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Bahrain keep
WORLD 6 UN chief deplores ‘clear violations’ in Gaza strip
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US forces in Iraq,
Syria attacked Bahrain and UAE keen to bolster bilateral ties
13 times in week tinue to grow steadily at all emphasised their mutual keen-
AFP | Washington
• Vow made to enhance
cooperation at all levels
This came as His Majesty
ness to further strengthen the
two countries’ ties to serve their

A merican and allied

forces in Iraq and Syria
have been targeted at least Abu Dhabi
King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
met with His Highness Shai-
kh Mohammed bin Rashid Al
common interests.
His Majesty wished the UAE
and its people further progress
13 times with drones and Maktoum, Vice President of the and prosperity.
rockets over the past week,
the Pentagon said yesterday.
“Between October 17th
T he Kingdom of Bahrain
and the UAE expressed
their pride in the robust bi-
UAE, Prime Minister and Ruler
of Dubai, at his residence in Abu
HM the King and UAE Vice
President also discussed the
latest regional and internation-
and the 24th, US and coa- lateral relations and high lev- HM King Hamad and HH al developments and topics of
lition forces have been at- el of cooperation which con- HM King Hamad with HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid common interest.
tacked at least 10 separate
times in Iraq and three sep-
arate times in Syria,” Pen-
tagon spokesman Brigadier Focus on audit reports and economic drafts laws
General Pat Ryder said, re-
ferring to the international
coalition against the Islamic
State (IS) group.
The attacks were con-
ducted with a “mix of one-
way attack drones and rock-
ets,” Ryder told journalists.

BBK reports
Q3, nine-
month profits

The Deputy King, His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, chairs the 467th
P5 Government Executive Committee meeting. Progress on addressing the National Audit Office’s reports and priority drafts laws that
support economic development were reviewed.

British hotels for

Night of tragedy
asylum seekers
to start closing
AFP | London

B ritain’s Conservative
government announced
yesterday that it will start
reducing the number of ho-
tels housing asylum seekers More than 700 killed in overnight Israeli strikes as world leaders call for end to war
following a drop in arrivals
of migrants. TDT| Manama and stressed the need of a peace ‘Enough is enough’
The accommodation is deal, with both sides retaining
politically sensitive due to
the high price of the ho-
tel contracts, which costs
taxpayers about £8 million
(9.2 million euro) per day,
A s the death toll in Gaza
from Israeli attacks
crossed four times that of
Hamas’ attack by yesterday, the
United Nations chief and leaders
their territories. “Just because
Hamas committed a terrorist at-
tack against Israel doesn’t mean
Qatar’s emir Shaikh Tamim
bin Hamad Al-Thani said Israel
has been given a free licence
Israel has to kill millions of in-
nocents,” he said.
to kill. Stating that “enough is
enough”, the ruler called for an
according to official figures. of non-Western countries called Palestinian Authority’s for- earnest regional and interna-
for a truce and denounced the eign minister Riyad al-Maliki tional stance against the dan-
continued violation of human- yesterday deplored the inaction gerous escalation that threatens
itarian law by Israel. Western of the UN Security Council in regional and global security.
‘Existential threat’ leaders urged for a ‘humanitar- stopping the massacres in Gaza Israel has denounced the
AFP | Paris ian pause’ instead. by Israel and said inaction is in-
UN Secretary-General’s stance
The health ministry of Gaza excusable. The ongoing massa- while the US said humanitarian

C limate change poses an

“existential threat” to
life on earth, prominent sci-
said yesterday that the number
of people killed in the Palestin-
ian exclave since October 7th
cres must be stopped, he told the
special Security Council session.
pauses should be considered but
that a ceasefire would benefit
Hamas. Canada also supported
entists warned yesterday, in reached 5,791, with over 40 per The body of a Palestinian man is stretchered away following an Israeli airstrike,
‘UN bowing to Israel’ a humanitarian pause. French
an assessment on this year’s cent being children. As Israel in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, yesterday. (AFP) president said it stands shoulder
avalanche of heat records took its attacks to unprecedent- Turkish President Recep to shoulder with Israel in its
and weather extremes. ed levels, more than 700 peo- addressing a special UN Securi- followed 56 years of “suffocating Tayyip Erdogan accused the UN fight against Hamas but said it
ple died in overnight yesterday ty Council session, there were occupation”. Security Council of deepening should not fight without rules.
while 50 were killed in an hour’s “clear violations” of interna- the crisis in Gaza by bowing to
220 fils (includes VAT) span in the evening, according tional humanitarian law in Gaza ‘Not justified’ the Israeli regime and said the ‘Drop in the ocean’
to news reports. Around 1,400 and reminded that no party to international community is not
Israelis were killed in the attack an armed conflict is above in- Brazil’s President Luiz Ina- rising to the challenge in the Yesterday, the UN chief also
by Hamas on October 7th. ternational humanitarian law. cio Lula da Silva said Hamas’ face of the Israeli regime’s un- said the international aid being
UN Secretary-General An- Explaining the backdrop of the attack on Israel did not justify lawful and unrestrained attacks delivered to Gaza is “a drop of
tonio Guterres yesterday said, recent Hamas attack, he said it the killing of millions in Gaza against civilians. aid in an ocean of need”.


HM King Hamad returns from successful UAE visit

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mak- Cooperation Council (GCC) and
• Talks held on ways
to bolster bilateral ties
toum, UAE Vice-President, Prime
Minister and Dubai Ruler.
HM the King and the UAE lead-
the Association of Southeast
Asia Nations ( ASEAN), hosted
by Saudi Arabia.
ers reviewed the long-standing HM the King also chaired Bah-
TDT | Manama solid Bahrain-UAE relations and rain’s delegation at the Cairo
ways to enhance them across Summit for Peace, which was

H is Majesty King Hamad bin

Isa Al Khalifa yesterday re-
turned to Bahrain following a
various fields.
They also discussed the lat-
est regional and global devel-
devoted to discussing the latest
developments and future of the
Palestinian cause, as well as the
visit to the UAE, where he met His opments. peace process.
Highness Shaikh Mohammed HM King Hamad also led the HM King Hamad also visited
bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Pres- kingdom’s delegation to the Ri- the United Kingdom, Italy and
ident, and His Highness Shaikh yadh Summit between the Gulf HM the King is welcomed by senior government officials upon arrival the Vatican.

HRH Prince Salman hails

Finance Minister
attends FII7

F inance and National

solid Bahrain-France ties

Economy Minister, His
Excellency Shaikh Salman bin
Khalifa Al Khalifa, attended
the opening session of the
seventh edition of the Future
Investment Initiative (FII7) in
Saudi Arabia, held under the
TDT | Manama T h e C r ow n P r i n c e a n d During the meeting, issues of theme “The New Compass”.
Prime Minister was speaking common interest and regional Shaikh Salman under-

T he Deputy King, His Roy-

al Highness Prince Sal-
man bin Hamad Al Khal-
ifa, commended the strength of
Bahrain-France relations which
as he met yesterday with the
newly appointed Ambassador
of the French Republic to the
Kingdom of Bahrain, HE Eric
Giraud-Telme, at Gudaibiya
and international developments
were also discussed
HRH the Deputy King noted
the significant weight France
holds on an international scale,
scored the importance of
continuing work to build
global strategic partner-
ships that create economic
opportunities and support
continues to grow through mul- Palace. recognising its pivotal role, efforts to maintain a stable
tisector cooperation, noting the HRH Prince Salman welcomed alongside allied countries, in and sustainable global eco-
importance of consolidating the the newly appointed Ambas- safeguarding regional and global nomic system, by strength-
bilateral partnership across all sador and wished him success safety and security, which are ening investment and di-
levels to achieve mutual aspira- in performing his diplomatic essential to economic develop- versifying economies to
tions that benefit all. duties. HRH Prince Salman with Ambassador Giraud-Telme ment. support development.

Nesto Group to open new

branch in Hoora today


M anama is gearing up for

Nesto shopping festival
days. The renowned Nesto
Group is all set to open its new
branch in the heart of Manama.
The new Nesto Hypermarket is
coming up at Exhibition Road.
The new outlet will be inaugu-
rated today.
Located in Hoora, the hyper-
market has an area of 50,000
The new Nesto branch in Hoora
square feet and is spread over
two floors with underground deals will be available here. the grand opening of the Nesto
parking facilities. A great range The Nesto Group, through a Hypermarket, which will be
of products at attractive prices press release, said that everyone open to the public on October
along with inaugural offers and is invited to join in celebrating 25 from 1pm onwards.


Nibras Talib, CEO of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) and Chairman of the National Committee for
Combatting Trafficking in Persons, received Ericka Broers, the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Bahrain
Interim Chief of Mission. The CEO praised the ongoing cooperation with the IOM, particularly in the area of combating
trafficking in persons. He also affirmed Bahrain’s commitment to enhance cooperation with international organisations.
Broers commended the Kingdom’s ongoing cooperation with the IOM and its support of its activities and programs at
the regional and international levels.


First Gaza-bound Bahraini aid shipment arrives in Egypt

TDT | Manama
the King’s Representative for itarian relief aid to the Palestini- sic needs of the brotherly Pales-
Humanitarian Work and Youth ans in Gaza, praising the support tinian people in Gaza in the midst

T he first shipment of Gaza-

bound Bahraini humanitar-
ian relief aid has arrived at the
The consignment was handed
to the Egyptian Red Crescent,
accorded by the government, led
by His Royal Highness Prince
Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa,
of the ongoing circumstances.
He added that the Bahrain
National Committee for Sup-
El Arish International Airport ahead of its entry to the Gaza the Crown Prince and Prime porting the Palestinians in Gaza
in Egypt. Strip. Once in Gaza, it will be de- Minister, to the RHF. He also will launch more initiatives and
This comes following the di- livered to the Palestine Red Cres- paid tribute to HH Shaikh Nasser step up its efforts in support of
rectives of His Majesty King cent Society which will oversee for leading the RHF’s humanitar- the Palestinians, based on the
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the its distribution to the Palestinians ian efforts. fraternal Bahraini-Palestinian
Honorary President of the Roy- and hospitals in Gaza. Dr. Al Sayed indicated that the relations, affirming that Bah-
al Humanitarian Foundation On the occasion, Dr. Mustafa first relief aid shipment, includ- raini stands with the Palestinian
(RHF), and under the auspices Al Sayed. RHF Secretary-Gener- ing 40 tonnes of medical, food people during this humanitarian
of His Highness Shaikh Nass- al, lauded HM the King’s direc- and relief supplies and materials, ordeal to support them and alle-
er bin Hamad Al Khalifa, HM tives to dispatch urgent human- The aid shipment includes medical, food and relief supplies and materials will contribute to meeting the ba- viate their suffering.

Heartbreaking reality
Young man forges father’s
details to obtain bank loan

Cardiovascular disease claims 28% of all deaths in Bahrain, says expert cardiologist
their heart health. “It is crucial
• Alarming rise in
cases among patients
for individuals to take charge
of their well-being and adopt
healthy lifestyle choices,” he
an urgent wake-up call advised.

Image used for illustrative purposes only

TDT | Manama
• Preventive measures
crucial to combat
Protecting the heart
“Engage in regular physical
‘distressing trend’ activity is crucial, aiming for

A young man was penalised

for attempting to obtain
a loan in his father’s name by
Zahra Ayaz
TDT | Manama
at least 30 minutes of exercise
on five days of the week. An-
other essential step is quitting
submitting false information smoking entirely, including cig-

without the latter’s knowledge. tartling statistics revealed arettes, vape, or sheesha, as it
The final penalty of three by renowned cardiologist Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can prevent heart disease. (Image used for remains the most effective way
years imprisonment was ap- Dr. Abdul Azeri Asad Mo- illustrative purposes only) to protect the heart.
proved by the Court of Cassa- hammed have shed light on the “Additionally, it is important
tion in its ruling. The defendant forged grave threat of cardiovascular to maintain a healthy weight
In 2019, the defendant tried the pension certificate disease in Bahrain. and strive to keep the body mass
to obtain a personal loan in his by changing his father’s With a shocking 28 per cent “It is crucial for index ( BMI) below 25. These
retired father’s name. He ob- profession and setting of all recorded deaths in the individuals to take check-ups include knowing
tained a legitimate certificate Kingdom linked to heart-relat- your numbers: keeping blood
of his father’s pension from the the monthly pension at ed conditions, urgent action is
charge of their well- pressure under 130/80 mm Hg,
Social Insurance Organisation BD2,114. imperative. being and adopt maintaining average blood sug-
via Bahrain Post, proving that In an exclusive interview with healthy lifestyle ar levels below 6.5 if diagnosed
he is a former employee and The Daily Tribune, Dr. Moham- choices.” with diabetes, and monitoring
that his net monthly pension By verifying the authenticity med emphasised the critical - DR. ABDUL AZERI ASAD MOHAMMED, and controlling LDL (bad cho-
is BD 1,141. of the document, it was found need for immediate preventive CARDIOLOGIST lesterol) levels, aiming to keep
The defendant, along with invalid due to its inconsistency measures to combat the rising them below 100 mg/dL.
the second defendant and with the electronic record of tide of heart disease in Bahrain. Contributing factors the impact of lifestyle-related “For individuals aged 40
another unknown individual, the Social Insurance Organ- His report, based on extensive The report identifies several factors on heart health. Seden- and above or those with one or
forged the pension certificate isation. research conducted at Bahrain contributing factors to the es- tary habits, obesity, and elevated more risk factors, annual car-
by changing his father’s pro- Police investigations also Specialist Hospital, uncovered calating cardiovascular disease stress levels were identified as diac check-ups, including ECG,
fession and setting the month- indicated the participation of a distressing trend among pa- crisis in Bahrain. significant contributors to the ECHO, and treadmill tests, are
ly pension at BD 2,114. He sub- the second defendant, who tients undergoing coronary an- High prevalence of risk fac- rising incidence of cardiovas- recommended to assess heart
mitted the falsified document had precedents in other for- giography and angioplasty. tors such as diabetes, hyper- cular disease. health. By following these
to obtain a loan. gery cases, in committing the “What we found is deeply tension, and high cholesterol The alarming rates of smok- guidelines, you can take pro-
A bank employee suspected incident. A report from the concerning,” Dr. Mohammed levels play a substantial role, ing among both locals and ex- active steps towards maintain-
the authenticity of the docu- Forgery and Counterfeit De- expressed. “A significant 25 per exacerbating the situation. Ad- patriate communities in Bahrain ing a healthy heart and overall
ment presented to him due to partment of Forensic Evidence cent of these cases involve in- ditionally, a significant number further compound the issue. well-being,” he added.
discrepancies in the details. confirmed the forgery. dividuals under the age of 45, of cases remain undiagnosed, Genetic predispositions were Moreover, Dr. Mohammed
reaching an alarming 32 per while diagnosed individuals also acknowledged as potential stressed the importance of ad-
cent among Indian expatriates often receive inadequate treat- contributing factors. hering to prescribed medica-
within the same age group. This ment and management, leading To address this urgent health tions and called for universal
Five-year prison sentence indicates a worrying trend of
heart disease affecting younger
to uncontrolled blood sugar and
blood pressure levels.
crisis, Dr. Mohammed outlined
key preventive measures indi-
health insurance coverage for
all employees to overcome bar-

upheld for drug smuggler populations.” Dr. Mohammed underscored viduals can take to safeguard riers to healthcare access.

