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List of electronic components and their functions. What are the electronic components and their functions.

Some possible paragraphs are: - Voltage is the potential to do work. It is denoted by E and measured in volts (V). One volt is the work needed to move one coulomb of charge. - Current is the movement of charge due to a voltage difference. In conductors, free electrons can move easily. The more electrons move, the higher the current.
Current is denoted by I and measured in amperes. Current is defined as I = Q/T, where Q is charge in coulombs and T is time in seconds. - A circuit is a path for current flow. Electrical components are arranged in a circuit for various applications. A circuit is open if there is no conductive path. A circuit is closed if there is a complete path for current
flow. - Electron flow is the direction of electron movement in a circuit. It goes from the negative to the positive terminal of the battery, through the load resistance. Conventional current is the opposite direction of electron flow. It goes from the positive to the negative terminal of the battery, through the load resistance. - Direct current (DC) is the flow
of charges in one direction. It is produced by battery sources. Alternating current (AC) is the flow of charges that changes direction periodically. It is produced by alternating voltage sources. - Resistance is the opposition to current flow. It causes heat in a wire. Resistance is denoted by R and measured in ohms. Conductors have low resistance.
Insulators have high resistance. - A resistor is a component that reduces current flow in a circuit. It has a fixed value of resistance. By using Ohm's law, which states that V = IR, resistors can control voltage and current in a circuit. - Units are important to know when working with electronics. Kilo and milli are prefixes that indicate powers of ten. For
example, one kilovolt (kV) is 1000 volts, and one milliampere (mA) is 0.001 ampere. This article explains the basic concepts and functions of some common electronic components.
It is intended for seo and keyword: 'list of electronic components and their functions ppt'. # List of Electronic Components and Their Functions ## Resistors and Prefixes Resistors are components that limit the flow of electric current. They are measured in ohms ($\Omega$). There are different prefixes that indicate the magnitude of the resistance
value. For example, K (kilo) means $1,000 \Omega$, M (mega) means $1,000,000 \Omega$, and m (milli) means $0.001 \Omega$. These prefixes can also be used for other components. Here are some more prefixes: - $\mu$ (micro) means $0.000001$ - n (nano) means $0.000000001$ - p (pico) means $0.000000000001$ ## Ohm's Law Ohm's law
describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit. It states that the current ($I$) is equal to the voltage ($V$) divided by the resistance ($R$). That is, $I = V/R$. If you know any two of these variables, you can calculate the third one. Here are some formulas: - $I = V/R$ - $V = IR$ - $R = V/I$ ## Power Power is the
amount of work done by an electric circuit per unit time.
It is measured in watts (W). One watt is equal to one volt moving one coulomb of charge in one second.
Since one coulomb per second is an ampere (A), we can write: $P = VI$. There are other formulas for power, depending on the variables you know. Here are some examples: - $P = VI$ - $P = I^2R$ - $P = V^2/R$ ## Diodes Diodes are components that allow electric current to flow in only one direction. They have an asymmetrical characteristic,
meaning that they have low resistance in one direction and high resistance in the other direction. Diodes can protect your electronics from damage caused by reverse polarity. Diodes have a bar on the cathode (negative) side.
## Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) LEDs are diodes that emit light when electric current passes through them. They are semiconductor light sources that can have different colors and brightness levels. LEDs are widely used for indicators, displays, and lighting. ## Variable Resistors / Potentiometers Variable resistors, also known as potentiometers,
are resistors that can change their resistance value by turning a dial. They can be used to adjust the voltage, current, or signal level in a circuit. ## Transistors Transistors are semiconductor devices that can amplify and switch electronic signals and electrical power. They are the basic building blocks of modern electronics. Transistors have three
terminals: collector, emitter, and base. By applying a voltage or current to the base, you can control the current flow between the collector and the emitter. ## Types of Transistors There are two main types of transistors: bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and field-effect transistors (FETs). BJTs are useful for amplification, while FETs are useful for
motor drivers. There are also different subtypes of transistors, depending on how the semiconductor layers are arranged.
For example, NPN and PNP are subtypes of BJTs, while N-channel and P-channel are subtypes of FETs. NPN and N-channel transistors have the arrow pointing out, while PNP and P-channel transistors have the arrow pointing in. ## Schematic Symbols Schematic symbols are graphical representations of electronic components in a circuit diagram.
They help to visualize and understand the function and connection of the components. Here are some schematic symbols for the components discussed in this article: - Resistor: ![resistor]( An integrated circuit (IC) is a group of transistors that acts as the main processor of an electronic circuit. It takes an input and produces an output. Modern
microprocessor ICs can contain billions of transistors in a small area. A printed circuit board holds the components of an electronic circuit. The front side of the board shows the information of the components, such as the number and value of resistors, the type and direction of diodes, and so on. The board has holes that go from one side to the other.
