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Chapter 2 (1st submission

• Purpose (17%)
• Content (27%)
• Organization (15%)
• Reflect the tone (5%)
• Sentence structure and word choice (4%)Republic of the Philippines
• Grammar, spelling, writing Mechanics (5%)
Mindanao State University
• Use of references (10%) Senior High School
• Quality of sources (10%) Fatima, General Santos City
Group No. 2 Date: Dec. 17, 2023
Section Euler Score

Group Activity No 3: Chapter 2

Direction: Write at least 15 pages review of related literature. This will be the Chapter
two (2) of your research study. Cite at least 30 different sources from 2005 up to present.
No pictures and or images. Variables are arranged based on their importance.

Title: Goodlock: Arduino-Based Smart Door Lock System with GSM, Bluetooth,
and RFID Technology



In this chapter, the researchers use the following review of related literature and

studies to help the study into a purposeful whole. The following related literature were

chosen by the researchers and found significant to the study after an in-depth search to

bring understanding of the topics.



According to Louis (2018), Arduino can be defined as an open-source

microcontroller that can be easily programmed, erased, and reprogrammed at any time.

The Arduino platform was introduced in 2005 and was designed to provide a cost and

time-efficient way for people to create devices that can interact with the environment
through sensors and actuators. Just like other microcontrollers, Arduino is capable of

acting as a mini-computer that takes inputs and control outputs for different electronic

devices. It can send and receive internet information using special shields. It uses a

board and software called Arduino IDE. The board has 8-bit Atmel AVR microcontrollers

or 32-bit Atmel ARM that can be easily programmed in C or C++. The development

board can also be used to upload new codes using a USB cable. In addition to that, the

Arduino IDE is user-friendly on regular personal computers for writing programs in C or

C++ (Louis, 2018).

There are multiple kinds of Arduino. Some of these kinds include Arduino Mega

2560 and Arduino Uno. The Arduino Mega 2560 is a type of Arduino board introduced in

2009. The current version is powered by an ATmega 2560 microcontroller which

translates USB signals into serial instructions using an ATmega16U2 chip. The Arduino

Mega 2560 features 16 analog inputs and 54 digital I/O pins overall, of which 15 are

used for PWM output. It also has a USB-B port, a barrel plug connector, and hardware

serial interfaces. It can run on a power source between 6 and 20 volts and can be

powered by either the power jack or the USB connector (Syahid et al., 2021).

On the other hand, Arduino Uno, a type of Arduino board, is a microcontroller

board open-source platform that is widely used and recognized by students, especially

those who aim to study electrical engineering material control systems (Taufiq et al.,

2020). The Arduino Uno operates through a combination of hardware and software

elements and is connected to a breadboard with plugins such as inputs, sensors, lights,

and displays that can be controlled by using codes written in the Arduino development

environment. It has endless applications as it has been used extensively for projects

such as the Arduino Satellite (ArduSat), ArduPilot (ArduPilotMega - APM), Lilypad

Arduino, and other Arduino-based projects used for daily activities (Kondaveeti et al.,


Furthermore, there are many types of Arduino boards available. Arduino boards

that enable wireless communication are boards with built-in Bluetooth modules, like the

Arduino BT. It is also possible to purchase these built-in modules separately which can

be interfaced with it, and these modules are known as shields. Some widely used

Arduino shields include the Arduino Ethernet Shield, Arduino Wireless Shield, and

Arduino Motor Driver Shield. The elements of Arduino boards are divided into two

categories, hardware and software. The hardware of the Arduino board consists of a

microcontroller, external power supply, USB plug, internal programmer, reset button,

analog pins, digital I/O pins, and power and GND pins. The program code written for the

Arduino board is called a sketch and the software used for developing such sketches for

an Arduino is called an Arduino IDE. It contains a text editor, message area, text, and

console toolbar (Ismailov & Jo`rayev, 2022).

Solenoid Door Lock System

Scott (2023) defined that a solenoid door lock is a type of a remote door locking

mechanism that opens through an electromagnetic solenoid. Also, the author have

stated that in most cases, the actual locking mechanism of a solenoid lock, will be

identical to a conventional key-operated lock; the difference between the two

aforementioned locks is the utilization of a low-voltage solenoid in the mechanism that

pulls the latch back into a door if a push button or other controller is activated. Moreover,

a solenoid door lock has the ability to regulate the opening and closing mechanism of a

door, after electrical wires are connected to it and an electricity is supplied, therefore
when a solenoid’s power supply is discharged, the plunger resets the latch, relocking a

door (Mishra, et al., 2022).

