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Children use their mental ability to represent events and objects in a various way
like using symbols, gestures and even communication, and so on thus their
logical reasoning are not yet organized. What Piaget’s Cognitive Stages of
Development is this?

a. Sensory Motor Stage c. Concrete Operations Stage

bb. Pre-operational Stage d. Formal Operations Stage

2. It refers to someone who has a better understanding or a higher ability level than
the learner, with respect to a particular task, process, or concept.

a. More Knowledge Over cc. More Knowledgeable Other

b. Zone of Proximal Development d. Scaffolding

3. The following are the factors that bring about student’s diversity, except;
a. Socioeconomic status c. Exceptionalities
b. Thinking/Learning style dd. Self-awareness

4. Refers to the preferred way an individual processes information.

a. Sensory preferences cc. Learning/Thinking Styles
b. Global-Analytic Continuum d. Study Strategies

5. They prefer to learn in a step-by-step sequential format, beginning with details

leading to a conceptual understanding of a skill.
a. Successful learner cc. Successive processor
b. Excellent student d. Simultaneous processor
6. This refers to the disadvantage that occurs as a result of a disability or

a. Handicap c. Impairment

b. Disability d. Difficulties

7. This is a language trend that involves putting the person first, not the disability.
a. Person-First Language c. Individual-First Language

bb. People-First Language d. Human-First Language

8. He proposed the theory of Multiple Intelligences.

a. Howard Edward cc. Howard Gardner
b. Samuel Kirk d. Samuel Gridley Howe

9. According to him, “The classroom is peculiarly the ‘marketplace of ideas.’

a. William Smith c. William Brrenan
b. William Bernan d.
d William Brennan

10.The following are suggestions for referring to those with disabilities, except;

aa. Considering the use of generic labels c. Avoiding euphemisms

b. Emphasizing abilities, not limitations d. Avoiding implying illness or suffering

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