Application For Order Authorizing Interception and Recording Part 2 R

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Application for Order Authorizing Interception and

Recording of Communications regarding the
Homicide of Jared Bridegan
Application for Order Authorizing Interception and Recording of
Communications regarding the Homicide of Jared Bridegan

Shortly before 8:00 PM, on Wednesday, February 16, 2022, Jared Bridegan ("Bridegan") was
murdered in what is best described as a contract murder or "hit." Immediately before his murder,
Bridegan was driving home on a dark, isolated road named Sanctuary Boulevard with his two-
year-old daughter. He stopped, put on his hazard lights, and stepped out to remove a large tire
lying in the roadway. It was then that he was shot multiple times. Active Crim casings were
recovered from the crime scene. Other than the murderer(s) and the victim, the only other witness
to the murder was Bridegan's two-year-old daughter, who told Child Protection Team investigators
that a man came up to the car, she heard "boom, boom, boom," and then "Daddy hit the ground."
Without context, Bridegan's murder appears to be completely random. He was not armed. There
is no evidence of a struggle. His murderer(s) did not steal his wristwatch, wedding ring, phone,
money, or wallet. Bridegan's truck was not stolen, and Bridegan's daughter was unharmed.
In contrast to the stark randomness of the murder, there are relationships, circumstances, and
investigative facts and evidence suggesting Bridegan's murder was anything but random. Instead,
the investigation reveals Bridegan's murder is the culmination of events that began on February
23, 20 15, when his wife at the time, Shanna Lee Gardner (GARDNER), filed for divorce. For
reasons that will be outlined in greater detail, the investigation has identified five people likely
involved in a conspiracy to murder Jared Bridegan:

(1) Shanna Gardner (GARDNER) (Bridegan's ex-wife)


(2) Mario Fernandez Saldana (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) (GARDNER's new husband)

Active Crim

(5) Henry Tenon (TENON) (FERNANDEZ SALDANA associate)
Through the investigation, it became clear GARDNER possessed a motive to murder Bridegan,
whom she met and married in 2010. At the time, both were devout Mormons. They produced
twins born in 2013. They relocated to northeast Florida because of a medical condition that
required one of the twins to live at sea level.
Though their initial dissolution decree was entered in 2015, Bridegan and GARDNER returned to
court yearly, litigating various contested issues. Their dissolution decree did not permit
GARDNER to move the children out of state without an agreement of the parties or a court order.
While they shared their Mormon faith when they married, GARDNER either began to leave or
abandon her faith around the time she and Bridegan divorced and into her second marriage. After
her divorce, GARDNER married Mario Emique FERNANDEZ Saldana (FERNANDEZ
C SALDANA) in April 20 18. By her admission to law enforcement and others, her marriage to
FERNANDEZ SALDANA was one of convenience. She told police she did not know him well
when they married. She wanted him to help with the kids but knew Bridegan would not allow it
unless she married FERNANDEZ SALDANA.
Like GARDNER, Bridegan remarried. Bridegan and his new wife, K.B., were married in 2017
and had two children. K.B. agreed to raise their children in the Mormon faith, unlike GARDNER.
Two weeks before the murder, on January 24, 2022, Bridegan sent GARDNER an email telling
her he was planning to have one of the twins baptized in the Mormon Church. Their twin daughter
started to favor Bridegan and his new wife, K.B. and wished to be more involved in the Mormon
FERNANDEZ SALDANA confirmed to police there was a contentious relationship between
Bridegan and GARDNER, and between himself and Bridegan. A relative ofBridegan's told police
that GARDNER commented in 2017 about hiring a "hitman to take him [Bridegan] out." Multiple
witnesses said that GARDNER hated Bridegan and was frustrated by their custody arrangement
and their differences in parenting choices. GARDNER told police she would only communicate
with Bridegan through text messages and would not interact with him during their child exchanges.
FERNANDEZ SALDANA said the "kids were better off' with Bridegan "out of the picture." He
told police that he and GARDNER were trying to gain majority, if not full, custody of the twins
because they were tired of consulting with Bridegan.
Along with her motive, GARDNER's new husband and his associates provided her with the means
(_ to murder Bridegan. FERNANDEZ SALDANA owned a rental property at 5239 Potomac Ave.

in the Biltmore neighborhood of Jacksonville that r 2022. FERNANDEZ
SALDANA's associates - Active Crim TENON, and Active Crim - knew one another and
Active Crim

Active Crim

Surveillance of Sanctuary Boulevard shows that vehicles freely passed through Sanctuary
Boulevard before the murder, suggesting the tire in the roadway was a ruse to get Bridegan to stop.
The tire belonged to a 2004 Ford 150 Lariat. TENON drove a blue 2004 Ford 150 Lariat truck.
His DNA has been identified on the tire recovered from the road on which Bridegan was murdered,
and TENON admitted to owning the tire when shown a picture of it.
Investigators gathered surveillance video from the area of the murder, and it revealed the presence
of a blue-Ford-150 pickup truck. TENON was shown surveillance pictures of the h·uck near the
homicide scene and confinned it was his truck. A surveillance picture of the truck, before the
homicide, showed an item in the truck's bed. When shown this photograph, TENON confirmed a
spare tire in the truck's bed. Additionally, the surveillance video revealed the truck h·aveling to and
from the area of the murder about an hour before the murder, suggesting the driver might have
been practicing the route. Security camera footage showed the huck driving in front ofBridegan's
car approximately 5 minutes before the murder and attempting to create space between the truck
and Bridegan's car - preswnably in an allempl lo lime lhe placement of the tire so to block
Bridegan and no other drivers.
Cellular telephone records connect the conspirators as well. Toll records show a significant
increase in contact immediately before and after the murder compared to the otherwise sporadic
contact between them in the six weeks before the murder. Phone contacts between FERNANDEZ
SALDANA and Active Crim showed a high number of contacts leading up to the murder and
rder. The day before the murder, FERNANDEZ SALDANA called and sent texts to
Active Crim TENON, and Active Crim On the night of the murder, there were periods during
phones of F DANA, TENON, and Active Crim were not
communicating with their conesponding networks - a noticeable data s markedly
different from their normal usage records -- suggesting the phones were turned off or placed in
airplane mode not to send or receive calls or messages.
TENON was known to can-y two phones. On the night of the murder, both phones had data
location gaps that began before 6:00 PM and indicate the phones being turned off or placed in
airplane mode. One ofTENON's phones resumed connectivity about 40 minutes after the murder
in the area of Beaches Baptist Hospital, which is approximately 1.4 miles from the murder scene.
The two phones attempted to contact each other during this timefrarne. Location data confirmed
the phones were physically separated. Affiant believes this evidence indicates that TENON was
on foot in possession of one of his phones seeking to connect back to the truck, where his other
phone was.
In reviewing TENON's cellular telephone location data, two dates in January 2022 (Januai-y 5 and
January 29, 2022) suggest TENON drove to Jacksonville Beach, in a strikingly similai· route as
the one used by Bridegan used on the evening of the murder.
About forty-five days after the murder, TENON deposited three checks written to him by
FERNANDEZ SALDANA. One was for $2,000 deposited on March 28, 2022. The second was
for $3,000 deposited on March 29, 2022. The third was for $5,000 deposited on April 4, 2022.

Tenon's account generally held less than $400 and was often overdrawn. These deposits were
abnormal when compared to his financial history. The checks were written on an account held by
First Choice Home Rentals LLC. GARDNER and FERNANDEZ SALDANA are the listed
First Choice Home Rentals receives incoming transfers from Gardner's trust account, which her
parents fund.
During a search wmTant executed NDEZ SALDANA'S Potomac Avenue address,
police recovered a safe belonging to Active Crim holding $2,000.00 cash, which was substantially
more money than Active Crim typically had, based on investigation. One ofTENON's phones was
recovered from th ring the w udio recording was recovered from that phone
which captured a conversation betwe Active Crim and TENON. In the recording, TENON was
heard discussing a money transfer to Active Crim and TENON's bro N explained that
he was waiting for $5,000 to clear from the bank, and he would pay Active Crim with that money.
The recording occurred two days after TENON deposited the last $ he received from
Finally, Active Crim and FER A have known each othe ears.
FERNANDEZ SALDANA dated Active Crim daughter in high school. Active Crim is a
fo1mer reserve police officer on. Active Crim admitted to law
Active Crim he owned a 10 mm caliber gun but said he it was. A 10 mm
to murder Bridegan. Google data showed that Active Crim had searched for
Active Crim

In addition to GARDNER's motive to murder Bridegan and the means to do so, FERNANDEZ
SALDANA and his associates had the unique opportunity to murder him. Every other Wednesday
night, Bridegan had dinner with his twins from his maJTiage with GARDNER and brought his 2-
yem·-old daughter so she could get to know her half-siblings. On the night of his murder, Bridegan
dropped the twins off at his ex-wife's home in Jacksonville Beach after dinner and then headed to
his own home in Nocatee. FERNANDEZ SALDANA and GARDNER knew Bridegan's dinner
schedule with his daughters. They knew when he would be coming to get his daughters and when
he would be returning them. They also knew the route he would take to pick them up, and the
route he would take after returning them. GARDNER and FERNANDEZ SALDANA's
Jacksonville beach residence was the last place Bridegan was seen alive before he was murdered.
GARDNER and FERNANDEZ SALDANA both knew of Bridegan's paiticular driving pattern
and routine at approximately the same time every Wednesday "Date Night," as the routine was a
habit between the two couples for the previous eight (8) months.
By 2022, and at the time of Bridegan's murder, GARDNER and FERNANDEZ SALDANA were
plam1ing to divorce - even advising such to the twins' school.
In reviewing financial records, investigators discovered the majority of GARDNER's income
cmne through an irrevocable trust that GARDNER's parents funded. FERNANDEZ SALDANA
is the listed trustee. The trust language provides, "when our daughter, Shanna, shall have no further
legal entanglements with her ex-husband, Jared G. Bridegan, she may elect to serve as Trustee."
GARDNER and FERNANDEZ SALDANA have publicly (through legal counsel and the media)
said they live together as a married couple, but surveillance has revealed that they are separated

and living in different states. FERNANDEZ SALDANA is Clmently living in Orlando, Florida.
GARDNER has moved to the State of Washington. She is currently living in a home valued over
a million dollars that an LLC owned by her parents have purchased. Though she has not yet
obtained a Washington state driver's license, she has emolled the twins in school. Her Jacksonville
Beach home is not currently on the market, nor has it been leased- it sits empty.
On Februaiy 23, 2022, one week after Bridegan's murder and precisely seven years after she filed
for dissolution of their mmTiage, a suggestion of death [Bridegan's death] appeared in the records
of their dissolution case with the St. Johns County Clerk of Court. By all accounts, in the months
and years preceding the murder, GARDNER wanted to leave the State of Florida with her children.
However, her dissolution decree prevented her from leaving the state pennanently with her
children without an agreement from Bridegan or a court order. With Bridegan's death, she became
free to leave the state with her children- which she has done. And with no legal entanglements
with "her 'ex-husband"', she now also can control her trust funds.
The investigation has not yielded evidence of who among the suspects pulled the trigger to kill
Bridegan, and no anests have yet been made. However, JBPD has prepared an arrest warrant for
Herny Tenon for Conspiracy to Commit Murder, Second-Degree Murder, Tampering with
Evidence, and Child Abuse and here, seeks a wire intercept order allowing the capture of
communications of and between the suspects.
Once the requested wire intercept is in effect, law enforcement intends to deploy a strategy
designed to trigger communications between and/or among the suspects. These investigative
efforts will culminate with JBPD publicizing and hosting a press event airnouncing the arrest of
Herny Tenon. 1 JBPD will issue a formal press advisory to all media outlets providing the date
C and time of the press event and tease the event on various social media platfonns. These effo1is
will inevitably generate broad public reach as Bridegan's murder has received international media
attention and garnered intense public interest.
Based on communication patterns of the five suspects before the murder and since, law
enforcement expects that when JBPD publicizes the press event, and then announces the anest of
Tenon, the suspects will communicate with one another about the murder, the investigation, and
TENON's anest. 2 It is the objective of this wire intercept to discern the details of the role each
played in the conspiracy and law enforcement expects that the wire intercept will capture
communications of evidentiaiy value to the case.

TENON is currently incarcerated in the DCJ on unrelated charges.

During other significant points in the investigation, including LEO contact, various LEO interviews, the release of
infonnation to the public, and the anest of Tenon, communication between and among the TARGET SUBJECTS has

In the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit,
in and for
Duval County, Florida

Application for Order Authorizing Interception and Recording of Communications

of Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana, Shanna Lee Gardner, Active Crim

Active Crim

Before me, Judge Meredith Charbula, Circuit Judge of the Fomih Judicial Circuit in and for Duval
County, Florida, appeared Christopher L. Johns, with the Jacksonville Beach Police Department,
who being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says:
1. Detective Christopher L. Johns ("Affiant") is a Police Officer for the Jacksonville Beach
Police Depatiment (hereafter, "JBPD") and is cmTently assigned to the General
Investigations Unit. Affiant has served as a police officer for four (4) years. Affiant, along
with other JBPD detectives, detectives with the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office (hereafter,
"JSO") and Special Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fireatms, and Explosives
(hereafter, "ATF"), is investigating the murder of Jared G. Bridegan (hereafter,
"Bridegan") that occuned on February 16, 2022.
Affiant is an "investigative or law enforcement officer" within the meaning of Florida
Statute§ 934.02(6); that is, an officer of the State of Florida or political subdivision thereof
or the United States, who is empowered by law to conduct investigations of and to make
atTests for offenses enumerated in Florida Stahite § 934.07 and is authorized to make this
·~. Application pursuant to Florida Statute§ 934.07.
Affiant has received training in police standards for the State of Florida at the JSO Criminal
Justice Training Center. While employed with the JBPD, Affiant attended several
investigations courses dedicated to homicide and death Investigations, and crime scene
investigations. Affiant also attended a 40-hour Interview and Intenogations course
dedicated to complex investigations.
Based on Affiant's training and experience, Affiant is familiat· with homicide and complex
investigations. During Affiant's investigations experience, Affiant has written and effected
the execution of multiple search warrants. Tluough training and these investigations,
Affiant has gained experience in developing tai·get subjects as well as an understanding of
their use of residential telephones, business telephones, cellular telephones, and other
electronic devices to facilitate criminal acts or to communicate about criminal acts.
Affiant's teatn, including special agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fireatms
has patiicipated in the interception of communications on multiple prior occasions.
2. This Application and integrated Affidavit are made for an "Order Authorizing the
Interception of Wire and Electronic Communications" for the purpose of achieving the
Investigative Objectives outlined in detail below.
3. This Application is being submitted pursuant to Chapter 934, Florida Statutes. This
Application is authorized and approved for submission to the Circuit Comi for the Fourth
Judicial Circuit of Florida by Melissa W. Nelson, the State Attorney for the Fourth Judicial
Circuit, pursuant to § 934.07, Florida Statutes.

4. Affiant alleges that the facts show that there is probable cause to believe that the TARGET
SUBJECTS and others yet unknown, have committed, are committing, and will continue
to commit the following offenses enumerated in Florida Statutes § 934.07 (1) (a)
(hereinafter "TARGET OFFENSES"): Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and
Solicitation to Commit Murder, in violation of § 782.04(1)(a), 777.04(1), 777.04(2),
Florida Statutes, Tampering with Evidence, in violation of§ 918.13, Florida.
a. Specifically, as will be outlined in the Probable Cause Affidavit, Affiant believes
the murder ofBridegan on Februaty 16, 2022, to be a targeted hit. Consequently,
investigation has identified five people (as outlined in Paragraph 5 and hereinafter
referred to as the "TARGET SUBJECTS") likely involved in the commission of
b. Investigation has revealed the TARGET SUBJECTS had motive and opp01iunity
to murder Bridegan; confirmed relationships between and ainong the suspects;
established relevant physical locations and communication patterns of them, and
ultimately, exposed evidence of the conspiracy, as outlined in the Probable Cause
c. It is not known who among the TARGET SUBJECTS pulled the trigger and no
atTests have yet been made. However, JBPD has prepared an arrest warrant for
HENRY TENON for the TARGET OFFENSES, and here, seeks a wire intercept
order allowing the capture of communications of and between the remaining four
d. Once the requested wire intercept is in effect, law enforcement intends to deploy a
strategy designed to trigger communications between the TARGET SUBJECTS.
These investigative efforts will culminate with JBPD publicizing and hosting a
press event announcing the atTest of TENON. 3 JBPD will issue a formal press
advisory to all media outlets providing the date and time of the press event and
tease the event on various social media platforms. These efforts will inevitably
generate broad public reach as Bridegan's murder has received international media
attention and garnered intense public interest.
e. Based on communication patterns of the five TARGET SUBJECTS before the
murder and since (as outlined in the Probable Cause Affidavit), law enforcement
expects that when JBPD publicizes the press event, and then announces the arrest
of TENON, the TARGET SUBJECTS will use their phones to communicate with
one at1other about the murder, the investigation, and TENON's arrest. It is the
objective of this wire intercept to discern the details of the role each played in the
conspiracy and law enforcement expects that the wire intercept will capture
communications of evidentiary value to the case.
f. The facts and evidence supp01iing the investigative conclusions, the probable cause
supporting the wire intercept, the explanation of investigative exhaustion and
necessity for the intercept, and the basis for the belief that the intercept will render
relevant evidence are all outlined in detail below.

3 Tenon is currently incarcerated in the Duval County Jail on unrelated charges.

5. Affiant seeks to intercept communications for four (4) TARGET SUBJECTS in the
February 16, 2022, murder of Bridegan: (1) Mario Emique Fernandez Saldana
("FERNANDEZ SALDANA"); (2) Shanna Lee Gardner ("GARDNER"); (3) Active Crim
Active Crim These
but is not a Target Subject of this application, since he is currently in custody on umelated
charges without possession of a cellular phone or communications device. The nature and
location of the facilities from which, or the places where, the communications are to be
intercepted are described as the communications facilities or telephone service equipment
which are leased to, listed in the name of, subscribed to, or cormnonly used by the person(s)
named below and are described as follows (collectively described hereinafter as "Target
Target Telephone 1 is a mobile, cellular telephone facility with the assigned number
(904) 566-2633 and IMEI #310260193141681, a T-Mobile cellular telephone
subscribed to a "Mario E. Fernandez Saldana" with address "1837 Chatham Place
Drive, Orlando, FL" and is being utilized by FERNANDEZ SALDANA.
Name: Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana
Date of Bilih: 04/28/1988
Last Known Address: 1837 Chatham Place Drive Orlando, FL 32824
FERNANDEZ SALDANA is a Target Subject of this Homicide Investigation.
He is cunently manied to, though separated from, GARDNER.
The evidence indicating FERNANDEZ SALDANA'S involvements is detailed
FERNANDEZ SALDANA's Criminal History:
Jurisdiction: Federal (Army CID)
Date: Jan 09, 2018
Charge: Forcible Sodomy, Sexual Assault
Disposition: FERNANDEZ SALDANA was charged with
Forcible Sodomy & Sexual Assault for forcing a
recruit under his charge while in his position as a drill
instructor in the US Army. The charges were
dropped, and he was discharged (Less than
Target Telephone 2 is a mobile, cellular telephone facility with the assigned number
(904) 708-4571 and IMSI #310260193141680, a T-Mobile cellular telephone
subscribed to a "Shanna Lee Gardner" with address "1511 Marsh Inlet Ct.,
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250" 4 and is being utilized by GARDNER.

Affiant learned that GARDNER has maintained the listed address, but is cunently residing in West Richland,
Washington, as of November 2022.

Name: Shanna Lee Gardner
Date of Birth: 03/18/1987
Last Known Address: 1511 Mm-sh Inlet Ct., Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
GARDNER is a TARGET SUBJECT of this homicide investigation. GARDNER
is the ex-wife of Bridegan and was married to FERNANDEZ SALDANA at the
time of Bridegan's murder. GARDNER's Jacksonville beach residence was the
last place Bridegan was seen alive before he was murdered.
GARDNER had motive, as fmiher detailed below, to have Bridegan killed.
GARDNER has no known criminal history.
Target Telephone 4 is a mobile, cellulm- telephone facility, assigned to an Apple
Watch (with cellular capacity) with the assigned number (904) 749-6561 and IMSI
#310260555230152 and IMEI #353001469018730 a T-Mobile cellular telephone
subscribed to a "Shanna Lee Gm-dner" with address "1511 Mm-sh Inlet Ct.,
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250" and is being utilized by GARDNER. 6
Target Telephone 5 is a mobile, cellulm-telephone facility with the assigned number
(904) 517-6322 and IMSI #310280007350245, a AT&T Wireless cellulm-
telephone subscribed to a Active Crim
Active Crim

Active Crim

5 At the time of the writing of this application, this phone was active; however, it has been disconnected as of toll
records obtained on 01/20/23. Accordingly, this phone is no longer the subject of this request for an order to intercept
and will not be intercepted.
6 A review of toll records obtained for TARGET TELEPHONE I showed FERNANDEZ in communication with one
new telephone number attributed to Shanna GARDNER, (904) 749-6561. FERNANDEZ exchanged text messages
with (904) 749-6561 (TARGET TELEPHONE 3) from September 23, 2022, to October 6, 2022. Subscriber
infonnation received for this telephone number showed this phone number was added to GARDNER's account on
09/22/2022 through an Apple Watch rate plan. IMSI:310260555230152 and IMEi: 53001469018730 which is
believed to be associated with an Apple Watch.
GARDNER's (904) 708-4571 (TARGET TELEPHONE 2) telephone number switched from an account belonging to
FERNANDEZ SALDANA to an account in GARDNER's name on 09/16/2022. Current IMS!: 310260547173639;
IMEi: 352129384284150 which is believed to be associated with an Apple iPhone.
Affiant knows communications made using Apple's messaging service, iMessage as well as their video and audio
calling service, FaceTime are end-to-end encrypted and are not transmitted via the customer's cellular provider.
Therefore, records of these communications are not visible on toll records and the content cannot be obtained through
law enforcement interception methods. Your affiant is aware criminals often use iPhones due to them offering a higher
level of security and encryption.

Active Crim s a Target Subject of this Homicide Investigat
NANDEZ SALDANA of more than 15 years. Active Crim

had frequent phone and in-person contact with FERNANDEZ S

day before, day of, and day after the homicide. He has lied to law enforcement
about Active Crim

Active Crim is former militaiy Active Crim He was

is duties due to a federal prosecution Active Crim
Criminal History:
Jurisdiction: Federal
Charges/Disposition: Racketeering- Prostitution (Oct 28, 2016)
Possession of Cocaine (Dec 21, 2016)

Active Crim

telephone subscribed to a Active Crim

Active Crim and is b Active Crim

Active Crim

Active Crim is a Target Subject of this Homicide Investigation Active Crim

Active Crim Active Crim
nd phone toll
records. Active Crim lied to law enforcement during the investigation on several
Jurisdiction: Massachusetts
Date: Dec 24, 2018
Chai·ge: Simple Battery
Disposition: Convicted (supervised release)
6. INVESTIGATIVE OBJECTIVES: Affiant requests this order to intercept
communications, including electronic messaging (such as text messaging, instant
messaging or SMS messaging), wire communications as defined in F.S. 934.02, stored wire
communications (such as voice mail) which are provided by, to, from, or associated with
the above-described Target Phones and communications facilities; containing
communications, discussions, or statements involving, concerning or relating to the
Furthermore, based on Affiant's experience, it is known that suspect(s) and/or subject(s)
during and/or after a Homicide has occurred, utilize cellular telephones as the primaiy and
exclusive means of exchanging communications and that the cellular phones are used to
transmit more than just verbal exchanges. These exchanges often include the transmission
of videos, photographs and other forms of electronic media content relating to the
TARGET OFFENSES to other TARGET SUBEJCTS or their associates who have not yet
been identified.