In addition, as stated in a study by Manohar et al. (2023), a solenoid lock which is

widely-used for locking sell-machine, storage shelf, file cabinet, and etc., operates on an

electronic-mechanical locking mechanism, which, when a power is applied, the

direct-current (DC) power source generates a magnetic field that moves the slug inside.

The study further stated that the solenoid is the small electromagnet that pushes or pulls

the plunger that can operate the function, contains 12 volts, and provides a low-cost

solution with a very high locking force of a minimum of 1.600 N.A.

Basically, 12V solenoid locks are electromagnets made of a big coil of copper

wire with an armature (a slug of metal) in the middle, if no power source is being used on

the lock, a door where it is attached can not be opened, however when a direct-current

of 9-12 volts is applied, the slug pulls in which leads to the opening of a door, in addition,

the solenoid lock contains a slanted slug, which can be opened with two Philips-head

screws to rotate it in 90, 180 or 270 degrees until it fits on the door where the lock is

attached and lastly, to operate a solenoid lock with an Arduino microcontroller, it is

required to use a relay module with good power supply, as a lot of current (approximately

500mA) will rush into the solenoid in order to charge-up the electromagnet, therefore it is

not advisable to connect it with a 9 volts battery (Kole, 2023).

In agreement with Münch, 2023, the solenoid door lock can function as either

monostable or bistable: the monostable version ensures that the door locks

automatically whenever the solenoid is not powered; to unlock, a brief energization of

the solenoid is required, in contrast, the bistable version allows the door to be locked
only when the solenoid is briefly energized; unlocking in this case also requires a short

burst of solenoid energization.

It is evident from numerous studies that solenoid lock is the most used

component for designing smart door lock systems, wherein from the study of Kamelia et

al. (2014), a door-automation system was formulated using Bluetooth-based android for

mobile phone, in the aforementioned study, an electromechanical solenoid 12 V with

supply voltage to 12 V was used from the adaptor, and the solenoid was connected to a

driver relay, and the relay was connected to the 5V pin of the Arduino Uno for supplying

coil voltage and ground relay to ground Arduino Uno pin. To add, in accordance with the

study of Chandra et al. (2022), they developed a solenoid based home security system

using RFID, a checking of the solenoid lock was done by ensuring that it will not open

and will disallow any person to be able to open it unless it is an accessed tag person,

when an accessed card is scanned, the GSM module will send a message to the owner

by short message service, and whenever an unaccessed card has been scanned, the

door lock system will deny the access and will disallow the person to unlock the


In conformity with Bene (2021), Solenoid door lock provides advantages: (a)

Enhanced security: systems can be disconnected from the actuation device if solenoids

are used as the main driver; this increases the G-Force resistance, making it more

difficult for outside force to open the locks, the development of biometric solutions, which

are even more secure than utilizing keyfobs or ID badges, has also been made possible

by electromechanical locks.; (b) Design Flexibility: The design of solenoid locks varies

greatly by application, from simple drop-in replacements to full locking assemblies that

are ready to mount into your system. Therefore these advantages signify flexibility and

convenience in the design process.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology

According to Amsler and Shea (2021), radio frequency identification (RFID) is a

form of wireless communication that employs electromagnetic waves to uniquely identify

an object, animal, or person. In essence, it is a technology utilizing radio waves for the

identification and monitoring of objects. RFID operates through a compact electronic

device, typically a microchip, where information is stored. These devices are generally

small but can store a significant amount of data. While this technology does not

consistently emit electricity, there are instances, such as during microchip reading,

where electricity is required, and some devices may contain a power source. There are

many different uses for the technology, but it is commonly used in tracking products,

animals, and currency (Hayes, 2023).

As per Raikar (2023), an RFID system comprises two main components which

are a tag and a reader. The tag features a microchip storing digital data related to the

tagged object and an antenna for signal transmission and reception. Typically covered

by a protective coating, tags come in various forms such as badges, stickers, or cards,

with their size and shape adapted to their specific purpose. There are two types of RFID

tags based on their source of power. Passive tags lack an independent power source

and instead depend on the radio wave energy transmitted by the reader to transmit

stored information back. In contrast, active tags incorporate a small battery to help

transmit information. With this, active RFID tags can communicate with readers across

considerably greater distances compared to passive tags. Tags may fall into two

categories which are read-only, allows the reader to solely access information on the tag,

and read-write, grants the reader the ability to append or alter tag data. The RFID reader

functions as a radio receiver and transmitter, sending a signal to the tag through an

antenna, and receiving the encoded information in return. This communication embodies
automatic identification and data capture (AIDC), where data collection occurs

automatically when the reader and tag are within range. The reader, often linked to a

computer or handheld device, utilizes the information to update the object's status.

