Ejada Manual

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Sultanate of Oman

Ministry of Labour

Manual of Individual Performance Appraisal


At the Administrative Apparatus of the State

1st Edition
December 2021

Excerpt from the Royal Speech delivered by His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik:

“In order to furnish the means of support towards the achievement of our future goals,
we are determined to undertake the necessary measures to restructure the state’s
administrative apparatus, modernizing the schema of laws and legislations, work
programs and mechanisms, enhancing the values of work, its principles, and espousing
and streamlining procedures and performance governance, integrity, accountability to
guarantee complete harmony with the requirements and goals of our vision.

We will also be committed to directing our financial resources in the most ideal manner
which will ensure the reduction of debt and the increase of income. We will direct the
government, with all its sectors, to implement a more efficient system of management
which places, on top of its priorities, financial balance, economic diversification, the
sustainability of the national economy, besides developing all relevant laws and
regulations, God willing.”

23rd February 2020


In the pursuit of achieving Oman Vision 2040, the Ministry of Labour is working
tirelessly to invest optimally in the development of human capital in order to optimize
the government performance. Therefore, the Ministry was assigned to develop a system
for individual performance appraisal (one of the enablers of Oman Vision 2040) to
serve as a model for governance performance. This is a new performance appraisal
system in which the employees’ Objectives are identified relying on various sources
including the annual Objectives of the government entity on which the Objectives are

This manual serves as the guideline which contains useful information to direct the
employees at the government entities how to apply the individual performance
appraisal system.

1. Definitions ............................................................................................................. 5

1.1. system characteristic ......................................................................................... 6

2. Individual Performance Appraisal System ....................................................... 8

3. Objectives of EJADA ........................................................................................... 8

4. Assessment Mechanism ....................................................................................... 9

5. Scope of Application ............................................................................................ 9

6. Benefits of Implementation of EJADA .............................................................. 9

7. Appraisal Cycle .................................................................................................. 10

8. Stages of Implementation of EJADA ............................................................... 11

First Stage: Setting the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) ........................ 11

Second Stage: Calculating % of Actual Achievement and Submission of

Feedback ............................................................................................................... 14

Third State: Performance Appraisal ............................................................... 16

9. Role and Responsibilities for the Implementation of EJADA ....................... 19

10. Mechanism for the Monitoring and Governance of EJADA ...................... 20

A. Performance Monitoring and Adjustment ................................................ 20

B. Poor Performance Management Panel ...................................................... 21

C. Grievances ..................................................................................................... 21

11. General Guidelines .......................................................................................... 22

12. Appendix (Examples for Setting the Objectives and Key Results) ............. 23

1. Definitions

System : Individual performance appraisal system.

Performance Appraisal : It is a process through which the performance of

the employees is evaluated in comparison with the
main objectives and the Key Performance

Objective /Job Objective, : A description of the goal set to be achieved in the

Employee’s Objectives future.

Objective Key Results : A targeted value to measure the progress towards

the Objective and the key result resembles a sign
that indicates approach to the Objective.
An indicator to measure the progress in achieving
the Objective. The main outcome shows the
percentage of achieving the Objectives.

Poor Performance : Review the results of poor employee’s

Committee performance to identify the reasons and take
necessary actions.

Annual Plan : A set of Objectives that the government entity

seeks to achieve during the year.

Performance Card : Employee’s objectives and key results

(employee’s file) during a specific period.

Indicator Data Type : The target to be achieved or the key results

whether a percentage, specific number or date.

Below Expectations : Achieving minimal work below Objective Key


Meets the Expectations : Performance of the work according to and

achieved the desired expectations.

Exceeds Expectations : To achieve the highest objectives and key results
with tangible and clear impact on performance.
Feedback : Review made by the line manager of the
employee’s performance and whether the targets
and key results are met during a specific period and
demonstrating the points of strengths and the
necessary improvements to assure higher
performance in the future.

Actual Achievement : The actual value of the target/key result achieved

by the employee in line with the available potentials
and resources during performance appraisal period.

1.1. System Characteristics

Flexibility : Flexibility and adaptability of the system to suit

the diverse jobs and the nature and objectives of
each government entity.

