contributing $8.5 million need to de-escalate the situa-
important yardstick of the yesterday reaffirmed Gaza has been destroyed or damaged, the UN and His Royal Highness Prince tion, cease military operations,
Indian Space Research Or- Bahrain’s firm commitment to KNOW WHAT says, citing local authorities, and thousands Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, and secure the release of all pris-
ganisation’s (ISRO) technical the establishment of two-state have taken refuge in a tent city set up in the Crown Prince and Prime oners, hostages, and detainees.
capabilities. solution for Palestinian people, southern Gaza’s Khan Yunis. Minister, donating BD 500,000. (Continued on page 2)

20 aid trucks enter besieged Gaza

Gaza aid ‘must not be the last’: UN humanitarian chief
Rafah, Palestinian Territories
Situation in Gaza ‘catastrophic’: UN agencies cluding food and medical sup-
plies from various UN agencies.
a meaningful number to have
enough trucks to provide sup-

T he first of 20 trucks carry- Geneva, Switzerland

ing humanitarian aid en-
statement from agencies in- Rafah is the only route into Gaza
cluding the World Health Or- that is not controlled by Israel.
port to Gaza’s people”.
Israel urges citizens to leave
tered the war-torn and besieged
Gaza Strip yesterday through T
he humanitarian situation
in the Gaza Strip is “cata-
the Rafah border crossing with strophic,” five United Nations
ganization (WHO) and UNICEF,
the children’s agency.
UN Secretary-General Anto-
nio Guterres on Friday visited
“Children, pregnant wom- the Egyptian side of the crossing
Egypt, Jordan
Meanwhile, Israel urged its
Egypt, said AFP correspondents agencies said yesterday, calling en and the elderly remain the to oversee preparations for the citizens to immediately leave
on both sides. for more international help as most vulnerable. Nearly half aid delivery. Egypt and Jordan, the national
UN humanitarian chief Martin conditions deteriorate in the of Gaza’s population are chil- “These trucks are not just security council said yesterday.
Griffiths said he was “confident densely populated coastal en- dren,” it added. trucks, they are a lifeline,” he “Israel’s National Security
that this delivery will be the clave. “Gaza was a desperate hu- said. “They are the difference Council raises its travel warn-
220 fils (includes VAT) start of a sustainable effort to “More than 1.6 million peo- manitarian situation before between life and death for so ings for Egypt (including Si-
provide essential supplies... to ple in Gaza are in critical need the most recent hostilities,” it many people in Gaza.” nai) and Jordan to level 4 (high
the people of Gaza” and warned of humanitarian aid,” said the added. The UN chief said it must be threat): recommendation not to
that “this first convoy must not “a sustained effort” with not travel to these countries and for
be the last”. closed again after the passage Red Crescent which is respon- just one convoy crossing but those staying there to leave... as
The border crossing was of the trucks from the Egyptian sible for delivering the aid, in- for many “to be authorised in soon as possible,” it said.


HM calls for immediate end to Gaza war strong call for the immediate siege and safeguard the lives of
• The Cairo Summit,
under El-Sisi’s Intensify and
cessation of hostilities in Gaza,
warning that continued violence
could lead to a perilous esca-
civilians in the besieged region.
A full-blown Israeli land of-
fensive carries many risks, in-
leadership, serves as unify Arab efforts lation. cluding to the more than 200
a significant platform to deescalate the “This will push the region into hostages.
for addressing these situation in the a dangerous slide and new spiral “So, the release of the first
critical issues Gaza Strip, while of violence,” HM said told King two hostages -- US mother and
giving priority to Al Hussein of Jordan. daughter Judith and Natalie
cooperating with In this regard, HM emphasised Raanan -- offered a rare “sliver
(Continued from page 1) the necessity of intensified and of hope”, said Mirjana Spoljaric,
the International unified Arab endeavours efforts president of the International

H is Majesty further made Community to to deescalate the situation in the Committee of the Red Cross.
a strong plea to facili- stop the conflict Gaza Strip. US President Joe Biden said
tate the delivery of vi- immediately The meeting on the sidelines he was “overjoyed” and thanked
tal humanitarian aid, including HM KING HAMAD of the Cairo Peace Summit also Qatar, which hosts Hamas’ polit-
medical supplies, food, water, emphasised the vital role of the ical bureau, for its mediation in
fuel, and electricity, to the be- atives at both regional and in- El-Sisi’s leadership, serves as a officials have pledged will begin international community in ex- securing the release.
sieged Gaza Strip. ternational levels to contain the significant platform for address- “soon”. pediting the resolution of the Meanwhile, In Gaza, Israe-
King Hamad expressed his dangerous escalation in the Gaza ing these critical issues. Later, during talks with King conflict. li jets continued the relentless
gratitude to President El-Sisi for Strip and mitigate its far-reach- Israeli troops are massed on Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein of Their majesties stressed it is bombing campaign, with the
his tireless efforts in mobilising ing repercussions. the Gaza border ahead of an Jordan, on the sidelines of the crucial to ensure Gaza access to military saying it hit more than
political and diplomatic initi- The Cairo Summit, under expected ground invasion that summit, His Majesty issued a humanitarian aid by lifting the 100 Hamas targets overnight.

European Day of languages celebrated in Bahrain General Director of Civil Defence named
Vice President of ICDO Executive Council
Ashen Tharaka
TDT | Manama

T he European Day of Lan-

guages was held last week at
the Mövenpick hotel in Mana-
ma, highlighting the importance
of learning a foreign language
and to promote multilingualism
in Bahrain.
Many Bahrainis attended the
event to participate in group ac-
tivities and learn about different TDT | Manama ber 18 to 20.
languages, including French, Brigadier Ali Al Kubaisi ex-
German, Greek, Italian, Portu- pressed his appreciation for
guese, Spanish, and Russian.
Theo Lemaire, Political Of-
ficer at the European Union
I n a notable internation-
al recognition of Bahrain,
Brigadier Ali Al Kubaisi, the
the Interior Minister’s support
in advancing development
plans and facilitating the ex-
appointed to Bahrain, spoke at General Director of Civil De- change of civil defence exper-
the event about the importance fence, has been appointed as tise to incorporate best prac-
of language learning in a glo- the Vice President of the Ex- tices that enhance the profi-
balised world. He emphasised ecutive Council by the Inter- ciency of emergency response
that there has never been a bet- From right to left, Theo Lemaire, Political Officer at the European Union appointed to Bahrain, Clemens Hach, German national Civil Defence Organ- teams. He also commended the
ter time to learn languages than Ambassador to Bahrain, Miguel Jose Moro Aguilar, Spanish Ambassador to Kuwait, Eric Giraud-Telme, French Ambassador isation (ICDO). This decision Chief of Public Security for his
to Bahrain.
now. was reached during a meeting proactive efforts in promoting
“Sometimes we don’t think held in Kyrgyzstan from Octo- international cooperation.
the language of Europe is
translation. In fact, one of the
founding principles is multilin-
gualism, and we want to com- Shaikh Khalid bin Rashid Al
municate with our citizens in Khalifa, the Director-General
a language they speak and they of Verdict Enforcement and
understand, which means that Alternative Sentencing, held
talks yesterday with Wade
basically everything that the
Carpenter, the President
European Union does is trans- of the International
lated simultaneously in all 24 Association of Chiefs of
languages,” he said. Police on the sidelines
The event was also attended of his visit to the United
by the German, French, Italian, States to participate in
and Spanish ambassadors to Ku- the association’s annual
wait, as well as other dignitaries. conference in San Diego.

Ravi Shankar Shukla’s exemplary journey as second secretary at the Indian Embassy
A reflection on his remarkable experience and contributions to the Indian Community
Zahra Ayaz rain’s culture and forge lasting regulations and not come to
TDT | Manama connections. Bahrain illegally. They should
However, Mr. Shukla faced always check and be aware of

R avi Shankar Shukla, the es-

teemed Second Secretary
(Consular) at the Indian Em-
I advise Indian citizens to be aware of the visa
significant challenges upon join-
ing the Indian embassy in Sep-
tember 2020—the peak of the
their passports. They should not
fall into the trap of job hunting
by coming on visit visas. It is cru-
bassy in Bahrain, bids farewell
regulations and not come to Bahrain illegally. COVID-19 pandemic. He recog- cial to come on a working visa
to the Kingdom after serving They should always check and be aware of their nised that this crisis transcend- and not stay in Bahrain without
diligently for over three years. passports. They should not fall into the trap ed borders and affected people any valid visa.”
In an exclusive interview with of job hunting by coming on visit visas. It is worldwide. Despite the diffi- Looking ahead, Mr. Shukla
The Daily Tribune, Mr. Shukla crucial to come on a working visa and not stay in culties, he remained steadfast in expressed his unwavering dedi-
expressed his gratitude towards Bahrain without any valid visa. his commitment to serving the cation to his future postings. He
the Bahraini government and Indian community and provid- pledged to bring his best efforts
highlighted his enriching ex- ing essential consular services to any new role he undertakes,
perience working at the Indian during these unprecedented exhibiting determination and
embassy. times. professionalism in serving his
Throughout his tenure, Mr. tinuous efforts in ensuring the port to Indian citizens in Bah- He had the privilege of ex- Mr. Shukla pointed out the country and its citizens.
Shukla commended the strong welfare and well-being of the rain. ploring Bahrain’s vibrant her- significance of legal immigration In conclusion, his time in Bah-
support extended by the Bah- Indian community. Moreover, Reflecting on his time in Bah- itage, visiting numerous places, processes and provided valuable rain has not only deepened his
raini government to the Indian he emphasised the instrumen- rain, Mr. Shukla expressed his and engaging with distinguished advice to Indian citizens regard- understanding of the kingdom’s
nationals residing in the king- tal role played by various social deep appreciation for the coun- delegates. These experiences ing entry into Bahrain. culture but also strengthened
dom. workers and organizations in try’s rich culture and the kind- allowed him to develop a pro- He stated, “I advise Indian the ties between India and Bah-
He acknowledged their con- providing assistance and sup- ness of its people. found understanding of Bah- citizens to be aware of the visa rain.
03 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2023


Generous contributions

climate change
continue for Gaza campaign
TDT | Manama
resentative for Humanitarian Work


T he "Day of Solidarity with Our
People in Gaza... We Are with
You" campaign continued to
witness an outpouring of support yes-
and Youth Affairs.
HH Shaikh Nasser urged all in-
stitutions, companies, citizens, and
residents to participate in this no-
ble humanitarian campaign. Its aim
The campaign kick started with is to provide relief aid to the Pales-