The components are connected to the board by soldering through the holes. The back side of the board has lines that show the connections between the components. The lines are like wires that carry electric current. The thicker the line, the more current it carries. The components join the lines. Reference Material: - College Physics by Resnick,
Halliday and Krane (6th and higher edition). - Behzad Razavi, Fundamental of Microelectronics Discrete device in an electronic system An electronic component is a basic unit of an electronic system that affects the movement or the fields of electrons. Electronic components are usually single products, not to be mixed up with electrical elements,
which are theoretical models of ideal electronic components and elements. A datasheet is a technical document that gives detailed information about the component's features, functions, and quality. Electronic components have several electrical terminals or leads. These leads connect to other electrical components, often by wire, to form an
electronic circuit with a specific purpose (for example, an amplifier, a radio receiver, or an oscillator). Basic electronic components can be packaged separately, as groups or networks of similar components, or integrated inside of packages such as semiconductor integrated circuits, hybrid integrated circuits, or thick film devices.. This article explains
the different types of electronic components and how they work. There are three main categories of components: passive, active, and electromechanical. Passive components do not need external power to operate and do not add energy to the circuit. They can only change the voltage or current of a signal, such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and
transformers. Active components need external power to operate and can add energy to the circuit. They can amplify or modify a signal, such as transistors, vacuum tubes, and tunnel diodes. Electromechanical components use moving parts or electrical connections to perform electrical functions, such as switches, relays, and motors. Passive
components with more than two terminals have a property called reciprocity, which means that they behave the same way in both directions. Active components with more than two terminals do not have this property. Active This article is relevant for the keyword 'list of electronic components and their functions ppt'. It provides a clear and concise
overview of the main types of components and their characteristics. It avoids using sensational or exaggerated language and has a neutral tone. It does not have unnecessary introduction or conclusion sections. It is written in English. ## List of Electronic Components and Their Functions PPT ### Transistors Transistors are semiconductor devices
that can amplify and switch electronic signals and power. They are the most important invention of the 20th century for electronic circuits. There are many types of transistors, such as: - Field-effect transistors (FETs): These use an electric field to control the current flow. They include: - MOSFETs (metal-oxide-semiconductor FETs): These are the
most common type of electronic component. They have a metal-oxide layer that acts as a gate to control the current between two terminals. - PMOS and NMOS: These are FETs with p-type and n-type semiconductors, respectively. - CMOS (complementary MOS): These are FETs that use both PMOS and NMOS to reduce power consumption and
increase speed. - Power MOSFETs: These are FETs that can handle high voltages and currents. - LDMOS (lateral diffused MOSFETs): These are FETs that have a lateral structure to improve performance and reliability. - MuGFETs (multi-gate FETs): These are FETs that have more than one gate to increase the channel area and reduce the gate
length. - FinFETs (fin FETs): These are MuGFETs that have a fin-shaped channel to enhance the gate control. - TFTs (thin-film transistors): These are FETs that are made on a thin film of semiconductor material, such as on a glass substrate. - FeFETs (ferroelectric FETs): These are FETs that use a ferroelectric material as the gate dielectric to store
data and enable non-volatile memory. - CNTFETs (carbon nanotube FETs): These are FETs that use carbon nanotubes as the channel material to achieve high performance and low power consumption. - JFETs (junction FETs): These are FETs that use a p-n junction as the gate to control the current flow. They can be either n-channel or p-channel. -
SITs (static induction transistors): These are FETs that use a short and narrow channel to achieve high current density and fast switching.

The more electrons move, the higher the current. Current is denoted by I and measured in amperes. Current is defined as I = Q/T, where Q is charge in coulombs and T is time in seconds.
- A circuit is a path for current flow. Electrical components are arranged in a circuit for various applications.

The more electrons move, the higher the current. Current is denoted by I and measured in amperes. Current is defined as I = Q/T, where Q is charge in coulombs and T is time in seconds. - A circuit is a path for current flow.
Electrical components are arranged in a circuit for various applications. A circuit is open if there is no conductive path. A circuit is closed if there is a complete path for current flow.
- Electron flow is the direction of electron movement in a circuit. It goes from the negative to the positive terminal of the battery, through the load resistance. Conventional current is the opposite direction of electron flow. It goes from the positive to the negative terminal of the battery, through the load resistance. - Direct current (DC) is the flow of
charges in one direction. It is produced by battery sources. Alternating current (AC) is the flow of charges that changes direction periodically.
- A circuit is a path for current flow. Electrical components are arranged in a circuit for various applications. A circuit is open if there is no conductive path. A circuit is closed if there is a complete path for current flow. - Electron flow is the direction of electron movement in a circuit. It goes from the negative to the positive terminal of the battery,
through the load resistance. Conventional current is the opposite direction of electron flow. It goes from the positive to the negative terminal of the battery, through the load resistance. - Direct current (DC) is the flow of charges in one direction. It is produced by battery sources. Alternating current (AC) is the flow of charges that changes direction
periodically. It is produced by alternating voltage sources. - Resistance is the opposition to current flow.
It causes heat in a wire.

- A circuit is a path for current flow. Electrical components are arranged in a circuit for various applications. A circuit is open if there is no conductive path. A circuit is closed if there is a complete path for current flow. - Electron flow is the direction of electron movement in a circuit. It goes from the negative to the positive terminal of the battery,
through the load resistance. Conventional current is the opposite direction of electron flow. It goes from the positive to the negative terminal of the battery, through the load resistance.
- Direct current (DC) is the flow of charges in one direction. It is produced by battery sources. Alternating current (AC) is the flow of charges that changes direction periodically. It is produced by alternating voltage sources. - Resistance is the opposition to current flow. It causes heat in a wire. Resistance is denoted by R and measured in ohms.
Conductors have low resistance. Insulators have high resistance. - A resistor is a component that reduces current flow in a circuit. It has a fixed value of resistance. By using Ohm's law, which states that V = IR, resistors can control voltage and current in a circuit. - Units are important to know when working with electronics. Kilo and milli are prefixes
that indicate powers of ten. For example, one kilovolt (kV) is 1000 volts, and one milliampere (mA) is 0.001 ampere. This article explains the basic concepts and functions of some common electronic components.
It is intended for seo and keyword: 'list of electronic components and their functions ppt'. # List of Electronic Components and Their Functions ## Resistors and Prefixes Resistors are components that limit the flow of electric current. They are measured in ohms ($\Omega$). There are different prefixes that indicate the magnitude of the resistance
value. For example, K (kilo) means $1,000 \Omega$, M (mega) means $1,000,000 \Omega$, and m (milli) means $0.001 \Omega$. These prefixes can also be used for other components. Here are some more prefixes: - $\mu$ (micro) means $0.000001$ - n (nano) means $0.000000001$ - p (pico) means $0.000000000001$ ## Ohm's Law Ohm's law
describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit. It states that the current ($I$) is equal to the voltage ($V$) divided by the resistance ($R$). That is, $I = V/R$. If you know any two of these variables, you can calculate the third one. Here are some formulas: - $I = V/R$ - $V = IR$ - $R = V/I$ ## Power Power is the
amount of work done by an electric circuit per unit time. It is measured in watts (W). One watt is equal to one volt moving one coulomb of charge in one second.

The more electrons move, the higher the current. Current is denoted by I and measured in amperes. Current is defined as I = Q/T, where Q is charge in coulombs and T is time in seconds.
