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Danny Sheehan on Unravelling the Universe podcast 26th January 2024.

GL notes, not guaranteed for accuracy, heavily paraphrased in places. E & OE. Approximate timings indicated. NPI =
New Paradigm Institute. Ben’s questions in bold. Recommend you listen to verify/amend all notes.
18.45 – 20.30 The 24 pages of the UAPDA that were retained mandating intelligence and defence agencies and
defence contractors to hand over all information in their possession within 300 days, October 17 2024 to the
National Archives. The head of the National Archives required to prepare a process for receipt of this information.
That process has to be initiated by February 23. All agencies have to gather records in their possession, digitally with
a searchable index, completed by October 17. “We are in the process of disclosure.”
21 – 23 NPI also offering to protect whistleblowers and represent them if they get attacked. Re NPI’s system to
facilitate the public contacting their representatives, “tens of thousands have done this, so there's a bit of a firestorm
at the moment.” DS says/claims 98% of elected representatives in favour of disclosure. Currently trying to get the
other 40 pages of the UAPDA put back in, see also 1.38.15.
23.24 Crash retrieval custody issues.
26.35 – 30.45 What popular narratives or tropes in ufology are wrong.? 1. And NHIs are hostile. 2. The Deep State
has built replica UFOs which will make simulated attack on the USA. A false flag attack. To persuade the USG to build
a whole round of new military equipment. DS says not true, the problem is the military-industrial still trying to back-
engineer craft for weaponisation. NHIs present no threat.
30.45 Why are you doing so many interviews at present? Because the material being hand over to the National
Archives will be public [but qualified this later], so the people need to be prepared for it. The President authorised to
review this 25 year old information and decide which of it might need to be postponed from public revelation. Thus
NPI and all in the UFO community need to mobilise to put pressure on the president to exercise discretion in a
limited way. It's necessary to make this a public policy issue, so any candidate running for the Presidency in 2024. Will
be willing to allow the information Congress has demanded, to be made public. Hence letting the public know that
NPI is there to facilitate pressure to elected representatives….and…
33.40 Educating the US public about what's already known about the UFO phenomenon, and what's known about
NHIs. Will be getting out information the public can depend on that's accurate, detailed, responsible and has been
vetted, as under Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. [??]
34.20 A service the NPI is providing is vetting all this information for public release. Working with Richard Dolan, who
is partnered with the NPI about all the different events and crash sites and like. They are in conversation with all the
people that know about the crash sites, and where the [craft] have gone. So they’re an ‘advocacy group’ advocating
for disclosure and letting people know there's a lot of information that's already known.
35 re NPI’s role. Its location is right next to the Senate Intelligence Committee and Supreme Court, to make sure the
law is followed and Constitution obeyed. NPI regularly meeting with members of staff of the Senate Intelligence
Committee and the House Oversight Committee to try and choreograph 40 different whistleblowers that have
brought [testimony under oath] and full documentation to the Senate Intelligence Committee.
36.30 Facilitating liaison between Senate and House. 99% of elected reps want this information out.
37 Thus people can go to NPI website and get information and pressure representatives.
37.55 DS responds in detail to question about the 5 species of NHIs, their characteristics in some cases. Reptilians
were “given a really bad rap by the Church of Scientology” he comments on CoS’s wrong beliefs re characterisation of
different species. Re mantis people, multiple reputable testimonies re this.
40 NPI not convinced there are more than 5 known species. All communicate telepathically with humans.
43.25 Where did you get all this information? DS says he’s done multiple interviews over many years, and he’s
selecting from ones he’d be happy to present to a jury. Information on these 5 species will be on the NPI website.
45.20 The mantis people seem be top of any ‘hierarchy’ that may exist. They are spiritual, intelligent and kindly.
45.55 They’re highly technologically developed. Different craft from different star systems.
46.25 Richard Dolan now partnered with the NPI, and together they’re working on 100 facts people will need to
know about the UFO phenomenon and NHIs.
46.55 The college courses that will be running through NPI. Academia is behind the curve on [what I personally call
the cosmology of life] and need to update. Comments on that.
47.50 – 50. Churches and synagogues are withholding from their members a lot of the more esoteric extraordinarily