As such, it is requested that this content be intercepted as well as such information is
invaluable to confirming the full extent of the TARGET SUBJECTS criminal activity as
well as identifying all unknown participants and their level of involvement, including, but
not limited to the following:
a. The identity and role of participants in the murder of Bridegan on February 16,
2022, the identity of role of participants involved in the solicitation or conspiracy
to commit or as accessories after the fact to Bridegan's mmder, and/or evidence of
tampering, aiding, abetting by individuals as participants or to assist participants in
Bridegan's murder.
b. Info1mation regarding any physical evidence in this case, such as clothing, vehicles,
firearms, ammunition, their origin, location, purchase or rental, or other persons
with knowledge of these items.
1. Any information regarding money or assets, including h·ansfers, transactions,
payments, proceeds, or the location of these items or other persons with
knowledge of these items.
2. Info1mation about press releases, media coverage, or social media in reference
to this homicide.
c. Based on the collective experience of the investigative team on this case, it is not
uncommon to hear background conversations (while a telephone is "off-hook",
engaged in use, or transmitting) that relate to the above-described criminal activity
between criminal associates. Therefore, it is requested further that the authorization
apply to oral communications, such as these background conversations, intercepted
while monitoring a Target Phone and/or in the vicinity of a Target Phone while said
telephone is "off-hook", engaged in use, or transmitting.
d. Affiant makes this application based on the attached Probable Cause Affidavit,
which is hereby incorporated by reference. 7
I. Unless otherwise noted, the information set forth in this Affidavit has been
provided to Affiant by detectives of the JBPD or other law enforcement officers.
Unless otherwise noted, wherever in this affidavit Affiant asse1is that a
statement was made, the infonnation was provided by another person (who may
have had either direct or secondhand knowledge of the statement) to whom
Affiant has spoken or whose report Affiant has reviewed. Such statements are
among many statements made by others and are stated throughout this
Application in substance, unless otherwise indicated by quotation marks.
2. Similarly, descriptions of surveillance observations outlined in this Application
do not set fmih Affiant's personal observations, except where indicated, but
rather recites information that has been provided by other law enforcement
officers who conducted the actual surveillance and made the observation(s ).

7 It should be noted that Affiant has not set forth every fact learned in this investigation, rather, the incorporated
Affidavit represents a full and complete statement of the facts and circumstances relied upon to justify Affiant's belief
that probable cause exists to issue the requested order.

3. All conclusions drawn and/or opinions rendered in this Application are based
on the totality of the facts as Affiant knows them and in light of Affiant's
training and experience. Affiant makes this Application, in part, based on
personal lmowledge derived from patiicipation in this investigation and, in part,
based upon information from the following sources: witness interviews, oral or
written rep01is about this investigation received from law enforcement officers,
physical surveillance conducted by Affiant or the observations of other
members of law enforcement which have been repmied to Affiant, Checks of
open database sources, including but not limited to Jacksonville Electric
Authority, Property Appraiser, Clear, Accurint, Google Earth, Google,
D.A.V.I.D., LYNX, License Plate Reader databases ("LPR"), Facebook,
National Crime Information Center ("NCIC") files, Florida Crime Information
Center ("FCIC") files, Cellular telephone subscriber, detailed billing, and toll
Active Crim Review of records obtained through the use of
search wanants, subpoenas and court orders, including financial records,
cellular site location infom1ation, geofence data, Ring surveillance, Google
data, Residential and business Surveillance video, Pole Camera surveillance,
and other sources.
e. Pursuant to § 934.09(1 )(c), Florida Statutes, Affiant affirms the following
investigative tools and procedures have been utilized and have failed, or that future
use of such tools and procedures is likely to fail:
1. INTERVIEWS: Affiant and members of JBPD, JSO, and ATF have conducted
more than 50 interviews to date. All relevant witnesses and all of the TARGET
SUBJECTS have been interviewed. Since Affiant last spoke with GARDNER
and FERNANDEZ SALDANA, they have retain se counsel,
and are unavailable for futiher interviews. Active Crim has been
interviewed, and at this time, Affiant is aware that lied to law
enforcement regarding his knowledge of and possession of firearms potentially
relevant to this investigation. Affiant believes further interviews with
Active Crim will not be successful in obtaining fmiher evidence, as he has
and has taken steps to hide potential evidence in this case, as
will be discussed in the Affidavit. TENON and Active Crim have both been
interviewed and Affiant has also learned that they ceitful with law
enforcement as well. TENON is cunently represented by criminal defense
counsel on other charges. Affiant also believes that the TARGET SUBJECTS
provided incomplete, misleading, or false info1mation designed to dive1i or to
obstruct the investigation. Interviews of the TARGET SUBJECTS would not
be productive because they are criminally culpable and would be reluctant to
incriminate themselves fu1iher. Affiant has no reason to believe that a
subsequent interview conducted by JBPD, or ATF would yield different results.
Therefore, Affiat1t represents that the oppmiunity to conduct further interviews
has been tried and failed and will be unlikely to succeed in the future.
2. STATE ATTORNEY SUBPOENAS: Affiat1t has utilized more than 77
subpoenas issued by the State Attorney for phone toll records, batiking records,

firearms purchase records, tire manufacturer records, credit reports, video
game/online gaming subscriber records, records for tire serial numbers, as well
as witness subpoenas to appear for testimony before the State Attorney. While
it is anticipated that subpoenas will be used throughout the remainder of this
investigation, thus far, the use of subpoenas has been tried and failed to achieve
the Investigative Objectives of this application.
3. SURVEILLANCE: Members of JBPD and ATF have conducted both fixed
and mobile surveillance on multiple occasions on the residences of GARDNER,
FERNANDEZ SALDANA, Active Crim At this point,
GARDNER has moved out ntly residing in
Washington State, where ATF has conducted some surveillance, which has
produced minimal results relevant to the criminal investigation. FERNANDEZ
SALDANA has relocated from Jacksonville, Florida to Orlando, Florida.
Similarly, surveillance of FERNANDEZ SALDANA has been of minimal
value. Future surveillance likely would produce identical results and would not
achieve the Investigative Objectives of this application.
4. SEARCH WARRANTS: More than 17 search wanants have been obtained
and executed in this case, including cell tower information, geofencing of
multiple areas of interest, historical cell site information, vehicle
"infotainment" systems, Ring camera footage, Google location data and other
Google accotmt information, vehicle, residential search wan-ants, compelled
DNA buccal swabs, vehicle location data, cell phone device content, and
computer device content. While these wanants have led to the discovery of
evidence, it is very unlikely that farther infmmation would lead Affiant to
uncover evidence that would achieve the objectives of this application. At this
point, there is no known location to search for farther physical evidence,
although the whereabouts of the firearm are unknown. Considering the length
of time since the murder, several of the TARGET SUBJECTS have moved
residences, and TENON is cunently incarcerated. All of his personal
belongings relevant to the homicide and his truck have been recovered. All
digital evidence sunounding the location and time of the homicide has been
obtained. Although Affiant will continue to use search wanants, they have been
tried and have failed and likely will not lead to the recovery of physical or
digital evidence that would achieve the Investigative Objectives of this
5. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS: JSO has made use of a confidential source 8
to attempt to get information from TENON while TENON was in custody, but
Tenon refused to speak with the infonnant. Due to the nature of the crime and
the close and secretive relationship between the TARGET SUBJECTS, it is
unlikely that an informant could approach and obtain info1mation regarding the
homicide from any of them. The prior attempt has failed, and future attempts

8 This source has previously given information relating to homicide investigations with the Jacksonville Sheriffs
Office and is known to be reliable. Ultimately, the source did not obtain any information regarding this case. The
source is receiving no benefit for this attempt.

are unlikely to be successful in achieving the Investigative Objectives of this
6. UNDERCOVER ACTIVITIES: ttempted two covert operations:
(1) two controlled calls between Active Crim and FERNANDEZ SALDANA,
and (2) electronic surveillance of Active Crim e controlled call,
Affiant has developed information to suggest that Active Crim is more involved
than originally believed and unlikely to steer a conversation towards
implicating himself or the ot BJECTS. The use of the
electronic surveillance failed, as Active Crim continued to deny knowledge
or involvement in the homicide in the investigation, Affiant
knows ofno other friends or family members of the TARGET SUBJECTS that
could approach the TARGET SUBJECTS without drawing suspicion or to
whom the TARGET SUBJECTS would be likely to give information, given the
close and secretive nature of the TARGET SUBJECTS. Sending more civilians
undercover could potentially present a danger. Therefore, the use of further
undercover activities is dangerous and unlikely to succeed in achieving the
Investigative Objectives of this application.
7. GRAND mRY SUBPOENAS: Subpoenas for appearances before the State
Attorney or before the Grand Jury by law provide immunity to the person(s)
subpoenaed. Even with this grant of immunity, compelling persons involved in
the TARGET OFFENSES to testify would most likely not be successful in
achieving the Investigative Objectives. Furthermore, subpoenas to the
TARGET SUBJECTS would alert them to the existence of the criminal
investigation. Such subpoenas would, in turn, frustrate attempts by law
enforcement to gather evidence against the TARGET SUBJECTS.
f. Affiant believes that FERNANDEZ SALDANA, GARDNER, Active Crim
and Active Crim will retain their respective TARGET PHON
App ates. However, should FERNANDEZ SALDANA, GARDNER,
Active Crim or an associate, seek new telephone numbers or
ment as related to Target Telephone 1, Target
Telephone 2, Target Telephone 4, Target Telephone 5, and Target Telephone 6 for
which this Application relates, it is requested that this Court's authorization apply
not only to the 10-digit number listed above for the respective Target Telephone,
but to the Electronic Serial Number (hereinafter "ESN") or International Mobile
Subscriber Identity (hereinafter "IMSI") assigned to the same number. It is further
requested that the authorization apply to any other telephone number(s)
subsequently assigned to the same ESN or IMSI number(s), or any changed ESN
or IMSI number( s) assigned to the 10-digit munber within the time period of the
Court's Order.
g. Affiant has checked the identified TARGET SUBJECTS by name with the Drug
Enforcement Administration ("DEA"), Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"),
Immigration and Customs Enforcement ("ICE"), Florida Department of Law
Enforcement ("FDLE"), and JSO, to determine if any of the identified TARGET
SUBJECTS or TARGET PHONE NUMBERS have ever been a subject or named
as a target of any other comi authorized wire, electronic, or oral communication

interceptions with any of the above agencies. Thus far, there is no indication that
been the subject of a previous court authorized wire, electronic or oral
communication interception aside from any previously authorized intercept related
only to this investigation and outlined above. Additionally, as noted in the attached
"Authorization," verifying that this Application was authorized and approved for
submission to this Comi, the approving official, Melissa W. Nelson, State Attorney
of the Fomih Judicial Circuit, is not aware of any identified TARGET SUBJECTS
having been the Bubject of any previous court authorized interceptions with any of
the above agencies.
h. Affiant advises that the monitoring, recording, and real-time control of recording
(including minimization) of any interception of communications authorized
pursuant to this Order will be done in the Fourth Judicial Circuit of Florida.
i. Affiant stipulates that a report will be made to Judge Charbula advising her of the
progress being made, and the Judge will determine if the Investigative Objectives
have been met.
j. Affiant believes termination of the intercept after receipt of the first communication
of the type described within this application would he premature and would result
in the failure to asce1iain the nature and extent of the offenses and individuals
involved and the potential whereabouts of further physical or digital evidence.
k. Wherefore, Affiant requests an Order authorizing the State Attorney of the Fourth
Judicial Circuit, or any of her sworn Assistant State Attorneys; Jacksonville Beach
( Police Department Chief Gene Paul Smith, or any of his officers; Jacksonville
Sheriff T.K. Waters, or any of his officers of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office;
special agents of ATF, special agents of the Drug Enforcement Agency, support
staff for any of the above-stated, and personnel acting under contract and
supervision of any of the above-stated for the purposes of monitoring, minimizing,
and translating communications, to intercept and record the oral communications
1. Wherefore, Affiant requests authorization for the use of Pen Register, Trap and
Trace, Cell Site Data, and E-911/GPS Locator teclmology. Affiant believes that
comi authorized electronic tracking of Target Telephone 1, Target Telephone 2,
Target Telephone 4, Target Telephone 5, and Target Telephone 6, will be useful in
meeting the Investigative Objectives and requests the Court's approval for these
electronic monitoring and data collection techniques.
m. Affiant asserts that probable cause exists to believe that obtaining
incoming/outgoing number identifiers and the real-time locations of Target
Telephone 1, Target Telephone 2, Target Telephone 4, Target Telephone 5, and
Target Telephone 6 will aid law enforcement in gathering evidence of the TARGET
OFFENSES. Accordingly, Affiant requests the Court's approval for the
contemporaneous installation and use of the following during the applicable time
period of this Comi's Order,: a Pen Register or Dialed Number Recorder (DNR)
which will identify the telephone numbers of pmiies rece1vmg
calls/communications from Target Telephone 1, Target Telephone 2, Target

Telephone 4, Target Telephone 5, and Target Telephone 6; a Trap and Trace Device
which will identify the telephone numbers of parties placing calls/sending
communications Target Telephone 1, Target Telephone 2, Target Telephone 4,
Target Telephone 5, and Target Telephone 6; and for real-time Cell Site location
and Switch Registration Data information, including but not limited to latitude and
longitude without geographic limitations, for Target Telephone 1, Target
Telephone 2, Target Telephone 4, Target Telephone 5, and Target Telephone 6
which will provide information that will assist law enforcement agents in locating
subjects of this investigation and potential places of concealment or evidence
n. Affiant certifies that the real-time Geo-location, Pen Register, Trap & Trace and
Cell Site and Switch Registration Data information for Target Telephone 1, Target
Telephone 2, Target Telephone 4, Target Telephone 5, and Target Telephone 6 is
relevant to the on-going investigation of the TARGET OFFENSES as it will
directly aid law enforcement in confirming the possessor/user of Target Telephone
1, Target Telephone 2, Target Telephone 4, Target Telephone 5, and Target
Telephone 6, in exposing discreet meeting locations, and in determining businesses,
residences, buildings or other sites being utilized by the TARGET SUBJECTS for
illicit purposes. Affiant further certifies that the information gained from the use
ofreal- time Geo-location technology is critical to the successful prosecution of the
TARGET SUBJECTS as it will enable law enforcement the unique ability to
corroborate the information obtained during the active intercept of communications
by conducting timely and effective physical surveillance.
1. Upon approval of the communications intercept by the Court for Target
Telephone 1, Target Telephone 2, Target Telephone 4, Target Telephone 5, and
Target Telephone 6, Affiant will obtain the above requested infonnation/data
via Law Enforcement software (ex: incoming/outgoing call numbers and call
mapping data), via FDLE owned and operated devices, or by submitting a
written demand to the particular Target Telephone's carrier/provider
accompanied with a copy of the respective Court's Order.
o. It is further requested that JBPD Detective Chris L. Johns be given custody of the
original application, authorization, and order for interception and recording of oral
communications, and other papers filed herein, and all audio recordings, and/or
mechanical recordings made pursuant to this order, to safely keep them sealed until
further order of this Court.
p. Affiant further requests that the communications intercepted pursuant to this
application and order be deemed a "Confidential Reliable Source" for all
disclosures authorized by Florida Statutes § 934.08, including, but not limited to:
application(s) for search warrants, arrest warrants, or applications for subsequent
orders for the interception of wire or electronic communications, that is/are
presented to this Comi, until such time as notice is supplied to the parties whose
communications were intercepted or the existence is revealed through Court

q. ASSERTION: Affiant asse1is that the facts set fmih in this Application establish
that there is probable cause to believe that:
Normal investigative procedures have been tried and have failed, reasonably appear
to be unlikely to succeed if tried, or would be too dangerous for law enforcement
or its agents to attempt. These alternative investigative procedures as outlined
above, along with Affiant's explanation as to why these techniques will not lead to
the full exposure of the ways and means by which the TARGET SUBJECTS, and
perhaps others still unknown, have committed the murder of Jared Bridegan.
7. Affiant believes the following TRIGGER ACTIONS will prompt communication between
and/or an10ng the TARGET SUBJECTS, based on the facts and circumstances outlined in
the Affidavit, which is incorporated herein by reference. These TRIGGER ACTIONS may
be altered or supplemented as the investigation develops during the intercept. If Affiant
believes additional TRIGGER ACTIONS are necessary or believes that they need to be
stricken or changed, Affiant will update Judge Charbula:
a. Contact will be made with a friend of GARDNER's, Active Crim was
a close friend of GARDNER's for many years an t of
GARDNER in the weeks immediately following the homicide, including being one
of several calls GARDNER made after her interview with JBPD. Active Crim has
previously been contacted by JBPD and asserted that she was nna
[GARDNER]" and expressed some dislike for Bridegan. Affiant believes that Activ
Active will call and infonn GARDNER about the contact, which might lead


b. A "leak" to targeted media personnel will be made to inform them that a "law
enforcement source" confirms that there has been an "update," "break," and/or
"additional information" is forthcoming regarding the homicide investigation of
Bridegan. Affiant believes this leak will incite the TARGET SUBJECTS to
communicate with one another and potentially with outside persons regarding the
c. JBPD will officially confirm to the media that a press conference will be held the
following day to discuss this new info1mation. The confirmation will be
intentionally vague, so as to trigger the TARGET SUBJECTS to theorize and
discuss what this information could be and to potentially provoke action by the
TARGET SUBJECTS in regards to physical evidence.
d. JBPD will hold a press conference announcing the anest of TENON for the charges
of Conspiracy to Connnit Murder, Murder, Tampering with Evidence, and Child
e. Following the press conference, members of Bridegan's family will give select
media interviews regarding the case concurrent with TENON's first appearance.
f. If these actions do not trigger or if Affiant develops other investigative techniques
and avenues, Affiant will seek judicial approval from Judge Charbula.
8. All intercepted communications will be minimized in accordance with the intent of Chapter
934, Florida Statutes.

a. All intercepts made prior to law enforcement making contact with a pertinent
individual or TARGET SUBJECT will be monitored by technical support unit
personnel only for ensuring proper functioning and voice quality. No active
monitoring will lake place prior to these contacts.
b. Upon law enforcement making contact with a pertinent individual or TARGET
SUBJECT, interception will be conducted to dete1mine the communication is
related to the TARGET OFFENSE. Any call made between a) a TARGET
and a pertinent individual will initially be monitored for a four (4) minute period.
All other communications will be initially monitored for a one (1) minute period.
If during this time period, a call is determined to be related to the TARGET
OFFENSE, the call will be intercepted in its entirety. Responsible spot monitoring
will be utilized approximately every thirty (30) seconds to ensure that any
minimized conversation that is still ongoing has not become criminal in nature.
Monitoring of these types of conversations will te1minate at the point when it can
be conclusively dete1mined that the conversation is unrelated to the TARGET
c. Interception will be suspended immediately when it is determined through voice
identification, physical surveillance, or otherwise that none of the TAR GET
SUBJECTS are participants in the conversation, unless it is determined during the
portion of the conversation already overheard that the conversation is criminal in
nature. Responsible spot monitoring will be utilized to ensure that the minimized
conversation has not become criminal in nature.
C d. As electronic communications occur instantaneously, monitoring personnel will
determine as soon as practicable after interception whether a text message, video,
or image appears to be relevant to the investigation or otherwise criminal in nature
and label it in accordance with intercepted wire communications.
e. If the electronic communication is not criminal in nature, it will be marked "non-
pertinent." If the electronic communication appears to be privileged, it will be
marked "privileged" and secured from access. If an electronic communication
appears to be relevant to the investigation or otherwise criminal in nature, it will be
marked "pertinent."
f. Monitors will be instructed about recognized and relevant Florida legal privileges,
described in the Florida Statutes.
g. Pursuant to Florida Statutes, Section 934.09(5), it is further requested that in the
event the intercepted communications are in a code or foreign language, and an
expert in that code or language is not reasonably available during the interception
period, that minimization may be accomplished as soon as practicable after such
WHEREFORE, Affiant requests that the interceptions and recordings be authorized to be
maintained until such time as the oral communications that have been intercepted and recorded
fully reveal the nature and means which have been, are being, or are about to be used to violate
the laws of the State of Florida, for a period of 15 days from the date authorized parties first being

interception, or from when the order is entered, whichever occurs first, pursuant to § 934.09(5),
Florida Statutes.
Affiant further states and affoms that the interceptions shall be conducted in such a way as to
minimize the interception of communications not authorized by statute, and procedures will be
followed to assure minimization is accomplished, as outlined in the accompanying order.
I swe~ ed are true and con-ect to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Det. Chris L. Johns, JBPD


Witness my hand and seal this 2' day of January 2023,

Cfvu__ ~


Probable Cause Affidavit in support of

Application for Order Authorizing Interception and
Recording of Communications regarding the
Homicide of Jared Bridegan
Table of Contents
I. The Homicide .......................................................................................................................... I
A. Theory of the Homicide ....................................................................................................... 2
B. Gardner's Motive ................................................................................................................. 4
C. Fernandez Saldana's Statements Regarding Bridegan ........................................................ 7
D. Gardner & Fernandez Saldana's Financials ......................................................................... 7
E. Fernandez Saldana's Relationships With Active Crim & Tenon ........................... 8
II. The Evidence ........................................................................................................................... 9
A. Suspect Truck ....................................................................................................................... 9
I. Affiant's Breakdown of Surveillance Video .................................................................. 11
B. Cell Phone and Google Location Data/Cell Phone Activity .............................................. 17
I. Phone and Location Activity on February 16, 2022 ...................................................... 20
2. Phone and Location Activity on February 17, 2022: ..................................................... 24
C. Tenon's Google Location Data .......................................................................................... 25
D. Evidence oflntent: Tenon's January Google Location Data ............................................. 28
E. Evidence of Communications and Phone Activity on Key Dates ..................................... 28
I. January 4, 2022: Fernandez Saldana and Tenon Communications ................................ 28
2. January 5, 2022: Wednesday "Date Night": .................................................................. 29
3. January 29, 2022: Trip to Bridegan's Residence and Practice Run of Homicide Route 31
r· F. Recovery of Suspect Truck ................................................................................................ 35
\-. G. Search of Tenon's Home/Controlled Call .......................................................................... 37
H. Financial Transactions ....................................................................................................... 38
I. Firearms Search ................................................................................................................. 3 9
J. Phone Activity During Key Points in the Investigation ..................................................... 40
I. February 28- March I, 2022: Gardner and Fernandez Saldana Interviews ................... 40
2. March 2-6, 2022: Fernandez Saldana Trip/Children's CPT Interviews: ....................... 41
3. March 9, 2022: Release of Truck Photo to Media ......................................................... 45
4. August 18, 2022: Tenon's Anest on Umelated Char·ges ............................................... 46
5. August 23, 2022: Law Enforcement Interview o Active Crim at His Residence ........... 48
K. Recent Communications Among Target Subjects ............................................................. 49
III. Summary ................................................................................................................................ 49
Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 50
In the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit,
in and for
Duval County, Florida

Probable Cause Affidavit in support of Application for Order Authorizing Interception

and Recording of Communications of Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana, Shanna Lee
Gardner, Active Crim


Over the course of the past 11 months, Affiant has developed probable cause to believe that
GARDNER, Active Crim have conspired together to
commit the h in the homicide ofBridegan,
aided or assisted in evading law enforcement during investigation into the homicide of Bridegan,
lied to law enforcement during the course of investigation, and tampered with evidence.
On Februmy 16, 2022, at 7:59 p.m., Jacksonville Beach Police Depaiiment received calls reporting
multiple gunshots in The Sanctuary-- a residential area located in Jacksonville Beach, Florida
(Duval County). One of the calls reported that a vehicle was blocking the road in the 4000 block
of Sai1ctuaiy Blvd. The caller stated that a white male was lying next to the vehicle and a toddler
was c1ying in her cm seat in the back rem passenger side of the vehicle. Witnesses removed the
child from the vehicle.
When officers arrived at 8:03 p.m., Bridega11 was lying in the road with multiple appment gunshot
wotmds. His vehicle was in park, rurming, with his hazard lights flashing. First responding officers
with JBPD attempted life-saving measures, but were unsuccessful, and Bridega11 was pronounced
dead on scene.
In front ofBridegan's car, laying in the road a11d blocking his path of travel, was a damaged tire. 1
The tire was placed in such a manner as to nearly block the path of travel, so that someone would
have to either drive in the grass or move the tire in order to keep driving. The rim of the tire was
identified as belonging to a 2004 Ford F-150 Lariat.
Surveilla11ce of the area showed vehicles passing down Sanctuaiy Blvd. just prior to the homicide
with no obstruction, slowing, or evasive ma11euvers. Affiant believes the tire was placed in the
roadway just before Bridega11's vehicle in order to get Bridegan to stop.

The tire is a key piece of evidence in the case regarding TENON. It later was tested and TENON's DNA was
included on swabs from several areas of the tire. It was confomed to belong to a 2004 Ford F-150 Lariat. TENON
was later shown a photograph of the tire and admitted to ownership of the tire. He admitted to owning a 2004 blue
Ford F-150 Lariat (SUSPECT VEHICLE). Affiant confirmed that TENON did own/possess said vehicle through
other investigation.

