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1 Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb.

1 You ……shouldn't……… feed the cat too much or it will become overweight.

2 I know I ……shouldn't…… have another piece of cake, but I can’t resist it!

3 Do you …have to………… get up really early for your

new job?

4 If I had an English friend, I ………would…… write to them every week.

5 You …can……… use the computer for an hour if you want to, but I’ll need to go online again later.


2 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

OK students, now I’m going to tell you about exam week, which starts on Monday morning. We’ll begin with an
oral test in Spanish on Monday. You will be (1) …asked… questions in Spanish by your form teacher. The biology
exam timetabled for Tuesday has (2) …been… changed and this will now be held on Friday morning at 10.00.
Students (3) ……will… be required to bring along calculators to the maths exams if they are doing the third paper as
well. So don’t forget those! Timetables are (4) …being…… printed today and these will (5) ……be…… given out during
the last class tomorrow. Good luck everyone!


3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

finish • help • meet • open • take

1 This time tomorrow I ………… will have finished………

…………………… my driving test! I’m so nervous!

2 What time …does… the bank ……open………… tomorrow morning?

3 Mark will have finished………….…… football practice by 5.30, so we can go into town then.

4 Sorry, I can’t come round this afternoon. I …………will meet………… Ted for a coffee.

5 This computer software is quite complicated. I ……can help……

…………………………………………………………… you with it, if you like.


4 Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the text.

I’m really worried about the end of term exams at school. My brother Hugh says that I (1)
…………C…………… silly and that I shouldn’t worry about failing. He says that I
(2) ……………A………… to be calm and relax more. That’s easy for him (3) ……C………………… because he always
passes all his exams. Last week we did a history test and when I
(4) ………D……………… the results, I couldn’t believe it. I had passed the exam and (5) ……………A………… top
marks in my year. Amazing! Perhaps the exams will be fine.
1 A will be B am being
C will have been D was
2 A ought B would
C can D might
3 A say B to say
C saying D to saying
4 A given B had give
C was given D gave
5 A awarded B have been awarded
C was awarded D had been awarded


Total / 20

5 Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the dialogue.
Michael: Shall we order a takeaway? Are you hungry?

Angela: Yes, let’s do that. I’ll call the usual place and order something. Can you turn the TV down so that I can
hear, please?

Michael: Yes, of course. Where’s the (1) …………B…………… control for the TV?

Angela: There – just next to you.

Michael: Got it. Which button do I (2) ………A………………

for ‘silent’?

Angela: The green one in the middle. Shall we order Indian food?

Michael: Yes, sounds great. Not too (3) …………A…………… for me, though. I like mild food better.

Angela: OK. Are you very hungry? Would you like to have a (4) …………B…………… as well as a main course?

Michael: Yes, please. I’m really hungry. I’ve been working on my (5) ………B……………… report for hours. All that
reading about Henry VIII has made me very hungry!

1 A mobile B remote C digital

2 A press B turn C charge
3 A spicy B fried C stale
4 A snack B dish C starter
5 A geography B history C art


6 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

1 I’m not ready …………for…………… the test. I need to revise more.

2 This new mobile phone is quite different …………from…………… my last one. I can do a lot more with it.

3 My dad is worried …………about…………… my younger brother. He keeps getting into trouble.

4 If you’re good …………at…………… French, perhaps you can help me with this question.

5 I’m bored …………of…………… doing my homework. I think I need a break.


7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words.

advantages • cooked • electric • estimate understand

1 We need to call a(n) ………electrician…… to sort out the problem with the lights.

2 Don’t ……underestimate…… Tim. He’s short and skinny, but he’s very strong and could win the race.

3 I …misunderstood… the instructions and got the answers wrong.

4 The chef ……overcooked…… the chicken and it was very dry.

5 There are a lot of ……advantages… to working from home. One is that you can get quite lonely.


8 Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the text.