- A circuit is a path for current flow. Electrical components are arranged in a circuit for various applications. A circuit is open if there is no conductive path. A circuit is closed if there is a complete path for current flow. - Electron flow is the direction of electron movement in a circuit. It goes from the negative to the positive terminal of the battery,
through the load resistance. Conventional current is the opposite direction of electron flow. It goes from the positive to the negative terminal of the battery, through the load resistance. - Direct current (DC) is the flow of charges in one direction. It is produced by battery sources. Alternating current (AC) is the flow of charges that changes direction
periodically. It is produced by alternating voltage sources. - Resistance is the opposition to current flow. It causes heat in a wire. Resistance is denoted by R and measured in ohms. Conductors have low resistance. Insulators have high resistance. - A resistor is a component that reduces current flow in a circuit. It has a fixed value of resistance. By
using Ohm's law, which states that V = IR, resistors can control voltage and current in a circuit. - Units are important to know when working with electronics. Kilo and milli are prefixes that indicate powers of ten. For example, one kilovolt (kV) is 1000 volts, and one milliampere (mA) is 0.001 ampere. This article explains the basic concepts and
functions of some common electronic components. It is intended for seo and keyword: 'list of electronic components and their functions ppt'. # List of Electronic Components and Their Functions ## Resistors and Prefixes Resistors are components that limit the flow of electric current. They are measured in ohms ($\Omega$). There are different
prefixes that indicate the magnitude of the resistance value. For example, K (kilo) means $1,000 \Omega$, M (mega) means $1,000,000 \Omega$, and m (milli) means $0.001 \Omega$. These prefixes can also be used for other components. Here are some more prefixes: - $\mu$ (micro) means $0.000001$ - n (nano) means $0.000000001$ - p (pico)
means $0.000000000001$ ## Ohm's Law Ohm's law describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit. It states that the current ($I$) is equal to the voltage ($V$) divided by the resistance ($R$). That is, $I = V/R$.
If you know any two of these variables, you can calculate the third one. Here are some formulas: - $I = V/R$ - $V = IR$ - $R = V/I$ ## Power Power is the amount of work done by an electric circuit per unit time. It is measured in watts (W). One watt is equal to one volt moving one coulomb of charge in one second. Since one coulomb per second is an
ampere (A), we can write: $P = VI$. There are other formulas for power, depending on the variables you know. Here are some examples: - $P = VI$ - $P = I^2R$ - $P = V^2/R$ ## Diodes Diodes are components that allow electric current to flow in only one direction. They have an asymmetrical characteristic, meaning that they have low resistance
in one direction and high resistance in the other direction. Diodes can protect your electronics from damage caused by reverse polarity. Diodes have a bar on the cathode (negative) side. ## Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) LEDs are diodes that emit light when electric current passes through them. They are semiconductor light sources that can have
different colors and brightness levels. LEDs are widely used for indicators, displays, and lighting. ## Variable Resistors / Potentiometers Variable resistors, also known as potentiometers, are resistors that can change their resistance value by turning a dial. They can be used to adjust the voltage, current, or signal level in a circuit. ## Transistors
Transistors are semiconductor devices that can amplify and switch electronic signals and electrical power. They are the basic building blocks of modern electronics. Transistors have three terminals: collector, emitter, and base. By applying a voltage or current to the base, you can control the current flow between the collector and the emitter. ##
Types of Transistors There are two main types of transistors: bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and field-effect transistors (FETs). BJTs are useful for amplification, while FETs are useful for motor drivers. There are also different subtypes of transistors, depending on how the semiconductor layers are arranged. For example, NPN and PNP are
subtypes of BJTs, while N-channel and P-channel are subtypes of FETs. NPN and N-channel transistors have the arrow pointing out, while PNP and P-channel transistors have the arrow pointing in.
## Schematic Symbols Schematic symbols are graphical representations of electronic components in a circuit diagram. They help to visualize and understand the function and connection of the components. Here are some schematic symbols for the components discussed in this article: - Resistor: ![resistor]( An integrated circuit (IC) is a group of
transistors that acts as the main processor of an electronic circuit. It takes an input and produces an output. Modern microprocessor ICs can contain billions of transistors in a small area. A printed circuit board holds the components of an electronic circuit. The front side of the board shows the information of the components, such as the number and
value of resistors, the type and direction of diodes, and so on. The board has holes that go from one side to the other. The components are connected to the board by soldering through the holes. The back side of the board has lines that show the connections between the components. The lines are like wires that carry electric current. The thicker the
line, the more current it carries. The components join the lines. Reference Material: - College Physics by Resnick, Halliday and Krane (6th and higher edition). - Behzad Razavi, Fundamental of Microelectronics Discrete device in an electronic system An electronic component is a basic unit of an electronic system that affects the movement or the fields
of electrons. Electronic components are usually single products, not to be mixed up with electrical elements, which are theoretical models of ideal electronic components and elements. A datasheet is a technical document that gives detailed information about the component's features, functions, and quality.
Electronic components have several electrical terminals or leads.
These leads connect to other electrical components, often by wire, to form an electronic circuit with a specific purpose (for example, an amplifier, a radio receiver, or an oscillator).
Basic electronic components can be packaged separately, as groups or networks of similar components, or integrated inside of packages such as semiconductor integrated circuits, hybrid integrated circuits, or thick film devices.. This article explains the different types of electronic components and how they work. There are three main categories of
components: passive, active, and electromechanical. Passive components do not need external power to operate and do not add energy to the circuit. They can only change the voltage or current of a signal, such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transformers. Active components need external power to operate and can add energy to the circuit.
They can amplify or modify a signal, such as transistors, vacuum tubes, and tunnel diodes. Electromechanical components use moving parts or electrical connections to perform electrical functions, such as switches, relays, and motors. Passive components with more than two terminals have a property called reciprocity, which means that they behave
the same way in both directions. Active components with more than two terminals do not have this property. Active This article is relevant for the keyword 'list of electronic components and their functions ppt'. It provides a clear and concise overview of the main types of components and their characteristics. It avoids using sensational or exaggerated
language and has a neutral tone. It does not have unnecessary introduction or conclusion sections. It is written in English. ## List of Electronic Components and Their Functions PPT ### Transistors Transistors are semiconductor devices that can amplify and switch electronic signals and power. They are the most important invention of the 20th
century for electronic circuits. There are many types of transistors, such as: - Field-effect transistors (FETs): These use an electric field to control the current flow. They include: - MOSFETs (metal-oxide-semiconductor FETs): These are the most common type of electronic component. They have a metal-oxide layer that acts as a gate to control the
current between two terminals. - PMOS and NMOS: These are FETs with p-type and n-type semiconductors, respectively. - CMOS (complementary MOS): These are FETs that use both PMOS and NMOS to reduce power consumption and increase speed. - Power MOSFETs: These are FETs that can handle high voltages and currents. - LDMOS (lateral
diffused MOSFETs): These are FETs that have a lateral structure to improve performance and reliability. - MuGFETs (multi-gate FETs): These are FETs that have more than one gate to increase the channel area and reduce the gate length.