L ook around you. The omi-

nous future is here but we
are so absorbed in our strug-
gles with the present that we fail to
recognise it. For instance, sea-lev-
His Majesty King Hamad donating
a substantial $8.5 million, and His
Royal Highness Prince Salman bin
Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince
and Prime Minister, contributed BD
tinian people enduring challeng-
ing circumstances and to extend
a helping hand in alleviating their
HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad, in
el rise is one of the most serious 500,000. response to His Majesty the King's di-
consequences of climate change. On the first day of the campaign, rectives, made the first contribution to
According to estimates by the In- a considerable sum of BD6,059,847 the initiative by donating BD 100,000.
tergovernmental Panel on Climate was raised through various contri- Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, RHF Secre-
Change (IPCC), sea levels will keep butions. Bapco donated BD 500,000, tary-General and CEO of the National
rising throughout this century, while the National Bank of Bahrain, Committee for Supporting the Pal-
causing increasingly frequent and Fakhro Group, Alba, GPIC, and Ku- estinians in Gaza, revealed that over
severe flooding in coastal areas. wait Finance House each donated $16 million was collected during the
There is no doubt that the lives BD 100,000. The Zakat Fund and Al humanitarian aid trucks arriving from Egypt after having crossed through the Rafah border campaign's first day.
and livelihoods of communities Salam Bank contributed BD 50,000 crossing arriving at a storage facility in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip Taha Abdul Qader, the Palestinian
on many small island-nations like each, with Nass Company providing Ambassador to Bahrain, expressed
Bahrain will be impacted. BD 40,000. Lulu Hypermarket, Ben- 20,000. Zain offered BD 18,850, and This charitable initiative, held un- high appreciation for His Majesty
F i ve M P s efit, and Seef Properties donated BD Al Hawaj, Travco, and Maza gave BD der the directives of His Majesty, who the King's directives to support the
and the 25,000 each, and Al Kooheji Elec- 10,000 each. serves as the Honorary President of Palestinian people under various cir-
Southern trical and Construction Contracting, Yesterday, Bahrain National Hold- the Royal Humanitarian Foundation cumstances. He highlighted the king-
Munici- GIG Bahrain, Ibrahim Khalil Kanoo ing and Gulf Hotels Group donated (RHF), is organised with the patronage dom's unwavering stance in support of
pal Council The coming Company, and Yousef bin Ahmed Ka- BD 20,000 each, while SICO joined the of His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin the Palestinian cause and the rights of
made public decade will noo Company each contributed BD effort with a BD 10,000 contribution. Hamad Al Khalifa, HM the King's Rep- the Palestinian people.
their discus-
s i o n a b o u t undoubtedly
precautions see added
to be taken
to combat
pressure on
the ill-effects Bahrain’s
Two more warehouses for Sitra Industrial Park MTT to develop
transport strategy
of rising sea limited land According to Bahrain Real
levels. This
comes on the resources as
heels of re- the population
• Project to boost
Bahrain’s potential
Estate Investment (Edamah),
the Sitra Industrial Park
spans 87,382 square meters
cent moves as international and currently comprises four
to build high- expands and logistics hub existing facilities, with plans
er retaining urbanisation for two new covered facil-
wa l l s n e a r ities and dry storage plots
proceeds at a TDT | Manama
designated for industrial,
t o p re ve n t clipping pace. commercial, and logistical

flooding of wo more warehouses are purposes. Earlier this year, Representative picture
coastal resi- set to be constructed at Edamah announced its in- TDT | Manama
dential areas. the Sitra Industrial Park, fur- tention to expand the park
The com-
ing decade
will un-
ther enhancing Bahrain’s po-
tential as a highly integrated
logistics hub.
by an additional 8,000 square
meters of industrial space.
Reportedly, the park’s larg-
T he Ministry of Trans-
portation and Telecom-
munications (MTT) is mov-
Representative picture
doubtedly see added pressure The tender board has est customer will be Trident ing ahead with an ambitious
on Bahrain’s limited land resources awarded the ten-month pro- peting against 18 companies, from BHD 3,447,357.480 to Warehousing, which has plan to formulate an all-en-
as the population expands and ur- ject to the Poullaides Con- both regional and interna- BHD 2,345,000.000, with the inked a 10-year lease agree- compassing transportation
banisation proceeds at a clipping struction Company, which tional. board awarding the contract ment covering 8,137 square strategy for Bahrain.
pace. Naturally, land reclamation secured the contract com- The initial bids ranged BD 60,988.506. meters. As per MTT’s announce-
from the surrounding seas will ment, this comprehensive
offer one expensive solution but strategy will encompass
here too we are seeing new reg- every facet of develop-
ulations which say reclamation
must technically feature land mass
Preparation ongoing for Bahraini man faces verdict in forgery ment, spanning planning,
execution, regulation, and
above sea level. 2024 Princess Sabeeka case linked to fake certificate enforcement.
We are a land with a rich mari- TDT | Manama The ministry said this in a
time history and a close bond with Al Khalifa Award for tender, inviting consultancy
the sea. We have to once again
recognise the value of this bond so
that we rediscover the respect we
Productive Families A 40-year-old Bahraini man,
convicted of forgery, is
scheduled to receive his ver-
firms to participate in the
development of this strate-
gic framework.
had for the sea. It is of course inev- TDT | Manama dict on the 28th of this month The primary objective
itable that we should look to land from the High Appeals Court. is to undertake a thorough
reclamation to meet our urbani-
sation goals in coming years. But
certainly we can augment it by not
T he Ministry of Social Development has set its
plans rolling for the 2024 Her Royal Highness
Princess Sabeeka Bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa Award to
In an earlier judgment, he
was sentenced to three years
in prison on forgery charges.
forwarded the application for
a comprehensive review.
Upon inquiry, the university
evaluation of Bahrain’s land
transportation activities,
guided by best practices and
treating the sea as a frivolous play- Promote Productive Families. According to court records, the he claimed to have attended priority implementations.
ground. People sink old aircraft While the specific date for the award ceremony defendant submitted a fraudu- confirmed that he was not on Furthermore, the ministry
and used tyres into the deep and is yet to be determined, the ministry has revealed lent academic certificate in an their enrolment records. has emphasized that this in-
pretend that this is replacement that the 2024 edition will include an accompanying attempt to upgrade the license However, the accused de- itiative aligns with national
for shattered coral reefs and miles exhibition. for his engineering office. nied the forgery allegations, priorities and aligns with
of reclaimed land. Every quarter The award seeks to acknowledge the remarkable The forgery was brought to asserting that he had joined GCC strategies.
good green Samaritans pick tons achievements of productive families. It is presented light during an examination the university in 1996 and had Companies interested in
of plastic, glass and rubbish off our annually at the local level and biennially at the Arab of an application submitted trained in the engineering this project are required
beaches in an effort to clean them. level, recognizing excellence in three categories: the to the Council for Regulating office from 2002 to 2005 for to submit their bids by No-
These are sporadic acts and what “Best Productive Family,” the “Best Product,” and the Practice of Engineering three years. He claimed to have vember 22, 2023, and ac-
we really need is a reconnection the “Best Sponsor of Productive Families.” Professions (CRPEP). Officials obtained a professional license company their submission
that will stop us from littering our In this regard, the ministry has released a tender at CRPEP had requested an from the authorities in 2007. with a BD100 bond valid for
beaches and our deep with the inviting interested parties to submit proposals for equivalent certificate for his The Public Prosecution 180 days. Eligibility criteria
junk of our 21st century lives. organizing the award. degree from the Ministry of charged him with deceiving dictate that only firms with
As climate change marches into The deadline for receiving local nominations for Education. a public employee who had a track record of success-
our world, let us do our tiny bit to the award is February 15, 2024, and for participation Upon closer inspection, dis- acted in good faith, commit- fully finalizing a minimum
check the damage. from Arab countries, it is January 15, 2024. crepancies between the grad- ting forgery in two official of two projects in the last
(Captain Mahmood Al Mahmood is the Those interested in participating in the organ- uation year mentioned in the documents. He was also ac- decade related to strategy
Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Tribune and ization of this prestigious event should submit CV and that in the certificate cused of using falsified official development are eligible to
the President of the Arab-African Unity their bids before November 8, 2023, along with raised suspicions, leading to a documents to acquire practice apply, with at least one of
Organisation for Relief, Human Rights and a BD500 bond, which will remain valid for 180 more thorough investigation. permits without meeting the these projects being in the
Counterterrorism) days. Consequently, the authority necessary qualifications. transportation sector.


Joe Biden to host new Americas

US budget deficit
widens to $1.7
trillion on lower
tax revenue

summit on migration, economy

AFP | Washington, United States United States’ commitment to includes military aid for Israel
AFP | Washington, United

T he US budget deficit has

widened to $1.7 trillion,
government data showed
work together with our partners and Ukraine. on Friday, in a develop-

S President Joe Biden will to deepen economic integra- The United States has been ment that could add pres-
host the first summit of tion in our hemisphere,” White working with a number of coun- sure on President Joe Bid-
a group of nations from House Press Secretary Karine tries in the region to curb the en as he seeks reelection in
the Americas in November, the Jean-Pierre said. flow of migrants. 2024.
White House said, as he tries to The summit would also “tack- Earlier this month his ad- The deficit expanded by
curb migration ahead of elec- le the underlying economic driv- ministration announced plans $320 billion for the fiscal
tions in 2024. ers of irregular migration in our to extend the border wall with year ending September 30,
Biden will welcome leaders hemisphere.” Mexico, a policy introduced following a drop in tax rev-
of the Americas Partnership for Illegal immigration has be- by his Republican predecessor enues and lower deposits of
Economic Prosperity, which come a major political headache and likely 2024 rival Donald earnings by the Federal Re-
groups Barbados, Canada, for Democrat Biden, with oppo- Trump. serve on the back of higher
Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, sition Republicans accusing him But Biden insisted that interest rates.
the Dominican Republic, Ecua- of lax border policies. funds for the extension were Elevated rates also add-
dor, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and On Friday he requested $14 already earmarked by law and ed to spending, bring-
Uruguay. billion in border funds from had to be used, adding that he ing the 2023 shortfall
“During the summit, pres- Congress as part of a huge na- thought border walls didn’t to its third-largest on
ident Biden will reaffirm the Biden tional security package that also work. record.

Geopolitical tensions could UTB to host IEEE

hit global economy: US Fed
AFP | Washington, United States
political tensions could reduce campaign of rate hikes.
economic activity and boost A number of other US banks

T he US Federal Reserve
warned Friday that the re-
cent attack on Israel and the
inflation worldwide,” it added. collapsed in the turmoil that
Mitigating banking stress
followed, which also led to the
merger, under pressure, of the
ongoing Ukraine conflict could In its report, the Fed also said Swiss banking giant Credit Su-
cause harm to the world econ- that policy interventions earlier isse with regional rival UBS.
omy and boost global inflation. this year in light of the rapid “Since March, volatility has
Ongoing exchanges of fire collapse of Silicon Valley Bank abated and deposit outflows
with Hezbollah along Israel’s (SVB) had “played a key role in have largely stabilized,” for af-
northern border with Lebanon Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell mitigating the stresses in the fected banks, the Fed said.
have raised fears that the con- banking system that emerged “But these banks nonetheless
flict could spread to other coun- eted up geopolitical tensions,” in March.” continued to face challenges
tries in the region. the Fed said in its semi-annual SVB failed following a bank navigating changes in depositor
“The attack on Israel, in con- report on financial stability. run by investors concerned by behavior, higher funding costs,
junction with Russia’s ongoing “Escalation of these conflicts its exposure to interest rate risk and reduced market values for
war against Ukraine, has ratch- or a worsening in other geo- in light of the Fed’s aggressive investment securities,” it added.

