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Economics and Finance in Indonesia

Volume 65 Article 2
Number 1 June 2019


The Effect of Hedging with Financial Derivatives on Firm Value at

Indonesia Stock Exchange
Prof. Dr. Budi Frensidy
Universitas Indonesia,

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Frensidy, Prof. Dr. Budi (2019) "The Effect of Hedging with Financial Derivatives on Firm Value at
Indonesia Stock Exchange," Economics and Finance in Indonesia: Vol. 65: No. 1, Article 2.
DOI: 10.47291/efi.v65i1.614
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Frensidy: The Effect of Hedging with Financial Derivatives on Firm Value at

Economics and Finance in Indonesia

Vol. 65 No. 1, June 2019 : 20–32
20 p-ISSN 0126-155X; e-ISSN 2442-9260

The Effect of Hedging with Financial Derivatives on Firm Value at

Indonesia Stock Exchange

Budi Frensidya,∗ and Tasya Indah Mardhaniatya

a Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the effect of hedging for the risks of foreign currency, interest rate, and commodity
price on firm value as measured by Tobin’s Q. The findings reveal that hedging with derivative instruments is
insignificantly related to firm value but significantly varied in financial risks. Hedging for foreign currency risk
has a significantly positive relation to firm value, while hedging for interest rate and commodity price risk has
no relation. Furthermore, this study provides a novelty compared to previous studies in the utilization of the
extent of hedging as the variable to measure the implementation of hedging.
Keywords: hedging; derivative instruments; foreign currency risk; interest rate risk; commodity price risk

JEL classifications: F3; G3

1. Introduction ever, in reality, there are no markets that meet the

criteria of perfect competition; thus, the imperfec-
The uncertainty of global economic conditions has tions in the capital market cause the application of
a major impact on the economic conditions of In- hedging relevant.
donesia. The increase in international transactions
has caused firms to encounter market risks, partic- Derivative instruments are used as the instruments
ularly those associated with fluctuating exchange of hedging. Companies that utilize derivative instru-
rate, interest rate, and commodity price. In this en- ments shall benefit from a more stable profit (Al-
vironment, Indonesian companies are required to layannis & Weston 2001). In addition, the utiliza-
implement good risk management. One risk man- tion of derivative instruments assists companies
agement strategy is to deal with market risks by in dealing with frictions in real financial markets,
hedging. According to the hypothesis proposed by such as financial distress, underinvestment prob-
Modigliani and Miller (1958) on perfectly competi- lems, bankruptcy costs, expensive external financ-
tive markets, hedging will not provide any benefits ing, and high tax rates (Monalusi 2015). A stable
in the form of increased value. In perfectly compet- earnings shall be reflected in the increase in corpo-
itive markets, investors create their own verifiable rate value (Huang et al. 2009). Huffman and Makar
portfolios and have the ability to minimize their own (2004) state that the utilization of foreign exchange
risks. Therefore, investors will not respond positively derivatives as a hedging instrument is able to ef-
to companies that perform risk management. How- fectively reduce exposure to foreign exchange in a
period of one to three months, as well as in a period
∗ Corresponding Author: Department of Accounting, Faculty of
of 6 to 48 months. Unfortunately, such long-term
Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424, hedging products are not offered in Indonesia yet.
Indonesia. Email: However, Chiang and Lin (2007) discover that for-
Economics and Finance in Indonesia Vol. 65 No. 1, June 2019