Transparency and : The presence of an approved appraisal mechanism

Credibility subject to the employees’ performance results and
the recognition of excellent performers as per
specific and clear criteria.
Objectivity : The results are appraised against specific
performance indicators regardless of personal
opinions and considerations.

Sustainability : The ability and sustainability of the system to

appraise the employees’ performance and achieve
the projected results by developing and improving
the system.

Renovation and Innovation : The continuous improvement and development of

the system and the use of advanced technologies in

performance appraisal activities to be abreast with
the latest technologies and artificial intelligence.

Enablement : Enhancing the role of employees by providing the

necessary mechanisms and enablers to promote
their performance and increase their competencies
and efficiencies during job delivery.

Focus : Channel employees’ efforts towards achieving the

objectives and ensure their contributions to
materialize the entity’s Objectives.

Integrative : Employees’ objectives are to be emanating from

the entity Objectives and ensure that they are linked
to the entity’s annual plan and the employees’
contribution to achieve those Objectives. This is in
addition to connecting the performance appraisal
system with projects and other enablers in Oman
Vision 2040.

Inclusiveness : The scope of applying the system includes all job

levels within the entity regardless of the nature and
categorization of the job within the organizational
structure and each employee is tasked with specific
roles and responsibilities.

Governance : The development of specific legislations, legal

frameworks, roles and responsibilities to ascertain
the credibility of the appraisal results, and
mechanisms to audit performance quality and

2. Individual Performance Appraisal System

The Individual Performance Appraisal System (ejada) seeks to establish the necessary
tools and standards to create a culture of excellence in job performance; improve
performance appraisal systems, aiming to achieve performance governance and
support the extra efforts of the employees and improve poor performance. The system
adopts a set of meaningful values such as flexibility, transparency, objectivity,
sustainability, renovation and innovation, enablement, concentration,
complementarity, inclusiveness, governance, fairness and credibility.

3. Objectives of EJADA

The individual performance appraisal system is geared to achieve a set of goals as set
out below:
 To contribute to the achievement of complementarity by linking the employee’s
Objectives with the annual plan in line with Oman Vision 2040 milestones and
 To facilitate the achievement of the annual plan by enhancing the comprehensive
understanding of the operational goals of the government entities, encourage
communication between employees in this regard and clarify the
implementation mechanism on all employees.
 To set a scientific and objective approach to assess the performance of the
employees at the government entities as per specific standards and indicators.
 To consolidate the culture of excellence in job performance and reward excellent
 To contribute in the fulfilment of efficiency and competency in investing the
human capital.
 To enhance the communication between the employee and the line manager in
setting the shared business plans to create the optimal loyalty and motivation to
enhance performance.
 To assign duties fairly and equitably among employees.
 To apply governance within legal and legislative frameworks.
 To expose the incorrect administrative practices and rectify the same for the
seamless operation of the system.

4. Assessment Mechanism

The employees are assessed against the individual Objectives and key results achieved.
The targets are classified into three categories:
(1) Targets that contribute to the annual plan.
(2) Targets that contribute to the development and improvement of the work.
(3) Targets that contribute to running routine day-to-day activities.

5. Scope of Application

The Individual Performance Appraisal System (EJADA) is applicable to all employees

working in the state administrative apparatus.

6. Benefits of Implementation of EJADA

The system augments the quality of performance at government entities by using

specific and clear criteria to asset employees’ performance resulting in substantial
benefits to the community, the entities and employees as follows:

 Community
 Improve quality of government services to the clients.
 Increased satisfaction among clients.

 Entity
 Facilitate the accomplishment of the annual plan.
 Effective and efficient use of resources.
 Provide a mechanism for motivation and recognition of good performers.
 Improve the Sultanate’s indicators in human resources development.

 Supervisory Staff
 Achievement of their targets.
 Follow up and assess employees’ performance.
 Assist in employees’ development.
 Employee
 Clarity of duties and responsibilities.
 Assist in aligning performance to the entity’s annual plan.
 Establish transparency and credibility at work.
 A supportive mechanism to follow up job duties.
 Provide regular feedback to the employee.
 Recognition of good performers.
 Improve behavioural styles and practices.
 Achieve justice in the assignment of job duties.
 Establish a performance log that enhances or supports the employee to
occupy senior positions.