Rich and developing nations clash over climate fund TDT | Manama Computing and Engineer-
ing”, professional experts and
AFP | Paris, France thought leaders worldwide
But countries left the details
to be worked out later.
dering progress.
“We are out of time,” said Sul-
extremes across the planet.
“What are we doing about it? U nder the patronage of Dr.
Mohammed bin Mubarak
are coming together to discuss
the latest innovative trends

W ealthy and developing

nations were at logger-
heads in talks Friday over a fund
A series of talks held this year
have tried to tease out consen-
sus on fundamentals like the
tan Al Jaber, the president-des-
ignate of the COP28 talks.
“I expect you to deliver.”
We continue to deliberate, we
continue to negotiate, we con-
tinue to go in circles,” said Jaber,
Juma, Minister of Education
and Chairman of the Board of
Trustees of the Higher Edu-
in computing, engineering
and all other relevant applied
sciences. As UTB aspires to be
for the increasingly destructive structure, beneficiaries and con- He reiterated calls for coun- who is also the head of United cation Council, University of a hub of knowledge dissemi-
impacts of global warming, as tributors -- a key issue for richer tries to step up early with pledg- Arab Emirates state-owned oil Technology Bahrain (UTB) is nation and multidisciplinary
the president of next month’s nations who want China to pay es of funding, to ensure the firm ADNOC. hosting the International Con- exchange in the countryand
UN climate talks urged countries into the fund. fund was not an “empty bank “If I don’t see real and tangi- ference on Engineering Tech- beyond, the university is of
to “deliver”. On the final day of meetings account”. ble results that will not be ac- nologies and Applied Sciences the view that the conference
The agreement to set up a Friday, just weeks ahead of the In an address to negotiators, ceptable.” (ICETAS 2023), in partnership is a feasible platform to con-
dedicated fund to help vulner- November 30 to December 12 he said millions of people had On Friday, an observer at the with IEEE Bahrain and ETSSM nect and collaborate with oth-
able countries cope with climate COP28 talks in Dubai, nations continued to suffer the devas- meeting said it was in “dead- Global on October 25-27 at er individuals, organisations,
“loss and damage” was a flag- remained deadlocked, with de- tating impacts of climate change lock”, with discussions notably the Intercontinental Bahrain. and industries to create and
ship achievement of last year’s veloping countries accusing the since the last COP, with this year stumbling over the location of Themed “Shaping the Future strengthen community part-
COP27 talks in Egypt. United States and others of hin- seeing a relentless cascade of the fund. of Technology through Smart nerships and shared goals.

Meta, Google quit tech summit over organizer’s Israel remarks

AFP | Washington, United States
were shot, mutilated or burnt to by companies and tech fig- way it has been presented has

M eta and Google have pulled

out of the Web Summit,
one of the tech sector’s biggest
death on the first day of the raid,
according to Israeli officials.
Israel says around 1,500 Ha-
ures, including Intel, Siemens
and US comedian Amy Poe-
hler and X-files actor Gillian
caused profound hurt to many.
To anyone who was hurt by my
words, I apologise deeply,” he
annual events, after the organ- mas fighters were killed in clash- Anderson. said.
izer criticized Israel’s actions es before its army regained con- The Web Summit is due to “What is needed at this time is
following the Hamas attacks, the trol of the area under attack. host some 2,300 startups and compassion, and I did not con-
companies said on Friday. More than 3,700 Palestini- more than 70,000 people on No- vey that,” the statement said.
A spokesman for Meta con- ans, mainly civilians, have been vember 13-16 in Lisbon. Cosgrave said he “unreserved-
firmed to AFP that it would not killed across the Gaza Strip in Silicon Valley figure Garry ly” condemns Hamas’s “evil, dis-
take part in this year’s event. relentless Israeli bombardments Tan, of start-up backer Y-Com- gusting and monstrous” attack
“We will no longer have a in retaliation for the attacks by binator, initially kicked off the on Israel and “unequivocally”
presence at Web Summit,” a was “shocked at the rhetoric what they are,” Cosgrave wrote the Palestinian Islamist militant boycott and other big names in supports Israel’s “right to exist
Google spokesperson said. and actions of so many Western on October 13. group, according to the latest toll the industry quickly followed. and to defend itself.”
Irish entrepreneur Paddy Cos- leaders & governments.” Hamas militants stormed into from the Hamas health ministry Cosgrave issued an apology He also said that Israel should
grave, co-founder of the Web “War crimes are war crimes Israel from the Gaza Strip on Oc- in Gaza. on Tuesday. adhere to the Geneva Con-
Summit, wrote on social media even when committed by allies, tober 7, and killed at least 1,400 The boycott by Meta and “I understand that what I said, ventions, “ie, not commit war
platform X last week that he and should be called out for people, mostly civilians who Google follows other exits the timing of what I said, and the crimes.”
1633 1721 1879 1884
OF THE MORE Battle of Liaoluo Bay: Dutch Tsar Peter the Thomas Edison International Meridian Conference in Washing-
DAY HISTORY East India Company defeated Great becomes perfects carbon- ton, D.C. adopts Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
JONAS SALK by Chinese Ming naval forces “All-Russian ized cotton fila- worldwide, creating 24 international time zones
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2023 in southern Fujian sea Imperator” ment light bulb with longitude zero at the Greenwich meridian

India launches key test for Exiled former Pakistan PM Nawaz

News in brief Storm Babet triggers flooding,
power cuts in northern Europe
Sharif arrives home for comeback bid
u Hurricane
Hurricane Norma, now Category Norma is expected
2, nears west Mexico coast TOP

to slam into Mexico’s
AFP | Islamabad

manned orbital mission

northwestern coast within hours, bringing
“life-threatening” winds, flooding and a
dangerous sea surge, authorities warned
yesterday. The storm, still powerful though T hree-time prime minister
Nawaz Sharif returned to
Pakistan yesterday after four
downgraded overnight from Category 3 to
Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, was
headed toward a part of Mexico’s Baja California
years of self-imposed exile,
primed to make a political
coast popular with tourists. As of late morning, it was 65 kilometers (40 miles) comeback ahead of elections.
west-southwest of the Cabo San Lucas resort town, whose 200,000 inhabitants India Successfully tests Gaganyaan’s emergency escape system in space milestone Fireworks marked his arriv-
were scrambling to make last-minute preparations. al at the event in a park in his
power base of Lahore, where
u An auction in
France of possessions
Auction of first Senegalese
president’s jewellery put on hold • The test marks
a significant step
the streets have been shroud-
ed in green and yellow party

that belonged to the banners. 20-truck convoy of
first Senegalese president has been delayed as Sengal toward India’s crewed Pakistan is facing overlapping the Egyptian Red
negotiates with the owner over buying them directly. A man makes his way across a flooded street in Flensburg, norhtern Germany
The items, which were to be auctioned in Caen, include
orbital mission security, economic and political Crescent is moving today
AFP | London service. KNOW WHAT crises ahead of polls already Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif (top C) addresses his into Gaza. The people of
Leopold Sedar Senghor’s military jewellery and decorations, “We are having to clear large pushed back to January 2024, supporters Gaza need a commitment
AFP | Washington
plus various other objects. Rings, bracelets, pendants and watches are listed as eadly Storm Babet un- quantities of water from the with Sharif ’s primary oppo- tective bail, temporarily remov- touted for months by his party, for much more – a con-
part of the collection. But Senegalese President Macky Sall had earlier asked the leashed extensive flood- towns, especially in south- nent, the fiercely popular Imran ing the threat of arrest. which hopes his political clout tinuous delivery of aid at

culture minister, together with the Senegalese embassy in Paris, to enter into ing and damaged towns in ern Jutland,” Martin Vendel- ndia yesterday successfully ISRO will conduct a Khan, languishing in jail. T h e “ L i o n o f P u n j a b ” and “man of the soil” swagger the scale that is needed.
“appropriate discussions” with the auctioneer. Denmark and Norway late Fri- bo of the Danish Emergency launched the first unmanned series of 20 major “I am meeting you after a touched down briefly in Islam- will revive its flagging popu- We are working nonstop
u Myanmar’s ruling day and early yesterday, while Management Agency told the trial run of its upcoming tests, including car- long time, but my love for you abad where he signed court pa- larity. with all relevant parties
Myanmar junta orders junta ordered air strikes continuing to sweep across Ritzau news agency. crewed orbital mission, in the remains intact. You have never pers, before flying on to Lahore Sharif has been prime minis- to make it happen.
airstrikes to recover lost outposts and troop reinforcements the UK. Fishing boats were left latest milestone for its spacefaring
rying a robot to outer betrayed me and I have nev- and taking a helicopter to the ter three times but never com- @antonioguterres
as it tried to recover lost outposts near Three people died in Scot- stranded or about to sink in the ambitions. space, before the er betrayed you,” he told the Greater Iqbal Park where he pleted a full term.
the Chinese border from rebels, the land and England and fami- port town of Rodvig, according The Gaganyaan (“Skycraft”) final manned mission crowds, wearing his signature addressed supporters. His political fortunes rise and
military said. The toppling of Aung San lies were trapped in flooded to photos from Danish media. mission is slated to send three takes place in 2025 red scarf. More than 7,000 police have fall on his relationship with Pa-
Suu Kyi’s civilian government in a 2021
coup sparked a huge backlash and the
homes on Friday as the storm
battered Britain and Ireland.
In southern Norway, up to
20,000 residents were with-
astronauts into Earth’s orbit in
2025, an important yardstick of
Gaganyaan Test Vehicle lifts-off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota
Gaganyaan is the first mission the fourth nation to land an un-
Sharif -- who founded the Pa-
kistan Muslim League-Nawaz
been enlisted to control crowds, kistan’s military establishment
according to a senior officer –- the country’s true kingmak-
military junta is now battling opponents After it made landfall in out power early yesterday af- the Indian Space Research Or- of its kind for India and comes manned craft on the Moon af- (PML-N) party -- was serving a on site. ers who have ruled directly for
across swaths of the country. The Kachin Scandinavia, the storm trig- ter strong winds blew roofs ganisation’s (ISRO) technical ca- with an estimated price tag of ter Russia, the United States and prison sentence for graft when “I’m here to welcome my more than half of its history
Independence Army (KIA) attacked Myanmar gered a sharp rise in water off buildings and downed pabilities. $1.08 billion, according to ISRO. China. he left the country in 2018 seek- leader. The inflation is very and continue to enjoy immense
military positions around Muse district in northern Shan state on Thursday and levels in towns in southern trees and power masts, but Yesterday’s rocket tested the I am very happy to India plans to send astronauts The following month, India ing medical care in Britain, ig- high and poor people are des- power.
near the remote town of Laiza in Kachin state on Friday. The military was forced Denmark, flooding the first the Norwegian news agency emergency escape system of its announce the successful beyond the reaches of Earth’s at- launched a probe to observe the noring multiple court orders perate,” said 18-year-old Razi His last term ended when he
to retreat on Friday afternoon and ordered air strikes, as well as artillery and floor of homes which were NTB said the situation was crew module, which separated accomplishment of the mosphere for three days before outermost layers of the Sun from to return. Ullah. “God has given him a was ousted in 2017 and given a
troop reinforcements, the junta said in a statement shortly before midnight
left without power for several
Water levels in several
The storm continued to
wreak havoc in the UK, with
from the thruster and made a soft
sea landing about 10 minutes after
the launch.
they are brought safely back with
a soft landing in Indian territorial
solar orbit.
India’s space programme has
grown considerably in size and
Analysts say he has likely bro-
kered a deal with the powerful
military establishment and last
chance to come back and turn lifetime disqualification from
things around. He’s done it be- politics after being convicted of
fore.” corruption in a case he says was
V ery sad to hear of the
death of Sir Bobby
Charlton. He has a place
CURIOSER & CURIOSER Danish towns exceeded their London’s King’s Cross station “I am very happy to announce a glitch in the engine. Prime Minister Narendra Modi momentum since it first sent a week a court granted him pro- Sharif ’s return has been politically motivated. in history as one of the
normal height by more than forced to close yesterday af- the successful accomplishment ISRO will conduct a series of 20 has announced plans to send a probe to orbit the Moon in 2008, game’s greatest players
two metres (seven feet), levels ternoon to prevent passengers of the mission,” ISRO chief S. So- major tests, including carrying a man to the Moon by 2040 follow- and it has steadily matched the and was hugely loved.
Coin tosses are not 50/50: normally only reached once massing on platforms after the manath said afterwards. robot to outer space, before the ing a year of triumphs for India’s achievements of established Rest in peace Sir Bobby.