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eign currency hedging is effective when utilized in state that the financial crises of 1997, 2005, and
the period of one month, but ineffective in an ex- 2008 increased the potential for uncertainty result-
tended period of time. In addition, Zhang (2009) dis- ing in the increase in fluctuations, particularly de-
covers that the utilization of derivative instruments preciation, of rupiah. PT Astra International Tbk
as speculative means has an impact on the volatil- suffered an exchange rate loss of IDR7.36 trillion in
ity of profits, causing a decline in corporate value. 1998, causing its stock price to plummet to IDR225
Therefore, the actual impact of the utilization of or less than one percent of the stock price in Decem-
derivative instruments on corporate value depends ber 2011, namely IDR75,000 prior to the stock split.
on the benefits provided for the company (Nguyen PT Semen Cibinong Tbk (now PT Holcim Indone-
& Liu 2014). sia Tbk) even booked a higher loss in the same
year due to foreign exchange rate, namely over
Primarily, this study aims to observe the effect of the
IDR10 trillion. Recently, PT PLN has experienced a
application of hedging with derivative instruments
difficult time as well. It reported an exchange rate
on company value. In addition, this study also in-
loss of IDR17.3 trillion in the third quarter of 2018.
vestigates the influence of control variables, such
Changes in foreign exchange rate may pose a risk
as size, profitability, age, leverage, liquidity, growth,
to a company’s cash flow and value (Hanjani 2011).
and corporate dividends on firm value. This study
Therefore, Shapira (1995) points to currency foreign
also aims to provide empirical evidence of the ef-
exchange hedging as part of efforts to minimize
fect of the application of hedging for the risks of
the risk of foreign exchange exposure, neutralizing
exchange rate, interest rate, and commodity price
losses due to changes in foreign exchange rate.
with derivative instruments on company value in
In practice, the loss or gain on the initial value of
Indonesia. The authors predict that the application
currency exposure is actually possible to be neutral-
of hedging with derivative instruments shall have a
ized by the loss or gain of the currency exchange
positive effect on company value.
rate on a currency hedge.

There is a theory to provide an explanation for the

increase in corporate value related to hedging ac-
2. Literature Review tivities: maximizing shareholder value. This theory
explains the success of a company measured by its
Hedging is an activity that allows a company to achievement in increasing shareholder wealth. The
minimize the business risks while remains earning implementation of hedging in a company shall as-
profits in a business transaction (Repie & Sedana sist management in increasing shareholder wealth
2015). Hedging is one of the economic benefits of by reducing the volatility of cash flow. Firms with
the derivative instruments; by offering the oppor- stable cash flow are able to avoid conditions that
tunity to transfer risk, hedging is able to reduce a decrease shareholder wealth, such as the emer-
company’s losses caused by market price move- gence of financial distress costs, the cost of asset
ments (Putro 2012). substitution, and underinvestment problems.