TDT | Manama
Ruling on granting woman alimony less than agreed overturned
T he Court of Appeals up-
held a five-year prison
sentence for a man convicted
TDT | Manama ly alimony with her husband
after disagreements broke out
the two parties appended with
their signatures, due to the hus-
of smuggling over 90 narcotic
capsules inside his bowels.
The incident happened Image used for illustrative purposes
T he Sharia Court of Cassa-
tion confirmed that merely
denying one’s signature on a
between them due to his failure
to provide.
However, the husband ab-
band’s denial of this agreement.
However, merely denying the
signature on a non-formal doc-
when the defendant arrived only non-formal document does not stained from payment for a full ument does not negate the au-
at Bahrain Airport from his were taken to extract them, re- negate the other party’s entitle- year despite his material ease, thenticity of the document, but
country. The customs officer vealing more than 90 capsules. ment to what was agreed upon which forced her to file a law- rather its authenticity must be
directed him to the red lane The defendant admitted that in the document. suit before the Lower Sharia verified through investigation,
and inquired about his condi- he had prepared hashish in According to the text of Arti- Court, requesting that he be ob- Image used for illustrative purposes as stipulated by law.
tion as well as his possessions. his country and placed it in cle 31 of the Evidence Law, the ligated to pay the agreed-upon only
He denied possessing any capsules to attempt smuggling court shall order the investiga- outstanding alimony. the ruling of the Court of First Investigation
prohibited items, but the cus- it to Bahrain. tion of the contested document. Instance. However, the wife
toms officer suspected him Security investigations re- This followed an overturned Amount was not content with this ruling For its part, the Court of Cas-
and took him to the doctor vealed that the defendant ruling that granted a wife ali- and appealed it again before the sation confirmed that a non-for-
who requested his transfer to worked within a drug smug- mony amounting to less than Based on the discretionary Court of Cassation. mal document is attributed to
the hospital. gling network, and he was re- what she agreed upon with her authority of the trial court in The lawyer argued that the the signee unless the said party
X-rays indicated foreign ferred to Public Prosecution, husband through a non-formal estimating alimony, the Court ruling misapplied the law and denies his handwriting, signa-
bodies inside his bowels, and which charged him with pro- document drawn between them, of First Instance ruled for an flouted procedure due to defi- ture, seal or fingerprint. Howev-
under questioning, the defend- curing, possessing and smug- which the latter denied before amount approximately a quarter cient reasoning. He stated in his er, merely denying the signature
ant admitted that they were gling hashish and psychotrop- the Court of First Instance. of what she was due. Conse- appeal that the ruling did not on the non-formal document
drug-containing capsules. The ic substances with intent to The wife’s lawyer stated that quently, the Court of Appeal take into account the non-for- does not justify overlooking the
necessary medical procedures abuse them. his client agreed on a month- rejected her appeal and upheld mal document drawn between entitlement of the other signee.


Excitement builds up
Mind Matters

Dealing with
for Bahrain’s winter
Get ready for ‘refreshing’ rainfall, thunderstorms and foggy
nights in the coming days!
Zahra Ayaz it’s happening on a weekend,”

“A fter talking to friends, coworkers, or even about my

relationships, there are times when I feel sad and
occasionally disappointed. Sometimes I become
angry and reply negatively.”
I understand that rejection sensitivity can be a very painful
TDT | Manama

T he Ministry of Transport
and Telecom made an ea-
gerly awaited announce-
he commented.
Amena Ekram said: “It will be
a great family time with hot tea
and some Indian snacks, sitting
on the balcony or driving to Zal-
and distressing experience. It can be difficult to cope with the ment yesterday, revealing the laq for a cup of tea.”
intense emotions that come with feeling rejected, and it can imminent arrival of a low-pres-
lead to negative thoughts and behaviors about yourself and sure system set to bring rainfall Skeptics
others. You may feel it like a direct attack on your character and thunderstorms to Bahrain.
on your self-worth. Weather experts predict that However, not all citizens
For example, if a coworker says that you need to improve your the Kingdom will experience share the same level of enthusi-
time management skills, you might take it as a personal insult significant downpours through- asm. Skeptics argue that winter
and start yelling at them. Or, if a romantic partner says that they out the day tomorrow, accom- is yet to come and express doubt
don’t like the way you cooked dinner, you might withdraw from panied by strong winds and the After a hot summer, rain and strong winds bring much-needed relief to everyone regarding the accuracy of the
them and refuse to talk to them. formation of thunderstorms. February, this period sees peo- Angeli Laura, eagerly awaits ministry’s forecast for the com-
This is a typical experience for many people and can be As the scorching summer heat ple engaging in various outdoor the rain, saying, “I hope it’s not ing week.
influenced by a number of factors, such as previous instanc- gradually gives way to cooler activities and indulging in long an April fool joke. We have been Citing historical patterns,
es of criticism or rejec- temperatures, the people of drives. waiting for several months to they maintain that January is
tion where you become Bahrain are eagerly anticipating witness the rain, and if it doesn’t the month when Bahrain typi-
emotionally charged;
low self-esteem where
Being the arrival of winter.
With its promises of re-
Wave of excitement rain I will be disappointed.”
Ahmed shared his anticipa-
cally experiences rainfall, sug-
gesting that the ministry’s pre-
you perceive the feed-
back as personal attacks
understanding freshing cold breezes, foggy
nights, and the enchantment
The news of the impending tion, envisioning the joy of play-
rainfall has sparked a wave of ing football with friends on the
diction might be incorrect.
With the anticipation build-
which can cause nega-
tive emotional reactions;
and nice to of rain and thunderstorms,
winter is a season cherished by
excitement among online users, lush green grounds, especially
who wasted no time expressing since the event falls on a week-
ing up, the arrival of rain and
thunderstorms is set to bring a
and personal expecta-
tions where you may be yourself is one of residents.
Traditionally spanning from
their emotions on the official so- end. “How fun will it be to play
cial media accounts of the Min- football on the grass ground
refreshing change to the King-
dom and create memorable mo-
highly critical of your- mid-November to the end of istry of Transport and Telecom. with friends, especially when ments for its residents.
self and feedback is felt the most crucial
as your failure, leading
to a sense of inadequacy. things. Keep
Being understanding
and nice to yourself is
one of the most crucial
in mind that Two vital Southern Governorate
rejection is a part
development projects inspected
things. Keep in mind
that rejection is a part
of everyone’s life. It does
not imply that you are of everyone’s TDT | Manama
wrong in any way. It’s
just one aspect of what life. It does not
it means to be human.
Therefore, instead of
thinking of the worst
imply that you H is Excellency Wael bin
Nasser Al Mubarak, Minis-
ter of Municipalities Affairs and
possible ideas, try to find
a different explanation are wrong in Agricultures, and His Highness
Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali Al Khal-
for the behavior. ifa, Southern Governor, yester-
Self-regulation, which any way. It’s just day inspected the Riffa Central
is observing and manag- Market Development Project
ing your emotional and
behavioral responses,
one aspect of and the first phase of the Ain Al
Haninia Development Project.
maybe the key to man-
aging rejection sensitiv-
what it means S h a i k h Mo h a m m e d b i n
Ahmed Al Khalifa, Municipali-
Mr Al Mubarak and HH Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali at the project site
ity. For example, it could
be helpful to pause and to be human. ties Affairs Undersecretary, Mo-
hammed Saad Al Sehli, Acting
The minister and the gover-
nor inspected the two projects,
Market Development Project is
among the main vital projects in
continue its field communica-
tion with the local citizens to be
consider the situation
rather than reacting Therefore, instead Director-General of the South-
ern Area Municipality, Abdulla
and were informed about their
the Southern Governorate. He
affirmed that work is underway
informed about their needs and
remarks, in line with the direc-
right away when you no- Ibrahim Abdullatif, Southern Minister Al Mubarak asserted to implement development and tives of His Majesty King Ham-
tice a potential indicator
of rejection.
of thinking of the Area Municipal Council Chair-
man, and Rawya Al Mannai,
that plans to develop central
markets will continue, as they
service projects that meet the
citizens’ aspirations.
ad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and the
follow-up of His Royal Highness
If you find that you are
taking minor criticisms
worst possible Assistant Undersecretary for
Joint Municipal Services were
play an important role in meet-
ing the citizens’ daily needs,
HH Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali Al
Khalifa underlined the South-
Prince Salman bin Hamad Al
Khalifa, the Crown Prince and
personally or overre-
acting to them, try to ideas, try to present. noting that the Riffa Central ern Governorate’s keenness to Prime Minister.

challenge your negative

thoughts. Ask yourself if find a different
these thoughts are real- Passport cabins expansion project IT Directorate
istic. Is the person really
trying to hurt you? Or
explanation for launches e-waste
are they simply trying to the behavior recycling initiative
give you some construc- TDT | Manama
tive feedback?
It can also be helpful
to talk to someone you
trust about how you’re
T he Information Tech-
nology and Electronic
Systems Directorate of the
feeling. This could be a Assistant Undersecretary
friend, family member, for Planning and Organisa-
therapist, or anyone else who you feel comfortable talking to. tion Office has launched an
Talking about your feelings can help you to process them and e-waste recycling initiative
to feel less alone. to promote sustainable de-
Finally, remember that you are worthy of love and respect. velopment goals.
You don’t need to be perfect to be loved. Just be yourself. And if The initiative is being car-
someone rejects you, that’s their loss. There are plenty of other ried out in cooperation with
people who will appreciate you for who you are. the Supreme Council for the
I hope this helps. Please know that I am here for you if you Interior Ministry Undersecretary for Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs (NPRA), Shaikh Hisham bin Environment and Crown
need anything. Abdulrahman Al Khalifa, visited the Passports Directorate at the King Fahad Causeway. He was accompanied by the Industries Company.
CEO of the General Organisation for the King Fahad Causeway, Yousif Al Abdan. He inspected the construction of the The initiative aims to re-
final phase of the passport cabins expansion project and the NPRA security and service initiatives. NPRA Undersecretary cycle electronic and elec-
(The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and was briefed on the development initiatives of the project of increasing the cabins to 29 at the departure and the arrival trical waste safely and sus-
do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Daily Tribune) lanes to 41. tainably.


BBK reports Q3, nine-month profits NBB sponsors Down Syndrome Care
Centre and Sport to Door Academy
TDT | Manama come by 45.1% from BD 68.8m
to BD 99.8m, as a result of bal-

BK announced financial ance sheet optimization initi-
results for the period end- atives and the interest rate ex-
ed 30th September 2023, posure position. Net fees and
reporting an increase in third commission income registered
quarter and nine-month profits a decline of 25.2% decreasing
from a year ago. from BD 13.5m to BD 10.1m, and
investment and other income
Q3 results decreased by 8.3% from BD A photocall during the championship
Net profit attributable to the 12.1m to BD 11.1m. Moreover, TDT | Manama teams from all around the
owners of the Bank was BD 19.5 Dr. AbdulRahman Saif Murad Ali Murad net provision increased from BD Middle East and North Afri-
million compared to BD 14.0 m
in the same period last year, an
increase of 39.3%. Earnings per
quarter of the current year due
to effective balance sheet man-
Total operating expenses in-
creased by 6.7% from BD 16.4m
5.0m to BD 7.5m during the nine
months period ended 30th Sep-
tember 2023 representing an
T he National Bank of Bah- ca converge on the Egyptian
rain ( NBB ) sponsored capital as they competed in the
both the Down Syndrome competition centred around
share amounted to 11 fils com- agement and the interest rate to BD 17.5m attributed to strate- increase of 50.0%. Conversely, Care Centre and the Sport to Taekwondo, a sport and mar-
pared to 8 fils achieved during exposure position. gic initiatives, enhancement of the Bank’s share of associated Door Academy for Taekwondo tial art originating from Ko-
the corresponding period last In addition, net fees and com- current distribution channels companies and joint ventures for their joint participation rea. The competition followed
year. mission income increased by and services, and investing in decreased to a share of loss of at the 1st Taekwondo Arab the World Taekwondo official
The total comprehensive in- 2.3% from BD 4.4m to BD 4.5m, human capital. BD 5.8m, compared to a gain of Clubs Championships in Cai- rules and included special cat-
come attributable to the owners investment and other income BD 3.2m during the correspond- ro, Egypt. egories for juniors and those
of the Bank grew to BD 23.7m increased by around 12.1% from Nine-month results ing period last year. While total The Championship saw with disabilities.
from BD 12.3m in the third quar- BD 3.3m to BD 3.7m, while net The Bank achieved a net prof- operating expenses increased
ter a year ago, representing an provisions in the quarter re- it attributable to the owners of by 7.0% from BD 47.2m in 2022
increase of 92.7%. The increase duced by 55.9% from BD 3.4m to the Bank of BD 56.5m compared to BD 50.5m in 2023.
is due to the positive movement BD 1.5m compared to the same to BD 44.5m in the same period BBK’s Group Chief Executive, Bapco Energies BIBF and University
in the valuation of investment period of last year. last year, representing an in- Dr. AbdulRahman Saif, said,
securities and higher profits. On the other hand, the Bank’s crease of 27.0%. Earnings per “Despite market uncertainties, of Strathclyde join hands
The increase in net profit was share from associated compa- share amounted to 33 fils for the our optimism prevails, an-
mainly attributable to higher nies and joint ventures during current period compared to 26 chored in government policies
net interest income which in- the quarter amounted to a loss fils during the same period of and our unwavering commit-
creased by 27.1% from BD 26.2m of BD 2.7m compared to BD 0.4m last year. ment to balanced growth, en-
during the third quarter of 2022 profit in the corresponding pe- The higher net profit reflects suring sustained value creation
to BD 33.3m during the third riod of last year. the increase in net interest in- for all stakeholders”.