researchers find a slight bias

every hundred years, accord-
ing to Denmark’s DMI weather
cancellation or delay of nu-
merous trains.
The lift-off was postponed for
two hours after bad weather and
final manned mission takes place space programme.
in 2025. India became in August just
spacefaring powers at a fraction
of their cost.
Russian strikes kill three, wound four in Ukraine @RishiSunak

AFP | Kyiv

R ussia struck areas of east- 03

UN chief urges ceasefire to end Gaza’s ‘godawful nightmare’ Climate ‘loss and damage’
ern and southern Ukraine
with artillery and missiles
AFP | Cairo on Friday and yesterday, kill-

talks end in failure ing at least three people and

wounding four others, officials

U Nchief Antonio Guterres

pleaded yesterday for a “hu- We meet in the heart
The strikes come as both
manitarian ceasefire” in the war
between Israel and Hamas mili-
tants that has devastated much
of a region that is
reeling in pain and
sides prepare for a gruelling
winter of fighting and as Russia
tries to suppress a Ukrainian
W e live in a climate
emergency. The
evidence is clear that
one step from the
of Gaza, demanding “action to counteroffensive to regain oc- our children are paying
end this godawful nightmare”.
precipice cupied territory. A local resident clear the rubbles of his destroyed following Russian missiles the highest price with
Addressing a Cairo summit as GUTERRES PLEADED Russia fired hundreds of strike in Kherson (file photo) their health. @WHO urg-
Australia’s captain Pat Cummins (L) tosses the coin as his Pakistan’s the conflict raged into its third shells into Ukrainian-con- was killed and one more was sky’s hometown -- killing a es leaders to take these
counterpart Babar Azam watches before the start of the 2023 ICC Men’s week, Guterres said the Pal- Jordan’s King Abdullah II trolled parts of Kherson region wounded,” he said yesterday 60-year-old man and wounding alerts seriously. We can’t
Cricket World Cup match estinian enclave of 2.4 million called for “an immediate end in the south on Friday, local morning. a woman. waste any opportunity to
AFP | Paris that there was a “wobble” and people was living through “a to the war on Gaza” and con- governor Oleksandr Prokudin In separate attacks, the head “She is in a serious condition take action.
a slight off-axis tilt that occurs humanitarian catastrophe” with demned what he labelled “glob- said. of Ukraine’s central Dnipropet- in hospital. The attack caused @DrTedros

W ant to get a slight edge when humans flip coins with

during a coin toss? their thumb, Bartos said.
thousands dead and more than
a million displaced.
Smoke rises over buildings in the Gaza Strip during an Israeli strike al silence” on Palestinian death
and suffering.
“The Russian military hit res-
idential areas of the region’s
rovsk region said Russia fired a a fire, which rescuers have al-
missile at a group of dachas, a ready extinguished,” Dnipro-
Check out which side is fac- Because of this bias, they
ing upwards before the coin is proposed it would land on the
“We meet in the heart of a
region that is reeling in pain and
into Israel, launching an attack
that has killed more than 1,400
Guterres said “the grievances
of the Palestinian people are
“The message the Arab
world is hearing is loud and
A view of a iceberg melting in Scoresby Fjord, Estarn Greenland
settlements. As a result of Rus-
sian aggression, one person
type of cottage, in Kryvyi Rig petrovsk governor Sergiy Lysak
-- President Volodymyr Zelen- said Friday evening. 04
flipped –- then call that same side facing upwards when it one step from the precipice,” he people, mostly civilians, in the legitimate and long” after “56 clear: Palestinian lives matter
side. was flipped 51 percent of the told the meeting that includ- deadliest attack on Israeli soil years of occupation with no end less than Israeli ones. Our lives AFP | Paris Aswan, in southern Egypt.
This tactic will win 50.8 per- time -- almost exactly the same ed the leaders of Egypt, Iraq, since the state was founded in in sight” but stressed that “noth- matter less than other lives,” he But the delegates were unable to
cent of the time, according to figure borne out by Bartos’ re-
researchers who conducted search.
350,757 coin flips. While that may not seem
Jordan and the United Arab
Emirates as well as of Italy and
Spain and Palestinian president
Israel has hit back with a
relentless bombing campaign,
ing can justify the reprehensible
assault by Hamas that terrorised
Israeli civilians”.
“The application of inter-
national law is optional. And
A crucial meeting on climate
“loss and damages” ahead of
COP28 ended in failure yesterday,
reach an agreement and deferred
the decision to another meeting
due November 3 to 5 in the Unit-
Trump fined $5,000 by New York judge for violating gag order
AFP | New York
For the preprint study, like a significant advantage, Mahmud Abbas. killing more than 4,300 Pales- He then stressed that “those human rights have boundaries with countries from the global ed Arab Emirates, according to
which was published on the Bartos said it was more of an
arXiv database last week and edge that casinos have against
has not yet been peer-re- “optimal” blackjack players.
The bloodshed began on Oc-
tober 7 when Hamas militants
stormed across the Gaza border
tinians, mainly civilians accord-
ing to Gaza’s Hamas-run health
abhorrent attacks can never jus-
tify the collective punishment of
the Palestinian people”.
-- they stop at borders, they stop
at races, and they stop at reli-
north and south unable to reach
an agreement, according to sourc-
es involved in the talks.
a webcast of the debate on the
official YouTube channel of the
United Nations.
T he New York judge presid-
ing over Donald Trump’s
civil fraud trial fined the former
I t is our duty to work
together to avoid re-
gional escalation, con-
viewed, 48 people tossed coins It does depend on the tech- The agreement to set up a Ahead of the breakdown, the US president $5,000 on Friday tain the conflict, and put
of 46 different currencies. nique of the flipper. Some peo- dedicated fund to help vulnera- discussion hit a hurdle over where for not complying with a par- an end to the cycle of vi-
They were told to flip the ple had almost no bias while ble countries cope with climate the funds should be held. tial gag order and threatened olence. We need to make
coins with their thumb and others had much more than
catch it in their hand -- if the 50.8 percent, Bartos said.
coins fell on a flat surface For people committed to
Pipe bomb explodes near Israeli embassy in Cyprus “loss and damage” was a flagship
achievement of last year’s COP27
talks in Egypt.
There was a divide over it be-
ing managed by the World Bank,
accused of being in the hands of
him with possible jail time for
future violations.
Judge Arthur Engoron or-
every effort to move to-
wards a lasting solution
based on the two-state
that could introduce other choosing either heads or tails AFP | London the embassy as a deadly war be- Since then, more than 4,300 used in making fireworks. But countries left the details to the West, or in a new independ- dered the 77-year-old Trump to solution. @JosepBor-
factors such as bouncing or before every toss, there was tween Israel and Gaza’s Hamas Palestinians, mainly civilians, Police said they arrested four be worked out later. ent structure, called for by many pay the fine within the next 10 rellF @MargSchinas

University of Amsterdam in
no bias for either side, the re-
Frantisek Bartos, of the searchers found.
None of the many different
F our people were arrested
after a pipe bomb explod-
ed near the Israeli embassy in
rulers entered its third week.
The conflict began when
Hamas militants stormed into
have been killed in relentless
Israeli bombardments, accord-
ing to Gaza’s Hamas-run health
suspects aged between 17 and
21, two of whom were on foot
close to the scene and another
A series of talks held this year
have tried to tease out consensus
on fundamentals like the struc-
developing nations, but would be
time consuming and complex to
replenish with new funds.
days to the New York Lawyers’
Fund for Client Protection.
“Make no mistake: future vi- Former US President Donald Trump sits inside the courtroom during his civil

the Netherlands, said that the coins showed any sign of bias Cyprus early yesterday, causing Israel from Gaza on October ministry. two who were in a car parked ture, beneficiaries and contribu- The failure “is a clear indication olations, whether intentional fraud trial in New York City
work was inspired by 2007 either. little damage and no injuries, 7, beginning an attack that has Cypriot explosive experts on a nearby residential street. tors -- a key issue for richer na- of the deep chasm between rich or unintentional, will subject cial penalties, holding Donald ed gag order on the former
research led by Stanford Uni- Happily, achieving a fair police said. killed at least 1,400 people, called to the site found the re- They did not give any infor- tions who want China to pay into and poor nations”, Harjeet Singh, the violator to far more severe Trump in contempt of court, president on October 3 after Disclaimer: (Views expressed
versity mathematician Persi coin flip is simple: just make The incident occurred in the mostly civilians who were shot, mains of a pipe bomb which det- mation about their identities the fund. head of global political strategy for sanctions,” Engoron said in a and possibly imprisoning him he insulted the judge’s prin- by columnists are personal and
Diaconis -- who is also a for- sure the person calling heads Cypriot capital Nicosia at 1:37 mutilated or burnt to death on onated causing slight damage, nor nationality, with all four A transition committee on the Climate Action Network Interna- court filing. pursuant to New York Judiciary cipal law clerk in a social me- need not necessarily reflect our
mer magician. or tails cannot see which side am (2237 GMT on Friday) about the first day, according to Israeli with police saying it contained due to appear in court later yes- establishment of the fund met tional, said in a statement to AFP “(These) may include, but are Law,” the judge added. dia post on his Truth Social editorial stances)
Diaconis’ model proposed is facing up before the toss. 30 to 40 metres (yards) from officials. the type of explosive material terday. late Friday and into yesterday in yesterday. not limited to, steeper finan- Engoron slapped a limit- platform.

New Indian School celebrates 33rd anniversary

The New Indian School in Bahrain celebrated its 33rd anniversary with great enthusiasm and grandeur. The chief guest for the ceremony was H.E. Vinod K Jacob, the Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the guests of honour were H.E.
Eman Hasan Showaiter, Member of Parliament, Kingdom of Bahrain and Ms. Sara Al Durazi of the Directorate of Private School Education, Ministry of Education. School Chairman Dr. Jaan M.T. Thottumalil spoke about the huge transition that the
school had undergone from a humble beginning to a strength of 3,800 students and thanked the parents for their continued support. Principal K. Gopinath Menon welcomed the distinguished audience. The programme consisted of a wide range of
cultural events that saw participation from the tiny tots of LKG up to the Senior Secondary level.

Indian classical flute performance held

As part of Bahrain International Music Festival organized by the Bahrain Authority

for Culture & Antiquities (BACA), Kingdom of Bahrain, renowned Indian Flautist Sunil
Bhagwan Avachat presented an Indian classical flute performance at Cultural Hall. The
musician took the audience on a journey into the realms of traditional Indian music,
folk melodies, and ragas, accompanied by the performance of other artists including
Samir Shivgar, Tushar Dixit, and Abhay Ingale. The performance was appreciated by the
members of the Indian and Bahraini communities who attended the event

Breast cancer awareness walk conducted

‘ATM- Pinkathon 23’, a
breast cancer awareness
walk organized by
Annai Tamil Mandram
in Bahrain, was flagged
off by Shri Ihjas Aslam,
Second Secretary, Indian
Embassy, Bahrain and
Mr. Yusuf Lori, Director of
Information and Followup
at Capital Governorate,
Bahrain. More than 100
members of the Indian
community joined the
walkathon held at Sitra
Sports Club, where an
awareness session was
also held

Tree-planting drive held by Dawoodi Bohra community Pakistan embassy organizes breast cancer awareness event

Members of the Dawoodi Bohra community in Bahrain planted over 170 neem trees at the Sitra walkway today with
the support of the Capital Municipality. This initiative was part of the Dawoodi Bohra community’s global tree-planting
drive in honour of Sultan al Bohra Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin’s 80th birthday. The Bohra community in Bahrain
supports the National Initiative for Agricultural Background (NIAD) in the Forever Green campaign, community The Embassy of Pakistan in collaboration with Pakistani Women’s Association (PWA) and Bahrain Specialist Hospital
members said. As part of the Bohra community’s Project Rise initiative, members are actively involved in the beach and (BSH) organized a Breast Cancer Awareness Event in celebration of Pinktober. During the event, consultants from BSH
neighbourhood clean-up drives to fight against plastic pollution and are also lending a hand to the Kingdom’s Mangrove guided the participants about the prevention and precautionary measures. Around 50 female participants from the
project, members said Pakistani community benefited from the awareness session.