According to Hanjani (2011), as economy moves The financial distress costs are incurred when a
toward an open economy, companies face greater company is experiencing financial difficulties, such
risks. One of the main risks faced by Indonesian as legal fees and bankruptcy costs. Stable earnings
companies is the fluctuations of rupiah exchange and cash flow may possibly prevent a company from
rate against foreign currency. Indawan et al. (2015) experiencing bankruptcy, leading to the increase in
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company value (Nguyen & Faff 2002). The cost of by market price movements (Putro 2012). Hedging
asset substitution represents the cost incurred by includes activities utilizing derivative instruments,
different incentives between the shareholders and such as futures, forwards, options, and swaps. In
the lenders. Shareholders tend to be supportive this study, the operational definition of hedging with
when companies invest at risk since it can gener- derivative instruments is the utilization of derivative
ate high profits. Meanwhile, the lenders expect the instruments by a company for hedging one or all
companies to take action to maintain their stability. three types of risk: foreign currency, interest rate,
Therefore, a bank generally provides the terms of and commodity price.
financial ratios that must be met by the debtors. In
The utilization of derivative instruments in hedging
this situation, banks shall set a high interest rate for
is certainly able to reduce a firm’s risks and provide
high-risk investment financing, resulting in a higher
benefits, including a more stable profit rate (Allayan-
capital cost. In this regard, the company may hedge
nis & Weston 2001). Several previous studies on
against the interest rate set by the bank.
hedging theories disclose that firms utilizing deriva-
The cost of underinvestment is a problem that tive instruments experience an increase in value in
arises when the high cost of external financing terms of profitability, proven useful in dealing with
prevents a company from making investments in the frictions in real financial markets, such as finan-
accordance with the expectations of shareholders, cial distress, underinvestment problems, expensive
resulting in the dissatisfaction of the shareholders external financing, and high tax rates. Therefore,
with the company’s investment activity and eventu- the application of hedging with derivative instru-
ally the decline in company value. By hedging, the ments by a company shall result in a positive signal
company has more stable cash flow and is able to of more stable profit. The positive signal shall be re-
fulfil its investment financing needs without being ceived by investors and reflected in the stock price
overly dependent on external financing (Nguyen & (Huang et al. 2009). Thus, a company that imple-
Faff 2002). Hedging shall protect the company from ments hedging with derivative instruments tends to
external risks, such as fluctuations in exchange have a higher corporate value than a company that
rate, interest rate, and commodity price, allowing does not.
stable cash flow and corporate profit. This condition
shall be reflected in the increase in corporate value
(Huang et al. 2009). However, Zhang (2009) discov- 2.1. Hypothesis Development
ers that the utilization of derivative instruments as
speculative means has an impact on the volatility of
Previous studies examine the implementation of
profits, causing a decline in corporate value. There-
hedging with derivatives instruments on each risk
fore, the actual impact of the utilization of derivative
separately. Allayannis and Weston (2001) prove
instruments on corporate value depends on the
that foreign currency hedging with derivative in-
benefits provided for the company (Nguyen & Liu
struments has a positive effect on company value.
Their findings indicate a hedging premium of 4.87%
In the current era of globalization, companies partic- derived from tax deductions, financial difficulties,
ipating in international transactions are exposed to and underinvestment. This is in line with the study
financial risks associated with changes in exchange conducted by Monalusi (2015), discovering that
rate, interest rate, and commodity price. Hedging firms that apply foreign currency hedging have a
is a strategy to reduce the risk of losses caused higher corporate value. Belghitar, Clark, and Mefteh
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(2013), in studying non-financial companies listed H2a: The implementation of hedging for foreign
in the London Stock Exchange in 1995, discover a currency risk with derivative instruments has a
significant effect of the implementation of interest positive effect on corporate value.
rate hedging on firm value. The finding is supported
In general, companies tend to make long-term loans
by Bashir, Sultan, and Jghef (2013), whose finding
from banks, hence the considerably high risks cov-
displays a positive effect of the application of inter-
ered by the banks. Based on the perspective of
est rate hedging on the value of non-financial com-
the banks, a longer loan period means a longer
panies in Pakistan. A study conducted by Carter,
period of uncertain performance and economic con-
Rogers, and Simkins (2006) discovers that the ap-
dition of the companies. All of those uncertainties
plication of commodity price hedging with specific
are considered as high risks for banks, since the
derivative instruments has a positive effect on air-
macroeconomic performance shall affect the ability
lines that use gasoline as the main fuel in America.
of the companies to pay their loan. Therefore, banks
Thus, the first hypothesis in this study is as follows:
generally provide long-term loans with floating inter-
H1: The implementation of hedging for ex- est rates. In this regard, the interest to be paid shall
change rate risk with derivative instruments change according to the benchmark rate. Compa-
has a positive effect on corporate value. nies with floating interest rate loans face the risk
of interest rate fluctuations. The announcement of
In an open economy, most companies participate plans by the central bank of the United States (the
in international transactions. This has increased Federal Reserve) to increase the interest rate shall
the volume of transactions with foreign currency cause depreciation of the rupiah–dollar exchange