At the murder scene, the door to Bridegan's vehicle was open and there were bullet strikes to the
interior of the vehicle. Active Crim casings were recovered. The location of the casings
and the bullet strikes t t the shooter came from the rear of Bridegan' s car.
Traject01y rods indicate that Bridegan was shot while his door was open. Bridegan's blood was
found in the driver's seat.
The two-year-old child in the vehicle was interviewed by members of the Child Protection Team.
She stated that a man came up to the car, she heard "boom, boom, boom," and "daddy hit the
ground." She denied that any argument took place or that any other vehicle was present nearby.
The circumstances of the murder as outlined in this Affidavit indicate to Affiant that this was not
a random altercation or attempted robbe1y but instead, a planned and targeted ambush and murder.
Affiant is familiar with the area of the homicide. The road on which Bridegan was traveling is one
way and separated from the opposite lane of travel by a grassy ditch to the left and is paralleled by
woods to the right. This road is generally used by people as an ingress and egress to J. Turner
Butler Boulevard ("JTB") and there are no businesses in the immediate area, only residences. The
part of the roadway in which Bridegan was killed is very dark and dimly lit, as shown below:

There was nothing of value notably missing from Bridegan or his car. In fact, Bridegan was still
wearing his Apple watch and wedding ring, and his phone and debit cards were in his wallet.
Affiant obtained footage from a Ring camera located on America Avenue (motion-activated)
which captured the murder from a distance. A gunshot and a muzzle flash were captured at 7:52
p.m. 2 Shortly after the flash and shot, a figure moved in front ofBridegan's car, walked past his
headlights, and then walked southbound on Sanctuary Boulevard for about 5-6 seconds before
running out of view. The video is of insufficient quality to make any positive identification, and
there were no noises loud enough to activate the camera prior to 7:52 p.m.
At the time of his murder, Bridegan lived at 182 Fresnel Lane, St. Augustine, FL in St. Johns
County with his wife (K.B.), two-year-old child, and infant child. He shared joint custody of his
nine-year-old twins with his ex-wife, GARDNER. This custody arrangement had been established
as a result of a very litigious divorce. GARDNER lived with FERNANDEZ SALDANA, her new
husband, in Jacksonville Beach.

Affiant notes that the Ring camera was too far from the homicide scene so that any movement or noise on Sanctuaiy
Boulevard would trigger the camera to record. This footage was triggered by an uninvolved vehicle passing by the
residence on America Avenue and just happened to trigger the camera midway through the gunshots.
Bridegan had just left GARDNER's residence (1511 Marsh Inlet Ct.) after dropping off the twins
pursuant to their regular custody arrangement. GARDNER and Bridegan had an established "date
night" arrnngement, where he would pick up and dine with his children every other Wednesday
between 6:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. After taking the children to dim1er and returning them to
GARDNER, Bridegan would drive to his home in St. Johns County. This routine was in place for
at least eight (8) months prior to the homicide, and Bridegan would use the same route each time.
Bridegan's wife, K.B., advised that Bridegan called her just after dropping off the twins at
GARDNER's home. She explained the conversation was normal. Investigation has determined
that this call occurred just moments before the shooting.
Other than K.B., GARDNER and FERNANDEZ SALDANA Affiant learned of no other (adult)
individuals who knew where and when Bridegan would be driving that evening.
Investigative results indicate that GARDNER had motive to kill Bridegan.
GARDNER and Bridegan were marTied in Utah in 2010. GARDNER is originally from Utah. Her
parents, Sterling and Shelli Gardner ("Gardners"), are devout Mormons. Including GARDNER,
they are parents of five daughters. Shelli Gardner founded a small craft business with her sister in
the late 1980s. Today, their small craft business, "Starnpin' Up," is a multinational corporation
operating in ten countries with over 500 employees. 3 "Starnpin' Up's" ammal revenue is estimated
at over $250 million. 4
Both GARDNER and Bridegan were practicing Mormons at the time of their man-iage. Before
their mmTiage, GARDNER and Bridegan entered into a pre-marital agreement with the Gardners.
In the pre-marital agreement, the Gardners intended to convey portions of their wealth to their
daughter. They did not want their transfers subjected to any claim by Bridegan nor included in
GARDNER and Bridegan' s marital estate if GARDNER and Bridegan were to separate or become
involved in divorce proceedings. In the pre-marital agreement, the Gardners listed their various
business entities and foundations through which they might convey interests or property to their
Sh01ily after GARDNER and Bridegan were marTied, Shelli Gardner's family trust entered into a
scholarship and stipend agreement with GARDNER and Bridegan. The agreement aimed to
Bridega11's higher education expenses through a monthly stipend. To receive proceeds under the
agreement, Bridegan was required to be an active Mormon Church member and remain married to
GARDNER. This stipend amounted to $8,500 per month and included healthcare coverage
equivalent to the benefits received by Starnpin' Up employees.
During their marTiage, GARDNER gave birth to twins, a boy, a11d a girl. Their son had a medical
condition requiring him to live at sea level. GARDNER and Bridega11 moved to northeast Florida.
Although GARDNER did not have ties to the area, Bridegan had family in the area.
Tln·oughout their marriage, the Gardners provided substantial finar1cial suppo1i to GARDNER and
Bridega11. The Gardners gifted the mortgage of a home to them in 2011, arnounting to almost

3 814 743.

https://www .zoom in 743.

$370,000. In 2013, GARDNER redeemed an interest in one of the umbrella companies ofStampin'
Up for $440,000. Between 2011 and 2014, GARDNER and Bridegan received cash gifts of
$25,000 from the Gardners on several occasions. The Gardners also set up trusts for the twins in
Bridegan's name.
On February 23, 2015, GARDNER filed a petition for dissolution of maniage in St. Johns County,
Florida. In May 2015, GARDNER filed a pleading seeking exclusive possession of the marital
home claiming their relationship was "strained." In her pleading, she noted she had no family in
the area. Bridegan filed a responsive pleading suggesting GARDNER had locked him out of the
master bedroom, installed surveillance cameras in the children's bedrooms, and disparaged him in
front of the children.
Their dissolution decree was entered in July 2015. In the dissolution decree, GARDNER received
the marital residence but was required to purchase Bridegan's interest at $390,000. As is standard
in dissolution with children, the parties entered into a parenting plan. The parenting plan called for
shared parental responsibility and decision-making with a 50/50 time-sharing schedule (alternating
weekends, holidays, and special occasions).
The parenting plan called for restrictions on foreign and out-of-state travel to a location more than
1,000 feet above sea level due to their son's medical condition. In one of his pleadings leading up
to the entry of the dissolution decree, Bridegan affirmed his devotion to the Mormon Church by
stating in an inte1Togatory, "As to religion and medical decisions, it is impo1iant to me that the
children be brought up in the Mormon Faith." The parenting plan accounted for Bridegan's faith
choice. Regarding religious practices, the parenting plan stated, "The Father will be taking the
children to participate in the Mormon Faith on his Wednesday evenings and alternating Sundays."
As for relocation, the parenting plan provided that any relocation of the children "is subject to and
must be sought in compliance with section 61.13011, Florida Statutes." To relocate out of state,
GARDNER had to secure Bridegan's consent to the planned move or a court order permitting her
to relocate with the children. Had she filed a petition to relocate, GARDNER would have had to
prove the relocation was in her childrens' best interests by a preponderance of the evidence.
Section 61.13 00 I (7) lists several factors a comi must consider in evaluating a petition to relocate.
After the entry of the dissolution decree, there were several occasions where the parties filed
additional pleadings or sought relief from the court. The angst and anger continued. In March
2016, Bridegan wrote his lawyer in an email, "Either she [GARDNER] is going to start acting like
an adult and co-parent with me, or I need to know what we need to do so they know we are done
playing softball." The clerk's docket of their dissolution case lists over 300 entries spanning seven
Neither pmiy filed a motion to relocate the children permanently. However, after the entry of their
dissolution decree, Bridegan accepted a job in Utah. In May 2016, he worked for at a
salary of approximately $90,000 per year. Conespondence with his lawyer in the dissolution case
suggested he wanted to arrange for his son to live with him in Utah while he was working. It never
cmne to be. He returned to Florida only to have GARDNER file a pleading to establish a child
suppmi obligation for him now that he was employed.
Both Bridegan and GARDNER remarried. Bridegan manied his wife, K.B., in 2017. GARDNER
manied a maintenance man from her gym, FERNANDEZ SALDANA, in 2018. Bridegan and
K.B. had two more children. Unlike GARDNER, K.B. agreed to raise their children in the Mormon
In September 2019, the Gardners established an irrevocable trust agreement with FERNANDEZ
SALDANA by creating the "Shanna Gardner Irrevocable Trust." In the tiust agreement, the
Gardners named FERNANDEZ SALDANA as trustee. They established Shanna Gardner
(GARDNER), her twin children, and any children she might have after creating the trust as the
trust's beneficiaries. The trust agreement gave the trustee significant latitude over the distribution
of trust assets. Section 4.1 of the trust agreement provides that if FERNANDEZ SALDANA were
removed, died, was incapacitated, or resigned as trustee, GARDNER's sister, Shalae Brown,
would be nan1ed successor trustee. After listing additional successor trustees choices in the event
Shalae Brown declined to serve as trustee, the last paragraph of section 4.1 provides:
"Furthermore, and notwithstanding the foregoing, when our daughter, Shanna, shall
have no fmiher legal entanglements with her ex-husband, Jared G. Bridegan, she
may elect to serve as the Trustee, by delivering a signed and notarized document to
the Trustee then in office."
During interviews with Affiant, GARDNER stated she and Bridegan would only communicate via
text message and would not personally interact during the exchange of the twins. GARDNER
admitted to Affiant in a recorded interview that she and FERNANDEZ SALDANA did not know
each other very well when they got married, and that she wanted him to help with the kids but
knew that Bridegan would only allow FERNANDEZ SALDANA's involvement if she were
married to him. She described her marriage to FERNANDEZ SALDANA as one of
"convenience." A friend of GARDNER told Affiant in a sworn statement that GARDNER told
her she only married FERNANDEZ SALDANA because it "would look better in court," (for
custody reasons), if she was married, and that her "parents would give [her] more money."
Multiple witnesses have indicated that GARDNER professed her hate ofBridegan and voraciously
voiced her frustration with their custody arrangement and their differences in parenting choices.
Up until the murder, GARDNER shared equal custody of her children with Bridegan. Bridegan's
family law attorney advised Affiant that Bridegan believed GARDNER was attempting to build a
case to get full custody of the children and had been "coaching" them.
Two weeks prior to the homicide, on January 24, 2022, Bridegan sent GARDNER an email
advising her that he was planning to have one of the twins baptized in the Mormon Church.
Witnesses indicated that Bridegan's twin daughter was beginning to favor Bridegan and K.B. and
wished to be more involved in the Mormon faith.
Forensic download of Bridegan's phone on January 26, 2022, showed a text from K.B. to
GARDNER (TARGET TELEPHONE 2) on a group chat with Bridegan, K.B., GARDNER
indicated GARDNER had reacted poorly to this news. In pariicular, the text read, "[child] is a bit
emotional after date night because she is under the impression you will not allow her to be
A relative ofBridegar1 advised Affiant that GARDNER had made a comment to him back in 2017
that she thought about hiring a "hit man to take him [Bridegan] out." The witness stated he did
not think much of the comment at the time but did feel she was being serious.
Currently, GARDNER is living separately from FERNANDEZ SALDANA in Washington State,
where she enjoys full custody of the twins, in a home that was purchased by an LLC owned by her

In interviews with Affiant, FERNANDEZ SALDANA confinned a veiy contentious relationship
among Bridegan, himself, and GARDNER, even stating "the kids were better off" with Bridegan
"out of the picture." FERNANDEZ SALDANA admitted to creating a confrontational
environment for Bridegan by intentionally going to his door or standing at the end of the driveway
when the kids were being dropped off. He further stated that at the time of the homicide, he and
GARDNER were attempting to gain majority, if not full, custody of the twins because they were
tired of consulting Bridegan. He advised that he felt the kids would be better off if GARDNER
had full custody, or even "60/40."
Affiant learned that FERNANDEZ SALDANA had previously made comments about killing
Bridegan. Specifically, a close friend of GARDNER advised in a sworn statement to Affiant and
the State Attorney's Office that GARDNER had told her FERNANDEZ SALDANA made
statements that he could "get four guys," break into Bridegan's residence in the middle of the night
and "take care of him and nobody would ever know."
The witness also stated one evening, while out to dinner, she and FERNANDEZ SALDANA had
a disagreement over how to handle her child. During this encounter, FERNANDEZ SALDANA
said to her, "You know I've killed people before" - a statement she understood to be a threat.
Other than the trust fund, GARDNER maintained a small baking business, and was a listed co-
owner in First Choice Home Rentals, LLC. However, the majority of her income came from the
trust that was funded by her parents. Affiant reviewed financial records. Apparently in an effort
to keep Bridegan from gaining access to any of her trust funds, and for GARDNER to appear
impecunious, she maintained veiy little money in her personal account, and showed almost no
personal income. Bank records confirm that GARDNER never maintained more than $2,500.00
in her personal accounts at any time between Januaiy 01, 2021, and March 30, 2022.
But as outlined above, GARDNER had financial resources affording her the ability to hire and pay
FERNANDEZ SALDANA to kill Bridegan.
Indeed, in stark contrast to her regular banking patterns, in April 2022, GARDNER's bank records
indicated an excess of $200,000 in her personal accounts.
At the time of Bridegan's murder, FERNANDEZ SALDANA had over $400,000.00 in his
account. Investigation futiher revealed that at the time of Bridegan's murder, GARDNER and
FERNANDEZ SALDANA were separated and planning to divorce. 5
Bridegan's current wife, K.B., advised that she spoke with the twins on Februaiy 17, 2022 (the
day after the homicide), and the twins inquired whether Bridegan had a will, which struck her as
veiy odd.
On Februaiy 23, 2022, one week after Bridegan's murder and precisely seven years after she filed
for dissolution of their man-iage, a suggestion of death [Bridegan's death] appeared in the records

Multiple witnesses advised law enforcement that GARDNER and FERNANDEZ SALDANA had decided to
formally separate prior to the homicide, even alerting the twins' school personnel. Following Bridegan' s murder, they
advised school staff that they would not be separating. They have publicly (through legal counsel and in the media)
held out to still be residing together as a married couple, but surveillance has revealed that they are separated and
living in different states.

of their dissolution case with the St. Johns County Clerk of Comt. By all accounts, in the months
and years preceding the murder, GARDNER wanted to leave the State of Florida with her children.
However, her dissolution decree prevented her from leaving the state pe1manently with her
children without an agreement from Bridegan or a court order. With Bridegan's death, she is free
to leave the state with her children- which she has done.
FERNANDEZ SALDANA is cmTently living in Orlando, Florida. GARDNER has moved to the
State of Washington. Though she has not yet obtained a Washington state driver's license, she has
enrolled the twins in school. Her Jacksonville Beach home is not currently on the market, nor has
it been leased- it sits empty.
Financial records obtained on O1/19/23 indicate that GARDNER has either closed or moved her
trust account (which was previously with Navy Federal) to an unknown institution. She has,
however, opened five new banking accounts, three in her own name and two in each of her twins'
names. These combined accounts currently hold almost $500,000.00.
FERNANDEZ SALDANA cmrnntly has three accounts with Navy Federal with a total balance of
more than $75,000.
Active Crim & TENON

Phone records, real estate records, cellular site location information, witness interviews, and
suspect interviews confirm relationships between and among FERNANDEZ SALDANA,
Active Crim and TENON-people who Affiant believes conspired to murder
exact role that each played in Bridegan's murder has not yet been
determined, a combination of circumstantial and direct evidence connect all to the crime, and in
some cases, to the crime scene. Additional records indicate both incriminating communication
patterns and device activity relevant to Bridegan's murder.
Affiant believes that FERNANDEZ SALDANA enlisted TENON and Active Crim

Active Crim , and Active Crim a trusted associate with police and military
and der of Bridegan in order for GARDNER and
FERNANDEZ SALDANA to obtain full custody of the nine-year-old twins. Affiant believes that
GARDNER provided monetary compensation to FERNANDEZ SALDANA, which he then used
to compensate TENON.
TENON has already been detained on unrelated charges, and an aJTest wanant application will be
also sought against TENON for the TARGET OFFENSES.

Active Crim

Active Crim

TENON denied having knowledge of the current whereabouts of the truck and claimed to have
sold it to an "unknown black male," even though he still had the keys on his key chain. Affiant
later recovered the SUSPECT TRUCK at the home of a family friend of TENON, who advised
that TENON had brought the truck to "store at his house." Affiant learned that TENON had left
the truck at the family friend's home in June 2022, although he denied knowledge of its
whereabouts in August. When Affiant recovered the vehicle in October 2022, the family friend
stated that it had been there for several months.
TENON was shown crime scene photographs of the tire and admitted ownership ofit. His DNA
was subsequently identified on the tire.
During his interview, TENON was shown still shots of surveillance of a suspicious truck present
on the homicide scene ("SUSPECT TRUCK"). He confirmed that the SUSPECT TRUCK was
his vehicle-he owned a 2004 Ford F-150 Lariat that he had inherited from his deceased father.
Affiant learned there was a single link connecting TENON and Bridegan: FERNANDEZ
SALDANA. TENON and Active Crim Active Crim
FERNANDEZ SALDANA. 7 so admitted knowing Active Crim
who came around the rental property with FERNANDEZ SAL Active Crim
associate/friends of FERNANDEZ SALDANA for more than 15 years
It is one of the Investigative Objectives of this Wire Intercept to trigger communications among
some of the TARGET SUBJECTS in order to obtain clarification of their involvement and
individual roles.
The evidence that implicates each of the TARGET SUBJECTS is outlined as follows:
Once it was determined that Bridegan was targeted, a canvass was conducted for surveillance
cameras. Surveillance footage from different home security/doorbell cameras was obtained, and
Affiant was able to find video footage ofBridegan's vehicle, including footage ofBridegan taking
the children to dinner, then driving through Wendy's. After Bridegan dropped the twins off at
GARDNER's residence, he drove the route depicted in the map below, from pinpoint at
GARDNER's house to the pinpoint at the homicide scene, hereafter referred to as the "HOMICIDE

TENON at first stated someone took his truck without pennission from the parking lot, then later stated he left his
keys in the vehicle purposefully for "unknown" persons to "use" his truck. He later stated that he left the truck for a
friend "Danny" at a prearranged time. He contradicted himself several times as to the purpose ofloaning out his
truck for various purposes, changing his st01y from doing so for tile work to moving furniture, to repossessing a car.
5239 Potomac Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida. FERNANDEZ SALDANA rented the property to TENON Activ
Active Crim ut sold the property in October 2022.

Affiant and members of Affiant' s team canvassed that area for video surveillance. While
(_ reviewing surveillance, Affiant identified a suspicious vehicle ("SUSPECT TRUCK") driving in
front ofBridegan's vehicle on the route from GARDNER's residence to the homicide scene ("the
HOMICIDE ROUTE"). In one paiiicular clip, the SUSPECT TRUCK began to tailgate the vehicle
in front of it. Affiant believes this was an attempt for the SUSPECT TRUCK to create space
between it and Bridegan' s vehicle in order to have sufficient time to place the ruse tire into the
road. Surveillance showed no slowed or stopped vehicles or obstructions just prior to Bridegan's
stopping -- indicating a plan to impact only his car.

The SUSPECT TRUCK appeared to be a blue Ford F-150 pickup truck. It had a large item in the
bed of the truck that Affiant believes to be similar to a spare tire. 8
Upon expanding the timeframe of surveillance review to include the hours before the homicide,
Affiant discovered that the SUSPECT TRUCK had driven the HOMICIDE ROUTE (as will be
shown below) approximately one hour prior to the murder. Specifically, the SUSPECT TRUCK
was picked up by surveillance, traveling eastbound on Beach Boulevard at 6:25 p.m. The
SUSPECT TRUCK drove southbound on America Avenue and traveled the HOMICIDE ROUTE
where surveillance shows the SUSPECT TRUCK drove slowly at the approximate spot of the
homicide scene, made ai1 unusual U-tum, and slowed again at the location of the homicide when
traveling in the opposite direction, approximately 6:42 p.m. through 6:52 p.m. All of this occurred
an hour before the homicide at 7:52 p.m., as if the SUSPECT TRUCK was practicing the route or
doing a "dry run."
At the time of the homicide, the SUSPECT TRUCK was immediately in front of Bridegan's
vehicle as Bridegan approached the spot where he was killed.
This travel activity is broken down below with descriptions of the time stamps and geographical
locations precede the corresponding surveillance still-shots.
1. Affiant's breakdown of surveillance video is as follows (approximately):
6:25:33 p.m. 1712 Beach Boulevard: the SUSPECT TRUCK traveled eastbound on Beach
Boulevard. This location is .45 miles from 1511 Marsh Inlet Comi, where Bridegan picked up and
dropped his children off at the end of the night.

Again, the SUSPECT TRUCK was confirmed to be TENON's vehicle during his custodial interview. TENON
confinned the item in the back of the SUSPECT TRUCK was, in fact, a spare tire.

6:42:01 p.m. 3521 America Avenue: the SUSPECT TRUCK traveled southbound on America
Avenue. This location is .1 9 miles from the crime scene.


6:43:06 p.m. 4067 America Ave: the SUSPECT TRUCK traveled southbound on Sanctuary
Parkway. The SUSPECT TRUCK slowed to a stop approximately where the murder took place.
The SUSPECT TRUCK continued southbound on Sanctuary Parkway, conducted a U-turn and
slowed down on the opposite side of the road approximately where the murder took place.

6:44:59 p.m. 3940 Grande Boulevard: the SUSPECT TRUCK traveled eastbound on
Jacksonville Drive. The SUSPECT TRUCK turned northbound on to South Beach Parkway and
traveled to Shetter Avenue.

Security System

6:52:48 p.m. 101 Penman Road South (JBPD): the SUSPECT TRUCK traveled westbound
toward 15 111 Street South and Shetter Avenue. The SUSPECT TRUCK continued westbound on
Shetter and parked in a cul-de-sac in the 1600 Block of Shetter Avenue. This location is
approximately .20 miles from GARDNER and FERNANDEZ SALDANA's residence. The
SUSPECT TRUCK sat in this location for approximately 19 minutes.


7:50 p.m. 2705 America Avenue: the SUSPECT TRUCK traveled southbound on America
Avenue. The SUSPECT TRUCK was in front of Bridegan's vehicle. The SUSPECT TRUCK
appeared to be "tailgating" an unknown white truck, purportedly to create distance between
Bridegan's vehicle. This is merely two minutes prior to the recorded gunshots.

7:52:52 p.m. 4067 America Avenue (Captured video of murder in 4000 Block of Sanctuary
Parkway): Bridegan's vehicle was stopped in the road with the hazard lights activated. A person
can be seen walking southbound seconds after the last shot is fired, and seconds later, running.


7:53:40 p.m. 3940 Grande Boulevard: Approximately one minute after the shooting, the
SUSPECT TRUCK traveled eastbound on Jacksonville Drive.

Security System

7:56:41 p.m. 3940 Grande Boulevard: Approximately four minutes after the murder, an
unidentified black male was observed walking northbound to the intersection of Jacksonville Drive
and Grande Boulevard. The individual was wearing dark colored pants, tan shirt, boots, and a light-
colored hat. Based on Affiant' s review of surveillance and Google location data, Affiant believes
the individual in the video to be TENON. 9 TENON turned onto Jacksonville Drive and continued

9TENON is a black male approximately 61-years-o ld, height 6'3 and we ighing 259 pounds. Google location data
( would later confinn th at one ofTENON's known cell phones was located within a few meters oftbe location oftbe
male observed on camera, at approximately th e same time.

8:00:09 p.m. (Actual)/ 8:17:09 p.m. (Time Stamp) 1600 Shetter Avenue: The SUSPECT
TRUCK traveled westbound on Shetter Avenue. Once the SUSPECT TRUCK reached the cul-de-
sac, it immediately turned around and traveled eastbound and left the frame. This location is .20
miles from GARDNER and FERNANDEZ SALDANA's residence. The truck and the male
(whom Affiant believes to be TENON) were separated after the homicide.

8:13:33 p.m. South Beach Parkway and Rip Tide Boulevard: The male (whom your Affiant
believes to be TENON) walked northbound on South Beach Parkway. This location 1s
approximately .46 miles from the intersection of Jacksonville Drive and Grande Boulevard.

Affiant believes, based on review of surveillance, that one of the TARGET SUBJECTS was
driving the SUSPECT TRUCK after the homicide, while the male (believed to be TENON) was
on foot.
Tower data was requested from major carriers during the time of the homicide. The towers
covering the homicide scene did not reveal activity by any of the TARGET PHONES within the
coverage area of the closest tower. Similarly, a geofence search warrant did not identify any of
their phones as present in the area of the homicide scene.
Throughout the investigation, Affiant obtained search waffants for the cellular site location
information ("CSU"), 10 Per-Call Measurement Data ("PCMD") 11 and Google location services
data for TENON, FERNANDEZ SALDANA, Active Crim as well as
subpoenas for cellular toll records for the listed TARGET PHONES.

Active Crim

The information returned from cellular toll subpoenas immediately stood out to Affiant, based on
the increased contact between TARGET SUBJECTS immediately before and after the homicide,
which was inconsistent with the otherwise sporadic contact between them in the approximately six
weeks before. The escalated communications were a marked outlier in their historic
communication patterns. Investigation indicates their conununications since the homicide have
been clustered around significant events in the investigation (which will be further detailed below).