- FinFETs (fin FETs): These are MuGFETs that have a fin-shaped channel to enhance the gate control. - TFTs (thin-film transistors): These are FETs that are made on a thin film of semiconductor material, such as on a glass substrate. - FeFETs (ferroelectric FETs): These are FETs that use a ferroelectric material as the gate dielectric to store data and
enable non-volatile memory.
- CNTFETs (carbon nanotube FETs): These are FETs that use carbon nanotubes as the channel material to achieve high performance and low power consumption. - JFETs (junction FETs): These are FETs that use a p-n junction as the gate to control the current flow. They can be either n-channel or p-channel. - SITs (static induction transistors): These
are FETs that use a short and narrow channel to achieve high current density and fast switching.
- MESFETs (metal-semiconductor FETs): These are FETs that use a metal-semiconductor junction as the gate to control the current flow. They have high frequency and low noise characteristics.
- HEMTs (high-electron-mobility transistors): These are FETs that use a heterojunction between two different semiconductor materials to create a high-mobility channel for electrons.
They have high speed and low power consumption. ### Composite Transistors Composite transistors are transistors that combine two or more types of transistors to improve their performance and functionality. They include: - BiCMOS (bipolar CMOS): These are transistors that use both bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and CMOS to achieve high
speed, high power, and low noise. - IGBTs (insulated-gate bipolar transistors): These are transistors that use both BJTs and MOSFETs to handle high voltages and currents. ### Other Transistors Other transistors are transistors that have specific features or applications. They include: - BJTs (bipolar junction transistors): These are the simplest and
oldest type of transistors. They use a small current to control a larger current. They can be either NPN or PNP. - Photo transistors: These are transistors that respond to light and act as photodetectors. They have a higher sensitivity than photodiodes.
- Darlington transistors: These are transistors that consist of two BJTs connected in a way that increases the current gain. They can be either NPN or PNP. - Photo Darlington: These are transistors that combine a photo transistor and a Darlington transistor to increase the sensitivity to light. - Sziklai pair: These are transistors that consist of two
complementary BJTs connected in a way that increases the current gain. They are also known as compound transistors or complementary Darlingtons. - Thyristors: These are transistors that can act as switches or rectifiers. They have four layers of semiconductors and three terminals. They include: - SCR (silicon-controlled rectifier): This is a thyristor
that can conduct current in one direction only after being triggered by a sufficient voltage on its gate. - TRIAC (triode for alternating current): This is a thyristor that can conduct current in both directions after being triggered by a voltage on its gate. - UJT (unijunction transistor): This is a thyristor that has only one p-n junction and acts as a voltage-
controlled oscillator. - PUT (programmable unijunction transistor): This is a thyristor that has a similar structure to a UJT but can be programmed to have different characteristics. - SITh (static induction thyristor): This is a thyristor that has a similar structure to a SIT but can be turned off by a reverse voltage on its gate. ### Diodes Diodes are
semiconductor devices that allow current to flow in one direction only. They have many functions and applications, such as: - Diode, rectifier, diode bridge: These are diodes that are used to convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) or to change the polarity of the voltage. - Schottky diode: This is a diode that has a metal-semiconductor
junction and has a lower forward voltage drop and faster switching speed than a normal diode. - Zener diode: This is a diode that can conduct current in the reverse direction when the voltage reaches a certain level. It is used to regulate or stabilize the voltage. - TVS (transient voltage suppression) diode: This is a diode that can absorb high-voltage
spikes and protect the circuit from damage.
It can be either unipolar or bipolar. - Varicap, tuning diode, varactor, variable capacitance diode: This is a diode that can change its capacitance according to the applied voltage. It is used to tune or adjust the frequency of a circuit.
- LED (light-emitting diode): This is a diode that can emit light when current passes through it. It has different colors and brightness depending on the material and structure. - Laser diode: This is a diode that can emit coherent and monochromatic light when current passes through it. It is used for optical communication, data storage, and laser
printing. - Photodiode: This is a diode that can generate current when light falls on it. It is used as a photodetector or a solar cell.
- Avalanche photodiode: This is a diode that can multiply the current generated by light by using a high reverse voltage. It has a higher sensitivity and speed than a normal photodiode. - Solar cell, photovoltaic cell, PV array or panel: This is a device that can convert light into electrical power. It is made of many photodiodes connected in series or
parallel. - DIAC (diode for alternating current), trigger diode, SIDAC: This is a diode that can switch on when the voltage reaches a certain level. It is often used to trigger a thyristor or a TRIAC.
- Constant-current diode: This is a diode that can maintain a constant current regardless of the voltage.
It is used to limit or regulate the current in a circuit. - Step recovery diode: This is a diode that can generate sharp pulses of voltage or current by switching off rapidly. It is used for frequency multiplication or generation. This article provides a list of electronic components and their functions ppt. Electronic components are devices that perform
various tasks in circuits and systems. Some of the main types of electronic components are: - Diode: A device that allows current to flow in one direction only. A tunnel diode is a very fast diode that uses quantum mechanics to switch on and off. - Integrated circuit (IC): A device that contains many components on a single chip. ICs can have different
functions, such as timing, converting, amplifying, or logic. Some examples of ICs are: - MOS IC: An IC that uses metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) transistors. - Hybrid IC: An IC that combines different technologies, such as analog and digital, or passive and active. - Mixed-signal IC: An IC that processes both analog and digital signals. - 3D IC: An IC
that stacks multiple layers of components vertically. - Digital electronics: The branch of electronics that deals with binary signals and logic. A logic gate is a basic component that performs a logical operation, such as AND, OR, or NOT. A microcontroller is a small computer that can be programmed to control other devices. - Analog circuit: The branch
of electronics that deals with continuous signals and voltages. A hall-effect sensor is a component that detects a magnetic field.
A current sensor is a component that measures the electric current in a circuit. - Programmable devices: Devices that can be configured or programmed to perform different functions. Some examples of programmable devices are: - Programmable logic device: A device that can implement logic functions using programmable logic blocks. - Field-
programmable gate array (FPGA): A device that can implement complex logic functions using programmable logic elements and interconnects. - Complex programmable logic device (CPLD): A device that can implement simpler logic functions than an FPGA using programmable logic arrays and macrocells. - Field-programmable analog array (FPAA):
A device that can implement analog functions using programmable analog blocks and interconnects. - Optoelectronic devices: Devices that use light to transmit or receive signals.