This year I started at a new school. I was really lucky because I won a(n) (1) …………C…………… to the
school and so my parents don’t need to pay a penny. I had to take an entrance exam twice.
The first time I was ill and I didn’t do very well and so I asked if I could (2) …………D…………… the exam.
I had to speak to Mrs Granger, the person responsible (3) …………B…………… the entrance exams and
she allowed me to repeat it. I wasn’t aware (4) …………C…………… this rule, but I’m glad that I asked.
My parents are really pleased (5) …………B…………… the change, and so am I!

1 A prize B award C scholarship D trip

2 A resit B reinvent C rewind D redo
3 A to B for C in D at
4 A of B for C to D with
5 A in B of C on D with


Total / 20

9 Read the short texts about childhood dreams. Match the comments (1–6) with the people (A–
D). You can choose the people more than once.

A Marcus

Like most children, I had a dream job when I was young. From the age of two, I decided that my future career was
going to be in the stars! I wanted to be an astronaut and travel in space. As I grew older, the ambition didn’t fade as
many childhood dreams do, but it grew stronger. At 11, I would picture myself walking in space and looking at the
Earth from thousands of miles away and by 14, I had read all there was to read about the experiences of those
famous men who had actually set foot on the Moon. My parents thought I was being too ambitious and wanted
me to study to be a doctor. I was almost influenced by their arguments but in the end I stuck to my plan and
became a pilot. Now, after years of study and dedication, my dreams look set to become reality. I’ve been lucky
enough to be chosen to join the crew as a pilot on the international space station.
B Annika

The earliest ambition I can recall was to work in a sweet shop. There was a lovely, old-fashioned sweetshop near
my house, full of huge jars of the most wonderful sweets you can imagine! My sister and I used to spend hours in
there deciding how to spend our pocket money. I think my plan was that if I worked there, I would be able to
indulge in eating every type of sweet that the shop sold! However, eventually the sweet shop closed and my dream
disappeared with it. Later I went to study at a business college and got a good qualification there. While I was
trying to decide what to do with my life after that, I kept thinking about my childhood dream. I decided that
perhaps there was a place for a real, old-fashioned sweet shop in today’s world of online selling and huge
supermarkets. So I started my own sweet shop in the heart of my old town. We’re now in our fifth year and doing
extremely well. It seems that there still is a place for those huge jars of wonderful sweets after all.

C Ben

When I was a child I had a dream of becoming an architect. I was good at drawing and spent hours sketching
imaginary buildings and cities. Then when I was older I loved those computer games where you invent your own
cities and fill them with buildings and shops and parks and everything. I played those games for hours and hours! I
never really thought about making architecture my career though until I went to Copenhagen on holiday when I
was 17. The amazing modern architecture there inspired me and I decided I wanted to go to art college. I studied
architecture for seven years and finally graduated two years ago. I got my first job with a firm of architects in
London six months later and I love it! I can’t imagine doing anything else.

D Maria

I remember being obsessed with the theatre when I was a little girl. I loved playing dress-up and pretending to be
other people and I adored going to the theatre with my parents and entering the world of make-believe of the
plays and musicals we saw there. My mother sent me to drama school on Saturdays for a few years and after that I
did a few auditions for parts in small productions, but to be honest I wasn’t very good at acting! I got very stressed
every time I had to go on stage and saw all those people watching me. However, the experience helped me
understand that although I loved the theatre, I didn’t want to be an actress. I started helping out behind the scenes
for a while as a summer job and found I had a talent for set design, designing the rooms and settings for different
scenes in a theatre production. Last year I won a prize for my design for a new production of Shakespeare’s Hamlet,
so I think I made the right choice not to follow my childhood dream!

1 I realised then my talent was for working behind the stage, not on it. D
2 I took an old-fashioned idea and made it into a modern business. B
3 I’m glad now that I didn’t listen to my parents! A

4 Sticking to my dream helped my career. A

5 Those hours spent on computer games helped my get my dream job! C

6 The experience of my summer job influenced my choice of future career. D

10 Read the texts again and choose the best answers, A, B, C or D.
1 Marcus’ ambitions

A changed while he was growing up.

B started when he was very young.

C were changed by his parents’ advice.

D were uncertain when he was a child.