(Indawan et al. 2015). In their study, Indawan et al. rate and the decline of stock indices in Indonesia.
(2015) also argue that the amount of external debt Interest rates in the US affect interest rates in other
of the non-bank private sector continues to increase countries, including Indonesia. Companies that are
from year to year. A great number of non-bank pri- aware of this can implement hedging by using inter-
vate companies borrows in foreign currency; there- est rate swaps. A company can adjust the interest
fore, depreciation of rupiah shall affect Indonesian rate with the pattern of its earnings to avoid difficul-
companies that have to pay interest or principal ties in payment; therefore, hedging shall maintain
in foreign currency at the time when the rupiah is the company’s stable cash flow. Companies with
weakened. Mozumder et al. (2015) discover that stable cash flow tend to have more stable profits,
there is a decline in firm value of European compa- leading to a positive value assigned by the investors.
nies during the depreciation of euro. This risk is able Thus, the hypothesis regarding the application of
to be minimized through hedging for foreign cur- hedging for interest rate risk is as follows:
rency. Companies that implement hedging can plan
H2b: The implementation of hedging for inter-
their foreign currency requirements to meet their
est rate risk with derivative instruments has a
obligations, thereby minimizing losses incurred dur-
positive effect on corporate value.
ing depreciation of the exchange rate. Companies
that can manage the risk of losses are expected to The effect of commodity price movement on firm
have more stable profit, encouraging investors to value is determined by the company’s economic
provide a positive value to the company. Thus, the activity. Generally, companies utilizing or selling
hypothesis regarding the application of hedging for global commodities face risk of commodity price
foreign currency risk is as follows: fluctuations. In a study with a focus on commodity
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price exposure in non-financial companies, Bartram cation of hedging; (2) classifying the implementa-
(2005) uses a sample of 490 non-financial compa- tion of hedging into three risk groups of foreign
nies in Germany to analyze the effect of commodity currency rate, interest rate, and commodity price;
price risk on company value. The study tests the and (3) providing several adjustments to the previ-
effect of the risk of commodity price that has not ous research models. In addition, this study uses a
been hedged on stock prices. Bartram (2005) re- different population and sample than previous stud-
ports that the percentage of firms with significant ies, namely non-financial companies listed in the
exposure to commodity price risk is in the range Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2012–2015
of 4.5%–15.9%. Fluctuations in global commodity period. Time limitation and relevance to the study
prices, such as the increase in world oil price in are the reasons for the selection of observation pe-
the period 2005–2008 and the decline in world oil riod. The four previous studies used a sample of
price since 2010 followed by the decline in the price non-financial companies. In this regard, the authors
of other commodities, also comprise a risk for a also select non-financial companies as research
company. This type of risk can be minimized by im- sample since financial companies have different
plementing hedging for commodity price risk. The characteristics than non-financial companies. Fur-
utilization of derivative instruments shall provide thermore, there are regulations that tend to be more
certain prices for a certain period to the consumer stringent in financial companies than those in non-
companies and global commodity producers, thus financial companies. The first model shall examine
the profit of the companies shall not be too influ- the effect of the implementation of hedging with
enced by changes in market prices that tend to derivative instruments on company value, using a
fluctuate. Companies that can manage the risk of dummy variable for the measurement, as follows:
losses are expected to have more stable profits,
encouraging investors to provide a positive value TOBINSit = β0 + β1 HEDGDUMit + β2 SIZEit
to the company. Thus, the hypothesis of the imple- + β3 PROFi + β4 AGEit
mentation of hedging for commodity price risk is as + β5 LIQit + β6 LEVit
follows: + β7 Growthit + β8 DIVit + έit
H2c: The implementation of hedging for com-
modity price risk with derivative instruments
in which β0 is the intercept/coefficient of the re-
has a positive effect on corporate value.
gression; β1 is the regression coefficient for the
implementation of hedging for each risk (indepen-
dent variables); β3 − β8 are the coefficients for the
3. Research Methods control variables of the company value; and έ is a
random error term.
This study refers to the research by Allayannis and
The description of the elements of the equations is
Weston (2001) and research models developed by
presented as follows:
Ahmed, Azevedo, and Guney (2013), Bashir, Sul-
tan, and Jghef (2013), Belghitar, Clark, and Mefteh TOBINSit : The value of firm i as measured using
(2013), and Ayturk, Gurbuz, and Yanik (2016). This Tobin’s Q ratio in year t;
study offers several differences compared to pre- HEDGDUMit : The implementation of hedging
vious studies, as follows: (1) adding the extent of with derivative instruments for foreign currency
hedging variable as a measurement of the appli- rate, interest rate, and commodity price in year
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t of firm i as measured using a dummy variable in which β0 is the intercept/coefficient of the regres-
of 1 should the firm applies the hedging for for- sion; β1 − β3 are the regression coefficients for the
eign currency rate risk and 0 should it does not implementation of hedging for each risk (indepen-
apply the hedging; dent variables); β4 − β10 are the coefficients for the
SIZEit : The size of firm i as measured by the control variables of the company value; and έ is a
natural logarithm of total assets in year t; random error term.
PROFit : The profitability of firm i in year t as mea-
The description of the elements of the equations is
sured using ROA: the ratio between net income
presented as follows:
and total book value of the firm’s assets;