For example, T-Mobile subpoena results for FERNANDEZ SALDANA showed a high number of
TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim leading up to the homicide and after the homicide, contrasted
with periods of very little contact in the months after the homicide. TARGET TELEPHONE 5
Active Crim was TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA)'s most contacted
12:00 a.m. on February 01 :40 a.m. on February 17, 2022.
These contacts are notable because JBPD detectives notified GARDNER and FERNANDEZ
SALDANA of Bridegan's death, in person, at their residence at 1511 Marsh Inlet Court, at approx.
12:30 -1 :06 a.m. on February 17, 2022 (approx. 5.5 hours after the homicide).
Note: additional phone contact with non-TARGET SUBJECTS is not included below
Note: all statements regarding the location of the TARGET SUBJECTS are based on geolocation
data from their TARGET PHONES. This data interpretation was peer-reviewed by FBI andATF.
Phone and Location Activity on February 15, 2022 (Day before the Homicide) 13

2:44-2:47 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent two messages

9:04 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent one message
received, messages to/from TARGET TELEPHONE 6 Active Crim
9:41 a.m. TDOA data showed TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ
SALDANA) located at TENON/ORDWAY's residence at 5239 Potomac
Avenue for approximately 19 minutes.
9:46 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) made an outgoing
call to TENON.
9:47 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent one outgoing
message to TARGET TELEPHONE Active Crim

10:15-10:51 a.m. TDOA data showed TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ

SALDANA) left 5239 Potomac and traveled to the 5800 block of University
10:36 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) received a call
from TENON.

Times are an approximation.
10:44 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent a message to
10:46 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) made a call to
TENON, duration 3 minutes.
10:51-11:15 a.m. TDOA data showed TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ
SALDANA) returned to the area of his residence at Marsh Inlet, via Beach
11:22-11:26 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) exchanged nine
(9) messages with TARGET TELEPHONE 6 Active Crim


incoming message from/then sent one outgoing message to TENON.
TENON, duration 37 seconds.
SALDANA) departed his residence headed southbound past the
HOMICIDE SCENE, then traveled westbound on JTB.
SALDANA) device in the area of 5239 Potomac Avenue for approximately
57 minutes.
4:24p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE ALDANA) sent a text to

4:55 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) made an outgoing

call to TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim , duration I second.
4:57-5:00 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent three
messages to TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim


SALDANA) left 5239 Potomac Avenue and headed south on 2-95 towards
St. John's County.
5:27 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) received a call
from TARGET TELEPHONE 6 Active Crim duration 12 seconds. TDOA
area of Beach Boulevard and 2-95.
5:29 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ S made a call
(approx. 20 seconds after ending the call with Active Crim to TARGET
TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim , duration of 7 seconds.
SALDANA) traveled south on Kernan Boulevard towards I-295.

5:52 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNA sent two (2)
messages to TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim

5:55 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) made an outgoing

call to TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim duration 9 minutes,
18 seconds.
6:23 p.m. FERNANDEZ SALDANA's White Toyota Tundra captured on LPR at US-
I and RaceTrac Road, further conoborating that FERNANDEZ
SALDANA was in possession of and using his phone.
6:35-10:58 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) device was in an
area of several gas stations in St. Johns County.
8:05-8:55 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent eight (8)
messages to TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim

10:54 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent one message


10:55 p.m. TDOA data showed TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ

SALDANA) travel notihbound to Duval County.
10:55 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent six messages

11:23 p.m. TDOA data showed HONE 1 (FERNANDEZ

C SALDANA) in the area o
Active Crim
Active Crim
for approximately 40 minutes.
residence at Active Crim

11:47-11:54 p.m. Ring Surveillance captured FERNANDEZ SALDANA inside

Active Crim residence.
12:21 a.m. (Febrmuy 16, 2022, day of homicide) - TARGET TELEPHONE 1
(FERNANDEZ SALDANA) in the area of his home at 1511 Marsh Inlet.
12:23 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERN A) sent one message
to TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim with no further
communications with other TARGET SUBJECTS until morning waking
1. Phone and Location Activity on February 16, 2022 (the Homicide) 14
On the night of the homicide, Affiant observed that t of time during which the
phones of TENON, FERNANDEZ SALDANA, and Active Crim were not communicating
with their conesponding networks (Google, T-Mobil no data was registering as
coming to or from their phones. An analysis of the average number of network communications

Per historical CSL! obtained from T-Mobile, Active Crim device was utilizing a cellular tower in close proximity
to the area of his home address at the time of the above phone call to TENON I. Due to retention limits for TDOA,
this data is not available for Active Crim device for the time period surrounding the homicide.

for each device for the period 30 days before and after the homicide showed that the devices' lack
of network communication the night of the homicide was abnormal:
TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) had a lack of available data from 7:10
p.m. to 8:29 p.m., TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim device had a lack of available
data from 4:24 p.m. to 10:09 p.m. and TENON's two devices (TENON I and TENON 2) 15 had a
lack of available data between 5:57 p.m. to 9:14 p.m. and 5:41 p.m. to 8:39 p.m., respectively.
Based on this unusual pattern, in Affiant's training and experience, this abnormal lack of data
indicates that the devices were off, placed in airplane mode, or had no connection to a cellular
network. Based on Affiant's review of the data, near the time of the homicide, TENON's two
phones and TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) had multiple gaps in data.
The times the phones were connected, Affiant noticed frequent communication between the
TARGET SUBJECTS, as follows:
3:43-3:46 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNAN ) sent three (3)
messages to TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim .
4:23-4:26 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent four (4)
messages to TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim .
5:14 -5:45 p.m. TDOA data showed TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ
SALDANA) traveled from the area of his residence northbound towards
Beach Boulevard then westbound on Beach Boulevard before returning to
the area of his home address.
5:41 p.m.
C Google Location data showed TENON's device (904-442-0513), TENON
I, stopped recording location data, which the Affiant believes to mean that
the device was powered off/in airplane mode.
5:57p.m. Google Data showed TENON's other cell phone (904-801-7612), TENON
2, stopped recording location data, which the Affiant believes to mean that
the device was powered off/in airplane mode.
6:09-6:26 p.m. TDOA data showed a gap in available data for TARGET TELEPHONE I
(FERNANDEZ SALDANA), which Affiant believes to mean that the
device was powered off/in airplane mode.
6:25 p.m. Taco Lu security footage showed the SUSPECT TRUCK traveled east past
the restaurant on Beach Boulevard.
6:29 p.m. Bridegan picked up the children from the home of GARDNER and
6:36 p.m. Security camera footage showed the SUSPECT TRUCK drove the route
from Pablo Hamlet on Beach Boulevard to the scene of the homicide, i.e.,

TENON is confirmed to have two cell phones (TENON I and TENON 2) which are Android phones. These
Devices are discussed fmther in this Affidavit.
6:43 p.m. Security camera footage from 4067 America Avenue showed SUSPECT
TRUCK stop at the scene of the homicide and loop back around before
stopping again.
6:44p.m. Security camera footage showed SUSPECT TRUCK drove from the
homicide scene back to Pablo Hamlet on Beach Boulevard where the truck
remained stationary for approximately 19 minutes.
7:lOp.m. TDOA data showed the start of a 79-minute gap in data for TARGET
7:12p.m. Security camera footage showed SUSPECT TRUCK leave Pablo Hamlet.
7:45 p.m. Bridegan dropped the children off at the home of GARDNER and
7:47p.m. Security camera footage showed SUSPECT TRUCK driving in front of
Bridegan on the route.
7:52 p.m. Security camera footage captured a gunshot and muzzle flash next to
Bridegan's vehicle in the 400 block of Sanctuary Boulevard, and an
unknown subject walking south away from the scene.
7:53 p.m. Security camera footage from 3940 Grande Boulevard showed SUSPECT
TRUCK driving east on Jacksonville Drive at Grande Boulevard, which is
one block away from the homicide scene.
7:56 p.m. Security camera footage showed an unknown black male (who Affiant
believes to be TENON) walking north on Grande Boulevard and turning
east on Jacksonville Drive.
8:00 p.m. Security camera footage from 1600 Shetter Avenue showed SUSPECT
TRUCK pulling back into Pablo Hamlet and perform a U-tum then leave
the property.
8:13 p.m. Security camera footage from the area of 3495 Ocean Cay Circle showed
the unknown black male on foot.
SALDANA) resume connectivity while in the area of his home address.
8:28-8:47 p.m. TDOA data showed a gap in available data for TARGET TELEPHONE I
8:39 p.m. Google Location Data showed TENON's device (904-442-0513), TENON
1, resumed connectivity in the area of Roberts Road and 13th Avenue South.
8:40p.m. Toll Records showed an outgoing call from TENON's device (904-442-
0513), TENON 1, to his second DEVICE (904-801-7612), TENON 2, that
goes to voicemail.
8:48 p.m. TDOA data showed TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ
SALDANA) in the area of his home address, approximately 28 minutes
after data recording stopped.

9:03 p.m. Toll records showed a second outgoing call made from TENON's device
(904-442-0513), TENON I, to his other device (904-801-7612), TENON 2,
that goes to voicemail.
SALDANA) in the area of his home address.
9:12-10:01 pm. TDOA data once again showed a gap in available data for TARGET
9:15 p.m. Google Location Data showed TENON's device (904-801-7612), TENON
2, resumed connectivity in the area to the rear of Mojo's BBQ on Beach
9:15 p.m. Security camera footage from Jacksonville Beach Police Department
exterior cameras showed an unknown black male (whom Affiant believes
TENON) walking by, west on Shetter Avenue towards Pablo Hamlet.
9:18 p.m. Toll records showed TARGET TELEPHONE 6 Active Crim make an
outgoing phone call to TENON's device (904-8 ration 15
9:23 p.m. Toll records showed TENON's device (904-442-0513), TENON I, made
an outgoing phone call to his other device (904-801-7612), TENON 2,
duration 29 seconds. Google location data showed TENON's device (904-
442-0513), TENON 1, located in the area of the Pablo Hamlet cul-de-sac.
9:24 p.m. Google location data showed the beginning of a gap of data for both of
C TENON's devices.
10:02 p.m. TDOA data showed TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ
SALDANA) resume connectivity in the area of his residence,
approximately 51 minutes after last recording data.
10:09 p.m. n Data showed TARGET TELEPHONE 5
Active Crim resumed connectivity in the area of his home address,
Active Crim

10:12 p.m. Google Location Data showed TENON's device (904-801-7612), TENON
2, resumed his connectivity in the area of his residence at 5239 Potomac
incoming message from TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim

11:02 p.m. Toll records showed TENON received an incoming call from his brother,
Dwight Tenon, duration 58 minutes.
Based on Google location data, surveillance, and the calls between TENON's two devices, Affiant
believes that TENON's devices were separated during this time period.

2. Phone and Location Activity on February 17, 2022 (Day after the
1:06 a.m. JBPD left the residence of FERNANDEZ SALDANA and GARDNER,
after notifying them ofBridegan's murder.
1:37-01 :40 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent tln·ee
messages to TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim

8:38 -08:42 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERN A) sent three

messages to TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim

9:02 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) made an outgoing

voice call to TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim , duration 21
9:04 a.m. TDOA data showed TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ
SALDANA) north of his residence and traveling no1ihbound.
9:26-10:25 a.m. TDOA data showed TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ
SALDANA) in the area of Active Crim residence, Google location
services showed TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim in the area
of his residence.
10:26 a.m. TDOA and Google location data show TARGET TELEPHONE 1
Active Crim travel southbound from the area of Derringer Circle
then onto I-295 SB.
11:18 a.m. TDOA and Google location data show TARGET TELEPHONE 1
Active Crim n the area of Jax Storage located at 6466 Greenland

11:59 a.m. TDOA and Google location data shows TARGET TELEPHONE 1
Active Crim left the area of Jax Storage and travel NB on I-295.
12:16-12:18 p.m. TDOA and Google location data shows TARGET TELEPHONE 1
Active Crim arrive in the area of Active Crim residence.
12:25p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) made an outgoing
voice call to TARGET TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER), duration 11 minutes
4 seconds.
12:42-12:43p.m. le location data show both devices leave the area of
Active Crim residence.

Affiant noted that CSL!, TDOA, and call records established that FERNANDEZ SALDANA and Active Crim
were together for most of the day.

1:18-1:58 p.m. TDOA and Google location data show both devices in the area of NAS
Mayport. 17
1:59 p.m. TDOA and Google location data show both devices left the area ofNAS
Maypo1i then travel WB on Monument, SB on Kernan then SB on I-295.
2:47p.m. TDOA and Google location data show both devices in the 14000 blk of
Pond Place Dr. where they remained stationary for approximately 18
3:06 p.m. TDOA and Google location data show both devices departed the 14000
block of Pond Place Dr and headed north.
3:43-3:34 p.m. TDOA and Google Location data show both devices in the area of
Active Crim residence.
3:49 p.m. TDOA data shows ONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA)
leave the area of Active Crim residence then travel towards MF's
residence via St. J tlantic Blvd, Kernan Blvd then Beach
Blvd, Google location data shows TARGET TELEPHONE 5
Active Crim remains in the area of his residence.
arrive in the area of his residence at 1511 Marsh Inlet Ct.
incoming phone call from TARGET TELEPHONE 6 Active Crim
duration 5 minutes 53 seconds.
incoming phone call from TARGET TELEPHONE 6 Active Crim )that was
not answered.
incoming message from TARGET TELEPHONE 6 Active Crim
Affiant requested Google location data associated with TENON's account pursuant to a search
warrant. Upon reviewing the data, it was determined that Google provided location data for two
unique devices - device tag: 1584152919 and device tag: 1561556364. An analysis of this data in
conjunction with available toll records for TENON's two phone numbers determined that (904)
801-7612 corresponded with Device Tag: -1584152919 (TENON 1) and (904) 442-0513
coJTesponded with Device Tag: -1561556364 (TENON 2) and both devices were in Jacksonville
Beach the night of the murder.

Active Crim

Active Crim

Device Tag #1584152919- (904) 801-7612 Hereafter, "TENON I."
Device Tag #1561556364 - (904) 442-0513 Hereafter, "TENON 2."
Further, both cellular devices had a large gap in available location data that began approximately
at 5:41 p.m. and 5:47 p.m., respectively. This is about forty minutes prior to the known aITival of
the SUSPECT TRUCK in Jacksonville Beach at 6:52 p.m. As previously outlined, Affiant
believes that the absence of data, compared with historical data usage, indicates the devices were
powered off or placed into airplane mode.
In summary, the data shows that TENON 2 resumed c01mectivity at 8:39 p.m. in the area of
Beaches Baptist Hospital which is approximately 1.4 miles from the crime scene. Data shows that
TENON 2 was moving while attempting to make unsuccessful calls to TENON 1 (which at that
time was still not communicating with the network, indicating it was powered off or in airplane
mode). TENON 1 resumed connectivity at 9:14 p.m. in the area of the rear of The Boulevard
Shopping Center located just nmih of Pablo Hamlet, where the SUSPECT TRUCK was seen on
surveillance both before and after the murder. At 9:23 p.m., TENON 2, which was then located in
the area of the cul-de-sac at 1600 Shetter Ave, made a successful call to TENON I. Both devices
then stopped communicating location data (indicating a power-off or placed in airplane mode).
TENON 1 resnmed connectivity at 10:12 p.m. in the area of 5239 Potomac Ave. TENON 2 did
not resume connectivity until February 17, 2022, at 6: 12 p.m.
The movement of TENON 1 and TENON 2 are depicted below. The movement of TENON 2 is
shown with co1Telating video surveillance. 19

19 Actual surveillance video provides a less distorted view than the photos below. Time stamps have been co1Tected

in this application to reflect Affiant's confomation of actual times.


8:39:52 p.m. -Roberts Drive and 13th Avenue South: TENON 2 resumed connectivity in the area
of Beaches Baptist Medical Center and began to move eastbound on 13 111 Avenue South towards 91" Street
South. This location is approximately 1.4 a from the crime scene.
8:40:41 p.m. - 9 th Street South: TENON 2 attempted to call TENON 1, however, TENON 1 was
not communicating with the network. TENON 2 turned northbound onto 9111 Street South and
eventually to 10111 Street South before continuing no1ihbound towards Shetter A venue .
9:03:44 p.m. 10th Street South and Shetter Ave: TENON 2 made another unsuccessful attempt
to call TENON 1. TENON 2 turned onto Shetter Avenue and headed westbound towards Pablo
Hamlet located in the 1600 block of Shetter A venue.
9:11:15 p.m. - 12th and Shetter Ave: TENON 2 was located in the area of 12th and Shetter Ave.
This is the start of a gap in available location data.
9:14:22 p.m. -1500 Beach Blvd: TENON 1 resumed connectivity and was located to the rear of
C the Boulevard Shopping Center located at 1500 Beach Blvd.
9:15:40 p.m. -101 Penman Rd South (JBPD): At this time, TENON 2 was not communicating
Google location data but was traveling westbound on Shetter Ave. approximately four minutes
prior. An unknown black male was observed walking westbound past the north entrance of the
Jacksonville Beach Police Department. TENON matches the description of this individual as well
as the individual observed on surveillance video leaving the area of the crime scene. The male's
movements on surveillance correspond with TENON 2's location (based on available data before
and after this surveillance footage.)
Therefore, Affiant believes this male to be TENON, in possession of TENON 2, based on the
physical appearance of the male and the close proximity on surveillance to the Google location of
9:18:47 p.m.: TARGET TELEPHONE 6 Active Crim made a successful phone call to TENON 1.
The duration of the phone call was 15 seconds. Because the male was observed in a different
location than the SUSPECT TRUCK, and because TENON 1 and TENON 2 were attempting to
contact each other, it is believed a coconspirator was in possession of TENON 1 and spoke with
TARGET TELEPHONE 6 Active Crim has denied any knowledge of this phone call.
9:23:53 p.m. - Area of 1600 Shetter: While in the area of 1600 Shetter Ave, TENON 2 made a
successful phone call to TENON 1. The duration of the call was 29 seconds. Both devices then
stopped communicating location data. Affiant believes that both devices eventually meet up in the
area of the 1600 block of Shetter Ave.
10:12:40 p.m. - Area of 5239 Potomac Ave: TENON 1 resumed connectivity in the area of
TENON's home address of 5239 Potomac Ave.
When Affiant received TENON's Google location data, Affiant discovered that TENON had
traveled to Jacksonville Beach in a manner similar to the route of the SUSPECT VEHICLE on the
night of the homicide on two prior occasions: January 5, 2022, and January 29, 2022.
Upon a review of the forensic download of TENON 2, Affiant discovered a conversation between
SALDANA going to 5239 Potomac Ave. the evening of January 4, prior to TENON's Google
location data traveling the HOMICIDE ROUTE. This is significant to the Affiant due to TDOA
data showing TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) in the area of 5239 Potomac
Ave. the day prior to the murder.
1. January 4, 2022: FERNANDEZ SALDANA and TENON
phone call to TENON 1, duration 31 seconds.

Active Crim

message stating "Heading your way" (obtained from a forensic download
ofTENON's device, TENON!).
message from TENON I stating "Okay" (obtained from a forensic
download ofTENON's device, TENON I).
message stating "I'm here brother" (obtained from a forensic download of
TENON's device), Google location data shows both ofTENON's devices
were in the area of 5239 Potomac Ave. and did not travel elsewhere for the
remainder of the evening.
*No TDOA or historical CSLI is available for TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ
SALDANA) during this timefi:ame.
2. Jannary 5, 2022: Wednesday "Date Night": following January 4
contact between TENON and FERNANDEZ SALDANA
Affiant confirmed that this date conesponded with one ofBridegan's scheduled Wed
Nights" with the twins. On this date, there was no communication between TENON, Active Crim
SALDANA) did not make or receive any voice-calls beginning at 11 :56 a.m. at 1511 Marsh Inlet

C Google location data showed that TENON drove the HOMICIDE ROUTE on this date, based on
data from TENON I and TENON 2, as discussed below.
Specifically, in part, at approximately 5:58 p.m., both ofTENON's cellular devices (TENON I
and TENON 2) anived in Jacksonville Beach after leaving 5239 Potomac Avenue at
approximately 5: 15 p.m. From approximately 5:59 p.m. until approximately 6:04 p.m., the devices
were located in the area of Marsh Inlet Ct (GARDNER/FERNANDEZ SALDANA Residence).
TENON's phones (TENON I and TENON 2) traveled the HOMICIDE ROUTE, including
traveling back to the area of the cul-de-sac in the 1600 block of Shetter Avenue. (This is the same
area where the SUSPECT TRUCK was seen on surveillance prior to the murder.) TENON's
devices then returned to the area of 1511 Marsh Inlet Ct. (GARDNER/FERNANDEZ SALDANA
Residence) before they left Jacksonville Beach.


Timeline of trip:
5:15 p.m. TENON' s devices left the area of 5239 Potomac Avenue, Jacksonville,
C 5:58 p.m. TENON's devices headed southbound on 15th Street South from Beach
5:59-6:04 p.m. TENON's devices continued southbound on 15th Street South and then
proceeded eastbound on Fairway Lane.
6:04-6:06 p.m. TENON's devices continued southbound on 15th St and east bound on
Fairway Lane.
6:07 p.m. TENON' s devices traveled westbound on Fairway Lane before proceeding
north on 15th Street South.
6:08-6:09 p.m. TENON's devices traveled westbound on Shetter Avenue and appeared to
make a U-turn in the area of the Pablo Hamlet cul-de-sac, and then
proceeded eastbound on Shetter A venue.
6:09-6: 10 p.m. TENON's devices again are located in the area of Marsh Inlet Ct., near the
6 :10-7:23p.m. TENON 1 and TENON 2 traveled towards 5239 Potomac Avenue before
arriving in the area of his residence.

3. January 29, 2022: Trip to Bridegan's Residence and practice run of
Google data showed that TENON's phones (TENON 1 and TENON 2) made another trip that
approximated the HOMICIDE ROUTE, but included a trip to Bridegan's sh·eet, in St. John's
County, as well as driving past a gynmastics studio in St. John's County where one of the nine-
year-old twins took lessons.
This was extremely significant to Affiant, since TEN ON stated in his custodial interview that he
did not know Bridegan or where he lived, and there were no links between the two, or data to show
that TENON had any reason to be on Bridegan's street, which is purely residential. Based on
Affiant's investigation, there would be no way for TENON to know where Bridegan lived, unless
directed there by someone.
Based on the information below, Affiant believes that "someone" to be FERNANDEZ
SALDANA. Specifically, at approximately 1:47 p.m., TDOA data showed TARGET
TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) anived at 5239 Potomac Avenue. Sho1tly after
FERNANDEZ SALDANA arrived, both ofTENON's phones (TENON 1 and TENON 2) left and
traveled to Bridegan's neighborhood in St. Johns County, per Google location data. After stopping
near Bridegan's residence, TENON's devices passed by the gymnastics studio, then moved to
Jacksonville Beach by way of Al A and JTB. TENON's devices circled the location of the murder
twice, reducing speed at the actual scene of the homicide, and returned to 5239 Potomac Avenue.
While TENON's phones circled the HOMICIDE ROUTE, both times, location data indicates that
TENON's phones slowed significantly by the ultimate homicide scene, as depicted below.
Per TDOA data, during this time period, TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA)
remained stationary at 5239 Potomac Avenue (from 1:47 p.m. through 4:25 p.m.); however,
several minutes after TENON's phones returned to 5239 Potomac Avenue, TARGET
TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) left and returned to his residence at 1511 Marsh


Timeline of Trip:
exchanged four (4) messages.
1:52 p.m. TDOA data showed TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ
SALDANA) anived in the area of 5239 Potomac Avenue.
2: 11 p.m. Google Location data showed TENON's devices left the area of 5239
Potomac Avenue.
2:46 p.m. TENON's truck (the SUSPECT VEHICLE) is captured by LPR in the area
of Race Track Road an US-1. The location of this hit matched the location
ofTENON's devices, per Google location data, indicating that TENON was
inside of the SUSPECT TRUCK.
2:50 p.m. TENON' s devices are located in the area of Greenleaf Drive and northeast
Valley Ridge Boulevard. TENON's truck (SUSPECT TRUCK) is captured
by LPR at the intersection, indicating that TENON was inside of the

SUSPECT TRUCK21 This is in close proximity to Bridegan's residence, as

C 2:56-3:03 p.m.
depicted in the map below.
TENON' s devices were in the area of a gas station near 210 and I-95.
3:04-3:07 p.m. TENON' s devices were in the area of a Gymnastics Studio, where one of
the nine-year-old twins (GARDNER and Bridegan's child) took lessons.
3:09-3 :12 p.m. TENON's devices entered the area of Beacon Lake neighborhood where
Bridegan resided. The devices turned onto Fresnel Lane from Beacon Lake
Parkway and were in the area of the Focal Comt cul-de-sac. Bridegan
resided at 182 Fresnel Lane. This is depicted on the map below.
3:37 p.m. TENON's truck is captured by LPR located in the area of A l A and Ponte
Vedra Lakes Boulevard, traveling northbound on Al A. The location of this
read matches the general location ofTENON's devices per Google location
data indicating that TENON was inside of the truck.