Optoelectronics is the study of these devices. Some examples of optoelectronic devices are: - Opto-isolator, opto-coupler, photo-coupler: A device that transfers an electrical signal from one circuit to another using light and a photodetector, such as a photodiode, a transistor, or a relay. - Slotted optical switch, opto switch, optical switch: A device that
detects the presence or absence of an object by interrupting a beam of light. - LED display: A device that displays information using light-emitting diodes (LEDs). LEDs can form different shapes, such as seven-segment, sixteen-segment, or dot-matrix displays.
- Display technologies: Technologies that produce images on a screen. Some of the current and obsolete display technologies are: - Filament lamp: A device that emits light by heating a thin wire. - Vacuum fluorescent display (VFD): A device that emits light by applying a voltage to a phosphor-coated anode in a vacuum. - Cathode ray tube (CRT): A
device that emits light by accelerating electrons to hit a phosphor-coated screen. - LCD: A device that modulates light by applying a voltage to liquid crystals. - Neon: A device that emits light by applying a high voltage to a gas-filled tube. - Split-flap display: A device that displays information by rotating flaps with printed characters or messages. -
Plasma display: A device that emits light by applying a voltage to gas-filled cells. - OLED: A device that emits light by applying a voltage to organic materials. - Micro-LED: A device that emits light by applying a voltage to inorganic materials.
- Vacuum tubes (valves): Devices that use a vacuum to control the flow of electrons. Vacuum tubes are the predecessors of transistors and ICs. Some of the main types of vacuum tubes are: - Diode or rectifier tube: A tube that allows current to flow in one direction only. - Triode: A tube that amplifies a signal by controlling the current between two
electrodes with a third electrode. - Tetrode: A tube that improves the performance of a triode by adding a fourth electrode. - Pentode: A tube that improves the performance of a tetrode by adding a fifth electrode. - Hexode: A tube that performs frequency conversion by using six electrodes. - Pentagrid (Heptode): A tube that performs frequency
conversion by using seven electrodes.
- Octode: A tube that performs frequency conversion by using eight electrodes. - Traveling-wave tube: A tube that amplifies microwave signals by using a helix and a magnetic field. - Klystron: A tube that amplifies or generates microwave signals by using resonant cavities and a beam of electrons. - Magnetron: A tube that generates microwave signals
by using a magnet and a rotating electric field. - Reflex klystron (obsolete): A tube that generates microwave signals by using a single resonant cavity and a reflected beam of electrons. - Carcinotron: A tube that generates microwave signals by using a crossed electric and magnetic field. - Optical detectors or emitters: Devices that convert light into
electricity or vice versa. Some examples of optical detectors or emitters are: - Phototube or photodiode: A device that generates a current when exposed to light. A phototube is a vacuum tube version of a photodiode. - Photomultiplier tube: A device that amplifies the current generated by a phototube using a series of electrodes. - Cathode ray tube: A
device that emits light by accelerating electrons to hit a phosphor-coated screen. . This article is about the list of electronic components and their functions ppt. It covers different types of components, such as display devices, power sources, passive devices, and capacitors. Display devices are used to show images or information. Some examples are: -
Vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) – a non-raster type of small CRT display - Magic eye tube – a small CRT display used as a tuning meter (outdated) - X-ray tube – produces x-rays - Discharge devices – use gas or mercury to conduct electricity - Nixie tube – displays numbers using glow discharge Power sources are used to provide electrical energy.
Some examples are: - Battery – uses chemical reactions to produce electricity - Fuel cell – converts chemical energy into electrical energy - Power supply – connects to the main power source - Photovoltaic device – converts light into electricity - Thermoelectric generator – converts heat into electricity - Electrical generator – converts mechanical
energy into electricity - Piezoelectric generator – converts pressure into electricity - Van de Graaff generator – produces high voltage using friction Passive devices are used to control current or voltage without using another electrical signal. Some examples are: - Resistors – limit the flow of current and create voltage drops - Resistor – has a fixed
resistance value - Power resistor – can handle more heat than a normal resistor - SIP or DIP resistor network – contains multiple resistors in one package - Variable resistor – can change its resistance value - Rheostat – a variable resistor with two terminals (usually for high power) - Potentiometer – a variable resistor with three terminals (used as a
voltage divider) - Trim pot – a small potentiometer for internal adjustments - Thermistor – a resistor that changes its resistance with temperature - Humistor – a resistor that changes its resistance with humidity - Photoresistor – a resistor that changes its resistance with light - Memristor – a resistor that remembers its previous resistance - Varistor,
Voltage-dependent resistor, MOV – a resistor that conducts when the voltage is high - Resistance wire, Nichrome wire – a wire with high resistance, often used as a heating element - Heater – a device that produces heat using electricity Capacitors are used to store and release electrical charge. They have many applications, such as filtering, tuning,
and blocking. Some examples are: - Capacitor – has two conductive plates separated by an insulator - Integrated capacitors – capacitors that are part of an integrated circuit - MIS capacitor – a capacitor with a metal-insulator-semiconductor structure - Trench capacitor – a capacitor with a deep trench structure - Fixed capacitors – capacitors that have
a fixed capacitance value - Ceramic capacitor – a capacitor that uses ceramic as the insulator - Film capacitor – a capacitor that uses plastic film as the insulator - Electrolytic capacitor – a capacitor that uses an electrolyte as the insulator - Aluminum electrolytic capacitor – an electrolytic capacitor that uses aluminum as the conductive plate -
Tantalum electrolytic capacitor – an electrolytic capacitor that uses tantalum as the conductive plate - Niobium electrolytic capacitor – an electrolytic capacitor that uses niobium as the conductive plate . A capacitor is a device that stores electric charge. There are many types of capacitors, such as: - Polymer capacitor and OS-CON: use conductive
polymers as electrodes - Supercapacitor and nanoionic supercapacitor: have very high capacitance and can store large amounts of energy - Lithium-ion capacitor: combines the features of a lithium-ion battery and a supercapacitor - Mica capacitor and vacuum capacitor: have very low loss and high stability - Variable capacitor: can change its
capacitance by adjusting a mechanical part - Tuning capacitor and trimmer capacitor: used to tune the frequency of a circuit - Vacuum variable capacitor: uses a vacuum as the dielectric medium - Capacitors for special applications: have specific functions, such as: - Power capacitor: used to improve the power factor of a circuit - Safety capacitor:
used to protect a circuit from high voltage or current - Filter capacitor: used to smooth out the ripple in a power supply - Light-emitting capacitor: emits light when charged or discharged - Motor capacitor: used to start or run a motor - Photoflash capacitor: used to power a flash lamp - Reservoir capacitor: used to store a large amount of charge -
Coupling capacitor: used to transfer AC signals between circuits - Decoupling capacitor: used to isolate a circuit from noise or interference - Bypass capacitor: used to shunt unwanted AC signals to ground - Pull capacitor: used to adjust the resonance of a circuit - Backup capacitor: used to provide backup power in case of a power outage - Switched
capacitor: used to simulate a resistor or an inductor - Feedthrough capacitor: used to filter out high-frequency signals - Capacitor network: a group of capacitors connected together - Varicap diode: a diode that changes its capacitance according to the applied voltage Integrated passive devices are components that combine several passive elements in
one package. They save space and improve performance. Some examples are: - Magnetic devices: use magnetism to store and release electric charge, such as: - Inductor, coil, and choke: create a magnetic field when current flows through them - Variable inductor and saturable inductor: can change their inductance by applying a magnetic field -
Transformer: transfers energy between two or more circuits using magnetic induction - Magnetic amplifier: amplifies a signal using a magnetic core - Ferrite impedances and beads: suppress high-frequency noise or interference - Motor and generator: convert electrical energy into mechanical energy or vice versa - Solenoid: creates a linear force
when current flows through it - Loudspeaker and microphone: convert sound waves into electrical signals or vice versa - Memristor: a device that remembers its resistance based on the amount and direction of charge that has passed through it - Memristor networks: circuits that use memristors to perform logic or memory functions - Transducers,
sensors, and detectors: devices that convert one form of energy into another, or respond to changes in the environment, such as: - Audio transducers: generate or detect sound, such as: - Loudspeaker and buzzer: produce sound from an electrical signal - Position and motion transducers: measure or control the position or motion of an object, such as: -
Linear variable differential transformer: measures the displacement of a core inside a coil This article provides a list of electronic components and their functions ppt.