Officials following the deal signing

TDT | Manama organizations.
Alba marks major milestone with Mitsubishi Power BIBF’s CEO, Dr. Ahmed Al-

M701JAC Gas Turbine for PS5 Block 4 Project B apco Energies has entered
a strategic partnership
with two leading institutions:
Shaikh said, “We are proud to
partner with Bapco Energies,
alongside our long-standing
The Bahrain Institute of Bank- partners at the University
TDT | Manama Systems, Mitsubishi Heavy In- ing and Finance ( BIBF ) and of Strathclyde offering the
dustries (MHI), Javier Cavada, the University of Strathclyde. well-established MBA degree

A luminium Bahrain (Alba),

one of the world’s largest
aluminium smelters, marked
President and CEO, EMEA, Mit-
subishi Power, Khalid Salem,
President, MENA , Mitsubishi
This significant collaboration
empowers all employees with-
in the Bapco Energies Group
and Strategic Fintech pro-
grammes, with Triple Accred-
itation from the three main
a new milestone in its Power Power, Kong Lingfeng Vice to access corporate rates and business school accreditation
Station 5 (PS5) Block 4 Project President of SEPCOIII in addi- benefit from affiliate partner bodies – AMBA, AACSB and EQ-
with the arrival of Mitsubishi tion to officials from ESBI, the discounts. UIS – placing the BIBF gradu-
Power’s M701JAC Gas Turbine ECM consultant on the Project. Signing on behalf of the ates in the top 1 percent of elite
(GT) on 16 October 2023. Alba’s CEO Mr. Ali Al Baqali BIBF and Strathclyde, CEO, Dr. school graduates globally.”
The M701JAC GT is the first- stated: “The state-of-the-art JAC Ahmed AlShaikh, alongside From Bapco Energies, Nouf
of-its-kind in the world GT GT will enable Alba to reduce its Mrs. Nouf AlSowaidi, Group AlSowaidi, Group Chief Hu-
manufactured for a primary al- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emis- Chief Human Resources Of- man Resources Officer said,
uminium smelter and installed sions and deliver clean energy.” ficer, at Bapco Energies. The “Through this collaboration,
in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The “I also want to thank our Pro- signing ceremony held at the we are poised to build a strong
JAC GT, an air-cooled version ject team for achieving to date BIBF ’s headquarters at Bah- partnership that will pave
of the J-series GT and Steam around 1.5 million safe working rain Bay, also witnessed the the way for industry-focused
Turbine, has a combined cycle hours without LTI.” attendance of senior executive education and leadership
output 680.9 MW and reduces Alba’s PS5 Block 4 Expansion and representative from both development.”
CO2 emissions when compared Project is the addition of a fourth
to conventional coal fired boil- Block of similar combined cy-
ers and turbines worldwide. cle configuration with 680.9
A special gathering was held megawatts (MW) M701JAC Gas
Turbine Combined Cycle and
BCFC launches “Points Millionaire”
includes tie into the existing campaign to win 3 million loyalty points
220kV Substation. Once opera- TDT | Manama
Alba marks a new milestone in its Power Station 5 (PS5) Block 4 Project with the tional in Q4 2024, Block 4 will
arrival of Mitsubishi Power’s M701JAC Gas Turbine (GT) increase the nameplate capacity
at the Block 4 Project site yes- Amin Sultan and other top of-
terday to mark this milestone, ficials from Alba Management,
which was attended by Alba’s Takashi Tozawa, Senior Fellow,
of PS5 Complex from 1,800 MW
to 2,481 MW and reduce its over-
all GHG emissions intensity ratio
B ahrain Commercial Facil-
ities Company (BCFC) has
officially launched its ‘Points
Chief Executive Officer Ali Al Senior General Manager, GTCC by 0.5 tonnes of CO2 per 1 tonne Millionaire’ campaign, run-
Ali Al Baqali Baqali, Chief Power Officer Business Division of Energy of aluminium produced. ning from October 1 to Decem-
ber 31. This initiative offers
IMTIAZ credit card holders
a chance to win a total of 3 Mohamed Jehad Bukamal

ASU in top 20 Ranking in Arab Region Universities million loyalty points. To par-
ticipate, cardholders need to
period. Once customers meet
the necessary terms and con-
TDT | Manama make purchases using their ditions, they will automatically
IMTIAZ credit card, including enter the draw.
supplementary cards, with a The prize draws, totaling 3

A pplied Science Universi-

ty (ASU) has been ranked
the highest University in the
minimum spending of BHD 25
or its equivalent in foreign cur-
rencies within the campaign
million loyalty points for 41
winners, with 40 individuals
winning 50,000 loyalty points
Kingdom of Bahrain and among period. each and one lucky winner
the top 20 Arab universities for For every domestic spend of winning 1 million points. The
2024 in the QS Arab Region Uni- BHD 25, participants will re- draws are scheduled for 10
versity Rankings. This marks ceive one entry into the draw, winners on November 7, 2023,
the second consecutive year while international transac- another 10 on December 7,
that ASU has been ranked as the tions of the same value will 2023, 20 winners on January
top university in Bahrain. grant customers three entries. 7, 2024, and the grand prize
ASU has also been ranked All transactions, including winner of one million points
among the top 600 universities point-of-sale purchases and on the same date.
in the world for the year 2023 online transactions, are eligi- Mohamed Jehad Bukamal,
by QS, and it is the only Bahraini The award ceremony ble, and supplementary card Deputy CEO of Bahrain Com-
university with a 5-stars rating year in a row (2022 and 2023), Khaja, congratulated the Presi- Dr. Mohammed Bin Mubar- transactions are consolidated mercial Facilities Company,
in the QS Stars University Rat- and 351-400 in "Business and dent of ASU, Professor Ammar ak Juma, Bahrain's Minister of with primary card activities expressed that the “Point Mil-
ings system. In the QS World Management studies" for the Kaka, and all the academic and Education, was present at the QS for qualification. During the lionaire” campaign stands as
University Rankings by Sub- year 2023. administrative staff members of Arab Forum and ranking cere- campaign all cards, including one of the company’s most ex-
ject, ASU was ranked 101-150 for ASU Chairman of the Board of the University on this achieve- mony held at the Sofitel Bahrain supplementary cards, must be tensive promotional initiatives
"Arts and Design" for the second Trustees, Professor Waheeb Al ment. Zallaq Thalassa sea & spa. activated within the campaign this year.

UN chief deplores ‘cl

News in brief
u China yesterday removed
defence minister Li Shangfu and
ousted former foreign minister Qin
Gang from its cabinet, state media
reported, as part of a major reshuffle

violations’ in Gaza st
of its top leadership. The news
comes after months of speculation
about China’s cabinet, after Qin was
abruptly removed from office without
explanation in July, and with Li not having
China removes
been seen in public for months. Both Qin defence minister,
and Li are believed by experts to have
been personally selected for their roles
ousts ex-FM from
by President Xi Jinping. On Tuesday state cabinet
•theGuterres UN urges improved coordination on aid
broadcaster CCTV announced the removals
in its regular evening bulletin, but did not give reasons for the ministers’ fall from welcomed
grace. No replacement for Li as defence minister was announced. Previously it crossing of three aid
had been reported that the US government believed Li was under investigation AFP | Geneva, Switzerland
and had been stripped of his ministerial duties, but China had refused to comment convoys so far through that we are not really receiv- usable right now,” she said.
on the matter. the Rafah crossing
T he United Nations yesterday
called for improved coor-
ing the most needed supplies
for Gaza, or the most relevant,”
Alrifai added that before Oc-
tober 7, around 500 trucks a day

u A Pakistan high court granted bai yesterday to three-time prime
The Hamas-run dination among humanitarian UNRWA spokeswoman Tamara were entering Gaza from Isra-
Pakistan minister and graft convict Nawaz Sharif, his party said,
groups in making sure the small Alrifai said. el and Egypt, with a mixture of
high court bails after he returned from exile with a bid to clear his health ministry says amount of aid now moving into “In one of the shipments over commercial goods, food, aid and
name and contest elections due early next year. Sharif that 5,791 Palestinians
ex-PM Sharif left Pakistan in 2019 part way through a jail sentence
the Gaza Strip contained only the the last couple of days, we re- fuel.
after return from to seek medical care in the United Kingdom, ignoring have been killed most needed items. ceived boxes of rice and lentils,” But only a few dozen trucks
exile across Gaza in Israel’s UNRWA, the UN agency for Pal- she told journalists at the UN in carrying food, medicine and wa-
multiple court orders to return under the government
estinian refugees, said that some Geneva via video-link from the ter have entered Gaza via the
of Imran Khan. But with Khan in custody and out of relentless retaliatory of the food delivered into Gaza Jordanian capital Amman, where southern border with Egypt
favour with the military, Sharif has launched yet another bombardments since then so far, such as rice and lentils, UNRWA has its headquarters. since a deal entered into opera-
political comeback ahead of elections slated for January

had been impractical given the “But for people to cook lentils tion on Saturday.
2024. Islamabad High Court -- where Sharif is appealing
two convictions -- extended his bail until Thursday, Hamas freed 85-year- dwindling availability of fresh and rice, they need water and “We will need to get better as a
old Yocheved Lifshitz water and fuel. gas. And therefore these kinds of consortium of humanitarians in
according to Ahsan Iqbal, a senior official in his Pakistan
“An additional challenge in a supplies -- while very generous sending very explicit lists of what
Muslim League-Nawaz and Nurit Cooper, 79, very limited flow of supplies is and well intended -- are not very is most needed,” Alrifai said.
(PML-N) party. Erdogan says but continues to hold
u Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan UN Security Council more than 200 hostages
yesterday accused the United Nations Security has ‘deepened’
Council of deepening the crisis in Gaza by bowing to
the “Israeli regime”. “The international community
is not rising to the challenge in the face of the Israeli
Gaza crisis
• Hamas said overnight
bombing by Israel
regime’s unlawful and unrestrained attacks against had killed 140 people
civilians,” Erdogan said in a statement marking the in the Gaza Strip
78th anniversary of the establishment of the United
Nations. “We observe that the United Nations Security
Council has deepened the crisis with its one-sided attitude, instead of stopping the
bloodshed, ensuring a ceasefire as soon as possible, and taking steps to prevent
• The United Nations
said six employees of its
civilian casualties,” Erdogan said. Erdogan’s comments appeared moments after agency for Palestinian
he spoke by phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose country is one refugees had been
of the five permanent Security Council members, alongside Britain, China, France
and the United States. killed in the past 24
hours, bringing the total
killed in the war to 35
Foreign YouTuber apologises after free-
riding Japan trip AFP | United Nations, United
AFP | Tokyo, Japan