Bridegan 's Residence Overview

21The time on the LPR capture is 2:45 p.m . hours leadin g the affiant to believe the time on the LPR capture is incorrect.
A dri ve test was conducted and revealed the time to in fact be incorrect. At the time of th e drive test, the time was off
C by approximately JO minutes. An analyst with St. John's Police Department advised the times are known to be off as
much as five to ten minutes.
3:41-3:52 p.m. TENON's devices were in the general area between Sanctuary Way (to the
west), Jacksonville Drive (to the north), Southbeach Parkway (to the east)
C and Sanctuary Parkway (to the south). While in this area, TENON's devices
circled the murder location, making two full passes on the area, as depicted
in the map below. Of note, at the location of the homicide scene (marked
with the "star" graphic), TENON's devices slowed significantly. The speed
is noted in the maps below. 22
3:52 p.m. TENON's devices headed westbound on JTB towards 5239 Potomac
4:19 p.m. TENON' s devices arrived in the area of 5239 Potomac Avenue.
4:22 p.m. TDOA data showed TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ
SALDANA) left the area of 5239 Potomac Avenue and returned to his


22These speeds were calculated by measuring the distance between th e GPS coordinates taken from the Goog le search
(_ warrant for the device tag ending in 919 during the January 29, 2022, trip. Further, this was corroborated by special
agents with ATF recreating the HOM! CIDE ROUTE and traveling at the depicted speeds.

Based on the above timeline, it is Affiant's belief that FERNANDEZ SALDANA drove to 5239
C Potomac Avenue (TENON's residence) and left his phone at Potomac Avenue while he and
TENON drove to the Bridegan residence, past the gymnastics studio, to the homicide scene, and
then back to 5239 Potomac Ave., where TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA)
departed shortly after TENON's device returned. Affiant bases this opinion on the fo llowing: (1 )
there was no legitimate reason discovered for the trip; (2) Affiant questioned TENON regarding
his regular work and social comings and goings, with no evidence that he would have any personal
or work-related business in proximity to Bridegan' s residence; (3) they did not stop anywhere
other than locations associated with the homicide and the victim; and (4) TENON would have no
personal knowledge of Bridegan, his residence, or where his child went to gymnastics. This
information could only have been provided by FERNANDEZ SALDANA.
Further, the significant slowing of TENON's devices at the homicide scene are significant to
Affiant, and indicate, based on training and experience and the totality of evidence, that this was
an effort by TENON and FERNANDEZ SALDANA to plan the logistics of the homicide.
While conducting interviews of associates of FERNANDEZ SALDANA, members of JBPD went
to a residence located at 5239 Potomac Avenue (FERNANDEZ SALDANA's rental property) on
July 18, 2022. They encountered Active Crim Active Crim
Active Crim Active Crim
Active Crim Active Crim advised he initial ly met TENON and FERNANDEZ
SALDANA at this time.

Active Crim

While speaking with Active Crim detectives noticed a h·uck tire located on the side of the house.
Detectives asked Active Crim where the tire came from. Active Crim stated the tire was in a ditch
by the road at the end of the driveway and claimed that know how the tire got to the
side of the house. The tire was seized. The tire was identified as a BF Goodrich Advantage TIA
Sport. Upon further examination of the tire, it was determined it was the same make model and
contained the same DOT number as the tire found at the scene of the murder.
A second interview was conducted at Active Crim on July 26, 2022. Active Crim was
asked again about from where the tire Active Crim ated the tire was located in a ditch
at the end of the driveway and eventually i ard. Active Crim stated the tire was in the
front yard and he moved it to the side of the house because he was tired of seeing it fill
Active Crim stated he was not concerned with the tire because he did not drive a truck. Active Crim
further stated TENON previously owned a truck, but he has not seen it since the engine blew up.
Active Crim was asked what kind of truck TENON drove. Active Crim pointed at Affiant's
Ford F-150 and stated, "it's like yours" and said i Active Crim explained
TENON received the truck fro who died in 2021. Active Crim was shown a
ofa2004 blue F-150 Lariat and Active Crim confirmed the tru ke TENON's. Active Crim
stated he was not aware of the truck's cmTent location.
A search was conducted of registered vehicles to TENON's father, Henry C. Tenon, and it was
discovered that a blue 2004 Ford F-150 (GA TLW242) was titled in his name.
Affiant ran the tag through License Plate Reader databases and confirmed that a blue Ford F-150
truck with tag GA TL W242 traveled throughout Duval and St. Johns counties.
During his custodial interview on August 18, 2022, TENON repeatedly advised law enforcement
that he no longer had possession of the SUSPECT TRUCK, and that he did not know its current
location. He advised he sold it to an unknown male for "cash for paiis," but gave differing
statements as to the date of the sale. After viewing surveillance still shots from the homicide scene,
TENON admitted the SUSPECT TRUCK was his.
Affiant reviewed TENON's financial records, Affiant located a payment to Rivers Auto Transport
on June 8, 2022. The date the payment was made to Rivers Auto Transpo1i was compared to
TENON's Google Data, which revealed that he went to 1705 University Street Jacksonville, FL
32209. Affiant was interested in whether this could be a potential area of interest to locate the
SUSPECT VEHICLE. ATF agents inspected the above address and located TENON's blue 2004
F-150 (GA TLW 242) - the SUSPECT TRUCK - parked in the backyard. The truck was visible
from the street and a search warrant was subsequently approved for the prope1iy. The truck was
taken back to the Jacksonville Beach Police Department and entered as evidence.
Affiant spoke with the resident of 1705 University Street. The resident advised Affiant that
TENON was a "family friend," and he had known TENON's brother for multiple years. The
resident advised that TENON had the truck towed to his neighborhood off University Street and
they pushed it into his yard. He advised that TENON told him he needed to "store the truck ... for
a few weeks." The resident stated that this occurred several months ago and that TENON had left
the truck there much longer than anticipated. He advised that TENON kept the key.

This information belied TENON's explanations of the truck's location to Affiant on August 18,
2022. Contrary to TENON's assertions that he "sold the truck for parts" to an "unknown male,"
the owner of the home from which TENON'S truck was recovered was a family friend of TENON
- a person TENON had known for several years and would have easily been able to identify for
Affiant confinned that TENON made a payment to Rivers Auto Transport (a towing service
company) on June 8, 2022, and Google location data indicates that TENON traveled to University
Street (where the truck was later located) on that same day. This evidence indicates that TENON
lied to Affiant about his truck in his August interview.
The truck was processed by JBPD Evidence Technicians. During the search, check stubs,
referenced below, were found. There was also a boot box that was consistent with the type of boots
seen in the surveillance footage of the unknown black male at the homicide scene.
On October 6, 2022, a search waiTant for 5239 Potomac Avenue was executed. Upon executing
the search warrant, four occupants were found present in the residence Active Crim Norma Davila,
Devin Hightower, and Dane Hade were all located at the residence.
A search of the residence was conducted, and items of interest were collected. TENON 2 was
located and gathered as evidence. Clothing was collected, including a pair of work boots. Affiant
believes these boots to be similai· and/or a match worn by the unknown black male observed in the
relevant surveillance.
While on scene, Affiant spoke with Active Crim who alluded that FERNANDEZ SALDANA knew
what happened the night of the murder. Active Crim shared that he conta NDEZ
SALDANA after TENON'S arrest23 and handle his business." Active Crim further
stated "he [FERNANDEZ SALDANA] would know because it was his wife's ex-husband."
would not say ifhe knew what FERNANDEZ SALDANA knew about the murder.
Active Crim
offered that his contact with FERNANDEZ SALDANA was sparse.
At approximately 3 :52 p.m. Active Crim initiated a controlled call with TARGET TELEPHONE
1 (FERNANDEZ SALDAN Active Crim informed FERNANDEZ SALDANA thatATF served
a search warrant at 5239 Potom RNANDEZ SALDANA asked if Active Crim received
any contact information or a copy of the s t. FERNANDEZ S anted to
know what was taken from the residence. Active Crim asked why a search warrant would be
conducted at Potomac. FERNANDEZ SALDANA replied that he did not know and stated, "it does
not make sense." FERNANDEZ SALDANA apologized for Active Crim having to deal with the
situation. The call ended at 3:58 p.m.
While the search warrant was being conducted, Davila, Hade and Hightower were interviewed.
Davila advised she and Hade met Active Crim while working at Domino's. Davila and Hade moved
into 5239 Potomac Avenue, app ix weeks prior to the search warrant. When Davila
and Hade moved into the Potomac house, they moved into TENON's old room. TENON's
belongings were moved into the garage.

23Affiant confirmed phone contact between TARGET TELEPHONE SI Active Crim nd TARGET TELEPHONE
ONE (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) following TENON's arrest on Augu ch will be discussed later in
the affidavit.
Davila advised an individual named "Mario" (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) owned the house and
was selling the house. Davila stated he was "selling it to get money" Davila stated she has talked
to FERNANDEZ SALDANA several times while he was there working on the house.
Davila went on to explain she felt Active Crim had something on their l vila described
where FERNANDEZ came to the t Active Crim o sign a lease.
Active Crim did not want to sign the lease. Davila advised Active Crim st n't want me to
call such and such about something." Davila did not know ent had anything to do with
this mmder. Davila went on to explain Active Crim tore the lease up when FERNANDEZ
SALDANA gave it to him. Davila advi raction with FERNANDEZ SALDANA
occmTed in the second week of September.
Subpoenas were issued for all known bank accounts and credit cards for FERNANDEZ
SALDANA and GARDNER. Their house was held jointly. All other accounts were held
individually. GARDNER ran a small baking business out of her home. The majority of her income
came from an Irrevocable Trust that was funded by GARDNER's parents. FERNANDEZ
SALDANA was listed as Trustee on the trust. It was further stated, "when our daughter, Shanna,
shall have no further legal entanglements with her ex-husband, Jared G. Bridegan, she may elect
to serve as the Trustee." FERNANDEZ SALDANA also was listed as the owner of the two
vehicles they possessed. FERNANDEZ SALDANA also relied on the trust as his primary source
of income. He did receive a small amount of income from some rental properties and provided
personal training out of his garage. FERNANDEZ SALDANA also applied for, and received,
benefits from Veterans Administration for disability despite being ineligible due to his Less Than
Honorable discharge.
Affiant received TENON's financial records from PNC Bank on October 14, 2022. Upon
conducting the initial review, three handwritten checks were discovered from FERNANDEZ
SALDANA. The checks consisted of $2,000.00 (Deposit 03/28/2022), $3,000.00 (Deposit
03/29/2022) and $5,000 (Deposit 04/04/2022).
During the search of the SUSPECT TRUCK, three check stubs were found attached together from
the same page of the check book indicating the checks were given to TENON at the same time but
dated for different dates. The checks were made out to TENON and received from First Choice
Home Rentals LLC. The checks were signed by FERNANDEZ SALDANA.
GARDNER and FERNANDEZ SALDANA are both listed as owners of the LLC and have access
to the business account. It should be noted, First Choice Home Rentals LLC receives incoming
transfers from GARDNER's trust account, which is funded by Shelly and Sterling Gardner, the
parents of GARDNER.
During the period reviewed, there was frequently less than $400 in TENON's account, and it was
often overdrawn. These deposits were an anomaly compared with TENON's financial history.
rom USAA, Regions, and VyStar Credit Union for
Active Crim income is mostly from his militaiy retirement. During the
period reviewed, his account was frequently drawn down close to zero and there were several
instances where the account was overdrawn.

During the search watTant at Active Crim Affiant searched Active Crim room. A safe
was located with approxima Based on Affian on, this was a
significantly larger amount of money than Active Crim normally had.
One ofTENON's cellulat· phones, TENON 2 was recovered from the seat·ch wan-ant conducted at
5239 Potomac Avenue. A forensic download of TENON 2 was performed by JSO Digital
Forensics Unit. Upon reviewing the files, an audio recording was discovered between Active Crim
and TENON.
Affiant believes TENON accidentally dialed himself from his other phone, TENON 1. Affiant
heard a voicemail of this accidental dial, which recorded an in-person conversation between
TENON and Active Crim TENON can be heard discussing transfeITing money to Active Crim and
to his brothe non. Affiant heard TENON explain to Active Crim 24 that for
$5,000.00 to clear from the bank and he would pay Active Crim fr ney. It is unclear what
this payment is for, but the recording was dated April 6, 2022, two days after TENON deposited
the final check from FERNANDEZ SALDANA into his bank account. The last check from
FERNANDEZ SALDANA was for $5,000.
Affiant believes the conversation between Tenon and Active Crim was in reference to payment for
Active Crim involvement or silence in Bridegan's murder.
Active Crim Active Crim
Active Crim
Active Crim Active Crim is prohibited from owning or possessing firearms, as a felon.
Active Crim Active Crim


TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim were together for about an hour at Active Crim
residence approx before Active Crim perfo1med the
January 25, 2022.
Of significance, this date was one day after GARDNER received the email from Bridegan
regarding the baptism of their daughter.

Active Crim

Active Crim
Active Crim

24Affiant has spoken with Active Crim AND TENON for multiple hours and over multiple interviews, as well as
reviewing TENON's jail cal familiar with their voices and was able to recognize their voices on the audio

Active Crim

Active Crim


An a1Test warrant application for TENON will be issued contemporaneously with this Order.
Affiant has probable cause to believe that the TARGET SUBJECTS will communicate once
TENON's a1Test is publicly atmounced by JBPD. During the course of investigation, Affiant
observed that phone calls and activity between the targets markedly increased in frequency and
volume close in time to key events in the investigation, as charted here:
1. February 28- March 1, 2022: GARDNER AND FERNANDEZ
SALDANA Interviews
Affiant contacted GARDNER AND FERNANDEZ SALDANA on February 28, 2022, and
requested to schedule an interview at JBPD. It was agreed that the two would come in the
following day, March I, 2022, for an interview.
A Google Search warrant on TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) showed that
from the time of Affiant's call until the scheduled interview time, FERNANDEZ SALDANA
deleted approximately 5400 records from his Google account. Review of historical deletions show
this action to be markedly different than TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA)
no1mal deletion rate.

Google Deletion Data~ Mario FERNANDEZ SALDANA

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At their interviews, FERNANDEZ SALDANA and GARDNER were requested to allow the nine-
year-old twins to be interviewed by the Child Protection Team. They agreed, and the children's
interviews were scheduled for March 4, 2022.

2. March 2-6, 2022: FERNANDEZ SALDANA Trip/Children's CPT

(~ Upon receiving location data from various search wairnnts, it was discovered FERNANDEZ
SALDANA took a trip to Pennsylvania a day after his first interview on March 1, 2022.
On March 2, 2022, FERNANDEZ SALDANA left Jacksonville Beach drove to Pennsylvania over
the span of two (2) days. Stops were made in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and
Pennsylvania prior to returning. Detectives drove to North Carolina attempting to identify the
reason for the trip.
March 2, 2022: FENANDEZ SALDANA drove to Brunswick, Ga.
March 3, 2022: FERNANDEZ SALDANA drove to Florence, SC at 6:30 a.m. During this time,
TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) received a phone call from Jorge Cruz.
Cruz was discovered to have a registered address in Beulaville, NC. There have been no
communications with Cruz in the phone records that have been requested and reviewed. It was
later discovered Cruz and FERNANDEZ SALDANA primarily communicated through playing
video games online. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent and received
text messages with Cruz from South Cai·olina until he anived in Clinton, NC, where he stayed for
one night through March 2, 2022. The phone activity on Mai·ch 3 is included herein:

7:40:03 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text

7:40:11 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text

8:21:49 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent Cruz a text
8:21:55 a.m. TAR GET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent Cruz a text
8:22:23 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
8:23:52 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent Cruz a text
8:24:28 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
8:25:31 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent Cruz a text
8:26:35 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
8:26:47 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
8:27:14 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent Cruz a text
8:27:47 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
8:28:13 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
8:24:24 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
8:29:14 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent Cruz a text
8:29:37 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
8:30:04 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent Cruz a text
8:30:49 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
8:31:46 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent Cruz a text
8:32:42 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
8:32:49 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text

8:34:48 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent Cruz a text
8:35:51 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
8:37:15 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent Cruz a text
8:37:25 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
9:42:00 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
9:42:15 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
9:42:23 a.m. Cruz sent TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) a text
10:00:01 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent Cruz a text
message (Last record). 26

TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) also exchanged numerous text messages

with TARGET TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) throughout the day on March 3, 2022.
March 4, 2022: FERNANDEZ SALDANA left Clinton, NC and drove to Tarentum, PA.
TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) and Sterling Gardner while driving to Tarentum. The Child
Protective Team interviewed GARDNER's children at I :20 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE I
(FERNANDEZ SALDANA) exchanged messages and calls with various members of
GARDNER's family throughout this day:

26 Jorge Cruise Interview: JBPD detectives interviewed Cruz on July 2, 2022, at his residence, located at 740

Hallsville Road, Beulaville, NC 28518.

Upon making contact with Cruz, he appeared to be extremely nervous and refused to walk outside. Once Cruz came
to the door, he opened the solid front door, but he refused to open the glass outer door. The entire conversation with
Cruz took place through this glass door. Cruz seemed uneasy and would not make contact more than a brief moment.
When asked if Cruz knew FERNANDEZ SALDANA, Cruz denied knowledge of FERNANDEZ SALDANA. Cruz
was asked again, and he was made aware of his contacts through his cellular phone. Cruz again denied any knowledge
ofFERNANDEZ SALDANA. Cruz was shown a picture ofFERNANDEZ SALDANA and he stated he knew him as
:'Mario Fe111andez."
Cruz was asked about FERNANDEZ SALDANA's visit to Clinton, NC which took place on 03/03/2022 to
03/04/2022. Cruz stated he did not meet with FERNANDEZ SALDANA while he was in Clinton, NC. Cruz was
further asked about the cell phone conversations between him and FERNANDEZ SALDANA on 03/03/2022. Cruz
stated he does not remember what the two talked about because it was not important enough to be recalled.
Cruz would go on to explain a conversation he overheard while the two were playing video games on line. Cruz stated
he heard FERNANDEZ SALDANA and GARDNER discussing that the police were at the house to talk about
GARDNER's ex-husband's murder. Cruz could not specify when the conversation took place. Cruz was fm1her asked
the time frame of this conversation. Cruz stated the conversation may have taken place the day after or a week after
the murder. Cruz would go to explain the last time he spoke with FERNANDEZ SALDANA was a week prior to my
C contact with him.

1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) duration 1 minute 9 seconds.
1:20 p.m. CPT Interview with twins began.
1:44:20 p.m. Sterling Gardner called TARGET TELEPHONE I (FERNANDEZ
SALDANA), duration 35 seconds.
2:07:39 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) exchanged text
messages with Shalae Brown (GARDNER's sister).
TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) exchanged seven text messages while twins
are being interviewed.
4:15 p.m. FERNANDEZ SALDANA checked into hotel in Tarentnm, PA.
March 5, 2022: FERNANDEZ SALDANA visited a Walmart, Red Robin, and Longhorn
Steakhouse, before leaving for Jacksonville Beach.
From 7:47 a.m.-8:55 p.m., TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA)
communicated with TARGET TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) 30 times consisting of text
messages and phone calls.
It is clear from evidence gathered, FERNANDEZ SALDANA's trip to Pennsylvania was
unplanned and spontaneous. FERNANDEZ SALDANA made no prior hotel reservations and did
not appear to have any structure or clear outcome associated with the trip. Prior to aniving in
Tarentum, PA, FERNANDEZ SALDANA attempted to make an unsuccessful reservation before
he finally made a successful reservation at the Spring Hills Suite by Man-iott. FERNANDEZ
SALDANA made a reservation for two nights but left after only staying for one night. While
staying in Tarentum, FERNANDEZ SALDANA purchased toiletries from Walmart, further
showing there was no clear planning involved in this trip.
FERNANDEZ SALDANA then drove straight through from Tarentum, PA to Jacksonville Beach
stopping only for gas.
Affiant believes this trip to be related to the investigation. Of note, the twins were interviewed by
members of the Child Protection Team on March 4, 2022. Their statements contradicted those of
FERNANDEZ SALDANA about where he was in the home that night and what he was doing.
The children noted that they believed he was in a back room because the television lights were on,
but they never saw him. They also stated that they normally would come back into the house
through the garage, but that night, the garage was closed, which was unusual, so they had to use
the front door.
March 7, 2022: Following FERNANDEZ SALDANA's Trip
TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) deleted over 1,000 entries from his
Google account.

Google Deletion Data - Mario FERNANDEZ

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3. March 9, 2022: Release of Truck photo to media

At approximately 5 :00 p.m. , a photo of the suspect truck was released to the media and broadly
publicized. The following day, March 10, 2022, toll records reveal a flurry of communications
currently still in possession and driving the truck until April 4, 2022.27
3: 16:55 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) received a
C message from TENON 1.
3:17:34 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) received a
message from TENON 1.
3 :28: 11 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent a message to
3:36:32 p .m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) made an outgoing
call to TENON 1.
3:48:05 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) made an outgoing
call to TENON 1.
3:12:55 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent a message to
4:35:20 p.m. TAR GET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) received an
incoming call from TENON 1. Duration, 27 minutes 18 seconds.

(_ 27
Based on License Plate Reader hits, witness statements, and TENON' s custodial i11terv iew, along with Google
Location Data showing TENON trave ling to the residence wh ere the SUSPECT TRU CK was eventual ly located.
4. August 18, 2022: TENON's arrest on unrelated charges
TENON was detained during a traffic stop with the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office. TENON was
placed under anest for felony traffic charges, and he was transported to the Crime Gun Intelligence
Center ("CGIC") to be interviewed in reference to the murder.
On August 18, 2022, after TENON'S Arrest, Active Crim was interviewed once again to try and
gather further information. Active Crim main ad no knowledge of the murder, or
knowledge of the truck's cur .
After receiving updated phone records for the Target Phones, a flurry of call activity occU1Ted.
The calls activity is as follows:
6:25 a.m. JBPD interview with Active Crim ended.
6:34 a.m. "Michael Connors" attempted to make two calls to TARGET TELEPHONE
7:23 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 6 Active Crim contacted JBPD in reference to his
7:56 a.m. Connors Active Crim admitted to using Connors' phone on this date)
two times.
7:57 a.m. Connors Active Crim called TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ
SALDAN 35 minutes 10 seconds.
8:33 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) attempted to call
Janie Deal, the girlfriend of TENON, who was detained in the traffic stop
with TENON and held at CGIC at this time.
Active Crim . Duration 15 minutes 53 seconds.

9:02 a.m. Connors Active Crim called TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ

SALDA n 38 minutes 14 seconds.
TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER). Duration 15 seconds.
10:17 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) attempted to call The Intt·epid
Group PR/Crisis Management Firm.
10:18 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) called Linda Luchetti (her public
relations firm). Duration 30 seconds.
10:20 a.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) called Bedell Law Firm (her
criminal defense attorney). Duration 32 seconds.