7. Appraisal Cycle

The system is highly flexible, and the entity may opt to assess the employees’
performance quarterly, every four months or biannually provided that every assessment
cycle shall not exceed 6 months. The chart below shows the options available for
performance appraisal cycle, however, studies indicate that the quarterly appraisal is
the best among others.

Cylce Cycle 1

Cycle 4 Cycle 1 Cycle

2 Cylce 1 Cycle 2

Cycle 3 Cycle 2 Every Four Month

Every Quarter Chart No. (1)


8. Stages of Implementation of EJADA
There are three fundamental stages for the implementation of the System as follows:

 First Stage: Setting the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

In this stage, the performance card is developed at the beginning of each cycle as per
measurable performance indicators. This document is a form of agreement between the
employee and the line manager. The entity’s annual plan is the most important input in
the annual objectives and key results identifying stage which is expected to be achieved
by the employees. The annual plan of the entity is derived from the government’s
directions and strategic plans such as the five-year plans, the sectorial and
organizational strategy and the entity’s main responsibilities. This will ensure the
integration of the employees’ Objectives with the annual plans which will ultimately
contribute to the achievement of the goals of Oman Vision 2040 as shown in the chart

Oman Vision 2040

Sectorial and
Organizational Strategy
Entity Major Government
Terms of Annual Strategic
Reference Directions

Priorities of the Current

10th Five-Year Plan

Annual Plan

Chart No. (2)

At the beginning of each year, the directorate/department of planning at each entity
publishes the annual plan of the entity and will be circulated according to the sectors
within the entity. That will be followed by a meeting held by the Director General to
explain to these directions and circulate the same across the affiliated units. Then, the
line manager will communicate the same to his subordinates for consideration upon
setting the employee’s annual and provisional Objectives to be more focused on the
next cycle objectives. This stage consists of two steps:

a) Setting the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

It is an effective method for setting the objectives, results and the follow up. Usually,
it is identified every three months and the Objectives are continuously kept on focus.
Therefore, it is considered as a convenient and standard appraisal system that links
between the annual plan of the entity and the employee’s performance. It also
facilitates the translating of the annual plan into key objectives and results. This method
focuses on two aspects:

o Objective
o Objective Key Results

After reviewing the entity’s Objectives and indicators, the employee must plan the
overall annual Objectives with the line manager at the beginning of the year. Then at
beginning of each new performance cycle, the employee shall identify the most
important Objectives as well as the appropriate key results. This step involves filling
out the initial form of job objectives and the key results with the detailed description
of each objective and its key result as follows:

1. Categorization of objectives
2. Type of indicator’s data
3. Weight
4. Target (below expectations, meets the expectations, exceeds expectations)

main Result


Result 3
Result 2
Result 1
Result 3
Result 2
Result 1


indicator type

Result Weight %


fulfill Target

Table No. (1) Objectives and Key Results Form


Actual Achievement
(End of Cycle)

The objectives are identified by reviewing the targets of the
unit/directorate/department/division /job description.


Unit Employee's Director's

Objectives Instructions


Chart No. (3)

b) Discussion Session between the Employee and the Line Manager

Once the employee has prepared the job Objectives and their respective key results, a
discussion session shall be held between the employee and the line manager during
which the manager shall discuss and ensure that the objectives are clear, associated
with the key results and challenging. He shall make the necessary adjustments, if any,
and approves the same. On the other side, the employee shall work to achieve the key
results of each Objective during the given performance cycle.
 Second Stage: Calculation of Actual Achievement and Feedback
By the end of each performance cycle, the achievements and key results made by
employee during the previous cycle shall be assessed with feedback provided to
improve performance during the next cycle. This stage includes the following steps:
a) Calculating % of achievement against key results.
b) Preparing for a meeting with the line manager.
c) Holding a meeting between the employee and the line manager and submit
a) Calculation % of Achievements against Key Results

At this stage, the employee shall calculate the % of key results achieved using the
document for the identification of objectives and keys results along with supportive
documents and references. In case he failed to achieve the intended key results, he must
identify the reasons and challenges under the comments section.