AGEit : The firm age at IPO as measured by the TOBINSit : The value of firm i as measured using
logarithm of number of days that the company Tobin’s Q ratio in year t;
has been listed in the Indonesia Stock Ex- HEDGDUMit : The implementation of hedging
change as of December 31 of t year; with derivative instruments for foreign currency
LIQit : The liquidity of firm i in year t as measured rate, interest rate, and commodity price in year
using the current ratio of that year; t of firm i as measured using a dummy variable
LEVit : The leverage of firm i as measured by total of 1 should the firm applies the hedging for for-
book value of debt divided by total book value eign currency rate risk and 0 should it does not
of assets in year t; apply the hedging;
Growthit : The growth of the firm as proxied by the FXHEDGExtit : The implementation of hedging
future investment opportunities, measured by with derivative instruments for foreign currency
the ratio of capital expenditure to total assets rate risk in firm i as measured by the extent of
of firm i in year t; hedging. The extent of hedging is measured
DIVit : The dividend policy applied by firm i in year by dividing the notional value of the derivative
t to investor as measured using a dummy vari- instruments against the book value of total as-
able. sets in year t;
IRHEDGExtit : The implementation of hedging
In the second hypothesis, the authors include an with derivative instruments for interest rate risk
independent variable of the extent of hedging to in firm i as measured by the extent of hedging.
further examine the impact of the implementation The extent of hedging is measured by dividing
of hedging with derivative instruments on company the notional value of the derivative instruments
value. The authors also observe the effect of hedg- against the book value of total assets in year t;
ing for each of the three types of risk (foreign cur- CMHEDGExtit : The implementation of hedging
rency rate, interest rate, and commodity price) on with derivative instruments for commodity price
firm value. To accomplish this, the second model in risk in firm i as measured by the extent of hedg-
this study is as follows: ing. The extent of hedging is measured by di-
viding the notional value of the derivative instru-
TOBINSit = β0 + β1 FXHEDGExtit ments against the book value of total assets in
+ β2 IRHEDGExtit year t;
+ β3 CMHEDGExtit (2) SIZEit : The size of firm i as measured by the nat-
+ β4 SIZEit + β5 PROFit ural logarithm of total assets in year t;
+ β6 AGEit + β7 LIQit + β8 LEVit PROFit : The profitability of firm i in year t as mea-
+ β9 Growthit + β10 DIVit + έit sured using ROA: the ratio between net income
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and total book value of the firm’s assets; nis & Ofek 2001, Campello et al. 2011). The authors
AGEit : The firm age at IPO as measured by the decide to use these variables to further examine
logarithm of number of days that the firm has the effect of the implementation of hedging on firms
been listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (Mackay & Moeller 2007). The extent of hedging is
as of December 31 of t year; also observed in each type of risk (foreign currency,
LIQit : The liquidity of firm i in year t as measured interest rate, and commodity price), represented
using current ratio of that year; by the variables FXHEDGHExt, IRHEDGExt, and
LEVit : The leverage of firm i as measured by total CMHEDGExt, respectively.
book value of debt divided by total book value
of assets in year t;
Growthit : The growth of the firm as proxied by the
4. Results and Discussion
future investment opportunities, measured by
the ratio of capital expenditure to total assets
of firm i in year t; The first model in this study has company value
DIVit : The dividend policy applied by firm i in year as the dependent variable and the implementation
t to investor as measured using a dummy vari- of hedging with derivative instruments for the risks
able. of foreign currency, interest rate, and commodity
price as independent variables. The independent
The independent variable used in this study is hedg-
variables in the first model use a dummy variable
ing with derivative instruments. Hedging is an activ-
as described in the previous section.
ity carried out by companies in an attempt to reduce
the risk of losses caused by market price move- The summary of the test results is presented in
ments (Putro 2012). As mentioned earlier, hedging Table 1. The test results of the model significance
includes activities utilizing derivative instruments, indicate that the first model has a probability value
such as futures, forwards, options, and swaps, and F greater than 0.00 and is significant at α < 1%.
the operational definition of hedging with derivative Thus, the independent variables in the first model
instruments in this study is the utilization of deriva- are also able to explain the dependent variable,
tive instruments by a company for hedging one or i.e., the firm value. Therefore, the first model can
all three types of risk: foreign currency, interest rate, be used to explain the company value. The test
and commodity price. results of the coefficient of determination, R2, in
the first model displays the value of 54.56%. This
Thus, the first model uses a dummy variable
indicates that 54.56% of the variation of firm value
(HEDGDUM) as an independent variable to mea-
proxied with the TOBINS variable can be explained
sure the utilization of derivative instruments. Com-
by the independent variables in the model, that
panies that use derivative instruments shall be
is, the implementation of hedging for the risks of
given a value of 1 while companies that do not shall
foreign currency, interest rate, and commodity price
be given a value of 0. Furthermore, the second
with derivative instruments.
model adds the extent of hedging (HEDGExt) as
an independent variable, obtained by dividing the The partial significance test of the first model shows
notional value of the hedging instrument from the that the independent variable of the implementation
total book value of the company’s assets (Ayturk, of hedging for the risks of foreign currency, interest
Gurbuz, & Yanik 2016, Berkman & Bradbury 1996, rate, and commodity price with derivative instru-
Gay & Nam 1998, Howton & Perfect 1998, Allayan- ments has no significant effect on Tobin’s Q. This
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Table 1: Regression Results for Model 1