N Secretary-General An-

A YouTuber with 2.4 million

subscribers apologised
yesterday after a video of him
tonio Guterres yesterday
alleged violations of in-
ternational law as Israel pounds Rescuers pull a child out of the rubble of a building hit in an Israeli air strike in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip
and three others free-riding
around Japan became the lat-
est example of fame-seeking
foreigners riling locals. Former ‘IS bride’ appeals UK ‘Frozen in time’ landscape discovered unde
The YouTuber known by
the username Fidias posted a citizenship revocation AFP | Paris, France
video over the weekend of the
four riding trains and buses
around Japan -- in some cases
without paying.
Cypriot YouTuber Fifi “Fidias”
Panayiotou films himself hiding in
S cientists revealed yesterday
that they had discovered a vast,
hidden landscape of hills and val-
In the video, Fidias hides in the toilet of a bullet train in Japan leys carved by ancient rivers that
a toilet of a bullet train, pre- emerged. In addition to this has been “frozen in time” under
tends to be ill when confront- guy Fidias, the three others the Antarctic ice for millions of
ed by a ticket collector, and should be arrested,” one social years.
then escapes to board another media user said in Japanese. This landscape, which is bigger
train where he pulls the same Another said: “surprisingly, than Belgium, has remained un-
trick. Another clip shows him comments section to his (on- touched for potentially more than
entering a hotel and pretend- line post) is full of applause. 34 million years, but human-driv-
ing to be a guest in order to get (Police) should arrest him to en global warming could threaten
free breakfast. prevent copycat crimes from to expose it, the British and Amer-
“I just (got) access to a five- happening.” ican researchers warned. lyse the echoes, a technique called
star Japanese buffet. And Regional train operator JR “It is an undiscovered landscape radio-echo sounding.
we’re leaving the hotel with- Kyushu said it was studying -- no one’s laid eyes on it,” Stewart But doing this across the conti-
out getting caught and without the footage before deciding Jamieson, a glaciologist at the UK’s nent -- Antarctica is bigger than
any problem,” he triumphantly whether to inform the police. Durham University and the lead Europe -- would pose a huge chal-
tells the camera. “We are aware of the case author of the study, told AFP. lenge.
Other parts of the video and investigating facts around A handout CCTV picture received from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) “What is exciting is that it’s So the researchers used existing
show the four, one of whom it,” a spokesman told AFP. on February 23, 2015 shows (L-R) British teenagers Amira Abase, Kadiza been hiding there in plain sight,” satellite images of the surface to
appears to be the YouTuber Fidias on Tuesday posted an Sultana and Shamima Begum walking with luggage at Gatwick Airport, south Jamieson added, emphasising that “trace out the valleys and ridges”
Night Scape who has 1.7 mil- apology on his channel, saying: of London the researchers had not used new more than two kilometres (1.6
lion followers, begging money “hello beautiful people i apol- AFP | London, United Kingdom terday. data, only a new approach. miles) below, Jamieson said.
from locals to pay for tickets. ogize to the Japanese people A lawyer for Shamima Be- The land underneath the East The undulating ice surface is a
It was unclear when the
footage was shot or whether
the three men and one woman
if we made them feel bad that
was not our goal ! from now on
i am going to be make more
A woman who left Britain
to marry an Islamic State
jihadist fighter when she was
gum, 24, told the Court of Ap-
peal in London that the Home
Office had failed to consider
Antarctic Ice Sheet is less well
known than the surface of Mars,
Jamieson said.
“ghost image” that drapes gently
over these spikier features, he
were still in Japan. research to the cultures we go a teenager began her appeal its legal duties owed to her The main way to “see” beneath When combined with ra-
“Another strange, annoy- to and try to prevent this from against the revocation of her client as a potential victim of it is for a plane overhead to send dio-echo sounding data, an im-
ing YouTuber from abroad happening again.” citizenship in a UK court yes- trafficking. radio waves into the ice and ana- age emerged of a river-carved
Battle of Agincourt: Henry V’s forc-
The infamous “Charge of the
US Ambassador to the UN Adlai Stevenson demands
United Nations votes to expel the
HISTORY es defeat larger French army, and Light Brigade” during the Bat- USSR UN rep Valerian Zorin answer regarding Cu- Chinese Nationalist ruled Taiwan
the longbow defeats the armored tle of Balaclava in the Crimean ban missile bases saying “I am prepared to wait for and admit the Communist
knight (Azincourt, France) War results in over 100 killed my answer until hell freezes over” People’s Republic of China

lear Released Israeli woman, 85, One dead, four

missing after two
says “they treated us well” cargo ships collide TOP
in North Sea
Berlin, Germany 4
O ne person has died
and four are missing
from the crew of a cargo
ship that sank after col-
liding with another vessel
in the North Sea, German
authorities said. Two fur-
ther crew members from
Gaza, and urged an immediate the ship were rescued after
humanitarian ceasefire to bring the collision with a second
in relief.
“I am deeply concerned about
the clear violations of interna-
cargo vessel early yesterday,
German Sea Rescue Society
(DGzRS) spokesman Chris-
T he @ UN Charter –
which entered into
force 78 years ago today
tional humanitarian law that we tian Stipeldey said. – is rooted in a spirit of
are witnessing in Gaza. Let me The elderly hostage who was released by Hamas shake hands with the Hamas fighter and said Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, arrives for a The accident happened determination to heal di-
be clear: No party to an armed “PEACE.” Picture courtesy of @jacksonhinklle press conference in Tel Aviv about 22 kilometres (13 visions, repair relations
conflict is above international hu- abduction. miles) southwest of the is- & build peace. We are a
manitarian law,” Guterres told a
Security Council session, without
explicitly naming Israel.
• Lifshitz said she
was beaten during
One of two elderly hostages
freed late Monday, Yocheved
Lifshitz recounted how the
ty, Lifshitz said, “they treated us
well,” describing her captors as
courteous and saying a doctor
land of Helgoland, accord-
ing to the German Central
Command for Maritime
divided world. We can
and must be united na-
Guterres, who personally trave- her abduction, then they “went on a rampage in our visited every two to three days. Emergencies (CCME). @antonioguterres
led to the crossing between Egypt treated well during kibbutz, kidnapped me, lay me Lifshitz, whose husband re- Several ships are current-
and Gaza in a push to let in assis- more than two weeks over a motorcycle... and sped off mains in Hamas captivity, said ly involved in a rescue oper-
tance, welcomed the crossing of with me through the ploughed they appeared to have “pre- ation . The sunken ship was
held captive in Gaza
three aid convoys so far through
the Rafah crossing.
She was freed with Nurit
pared for a long time” to take
large numbers of hostages.
named as the Verity, sailing
under a British flag and on 02
“But it is a drop of aid in an AFP | Jerusalem, Undefined Cooper, 79, by Hamas, which “They had everything that its way from Bremen to the
ocean of need. In addition, our UN cited “compelling humanitar- men and women needed in- UK town of Immingham.
fuel supplies in Gaza will run out
in a matter of days. That would
be another disaster,” Guterres
A n 85-year-old Israeli freed
after more than two weeks
of captivity by Hamas in war-
ian” reasons, after mediation
by Qatar and Egypt, days after
a US mother and her teenage
cluding shampoo,” she told
journalists. “We ate the same
food they did -- pitas with
The other ship was the
Polesie, under a Bahamas
flag and travelling from
said. torn Gaza said yesterday. “I daughter were also released. cream cheese, melted cheese, Hamburg to La Coruna in
“To ease epic suffering, make went through hell” during her During her weeks of captivi- cucumbers.” Spain.
the delivery of aid easier and saf-
er, and facilitate the release of
hostages, I reiterate my appeal B ecause they’re em-
bedding themselves,
for an immediate humanitarian
The Security Council session is Armed attacks in Mexico leave 24 like Hamas, in the civil-
ian population in Leba-
non - we will have to take

dead, including at least 12 police

bringing together top diplomats action against them. And
including Secretary of State An- the devastation against
tony Blinken, who has previously Hezbollah will be unim-
rejected calls for a ceasefire, say- aginable.
ing it would only allow Hamas to AFP | Acapulco, Mexico @IsraeliPM
regroup. several lifeless bodies lay on the
Hamas who stormed into Israel
from the Gaza Strip on October T hree separate armed attacks
in Mexico on Monday left at
ground -- as a police helicopter
flew overhead.
7 killed at least 1,400 people and
took more than 220 hostages, ac-
least 24 people dead, including
a dozen police officers, author-
Another attack, in the neigh-
boring state of Michoacan, left 03
cording to Israeli officials. ities said about the latest vio- four civilians and a policeman
More than 5,700 Palestinians lence to hit regions plagued by dead, and two others wounded,
have been killed across the Gaza drug trafficking. authorities said.
Strip in retaliatory Israeli bom- In the deadliest incident, un- A group of gunmen had at-
bardments, the territory’s Ha- identified attackers targeted tacked the brother of the mayor
mas-run health ministry said. a security patrol in Guerrero of the town of Tacambaro, ac-
Guterres condemned the at-
tacks by Hamas as “appalling.”
state’s municipality of Coyuca
de Benitez, prosecutor Alejan-
dro Hernandez said.
cording to the state prosecutor’s
A restaurant worker and a
T his is a top priori-
ty for Ukraine—be-
ing ready for the polit-
At least 13 people were killed member of the police force were ical decision to begin
and two others wounded in that among those killed, while the Ukraine’s EU accession
er Antarctic ice attack, the state prosecutor’s mayor’s brother was wounded, negotiations this year.
office said in a statement, with it said. In a video posted on so- And I hope the same can
Hernandez earlier having con- cial media, gunmen were seen be said for the Europe-
firmed that at least 11 of those opening fire before fleeing in an Union. We have laid a
killed were members of the mu- Security forces inspect the area where at least 11 police officers were killed in an several vehicles. solid foundation for this.
nicipal police force. ambush by criminal groups in Coyuca de Benitez, state of Guerrero, Mexico A third attack on Monday, a @ZelenskyyUa
A senior state security offi- gunfight between alleged drug
cial was traveling in the convoy dealers in the central Mexican
Mexico has also registered more than 110,000
when it was attacked, author- disappearances since 1962, most attributed to state of Puebla, left at least six
ities said, without confirming criminal organizations. Guerrero and Michoacan dead and two wounded, the re-
media reports that he was mur- are among the country’s most violent areas, due gional government reported.
dered along with police body- to confrontations between rival drug traffickers The incident took place in the
KNOW WHAT and security forces.
guards. rural community of San Miguel
Security forces were later Canoa, about 120 kilometers (75
seen patrolling the area -- where miles) from Mexico City.

landscape of plunging valleys W hen fear and sus-

picion, anger and
and sharply peaked hills similar
to some currently on the Earth’s
Bobi, known as the oldest dog in the world, dies aged 31 rage run hard, we have to
work harder than ever to
surface. AFP | Lisbon, Portugal hold on to the values that
It was like looking out the win- is between 12 and 14, Bobi was dog Gira was out, said Leonel make us who we are. We
dow of a long-haul flight and see-
ing a mountainous region below,
Jamieson said, comparing the
B obi, who was this year or-
dained the oldest dog in
the world by Guinness World
not supposed to make it beyond
He was born on May 11, 1992,
Costa, who was eight years old
at the time.
But they didn't realise they
must renounce violence
and vitriol, and see each
other not as enemies, but
landscape to the Snowdonia area Records, has died at the ripe along with three other pups in had left one puppy behind, and as fellow Americans.
of northern Wales. old age of 31, Portuguese media a wood storage shed owned by that puppy became Bobi. @POTUS
The area, stretching across reported Monday. the Costa family in the village of "He died at the age of 31 years
32,000 square kilometres (12,000 "We have better memories of Conqueiros. and 165 days," according to the
square miles), was once home to a long life where he was happy Because the family owned so Guinness World Records.
Bobi, the oldest dog in the world
trees, forests and probably ani- and, above all, where he made a many animals, the father de- After he was declared the Disclaimer: (Views expressed
mals. lot of people happy, especially where he lives. cided they could not keep the world's oldest dog in February, by columnists are personal and
But then the ice came along and his family," Bobi's owner Leonel A purebreed Rafeiro, a Por- newborn puppies and the par- media and curious onlookers need not necessarily reflect our
it was “frozen in time”, Jamieson Costa told local media from the tuguese livestock guard dog ents took them from the shed from around the world paid editorial stance)
said. little village in central Portugal whose normal life expectancy the next day, while the mother Bobi a visit.



Arnold Schwarzenegger reveals secret behind

end of his feud with Sylvester Stallone
Celebretainment| Los Angeles Bloom’s many friends and col- vestors. and that the ‘One Flew Over the
leagues at the invite-only event But Arnie ended up thank- Cuckoo’s Nest’ star wanted to

A rnold Schwarzenegger
has thanked a late Holly-
wood lawyer for healing
his rift with Sylvester Stallone.
The ‘Terminator’ actor, 76, and
that he despised Stallone at the
beginning of their careers be-
cause they were so competitive
with one another, comparing
everything from the size of their
ful Jake – who died aged 81 on
7 September 7 at home in Sun
Valley, Idaho – convinced him
that it would be better for busi-
ness if Sly also go a slice of the
meet Cuban leader Fidel Castro
— but was shocked to find the
dictator was only interested in
talking to the larger-than-life
the ‘Rocky’ star, 77, spent years muscles to the size of their pay deal. Also at the service were super
at the height of their fame in checks”. Page Six said a mourner told producers Jerry Bruckheimer
the 1980s embroiled in a bit- The outlet added Arnie was them “in the end, Arnie and Stal- and Brian Grazer, fellow power
ter rivalry over everything from initially furious to learn Jake lone spent so much time flying lawyer Marty Singer, and art
their physiques to their wealth, had signed Sly as a client – and around the world to promote the dealer Andy Terner among oth-
but Arnie said at a memorial ser- became even more angry when burger joint that their animosity ers. Jake, who founded Bloom
vice for legendary attorney Jake he learned in 1991 the lawyer finally wore away and they be- Hergott also represented A-lis-
Bloom the legal giant managed wanted to bring in the actor to came close friends”. ters such as Martin Scorsese,
to thaw their famous hatred the famous deal as an owner of The memorial service also George Lucas, John Hughes,
when he brought them into the the Hollywood-themed chain saw producer Marc Canton tell Ron Howard, Bruce Willis,
Planet Hollywood deal. restaurant in 1991, along with how he once travelled with Jake Johnny Depp, Jackie Chan and
Page Six reported Arnie “told Bruce Willis, Jake and other in- Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone to Cuba with Jack Nicholson, Nicolas Cage.