b) Meeting with the Line Manager

o The employee shall self-assess the key results of the objectives and develop a
level of appraisal for the achieved key results.
o The employee shall communicate with the line manager and coordinate for the
o The employee must identify the difficulties and challenges encountered during
the previous cycle and provide suggestions to overcome such difficulties and
challenges during the next cycle.
o The line manager must review the report made by the employee, review the
reports and the performance indicators and the key results achieved, in addition
to the feedback of other senior officers and supervisors the employs worked for
(if any).

c) Meeting between the Employee and Line Manager and Submission of


This step involves the review and discussion of supportive documents as proof that the
employee has delivered the planned key results and the major contributions made
during the appraisal period (last period). Moreover, the line manager shall provide the
employee with the performance feedback besides the areas suggested for further
improvement and development during the next period. Based on this, the line manager
shall approve percentage of the achieved key results by the employee and inform the
senior level officer (director general) about result for his review.

 Third Stage: Performance Appraisal

Following calculating the % of actual achievements and submission of feedback, the

results of performance appraisal shall be calculated as follows:
o First: Assessment of Each Key Result
At this stage, the system shall assess the accomplishment of each key result which is
already established and approved by the line manager according to the following

Key Result Score (Rate) = key result achievement value X key Result Weight

According to KR score, performance is categorized to the following evaluation


Score Level Description

4 Exceeds expectations work is accomplished to achieve an indicator that

exceeds KR expectations.

3 Meets expectations work is accomplished to achieve an indicator that

meets KR expectations.

2 Below expectations the minimum required work is accomplished to

achieve an indicator below KR expectations
1 Less than below achievement is less than below expectations
expectations indicator.

o Second: Performance Cycle Assessment

At this stage, the result of performance cycle shall be calculated and are the average
key results of performance cycle as follows:

Result of Performance Cycle = Total of all Key Result Scores

Illustrative Example
Key Result Result Key Result
Rate Score
Weight Score
Key Result 1 40% Meets Expectations 3 1.2 = 0.40 * 3
Key Result 2 20% Exceeds 4 0.8 = 0.20 * 4
Key Result 3 20% Meets Expectations 3 0.6 = 0.20 * 3
Key Result 4 20% Below Expectations 2 0.4 = 0.20 * 2
Result of Performance Cycle 3
Level Meets

Table No. (2)

o Third: Annual Performance Assessment

At this stage, the employees’ annual performance shall be assessed by the year end and
the average of the total results of performance cycles during the year shall be
considered (subject to the number of the approved cycles in the unit) the initial result
of the employee’s performance and the final result shall be considered after the
approval of the line manager.

The line manager shall discuss initial results of employees’ performance with the
performance appraisal committee by the end of each year in line with Bell Curve and
the final appraisal result shall be approved accordingly.

Staff performance results are discussed by the superior manager with performance
assessment review panel at the end of the year to modify the results in a way that
align with the results’ curve in the entity to approve final employees’ results.

The Bell Curve shall be used to assign the employees’ performance levels at each
government entity by the end of the year. A certain group of the employees shall be
assigned to the highest levels of the performance scores. These scores are subject to
change at each government entity depending on the entity and the government sector
overall performance.

Chart Title
Number of Employees

Excellent Very Good Average Poor

Chart No. (4)

Table No. (3)

o Fourth: Requirements for Achieving Excellent Grade
By the year end and after the performance assessment review committee within the
entity has completed the review of the results of employees’ performance assessment;
it will consider the requests for the upgrading of employees who scored the highest
scores as per the following conditions while successfully achieving their respective job

 Have delivered excellent services beyond the scope of their roles,

responsibilities and objectives.
 Have accomplished works, research or proposal that contributed to improving
the work performance.
 Have contributed to increased performance proficiency and cost-effective
spending subject to the terms and conditions set out by the law.
 Have participated in more than one project/work team whether inside or outside
the entity.
 Have participated in other projects specified by the entity head.
 Have obtained a very good grade in the annual performance assessment.