28In a later interview Active Crim advised he used the cell phone of a local "crackhead," Michael Connors, to contact
TARGET TELEPHO ANDEZ SALDANA). Active Crim stated his phone must have been without power,
however, call records dispute that, as Active Crim utilize ar phone to contact Stanley while the flurry of
communications was taking place. Accordingly, Affiant believes Active Crim did so to hide his contact with

11:23 a.m. Connors Active Crim called TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ
SALDAN 34 seconds.
TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) exchanged multiple text messages.
multiple messages with TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim
although forensic examination of TARGET TELEPHONE 6
Active Crim showed the texts related to tile work.
12:I6p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) received an incoming call from
Christopher Thomas of the Intrepid Group, a PR/Crisis Management firm,
duration 10 minutes 21 seconds.
12:47p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) received an incoming call from
Linda Luchetti (a media relations specialist in Utah), duration 4 minutes 25
2:I9p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) made an outgoing call to
2:24p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) made an outgoing call to Bedell
Law Firm (her criminal defense attorney), duration 6 minutes, 24 seconds.
2:31 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) made an outgoing call to
TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER), duration Oseconds.
TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER). Duration 4 minutes 12 seconds.
3:08 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 2 (GARDNER) received a call from Christopher
Thomas of the Intrepid Group PR/Crisis Management Firm, duration 23
minutes 34 seconds.
3:38-3:45 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) exchanged
6:43-6:48 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) exchanged
7:52 p.m. TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) sent a message to

8:04 -8:11 p.m. TAR GET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ SALDANA) exchanged
messages with TARGET TELEPHONE 6 Active Crim
5. August 23, 2022: Law Enforcement Interview of Active Crim t
his Residence
Affiant spoke with Active Crim at his residence following TENON's aiTest. Active Crim
Active Crim

Following this t observed a spike in communication between TARGET
as depicted in the chart below.
During Affiant' s review of Active Crim phone data, there was a thread of text messages with
older messages. Based on Affiant's review of both TARGET TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim
had contact via text prior to May 2022, including around the time of the homicide. Based on
Affiant's experience, this indicates that Active Crim deleted all their older communications.
Active Crim toll records show periods of zero contact but spikes in the volume and
during significant periods in the investigation.
Toll Record Analysis: Mario FERNANDEZ SALDANA's Communication wit Active Crim



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( On 1/4/2023, subpoena results were received for TARGET TELEPHONE 1 (FERNANDEZ
SALDANA) tolls through December 23, 2022. Affiant discovered that TARGET TELEPHONE 1
(FERNANDEZ SALDANA) has had no communication with GARDNER (on any of the
TARGET TELEPHONES 2, 3, or 4) since November 18, 2022; no communication with TARGET
TELEPHONE 6 Active Crim since November 13, 2022; and no communication with TARGET
TELEPHONE 5 Active Crim since August 30, 2022.
This lack of com onds to a lull in contact with law enforcement or releases to
the public regarding this case.
Accordingly, your Affiant has probable cause to believe that the TARGET SUBJECTS will
communicate on the TARGET PHONES once Affiant takes certain actions (aka "TRIGGER
ACTIONS") to provoke contact. These TRIGGER ACTIONS are outlined in the Application, and
subject to Judge Charbula' s review.
In summation, the evidence as outlined above by Affiant establishes probable cause that the
TARGET SUBJECTS were and continue to be involved in a conspiracy to commit the murder of
Bridegan, evade and mislead law enforcement regarding the murder of Bridegan, and alter,
conceal, or destroy evidence relating to the murder of Bridegan.

I swear the facts included are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Det. Chris L. Johns, JBPD

Witness my hand and seal this '.a\ ~\ day of January 2023,

01h! r2e... ~


JBPD Case 2023-A


TELEPHONE ONE) AND IMEI #310260193141681, a T-



The undersigned State Attorney for the Fourth Judicial Circuit in the State of Florida,
having considered the attached Application of the Affiant (C. Johns), a Detective
with the Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), who is an investigative or
law enforcement officer in accordance with Florida Statute 934.07, hereby
authorizes said Application to be made to one of the Judges of the Circuit Court of
the Fourth Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County, Florida, for an Order authorizing
the interception and recording of wire and electronic communications on T-Mobile
telephone number (904) 566-2633 (Target Telephone One).

I further certify that I have no knowledge of any previous application made to any
judge for authorization to intercept, or for approval of interceptions of oral, wire or
electronic communications, involving (904) 566-2633 (Target Telephone One),
Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana, or any of the other named TARGET
SUBJECTS specified in the attached Application before the Court.

f'w/J itd,ytrL.., Date:_1~/2~1=/2=3~------

Melissa W. Nelson
State Attorney
Fourth Judicial Circuit
State of Florida

JBPD Case 2023-A


TELEPHONE ONE) AND IMEI #310260193141681, a T-



This cause came on to be heard upon the Ex Parte Application of Affiant,

Christopher L. Johns, a sworn law enforcement officer of the Jacksonville

Beach Police Department, for an Order authorizing the interception of wire and

electronic communications, hereinafter defined to include audio, over hears,

short messaging, (text messages), multi-messaging, photographs, video, packet

data, direct connect, and push to talk services under and by virtue of Chapter

934, Florida Statutes, for a cellular telephone, telephone number (904) 566-2633

(TARGET TELEPHONE ONE), a T-Mobile cellular telephone. TARGET

TELEPHONE ONE is believed to be utilized by MARIO ENRIQUE FERNANDEZ

SALDANA and the Court having determined on the basis of the facts submitted

by the Application and supporting affidavit as follows:

Page 1 of 13
1. The Affiant, Christopher L. Johns, is an "investigative or law

enforcement officer" within the meaning of§ 934.02(6), Florida Statutes;

that is, an officer of the State of Florida or political subdivision thereof or

the United States, who is empowered by law to conduct investigations of

and to make arrests for offenses enumerated in § 934.07, Florida

Statutes, and is authorized to make the Application pursuant to § 934.07,

Florida Statutes.

2. The Application herein has been authorized by Melissa W. Nelson, State

Attorney, for the Fourth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, pursuant to

Florida Statutes, Section 934.07;

3. There is probable cause to believe that certain individuals specified in the

Application filed herein, to-wit Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana

(hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ SALDANA"), Shanna Lee Gardner

(hereinafter: "GARDNER"); Active Crim

Active Crim and

others not yet known (hereinafter referred to as the "TAR GET

SUBJECTS") are committing, have committed and are about to commit

offenses enumerated in Florida Statutes, Section 934.07, to-wit Murder,

Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and Solicitation to Commit Murder, in

violation of § 782.04(1)(a), 777.04(1), 777.04(2), Florida Statutes,

Page 2 of 13
Tampering with Evidence, in violation of§ 918.13, Florida Statutes, and

that the said offenses are being carried on as a conspiracy to violate the

laws of the State of Florida among the individuals whose identities are at

present known and unknown;

4. There is probable cause to believe that a certain telephone facility, to-wit:

a cellular telephone, telephone number (904) 566-2633 (TARGET

TELEPHONE ONE) has been used, is being used, and is about to be

used by the TARGET SUBJECTS in connection with violations of Chapter

782, 918, and 777 Florida Statutes; that the telephone facility Is listed to T-

Mobile and utilized by FERNANDEZ SALDANA and other persons whose

identities are unknown have used, are using and are about to use the

aforesaid telephone facility in connection with the communication of the

aforesaid criminal offenses;

5. There is probable cause to believe that wire and electronic

communications concerning the controlled criminal offenses herein above

set forth will be obtained through the interception applied for herein; and

6. Normal investigative procedures have been tried and have failed,

reasonably appear to be unlikely to succeed if tried, or would be too

dangerous for law enforcement or its agents to attempt.

Page 3 of 13
assigned number (904) 566-2633 and IMEI #310260193141681, a T-
Mobile cellular telephone subscribed to a "Mario E. Fernandez Saldana"
with address "1837 Chatham Place Drive, Orlando, FL" and is being

3. The type of communications hereby authorized to be intercepted are wire

and electronic communications in the form of incoming and outgoing

telephone calls, text messages, and SMS messages at the afore-

described subject facility on the afore-described subject telephone; those

wire and electronic communications, hereinafter defined to include audio,

over hears, short messaging, (text messages), multi-messaging,

photographs, videos, packet data, direct connect, and push to talk

services regarding the Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and

Solicitation to Commit Murder, in violation of§ 782.04(1)(a), 777.04(1),

777.04(2), Florida Statutes, Tampering with Evidence, in violation of

§918.13, Florida, Statutes.

4. The agencies authorized to intercept the aforesaid communications are

the Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI),

Investigators of the State Attorney's Office (SAO), or any individuals acting

under the supervision of an agent of any of the aforementioned law

enforcement agencies.

Page 5 of 13
5. The person authorizing the aforesaid application to be made before this

Court is Melissa W. Nelson State Attorney, for the Fourth Judicial Circuit

of the State of Florida;

6. The period of time during which the aforesaid interception is authorized is

fifteen (15) days. The interception authorized herein, however, shall not

continue any longer than is necessary to achieve the objectives of this

authorization, as described in the Application, which are to obtain

evidence admissible in a court of law against Mario Enrique Fernandez

Saldana (hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ SALDANA"), Shanna Lee Gardner

(hereinafter: "GARDNER"); Active Crim

Active Crim and

others not yet known (hereinafter referred to as the ''TARGET

SUBJECTS"). The Court specifically finds that the nature of the

investigation being conducted herein is such that the authorization for

interception should not automatically terminate when the communications

herein described have been first obtained and that additional

communications of the same type described herein will recur on a regular

continuing basis for at least fifteen (15) days hence;

7. The period of time during which the aforesaid interception is authorized is

fifteen (15) days and that such 15-day period begins on the day on which

the Agent or Officer of the law enforcement agency first begins to conduct

Page 6 of 13
an interception under the order or 15 days after the order is entered,

whichever occurs earlier. This Authorization to intercept shall be executed

as soon as practicable;

8. The authorization to intercept shall be conducted in such a way as to

minimize interception of communications not otherwise subject to the

interception under Chapter 934, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to, §934.09(5),

Florida Statutes, it is further ordered that in the event the intercepted

communications are in a code or foreign language , and an expert in that

code or language is not reasonably available during U1e i11lerception

period, minimization may be accomplished as soon as practicable after

such interception ;

9. The T-Mobile Cellular Telephone Company, its agents and employees

shall not disclose to the listed subscribers of the above-mentioned

telephone number, nor to any person , the existence of this Order and its

supporting Application, or of this investigation , unless otherwise ordered

by this Court, or other Court of Competent Jurisdiction;

10. Affiant, Christopher L. Johns , or any one or more of his designees is

hereby required to appear and report in person or by phon e, to the

undersigned Judge at 9': 30 o'clock <!!fy I pm on ffi t>t'ic:l c:, of each
\ ~
week during which this Order is in effect, beginning the '2.~ day of
Page 7 of 13
January, 2023 in said Judge's Chambers in the Duval County


11. The contents of the wire and electronic communications intercepted

pursuant to this Order shall, if possible, be recorded on tape or wire or

other comparable devices which may include but is not limited to compact


12. The recordings of the contents of any wire and electronic communications

intercepted pursuant to this Order shall be kept in the custody of either the

Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), or one or more of their authorized deputies.

Immediately upon the expiration of the period of this Order or any

extensions thereof, such recordings shall be delivered to the undersigned

Judge to be handled and dealt with according to orders of this Court;

13. The related Application and Authorization(s) attached and this Order shall

be sealed and shall be timely delivered to and remain in the custody of the

Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval

County, Florida, who until further order is hereby ordered and instructed to

keep such recordings in such a manner as will protect the recordings from

editing or other alterations. Such Application, Authorizations and Order

shall be disclosed only upon a showing of good cause before the

Page 8 of 13
undersigned Judge, or any other Judge of competent jurisdiction, and

shall not be destroyed except upon order of this Court, or any other Judge

of competent jurisdiction, and in any event shall be kept for ten (10) years;

14. Until such time as notice of this interception is supplied to the parties

whose communications were intercepted or its existence is revealed

through Court proceedings as provided in Florida Statutes, Section

934.08, the Affiant herein may refer to communications intercepted

pursuant to this Order as having come from a "Confidential Reliable

Source" including, but not limited to, search warrants, arrest warrants,

arrest affidavits or applications for subsequent orders for the interception

of wire, oral or electronic communications presented to this Court during

the interception of communications herein authorized;

15. In the event telephone number (904) 566-2633 (TARGET TELEPHONE

ONE) is changed to a new telephone number that is assigned the same

International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) and/or instrument bearing the

same Electronic Serial Number (ESN), International Mobile Equipment

Identity (IMEI), and/or Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID), and/or any new

IMSI, ESN, IMEI, and/or MEID, whether the changes occur consecutively

or simultaneously, listed to the same subscriber and wireless telephone

account number as the Target Telephone within the period authorized by

order; and/or B) any new IMSI, ESN, IMEI, and/or MEID, is assigned to

telephone number (904) 566-2633 (TARGET TELEPHONE ONE) or

Page 9 of 13
new/changed telephone number(s), whether the changes occur

consecutively or simultaneously, listed to the same subscriber and

wireless telephone account number as the Target Telephone within the

period authorized by order; this Order authorizes the interception of

communications to continue with notification to this Court. Additionally,

this court orders that T-Mobile be ordered to notify Affiant, Christopher L.

Johns, via email at, of any future changes to the

listed telephone facilities regarding (904) 566-2633 (TARGET

TELEPHONE ONE), within twenty-four (24) hours of any changes;

·16.The monitoring, real time control of recording (including Minimization), of

any interception of communications authorized pursuant to this Order will

be done in the Fourth Judicial Circuit of Florida; and

17. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that T-Mobile will furnish on demand to the

applicant forthwith all subscriber information and any requested toll

information on telephone numbers, or individuals identified and obtained

as a result of wire and electronic communications intercepted pursuant to

this Order, and the information, facilities, and technical assistance

necessary to accomplish the interception unobtrusively and with a

minimum of interference with these services that such carrier is according

the person whose communications are to be intercepted

18. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the following cellular telephone

"Common Carriers" identified as Metro (PCS), Sprint Corporation,

Page 10 of 13
Cricket Wireless, Verizon Wireless, Cingular Wireless, Sprint Nextel

(USA}, BellSouth Telecommunications, Comcast Telephone, Virgin

Mobile, Florida Digital, Alltel Wireless, AT&T Wireless and Level 3, furnish

the Applicant forthwith all subscriber, billing, and toll data, authorized user,

the specified time frame of historical cell site data, real time GPS data,

911 Ping Locator data to any and all telephone facilities that are

associated with this investigation and will be identified by your Affiants,

customer comments, and a specified period of telephone toll to include

historical tolls up to 30 days prior to the signed order and direct connect

toll information on telephone numbers and/or any individual who's name

were obtained as a result of wire and electronic communications

intercepted pursuant to this Order, and the information, facilities, and

technical assistance necessary to accomplish the interception

unobtrusively and with a minimum of interference with these services that

such carrier is according the person whose communications are to be


19. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Investigating Agency, with all lawful

assistance, is authorized to install and use an electronic or mechanical

device commonly referred to as a Pen Register or Dialed Number

Recorder with Enhanced Caller ID Option, Trap & Trace Device (without

geographic limitations), and to obtain Cell Site Data, Switch Registration

Data information. *Upon written request on Department Letter Head to

Page 11 of 13
any and all cellular telephone "Common Carrier". your Affiant will

provide the specific date and time frame for the real time Ping 911

Locator information on any and all Targeted Telephone Facilities

associated with this ongoing investigation. The Pen Register or

Dialed Number Recorder will identify the telephone numbers of parties

receiving calls and Direct Connect Calls from telephone facility number

(904) 566-2633 (TARGET TELEPHONE ONE) which is a T-Mobile

cellular telephone being utilized by FERNADEZ SALDANA. The Trap and

Trace Data for number (904) 566-2633 (TARGET TELEPHONE ONE) will

identify the telephone numbers of parties placing calls to telephone

number (904) 566-2633 (TARGET TELEPHONE ONE) (without

geographic limitations). The Cell Site location Data and Switch

Registration Data information for number (904) 566-2633 (TARGET

TELEPHONE ONE) (without geographic limitations) will provide

information that will aide law enforcement agents in locating the subject of

the investigation; That the communication common carrier(s) for number

(904) 566-2633 (TARGET TELEPHONE ONE), to forthwith furnish Agents

of the Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI),

Investigators of the State Attorney's Office (SAO) with all of the

information, facilities and technical assistance necessary to unobtrusively

accomplish such identification, including installation and operation of said

Page 12 of 13
devices. The forgoing are requested pursuant to Chapter 934, Florida

Statutes and Title 18 of the USC, Section 2703 (c) and Section 2703 (d) ,

and Title 28 USC, Section 1651 (a).

20. T-Mobile is to be compensated at the prevailing rates.

DONE AND ORDERED at Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida ,

at '2- · . l..\ """2-- o'clock am!@, this 2l_ day of January, 2023.

Judge, Circuit Court of the Fourth
Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County,
C \..\- ~(l ~v '-°' ' (r\

Page 13 of 13

JBPD Case 2023-B


TELEPHONE TWO) AND IMSI #310260193141680, a T-



The undersigned State Attorney for the Fourth Judicial Circuit in the State of Florida,
having considered the attached Application of the Affiant (C. Johns}, a Detective
with the Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), who is an investigative or
law enforcement officer in accordance with Florida Statute 934.07, hereby
authorizes said Application to be made to one of the Judges of the Circuit Court of
the Fourth Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County, Florida, for an Order authorizing
the interception and recording of wire and electronic communications on T-Mobile
telephone number (904) 708-4571 (Target Telephone Two).

I further certify that I have no knowledge of any previous application made to any
judge for authorization to intercept, or for approval of interceptions of oral, wire or
electronic communications, involving (904) 708-4571 (Target Telephone Two),
Shanna Lee Gardner, or any of the other named TARGET SUBJECTS specified in
the atta~~-ca~~~~~f~re the Court.
/'1-fA./Y r re..,; Date: 1/21 /23
Melissa W. Nelson
State Attorney
Fourth Judicial Circuit
State of Florida

JBPD Case 2023-B


TELEPHONE TWO) AND IMSI #310260193141680, a T-



This cause came on to be heard upon the Ex Parte Application of Affiant,

Christopher L. Johns, a sworn law enforcement officer of the Jacksonville

Beach Police Department, for an Order authorizing the interception of wire and

electronic communications, hereinafter defined to include audio, over hears,

short messaging, (text messages), multi-messaging, photographs, video, packet

data, direct connect, and push to talk services under and by virtue of Chapter

934, Florida Statutes, for a cellular telephone, telephone number (904) 708-4571

(TARGET TELEPHONE TWO), a T-Mobile cellular telephone. TARGET

TELEPHONE TWO is believed to be utilized by SHANNA LEE GARDNER and

the Court having determined on the basis of the facts submitted by the

Application and supporting affidavit as follows:

Page 1 of 13
1. The Affiant, Christopher L. Johns, is an "investigative or law

enforcement officer" within the meaning of § 934.02(6), Florida Statutes;

that is, an officer of the State of Florida or political subdivision thereof or

the United States, who is empowered by law to conduct investigations of

and to make arrests for offenses enumerated in § 934.07, Florida

Statutes, and is authorized to make the Application pursuant to § 934.07,

Florida Statutes.

2. The Application herein has been authorized by Melissa W. Nelson, State

Attorney, for the Fourth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, pursuant to

Florida Statutes, Section 934.07;

3. There is probable cause to believe that certain individuals specified in the

Application filed herein, to-wit: Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana

(hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ SALDANA"), Shanna Lee Gardner

(hereinafter: "GARDNER"); Active Crim

Active Crim and

others not yet known (hereinafter referred to as the "TARGET

SUBJECTS") are committing, have committed and are about to commit

offenses enumerated in Florida Statutes, Section 934.07, to-wit: Murder,

Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and Solicitation to Commit Murder, in

violation of § 782.04(1)(a), 777.04(1), 777.04(2), Florida Statutes,

Page 2 of 13
Tampering with Evidence, in violation of § 918.13, Florida Statutes, and

that the said offenses are being carried on as a conspiracy to violate the

laws of the State of Florida among the individuals whose identities are at

present known and unknown;

4. There is probable cause to believe that a certain telephone facility, to-wit:

a cellular telephone, telephone number (904) 708-4571 (TARGET

TELEPHONE TWO) has been used, is being used, and is about to be

used by the TARGET SUBJECTS in connection with violations of Chapter

782, !:J18, and I I I Honda Statutes; that the telephone facility is listed to T-

Mobile and utilized by SHANNA LEE GARDNER and other persons

whose identities are unknown have used, are using and are about to use

the aforesaid telephone facility in connection with the communication of

the aforesaid criminal offenses;

5. There is probable cause to believe that wire and electronic

communications concerning the controlled criminal offenses herein above

set forth will be obtained through the interception applied for herein; and

6. Normal investigative procedures have been tried and have failed,

reasonably appear to be unlikely to succeed if tried, or would be too

dangerous for law enforcement or its agents to attempt.

Page 3 of 13
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that officers of the Jacksonville Beach

Police Department (JBPD), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)

the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office

(JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Investigators of the State

Attorney's Office (SAO), other sworn Special Agents or Law Enforcement

Officers, as needed, as well as any civilian contract monitor(s) acting under the

supervision of an agent or officer of a law enforcement agency authorized to

conduct this interception, are hereby authorized to intercept wire and electronic

communications hereinafter described and in accordance with the order

hereinafter set forth:

1. The identities of the persons whose communications are to be intercepted

are: Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana (hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ

SALDANA"), Shanna Lee Gardner (hereinafter: "GARDNER");

Active Crim

Active Crim and others not yet known (hereinafter referred to


2. The nature and location of the communication facility as to which authority

to intercept is hereby granted is set forth as follows;

Target Telephone Two

Target Telephone Two is a mobile, cellular telephone facility with the

Page 4 of 13
assigned number (904) 708-4571 and IMSI #310260193141680, a T-
Mobile cellular telephone subscribed to a "Shanna Lee Gardner" with
address "1511 Marsh Inlet Ct., Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250" and is
being utilized by GARDNER.

3. The type of communications hereby authorized to be intercepted are wire

and electronic communications in the form of incoming and outgoing

telephone calls, text messages, and SMS messages at the afore-

described subject facility on the afore-described subject telephone; those

wire and electronic communications, hereinafter defined to include audio,

over hears, short messaging, (text messages), multi-messaging,

photographs, videos, packet data, direct connect, and push to talk

services regarding the Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and

Solicitation to Commit Murder, in violation of§ 782.04(1 )(a), 777.04(1),

777.04(2), Florida Statutes, Tampering with Evidence, in violation of

§918.13, Florida, Statutes.

4. The agencies authorized to intercept the aforesaid communications are

the Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),

Jacksonville Sheriffs Office (JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI),

Investigators of the State Attorney's Office (SAO), or any individuals acting

under the supervision of an agent of any of the aforementioned law

enforcement agencies.

Page 5 of 13
5. The person authorizing the aforesaid application to be made before this

Court is Melissa W. Nelson State Attorney, for the Fourth Judicial Circuit

of the State of Florida;

6. The period of time during which the aforesaid interception is authorized is

fifteen (15) days. The interception authorized herein, however, shall not

continue any longer than is necessary to achieve the objectives of this

authorization, as described in the Application, which are to obtain

evidence admissible in a court of law against Mario Enrique Fernandez

Saldana (hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ SALDANA"), Slianna Lee Gardner

(hereinafter: "GARDNER"); Active Crim

Active Crim and

others not yet known (hereinafter referred to as the 'TARGET

SUBJECTS"). The Court specifically finds that the nature of the

investigation being conducted herein is such that the authorization for

interception should not automatically terminate when the communications

herein described have been first obtained and that additional

communications ;:if the same type described herein will recur on a regular

continuing basis for at least fifteen (15) days hence;

7. The period of time during which the aforesaid interception is authorized is

fifteen (15) days and that such 15-day period begins on the day on which

the Agent or Officer of the law enforcement agency first begins to conduct

an interception under the order or 15 days after the order is entered,

Page 6 of 13
whichever occurs earlier. This Authorization to intercept shall be executed

as soon as practicable;

8. The authorization to intercept shall be conducted in such a way as to

minimize interception of communications not otherwise subject to the

interception under Chapter 934, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to, §934.09(5),

Florida Statutes, it is further ordered that in the event the intercepted

communications are in a code or foreign language, and an expert in that

code or language is not reasonably available during the interception

period, minimization may be accomplished as soon as practicable after

such interception;

9. The T-Mobile Cellular Telephone Company, its agents and employees

shall not disclose to the listed subscribers of the above-mentioned

telephone number, nor to any person, the existence of this Order and its

supporting Application, or of this investigation, unless otherwise ordered

by this Court, or other Court of Competent Jurisdiction;

10. Affiant, Christopher L. Johns, or any one or more of his designees is

hereby required to appear and report in person or by phone, to the

undersigned Judge at ''J:"&Oo'clock (!!jy I pm on N\9",J °'1 of each

week during which this Order is in effect, beginning the ZS day of

Page 7 of 13
January, 2023 in said Judge's Chambers in the Duval County


11. The contents of the wire and electronic communications intercepted

pursuant to this Order shall, if possible, be recorded on tape or wire or

other comparable devices which may include but is not limited to compact


12. The recordings of the contents of any wire and electronic communications

intercepted pursuant to this Order shall be kept in the custody of either the

Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), or one or more of their authorized deputies.