To include events and promotions, contact Pradeep Puravankara at or call 36458398
09 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2023

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occupation of CARPENTER, suitably qualified MCSC@MCSCWLL.COM ALHAJ HASSAN GROUP B.S.C CLOSED has Stiller Agency for the Supply Workers w. l. l SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
applicants can contact 17401013 or hrteam@ a vacancy for the occupation of CARPENTER, has a vacancy for the occupation of WAITER, contact 66311095 or ARABIANPACK.BH@
qualified applicants can contact 39932361 or ARAB SHIPBUILDING & REPAIR YARD CO.
suitably qualified applicants can contact
FASHAFEEZ.AH@GMAIL.COM )ASRY has a vacancy for the occupation of suitably qualified applicants can contact GMAIL.COM
SUPERVISOR, suitably qualified applicants can 17551111 or VIJESH.NAIR@HAJIHASSAN.COM 17717730 or ALAZZAMGROUP@YAHOO.COM STREET SALON has a vacancy for the
occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified contact 37787773 or duaijmalkhalifa@ASRY.NET BAHRAIN SNOOKER CENTRE has a vacancy RAMEE PALACE HOTEL W.L.L has a vacancy occupation of HAIR DRESSER, suitably
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of for the occupation of WAITER/BARTENDER,
applicants can contact 17346000 or hr@ for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33263042 or
suitably qualified applicants can contact
ALMEER.COM.BH qualified applicants can contact 39874483 or WANA_FRIENDSHIP2008@YAHOO.COM
can contact 17125256 or INFOCLOUDEMS@ has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER
17811688 or
GMAIL.COM ALMOAYYED SECURITY has a vacancy for (GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can KH.ALJABRY@HOTMAIL.COM DUHA TEXTILES AND ABAYAT has a vacancy
contact 17382228 or MUSTAFA@ELITEFMC. KPMG ADVISORY W.L.L has a vacancy ALAZHAR CONTRACTING ESTABLISHMENT for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 17400407 or COM for the occupation of MANAGER, suitably has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER qualified applicants can contact 33778854 or
SUPPLIES W.L.L has a vacancy for the (GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can qualified applicants can contact 17224807 or ASKARALI402012@HOTMAIL.COM
occupation of SALES AGENT, suitably qualified COMSIP AL A ALI W.L.L has a vacancy for the
contact 17702454 or
applicants can contact 66311009 or medtreq@ WADI ALSAIL GATE CONSTRUCTION occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified DARLENA FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL
applicants can contact 17773006 or AURELIEN. QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for ALFAROOQ ALUMINUM has a vacancy ACTIVITIES W.L.L has a vacancy for the has a vacancy for the occupation of
POLISHER(METAL), suitably qualified CHAUSSY@VINCI-ENERGIES.COM the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified for the occupation of WORKER, suitably occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified
RAJU DECORE W.L.L has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 39053163 or
applicants can contact 33367000 or info@ MIRADOR HOTEL has a vacancy for the applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@ applicants can contact 33337444 or
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably Ashfoqraza29@gmail.COM QASSIM.890@GMAIL.COM
qualified applicants can contact 39768042 or occupation of STOREKEEPER ASSISTANT,
QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for
suitably qualified applicants can contact WADI ALSAIL GATE CONSTRUCTION has YASEEN FUTURE FOR SCRAP AND
the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified
SERVICES CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the 17312002 or SEHAM.ALZAIN@GMAIL.COM a vacancy for the occupation of CARPENTER, ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT
AL-AHLIA CONTRACTING CO. W.L.L has a applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@
vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified GUARDUS SECURITY CO. W.L.L has a suitably qualified applicants can contact REPAIR BAHRAINI PARTNERSHIP COMPANY
33367000 or has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
qualified applicants can contact 17737000 or applicants can contact 17258381 or admin@ vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can Miracle Land Contractor has a vacancy NASS MARINE SERVICES CO WLL has a suitably qualified applicants can contact
A.ALI ESSA ALDAAYSI CO. W.L.L has contact 17400407 or HRD@ALMOAYYEDCG. for the occupation of WORKER, suitably vacancy for the occupation of FOREMAN, 36549635 or YASEENNISAR106@GMAIL.COM
SULTANS TEST KITCHEN has a vacancy suitably qualified applicants can contact
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably a vacancy for the occupation of SALES COM qualified applicants can contact 39696047 or NEW YORK GARAGE has a vacancy for
SERVICES@MIRACLEGROUPS.COM 17725522 or the occupation of MECHANIC, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 66722334 or REPRESENTATIVE, suitably qualified ALNAWRAS SMIHERY & WELDING
applicants can contact 39445575 or hr@ MARBLE RESTORATION CO. W.L.L has a MENHATAN CONTRACTING EST has a qualified applicants can contact 36414614 or
HAMMALDASHTI41@GMAIL.COM FABRICATION WORKSHOP has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably BK.KHAN85@GMAIL.COM
LIAM CONSTRUCTION CO. W.L.L has a qualified applicants can contact 33337394 or
vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably ZILLEY BATOOL SERVICES W.L.L has a qualified applicants can contact 39696054 or qualified applicants can contact 39468574 or NEW YORK GENERAL TRADING has a
ALSAYED_76@HOTMAIL.COM vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN,
qualified applicants can contact 39992355 or vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 39025980 or Gold medal for sportswear has a vacancy for SIYANA INDUSTRIAL SERVICES & SIAM AL ABOOR GARAGE has a vacancy for the suitably qualified applicants can contact
LIAMCOWLL@GMAIL.COM occupation of MECHANIC, suitably qualified
BISMILLAH ELECTRONICS has a vacancy applicants can contact 39836099 or ABOOR1@
Arabian International Contracting CO. W.L.L qualified applicants can contact 39451811 or COMPANY has a vacancy for the occupation of YALDA AUTO ACCESSORIES has a vacancy
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably HOTMAIL.COM
qualified applicants can contact 33248658 or has a vacancy for the occupation of WELDER, ALZUBAIDY1967@GMAIL.COM PIPEFITTER, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably
suitably qualified applicants can contact contact 17552722 or SIAM7373@BATELCO. YOUNG JIN ENTERPRISE COMPANY qualified applicants can contact 17252204 or
39677780 or AWALSERV@BATELCO.COM.BH vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably COM.BH LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of Salim3210321@GMAIL.COM
ARAB STYLE W.L.L has a vacancy for LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can
NADER GAS has a vacancy for the occupation qualified applicants can contact 33454414 or SKENAR FOR TRADE SALE OF ELECTRICAL PERFECT CAR WASH has a vacancy
the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@
of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can AND ELECTRONIC HOUSEHOLD for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 33080006 or
contact 39288454 or INFO@TKSBH.COM APPLIANCES W.L.L has a vacancy for GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 39444479 or
STORE ONE has a vacancy for the occupation occupation of BAKER(GENERAL), suitably the occupation of SUPERVISOR, suitably ALMOAYYED INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTING
TRADING W.L.L has a vacancy for the of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can qualified applicants can contact 39230078 or qualified applicants can contact 33161222 or AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES W.L.L has RAHIM GOLD SMITH has a vacancy for the
ALWESAM71@HOTMAIL.COM SARBJEET2003@YAHOO.COM a vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN, occupation of MANAGER, suitably qualified
occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified contact 17590020 or
ALDIRAH FISHING TRADE has a vacancy suitably qualified applicants can contact applicants can contact 36316535 or HFGKPB@
applicants can contact 35523766 or BEN EID TOWERS CLEANING has a vacancy FRIENDS WELDING SMITHERY
38888838 or
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably YAHOO.COM
HAFIZ3573626@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of CLEANER, suitably &FABRICATION WORKSSHOP W.L.L has a
TRIPLE NINE STARS CONTRACTING qualified applicants can contact 17250078 or vacancy for the occupation of WELDER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 66716414 or AL-AHLIA CONTRACTING CO. W.L.L has Sherry SPA MASSAGE CENTER has a
KEHF-2011@HOTMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 66311010 or ABDULLAHSAUD452@GMAIL.COM a vacancy for the occupation of FOREMAN, vacancy for the occupation of DRIVER, suitably
BAHRAINI PARTNERSHIP COMPANY has a suitably qualified applicants can contact
AL SADIQ GAS has a vacancy for the KOOKITOCO@HOTMAIL.COM AATI ELECTRONIC REPAIRS has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 36535533 or
vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably 17737000 or
occupation of SUPERVISOR, suitably qualified for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 39074784 or ALDOY CONTRACTINGS & EXCAVATIONS
LUCKYFALAKSHER786@GMAIL.COM applicants can contact 33542712 or ASAD_3A@ has a vacancy for the occupation of qualified applicants can contact 17280720 or MAGIC SHINE CLEANING CO. W.L.L has AMIR ALARAB AGRICULTURE CENTRE has a
ARIZ RESTAURANTS COMPANY W.L.L has a HOTMAIL.COM ACCOUNTANTS, suitably qualified applicants AKRAMHUSSAIN22@GMAIL.COM a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
can contact 33990991 or MDASALDOY@ QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 39227474 or
vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably ABBAS JAFFAR AHMED ALMEARAJ has a
the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified 36509129 or ALSHAKHOORISERVICES@HOTMAIL.COM
qualified applicants can contact 33783358 or vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 33787830 or QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@ Alpha Safety Services W.L.L has a vacancy SIGNATURE HOTEL (FOUR SEASONS
the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified for the occupation of TECHNICIAN, suitably BAHRAIN BAY) COMPANY W.L.L has
SWAN CONSULTANCY W.L.L has a vacancy
applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@ CLEAN ZONE LAUNDRY has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 39607378 or a vacancy for the occupation of WAITER
for the occupation of SENIOR ACCOUNTANT, ALAYAM PUBLICATION ESTABLISHMENT for the occupation of WORKER, suitably farff@BATELCO.COM.BH (HOTEL), suitably qualified applicants can
suitably qualified applicants can contact W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of
LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can qualified applicants can contact 39633812 or FIVES SERVICES GULF W.L.L has a contact 17115000 or EHAB.ZAINUDDIN@
vacancy for the occupation of OFFICER
contact 17617777 or ALIYAHMADI@ALAYAM. a vacancy for the occupation of ELECTRICIAN, YOUBUTTI@GMAIL.COM KEYPOINT.ME
EURO CONCEPT W.L.L has a vacancy for (ADMINISTRATIVE), suitably qualified
the occupation of RECEPTIONIST, suitably applicants can contact 36667350 or zainab.
17241477 or &MAINTENANCE has a vacancy for the a vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER,
qualified applicants can contact 38819705 or LABONE CONSTRUCTION W.L.L has a
vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified suitably qualified applicants can contact
ENGWAELARCHTICT@YAHOO.COM Stiller Agency for the Supply Workers w. l. l
(SITE), suitably qualified applicants can contact has a vacancy for the occupation of KITCHEN applicants can contact 33335558 or bucheeri5@ BADER MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION 33317040 or YR728@LIVE.COM
a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, 36339996 or ASKAR@BATELCO.COM.BH WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of ALSHAMSI TRADING EMIRATES W.L.L has
contact 17717730 or ALAZZAMGROUP@ NADHAM ALDEEN CLOAKS TAILORING ELECTRICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can a vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR
suitably qualified applicants can contact THURYYA ABDULHUSSAIN HASAN has a
contact 17300455 or FARIDA.BADER@GMAIL.
YAHOO.COM has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, SALES, suitably qualified applicants can
39899554 or ZAHRA_H24@HOTMAIL.COM vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 39444533 or YOUNG JIN ENTERPRISE COMPANY suitably qualified applicants can contact COM contact 17582604 or ASHACCOUNTS@
Almufeed Electrical Services Co. W.L.L has a LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of 36896040 or A.S6007009@GMAIL.COM HABIB AHMED ALSHAGAL FACTORY has ALSHAMSIHOLDING.COM
vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN,
LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can AL KOOHEJI ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS BAKER STREET has a vacancy for the
qualified applicants can contact 17677784 or ALJASSIM CONSTRUCTION & REEL ESTET
suitably qualified applicants can contact
contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@ & CONSTRUCTION WLL has a vacancy for occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified has a vacancy for the occupation of MANAGER
(CONTRACTING), suitably qualified applicants GMAIL.COM the occupation of WORKER(CONSTRUCTION), applicants can contact 39939974 or
can contact 39249530 or AAALJASIM30@ WALEED ALUMINUM FABRICATION suitably qualified applicants can contact 668 cafe has a vacancy for the occupation SAMIALMULLA15@GMAIL.COM
has a vacancy for the occupation of of WAITER (GENERAL), suitably qualified
COOK(GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants GMAIL.COM FACTORY has a vacancy for the occupation 17701711 or IDEA Publicity & Advertising Co. Partnership
of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants YOUNG JIN ENTERPRISE COMPANY applicants can contact 33113352 or 668.BHR@ has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of can contact 39668218 or WALEED.CO@ LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact
WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can WINDOWSLIVE.COM LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can AL ASHBAL ELECTRCAL CONSTRUCTION 17550231 or TARADA14@GMAIL.COM
10 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2023