Reese Witherspoon
felt like a ‘robot’ Brie Larson relished her Lessons Ryan Reynolds slams SAG-AFTRA’s
Halloween costume guidelines
that ‘broke’ after
difficult year with in Chemistry responsibility Celebretainment | Los Angeles

divorce Celebretainment | Los Angeles oration and given the op-

portunity to have a voice
be able to be there from
the very beginning to R yan Reynolds and Man-
dy Moore have slammed I look forward to
screaming ‘scab’ at my
Fox | Los Angeles rie Larson loved having a besides just showing up go, ‘OK, let’s work on SAG-AFTRA’s new Halloween
hands-on role in the mak- and knowing my lines the script because this guidelines. 8 year old all night.
A s a widely successful
actress and produc-
er, Reese Witherspoon con-
ing of ‘Lessons in Chemistry’.
The 34-year-old actress has
had an influence on both sides
and doing the acting part
of the job but getting to
talk more about the
is where I want to go
with this character,’
and to have a team
The ‘Deadpool’ actor, 46,
and the singer, 39, hit out af-
ter the actors union that has
She’s not in the union
but she needs to learn
sistently presents herself as of the camera since the outset, script and the series that ’s open to brought Hollywood to a stand-
a formidable force in Hol- and Brie has really relished the as a whole, being on that.” still urged members to refrain Former SAG - AFTRA presi-
lywood. Now, “The Morn- extra responsibility. the edit when I’m Brie plays from dressing up as characters dent Melissa Gilbert, 59, also
ing Show” star is revealing The actress - who stars in not here on set, get- the part of from struck films and shows criticised the union’s move.
she recently reached her the drama mini-series and also ting to be a part of Elizabeth this year. She said on Instagram:
breaking point, admitting executive produces the show - all of it. Zott - a chem- Ryan posted on X about the “THIS is what you guys come
she “cried and cried.” told ‘Entertainment Tonight’: “I love the team- suggestion: “I look forward to up with? Literally no one cares
“I’ve been trying really “This is the first scripted series work of the job and I ist-turned-fem- screaming ‘scab’ at my 8 year what anyone wears for Hal-
hard to find balance outside that I have developed from the like seeing it through inist-chef who old all night. She’s not in the loween. I mean, do you real-
of work,” Witherspoon told beginning and will be through so it works for me, fights against union but she needs to learn.” ly think this kind of infantile
attendees of her Hello Sun- until the end. that’s kind of how my misogyny - on Mandy wrote in an stuff is going to end the
shine’s Shine Away event, “So being part of this collab- brain works is I want to the show. Instagram Story: “Is strike? We look like a joke.
per E! Online. “I’m a person Brie Larson this a joke? Come on “Please tell me you’re
who fills my schedule with @sagaftra. This is going to make this rule go
busyness, so that I feel less what’s important? away… and go negotiate!
alone or less nervous or less
Jennifer Garner refuses to be ‘freaked out’ by mom guilt “We’re asking you to
negotiate in good faith
“For the love of God,
people are suffering
She continued, “I started Celebretainment | Los Angeles makes you panic. Jennifer’s approach has ac- on our behalf. mightily and
to realize that isn’t going “So, if you come tually been inspired by her So many folks this is what
to work for me. About a
year ago, I was like,
‘I was a robot and
J ennifer Garner thinks it’s
easy to get “freaked out” by
mom guilt.
from a place of ex-
pansiveness instead
of feeling just like,
own mom.
She shared: “My mom
has always said to me,
across every
aspect of this
industry have
you have to
say… c’mon.
This is the
the robot broke.’ I The 51-year-old actress - ‘I can’t be a mom ‘You’re their mom for- been sacrific- kind of silly
cried and cried.” who has Violet, 17, Seraphina, because I’m also ever, don’t worry you ing mightily bulls*** that
“ It a c t u a l l y 14, and Samuel, 11, with her working, and can do your job. for months. keeps us on
makes me feel ex-husband Ben Affleck - tries I’m supposed You’re their mom “Get back strike.
very vulnerable to remain philosophical about to be guilty forever. I wish I to the table “Let’s en-
sharing that with her parental responsibilities. all the had worked, I and get a act a policy
y o u a l l ,” t h e The movie star told ‘Access time’ ... would have fair deal that makes
“Sweet Home Hollywood’: “Working moms you bet- been a bet- so every- us look petty
Alabama” ac- get such a bad … we get all ter just ter mom. one can and incom-
tress told the freaked out because we’re told lean into Your kids get back petent at the
crowd, “But I constantly, ‘you have 18 sum- wherever are going to to work. same time.”
think it’s im- mers’, ‘you have this much you are any be so proud of Please and Striking ac-
portant.” time’, ‘time is fleeting’ and it day.” you.’” thank you.” tors have been
Reese Witherspoon Jennifer Garner Ryan Reynolds

1- Chum; 6- Constituent; 10- Ratio words; 14- Seraglio; 15- Watchful one; 16- Heath; 17- Inner self
Yesterday’s solution (Jung); 18- Comic Rudner; 19- Breezy; 20- Circular water container; 21- Vehicle with one wheel; Yesterday’s solution
23- Latin word meaning “nothing”; 25- Society page word; 26- Spanish surrealist; 29- Swedish pop
band whose hits include “Waterloo”; 32- Rubberneck; 37- Hydrocarbon suffix; 38- Hungary’s Nagy;
39- Unprincipled; 40- Make urban; 43- Church instruments; 44- Teheran’s country; 45- Solomon,
to David; 46- Model Campbell; 47- Lecherous look; 48- Ethereal: Prefix; 49- Mark of Zorro; 51-
Stipulations; 53- Estimator; 58- Different; 62- That’s ___ haven’t heard; 63- Duration; 64- Words to
live by; 65- Roman road; 66- Seemingly forever; 67- Biblical brother; 68- Put aboard; 69- Agitated
state; 70- Beast of burden;

1- Gregory Peck role of 1956; 2- “Give that ____ cigar!”; 3- Coloured part of the eye; 4- Third sign
of the zodiac; 5- Muscat native; 6- Andean country; 7- 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet; 8- Eye
membrane; 9- Vestige; 10- Apple product; 11- Potting need; 12- Raced; 13- Jazz trombonist Kid ___;
22- Sycophant; 24- Lanterns; 26- Fiend; 27- The end of ___; 28- Release; 30- Friend in the ‘hood;
How to play 31- Give a false impression of; 33- Cargo measure; 34- Spring up; 35- Sharp-edged instrument;
Place a number in the empty boxes in such 36- 1985 Kate Nelligan film; 38- Remove an electron, say; 39- Maker of Pong; 41- Male sheep who
a way that each row across, each column may play football for St Louis!; 42- Rage; 47- Wound; 48- Stellar; 50- Adlai’s running mate; 52- _____
down and each 9-box square contains all point: where it all becomes clear; 53- Organization to promote theater; 54- Bird feed; 55- Male
of the numbers from one to nine. parent; 56- Bygone Dodge; 57- Observe the Sabbath; 59- Jealous wife of myth; 60- Biblical land;
61- Author Jaffe; 62- Wildcatter’s find;

VACANCIES suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 33131412 or LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of
Call us on +973 36458394
email :