sophisticated information about the capabilities of our human species. Something on our capabilities c.f. NHIs.
53.40 to 58.40 Ben asked question about existence of a genuine video of an ET being. DS explains about a deathbed
interview of someone from who was deeply inside Project Bluebook, who gave him names of his commanding
officers and where they were based – all later confirmed. A meeting at S4 near Area 51, where there was a live ET.
There had been telepathic interviews with the being: it [the ET] was part of a group put together from different star
systems. Tasked with going around our galaxy to where planets had generated life, to evaluate their stage of
development. The being was asked “Who’s in charge of all this?” The being said “What you would call God, but it’s a
lot different to that”.
58.40 – 59.40 Can you share his name, and is the film online? No no, to the second. Re his name “ I’ll check with
people who knew him whether I can release his name.” [The man from Project Bluebook who gave the deathbed
confession in hospice].
59.40 to 1.17.40 A reprise of that, then How do you think religion is connected to this phenomenon? DS: it’s about
re-linking us back into unity with the infinite and eternal consciousness. DS’s understandings of what religions know,
and the cosmology of life/cosmology of the universe. His understanding of both, big bang, polarities. He talks about
what could be called the interaction of consciousness/theology/materialism. “Profound metaphysical questions”.
Unity experiences. The need for our human family to come together. Our future is coming to visit us.
1.18 Question on free energy, a hope or a probable future? Inter alia, a Treaty is needed to stop it being
1.20 Disclosure progress in next 5 years? Biden will be cautious on 17 October. Thinks real progress will be in Biden’s
second term. Will be a big question for 2028 election. (Too big an issue to come out before this election). [Dammit].
1.23.25 re humanity to next stage of consciousness.
1.26.20 When should we expect Lue’s book? “6 weeks from now “. It’s in final stages of being cleared by Defence
Dept. There will be a major Lue-related documentary at the same time. Maybe 21st March?
1.29.25 How many firsthand whistleblowers will be coming forward or going public this year? 40. They’ve
presented their information to the Senate Intelligence Committee. A process happening right now between the SIC
and HOC as to where they will come forward, between the 2 houses, so they come forward equally. It’s putting
increased pressure on those who’ve been resisting the 64 page Bill, so that’s there a controlled disclosure. It’s all
being coordinated behind the scenes.
1.32.15 Will there be slow drip of disclosure or catastrophic disclosure? It’s the former. The 40 will be brought
forward in a mixture of public and closed door Hearings. Pressure on Turner and Rogers to [the content of the 64
page Bill], leading to 7 year disclosure plan. The process is happening.
1.34.30 When will the average person be aware there is NHI interacting with our planet? As soon as President
Biden decides to tell people, which won’t be in his first term.
1.36.40 Might another country beat the US to disclosure? It’s possible, but it would be reckless. There needs to be
international coordination.
1.38.15 When would you expect Schumer-Rounds will be re-introduced? Next iteration of legislation now being
drafted to avoid pitfalls, so within weeks, maybe a couple of months.
1.39.33 Have governments made agreements with NHIs and is one of the NHIs somehow involved in the disclosure
process? To give the gist of a long answer, arguably indirectly, not aware of directly.
1.43.10 Jellyfish UFO, any thoughts? Really weird, I’m not sure.
1.44 Miami incident? Untrue.
1.44.45 Do we have working antigravity technology? More or less, I’ve witnessed some of the experiments, and I
assume there’s more. At S4?
1.46 Is Tardis-type UFO credible owtte. A credible witness says yes, and it’s been corroborated.
1.47.33 Ross Coulthart’s building over a UFO? I don’t know. The ones I know about have been moved, I know where
they are. Can you say? No, not at this time.
1.48.05 What do you make of Jeremy Corbell’s statement that we have multiple undamaged functional non-human
craft? Yes, we do. Are they gifts? That’s interesting, then he talks about the helmet recovered from the Roswell crash
that’s necessary to use it, but they haven’t been able to find anyone with the adequate level of consciousness to do
it. They have intact craft that are technically operational. [DS had briefly mentioned Pat Price, so] Did Pat Price try?
Pat Price did an awful lot of stuff that people don’t know about, but that’s not one of them.
1.50 What’s the most realistic film on all this? Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
1.50.10 Thoughts on Haim Eshed ???’s claims of a Galactic Federation? I don’t believe he has any actual knowledge
about that.
1.51.20 Is Bob Lazar legit? [Basically] the substance of what he was saying is clearly true.
1.52.08 Do you think we survive death in some capacity? [Basically, yes, short answer].

Geoff L, for TUP/PoC/ToE Discords, 30.1.2024.

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