VACANCIES AVAILABLE ALRAYYAN 2 GATE AUTO SPARE PARTS applicants can contact 33335558 or bucheeri5@ contact 66767587 or
Call us on +973 36458394
email :

the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably ALPHA.EDACKAT3@GMAIL.COM

CONTINUED has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, TUXEDO GENTS TAILORING has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 36815455 or BIN DHAIF GARAGE. has a vacancy for
SAYACORP HOSPITALITY W.L.L has a suitably qualified applicants can contact Almoayyed Air Conditioning W.L.L. has a for the occupation of TAILOR, suitably ahsanjbajwa@GMAIL.COM the occupation of VEHICLE SHEETMETAL
vacancy for the occupation of GENERAL 36665448 or ALSHAIKH619@YAHOO.COM vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN, qualified applicants can contact 17000000 or AQWA EXCELLENCE WATER BOTTLING has WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can
SUPERVISOR(HOTEL SERVICES), suitably VEER HOME FOODS has a vacancy suitably qualified applicants can contact TUXEDO2000@GMAIL.COM a vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER, contact 36466688 or BINDHAIF1@HOTMAIL.
qualified applicants can contact 33637004 or for the occupation of CASHIER, suitably 39770606 or CHICAGO AUTO SERVICES has a vacancy for suitably qualified applicants can contact COM qualified applicants can contact 39319199 or Dar Arob Contracting Co. WLL has a vacancy the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified 39774433 or AALI@MINISO-BH.COM SINTIYA CARPENTARY WORKSHOP W.L.L
YOUNG JIN ENTERPRISE COMPANY LULWASHAMS@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of WORKER, suitably applicants can contact 33686863 or BSSA999@ F.N.F CONSTRUCTION COMPANY W.L.L has has a vacancy for the occupation of PAINTER,
LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of SAFEENA STAR TRADING W.L.L has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 36001186 or HOTMAIL.COM a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact
LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of POLISHER(METAL), ALSHKOORBAH@GMAIL.COM Kingdom Security Protection Services W.L.L suitably qualified applicants can contact 34196648 or JAHANGIR333392@GMAIL.COM
contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@ suitably qualified applicants can contact Bu tayyab contracting has a vacancy has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY 38931414 or SARIFUDDIN9@GMAIL.COM Kingdom Security Protection Services W.L.L
GMAIL.COM 33383389 or ABBASU2000@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of DRIVER, suitably GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can contact INDO BAHRAIN AIR-CONDITIONING has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY
AL JAZEERA SECURITY CO. W.L.L has AMNA SHAHZADI GHULAM HUSAIN qualified applicants can contact 39045631 or 39415444 or RASHEED@SECURICORE.BH MAINTENANCE W.L.L has a vacancy GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can contact
a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY LAL DEEN OMER DEEN has a vacancy MOHAMMAD.SAEED634@GMAIL.COM BUWARDOCLEANING SERVICES has a for the occupation of WORKER, suitably 39415444 or RASHEED@SECURICORE.BH
GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably 81 SPECIAL SALON has a vacancy vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER qualified applicants can contact 37722742 or ALAZHAR CONTRACTING ESTABLISHMENT
contact 17822202 or qualified applicants can contact 17214915 or for the occupation of WORKER, suitably (GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can SADEQCONSTRUCTION@GMAIL.COM has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER
UNITED STAR SERVICES CO. W.L.L has a AMNA56689@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 17255335 or contact 17700616 or SUBJECT LEO CONTRACTING W.L.L has a (GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can
vacancy for the occupation of HEAVY DRIVER, SILVER CITY CONTRACTING W.L.L has a 81SPECIALCONSTRUCTION@GMAIL.COM ARABIAN ARROW GENERAL TRADING vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably contact 17702454 or
suitably qualified applicants can contact vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER, ORIENTAL W.L.L has a vacancy for the & INDUSTRIAL SERVICES CO. W.L.L has qualified applicants can contact 39199881 or PRO KLEEN SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy
66665559 or FADHEL.UNITED@GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified a vacancy for the occupation of MARKETING LUCKYBSSA68338@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of CLEANER, suitably
QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for 39188855 or SILVERCITYCONTRACTING@ applicants can contact 38246844 or EXECUTIVE, suitably qualified applicants can ZEE SHOP TRADING has a vacancy for qualified applicants can contact 36845820 or
the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified GMAIL.COM contact 39471947 or the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably PADAM1739@GMAIL.COM
applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@ ARCAL W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation THAI MASSAGE FOR LADIES has a vacancy MOHAMED JALAL CONTRACTING CO. W.L.L qualified applicants can contact 39090415 or BLUE BAY INTERIOR DESIGN & of ALUMINIUM TECHNICIAN (GENERAL), for the occupation of MASSEUR, suitably has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON, ZEE4SHOP@GMAIL.COM DECORATION CO W.L.L has a vacancy for
GIR LINING W.L.L has a vacancy for the suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 17827278 or suitably qualified applicants can contact Kingdom Security Protection Services W.L.L the occupation of SALES AGENT, suitably
occupation of MASON, suitably qualified 17701900 or 17536956 or RASHID_BUALI@JALAL.COM has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY qualified applicants can contact 17581753 or
applicants can contact 33054436 or FATIMA@ ALZAIN TRADING CO LTD WLL has a vacancy STAR BOUTIQUE LAHORE TAILORING SOUTHALL SERVICES CO W.L.L has a GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can contact BASSANTGAFAR@HOTMAIL.COM
GIR-GROUP.COM for the occupation of JEWELRY GOLDSMITH COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably 39415444 or RASHEED@SECURICORE.BH AL HADI TRAVELS W.L.L has a vacancy for
Eastern jalabiat has a vacancy for the (GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified qualified applicants can contact 63005666 or AL-AHLIA CONTRACTING CO. W.L.L has the occupation of TRAVEL AGENT(TICKETING
occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified contact 17212444 or applicants can contact 33451823 or UBHUTA889@GMAIL.COM a vacancy for the occupation of FOREMAN, & RESERVATION), suitably qualified applicants
applicants can contact 33171517 or COMSIP AL A ALI W.L.L has a vacancy for the AISHAARIF90@GMAIL.COM STICKY FINGERS RESTAURANT W.L.L has a suitably qualified applicants can contact can contact 39176460 or AZEEZAP313@ occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified Isnt She Lovely Hair Salon W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably 17737000 or GMAIL.COM
WAHAT ALBUDAIYA SUPERMARKET has applicants can contact 17773006 or AURELIEN. vacancy for the occupation of BEAUTICIAN, qualified applicants can contact 38099089 or Secure Me W.L.L has a vacancy for the RELY PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND
a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, CHAUSSY@VINCI-ENERGIES.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact WECARE@STICKYFINGERSBH.COM occupation of SECURITY GUARD, suitably CONSULTANCY W.L.L has a vacancy for
suitably qualified applicants can contact BREEZEE LAUNDRY has a vacancy for the 33859909 or FAISAL AHMED JUMA BUILDING qualified applicants can contact 17749697 or the occupation of CONSULTANT, suitably
33254003 or ADEL.JASIM.M@GMAIL.COM occupation of PRESSER (HAND), suitably Almahi Sons Designing Co.w.l.l has a vacancy COMPLETION has a vacancy for the occupation qualified applicants can contact 38074242 or
USMAN GHANI BAKERY has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 39445823 or for the occupation of WORKER, suitably of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can ELYA LAND CONTRACTING has a vacancy WCHAYATI@GMAIL.COM
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably NASSERBREEZEE@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 33880108 or contact 33880076 or FAISALAHMEDBH2@ for the occupation of CLEANER (GENERAL), SAYACORP HOSPITALITY W.L.L has a vacancy
qualified applicants can contact 35301525 or M SAEED WORKSHOP W.L.L has a vacancy HASSAN70-7@HOTMAIL.COM GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact for the occupation of COOK(GENERAL), suitably
RMINHAS560@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of WORKER, suitably SPRING FIELDS LIVESTOCK W.L.L has a ATTOCK SERVICES CO BAHRAINI 17131343 or ELYALANDCONTRACTING@ qualified applicants can contact 33637004 or
CAFETERIA RAMSI has a vacancy for the qualified applicants can contact 38420536 or vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR, PARTNERSHIP COMPANY has a vacancy GMAIL.COM
occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified SAEEEDAC@GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact for the occupation of WORKER, suitably Brodan Contracting Co. W.L.L has a vacancy SNJ INTERIOR DECORATING W.L.L has a
applicants can contact 33004461 or AL HARAM FURNITURE has a vacancy 33189888 or WASEEMWALID@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 33381328 or for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
MOHDBALUCH58@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably COOK & DELIVER RESTAURANT W.L.L has MR2037645@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 34347979 or qualified applicants can contact 33941720 or
FOZIA ABDULREHMAN OMAR HAYAT qualified applicants can contact 39672580 or a vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR, CHOPPERS SALON W.L.L has a vacancy for DR.MENONKS@GMAIL.COM JAVEDBH1273@GMAIL.COM
MOHAMMAD HAYAT has a vacancy for AHARAM1964@GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact the occupation of BARBER, suitably qualified NOVO DELIZIE AND MERCATO CO ALEEM MODERN CONSTRUCTION
the occupation of WORKER, suitably Ain Al Noor for Fresh and Frozen Meat 36077630 or AZASUPERMARKET@GMAIL.COM applicants can contact 33560453 or MB69256@ W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of BAHRAINI PARTNERSHIP COMPANY has a
qualified applicants can contact 35457897 or W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for GMAIL.COM COOK(GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
TAHIRMAHMOOD0788@YAHOO.COM of ACCOUNTANTS, suitably qualified the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified BUTT G MAINTENANCE SERVICES W.L.L can contact 66777117 or TALAL.ALZAIN@JISR.COM qualified applicants can contact 33515042 or
LAYAL DOCUMENT CLEARANCE OF applicants can contact 39405889 or applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@ has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, SSG ISLAND CONTRACTING AND WADOCUMENTS.BH@GMAIL.COM
GOVERNMENT TRANSACTIONS has a SALMANEBRAHIMHILAL@GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact TRADING has a vacancy for the occupation of SHAUKI CONSULTANCY W.L.L has a vacancy
vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, MI CASA W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation MIRAKI BEAUTY W.L.L has a vacancy for 35490909 or RASHIDARSHAD1155@GMAIL.COM ELECTRICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
suitably qualified applicants can contact of WAITER, suitably qualified applicants can the occupation of BEAUTICIAN, suitably ARABIAN TEXTILE CO BAHRAINI contact 36361166 or M.ALBUARKI92@GMAIL. qualified applicants can contact 33000206 or
35577113 or LAYALDOCUMENT@GMAIL.COM contact 17713603 or SPICENICEREST@ qualified applicants can contact 34220558 or PARTNERSHIP COMPANY has a vacancy for COM ABOSOOK32@HOTMAIL.COM
AQIB AlC AND REFRIGERATION WORK GMAIL.COM the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified EASTERN OVERSEAS FOR MARKETING Kingdom Security Protection Services W.L.L
SHOP has a vacancy for the occupation of DURRAT AL MUHARRAQ CLEANING FORCE POINT SECURITY W.L.L has a applicants can contact 33779330 or INFO. AND BROKERAGE W.L.L W.L.L has a vacancy has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY
WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can &MAINTENANCE has a vacancy for the vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY ARABIANTEXTILE@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can contact
contact 34452045 or MJ_7MOOD@HOTMAIL.COM occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can PUNJAB MOBILES has a vacancy for qualified applicants can contact 33786003 or 39415444 or RASHEED@SECURICORE.BH