17768200 or AIRMECH.BAHRAIN@AIRMECH. applicants can contact 34355312 or info@

LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can NET
CITI BANK N. A. has a vacancy for the
COM contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@ ALFALAK ELECTRONICS CO. has a vacancy
Orange Flower For Landscaping And
DAITOONA SUPER MARKET has a vacancy Flowers has a vacancy for the occupation of
vacancy for the occupation of WAITER SILVERLINE MIDDLE EAST W.L.L has a suitably qualified applicants can contact SUPPORT, suitably qualified applicants can
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably CASHIER, suitably qualified applicants can
(HOTEL), suitably qualified applicants can vacancy for the occupation of GENERAL 17588680 or NACIRA.FERDJOUKH@CITI. contact 17723001 or
qualified applicants can contact 36502220 or contact 37738111 or ORANGEFLOWER.BH@
contact 33637004 or kathrina.nisnisan@ MANAGER, suitably qualified applicants can COM MUNA ABDULLA AHMED HASAN has a
ZAHRAKHALILHAJIH@GMAIL.COM GMAIL.COM contact 33958351 or VIJAYRAJA1980@ SUN SHINE TOWER has a vacancy for the vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
WHITE GIRAFFE CONSULTANCY W.L.L has GMAIL.COM occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified suitably qualified applicants can contact
vacancy for the occupation of DESIGNER, the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified
a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, STYLISH UPHOLSTERY W.L.L has a vacancy applicants can contact 17877444 or 33046999 or MONAABDULLA023@GMAIL.
suitably qualified applicants can contact applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@
suitably qualified applicants can contact for the occupation of WORKER, suitably ALFAREA WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COM
38880502 or FAISALASG00@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 34164538 or CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation BROWN STONE FASHION has a vacancy
MAMUN FURNITURES AND CONSTRUCTION KAMIKING4450@GMAIL.COM of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of TAILOR, suitably
vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY MANASEF has a vacancy for the occupation
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of ABU USAMA GENTS SALOON W.L.L has contact 17700715 or ALFAREA@BATELCO. qualified applicants can contact 39865798 or
GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can of ACCOUNTANT(GENERAL), suitably
WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, COM.BH ABUFAIZANAC@GMAIL.COM
contact 66767587 or qualified applicants can contact 34149179 or
contact 33465862 or DAZZLINGFURNITURE. suitably qualified applicants can contact Barbeer Green Contracting - Bahraini HARDSCAPE CONTRACTING has a vacancy
Partnership Co. has a vacancy for the
the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified Manazel teba real estate has a vacancy for the BAH@GMAIL.COM 34569303 or CRWORKSBH@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of SUPERVISOR, suitably
DAR AL - NAEEM RESTAURANT AND BADER MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified qualified applicants can contact 39055666 or
applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@ occupation of SALES AGENT, suitably qualified
GRILLS COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of applicants can contact 34384278 or n123. applicants can contact 39966004 or KHALID_
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably ELECTRICIAN, suitably qualified applicants HAIZ ALUMINIUM has a vacancy for the
occupation of TECHNICIAN(MAINTENANCE), CAFETERIA TEA TEAM has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 34113488 or can contact 17300455 or FARIDA.BADER@ occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified
JASSIMPALACE@YAHOO.COM GMAIL.COM has a vacancy for the occupation of HEAVY applicants can contact 33678778 or e.eid@
suitably qualified applicants can contact for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
MITSUBISHI POWER BAHRAIN BRANCH GHIZLAN SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy DRIVER, suitably qualified applicants can
35483237 or S.KARAKI@SCHNEIDERLIFTS. qualified applicants can contact 39893138 or
BRANCH OF A FOREIGN COMPANY has a for the occupation of WORKER, suitably contact 17700888 or NASSERAB@BATELCO. Kingdom Security Protection Services W.L.L
vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN qualified applicants can contact 33621007 or COM.BH has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY
Burj Mushraf Contracting Co. W.L.L has Juffair Grand Hotel W.L.L has a vacancy
ADVISOR, suitably qualified applicants can SIVANBH70@GMAIL.COM ARCAL W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation GUARD, suitably qualified applicants
a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, for the occupation of WAITER/BARTENDER,
contact 17503109 SQUARE VIEW SERVICES W.L.L has a of ALUMINIUM TECHNICIAN (GENERAL), can contact 39415444 or RASHEED@
suitably qualified applicants can contact suitably qualified applicants can contact
AL WATHIQ BUILDING MATERIALS AND vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact SECURICORE.BH
36167111 or 38188806 or HRD@THEJUFFAIRGRAND.
ELECTRICALS W.L.L has a vacancy for suitably qualified applicants can contact 17701900 or ALAZHAR CONTRACTING ESTABLISHMENT
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of KHAN GLOBAL TRADING W.L.L has a the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably 33978913 or BHMAZHAR9@GMAIL.COM has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER
qualified applicants can contact 39841074 or BARWAN SERCICES CO W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably (GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can
WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
AZIZJUMA961@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 38843999 or contact 17702454 or
contact 33982838 or SSVSNILAMBOOR@ suitably qualified applicants can contact
BIG WATERFALL GARAGE has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 66348055 or GOLDENERA.S.BH@GMAIL.COM A - KARIM ALJAHROMI CONTRACTING
GMAIL.COM 33601524 or
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably MUJAHID01123@GMAIL.COM COMSIP AL A ALI W.L.L has a vacancy for the COMPANY WLL has a vacancy for the
qualified applicants can contact 33001184 or MOHAMMED HASAN ABDULRAHIM occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified occupation of PLUMBER (GENERAL), suitably
vacancy for the occupation of COMPUTER has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
BANABEEL97@GMAIL.COM MOHAMMED ( HAR ALAHMMAR - 5663 ) applicants can contact 17773006 or AURELIEN. qualified applicants can contact 17831000 or
TECHNICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can suitably qualified applicants can contact
contact 39212037 or CELBELTRAN@YAHOO. 39680137 or EBRAHIMR1958@GMAIL.COM
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation suitably qualified applicants can contact LULU CONTRACTING CLEANING AND G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS BAHRAIN W.L.L
COM QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for
of WORKER(FALAFEL), suitably qualified 39197169 or BUHASSAN5553@GMAIL.COM MAINTENANCE W.L.L has a vacancy for the has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY
TRADERS VICS CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified
occupation of CLEANER (GENERAL), suitably
the occupation of SERVER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@ applicants can contact 66766285 or SOUTH GATE CONSTRUCTION AND MAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact
KITCHENSTORIES786@GMAIL.COM CLEANING has a vacancy for the occupation qualified applicants can contact 17720648 or 17714409 or SUMAIRA.YASMIN@BH.G4S.COM
applicants can contact 17586906 or TARIQ.
vacancy for the occupation of DRIVER, suitably can contact 77061717 or YKHALFAN@ KOOHEJI CONTRACTORS W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER
FIRST GULF TOURISM CO W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of CARPENTER,
vacancy for the occupation of HEAVY DRIVER,
vacancy for the occupation of SALES AGENT, suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 33278265 or GMAIL.COM (GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can
CHAUDHARYTAHIR500@GMAIL.COM SAYACORP HOSPITALITY W.L.L has a suitably qualified applicants can contact contact 17700616 or
suitably qualified applicants can contact 33367000 or
PKJ PRIME CAR SERVICE W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of MANAGER, 17786500 or MOHAMED JALAL CONTRACTING CO.
vacancy for the occupation of MECHANICAL suitably qualified applicants can contact BAHRAIN ALUMINIUM EXTRUSION CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of
FITTER, suitably qualified applicants can 33637004 or (BALEXCO) B.S.C. CLOSED has a vacancy for MASON, suitably qualified applicants can
a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, occupation of CAR WASHER/CLEANER,
contact 39063176 or PRIMEAUTO.BH@ MIRZA ABDULLA JAFFAR RADHI (ALRABDA the occupation of SALES MANAGER, suitably contact 17536956 or RASHID_BUALI@JALAL.
suitably qualified applicants can contact suitably qualified applicants can contact
GMAIL.COM / 1029) has a vacancy for the occupation of qualified applicants can contact 17730073 or COM
39889586 or ALQARYAFURNITURE@ 17262262 or
LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of contact 17682140 or ABUOBAID CONTRACTING & TRADING vacancy for the occupation of CARPENTER,
QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of
LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can YOUNG JIN ENTERPRISE COMPANY GROUP has a vacancy for the occupation suitably qualified applicants can contact
the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified ELECTRICIAN, suitably qualified applicants
contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@ LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of of SUPERVISOR (SITE), suitably qualified 39452896 or
applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@ can contact 17125256 or INFOCLOUDEMS@
GMAIL.COM LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can applicants can contact 36552200 or MORNING STAR W.L.L has a vacancy GMAIL.COM
STEARING GARAGE W.L.L has a vacancy contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@ for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
BUSHANAB BAKERY has a vacancy 3Lines restaurant S P C has a vacancy for
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably GMAIL.COM MAKKA BAKERY has a vacancy for the qualified applicants can contact 17232527 or
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably the occupation of WAITER (RESTURANTS),
qualified applicants can contact 33446033 or DANAAT ALSEEF PLOT 1 OWNERS occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified
qualified applicants can contact 34176204 or suitably qualified applicants can contact
MANAMA65@YAHOO.COM ASSOCIATION - 04029788 has a vacancy applicants can contact 36122296 or MY BAKERY W.L.L has a vacancy for the
EKESALE SHINE DECORE W.L.L has a for the occupation of CLEANER, suitably occupation of SALES WORKER, suitably
vacancy for the occupation of HEAVY DRIVER, qualified applicants can contact 39164476 or Zraar trading has a vacancy for the occupation qualified applicants can contact 17650411 or
LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of
suitably qualified applicants can contact DANATALSEEFPLOT1@GMAIL.COM of SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants TALAL@MYBAKERY.COM.BH
LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can
contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@ contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@
CLEAR LIFE FORACTIVITIES OF HEAD has a vacancy for the occupation of TAILOR, SCARFS has a vacancy for the occupation
OFFICES OR MANAGEMENT OFFICES W.L.L suitably qualified applicants can contact Hassani Construction has a vacancy for the of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants
Almufeed Electrical Services Co. W.L.L has EPHURIA DECOR CONTRACTING has a
has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, 39673300 or OTHMAN@SHARIFGROUP.COM occupation of CARPENTER, suitably qualified can contact 36755177 or Y_ALTHAWADI@
a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, vacancy for the occupation of RECEPTIONIST,
suitably qualified applicants can contact ALAMIN CONTRACTING & MAINTENANCE applicants can contact 39633212 or TARIQ@ HOTMAIL.COM
suitably qualified applicants can contact suitably qualified applicants can contact
33739999 or BH2813866@GMAIL.COM W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of HASSANI.COM.BH SANGEETHA RESTAURANT DELIGHTS
17677784 or 33433262 or
SAKKARIYA NAJUMUDEEN MARKET MANAGER (FACTORY), suitably qualified TK ELEVATOR ALMOAYYED W.L.L has W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of
Stiller Agency for the Supply Workers w. l. JULU ELEVATORS WLL has a vacancy for
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of applicants can contact 17727559 or a vacancy for the occupation of FITTER/ WAITER, suitably qualified applicants can
l has a vacancy for the occupation of CHEF, the occupation of TECHNICIAN, suitably
SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can REPAIRER(ELEC.ELEVATORS), suitably contact 17272768 or sangeethadelights@
suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 35483237 or
contact 32321690 or INFO.FMBHDC@GMAIL. QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for qualified applicants can contact 17400407 or
SECURE SERVICES LIMITED W.L.L has applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@ MANAHIL COLD STORE has a vacancy a vacancy for the occupation of SALES
BU WARIS CONTRACTING BAHRAINI for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY for the occupation of WORKER, suitably AGENT, suitably qualified applicants can
PARTNERSHIP COMPANY has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 33161298 or
GUARD, suitably qualified applicants ALMOAYYED CONTRACTING GROUP W.L.L. qualified applicants can contact 39800028 or contact 34354444 or BROTHERS_BAH@
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably EIDANFURNITURE@HOTMAIL.COM
can contact 17797998 or NIGEL@ has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, MADAN2009@HOTMAIL.COM YAHOO.COM
qualified applicants can contact 35301525 or QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for
SECURESERVICES.BH suitably qualified applicants can contact ARAB FINANCIAL SERVICES CO. IDEAL GROUP FOR SERVICES AND the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified
MAGIC SHINE CLEANING CO. W.L.L has 17400407 or B.S.C.CLOSED has a vacancy for the MAINTAINANCE CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for
COMSIP AL A ALI W.L.L has a vacancy for the applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@
a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, MOHAMMED NOOR BUKARI RESTAURANT occupation of HEAD OF DIVISION, suitably the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified
occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified
suitably qualified applicants can contact has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, qualified applicants can contact 33308699 or applicants can contact 77902525 or info@
applicants can contact 17773006 or AURELIEN. ABSHER TRAVEL has a vacancy for the
36509129 or suitably qualified applicants can contact
ARCAL W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation 66963868 RED HAT CAFEE has a vacancy for the AL AHBAR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION
AL KOOHEJI ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS qualified applicants can contact 17240009 or
of ALUMINIUM TECHNICIAN (GENERAL), SAYACORP HOSPITALITY W.L.L has a occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified EST has a vacancy for the occupation of
suitably qualified applicants can contact vacancy for the occupation of COFFEE applicants can contact 36697990 or MECHANIC(DIESEL ENGINES), suitably
17701900 or SERVER, suitably qualified applicants can MYCOMPUTERBH@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 17291499 or
suitably qualified applicants can contact W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of
17701711 or SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation CONSTRUCTION CO. W.L.L. has a vacancy OLD DAKA Electrical has a vacancy
QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for contact 39839739 or SAIDHELPEGROUP@
of COFFEE SERVER, suitably qualified ALHAJ HASSAN GROUP B.S.C CLOSED for the occupation of MASON, suitably qualified for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified GMAIL.COM
applicants can contact 17111722 or ANEESH@ has a vacancy for the occupation of applicants can contact 17784584 or HR@ qualified applicants can contact 33330363 or
applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@ DR. NAEL ALHAZEEM MEDICAL CENTER
FOODVESTHOLDING.COM CARPENTER, suitably qualified applicants AMJASSIM.COM MAHMOODESA@YAHOO.COM W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation
vacancy for the occupation of ASSISTANT HAJIHASSAN.COM vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, AL-KHUNAIZI COMPANIES GROUP
vacancy for the occupation of COMPUTER qualified applicants can contact 13686699 or
MANAGER, suitably qualified applicants can AHMED ALI AL-JALAHMA ESTABLISHMENT suitably qualified applicants can contact W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of
contact 33637004 or kathrina.nisnisan@ has a vacancy for the occupation of 39479980 or ASHFOQRAZA29@GMAIL.COM SECRETARY(EXECUTIVE), suitably qualified
qualified applicants can contact 35056609 or 5G TECH FOR MOBILE COMPUTER ACCOUNTANTS, suitably qualified applicants AL AHMED MARKETS has a vacancy for the applicants can contact 17406633 or info@kuc-
CHISHTEE1@HOTMAIL.COM SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy for the
BLUE MONTE GENERAL CLEANING W.L.L can contact 33466640 or AEALJALAHMA@ occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified
has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, HOTMAIL.COM applicants can contact 17008636 or JAMAL. BOLAN TOWER CONTRACTING has a
a vacancy for the occupation of CONSULTANT, qualified applicants can contact 37117740 or
suitably qualified applicants can contact EBRAHIM KHALIL KANOO CO. ALA7MED@GMAIL.COM vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
suitably qualified applicants can contact HARM_1960@YAHOO.CA
33097268 or RAFIQCONTRACTING17@ B.S.C.CLOSED has a vacancy for the QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for suitably qualified applicants can contact
GMAIL.COM occupation of CAR WASHER/CLEANER, the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified 17000490 or
ALAZHAR CONTRACTING ESTABLISHMENT LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of
ALMOAYYED SECURITY has a vacancy for suitably qualified applicants can contact applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@ SILVER CITY CONTRACTING W.L.L has a
has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can
the occupation of SECURITY GUARD, suitably 17262262 or vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER,
(GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@
qualified applicants can contact 17400407 or AIRMECH COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for Al Shat Al Azraq LAUNDRY has a vacancy suitably qualified applicants can contact
contact 17702454 or GMAIL.COM the occupation of ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR, for the occupation of LAUNDERER/ 39188855 or SILVERCITYCONTRACTING@
YOUNG JIN ENTERPRISE COMPANY suitably qualified applicants can contact PRESSER(GENERAL), suitably qualified GMAIL.COM
vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR, for the occupation of WORKER, suitably

Call us on +973 36458394
email :

occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified qualified applicants can contact 36207161 or