TOBINSit = β0 + β1 HEDGDUMit + β2 SIZEit + β3 PROFi + β4 AGEit

+β5 LIQit + β6 LEVit + β7 Growthit + β8 DIVit + έit
Model 1
Independent Variable Exp. Sign
coefficient Prob.
HEDGDUM + 0.090692 0.3391
SIZE + -0.034875 0.0396 **
PROF + 9.810586 0.0000 ***
AGE + -0.109925 0.2168
LIQ + 0.000163 0.0691 *
LEV - 1.085976 0.0000 ***
Growth + 5.379029 0.0000 ***
DIV - -0.032534 0.3690
R2 0.5456
Prob> F 0.0000
Source: Processed by Authors (2016)
Note: **** significant α < 1%; ** significant α < 5%; * significant α < 10%

is shown from the regression result in Model 1, in this is not in line with the findings of this study. This
which the implementation of hedging with derivative study discovers that the implementation of hedging
instruments has a p-value greater than α < 10%. with derivative instruments has no effect on com-
Nevertheless, the independent variables in the first pany value.
model continue to show a positive direction, i.e. an
increase in firm value. Recalling Hypothesis 1 (H1: The findings of this study are in line with those
The implementation of hedging for the risks of for- of previous studies by Bashir, Sultan, and Jghef
eign currency, interest rate, and commodity price (2013), Jin and Jorion (2006), and Nguyen and
with derivative instruments has a positive effect on Faff (2002). The study conducted by Bashir, Sultan,
corporate value), the regression results in the first and Jghef (2013) reveals that the implementation of
model show that the implementation of hedging hedging for foreign currency risk has no significant
with derivative instruments has a positive but not a influence on company value. They argue that the
significant effect on firm value. The implementation limitations of investor knowledge and weak investor
of hedging for the risks of foreign currency, inter- protection do not allow for value from hedging ac-
est rate, and commodity price has a significance tivities in Pakistan. Marami and Dubois (2013) dis-
level of 0.3391 with a positive coefficient value of cover that the implementation of hedging for interest
0.090692. In this regard, this study cannot provide rate risk has no significant influence to company
enough evidence to accept Hypothesis 1. There- value. They discover that an increase in value is
fore, applying hedging with derivative instruments only obtained from the fulfillment of the disclosure
has no significant influence on firm value. obligations instead of the benefits. Jin and Jorion
(2006) conduct a similar study that discovers no sig-
The preliminary hypothesis of the study suggests nificant effect between the two. They state that risk
that firms that apply hedging for any risks shall pro- hedging activities for oil price in America are not
vide a positive signal or a sense of security to their accepted as positive signals by investors since they
investors, allowing the investors to provide a higher can be anticipated by investors themselves. The
value to them. Investors assess risk management second model utilizes firm value as a dependent
to protect their wealth, thus companies that perform variable and the implementation of hedging with
risk management shall have more value. However, derivative instruments for each risk (exchange rate,
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Frensidy: The Effect of Hedging with Financial Derivatives on Firm Value at