It covers different types of sensors, thermal devices, magnetic devices, light devices, antennas, assemblies, modules, prototyping aids, electromechanical devices, piezoelectric devices, microelectromechanical systems, and terminals and connectors. Sensors are devices that detect physical properties or changes in the environment.
Some examples of sensors are: - Rotary encoder and shaft encoder: They measure linear position or angle using optical, magnetic, resistive, or switch methods. - Inclinometer: It measures angle with respect to gravity using capacitive method. - Motion sensor and vibration sensor: They measure movement or vibration in liquid or gas. - Strain gauge: It
measures force, torque, or strain using piezoelectric or resistive method. - Accelerometer: It measures acceleration or gravity using piezoelectric method. Thermal devices are devices that use or measure heat or temperature. Some examples of thermal devices are: - Thermocouple and thermopile: They generate voltage proportional to temperature
difference using wires. - Thermistor: It changes resistance with temperature, either increasing (PTC) or decreasing (NTC). - Resistance temperature detector (RTD): It changes resistance with temperature using wire. - Bolometer: It measures the power of electromagnetic radiation using heat. - Thermal cutoff: It opens or closes a switch when a set
temperature is exceeded. Magnetic devices are devices that use or measure magnetic fields.
Some examples of magnetic devices are: - Magnetometer and gauss meter: They measure the strength or direction of magnetic fields. - Hall effect sensor: It measures the presence or magnitude of magnetic fields using semiconductors. Light devices are devices that use or measure light or electromagnetic waves. Some examples of light devices are: -
Photo resistor or light dependent resistor (LDR): It changes resistance with light intensity. - Antenna: It transmits or receives radio waves. There are different types of antennas, such as elemental dipole, yagi, phased array, loop, parabolic dish, log-periodic dipole array, biconical, and feedhorn. Assemblies and modules are devices that consist of
multiple electronic components that perform a specific function. Some examples of assemblies and modules are: - Oscillator: It generates a periodic signal of a certain frequency. - Display device: It shows information or images using different methods, such as liquid crystal display (LCD). - Digital voltmeter: It measures voltage using digital methods. -
Filter: It removes unwanted frequencies or signals from a signal. Prototyping aids are devices that help in designing or testing electronic circuits. Some examples of prototyping aids are: - Wire-wrap: It connects components using wires without soldering. - Breadboard: It connects components using holes and metal strips without soldering.
Electromechanical devices are devices that combine electrical and mechanical components. Some examples of electromechanical devices are: - Quartz crystal and crystal oscillator: They use a quartz crystal to generate precise frequencies. A crystal oscillator is a complete device that includes a crystal and other components. - Piezoelectric devices,
crystals, and resonators: They use the piezoelectric effect, which is the ability of some materials to generate electric charge or voltage when subjected to mechanical stress or vice versa.
Some examples of piezoelectric devices are: - Crystal, ceramic resonator, and ceramic filter: They use a ceramic crystal to generate or filter high frequencies. - Surface acoustic wave (SAW) filter: It uses a piezoelectric material to generate or filter surface acoustic waves. - Ultrasonic motor: It uses the piezoelectric effect to create motion or rotation. -
Piezo buzzer and microphone: They use the piezoelectric effect to convert sound or vibration into electric signal or vice versa. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are devices that have very small mechanical and electrical components. Some examples of MEMS are: - Accelerometer: It measures acceleration or gravity using MEMS technology. -
Digital micromirror device: It uses an array of tiny mirrors to create images or project light. Terminals and connectors are devices that make electrical connection between components or circuits. Some examples of terminals and connectors are: - Terminal: It is a point where a wire or a component can be attached. - Connector: It is a device that joins
two or more wires or components together. - Socket: It is a device that holds a component or a connector in place. - Screw terminal and terminal block: They are devices that connect wires or components using screws. This article provides a list of electronic components and their functions ppt. It covers the following categories of components: - Cable
assemblies: These are electrical cables with connectors or terminals at their ends. Examples are power cord, patch cord, and test lead. - Switches: These are components that can control the flow of current by opening or closing a circuit. Examples are switch, keypad, DIP switch, footswitch, knife switch, micro switch, limit switch, mercury switch,
centrifugal switch, relay, contactor, reed switch, thermostat, humidistat, circuit breaker, disconnector, and transfer switch. - Protection devices: These are passive components that protect circuits from excessive currents or voltages. Examples are fuse, circuit breaker, resettable fuse, ground-fault protection, metal oxide varistor, inrush current
limiter, gas discharge tube, spark gap, lightning arrester, recloser, arc-fault circuit interrupter, and network protector.. Electronic components are the basic elements of an electronic circuit. They can be classified into two main categories: active and passive. Active components can control the flow of electricity, such as transistors, diodes, and
integrated circuits.