NOOR ALKHALEEJ ADVERTISING AND SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of for the occupation of STOREKEEPER, suitably applicants can contact 66331128 or fatima@
PROMOTION has a vacancy for the occupation for the occupation of MECHANICAL MASON, suitably qualified applicants can qualified applicants can contact 17736030 or Nuzul Constructions And Interior Design
of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can ENGINEER(GENERAL), suitably qualified contact 17536956 or RASHID_BUALI@ GRANDMART.T@GMAIL.COM JASIM ALKULAIB CONSTRUCTION W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation
contact 39556601 or applicants can contact 39007929 or JALAL.COM SHABAN LINE ABAYAT has a vacancy W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants
ARSHAD BASHIR BASHIR MAITHAMBAH@GMAIL.COM SHAFIUL FABRICATION Co. W.L.L has for the occupation of WORKER, suitably ELECTRICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 38888784 or ACCOUNTS@
AIRCONDITIONERS has a vacancy for ALPHA CONSTRUCTION AND a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, qualified applicants can contact 35301525 or can contact 39801005 or A.ALKULAIB05@
the occupation of WORKER, suitably MAINTENANCE has a vacancy for the suitably qualified applicants can contact USMANBAH46@GMAIL.COM GMAIL.COM RIPPLE AIRCONDITIONING SERVICES
qualified applicants can contact 33058503 or occupation of DRAFTSMAN, suitably 39363590 or SAWARI.BAH@GMAIL.COM CREATIVE LINE DESIGN W.L.L has a vacancy KAFLAN CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy for W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of qualified applicants can contact 39461449 or 7 sky auto spare parts has a vacancy for the for the occupation of CARPENTER, suitably the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can
Kingdom Security Protection Services W.L.L DWDSALMAN@GMAIL.COM occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified qualified applicants can contact 17276617 or applicants can contact 39871069 or ADEL. contact 36907579 or BUTTSAM901@GMAIL.COM
has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY ROYAL BAHRAIN HOSPITAL has a vacancy applicants can contact 33333333 or ABRAR_ JABBER@WPHOME.COM Delta Security Services Co. W.L.L. has a
GUARD, suitably qualified applicants for the occupation of MEDICAL CONSULTANT, AZAM2277@YAHOO.COM Shamal electro mechanical contracting AHLAM MOBILE REPAIRING W.L.L has vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY
can contact 39415444 or RASHEED@ suitably qualified applicants can contact PINAS BUTCHERY has a vacancy for the company WLL has a vacancy for the a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can
SECURICORE.BH 17532010 or occupation of BUTCHER (ANIMALS), suitably occupation of ELECTRICIAN, suitably qualified suitably qualified applicants can contact contact 17262725 or
AL-AHLIA CONTRACTING CO. W.L.L has a USMANS FURNITURE UHOLSTERY has qualified applicants can contact 39606356 or applicants can contact 33348546 or yaqoobi@ 36507740 or KULITALSAMAHIJI@GMAIL.COM MODERN COOL FOR SALE OF ELECTRICAL
vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR, a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, HUSAINBENZ2201@GMAIL.COM 3Lines restaurant S P C has a vacancy for APPLIANCES has a vacancy for the occupation
suitably qualified applicants can contact suitably qualified applicants can contact Pasta taste restaurant has a vacancy AL ANJOM AL ZAHERA BUILDING the occupation of WAITER (RESTURANTS), of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can
17737000 or 33704554 or USMAN_DC@YAHOO.COM for the occupation of WORKER, suitably MAINTENANCE has a vacancy for the suitably qualified applicants can contact contact 33134213 or FAISALWASIF@GMAIL.COM
Secure Me W.L.L has a vacancy for the Spectrum Cleaning Co W.L.L has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 33888381 or occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified 17600114 or METRIC MODERN CONSTRUCTION has a
occupation of SECURITY GUARD, suitably for the occupation of OPERATOR(EXCAVATION MNSAWAD@GMAIL.COM applicants can contact 33795726 or Blue Diamond Air Conditioning W.L.L has vacancy for the occupation of MASON, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 17749697 or MACHINE), suitably qualified applicants can Mumbai Spices has a vacancy for the SAMINAYASMEEN.BH@GMAIL.COM a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, qualified applicants can contact 17668584 or contact 77122441 or MMKOHEJI@YAHOO.COM occupation of COOK(GENERAL), suitably DURRAT AL KHALEEJ MARINE SERVICES suitably qualified applicants can contact
AHMED BASHA GENTS SALON has a Kingdom Security Protection Services W.L.L qualified applicants can contact 17720395 or has a vacancy for the occupation of 36370502 or BLUEDINFO@GMAIL.COM MECHATRONICS SERVICE CENTER
vacancy for the occupation of BARBER, suitably has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY admin@UNIQUEWLL.COM MECHANICAL FITTER, suitably qualified AL EDEN MENS SALON CO W.L.L has a W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of
qualified applicants can contact 33866291 or GUARD, suitably qualified applicants ALHAMAD CONSTRUCTION & applicants can contact 17674316 or vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, TECHNICIAN(ELECTRONIC APPARATUS
AHMEDALMANAMI@GMAIL.COM can contact 39415444 or RASHEED@ DEVLOPMENT CO. W.L.L. has a vacancy suitably qualified applicants can contact MAINTENANCE), suitably qualified applicants
DELUXE HOME ART has a vacancy SECURICORE.BH for the occupation of ELECTRICIAN, suitably SOFT SCISSORS GENTS SALON has a 33115579 or RFAISAL.BH@GMAIL.COM can contact 35531773 or RAMYKHALLA@
for the occupation of PAINTER, suitably OLYMPIA HEALTH AND FITNESS CENTER qualified applicants can contact 17226618 or vacancy for the occupation of BARBER, suitably HCB CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy for GMAIL.COM
qualified applicants can contact 33866291 or W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of ACKR007@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 33522943 or the occupation of LABOURER, suitably SECCO BY COFFEA W.L.L has a vacancy
AHMEDALMANAMI@GMAIL.COM INSTRUCTOR / COACH, suitably qualified CORNER OF WALEED ALKABAH FOR AMNAASHRAF7332@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 36374262 or for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably
MAZARS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS applicants can contact 17727198 or ADMIN@ READY MEALS has a vacancy for the City Point Hotel W.L.L has a vacancy for the HCBCONSTRUCTION.BH@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 39921727 or
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ACCOUNTANT(GENERAL), suitably BLUE LADDER CONTRACTING Bahraini applicants can contact 39988654 or applicants can contact 17500794 or ayman@ W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of V BEACH RESORT HOTEL W.L.L has a
qualified applicants can contact 17580079 or partnership company has a vacancy for the ALMAHDAWYAA@GMAIL.COM WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can vacancy for the occupation of MANAGER, occupation of OFFICE ASSISTANT, suitably TRISONS FOR TYRE RETREADING W.L.L SERARI MACHINERY MAINTENANCE contact 39672580 or AHARAM1964@ suitably qualified applicants can contact
SEA BIRD MECHANICAL AND MARINE qualified applicants can contact 39537648 or has a vacancy for the occupation of MANAGER, SERVICES CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the GMAIL.COM 33658488 or
CONTRACTING W.L.L has a vacancy suitably qualified applicants can contact occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified ALNABA REAL ESTATE has a vacancy for BLUEDIN LAUNDRY has a vacancy
for the occupation of RIGGER, suitably MOHAMED JALAL CONTRACTING CO. 39872123 or HAFEZAYOUB@GMAIL.COM applicants can contact 33043618 or IMRAN. the occupation of SALES AGENT, suitably for the occupation of LAUNDERER/
qualified applicants can contact 17273133 or W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of ALMANAR CONSTRUCTION W.L.L has a SAHER2@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 36272726 or PRESSER(GENERAL), suitably qualified
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MUSHKAN LAUNDRY has a vacancy contact 17536956 or RASHID_BUALI@JALAL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can BLUE BAND CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy HOTMAIL.COM
for the occupation of LAUNDERER/ TOP HOPE TECH INTERNATIONAL W.L.L 17777703 or ALMANAREST@GMAIL.COM contact 36053749 or ALRAHMA.GSALON@ for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably SAYACORP HOSPITALITY W.L.L has a
PRESSER(GENERAL), suitably qualified has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, Khodmooni bakery has a vacancy for the GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 36266620 or vacancy for the occupation of HOUSEKEEPER,
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MUSHKAN1966@GMAIL.COM 33551898 or USCOWLL@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 39921197 or a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, VAL TECH CAR PARKING COMPANY - 33637004 or
SULZER CHEMTECH MIDDLE EAST W.L.L SHTIYA BUILDING CONTRACTING & suitably qualified applicants can contact FOREIGN BRANCH COMPANY has a vacancy Access & Coating Gulf Co. W.L.L. has a
has a vacancy for the occupation of CHEMICAL MAINTENANC has a vacancy for the occupation PRO KLEEN SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy 17342474 or for the occupation of DRIVER, suitably qualified vacancy for the occupation of MASON, suitably
ENGINEER, suitably qualified applicants can of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of CLEANER, suitably ABU HUSSAIN UPHOISTERY has a vacancy applicants can contact 33320115 qualified applicants can contact 17212471 or
contact 17568400 or contact 33744544 or qualified applicants can contact 36845820 or for the occupation of WORKER, suitably ENMAISON W.L.L has a vacancy for the MCSC@MCSCWLL.COM
Euros Bake W.L.L. has a vacancy for the ABU NASIR STYLISH SALOON W.L.L has a PADAM1739@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 33518834 or occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified SADIQ AMIN W.L.L has a vacancy for the
occupation of BAKER(GENERAL), suitably vacancy for the occupation of HAIR DRESSER, GUJRANWALA CONTRACTING CO. W.L.L SALMANJAAFAR973@GMAIL.COM applicants can contact 17246710 or BABU@ occupation of HEAVY DRIVER, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 77325444 or suitably qualified applicants can contact has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, MRITHU PHARMACY COMPANY CO. W.L.L NEWTECHMARBLE.COM qualified applicants can contact 33865306 or
SALES.FOODCITY@GMAIL.COM 34340905 or ALEEMASGHAR577@GMAIL. suitably qualified applicants can contact has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, ZESHAN & IRFAN SALON W.L.L has a SADIQSA7004@GMAIL.COM
RADIANCE TOWER CONSTRUCTION has COM 33907097 or SAAMIIR@LIVE.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, REEM TRAVELS W.L.L has a vacancy for
a vacancy for the occupation of ASSISTANT CHISHTIAN RESTAURANT has a vacancy The Arch Hotel W.L.L has a vacancy for the 33780777 or MRITHUPHARMACY@ suitably qualified applicants can contact the occupation of MARKETING EXECUTIVE,
TECHNICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of WORKER, suitably occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified GMAIL.COM 34342810 or ABBAS307@YAHOO.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact
contact 39667687 or FREE.ALHAMMAD@ qualified applicants can contact 33253626 or applicants can contact 17116611 or CORP@ SEPCOIII BAHRAIN CONSTRUCTION DELHI HOUSE W.L.L has a vacancy 34414904 or REEMDTOURS@GMAIL.COM
GMAIL.COM WAHIDZAHID8@GMAIL.COM DADABAI.COM COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the for the occupation of WORKER, suitably

Barca forward Torres ‘ready

to step up’ in big week Bahrain get tough Davis Cup group
AFP | Barcelona GROUP A
what’s coming,” Torres told a
news conference ahead of the BAHRAIN: Elyas Abdulnabi, Faris Altoobli, Shadi Kallel, Hasan Abdulnabi

B arcelona winger Ferran clash with Shakhtar. BHUTAN: Pema Norbu, Thinley Norbu, Tenzin Singye Dorji, Tandin Wangchuk
Torres said yesterday he “I don’t need to gain more MYANMAR: Hein Htet Zaw, Hein Latt Kyaw, Aung Myo Thant, Zaw San Oo, My Paing Min
is ready to step up a gear in confidence, I have enough, I GROUP B
a vital week for the Spanish have what I need -- but I can YEMEN: Ghassan Alansi, Mansoor Ahmed, ahmed Mohammed, Adnan Juzar Abbas
champions, who are missing improve a lot of things. QATAR: Mubarak Alharasi, Rashed Naif, Mashari Naif, Issa Alharrasi, Mossa Alharrasi
several players through inju- “I’m 23 and at the start of my NEPAL: Abishek Bastola, Pradip Khadka, Aki Zuben Rawat, Ritik Rana
ry, including striker Robert career even though I’ve been GROUP C
Lewandowski. going for a lot of years already.”
The Catalans face Shakhtar Torres said he was grateful BANGLADESH: Ranjam Ram, Alve Mahadi Hasan, Zarif Abrar, Saiam MD
Donetsk on Wednesday in the to coach Xavi Hernandez for MONGOLIA: Munkhbaatar Badrakh, Undrakh Purevdorj, Sonompuntsag Enkhjargal,
Khurelerdene Janchivdorj, Oyunbat Baatar
Champions League, aiming for bringing him to Barcelona and
MALDIVES: Abdulla Faaih Fazeel, Aiham Shiyam, Daoud Shaheeb, Muhammad Nooh
a third victory in three games sticking with him through dif- Nazih, Mohamed Kaisaan Izzath Rasheed
in Europe, before hosting ri- ficult spells.
vals Real Madrid on “The coach has always been
Saturday in the sea- there, he’s always given me BRUNEI: Aiman Abdullah, Timothy Lim, Chung Peng Lim, Gavin Yeung Kok Lim, Ak
son’s first La Liga good advice, he’s played me Ahmad Sulaiman
Clasico. when he’s decided to,” added LAOS: Staporn Simmalavong, Somphone Songbandith, Xaysavath Chansomphou,
A team official takes part in yesterday’s draw Ananda Khamphoumany
Torres, who has the winger.
struggled for form “I’ll always be grate- Oceania Group V matches in the TAJIKISTAN: Firus Mukhidinov, Somon Amonov, Mirsulton Zamanov, Abbos Ismoilov,
since joining Barca
from Manchester
City in 2022, says
ful because it was
him who gave me
the confidence
• Kingdom’s senior
men’s national
2023 Davis Cup.
The zonal event is being host-
ed in the Kingdom with matches
Ravshan Rahmatov
MACAU: Marco Ho Tin Leung, Ng Long Hei, Fong Chi Hei Austin, Ioi Tou Cheong

he is confident to come to Barca team drawn with scheduled to begin today from namely Brunei, Laos, Tajikistan Abdulkarim Abdulnabi.
he can keep im- when they signed Bhutan, Myanmar 10am at the Bahrain Tennis Fed- and Macau. Following a single round-rob-
proving to help me and I learn a for group stage eration (BTF) hard courts in Isa The draw was held yesterday in in this opening stage, the top
the team at a lot from him.” Town. at the BTF headquarters along team from each of the four
difficult time.
“We’ve got a
lot of injuries,
Although Tor-
res is still young,
he is one of the
• Tournament action
gets underway at 10am
Thirteen men’s national teams
from across the continent are
participating in the competition.
with the pre-tournament tech-
nical meeting.
All the competing squads
groups move on to the play-off
round. Two winners will then be
promoted to Group IV for next
I think that more experi- today with 13 nations Bahrain’s senior men’s nation- from abroad have already ar- year’s Davis Cup competition.
I am ready e n c e d p l aye r s vying for promotion al tennis team are in Group A rived in Bahrain ahead of to- The Davis Cup is one of the
to take this at the club, with alongside Bhutan and Myan- day’s start of play. premier world competitions
s t e p f o r- plenty of young- mar. Group B features Yemen, The Kingdom’s flag is being for men’s tennis, run by the In-
ward, I’m sters coming TDT | Manama Qatar and Nepal, while Group flown in the event by the quar- ternational Tennis Federation
very con- through from the C includes Bangladesh, Mon- tet of Elyas Abdulnabi, Faris (ITF). The Kingdom is hosting
fident and I’m
prepared for
La Masia youth
academy. B ahrain have been drawn in a golia and the Maldives. Group
tough Group A for the Asia/ D is composed of four teams,
Altoobli, Shadi Kallel and Hasan
Abdulnabi. They are coached by
Asia/Oceania group matches for
the third successive year.


Olympic Day in Kingdom set Ahli cruise to opening victory in volleyball

TDT | Manama
TDT | Manama keenness to promote a culture league’s preliminary round. Saleh, Ma’ameer and A’ali.
of sports through a series of Meanwhile, in a Group A League action continues

H is Highness Shaikh Khalid

bin Hamad Al Khalifa,
First Deputy Chairman of the
sports events that target all seg-
ments of society.
HH Shaikh Khalid highlight-
A l Ahli cruised to a comfort-
able 3-0 (25-17, 25-19, 25-18)
victory over Etehad Al Reef last
game, Muharraq cruised past
Al Dair 3-0 (25-15, 25-20, 25-15).
Muharraq joined Busaiteen as
tonight with Nasser playing
Shabab at 6pm, followed by
Bani Jamra locking horns with
Supreme Council for Youth ed the success of the previous night in both teams’ opening winners in their opening game Tadhamun at 7.30pm.
and Sports (SCYS), Chairman editions of the Olympic Day, fixture of the 2023/2024 Isa from their preliminary round Following a single round-rob-
of the General Sports Author- thanking the public and private bin Rashid Bahrain Volleyball pool. in, the top three teams from
ity (GSA) and President of the institutions for organising this League. Fourteen clubs are partici- each group qualify for the top
Bahrain Olympic Committee year’s edition. The match was played at the pating this national volleyball six, while the remainder play
( BOC ), directed yesterday to “The Olympic Day promotes Isa bin Rashid Volleyball Arena season. They have been divided in a bottom-tier league.
hold the Olympic Day on 4 practices that boost physical at the Bahrain Volleyball Asso- into two groups for this ongoing The top six will then play two
November. and mental health, and sports ciation headquarters, located at group stage. rounds, with the best four mak-
The BOC will organise the ethics,” HH Shaikh Khalid said. Isa Sports City in Riffa. Also in Group B are Al Najma, ing it through to the Golden
Olympic Day in response to the HH Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al “Bahrain always celebrates the The victory gave Ahli, who Al Nasser, Bani Jamra, Tadha- Square semi-finals. There, the
annual invitation of the Inter- Khalifa Olympic Day to consolidate are one of the chief title con- mun and Al Shabab; while other top seeds play the fourth and
national Olympic Committee, sports federations. these principles and spread tenders, a positive start to their teams in Group A are defending the second seeds take on the
in cooperation with national His Highness affirmed the them among society.” campaign in Group B of the champions Dar Kulaib, Nabi third.