2 Before his dream came true Marcus had to

A do a lot of other jobs.

B train in the USA.

C study and wait for a long time.

D move to another country.

3 Annika decided to open a sweet shop

A because she had a lot of money to invest.

B because she loved eating sweets.

C because it was a good business opportunity.

D because she had a degree.

4 Ben decide to go to art college and study architecture

A when he was playing a computer game

B when he was on holiday

C when he was a child

D when he started work.

5 When she was a child, Maria

A didn’t like going to drama school.

B was a successful actress.

C had a mother who didn’t like the theatre.

D tried to get some small parts in theatre productions.

6 Now Maria feels

A disappointed she didn’t get to become an actress.

B happy she found a different career in the theatre.

C angry that she didn’t get better parts.

D unsure whether she made the career right choice.


11 Read the texts again and answer these questions.

1 What inspired Marcus’ dream job?


2 What inspired Annika’s dream job?


3 What interests in Ben’s childhood prepared him for his

future career?


4 What made Maria change her mind about her future




Total / 16

Use of English
12 Complete the email with one word in each gap.

Hi Lucy,

How are you? I imagine you (1) …were……… revising for your final exams at the moment. Good luck with them! I
can’t believe you’ve been at university (2) …for……… three years already and that by this time next year you will
(3) ……be…… working as a teacher! ! I've been trying for months to plan my future and I’m (4) ………still…… trying

now! I just don’t know what to do. (5) ……Must…… I apply for university this year or take a year off to travel? My
parents and my teachers say that I (6) ………need……………… to go straight to university to study languages. I’ve (7)
……………been………… getting good grades in French and Spanish and I think I want to be a teacher, like you.
However, I would really like to spend some time travelling and maybe doing some work in another country. What
(8) ………would……………… you do if you were me?

Anyway, I don’t (9) …………have…………… to decide until June. Perhaps we can have a chat sometime. I know you’ll
give me good advice.

Once again, good luck! I know you’re (10) ……going……… to be a fantastic teacher!


/ 10


13 Listen to two people talking about buying a new computer. Choose the best answers, A, B,
C or D.
1 The boy wants to buy a new computer because
his laptop
A has crashed.
B is too old.
C can’t do everything he needs a computer to do.
D has been stolen.
2 When the boy bought his computer six months ago he
A did a lot of research into which one to buy.
B bought it from a friend.
C liked the colour of it.
D bought the first one he found in a shop.
3 When his old computer crashed he
A got it repaired.
B didn’t get it repaired.
C sold it to a friend.
D left it on his desk.
4 The girl’s computer
A doesn’t work at all.
B isn’t very reliable.
C is brand new.
D is her sister’s.
5 The girl needs a computer for
A general things and playing games.
B general things.
C her work.
D shopping online.


14 Listen again and complete each sentence with two or three words.
1 The boy is looking for a new computer, because he didn’t make …a right choice……… six months ago.

2 When the computer crashed, he …lost everything he done…………………… .

3 He realises now that his new computer isn’t what he needs and the screen is ……to small………… .

4 The girl wants a new computer but she ……don`t need…… it at the moment.

5 The boy also bought a …new printer… .

Total / 10

15 Read this text message from your English-speaking friend. Write an email telling him/her how
you celebrated your birthday.

Happy birthday for last Tuesday! Did you do anything special to

Write 150–180 words.

Hi Denys,

Thanks for the birthday wishes! Yes, I did have a great time on my birthday. I decided to keep it simple and hang out with close friends and family.

We kicked off the day with a yummy brunch at my favorite cafe.

After that, we went to the beach in the afternoon. The weather was perfect, and we enjoyed the sun, sea, and sand. It was a nice break from the

usual routine and made for some awesome memories.

In the evening we ordered delicious food, played games, and just had a good time together.

It was a fantastic celebration. Thanks again for your birthday wishes – they really made my day!

See you soon!



/ 12

16 Compare and contrast the photographs. Make some notes about the people you can see then
say how the people in each picture are celebrating.

/ 12

Total / 100

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