Expanding on Raikar's insights, Amsler and Shea (2021) notes that the read

range of RFID tags is influenced by factors such as tag type, reader type, RFID

frequency, and interference from the environment or other RFID tags and readers. Tags

with a stronger power source generally have an extended read range. RFID readers

come in two varieties which are fixed readers and mobile readers. These

network-connected devices can be either portable or permanently installed, utilizing

radio waves to transmit signals that activate the tags.

Radio frequency identification (RFID) has widely spread across various industries

due to its impressive capabilities, such as enhancing efficiency, streamlining automation,

and guaranteeing flawless data accuracy. RFID technology has found diverse

applications in various industries. In supply chain tracking, it provides real-time visibility

and traceability of goods throughout the supply chain, contributing to optimized logistics

operations, reduced errors, improved forecasting, and timely deliveries. This, in turn,

leads to cost savings and positive customer satisfaction. In asset tracking, this

technology becomes very valuable for businesses to efficiently monitor and manage

valuable assets. It enables streamlined asset utilization, prevents loss or theft, optimizes

maintenance schedules, and improves overall asset management. In the retail and point

of sale sector, RFID assists retailers in achieving better inventory accuracy, optimizing

stock levels, preventing out-of-stock situations, and enhancing the overall shopping

experience. In access control and security, RFID ensures that only authorized personnel

can enter, thereby enhancing overall security. Access management is efficient because

of the RFID cards or key fobs containing RFID tags. Moreover, in healthcare and patient
management, RFID improves processes related to identification, tracking, and safety.

This technology also helps automates patient flow, allowing real-time tracking of

individuals within healthcare facilities, streamlining workflows, and improving efficiency.

Livestock tracking is another application of RFID, which enables precise and automated

monitoring of individual animals. This enhances disease control, supports efficient

record-keeping, facilitates effective breeding programs, and improves overall herd

management. In waste management, RFID optimizes collection processes and

enhances efficiency by enabling real-time monitoring of waste levels, thus enabling

efficient route planning and collection scheduling (Kanade, 2023). These examples

illustrate the versatility and boundless capabilities of RFID technology, making it a

valuable tool across various industries.

RFID door lock systems are widely utilized in the security industry for access

control, offering users a reliable and consistent experience while providing trackable

data. These locking systems operate on a contactless basis, which means that the need

for the credential to physically touch the reader for authentication is removed. In an RFID

door lock access control system, the user's identification (ID), typically stored on a

keycard or fob with an embedded RFID chip, carries a unique piece of identifying data in

the form of a tag. When a user approaches an RFID reader, the signal from the reader

detects the tag and transmits it to antennas and transceivers. This process authorizes

the tag within the access control system, allowing or restricting access to the user

(Be-Tech, 2023).

Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)

Rahman et al. (2018) describes Global System for Mobile communication (GSM)

as a special mobile communication module used for keeping track of wireless radiation
by using Short Messaging Service (SMS). It is a widely accepted standard for digital

cellular communication. GSM was created by the European Telecommunications

Standards Institute to define the protocols for second-generation digital mobile networks,

which are frequently utilized by gadgets such as cell phones. Broadly speaking, this

technology uses digital radio channels to facilitate the transfer of multimedia

communication systems, data, and audio (Basumallick, 2022).

GSM is the most used module for mobile communication. It is often linked with

Arduino to send and receive messages. There are various types of GSM modules

depending on factors such as project requirements, budget, and availability of features.

The most popular GSM modules used nowadays are the SIM800L, SIM800A, and

SIM900A. The GSM SIM800L and SIM900A are often compared due to their ability to

send and receive GPRS data, send and receive SMS, and make and receive voice calls

(SIM800L Vs SIM900A GSM Modules, 2021). The SIM800L is a miniature cellular GSM

modem from Simcom that supports a quad-band GSM/GPRS, meaning it can be used

anywhere in the world. It connects through the internet using GPRS, TCP, or IP

(Electroduino, 2022). It uses a Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)

port to connect with the microcontroller and supports commands such as 3GPP TS

27.007, 27.005 (Oyebola, 2017).

However, in this study, the researchers will be utilizing a SIM900 GSM as it is

specifically made for Arduino uno. This module uses GPRS/GSM technology to

communicate with a mobile sim card which enables communication in the 9000MHz

spectrum. This GSM module requires a 12V power source. The GSM block Module

activation requires connecting the GSM modem to the PCB and providing RS232

outputs (Najma et al., 2019). The SIM900 GSM/GPRS shield is a specialized GSM

module created specifically for the Arduino UNO which can be incorporated into various
IoT projects. Almost everything a typical cell phone can do is possible with this module:

send and receive SMS texts, make and take calls, connect to the internet via GPRS or

TCP/IP, and more. Additionally, it is compatible with quad-band GSM/GPRS networks,

therefore it can also be used almost anywhere in the world similar to the SIM800

(Leekongxue et al., 2020). It is one of the most effective wireless communications that

can be operated from a very long distance and provides accurate results and is therefore

used to control door locks by SMS and GSM mode (Vidyakar, 2022).