Immediately upon the expiration of the period of this Order or any

extensions thereof, such recordings shall be delivered to the undersigned

Judge to be handled and dealt with according to orders of this Court;

13. The related Application and Authorization(s) attached and this Order shall

be sealed and shall be timely delivered to and remain in the custody of the

Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval

County, Florida, who until further order is hereby ordered and instructed to

keep such recordings in such a manner as will protect the recordings from

editing or other alterations. Such Application, Authorizations and Order

shall be disclosed only upon a showing of good cause before the

Page 8 of 13
undersigned Judge, or any other Judge of competent jurisdiction, and

shall not be destroyed except upon order of this Court, or any other Judge

of competent jurisdiction, and in any event shall be kept for ten (10) years;

14. Until such time as notice of this interception is supplied to the parties

whose communications were intercepted or its existence is revealed

through Court proceedings as provided in Florida Statutes, Section

934.08, the Affiant herein may refer to communications intercepted

pursuant to this Order as having come from a "Confidential Reliable

Source" including, but not limited to, search warrants, arrest warrants,

arrest affidavits or applications for subsequent orders for the interception

of wire, oral or electronic communications presented to this Court during

the interception of communications herein authorized;

15. In the event telephone number (904) 708-4571 (TARGET TELEPHONE

TWO) is changed to a new telephone number that is assigned the same

International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) and/or instrument bearing the

same Electronic Serial Number (ESN), International Mobile Equipment

Identity (IMEI), and/or Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID), and/or any new

IMSI, ESN, IMEI, and/or MEID, whether the changes occur consecutively

or simultaneously, listed to the same subscriber and wireless telephone

account number as the Target Telephone within the period authorized by

order; and/or B) any new IMSI, ESN, IMEI, and/or MEID, is assigned to

telephone number (904) 708-4571 (TARGET TELEPHONE TWO) or

Page 9 of 13
Cricket Wireless, Verizon Wireless, Cingular Wireless, Sprint Nextel

(USA), BellSouth Telecommunications, Comcast Telephone, Virgin

Mobile, Florida Digital, Alltel Wireless, AT&T Wireless and Level 3, furnish

the Applicant forthwith all subscriber, billing, and toll data, authorized user,

the specified time frame of historical cell site data, real time GPS data,

911 Ping Locator data to any and all telephone facilities that are

associated with this investigation and will be identified by your Affiants,

customer comments, and a specified period of telephone toll to include

historical tolls up to 30 days prior to the signed order and direct connect

toll information on telephone numbers and/or any individual who's name

were obtained as a result of wire and electronic communications

intercepted pursuant to this Order, and the information, facilities, and

technical assistance necessary to accomplish the interception

unobtrusively and with a minimum of interference with these services that

such carrier is according the person whose communications are to be


19. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Investigating Agency, with all lawful

assistance, is authorized to install and use an electronic or mechanical

device commonly referred to as a Pen Register or Dialed Number

Recorder with Enhanced Caller ID Option, Trap & Trace Device (without

geographic limitations), and to obtain Cell Site Data, Switch Registration

Data information. *Upon written request on Department Letter Head to

Page 11 of13
any and all cellular telephone "Common Carrier", your Affiant will

provide the specific date and time frame for the real time Ping 911

Locator information on any and all Targeted Telephone Facilities

associated with this ongoing investigation. The Pen Register or

Dialed Number Recorder will identify the telephone numbers of parties

receiving calls and Direct Connect Calls from telephone facility number

(904) 708-4571 (TARGET TELEPHONE TWO) which is a T-Mobile

cellular telephone being utilized by GARDNER. The Trap and Trace Data

for number (904) 708-4571 (TARGET TELEPHONE TWO) will identify the

telephone numbers of parties placing calls to telephone number (904)

708-4571 (TARGET TELEPHONE TWO) (without geographic limitations).

The Cell Site location Data and Switch Registration Data information for

number (904) 708-4571 (TARGET TELEPHONE TWO) (without

geographic limitations) will provide information that will aide law

enforcement agents in locating the subject of the investigation; That the

communication common carrier(s) for number (904) 708-4571 (TARGET

TELEPHONE TWO), to forthwith furnish Agents of the Jacksonville Beach

Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

(ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Jacksonville Sheriff's

Office (JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Investigators of the

State Attorney's Office (SAO) with all of the information, facilities and

technical assistance necessary to unobtrusively accomplish such

identification, including installation and operation of said devices. The

Page 12 of 13
forgoing are requested pursuant to Chapter 934 , Florida Statutes and Title

18 of the USC, Section 2703 (c) and Section 2703 (d) , and Title 28 USC,

Section 1651 (a).

20. T-Mobile is to be compensated at the prevailing rates.

DONE AND ORDERED at Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida ,


at 2 ·. l.\ ~ o'clock am (£®this _2J_ day of January, 2023.

Judge, Circuit Court of the Fourth
Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County,
C \ "\° A-a. £, v r.... '1. Vl'"\..

Page 13 of 13

JBPD Case 2023-C


TELEPHONE FOUR) AND IMSI #310260555230152, a T-



The undersigned State Attorney for the Fourth Judicial Circuit in the State of Florida,
having considered the attached Application of the Affiant (C. Johns), a Detective
with the Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), who is an investigative or
law enforcement officer in accordance with Florida Statute 934.07, hereby
authorizes said Application to be made to one of the Judges of the Circuit Court of
the Fourth Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County, Florida, for an Order authorizing
the interception and recording of wire and electronic communications on T-Mobile
device number (904) 749-6561 (Target Telephone Four).

I further certify that, with exception to Target Telephone Two in this investigation
related to Shanna Lee Gardner, I have no knowledge of any previous application
made to any judge for authorization to intercept, or for approval of interceptions of
oral, wire or electronic communications, involving (904) 749-6561 (Target
Telephone Four), Shanna Lee Gardner, or any of the other named TARGET
SUBJ~ecified in the attached Application before the Court.

fte£0,r,._, Date:_1=/2~1=/2=3c.___ _ _ __
Melissa W. Nelson
State Attorney
Fourth Judicial Circuit
State of Florida

JBPD Case 2023-C


TELEPHONE FOUR) AND IMSI #310260555230152, a T-



This cause came on to be heard upon the Ex Parte Application of Affiant,

Christopher L. Johns, a sworn law enforcement officer of the Jacksonville

Beach Police Department, for an Order authorizing the interception of wire and

electronic communications, hereinafter defined to include audio, over hears,

short messaging, (text messages), multi-messaging, photographs, video, packet

data, direct connect, and push to talk services under and by virtue of Chapter

934, Florida Statutes, for a cellular telephone, telephone number (904) 749-6561

(TARGET TELEPHONE FOUR) a T-Mobile cellular device. TARGET

TELEPHONE FOUR is believed to be utilized by SHANNA LEE GARDNER and

the Court having determined on the basis of the facts submitted by the

Application and supporting affidavit as follows:

Page 1 of 13
1. The Affiant, Christopher L. Johns, is an "investigative or law

enforcement officer" within the meaning of § 934.02(6), Florida Statutes;

that is, an officer of the State of Florida or political subdivision thereof or

the United States, who is empowered by law to conduct investigations of

and to make arrests for offenses enumerated in § 934.07, Florida

Statutes, and is authorized to make the Application pursuant to § 934.07,

Florida Statutes.

2. The Application herein has been authorized by Melissa W. Nelson, State

Attorney, for the Fourth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, pursuant to

Florida Statutes, Section 934.07;

3. There is probable cause to believe that certain individuals specified in the

Application filed herein, to-wit: Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana

(hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ SALDANA"), Shanna Lee Gardner

(hereinafter: "GARDNER"); Active Crim

Active Crim and

others not yet known (hereinafter referred to as the "TARGET

SUBJECTS") are committing, have committed and are about to commit

offenses enumerated in Florida Statutes, Section 934.07, to-wit: Murder,

Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and Solicitation to Commit Murder, in

violation of § 782.04(1)(a), 777.04(1), 777.04(2), Florida Statutes,

Page 2 of 13
Tampering with Evidence, in violation of § 918.13, Florida Statutes, and

that the said offenses are being carried on as a conspiracy to violate the

laws of the State of Florida among the individuals whose identities are at

present known and unknown;

4. There is probable cause to believe that a certain telephone facility, to-wit:

a cellular telephone, telephone number (904) 749-6561 (TARGET

TELEPHONE FOUR) has been used, is being used, and is about to be

used by the TARGET SUBJECTS in connection with violations of Chapter

/82, 918, and 777 Florida Statutes; that the telephone facility is listed to T-

Mobile and utilized by SHANNA LEE GARDNER and other persons

whose identities are unknown have used, are using and are about to use

the aforesaid telephone facility in connection with the communication of

the aforesaid criminal offenses;

5. There is probable cause to believe that wire and electronic

communications concerning the controlled criminal offenses herein above

set forth will be obtained through the interception applied for herein; and

6. Normal investigative procedures have been tried and have failed,

reasonably appear to be unlikely to succeed if tried, or would be too

dangerous for law enforcement or its agents to attempt.

Page 3 of 13
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that officers of the Jacksonville Beach

Police Department (JBPD), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)

the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office

(JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Investigators of the State

Attorney's Office (SAO), other sworn Special Agents or Law Enforcement

Officers, as needed, as well as any civilian contract monitor(s) acting under the

supervision of an agent or officer of a law enforcement agency authorized to

conduct this interception, are hereby authorized to intercept wire and electronic

communications hereinafter described and in accordance with the order

hereinafter set forth:

1. The identities of the persons whose communications are to be intercepted

are: Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana (hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ

SALDANA"), Shanna Lee Gardner (hereinafter: "GARDNER");

Active Crim

Active Crim and others not yet known (hereinafter referred to


2. The nature and location of the communication facility as to which authority

to intercept is hereby granted is set forth as follows;

Target Telephone Four

Target Telephone Two is a mobile, cellular device facility with the

Page 4 of 13
assigned number (904) 749-6561 and IMSI #310260555230152, a T-
Mobile cellular device subscribed to a "Shanna Lee Gardner" with address
"1511 Marsh Inlet Ct., Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250" and is being
utilized by GARDNER.

3. The type of communications hereby authorized to be intercepted are wire

and electronic communications in the form of incoming and outgoing

telephone calls, text messages, and SMS messages at the afore-

described subject facility on the afore-described subject telephone; those

wire and electronic communications, hereinafter defined to include audio,

over hears, short messaging, (text messages), multi-messaging,

photographs, videos, packet data, direct connect, and push to talk

services regarding the Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and

Solicitation to Commit Murder, in violation of§ 782.04(1)(a), 777.04(1),

777.04(2), Florida Statutes, Tampering with Evidence, in violation of

§918.13, Florida, Statutes.

4. The agencies authorized to intercept the aforesaid communications are

the Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI),

Investigators of the State Attorney's Office (SAO), or any individuals acting

under the supervision of an agent of any of the aforementioned law

enforcement agencies.

Page 5 of 13
5. The person authorizing the aforesaid application to be made before this

Court is Melissa W. Nelson State Attorney, for the Fourth Judicial Circuit

of the State of Florida;

6. The period of time during which the aforesaid interception is authorized is

fifteen (15) days. The interception authorized herein, however, shall not

continue any longer than is necessary to achieve the objectives of this

authorization, as described in the Application, which are to obtain

evidence admissible in a court of law against Mario Enrique Fernandez

Saldana (hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ SALDANA"), Shc11111c1 Lee Gardner

(hereinafter: "GARDNER"); Active Crim

Active Crim and

others not yet known (hereinafter referred to as the "TARGET

SUBJECTS"). The Court specifically finds that the nature of the

investigation being conducted herein is such that the authorization for

interception should not automatically terminate when the communications

herein described have been first obtained and that additional

communications of the same type described herein will recur on a regular

continuing basis for at least fifteen (15) days hence;

7. The period of time during which the aforesaid interception is authorized is

fifteen (15) days and that such 15-day period begins on the day on which

the Agent or Officer of the law enforcement agency first begins to conduct

an interception under the order or 15 days after the order is entered,

Page 6 of 13
whichever occurs earlier. This Authorization to intercept shall be executed

as soon as practicable;

8. The authorization to intercept shall be conducted in such a way as to

minimize interception of communications not otherwise subject to the

interception under Chapter 934, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to, §934.09(5),

Florida Statutes, it is further ordered that in the event the intercepted

communications are in a code or foreign language, and an expert in that

code or language is not reasonably available during the interception

period, minimization may be accomplished as soon as practicable after

such interception;

9. The T-Mobile Cellular Telephone Company, its agents and employees

shall not disclose to the listed subscribers of the above-mentioned

telephone number, nor to any person, the existence of this Order and its

supporting Application, or of this investigation, unless otherwise ordered

by this Court, or other Court of Competent Jurisdiction;

10. Affiant, Christopher L. Johns, or any one or more of his designees is

hereby required to appear and report in person or by phone, to the

undersigned Judge at :t·:w o'clock(§rri)/ pm on l'Y\.c)Yld "l of each

week during which this Order is in effect, beginning the 'd, I

-:, 'day of

Page 7 of 13
January, 2023 in said Judge's Chambers in the Duval County


11. The contents of the wire and electronic communications intercepted

pursuant to this Order shall, if possible, be recorded on tape or wire or

other comparable devices which may include but is not limited to compact


12. The recordings of the contents of any wire and electronic communications

intercepted pursuant to this Order shall be kept in the custody of either the

Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), or one or more of their authorized deputies.

Immediately upon the expiration of the period of this Order or any

extensions thereof, such recordings shall be delivered to the undersigned

Judge to be handled and dealt with according to orders of this Court;

13. The related Application and Authorization(s) attached and this Order shall

be sealed and shall be timely delivered to and remain in the custody of the

Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval

County, Florida, who until further order is hereby ordered and instructed to

keep such recordings in such a manner as will protect the recordings from

editing or other alterations. Such Application, Authorizations and Order

shall be disclosed only upon a showing of good cause before the

Page 8 of 13
undersigned Judge, or any other Judge of competent jurisdiction, and

shall not be destroyed except upon order of this Court, or any other Judge

of competent jurisdiction, and in any event shall be kept for ten (10) years;

14. Until such time as notice of this interception is supplied to the parties

whose communications were intercepted or its existence is revealed

through Court proceedings as provided in Florida Statutes, Section

934.08, the Affiant herein may refer to communications intercepted

pursuant to this Order as having come from a "Confidential Reliable

Source" including, but not limited to, search warrants, arrest warrants,

arrest affidavits or applications for subsequent orders for the interception

of wire, oral or electronic communications presented to this Court during

the interception of communications herein authorized;

15. In the event telephone number (904) 749-6561 (TARGET TELEPHONE

FOUR) is changed to a new telephone number that is assigned the same

International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMS!) and/or instrument bearing the

same Electronic Serial Number (ESN), International Mobile Equipment

Identity (!MEI), and/or Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID), and/or any new

IMSI, ESN, IMEI, and/or MEID, whether the changes occur consecutively

or simultaneously, listed to the same subscriber and wireless telephone

account number as the Target Telephone within the period authorized by

order; and/or B) any new IMS!, ESN, !MEI, and/or MEID, is assigned to

telephone number (904) 749-6561 (TARGET TELEPHONE FOUR) or

Page 9 of 13
new/changed telephone number(s), whether the changes occur

consecutively or simultaneously, listed to the same subscriber and

wireless telephone account number as the Target Telephone within the

period authorized by order; this Order authorizes the interception of

communications to continue with notification to this Court. Additionally,

this court orders that T-Mobile be ordered to notify Affiant, Christopher L.

Johns, via email at, of any future changes to the

listed telephone facilities regarding (904) 749-6561 (TARGET

TELEPHONE FOUR) within twenty-four (24) hours of any changes;

16. The monitoring, real time control of recording (including Minimization), of

any interception of communications authorized pursuant to this Order will

be done in the Fourth Judicial Circuit of Florida; and

17. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that T-Mobile will furnish on demand to the

applicant forthwith all subscriber information and any requested toll

information on telephone numbers, or individuals identified and obtained

as a result of wire and electronic communications intercepted pursuant to

this Order, and the information, facilities, and technical assistance

necessary to accomplish the interception unobtrusively and with a

minimum of interference with these services that such carrier is according

the person whose communications are to be intercepted

18. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the following cellular telephone

"Common Carriers" identified as Metro (PCS), Sprint Corporation,

Page 10 of 13
Cricket Wireless, Verizon Wireless, Cingular Wireless, Sprint Nextel

(USA), BellSouth Telecommunications, Comcast Telephone, Virgin

Mobile, Florida Digital, Alltel Wireless, AT&T Wireless and Level 3, furnish

the Applicant forthwith all subscriber, billing, and toll data, authorized user,

the specified time frame of historical cell site data, real time GPS data,

911 Ping Locator data to any and all telephone facilities that are

associated with this investigation and will be identified by your Affiants,

customer comments, and a specified period of telephone toll to include

historical tolls up to 30 days prior to the signed order and direct connect

toll information on telephone numbers and/or any individual who's name

were obtained as a result of wire and electronic communications

intercepted pursuant to this Order, and the information, facilities, and

technical assistance necessary to accomplish the interception

unobtrusively and with a minimum of interference with these services that

such carrier is according the person whose communications are to be


19. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Investigating Agency, with all lawful

assistance, is authorized to install and use an electronic or mechanical

device commonly referred to as a Pen Register or Dialed Number

Recorder with Enhanced Caller ID Option, Trap & Trace Device (without

geographic limitations), and to obtain Cell Site Data, Switch Registration

Data information. *Upon written request on Department Letter Head to

Page 11 of 13
any and all cellular telephone "Common Carrier", your Affiant will

provide the specific date and time frame for the real time Ping 911

Locator information on any and all Targeted Telephone Facilities

associated with this ongoing investigation. The Pen Register or

r>ialerl Numher Recmrler will irlentify the telephone numhers of parties

receiving calls and Direct Connect Calls from telephone facility number

(904) 749-6561 (TARGET TELEPHONE FOUR) which is a T-Mobile

cellular device being utilized by GARDNER. The Trap and Trace Data for

number (904) 749-6561 (TARGET TELEPHONE FOUR) will identify the

telephone numbers of parties placing calls to telephone number (904)

749-6561 (TARGET TELEPHONE FOUR) (without geographic

limitations). The Cell Site location Data and Switch Registration Data

information for number (904) 749-6561 (TARGET TELEPHONE FOUR)

(without geographic limitations) will provide information that will aide law

enforcement agents in locating the subject of the investigation; That the

communication common carrier(s) for number (904) 749-6561 (TARGET

TELEPHONE FOUR), to forthwith furnish Agents of the Jacksonville

Beach Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and

Firearms (ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Jacksonville

Sheriff's Office (JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI),

Investigators of the State Attorney's Office (SAO) with all of the

information, facilities and technical assistance necessary to unobtrusively

accomplish such identification, including installation and operation of said

Page 12 of 13
devices. The forgoing are requested pursuant to Chapter 934, Florida

Statutes and Title 18 of the USC , Section 2703 (c) and Section 2703 (d),

and Title 28 USC, Section 1651 (a).

20. T-Mobile is to be compensated at the prevailing rates .

DONE AND ORDERED at Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida,

o'clock am/~ this ~

~"·day of January, 2023.

Judge, Circuit Court of the Fourth
Jud1c1al C1rcu 1t, in and for Duval County,
C \..\ LA I

Page 13 of 13

JBPD Case 2023-D


Active Crim
Active Crim



The undersigned State Attorney for the Fourth Judicial Circuit in the State of Florida,
having considered the attached Application of the Affiant (C. Johns), a Detective
with the Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), who is an investigative or
law enforcement officer in accordance with Florida Statute 934.07, hereby
authorizes said Application to be made to one of the Judges of the Circuit Court of
the Fourth Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County, Florida, for an Order authorizing
the interception and recording of wire and electronic communications on AT&T
telephone number Active Crim (Target Telephone Five).

I further certify that I have no knowledge of any previous application made to any
judge for authorization to intercept, or for approval of interceptions of oral, wire or
electronic communications, involving Active Crim (Target Telephone Five),
Active Crim or any of the other named TARGET SUBJECTS
plication before the Court.

fLelYh'L-> Date:_1""'/2"-'1""'/2=3'--------
Melissa W. Nelson
State Attorney
Fourth Judicial Circuit
State of Florida

JBPD Case 2023-E


Active Crim



This cause came on to be heard upon the Ex Parte Application of Affiant,

Christopher L. Johns, a sworn law enforcement officer of the Jacksonville

Beach Police Department, for an Order authorizing the interception of wire and

electronic communications, hereinafter defined to include audio, over hears,

short messaging, (text messages), multi-messaging, photographs, video, packet

data, direct connect, and push to talk services under and by virtue of Chapter

934, Florida Statutes, for a cellular telephone, telephone number Active Crim

(TARGET TELEPHONE FIVE), a AT&T cellular telephone. TARGET

TELEPHONE FIVE is believed to be utilized by Active Crim

and the Court having determined on the basis of the facts submitted by the

Application and supporting affidavit as follows:

Page 1 of 13
1. The Affiant, Christopher L. Johns, is an "investigative or law

enforcement officer" within the meaning of § 934.02(6), Florida Statutes;

that is, an officer of the State of Florida or political subdivision thereof or

the United States, who is empowered by law to conduct investigations of

and to make arrests for offenses enumerated in § 934.07, Florida

Statutes, and is authorized to make the Application pursuant to § 934.07,

Florida Statutes.

2. The Application herein has been authorized by Melissa W. Nelson, Stale

Attorney, for the Fourth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, pursuant to

Florida Statutes, Section 934.07;

3. There is probable cause to believe that certain individuals specified in the

Application filed herein, to-wit: Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana

(hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ SALDANA"), Shanna Lee Gardner

(hereinafter: "GARDNER"); Active Crim

Active Crim and

others not yet known (hereinafter referred to as the "TARGET

SUBJECTS") are committing, have committed and are about to commit

offenses enumerated in Florida Statutes, Section 934.07, to-wit: Murder,

Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and Solicitation to Commit Murder, in

violation of § 782.04(1)(a), 777.04(1), 777.04(2), Florida Statutes,

Page 2 of 13
Tampering with Evidence, in violation of § 918.13, Florida Statutes, and

that the said offenses are being carried on as a conspiracy to violate the

laws of the State of Florida among the individuals whose identities are at

present known and unknown;

4. There is probable cause to believe that a certain telephone facility, to-wit:

a cellular telephone, telephone number Active Crim (TARGET

TELEPHONE FIVE) has been used, is being used, and is about to be

used by the TARGET SUBJECTS in connection with violations of Chapter

782, 918, and 777 Florida Statutes; that the telephone facility is lisled lo

AT&T and utilized by Active Crim and other persons

whose identities are unknown have used, are using and are about to use

the aforesaid telephone facility in connection with the communication of

the aforesaid criminal offenses;

5. There is probable cause to believe that wire and electronic

communications concerning the controlled criminal offenses herein above

set forth will be obtained through the interception applied for herein; and

6. Normal investigative procedures have been tried and have failed,

reasonably appear to be unlikely to succeed if tried, or would be too

dangerous for law enforcement or its agents to attempt.

Page 3 of 13
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that officers of the Jacksonville Beach

Police Department (JBPD), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)

the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office

(JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Investigators of the State

Attorney's Office (SAO), other sworn Special Agents or Law Enforcement

Officers, as needed, as well as any civilian contract monitor(s) acting under the

supervision of an agent or officer of a law enforcement agency authorized to

conduct this interception, are hereby authorized to intercept wire and electronic

communications hereinafter described and in accordance with the order

hereinafter set forth:

1. The identities of the persons whose communications are to be intercepted

are: Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana (hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ

SALDANA"), Shanna Lee Gardner (hereinafter: "GARDNER");

Active Crim

Active Crim and others not yet known (hereinafter referred to


2. The nature and location of the communication facility as to which authority

to intercept is hereby granted is set forth as follows;

Target Telephone Five

Target Telephone Five is a mobile, cellular telephone facility with the

Page 4 of 13
assigned number Active Crim and Active Crim a AT&T
Active Crim with
Active Crim and is being utilized by
Active Crim

3. The type of communications hereby authorized to be intercepted are wire

and electronic communications in the form of incoming and outgoing

telephone calls, text messages, and SMS messages at the afore-

described subject facility on the afore-described subject telephone; those

wire and electronic communications, hereinafter defined to include audio,

over hears, short messaging, (text messages), multi-messaging,

photographs, videos, packet data, direct connect, and push to talk

services regarding the Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and

Solicitation to Commit Murder, in violation of§ 782.04(1)(a), 777.04(1),

777.04(2), Florida Statutes, Tampering with Evidence, in violation of

§918.13, Florida, Statutes.

4. The agencies authorized to intercept the aforesaid communications are

the Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI),

Investigators of the State Attorney's Office (SAO), or any individuals acting

under the supervision of an agent of any of the aforementioned law

enforcement agencies.