9. Role and Responsibilities for the Implementation of EJADA

a) Role of the Superior manager

o To meet with the managers and staff at the beginning of each year to chart out
the strategic directions and assign them according to the administrative units.
o To review the results of performance assessment of the affiliated units.
o To approve the appraisal results after reviewing them with the performance
appraisal committee.

b) Role of the Line Manager

o To meet with the staff to ensure that they accurately and fully understand the
individual performance system.
o To analyse the entity’s annual plan as well as the Objectives set by the superior
manager and translate the same into indicators and Objectives for the unit so as
to serve as a guideline and reference for the employees to set their objectives
during the performance cycle.
o To provide support and guidance to the employees during the preparatory period
for the formulation of targets.
o To complete all assessments during the specified timeframe.
o To ensure that the targets are clear, challenging and consistent with the annual
o To provide periodic follow up and constant feedback on timely basis throughout
the year.
o To motivate employees towards improving quality of work.

c) Role of the Employee

o To understand the entity’s annual plan.

o To set his targets in order to assist the entity to achieve its annual targets.
o To list the key results that will facilitate the Objective achievement.
o To assume responsibility of conducting constructive discussion sessions with
officials during the period for the calculation of actual achievement and
submission of feedback.
o To assume responsibility of completing the periodic assessment on timely basis
underlining that participation in the discussion sessions is mandatory.
o To improve the quality of work effectively and efficiently.
o To seek and submit initiatives for the development of skills and personal

10. Mechanism for Monitoring and Governance of EJADA

A. Performance Monitoring and Adjustment

After finishing the stage of performance assessment by the end of the year, the
performance assessment review committee within the entity shall review the overall

results of the employees’ performance and ensure that there is fair and equitable
distribution of results or, otherwise, adjustments that are consistent with the rates
shown in the Bull Curve. Subsequently, the final results will be approved by the
superior manager and circulated to the employees.

B. Poor Performance Management Committee

When the final results of the employees’ performance are published, the poor
performance management committee will review the cases that obtained the poor
performing employees to investigate the root causes of poor performance and based on
this, appropriate actions shall be taken.

C. Grievances

This stage enables employees to submit their grievances about unsatisfactory

performance assessment results by the end of the year. Grievances shall be admissible
after the publishing the final results of performance assessment according to the
applicable procedures in the job performance assessment system.

a) How to avoid reaching this Stage?

To avoid scoring below the required levels, targets and objectives must be defined
clearly and accurately and ensure that they are fully attainable. Moreover, the employee
must take advantage of the discussion session with the line manager and present
sufficient proofs and facts to substantiate the efforts put out by the employee, the
volume of accomplishments made, and the quality of output delivered. It is also
important to communicate with the line manager for regular feedback and the
implementation of the feedback.

11.General Guidelines

a) The employee’s objectives and key results must be determined in accordance

with the entity guidelines and roles and responsibilities well as those of the
directorate/department/division with due consideration to the employee’s duties
and responsibilities as defined in the job description.
b) The general managers and the managers of planning departments must define
and explain the entity’s annual plan to the concerned divisions at the beginning
of the year including job priorities. The participation of the employee during
planning is advisable.
c) It is critical to set feasible objectives and key results subject to the agreed
d) Performance assessment is based on achievements rather than personal opinions
or characteristics.
e) Once the assessment results are issued after each cycle, the employee must
outline the difficulties and challenges faced and consider the possible solutions
to avoid the same in the coming cycles.

12. Appendix (Examples for Setting the Objectives and Key Results)

a) Example for Quarterly Appraisal from April to June

Training Type of
objective Program Indicato above fulfill Below
1 s for 5% r’s Data Expectations Expectations Expectations
of the
te with
Key Percenta
to 35% 100% 80% 50%
Result 1 ge
the most
Key programs
30% No. 5 3 1
Result 2 for the

Table No. (4)

b) Example for Quarterly Appraisal from April to June

Increase the
Type of
Rate of Result
Objective Indicator’s above fulfill Below
Customers’ Weight
1 Data Expectations Expectations Expectations
Satisfaction to
Distribute a
survey to gauge
Key satisfaction
25% No. 250 100 50
Result 1 across 100
before the end
of May
Analyze the
results of the
survey and 30% Date April May June
Result 2
ns to the top
Initiative to
satisfaction 15% No. 5 3 1
Result 3
based on the
analysis of the
survey results

Table No. (5)

c) Example for Quarterly Appraisal from July to September

on the
social Type of
Objective media Indicator’s above fulfill Below
1 about the Data Expectations Expectations Expectations
by the
postings on
Key Media
50%% Percentage 60% 40% 20%
Result 1 Accounts
with the

Table No. (6)


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