interest rate, and commodity price) as independent mentation of hedging for both interest rate risk and
variable. The independent variable in the second commodity price risk has a negative and insignifi-
model adds the extent of hedging as described in cant effect on company value. The implementation
research method section. of hedging for interest rate risk and commodity price
risk has p-values of 0.209 and 0.444, having no sig-
The summary of the test results of Model 2 are
nificant effect on company value. Therefore, only
presented in Table 2. The test results of model sig-
the implementation of foreign currency hedging is
nificance indicate that the second model has a prob-
in line with the initial hypothesis of the study.
ability value F greater than 0.00 and is significant
at α < 1%. Thus, the independent variables in the Recalling Hypothesis 2a (H2a: The implementa-
second model are also able to explain the depen- tion of hedging for foreign currency risk with deriva-
dent variable, namely, the value of the hedger firm. tive instruments has a positive effect on corporate
Therefore, the second model can be used to ex- value), the regression results in the second model
plain the value of the hedger firm. The test results show that the effect of hedging for foreign currency
of the coefficient of determination, R2, in the sec- risk with derivative instruments is positive and signif-
ond model displays the value of 0.714. It indicates icant, with a significance level of 0.009 and a coeffi-
that 71.4% of the variation of hedger firm value can cient value of 0.173. Therefore, the second model
be explained by the independent variables in the in this study provides sufficient evidence for Hypoth-
model. esis 2a. Thus, the effect of the implementation of
hedging for foreign currency risk, as measured us-
The significance test of the second model shows
ing the extent of hedging variable, is positive and
that the independent variable, i.e. the implemen-
in line with the proposed hypothesis. This means
tation of hedging for each of the risks (measured
that a company that implements hedging for foreign
using the extent of hedging) has a different effect
currency risk with derivative instruments measured
on firm performance or firm value, depending on
by comparing the contract value of the derivative in-
the type of the risk. This is in contrast to the first
struments (notional value) to the total assets of the
model that does not distinguish the risks mitigated
company shall affect the performance improvement
by derivative instruments. Model 2 differentiates the
of the company, proxied by Tobin’s Q.
implementation of hedging for each risk within the
sample of the companies that apply hedging. In the The findings of this study are in line with those
second model, the implementation of hedging for of Belghitar, Clark, and Mefteh (2013) and Santos
foreign currency risk has a positive and significant (2015) of firms in the London Stock Exchange dur-
impact on company value. The effect of hedging for ing 2005–2013, that the implementation of hedging
foreign currency risk as measured by comparing for foreign currency risk positively affects company
the notional value of the derivative contract with the value. They argue that as the economy becomes
total book value of assets has a significant influence more open, foreign currency transactions shall con-
at α < 1% (p-value = 0.008). The implementation of tinue to rise. Therefore, a company must have good
hedging for foreign currency risk has a positive and risk management related to foreign currency ex-
significant impact on the company value of 2.758. change. Thus, investors have realized the impor-
This means that the hedging for foreign currency tance of hedging for foreign currency risk. This is
risk contracts with the notional amount of the deriva- also supported by Mozumder et al. (2015) stating
tive. The total assets of the company shall increase that the depreciation of a country’s currency that is
the company value by 2.758. Meanwhile, the imple- not mitigated shall lead to the decline in the average
Economics and Finance in Indonesia Vol. 65 No. 1, June 2019

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Economics and Finance in Indonesia, Vol. 65 [2019], No. 1, Art. 2


Table 2: Regression Results for Model 2

TOBINSit = β0 + β1 FXHEDGExtit + β2 IRHEDGExtit

+β3 CMHEDGExtit + β4 SIZEit + β5 PROFit + β6 AGEit
+β7 LIQit + β8 LEVit + β9 Growthit + β10 DIVit + έit
Model 2
Lin Exp. Sign
coefficient Prob.
FXHEDGExt + 2.758 0.009 ***
IRHEDGExt + -2.244 0.209
CMHEDGExt + -0.000 0.444
SIZE + -0.023 0.373
PROF + 16.614 0 ***
AGE + 0.982 0.067 *
LIQ + -0.231 0.059 *
LEV - -0.512 0.467
Growth + 5.426 0.034 **
DIV - -0.124 0.365
R2 0.714
Prob> F 0
Source: Processed by Authors (2016)
Note: **** significant α < 1%; ** significant α < 5%; * significant α < 10%