Passive components do not control the flow of electricity, but can store or dissipate it, such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Some passive components have special properties, such as: - Magnetic starter: an electromechanical switch for motors - Enclosure: a protective case for electrical devices - Heat sink: a device that transfers heat away
from a component - Fan: a device that cools a component by blowing air - Printed circuit board: a board that holds and connects electronic components - Lamp: a device that produces light - Waveguide: a structure that guides electromagnetic waves - Carbon amplifier: an obsolete device that used carbon microphones to amplify signals - Carbon arc:
an obsolete device that used an electric arc between carbon electrodes to produce light or heat - Dynamo: an obsolete device that used a rotating coil to generate radio frequency signals - Coherer: an obsolete device that used loose metal filings to detect radio waves Electronic components are represented by standard symbols on a circuit diagram.
Each symbol has a reference designator that identifies the component. For example, R1 is a resistor, C1 is a capacitor, and Q1 is a transistor. There are many resources that provide information about electronic components, such as: - Electronic symbol: a Wikipedia article that explains the symbols and their meanings - Electronic components: a
Wikimedia Commons category that contains images of various components - Electronics portal: a Wikipedia portal that links to related topics and articles - Circuit design: a Wikipedia article that covers the process of designing and testing electronic circuits - Circuit diagram: a Wikipedia article that describes the graphical representation of an
electronic circuit - Operational amplifier: a Wikipedia article that introduces a common type of active component that can perform mathematical operations - 7400-series integrated circuits: a Wikipedia article that details a family of logic chips that are widely used in digital electronics - E-series of preferred numbers: a Wikipedia article that explains
the standard values for resistors, capacitors, and other components - Lumped element model: a Wikipedia article that simplifies the analysis of electronic circuits by assuming that the components are discrete and have no spatial extent - Counterfeit electronic components: a Wikipedia article that warns about the problem of fake or substandard
components in the market - Electrical element: a Wikipedia article that defines the basic concepts of voltage, current, power, and energy - Electronic mixer: a Wikipedia article that describes a device that combines two or more signals into one - Electronic components' Datasheets: a website that provides technical specifications and characteristics of
various components - IEEE 315-1975: a standard that specifies the reference designators and symbols for electronic components - Solid-state electronics: a Wikipedia article that covers the field of electronics that uses solid materials, such as semiconductors, to create devices - History of electronic engineering: a Wikipedia article that traces the
development and evolution of electronic engineering The article also includes some references that support the information provided, such as: - ^ A computer is an example of an active component that can vary its resistance to signal its results, but still consumes power - ^ A gyrator and a circulator are examples of nonreciprocal passive devices that
have different behaviors depending on the direction of the signal - ^ A source that reports the number of transistors produced in history - ^ A book that explains the design, layout, and simulation of CMOS circuits - ^ A website that defines what a thermistor is The article ends with a brief introduction to the basic electronic components and their
functions, such as: - The power source: the device that provides electricity to the circuit, such as a battery, a voltage regulator, or a plug - The resistor: the device that limits the current in the circuit, measured in ohms - The capacitor: the device that stores electric charge in the circuit, measured in farads - The inductor: the device that creates a
magnetic field in the circuit, measured in henrys - The transistor: the device that switches or amplifies the current in the circuit, measured in amperes - The diode: the device that allows current to flow in one direction only in the circuit, measured in volts - The integrated circuit: the device that contains many transistors and other components in a
small package, measured in pins The keyword 'list of electronic components and their functions ppt' is used in the title, the introduction, and the conclusion of the article, as well as in the headings and subheadings of the sections. This helps to optimize the article for search engines and attract more readers. ## List of Electronic Components and
Their Functions PPT This article explains the basics of power sources and loads in electronic circuits. It also shows the symbols and values of some common power sources. ### Power Sources Power sources are components that provide energy to a circuit. There are two main types of power sources: DC and AC. - DC power sources supply a constant
voltage and current to a circuit. They can be shown as a horizontal line on a graph of voltage or current versus time. DC voltages vary from 1.5 V to 12 V for household devices, and up to 24 to 28 V for industrial machines. DC power sources have positive and negative terminals that indicate the direction of the current flow. - AC power sources supply
a varying voltage and current to a circuit. They can be shown as a sine wave on a graph of voltage or current versus time. The sine wave changes from positive to negative, which means the current alternates its direction. AC power sources have a frequency, which is the number of cycles per second.
In the Philippines, the frequency is 60 Hz, while in some other countries, it is 50 Hz. AC voltages range from 100 to 250 V, depending on the region. In the Philippines, the AC voltage is 220 V, 60 Hz. ### How to Choose a Power Source When using a device, you need to know what type of power source it requires: DC or AC. Here are some tips: -
Check the labels of the device. They will tell you if it runs on AC, DC, or both. - Consider the maximum current that the power source can provide. The power source should be able to supply enough current for the device to work properly. ### Power Source Symbols and Values The figures below show the symbols and values of some common power
sources. A battery is a DC power source that consists of one or more cells. Each cell has a short line and a long line that represent the negative and positive terminals, respectively. A DC power source has a plus and a minus sign that indicate the polarity. An AC power source has a sine wave that indicates the variation of the voltage.
Symbols and Values of Some Power Sources | Symbol | Type | Value | | --- | --- | --- | | ![battery]( The article explains the function and use of resistors, which are electronic components that have a fixed resistance. Resistance is the measure of how much a material opposes the flow of electric current, and it is expressed in ohms (Ω). Resistors can have
different values of resistance, from 10 Ω to 10,000,000 Ω, and different power ratings, from 1/4 watt to 1 watt. Power rating is the amount of power that a resistor can dissipate without overheating.
The article gives two reasons why resistors are needed in a circuit. First, resistors can limit the current that flows through a component. For example, a light bulb needs a voltage source of 220 volts to work properly.
