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1. Define the personnel administration and discuss the nature of personnel?

- Personnel administration is an art of managing people or human resources who work for the
organization public personnel administration (PPA) I'd a branch of human resources management that is
concerned with the acquisition, development, utilization and compensation of a public organization's
workforce. It is concerned with promoting and stimulating a competent workforce to make their fullest
contribution to the concern. Personnel management exists to a advice and assists the line managers in
personnel matters.

2. discuss the factor that influence development of personnel. Management and industrial relations?

- Industrial relations simply means the regulation of employment relations in any employment situation
by the employer/ and a third party usually the government acting as umpire. Personnel management on
the other hand simply means the management of people in work situations.

3. Trace the historical development in personnel administration how it ivolves and became industrialize

- Historical and international imperatives government Intervenes in labour matters because of its
position in implementing some international labour convention like the international labour
organization (ILO) rules implementing these international conventions automatically demands
government intervention. It ivolves and became industrialize county includes all activities and functions,
relating all policy formulation, planning, policy, implementation, social change and modernisation,
administrative reforms and public relations in an organization.

4.Explain the concept of management discuss the meaning and role of work place in organization?

-Management organization's resources to achieve its goals efficiently and effectively. It involves
coordinating people, processes, and resources to make the best use of available resources and to guide
the organization toward its objectives. Management encompasses a range of activities, including
decision-making, problem-solving, and strategic planning, all aimed at achieving the organization's
mission and vision. workplace gives an environment to the employee to perform a given task. It is
considered as the environment in which employees work and it include physical setting, job profile,
culture, and surrounding conditions.

The workplace is a pivotal component of organizational management, as it directly influences employee

performance, well-being, and overall organizational success. Effective workplace management involves
creating an environment that fosters productivity, collaboration, a positive organizational culture, and
the well-being of employees, while ensuring compliance with safety and health regulations.

5.Elaborate the compensation of a employee and discuss there function what are the list should be
included in the government policy before the benefits of wages ?

- Employee compensation refers to the financial and non-financial rewards provided to employees in
exchange for their work and services within an organization. Compensation plays a crucial role in
attracting, retaining, and motivating employees. It typically includes various components such as base
salary, bonuses, benefits, and non-monetary incentives like career development opportunities.

6.Explained the personnel department and classified the relationship with the employee also discuss the
principles that govern between the personnel and line management?

-The personnel department, also known as the human resources department in modern terms, is a vital
division within an organization responsible for managing the workforce and ensuring the well-being of
employees. It encompasses various functions such as recruitment, training and development,
compensation and benefits, performance management, employee relations, and compliance with labor
laws and regulations. Principles that govern the relationship between the personnel department and
line management include open communication, fairness, and collaboration.
7.briefly explained the procurement function on a personnel administration under the circumstances of
the policies agency?

-The procurement function within personnel administration involves acquiring goods, services, and
resources that are essential for managing an organization's workforce effectively. It typically includes
activities like sourcing, purchasing, contract management, and vendor selection, all while adhering to
government procurement regulations and policies. In the context of a government or agency with
specific policies, procurement is subject to compliance with these policies, which are often designed to
ensure transparency, fairness, and efficiency in the acquisition process.In a policy-driven agency,
procurement in personnel administration typically adheres to strict guidelines and regulations.
Personnel administration, on the other hand, is responsible for managing the agency's workforce.

Both procurement and personnel administration are critical functions within a government agency to
ensure efficient operations and compliance with government policies and regulations.

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