firm value in that country. This study provides evi- ment of the interest rate risk. In Indonesia, interest
dence that investors in Indonesia have realized the rate remains relatively stable and this is supported
importance of this type of hedging and they ascribe by the presence of strict supervision by Bank In-
more value to companies that implement hedging donesia in maintaining the stability of Indonesia’s
for foreign currency risk. macro economy. Corporate banking in Indonesia
is also unique; banks are required to customize
Recalling Hypothesis 2b (H2b: The implementation
products for certain customers, adjusting to the cir-
of hedging for interest rate risk with derivative in-
cumstances of the customers. Banks in Indonesia
struments has a positive effect on corporate value),
tend to supervise their customers’ financial ratios,
the regression results in the second model show
with relevant interest rates. Thus, investors in In-
that the effect of hedging for interest rate risk as
donesia do not consider exchange rate risk as a
measured by the extent of hedging variable is not
major risk that must be minimized for companies
significant, with a significance level of 0.208 and
that take loans in Indonesia.
a coefficient value of -2.24. Therefore, the second
model in this study does not provide sufficient evi- Recalling Hypothesis 2c (H2c: The implementation
dence for Hypothesis 2b. of hedging for commodity price risk with deriva-
tive instruments has a positive effect on corporate
It is similar to the findings of the study by Ayturk,
value), the regression results in the second model
Gurbuz, and Yanik (2016) that there is no significant
show that the effect of hedging for interest rate risk
influence of the application of hedging for interest
with derivative instruments is insignificant, with a
rate risk on firm value among non-financial com-
significance level of 0.450 and a coefficient value of
panies listed in the Turkish Stock Exchange dur-
-0.040. Therefore, the second model in this study
ing 2007–2013. They argue that the unsustainable
does not provide sufficient evidence for Hypothesis
derivative markets in their country result in investors
preferring that companies avoid transactions with
derivative instruments. In addition, differences in The findings of this study are also in line with those
banking conditions can also affect investors’ assess- of Ayturk, Gurbuz, and Yanik (2016) that implement-
Economics and Finance in Indonesia Vol. 65 No. 1, June 2019
DOI: 10.47291/efi.v65i1.614 10
Frensidy: The Effect of Hedging with Financial Derivatives on Firm Value at


ing hedging for commodity price has an insignifi- ulation of investor protection is low, thus investors
cant effect on firm value. They argue that the mar- assess that there are high risks in investing in In-
ket for derivative instruments in developing coun- donesia, even when a company has implemented
tries is still not conducive to value, particularly in risk management.
commodity-related instruments. Therefore, the num-
ber of firms that hedge commodity price risk is sig-
nificantly small compared to other two risks. Thus,
5. Conclusions and
investors in Indonesia have not ascribed value to
companies that implement hedging for commodity Recommendations
price risk.

In addition, most previous studies (such as Carter, The implementation of hedging with derivatives in-
Rogers, & Simkins 2006, Jin & Jorion 2006) are re- struments for each of the risks provides a different
lated to the implementation of hedging for commod- impact on company value. Only the implementation
ity price risk in companies that trade or utilize major of hedging with derivative instruments for foreign
commodities in the world, such as mining compa- currency risk is proven to have a positive and signif-
nies and airlines. In contrast, the companies in this icant impact on company value. In this regard, an
study are all companies that implement hedging, investor perceives the implementation of hedging
without special consideration for certain industries. for foreign currency risk by a company as a positive
signal. It is possible since a great number of compa-
As a result, the utilization of the extent of hedging in
nies in Indonesia transacts using foreign currency,
this study does not provide an insight into the bene-
and Indonesia’s economy in recent decades indi-
fits of the implementation of hedging with derivative
cates a weakening of the rupiah–dollar exchange
instruments in terms of all risks. The utilization of a
rate. Therefore, investors consider the risk of rupiah
variable to capture the extent of hedging in a com-
exchange rate as an issue that must be managed
pany only proves that there is a positive effect on
through techniques such as hedging.
firm value when hedging is applied to exchange
rate risk. This study does not, however, find that The implementation of hedging with derivative in-
the implementation of hedging to reduce the risk of struments for interest rate risk and commodity price
interest rate and commodity price fluctuations has has a negative and insignificant effect on company
a significant effect on company value. Therefore, value. These results contradict the results of pre-
this study has not been able to provide sufficient ev- vious studies conducted with a sample of com-
idence for the effect of the implementation of hedg- panies in America. There are three reasons that
ing with derivative instruments. This is in contrast to may explain the differences in outcomes between
the initial hypothesis of the study. There are several the previous studies and this study in Indonesia.
reasons to explain this result, as follows: (1) the First, Indonesia is a developing country, where in-
condition of the derivative instrument market is still vestor protection regulation remains low. Therefore,
not favorable in Indonesia; this can be a strong rea- investors do not simply believe in the risk manage-
son why investors do not perceive hedging activities ment actions of a company, thus assessing the
with derivative instruments as an additional value to use of derivative instruments is not beneficial to
a company; (2) the investor knowledge in Indone- the company. Second, the market for derivative in-
sia regarding the implementation of hedging with struments in Indonesia is still not well-developed.
derivative instruments remains low; and (3) the reg- However, there has been an increase in transac-
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tions in derivative instruments from year to year. cial firm through hedging.
Nevertheless, unfavorable regulation on the market
of derivative instruments causes many investors References
to doubt the derivative transactions. Third, there is
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Published by UI Scholars Hub, 2019 13

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