Shelton shakes things up to Man City return to Premier League summit after Liverpool win derby
reach first final at Japan Open AFP | Liverpool not to send Konate off.
“I have no clue how he didn’t

M anchester City beat

Brighton 2-1 yesterday to
return to the Premier League
feel it was a bookable offence,”
he said.
“I like to think there are a lot
summit and end Liverpool’s of fair-minded people here to-
brief stay at the top after their day who are stunned that wasn’t
victory in the Merseyside a second yellow card.”
derby. Even Klopp said he could un-
Mohamed Salah scored twice derstand Everton’s frustration
as Jurgen Klopp’s men beat 10- at a lack of consistency from
man Everton 2-0 in the early referee Craig Pawson.
kick-off at Anfield, extending But the three points mean the
their dominance over their Reds have lost just one of their
struggling neighbours. last 29 Merseyside derbies and
But champions City put their remain unbeaten at Anfield in
recent wobble behind them as front of a crowd against Everton
they saw off high-flying Bright- since 1999.
on thanks to goals from Julian City, who had lost their previ-
Ben Shelton reacts after a point against Marcos Giron Alvarez and Erling Haaland. Liverpool’s Egyptian striker #11 Mohamed Salah scores the opening goal from ous two league games, dominat-
Arsenal can become the the penalty spot ed the first half of their match
AFP | Tokyo credited a change in strategy fourth team to top the table yes- hima Konate escaped a second the penalty spot after Michael at the Etihad against Brighton,
for turning the match in his terday if they beat Chelsea in the booking in the second half with Keane handled. taking the lead through Alvarez

R ising American star Ben

Shelton said he had to
“shake things up” to reach
“I knew that if I continued
to keep playing the way I was,
early evening kick-off.
Liverpool had fortune on
their side at home.
the game still goalless. Salah was then teed up by
Liverpool struggled to make Darwin Nunez to make the
their man advantage count, points safe deep into stoppage
in the seventh minute.
Jeremy Doku was the creator
as he reached the byline and
his first ATP Tour final at the with the rhythm that he’d Everton’s Ashley Young was but finally achieved the break- time. pulled back for Alvarez to tuck
Japan Open yesterday after found, I was going to lose the sent off before half-time for two through 15 minutes from time Everton manager Sean Dyche home his seventh of the season
another gruelling three-set match,” he said. bookable offences, while Ibra- when Salah smashed home from was angry about the decision from 12 yards.
match. “I tried to shake things up
The 21-year-old beat Ameri- and try something that was
can qualifier Marcos Giron 6-7 going to surprise him.
(2/7), 7-6 (7/5), 6-4 in Tokyo
and will face Russia’s Aslan
“I was able to get him out
of his rhythm for the three Mbappe on target as PSG ease past Strasbourg
Karatsev in Sunday’s final. or four games that I needed AFP | Paris
Shelton lost the first set to get myself back into the with a 10th-minute penalty and minute courtesy of Fabian Ruiz.
and found himself two breaks
down in the second against
world number 79 Giron, who
Shelton rode the momen-
tum after he had survived his
K ylian Mbappe scored one
goal and made another as a
much-changed Paris Saint-Ger-
set up Carlos Soler to make
it 2-0 just after the half-hour
mark at a wet and windy Parc
It was a second straight win
for PSG following their 4-1 de-
feat away to Newcastle United
eliminated second seed Casper second-set scare, closing out main eased to a 3-0 win over des Princes. in the Champions League ear-
Ruud earlier this week. the match with an ace before Patrick Vieira’s Strasbourg in The reigning champions were lier this month, and the result
Shelton said it was “definite- letting out a roar and thump- Ligue 1 yesterday. heading for a routine victory moved them provisionally to the
ly a difficult place to be in” and ing his chest. Mbappe opened the scoring and added a third in the 77th top of Ligue 1 after nine games. Kylian Mbappe


Ton-up Klaasen stars as

South Africa hammer England
Heinrich Klaasen’s century helps South Africa post 399-7, as England collapses to 170-9.
wickets but conceded 88 runs

• England suffered
their heaviest ODI
South Africa 399 for 7 (Klaasen
in 8.5 overs, with express quick
Wood going for 76 in a wicket-
less seven-overs.
defeat, losing by a 109, Hendricks 85, Jansen 75*, van England, who won the toss,
massive 229 runs der Dussen 60) beat England 170 had Quinton de Kock caught
(Wood 43*, Coetzee 3-35, Ngidi behind off just the second ball KNOW WHAT
2-26, Jansen 2-35) by 229 runs of the innings.
AFP | Mumbai
B u t o p e n e r Re e z a
By con- Hendricks, who only re-

England’s defeat
einrich Klaasen made trast, a re- ceived a late call-up after
a brilliant World Cup sounding vic- tory Proteas captain Temba
marked their heaviest
century as South Africa was just what South Bavuma was ruled out ODI loss since a 221-run
thrashed England by a mam- Africa needed after through illness, made 85 reverse against Aus-
moth 229 runs in Mumbai yes- their stunning loss to and shared a second-wick- tralia in 2002
terday to leave the champions’ the Netherlands, a non- et stand of 121 with Rassie
title defence hanging by a thread Test nation. van der Dussen (60). After Stokes’s exit, Gerald
as they suffered a record defeat Earlier, the big-hitting L e g - s p i n n e r A d i l Coetzee took two wickets in
in a one-day international. Klaasen struck a six and a Rashid removed both three balls, England captain Jos
Klaasen made 109, despite South Africa’s Marco Jansen plays a shot four off successive deliver- Van der Dussen and Buttler edging to opposing wick-
being repeatedly troubled by ies from fast bowler Mark Hendricks, but he etkeeper De Kock and Harry
cramp, as South Africa posted land’s heaviest ODI defeat fol- iar role of left-arm quick. Wood to complete a 61-ball could only watch as Brook lbw for 17 despite a de-
a colossal 399-7 -- the highest lowing a 221-run reverse against Not even Ben Stokes, playing hundred. Jansen smashed two spairing review.
total conceded by England at Australia at Melbourne in 2002. his first game of the tournament, He was eventually out successive sixes off South Africa’s dominance was
this level. Klaasen received brilliant sup- could rescue England this time, when bowled by Gus Atkin- Topley full-tosses. summed up when David Willey
England then collapsed to port from Marco Jansen in a with the talisman caught and son in the last over, having England open- was brilliantly caught by a div-
68-6 and were 170-9, with ex- sixth-wicket stand of 151 in just bowled by Kagiso Rabada for struck 12 fours and four er Jonny Bairstow ing Rabada, running round from
actly 28 overs to spare, when 77 balls. just five. sixes in total. fell for 10 before mid-off, to leave England 100-8.
the match ended, with last man Jansen finished on 75 not out England’s third defeat in four The Proteas ran riot Jansen’s fine day Tailenders Atkinson (35) and
Reece Topley unable to bat fol- -- his maiden ODI fifty -- having games, including a shock loss to as they scored 143 off continued when he Wood (43 not out) delayed the
lowing a hand injury suffered struck three fours and six sixes. Afghanistan last time out, left the last 10 overs after dismissed Joe Root inevitable before the former
during South Africa’s innings. He then followed up with two them with a mountain to climb losing the toss. and Dawid Malan to was bowled by spinner Keshav
This crushing loss was Eng- early wickets in his more famil- to reach the semi-finals. Topley took three leave England 24-3. Maharaj.
South Africa’s Heinrich Klaasen plays a shot