Ton-up De Kock leads South

Africa’s rout of Bangladesh
Quinton de Kock’s 174 powers South Africa to dominant win over Bangladesh in World Cup
on 75 when a back-pedalling
• Quinton de Kock
hit his third century
South Africa 382 for 5 (De Kock
Williams floored an awkward
chance in the deep, delayed the
inevitable loss with 11 fours and
of the World Cup 174, Klaasen 90, Markram 60) beat four sixes.
Bangladesh 233 (Mahmudullah Earlier, Aiden Markram, again
AF{ | Mumbai 111, Jansen 2-39, Rabada leading South Africa in place
2-42) by 149 runs of ill regular skipper Tem-
ba Bavuma, unsurprisingly

Q uinton de Kock hit a bril-

liant 174, his third centu-
ry of the World Cup, as
South Africa hammered
Bangladesh by 149 runs in Mum-
South Africa have
now won four of their
opening five World
Cup matches, caught
batted first upon winning
the toss given the Proteas had
posted a mammoth 399-7 after
being sent in by England.
South Africa were faltering
bai yesterday. while Bangla- by wicket- after Reeza Hendricks and Ras-
The Proteas were briefly in desh have lost keeper Klaasen, sie van der Dussen fell in quick
trouble at 36-2 after winning the
South Africa’s Gerald Coetzee celebrates after taking the wicket of Bangladesh’s four of five o f f Wo r l d C u p succession.
toss but rallied strongly, taking debutant Lizaad But Markram made a stylish
Mushfiqur Rahim (R)
144 runs off the last 10 overs to not spared either Williams. 60 while helping De Kock turn
finish on 382-5 amid a barrage of Cup matches, with the only blot old has said will be his last major during a return It was Klaasen’s the tide in a third-wicket stand
boundaries. a shock loss to the Netherlands. one-day tournament. of 1-69 in nine third catch of the of 131 before he tamely chipped
It was a total Bangladesh nev- Bangladesh, by contrast, Heinrich Klaasen followed up overs. innings as he dep- Shakib to long-off.
er looked like chasing down as are struggling to qualify for with a rapid 90 just days after utised behind De Kock, however, powered
they collapsed to 58-5. the semi-finals following four his 109 in South Africa’s 229-run Mahmudullah the stumps for on and was in sight of becoming
That they were eventually dis- defeats in five games and sit thrashing of reigning champions century cramp victim De just the third batsman to score
missed for 233 was largely due to rock-bottom of the 10-team England at the Wankhede on South Af- Kock. a World Cup double century
Mahmudullah’s run-a-ball 111. group. Saturday. rica left-arm Bangla- when he sliced Hasan Mahmud
But by the time the 37-year- An early double strike gave A seven-strong Bangladesh at- quick Marco desh were to deep backward point.
old veteran completed just his them brief hope of a fourth win tack, without the injured Taskin Ja n s e n t h e n now in dire He faced 140 balls in total,
fourth one-day internation- in five ODIs against South Africa. Ahmed, all suffered with pace- struck twice in straits at including 15 fours and seven
al century in 195 innings, the But left-handed opener De men Mustafizur Rahman and two balls before 31-3 inside sixes hat were a mixture of ele-
match had long since ceased to Kock responded with a third Shoriful Islam both conceding Shakib survived eight overs gant strokeplay and sheer brute
be a contest, with no other Bang- hundred in five World Cup 76 runs from their nine-over the hat-trick. and were force.
ladesh batsman making more innings -- after scores of 100 spells. Star all-rounder soon 58-5. Klaasen ensured there was
than 22. and 109 against Sri Lanka and Fit-again Bangladesh cap- Shakib, however, Mahmud- no respite for Bangladesh with
South Africa have now won Australia -- as he continued his tain Shakib Al Hasan, appear- had made just one u l l a h , eight sixes in his 49-ball innings
four of their opening five World superb start to what the 30-year- ing in his fifth World Cup, was when he was well dropped before he holed out in the last
Quinton de Kock

Kanoo Motors Rolling Drag Nights set for BIC strip ‘Comfortable at three’ if Head
TDT | Manama Drag is thus the perfect ac- is back, says Australia’s Marsh
tivity to invite a fellow-speed AFP | New Delhi

H igh-octane, head-to-head
battles are set to light up
the drag strip at Bahrain Inter-
enthusiast to a one-on-one
challenge and push their vehi-
cles to the limit within the safe A ustralia’s Mitchell Marsh
yesterday said he will be
national Circuit (BIC) tomorrow and controlled environment at “comfortable” to bat at num-
evening with the season’s first BIC. ber three if opener Travis
edition of the Kanoo Motors Tomorrow’s event is sched- Head returns to the team for
Rolling Drag Nights. uled to take place between 7pm their World Cup clash against
Participants in this activ- and 12midnight. the Netherlands.
ity will be able to bring their In addition to the Rolling Marsh comes into Wednes-
very own cars or motorbikes Drag, also available tomorrow day’s contest in New Delhi
and go up against one another night is BIC ’s most adrena- fresh from his 121 in a 259-
Mitchell Marsh
BIC’s world-class strip, which line-pumping passenger ride, run opening partnership with
is a member of the prestigious the Dragster Experience. David Warner against Pakistan lost their opening two match-
NHRA Worldwide Network of Known as “the Fastest Ride on last week. es.
the U.S.-based National Hot Rod Earth”, fans will have a chance The in-form Marsh has Head, who broke his hand at
Association (NHRA). to get a taste of pure speed as opened the batting in Austral- Centurion in South Africa last
The Kanoo Motors Rolling Action from a previous Kanoo Motors Rolling Drag Nights at BIC they are taken from zero to ia’s four matches so far, con- month, has rejoined the team
Drag Nights is similar to BIC’s 100kph in just one second while tributing with a fifty and ton after rehabilitation in Adelaide
Ebrahim K Kanoo Drag and those taking part do not start ing speed of 80kph. in the cockpit of a 10,500cc Top in the previous two victories. and had a hit at the nets at
Drift Nights, but in the former, from a standstill, but from a roll- The Kanoo Motors Rolling Dragster. The five-time champions Delhi’s Arun jaitley Stadium.


Bahrain keep Olympic hopes alive!

Kingdom’s senior men’s national handball team advance to semi-finals of Asian Men’s Qualification for Paris Olympics
In Bahrain’s win against Iran,

• Late second-half rally

of four unanswered goals
(*advanced to semi-finals)
the nationals needed to dig deep
to overcome a stern challenge
from their opponents. They took
crucial to Bahrain victory P W L +/- Pts a 16-12 advantage into the break
*Japan 4 4 0 33 8 but the Iranians did well to stay
• Bahrainis to face
*Bahrain 4 3 1 39 6 in the fight for much of the final
Iran 4 2 2 14 4 30 minutes.
off with Qatar in final Kuwait 4 1 3 -3 2 Iran came close to levelling
four tomorrow in Bahrain’s clash in the Kazakhstan 4 0 4 -83 0 the scores in the latter stages,
must-win contest final four with Qatar but the nationals responded,
is a rematch between medal match from the recent- particularly with their key spurt
TDT | Manama the two finalists from ly concluded Hangzhou Asian that turned a slim, 22-21 edge to
the last edition of the Games, where the nationals lost a 26-21 cushion.
to the Qataris and had to settle Last night’s result gave Bah-

B ahrain barged last night

continental Olympic for the silver medals. rain a 3-1 win-loss record to
into the semi-finals of qualifiers in 2019, held The Bahrainis need to beat wrap up the group stage. They
Asian Men’s Qualifi- for the Tokyo Olympi- their Gulf rivals to have any also posted wins against the
cation for the men’s handball ad. It is also a replay chance of a second successive Kazakhs and Kuwaitis, which
tournament at the Paris Olympic of the gold medal con- appearance at the Olympics. came on either side of a heart-
Games 2024. test from the recently Only the winners from the Asian breaking, single-goal loss to the
The Bahrainis secured their concluded Hangzhou Men’s Qualification tournament Japanese.
place with a hard-earned 28- clinch a direct berth in next Following tomorrow’s fixtures
24 victory over Iran at Duhail
Asian Games year’s men’s handball compe- in the last four, the final and
Sports Hall in Doha, Qatar, to tition in Paris. The runners-up game for third place will be held
finish second in Group B of the a goal by skipper Hussain Al will get another chance to book on the qualifiers’ concluding day
competition’s preliminary round Sayyad sparked the Bahrainis’ their tickets, but must compete of action on Saturday.
and punch their tickets to the run. Fastbreak strikes by Qassim against other top handball na- Bahrain are aiming to qual-
final four. Qambar and two straight from tions from around the world in ify for their second successive
There, they will take on Mujtaba Al Zaimour then gave one of three qualifying events Olympics, after making their
Group A winners Qatar in an the nationals some breathing next year. historic debut in Tokyo in 2021.
exciting clash between the two room with less than five minutes Following yesterday’s result, It was not only the national
finalists from the last edition remaining. the Bahrainis finished behind team’s first time competing in
of the continental qualifiers Bahrain’s Hussain Al Sayyad attacks the Iranian defence is he is guarded closely The Iranians were able to nar- Group B top-placers Japan, who the men’s handball tournament
in 2019, held for the Tokyo by Salaman Barbat row the gap to three in the ensu- face off with South Korea in the at any Olympic Games, but it
Olympics. ing minutes, but came no closer. other semi-final contest. Both was also the Kingdom’s maiden
A scintillating rally late in scored four unanswered goals, intense battle. Bahrain’s semi-final with Qa- mouth-watering ties are sched- appearance in any team sport at
the second half, where Bahrain proved decisive in yesterday’s After Iran got to within one, tar is also a re-match of the gold uled for tomorrow. the Olympics.

Riffa outclass Kuwait’s Arabi in AFC Cup

Muharraq open league
• Komail Al Aswad,
Hashem Sayed Issa, campaign with big win
Joel Vinicius Silva Dos
Anjos on target in win

• Riffa rise to top of

Group C table on seven
• Muharraq lead
by as many as 52
points with second points in lopsided
victory in three games victory over Sitra

TDT | Manama • Ali Husain scores 15

to pace seven Muharraq

B ahrain’s Riffa Club out-

classed a 10-man Al Arabi
SC of Kuwait 3-0 late Monday
players in double figures

TDT | Manama
night in their Group C match
of the AFC Cup 2023.
The game was played at Jaber
Al Ahmad International Stadi-
um in Kuwait City, and the re-
M uharraq romped to a sea-
son-opening 112-65 vic-
tory over Sitra last night on the
sult moved the Bahrainis closer first evening of action in the
to a second successive West 2023/2024 season of the Zain
Zonal semi-final appearance. Bahrain Basketball League.
On target for the victors were Muharraq raced out to a com-
Komail Al Aswad, Hashem manding 38-19 lead at the end
Sayed Issa and Joel Vinicius of the first quarter and never
Silva Dos Anjos. looked back in a completely
After a goalless first half, Al Komail Al Aswad is joined by Sayed Redha Issa in celebration after Al Aswad one-sided contest, played at
Aswad opened Riffa’s account scores Riffa’s first goal Zain Basketball Arena in Um
in the 56th minute with a bril- Al Hassam.
liant free-kick from a few me- The result propelled Riffa to Group C Standings The victors went ahead by as
tres outside the penalty box. the top of the Group C table many as 52 points in the game
The Bahrain international star with seven points from two P WD L +/- Pts for the big result to get their
sent the ball into the top-left wins and a draw. Al Zawraa SC Riffa (Bahrain) 3 2 1 0 5 7 new national league campaign
corner of goal with a left-footed of Iraq and Arabi follow with Al Zawraa (Iraq) 3 1 1 1 2 4 underway.
strike. four points apiece, while Ne- Al Arabi (Kuwait) 3 1 1 1 -2 4 Ali Husain led seven Muhar-
Issa then made it 2-0 just jmeh SC of Lebanon are bottom raq players in double figures Muharraq point guard Hussain Salman surveys the floor as he looks to make a
Nejmeh (Lebanon) 3 01 2 -5 1
play on a fast-break
seven minutes later with a fine on one point. with 15 points. Captain Bader
effort from an acute angle that Riffa’s next AFC Cup clash The AFC Cup is the annual Abdulla Malabes and Ameri- For Sitra, Mahdi Abdulameer at 5.30pm, followed by Bahrain
slotted past Arabi goalkeeper will be at home against Arabi continental club competition can professional Julius Coles Jr finished with 22 points while Club and Al Najma squaring
Ahmad Dashti. on 6 November before they face of the AFC for top teams not chipped in with 14 apiece, while Ali Fardan had 10 off the bench. off at 7.30pm. Then, tomorrow,
Dos Anjos then sealed the full Nejmeh on 27 November. They competing in the AFC Champi- Mohammed Nasser scored 13. League action continues to- Ahli face off with Nuwaidrat at
three points with an effort that complete their group campaign ons League. Riffa are the lone Tyler Wilkerson, Muharraq’s night and tomorrow with two 5.30pm and then back-to-back
was touched by Dashti, but he on 12 December away at Zaw- Bahraini outfit in this year’s second import from the US, had games each evening. Tonight, defending champions Manama
couldn’t keep it out of the net. ra’a. competition. 11 points and 12 rebounds. Al Hala and Al Ettihad face off take on Samaheej at 7.30pm.

Hon. Chairman Najeb Yacob Alhamer | Chairman & Managing Director P Unnikrishnan | Editor-in-Chief Mahmood Al Mahmood
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