Page 5 of 13
5. The person authorizing the aforesaid application to be made before this

Court is Melissa W. Nelson State Attorney, for the Fourth Judicial Circuit

of the State of Florida;

6. The period of time during which the aforesaid interception is authorized is

fifteen (15) days. The interception authorized herein, however, shall not

continue any longer than is necessary to achieve the objectives of this

authorization, as described in the Application, which are to obtain

evidence admissible in a court of law against Mario Enrique Fernandez

Sc1lt.fc111c1 (lrereina[ler. "FERNANDEZ SALDANA"), Shanna Lee Gardner

(hereinafter: "GARDNER"); Active Crim

Active Crim and

others not yet known (hereinafter referred to as the "TARGET

SUBJECTS"). The Court specifically finds that the nature of the

investigation being conducted herein is such that the authorization for

interception should not automatically terminate when the communications

herein described have been first obtained and that additional

communications of the same type described herein will recur on a regular

continuing basis for at least fifteen (15) days hence;

7. The period of time during which the aforesaid interception is authorized is

fifteen (15) days and that such 15-day period begins on the day on which

the Agent or Officer of the law enforcement agency first begins to conduct

an interception under the order or 15 days after the order is entered,

Page 6 of 13
whichever occurs earlier. This Authorization to intercept shall be executed

as soon as practicable;

8. The authorization to intercept shall be conducted in such a way as to

minimize interception of communications not otherwise subject to the

interception under Chapter 934, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to, §934.09(5),

Florida Statutes, it is further ordered that in the event the intercepted

communications are in a code or foreign language, and an expert in that

code or language is not reasonably available during the interception

period, minimization may be accomplished as soon as practicable after

such interception;

9. The AT&T Cellular Telephone Company, its agents and employees shall

not disclose to the listed subscribers of the above-mentioned telephone

number, nor to any person, the existence of this Order and its supporting

Application, or of this investigation, unless otherwise ordered by this

Court, or other Court of Competent Jurisdiction;

10. Affiant, Christopher L. Johns, or any one or more of his designees is

hereby required to appear and report in person or by phone, to the

undersigned Judge at q::10 o'clock am @on ('(\ -a"d, "''-1 of each

:,. '-
week during which this Order is in effect, beginning the ?. I day of

Page 7 of 13
January, 2023 in said Judge's Chambers 1n the Duval County


11. The contents of the wire and electronic communications intercepted

pursuant to this Order shall, if possible, be recorded on tape or wire or

other comparable devices which may include but is not limited to compact


12. The recordings of the contents of any wire and electronic communications

intercepted pursuant to this Order shall be kept in the custody of either the

Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), or one or more of their authorized deputies.

Immediately upon the expiration of the period of this Order or any

extensions thereof, such recordings shall be delivered to the undersigned

Judge to be handled and dealt with according to orders of this Court;

13. The related Application and Authorization(s) attached and this Order shall

be sealed and shall be timely delivered to and remain in the custody of the

Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval

County, Florida, who until further order is hereby ordered and instructed to

keep such recordings in such a manner as will protect the recordings from

editing or other alterations. Such Application, Authorizations and Order

shall be disclosed only upon a showing of good cause before the

Page 8 of 13
undersigned Judge, or any other Judge of competent jurisdiction, and

shall not be destroyed except upon order of this Court, or any other Judge

of competent jurisdiction, and in any event shall be kept for ten (10) years;

14. Until such time as notice of this interception is supplied to the parties

whose communications were intercepted or its existence is revealed

through Court proceedings as provided in Florida Statutes, Section

934.08, the Affiant herein may refer to communications intercepted

pursuant to this Order as having come from a "Confidential Reliable

Source" including, but not limited to, search warrants, arrest warrants,

arrest affidavits or applications for subsequent orders for the interception

of wire, oral or electronic communications presented to this Court during

the interception of communications herein authorized;

15. In the event telephone number Active Crim (TARGET TELEPHONE

FIVE) is changed to a new telephone number that is assigned the same

International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) and/or instrument bearing the

same Electronic Serial Number (ESN), International Mobile Equipment

Identity (IMEI), and/or Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID), and/or any new

IMSI, ESN, IMEI, and/or MEID, whether the changes occur consecutively

or simultaneously, listed to the same subscriber and wireless telephone

account number as the Target Telephone within the period authorized by

order; and/or B) any new IMSI, ESN, IMEI, and/or MEID, is assigned to

telephone number Active Crim (TARGET TELEPHONE FIVE) or

Page 9 of 13
new/changed telephone number(s), whether the changes occur

consecutively or simultaneously, listed to the same subscriber and

wireless telephone account number as the Target Telephone within the

period authorized by order; this Order authorizes the interception of

communications to continue with notification to this Court. Additionally,

this court orders that AT&T be ordered to notify Affiant, Christopher L.

Johns, via email at, of any future changes to the

listed telephone facilities regarding Active Crim (TARGET

TELEPHONE FIVE) within twenty-four (24) hours of any changes;

1ti. I he monitoring, real time control of recording (including Minimization), of

any interception of communications authorized pursuant to this Order will

be done in the Fourth Judicial Circuit of Florida; and

17. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that AT&T will furnish on demand to the

applicant forthwith all subscriber information and any requested toll

information on telephone numbers, or individuals identified and obtained

as a result of wire and electronic communications intercepted pursuant to

this Order, and the information, facilities, and technical assistance

necessary to accomplish the interception unobtrusively and with a

minimum of interference with these services that such carrier is according

the person whose communications are to be intercepted

18. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the following cellular telephone

"Common Carriers" identified as Metro (PCS), Sprint Corporation,

Page 10 of 13
Cricket Wireless, Verizon Wireless, Cingular Wireless, Sprint Nextel

(USA), BellSouth Telecommunications, Comcast Telephone, Virgin

Mobile, Florida Digital, Alltel Wireless, AT&T Wireless and Level 3, furnish

the Applicant forthwith all subscriber, billing, and toll data, authorized user,

the specified time frame of historical cell site data, real time GPS data,

911 Ping Locator data to any and all telephone facilities that are

associated with this investigation and will be identified by your Affiants,

customer comments, and a specified period of telephone toll to include

historical tolls up to 30 days prior to the signed order and direct connect

toll information on telephone numbers and/or any individual who's name

were obtained as a result of wire and electronic communications

intercepted pursuant to this Order, and the information, facilities, and

technical assistance necessary to accomplish the interception

unobtrusively and with a minimum of interference with these services that

such carrier is according the person whose communications are to be


19. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Investigating Agency, with all lawful

assistance, is authorized to install and use an electronic or mechanical

device commonly referred to as a Pen Register or Dialed Number

Recorder with Enhanced Caller ID Option, Trap & Trace Device (without

geographic limitations), and to obtain Cell Site Data, Switch Registration

Data information. *Upon written request on Department Letter Head to

Page 11 of13
any and all cellular telephone "Common Carrier", your Affiant will

provide the specific date and time frame for the real time Ping 911

Locator information on any and all Targeted Telephone Facilities

associated with this ongoing investigation. The Pen Register or

Dialed Number Recorder will identify the telephone numbers of parties

receiving calls and Direct Connect Calls from telephone facility number

Active Crim (TARGET TELEPHONE FIVE) which is a AT&T cellular

telephone being utilized by Active Crim The Trap and Trace Data for

number Active Crim (TARGET TELEPHONE FIVE) will identify the

telephone numbers of parties placing calls to telephone number Active Crim

Active Crim (TARGET TELEPHONE FIVE) (without geographic limitations).

The Cell Site location Data and Switch Registration Data information for

number Active Crim (TARGET TELEPHONE FIVE) (without

geographic limitations) will provide information that will aide law

enforcement agents in locating the subject of the investigation; That the

communication common carrier(s) for number Active Crim (TARGET

TELEPHONE FIVE) to forthwith furnish Agents of the Jacksonville Beach

Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

(ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Jacksonville Sheriff's

Office (JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Investigators of the

State Attorney's Office (SAO) with all of the information, facilities and

technical assistance necessary to unobtrusively accomplish such

identification, including installation and operation of said devices. The

Page 12 of 13
forgoing are requested pursuant to Chapter 934, Florida Statutes and Title

18 of the USC, Section 2703 (c) and Section 2703 (d), and Title 28 USC ,

Section 1651 (a).

20. AT&T is to be compensated at the prevRiling mtes

DONE AND ORDERED at Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida,

at 2 ·_ y LI o'clock am /@ this ~ day of January, 2023.

vJll;u £----
Judge, Circuit Court of the Fourth
Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County,
C \-\- f,r-.f?.._ 8v d\. f(\

Page 13 of 13

JBPD Case 2023-E


Active Crim



The undersigned State Attorney for the Fourth Judicial Circuit in the State of Florida,
having considered the attached Application of the Affiant (C. Johns), a Detective
with the Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), who is an investigative or
law enforcement officer in accordance with Florida Statute 934.07, hereby
authorizes said Application to be made to one of the Judges of the Circuit Court of
the Fourth Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County, Florida, for an Order authorizing
the interception and recording of wire and electronic communications on T-Mobile
telephone number Active Crim (Target Telephone Six).

I further certify that I have no knowledge of any previous application made to any
judge for authorization to intercept, or for approval of interceptions of oral, wire or
electronic communications, involving Active Crim (Target Telephone Six),
Active Crim or any of the other named TARGET SUBJECTS specified in the
ion before the Court.

fWv /ldvh'l-> Date: _ ___,_1=/2'-'-1=/2=3_ _ _ __

Melissa W. Nelson
State Attorney
Fourth Judicial Circuit
State of Florida

JBPD Case 2023-E


TELEPHONE SIX) AND Active Crim , a T-
Active Crim



This cause came on to be heard upon the Ex Parte Application of Affiant,

Christopher L. Johns, a sworn law enforcement officer of the Jacksonville

Beach Police Department, for an Order authorizing the interception of wire and

electronic communications, hereinafter defined to include audio, over hears,

short messaging, (text messages), multi-messaging, photographs, video, packet

data, direct connect, and push to talk services under and by virtue of Chapter

934, Florida Statutes, for a cellular telephone, telephone number Active Crim

(TARGET TELEPHONE SIX), a T-Mobile cellular telephone. TARGET

TELEPHONE SIX is believed to be utilized by Active Crim and the Court

having determined on the basis of the facts submitted by the Application and

supporting affidavit as follows:

Page 1 of 13
1. The Affiant, Christopher L. Johns, is an "investigative or law

enforcement officer" within the meaning of § 934.02(6), Florida Statutes;

that is, an officer of the State of Florida or political subdivision thereof or

the United States, who is empowered by law to conduct investigations of

and to make arrests for offenses enumerated in § 934.07, Florida

Statutes, and is authorized to make the Application pursuant to § 934.07,

Florida Statutes.

2. The Application herein has been authorized by Melissa W. Nelson, State

Attorney, for the Fourth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, pursuant to

Florida Statutes, Section 934.07;

3. There is probable cause to believe that certain individuals specified in the

Application filed herein, to-wit: Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana

(hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ SALDANA"), Shanna Lee Gardner

(hereinafter: "GARDNER"); Active Crim

Active Crim and

others not yet known (hereinafter referred to as the ''TAR GET

SUBJECTS") are committing, have committed and are about to commit

offenses enumerated in Florida Statutes, Section 934.07, to-wit: Murder,

Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and Solicitation to Commit Murder, in

violation of § 782.04(1)(a), 777.04(1), 777.04(2), Florida Statutes,

Page 2 of 13
Tampering with Evidence, in violation of § 918.13, Florida Statutes, and

that the said offenses are being carried on as a conspiracy to violate the

laws of the State of Florida among the individuals whose identities are at

present known and unknown;

4. There is probable cause to believe that a certain telephone facility, to-wit:

a cellular telephone, telephone number Active Crim (TARGET

TELEPHONE SIX) has been used, is being used, and is about to be used

by the TARGET SUBJECTS in connection with violations of Chapter 782,

9·1s, and 777 Florida Statutes; that the telephone facility is listed to T-

Mobile and utilized by Active Crim and other persons whose

identities are unknown have used, are using and are about to use the

aforesaid telephone facility in connection with the communication of the

aforesaid criminal offenses;

5. There is probable cause to believe that wire and electronic

communications concerning the controlled criminal offenses herein above

set forth will be obtained through the interception applied for herein; and

6. Normal investigative procedures have been tried and have failed,

reasonably appear to be unlikely to succeed if tried, or would be too

dangerous for law enforcement or its agents to attempt.

Page 3 of 13
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that officers of the Jacksonville Beach

Police Department (JBPD), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)

the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office

(JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Investigators of the State

Attorney's Office (SAO), other sworn Special Agents or Law Enforcement

Officers, as needed, as well as any civilian contract monitor(s) acting under the

supervision of an agent or officer of a law enforcement agency authorized to

conduct this interception, are hereby authorized to intercept wire and electronic

communications hereinafter described and in accordance with the order

hereinafter set forth:

1. The identities of the persons whose communications are to be intercepted

are: Mario Enrique Fernandez Saldana (hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ

SALDANA"), Shanna Lee Gardner (hereinafter: "GARDNER");

Active Crim

Active Crim and others not yet known (hereinafter referred to


2. The nature and location of the communication facility as to which authority

to intercept is hereby granted is set forth as follows;

Target Telephone Six

Target Telephone Six is a mobile, cellular telephone facility with the

Page 4 of 13
assigned number Active Crim aud Active Crim , a T-
a Active Crim with
Active Crim " a ed by
Active Crim

3. The type of communications hereby authorized to be intercepted are wire

and electronic communications in the form of incoming and outgoing

telephone calls, text messages, and SMS messages at the afore-

described subject facility on the afore-described subject telephone; those

wire and electronic communications, hereinafter defined to include audio,

over hears, short messaging, (text messages), multi-messaging,

photographs, videos, packet data, direct connect, and push to talk

services regarding the Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and

Solicitation to Commit Murder, in violation of§ 782.04(1)(a), 777.04(1),

777.04(2), Florida Statutes, Tampering with Evidence, in violation of

§918.13, Florida, Statutes.

4. The agencies authorized to intercept the aforesaid communications are

the Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI),

Investigators of the State Attorney's Office (SAO), or any individuals acting

under the supervision of an agent of any of the aforementioned law

enforcement agencies.

Page 5 of 13
5. The person authorizing the aforesaid application to be made before this

Court is Melissa W. Nelson State Attorney, for the Fourth Judicial Circuit

of the State of Florida;

6. The period of time during which the aforesaid interception is authorized is

fifteen (15) days. The interception authorized herein, however, shall not

continue any longer than is necessary to achieve the objectives of this

authorization, as described in the Application, which are to obtain

evidence admissible in a court of law against Mario Enrique Fernandez

Saldana (hereinafter: "FERNANDEZ SALDANA"}, Shanna Lee Gart.!11er

(hereinafter: "GARDNER"); Active Crim

Active Crim and

others not yet known (hereinafter referred to as the "TARGET

SUBJECTS"). The Court specifically finds that the nature of the

investigation being conducted herein is such that the authorization for

interception should not automatically terminate when the communications

herein described have been first obtained and that additional

communications of the same type described herein will recur on a regular

continuing basis for at least fifteen (15) days hence;

7. The period of time during which the aforesaid interception is authorized is

fifteen (15) days and that such 15-day period begins on the day on which

the Agent or Officer of the law enforcement agency first begins to conduct

an interception under the order or 15 days after the order is entered,

Page 6 of 13
whichever occurs earlier. This Authorization to intercept shall be executed

as soon as practicable;

8. The authorization to intercept shall be conducted in such a way as to

minimize interception of communications not otherwise subject to the

interception under Chapter 934, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to, §934.09(5),

Florida Statutes, it is further ordered that in the event the intercepted

communications are in a code or foreign language, and an expert in that

code or language is not reasonably available during the interception

period, minimization may be accomplished as soon as practicable after

such interception;

9. The T-Mobile Cellular Telephone Company, its agents and employees

shall not disclose to the listed subscribers of the above-mentioned

telephone number, nor to any person, the existence of this Order and its

supporting Application, or of this investigation, unless otherwise ordered

by this Court, or other Court of Competent Jurisdiction;

10. Affiant, Christopher L. Johns, or any one or more of his designees is

hereby required to appear and report in person or by phone, to the

undersigned Judge at ±l9o'clock @ I pm on Mo, ,Q '4 of each

week during which this Order is in effect, beginning the 2, ~ day of

Page 7 of 13
January, 2023 in said Judge's Chambers in the Duval County


11. The contents of the wire and electronic communications intercepted

pursuant to this Order shall, if possible, be recorded on tape or wire or

other comparable devices which may include but is not limited to compact


12. The recordings of the contents of any wire and electronic communications

intercepted pursuant to this Order shall be kept in the custody of either the

Jacksonville Beach Police Department (JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), or one or more of their authorized deputies.

Immediately upon the expiration of the period of this Order or any

extensions thereof, such recordings shall be delivered to the undersigned

Judge to be handled and dealt with according to orders of this Court;

13. The related Application and Authorization(s) attached and this Order shall

be sealed and shall be timely delivered to and remain in the custody of the

Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval

County, Florida, who until further order is hereby ordered and instructed to

keep such recordings in such a manner as will protect the recordings from

editing or other alterations. Such Application, Authorizations and Order

shall be disclosed only upon a showing of good cause before the

Page 8 of 13
undersigned Judge, or any other Judge of competent jurisdiction, and

shall not be destroyed except upon order of this Court, or any other Judge

of competent jurisdiction, and in any event shall be kept for ten (10) years;

14. Until such time as notice of this interception is supplied to the parties

whose communications were intercepted or its existence is revealed

through Court proceedings as provided in Florida Statutes, Section

934.08, the Affiant herein may refer to communications intercepted

pursuant to this Order as having come from a "Confidential Reliable

Source" including, but not limited to, search warrants, arrest warrants,

arrest affidavits or applications for subsequent orders for the interception

of wire, oral or electronic communications presented to this Court during

the interception of communications herein authorized;

15. In the event telephone number Active Crim (TARGET TELEPHONE

SIX) is changed to a new telephone number that is assigned the same

International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) and/or instrument bearing the

same Electronic Serial Number (ESN), International Mobile Equipment

Identity (IMEI), and/or Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID), and/or any new

IMSI, ESN, IMEI, and/or MEID, whether the changes occur consecutively

or simultaneously, listed to the same subscriber and wireless telephone

account number as the Target Telephone within the period authorized by

order; and/or B) any new IMSI, ESN, IMEI, and/or MEID, is assigned to

telephone number Active Crim (TARGET TELEPHONE SIX) or

Page 9 of 13
new/changed telephone number(s), whether the changes occur

consecutively or simultaneously, listed to the same subscriber and

wireless telephone account number as the Target Telephone within the

period authorized by order; this Order authorizes the interception of

communications to continue with notification to this Court. Additionally,

this court orders that T-Mobile be ordered to notify Affiant, Christopher L.

Johns, via email at, of any future changes to the

listed telephone facilities regarding Active Crim (TARGET

TELEPHONE SIX) within twenty-four (24) hours of any changes;

16. The monitoring, real time control of recording (including Minimization), of

any interception of communications authorized pursuant to this Order will

be done in the Fourth Judicial Circuit of Florida; and

17. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that T-Mobile will furnish on demand to the

applicant forthwith all subscriber information and any requested toll

information on telephone numbers, or individuals identified and obtained

as a result of wire and electronic communications intercepted pursuant to

this Order, and the information, facilities, and technical assistance

necessary to accomplish the interception unobtrusively and with a

minimum of interference with these services that such carrier is according

the person whose communications are to be intercepted

18. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the following cellular telephone

"Common Carriers" identified as Metro (PCS), Sprint Corporation,

Page 10 of 13
Cricket Wireless, Verizon Wireless, Cingular Wireless, Sprint Nextel

(USA), BellSouth Telecommunications, Comcast Telephone, Virgin

Mobile, Florida Digital, Alltel Wireless, AT&T Wireless and Level 3, furnish

the Applicant forthwith all subscriber, billing, and toll data, authorized user,

the specified time frame of historical cell site data, real time GPS data,

911 Ping Locator data to any and all telephone facilities that are

associated with this investigation and will be identified by your Affiants,

customer comments, and a specified period of telephone toll to include

historical tolls up to 30 days prior to the signed order and direct connect

toll information on telephone numbers and/or any individual who's name

were obtained as a result of wire and electronic communications

intercepted pursuant to this Order, and the information, facilities, and

technical assistance necessary to accomplish the interception

unobtrusively and with a minimum of interference with these services that

such carrier is according the person whose communications are to be


19. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Investigating Agency, with all lawful

assistance, is authorized to install and use an electronic or mechanical

device commonly referred to as a Pen Register or Dialed Number

Recorder with Enhanced Caller ID Option, Trap & Trace Device (without

geographic limitations), and to obtain Cell Site Data, Switch Registration

Data information. *Upon written request on Department Letter Head to

Page 11 of 13
any and all cellular telephone "Common Carrier", your Affiant will

provide the specific date and time frame for the real time Ping 911

Locator information on any and all Targeted Telephone Facilities

associated with this ongoing investigation. The Pen Register or NumhP.r RP.r.orcif!r will ic1P.ntify thP. tP.IP.phonf! numbers of parties

receiving calls and Direct Connect Calls from telephone facility number
Active Crim
(TARGET TELEPHONE SIX) which is a T-Mobile cellular

telephone being utilized by Active Crim The Trap and Trace Data for

number Active Crim (TARGET TELEPHONE SIX) will identify the

telephone numbers of parties placing calls to telephone number Active

Active Crim (TARGET TELEPHONE SIX) (without geographic limitations).

The Cell Site location Data and Switch Registration Data information for

number Active Crim (TARGET TELEPHONE SIX) (without geographic

limitations) will provide information that will aide law enforcement agents in

locating the subject of the investigation; That the communication common

carrier(s) for numbe Active Crim (TARGET TELEPHONE SIX) to

forthwith furnish Agents of the Jacksonville Beach Police Department

(JBPD), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), Drug

Enforcement Administration (DEA), Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO),

Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Investigators of the State

Attorney's Office (SAO) with all of the information, facilities and technical

assistance necessary to unobtrusively accomplish such identification,

including installation and operation of said devices. The forgoing are

Page 12 of 13
requested pursuant to Chapter 934, Florida Statutes and Title 18 of the

USC , Section 2703 (c) and Section 2703 (d) , and Title 28 USC, Section

1651 (a).

20. T-Mobile is to be compensated at the prevailing rates.

DONE AND ORDERED at Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida ,

at ~ ·.so o'clock am !@ his 'd\' day of January, 2023.

Judge, Circuit Court of the Fourth
Judicial Circuit, in and for Duval County,
C l .\-A- I<.. {3, 1...h ... A' IY\..

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Redaction Date: 2/9/2024 2:11:53 PM
Redaction Log

Total Number of Redactions in Document: 328

Redaction Reasons by Page

Page Reason Description Occurrences

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
2 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 1
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
3 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 1
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
5 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 8
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
6 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 12
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
8 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
10 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
11 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 3
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
12 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 16
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
14 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 4
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
15 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 1
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest
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Page Reason Description Occurrences

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
16 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 7
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
19 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 4
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
23 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
24 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
25 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 1
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
31 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 7
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
32 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 7
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Security System Information, Plans,

diagrams, etc. relating directly to the
physical security of the facility or
36 Security System 1
revealing security systems
§119.071(3)(a), F.S. [confidential & exempt]
§281.301, F.S.

Security System Information, Plans,

diagrams, etc. relating directly to the
physical security of the facility or
38 Security System 1
revealing security systems
§119.071(3)(a), F.S. [confidential & exempt]
§281.301, F.S.

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
40 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest
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Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
41 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 5
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
42 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 7
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
43 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 13
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
44 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 3
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
46 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 4
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
47 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 12
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
48 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 8
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
51 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 3
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
52 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 1
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
58 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 6
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
59 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 16
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest
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Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
60 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 12
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
61 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 6
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
62 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 25
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
63 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 1
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
69 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 12
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
70 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 4
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
71 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 11
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
72 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
75 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
77 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 3
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
79 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest
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Page Reason Description Occurrences

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
89 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
91 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 3
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
93 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
102 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
104 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 3
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
106 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
114 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 7
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
115 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 6
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
116 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
117 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
118 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 3
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest
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Redaction Log

Page Reason Description Occurrences

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
119 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 5
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
120 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
123 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
124 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 1
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
126 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 7
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
128 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 6
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
129 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 5
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
130 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
131 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
132 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 3
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
133 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 5
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest
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Page Reason Description Occurrences

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
134 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
137 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 2
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
138 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 1
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest

Active Criminal Investigative or

Intelligence Information
140 Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 7
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment
prior to arrest
Redaction Date: 2/9/2024 2:11:53 PM
Redaction Log

Redaction Reasons by Exemption

Reason Description (Count)

Active Criminal Investigative or Intelligence 75(2)
Information 77(3)
Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 79(2)
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment prior 89(2)
to arrest 91(3)
Redaction Date: 2/9/2024 2:11:53 PM
Redaction Log

Reason Description (Count)

Active Criminal Investigative or Intelligence 2(1)

Information 19(4)
Active Crim § 119.071(3)(d), F.S. 25(1)
§ 905.26, F.S., Information/indictment prior 63(1)
to arrest

Security System Information, Plans,

diagrams, etc. relating directly to the 36(1)
physical security of the facility or revealing
Security System 38(1)
security systems
§119.071(3)(a), F.S. [confidential & exempt]
§281.301, F.S.

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