Sri Lanka bring Dutch crashing back to reality at World Cup Leclerc takes pole in Texas
AFP | Lucknow
as Verstappen slips to sixth
S adeera Samarawickrama
hit an undefeated 91 as Sri
Lanka brought the Netherlands I’m really happy to
crashing back down to World finish the game. We
Cup reality yesterday with a needed a win. When
five-wicket victory which gave I went in to bat, the
the 1996 champions their first wicket was not easy. The
win of the tournament. ball was spinning, and
The Dutch had stunned South the fast bowlers were
Africa by 38 runs up in the chilly
and wet Himalayas on Tuesday, bowling on a good line
but struggled to contain Sri Lan- and length. The plan
ka in the heat of Lucknow. was to bat deep
Chasing 263 to win, Samaraw- SADEERA SAMARAWICKRAMA
ickrama hit seven boundaries
in a patient 107-ball stay at the Sri Lanka’s Sadeera Samarawickrama plays a shot 3-44.
crease with Pathum Nissanka Earlier, Sybrand Engelbrecht
making 54 as Sri Lanka reached fifty at this World Cup after 51 and Logan van Beek hit maiden
their target with 10 balls to Scorecard against Pakistan and 61 in the one-day international fifties as Ferrari’s Monegasque driver Charles Leclerc races during the practice session
spare. Sri Lanka 263 for 5 (Samarawick- game with Australia. the Netherlands recovered from AFP | Austin
After defeats to South Africa, rama 91, Nissanka 54, Dutt 3-44) The Dutch sensed a chance of a poor start to post 262. newly-crowned three-time
Pakistan and Australia, the Sri beat Netherlands 262 (Engelbre- another shock when Sri Lanka The 35-year-old Engelbrecht champion Verstappen’s bid for
Lankans have their first points
on the board in the 10-nation
World Cup.
cht 70, van Beek 59, Madushanka
4-49, Rajitha 4-50) by five wickets
were 104-3 but Samarawickra-
ma, who made a fine 108 against
Pakistan, steadied the ship in a
reached his milestone off 65
balls with three fours and one
C harles Leclerc claimed his a 50th career victory in Sun-
third pole position of the day’s race.
season on Friday as Max Ver- “I am very happy with my
The Netherlands also have was spinning, and the fast bowl- man of the match performance. Van Beek went to his fifty stappen had his best lap delet- qualifying and to take pole po-
one win and three losses from ers were bowling on a good line The 25-year-old had reached from 68 balls. ed and slipped to sixth on the sition,” said Leclerc.
their four games. and length. The plan was to bat his 50 off 53 balls with four South African-born Engel- grid in a dramatic qualifying at “It was a really good lap and
“I’m really happy to finish the deep.” boundaries, putting on 77 in a brecht and New Zealand native this weekend’s United States the team did a great job. We
game. We needed a win,” said Opener Nissanka’s half-cen- key fourth wicket stand with Van Beek helped the Dutch re- Grand Prix. had a very clean FP1, which is
Samarawickrama. tury came from 52 balls with Charith Asalanka (44). cover from 91-6, putting on a The Ferrari driver showed so important on these sprint
“When I went in to bat, the nine fours as the 25-year-old Spinner Aryan Dutt was the seventh-wicket partnership of commanding pace as he weekends.”
wicket was not easy. The ball registered his third successive pick of the Dutch bowlers with 130. clocked a fastest lap in one Norris described his front-
minute and 34.723 seconds row start as a “bonus for the
to outpace McLaren’s Lan- team”.
do Norris by a tenth with He said: “I think I was quick
India ‘favourites’ to win World Cup, says ex-Kiwi skipper Taylor resurgent seven-time world enough to get pole position. I
champion Lewis Hamilton of know Charles said he made
AFP | Dharamsala champions India, led by Rohit Taylor said in an International Mercedes taking third. a few mistakes, but so did I!
Sharma, have four wins each Cricket Council (ICC) column. Carlos Sainz was fourth in And anyway, I am happy with

I ndia at home are a “different

beast” and remain favourites
to win the ongoing World Cup,
with the Kiwis top of the 10-
team table with a better run-
But Taylor, an aggressive bats-
man who retired last year after
being part of two World Cups
the second Ferrari ahead of second nevertheless.”
George Russell in the second Hamilton, who relished the
Williams and Verstappen, performance of his car’s up-
former New Zealand skipper “India in their home condi- finals in 2015 and 2019, said a whose late best lap was quick grades at one of his favourite
Ross Taylor said yesterday. tions are a different beast and packed home crowd will bring enough for pole before it was circuits, said: “I love being
The hosts meet fellow unbeat- they have started unsurprisingly the best out of New Zealand. rubbed out after he exceeded here at this circuit and I love
en New Zealand in a marquee Ross Taylor strongly - I see them as favour- “The crowd will naturally play track limits at Turn 19. the country. This is such an
clash on Sunday in the Hima- in the tournament for one of ites to win the competition at a part but I think New Zealand It was the 21st pole position incredibly challenging circuit
layan hill town of Dharamsala, the teams. this stage, no matter what hap- will thrive in that atmosphere,” of Leclerc’s career and gives and one of my favourites, up
which will witness a first loss New Zealand and former pens in Dharamsala tomorrow,” said Taylor. him a chance of frustrating there with Silverstone.


Kyrgyzstan, Iran win promotion

Women’s national tennis teams from both nations move up to Asia/Oceania Zone Group II for next year’s Billie Jean King Cup


Bahrain were hosts

for the second time of
their Billie Jean King
Cup Asia/Oceania Zone
group. Fourteen wom-
en’s national tennis
teams competed this
year. The Billie Jean
Shaikh Abdulaziz bin Mubarak Al Khalifa and Fouad Al Ruwaie, fifth and sixth from left, alongside the Kyrgyzstan and Iran King Cup is a leading
teams with their medals during the awarding global tournament be-
Jean King Cup tennis compe- BTF president Shaikh Abdulaziz tween national teams
• Kyrgyzstan sweep
past Qatar 3-0, Iran
tition. bin Mubarak Al Khalifa awarded
The pair secured their quali- the Kyrgyzstan and Iran players
fication berths after finishing as their respective medals for their
in women’s tennis
6-1, 6-0 in their doubles clash Laos star Malaylack Delilah Pathummakuronen in action during her singles
beat Laos 3-0 in final the top two women’s national respective finishes in Bahrain. and thus sealed their promotion. match yesterday
match-ups of 2023 Billie squads in this year’s 2023 Billie Also on hand was BTF secretary The Kyrgyzstan team in Iran’s Nili Atfi outclassed Laos’ ni claimed a 6-0, 6-2 win against
Jean King Cup Asia/ Jean King Cup Asia/Oceania general Fouad Al Ruwaie. Bahrain also featured Safina Phonephathep Philavong 6-0, Malaylack and Phonephathep.
Zone Group III event, held this In Kyrgyzstan’s victory, Khabibrakhmanova, while the 6-0. Iran’s squad at this year’s event
Oceania Zone Group past week in the Kingdom at the Vladislava Andreevskaya beat Qataris also included Safiya Al Ya s a m a n Ya z d a n i t h e n in Bahrain also featured Mesh-
III event in Bahrain Bahrain Tennis Federation (BTF) Khadija Gassama 6-0, 6-0 in the Thani, Shaikha Khalifa and Hind claimed the narrowest of vic- katolzahra Safi, while Laos also
hard courts in Isa Town. opening singles contest. Ari- Al Mudahka. tories following a fierce battle had Thirada Phommachack and
TDT | Manama Kyrgyzstan claimed their na Solomatina then followed In the tightly contested match- with Malaylack Delilah Pathum- Phonesamai Champamanivong.
place after defeating Qatar 3-0 suit with a 6-2, 6-4 win against up between Iran and Laos, the makuronen. Yasaman triumphed The Billie Jean King Cup is a

K yrgyzstan and Iran yes- in their final round match-up, Mubaraka Al Naimi.
terday won promotion while Iran claimed a hard-

Group II in next year’s Billie

Vladislava and Arina then
for Asia/Oceania Zone earned 3-0 victory against Laos. completed the sweep after de-
Following yesterday’s action, feating Khadija and Mubaraka
Iranians came out triumphant
but not without a valiant fight
from their rivals.
In the first singles match,
7-6 (8-6), 6-7 (6-8), 7-6 (7-4) in a leading global tournament be-
thrilling encounter. tween national teams in wom-
In their doubles match, Hana en’s tennis. The competition in
Soltani and Kimia Sagheb Tehra- the Kingdom was a zonal event.

Da Costa Jr scores late winner for Najma 2 Seas in top five for British GT finale
Brazilian heads home
goal in Najma’s
Ian Loggie, Jules
qualify third on
2-1 win over East Riffa the grid in 2 Seas’ #1 car

• Najma claim third

win in four games, move
• James Cottingham,
Philip Ellis take
to top of league table fifth in team’s #4
Mercedes AMG-GT3
TDT | Manama
TDT | Manama
E dimar Ribeiro Da Costa
Junior scored a late winner
last night to help lift Al Najma
to a come-from-behind 2-1 win
over East Riffa to kick off the
B ahraini-British motor rac-
ing team 2 Seas Motorsport
qualified both their cars in the
fourth week of action in the Easf Riffa’s Jassim Khelaif looks to keep possession during their match against top five yesterday for the final
2023/2024 Nasser bin Ham- Najma last night round of the Intelligent Money
ad Bahrain Premier Football with a goal from inside the pen- ers following their first loss. British GT Championship 2023.
League. alty area, but then Al Rumaihi League action continues to- 2 Seas’ Ian Loggie and Jules
Da Costa Jr scored with six equalised just nine minutes on. night and tomorrow with two Gounon, driving the team’s #1
minutes left in regular time to That set the stage for Da Cos- matches on the cards each Mercedes AMG-GT3 contender, Seas’ #1 car in action during yesterday’s qualifying
give Najma their third win of ta Jr’s decisive goal, which he evening. Tonight, Sitra face off claimed third place on the start-
the new season. headed in off a corner kick. with Manama and Al Hala take ing grid for today’s two-hour of overcoming a 20-seconds
Earlier in the contest, Ahmed With the result, Najma im- on Hidd. Tomorrow, Al Ahli race, while teammates James Compensation Time penalty
Koury and Mohammed Al Ru- proved to 10 points and rose to play Muharraq and defending Cottingham and Philip Ellis, BETTER today, accrued for winning at
maihi were on target for their the top of the league table. East champions Al Khaldiya take on behind the wheel of 2 Seas’ #4 Brands Hatch.
respective sides. Riffa, who led the standings Busaiteen. challenger, took the fifth start- In the British GT’s previous
Koury opened the scoring for heading into yesterday’s match, All games are scheduled to ing position. KNOW meeting, 2 Seas scored enough
East Riffa in the 13th minute went to second with nine mark- kick off at 7pm. 2 Seas, co-owned by His points on the GT3 Teams Cham-
Highness Shaikh Isa bin Ab- pionship standings to wrap up
dulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the title race with a round to
already secured their historic Heading into what has spare.
Zarco wins Australian MotoGP thriller, Bagnaia second first-ever GT3 Teams title in
the previous meeting at Brands
been dubbed as “the
Donington Decider”,
Heading into what has been
dubbed as “the Donington De-
AFP | Phillip Island tin dropping down, so I thought Hatch circuit last month, and cider”, 2 Seas have won four
something was possible,” said are now hoping to take the
2 Seas have won four of the eight races this British
of the eight races this
F rance’s Johann Zarco won a
thrilling Australian MotoGP
yesterday with a last-lap over-
33-year-old Zarco after finally
winning in his 120th grand prix.
“To cross in first after so
drivers’ crown at today’s sea-
son-finale at Donington Park
in the UK.
British GT season
GT season. Cottingham and
Adam claimed three of those
triumphs, which included rac-
take to clinch a maiden victory many races, it is really high Cottingham and regular 2 a 3pm start, Bahrain time. es at Autodromo do Algarve in
ahead of Italian Francesco Ba- emotion. I don’t want to cry at Seas partner Jonny Adam are Heading into the finale, Cot- Portugal in round seven, Oul-
gnaia, who stretched his world the moment, but I think it will currently the leaders for the tingham holds a 13-point lead ton Park in round one and at
championship lead. Johann Zarco come. GT3 Drivers Championship but on the Drivers’ Championship Donington Park in round four.
The Ducati-Pramac ace to take the chequered flag just “This is a track that everyone Adam is competing this week- standings ahead of Darren Le- Loggie and Gounon triumphed
passed fading teammate and 0.201secs clear of Bagnaia on loves, and if you can win here end in the European Le Mans ung and Dan Harper of Century the other time in the champi-
world title contender Jorge his factory Ducati. you feel like you are part of the Series. Motorsport. Leung and Harper onship’s second round, also at
Martin in a nail-biting finale “I was surprised to see Mar- big guys,” he added. Today’s race is scheduled for have the additional challenge Oulton Park.

Hon. Chairman Najeb Yacob Alhamer | Chairman & Managing Director P Unnikrishnan | Editor-in-Chief Mahmood Al Mahmood
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