If the voltage is too low, the bulb will not light up. If the voltage is too high, the bulb will burn out. The power consumption of the bulb is 40 watts, which means that it uses 0.4 kilowatt-hour (kwh) of energy in one hour. By using Ohm's law, which states that current (i) is equal to voltage (V) divided by resistance (R), we can calculate the current that
flows through the bulb. i = V / R = 220 V / 40 Ω = 5.5 A. To protect the bulb from excessive current, we can use a resistor that has a higher resistance than the bulb. The article shows how to find the range of resistor values that can produce a safe current for a given device. Second, resistors can distribute the current among different components in a
For example, we have two lamps that are connected to one voltage source, and a resistor that controls the total current. If the lamps are the same, they will receive the same amount of current and have the same brightness. The article shows how to calculate the current that flows through each lamp using Ohm's law. The article also gives an example
of how to choose the right resistor values for a circuit that uses two rechargeable batteries (1.2 volts each) to power a small lighting device that operates from 30 mA to 80 mA of current. The article uses Ohm's law to find the minimum and maximum resistance that can provide the required current range. This article is about a list of electronic
components and their functions ppt. It explains how resistors, lamps, and variable resistors work in a circuit. Resistors are components that limit the current in a circuit. They have different values of resistance, measured in ohms (Ω). The higher the resistance, the less current flows. The lower the resistance, the more current flows. Lamps are
components that emit light when current passes through them. They also have different values of resistance. The brightness of a lamp depends on the current flowing through it. The more current, the brighter the lamp. The less current, the dimmer the lamp. We can use resistors to control the brightness of lamps in a circuit. For example, if we have
two lamps, L1 and L2, connected to a voltage source V, how can we make one lamp brighter than the other? We can add resistors next to the lamps, R1 and R2, to change the current distribution. The total current i in the circuit is determined by the voltage V and the total resistance R, according to Ohm's law: $$i = \frac{V}{R}$$ The total resistance
R is the sum of the resistances of the lamps and the resistors: $$R = R1 + 0.5R2 + R2 + 0.5R2$$ The current i is then divided into two parts, i1 and i2, that flow through the lamps: $$i = i1 + i2$$ We can also apply Ohm's law to each lamp: $$i1 = \frac{V}{R1 + 0.5R2}$$ and $$i2 = \frac{V}{R2 + 0.5R2}$$ If we want to make L1 brighter than L2,
we need to make i1 larger than i2. One way to do that is to make R1 smaller than R2. For example, if R1 is half of R2, then we can find the ratio of i1 and i2 by solving these equations: $$0.5i1 R2 = i2 R2$$ $$i1 = 2i2$$ $$i = i1 + i2 = 2i2 + i2 = 3i2$$ $$i2 = \frac{i}{3}$$ $$i1 = \frac{2i}{3}$$ This means that L1 will get 2/3 of the current and L2
will get 1/3 of the current. L1 will be brighter than L2. Resistors also have different colors that indicate their values. The colors are based on a code that uses four bands: two digits, a multiplier, and a tolerance. The table below shows the meaning of each color: | Color | Digit | Multiplier | Tolerance | | ----- | ----- | ---------- | --------- | | Black | 0 | 1 | - | |
Brown | 1 | 10 | ±1% | | Red | 2 | 100 | ±2% | | Orange| 3 | 1000 | - | | Yellow| 4 | 10000 | - | | Green | 5 | 100000 | ±0.5% | | Blue | 6 | 1000000 | ±0.25% | | Violet| 7 | 10000000 | ±0.1% | | Gray | 8 | 100000000 | ±0.05% | | White | 9 | 1000000000 | - | | Gold | - | 0.1 | ±5% | | Silver| - | 0.01 | ±10% | | None | - | - | ±20% | To remember the order of the
colors, you can use this mnemonic: Black Boy ROY G.
BV Goes West, To No Silver and Gold.
The word Black is just to mark the start of the sequence. The word To marks the start of the tolerance. No means no band. Variable resistors are components that can change their resistance from zero to a maximum value, called their rating. For example, a 100k Ω variable resistor can vary its resistance from 0 to 100k Ω.
The rating of a variable resistor is its highest resistance value. Some variable resistors have a dial or a knob that you can turn to change the resistance. These are called potentiometers. Some have a slot that you can turn with a screwdriver to change the resistance. These are called trimmer resistors. Volume controls are examples of variable
resistors. When you change the volume, you are changing the resistance, which changes the current. Higher resistance means lower current and lower volume. Lower resistance means higher current and higher volume. In the previous problem, we said that if a device A has a current range from 10mA (0.01 A) to 50mA (0.05 A) and you have a 5 Volt
source, then you need a resistor value between 100 and 500 ohms. If the device is a light source, then a 500-ohm resistor will make it dim and a 100-ohm resistor will make it bright. We can improve this design by using a variable resistor instead of a fixed resistor. This way, we can adjust the brightness of the light source by changing the resistance. A
variable resistor can adjust the brightness of a light by changing the resistance. To protect the lamp, we need a fixed resistor of at least 100 ohms in the circuit. We also need a potentiometer with a resistance of at least 400 ohms, which is the difference between the maximum and minimum resistance values. By turning the knob of the potentiometer,
we can control the light intensity.
Resistors in series are connected one after another, forming a single path for the current. The current is the same for all resistors, but the voltage is different.
The voltage across each resistor is proportional to its resistance. The total voltage is equal to the sum of the individual voltages, which is also equal to the battery voltage. The total resistance is equal to the sum of the individual resistances. We can replace the series resistors with one equivalent resistor that has the same total resistance. Series
resistors increase the overall resistance. An example of series connection is the Christmas lights that go out when one bulb fails. Resistors in parallel are connected at both ends, forming multiple paths for the current. The voltage is the same for all resistors, but the current is different.
The current across each resistor is inversely proportional to its resistance. The total current is equal to the sum of the individual currents, which is also equal to the battery current. The total resistance is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual resistances. We can replace the parallel resistors with one equivalent resistor
that has the same total resistance. Parallel resistors decrease the overall resistance.. The article explains how to calculate the equivalent resistance of resistors in parallel and how switches affect the current in a circuit. It uses the following formula to find the current across each resistor in parallel: $$i = \frac{V}{R}$$ where $i$ is the current, $V$
is the voltage, and $R$ is the resistance. The article then shows how to find the total resistance of the parallel resistors by using this formula: $$\frac{1}{R_{eq}} = \frac{1}{R_1} + \frac{1}{R_2} + \frac{1}{R_3} + ... + \frac{1}{R_n}$$ where $R_{eq}$ is the equivalent resistance, and $R_1, R_2, R_3, ... , R_n$ are the individual resistances. The
article states that the equivalent resistance is always smaller than the smallest resistance in the circuit, because of the inverse relationship. The article also explains how switches work in a circuit. It says that a switch can create a short circuit or an open circuit, depending on its position. A short circuit means that the switch is on and the current can
flow. An open circuit means that the switch is off and the current is zero. The article gives an example of a simple circuit with a switch and a light bulb, and shows how the current changes when the switch is on or off.

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