The GSM SIM800L and SIM900A are both very similar GSM modules, but the

major difference is that the SIM800L model supports Bluetooth and has AT instructions

for Bluetooth/FM whilst the SIM900 is specifically made for Arduino uno (Utmel, 2022).

Thus, the SIM900 makes it the compatible module to be used in making an

Arduino-based smart door lock.


Bluetooth is a technology that almost everyone is familiar with. People all over

the world use Bluetooth to connect devices such as wireless headphones, keyboards,

mice, and speakers to both PCs and mobile devices. Bluetooth, as defined by Verma et

al. (2015), is a wireless technology that allows devices to communicate with each other,

transfer data with each other, and connect to the Internet. In addition, Bluetooth is a

technology that uses radio frequency signals with digitally embedded information as a

form of communication. It was intended originally for data transmission over short

distances only (Arati et al., 2020). At present, Bluetooth range depends on the Bluetooth

device class. Bluetooth devices can be broken down into three general classes. Firstly,

Class I has a range of up to 100 meters with a maximum power of 10 mW. This class is

commonly present on laptops and desktop computers. Secondly, Class II has a range of
up to 10 meters with a maximum power of 2.5 mW. This class is commonly present in

mobile phones and headsets. Lastly, Class III has a range of up to 1 meter with a

maximum power of 1 mW. This class is commonly present in Bluetooth adapters

(Campos, 2017). As Bluetooth evolves, the possibility of its range going beyond 100

meters is high. Bluetooth commonly operates at 2.4 GHz frequency. It uses the spread

spectrum technology in which each device uses a different frequency band and hence

the devices do not transmit at same time. Due to this, Bluetooth can connect up to 8

devices simultaneously. The transmission takes place between two devices when they

come in range with each other (Rathod et al., 2017). As Bluetooth evolves, the possibility

of its maximum range and connectivity changing is high.

As stated by Yuan et al. (2020), Bluetooth has evolved over the years since it

was first introduced over twenty years ago. As a result, this technology made wireless

keyboards, mice, and even wireless printing possible. Such applications have guided

Bluetooth technology to be implemented in cars. Vehicles equipped with Bluetooth

technology allow the driver to make hands-free calls and even texts while driving on the

road. With this, it can be said that Bluetooth is one of the key technologies that blurs the

boundaries between home, office, and outside world which results in enabling a mobile

information society. It promises a seamless connectivity which makes it possible to

explore a range of interactive and highly transparent personalized services without the

use of wires (Verma et al., 2015).

Nowadays, Bluetooth technology in a smart phone is not just for the transfer of

data or files only. In recent years, smart home automation is also one of the applications

of Bluetooth technology (Saravanan et al., 2019). As stated by Ismail et al. (2014), due

to the widespread use of Bluetooth in mobile devices, it was seen as a simple, low cost,

and secure solution for connecting a mobile device to a home automation system
wirelessly. A security system that can control home doors is made with the help of a

Bluetooth module and a smartphone application. A digital Bluetooth circuitry is designed

to send or receive signals between the Bluetooth module and mobile phone. A default

Bluetooth module is used to make a wireless connection between the chip and mobile

application (Malhotra et al., 2023). This study will specifically use the HC-05 Bluetooth

module to make a connection between the smartphone and the door lock.

There are several other types of Bluetooth modules. However, HC-05 is selected

due to its flexibility, affordability, availability, and simplicity. According to Saravanan et al.

(2019), Bluetooth module HC-05 is a master and slave module. The factory setting is

slave by default. Only commands can change the module's role (Master or Slave). The

slave modules cannot initiate a Bluetooth connection, but they can accept connections.

On the other hand, the master module can connect to other devices. It means that this

module can transmit and receive signals. This type of system is very helpful for this

study. In addition, the HC-05 module is good to use due to its compact size, easy

connection with Bluetooth-enabled devices, good battery life, and low power

consumption. In addition, this module has a good quality, sends signals quickly, and is

cost effective (Rajakumar & Choi, 2023). These qualities make this module a very

popular choice for hobbyists and engineers in building wireless applications and IoT


HC-05 Bluetooth module is used to connect the microcontroller with an android

application. This Bluetooth module can transmit and receive signals. Bluetooth receives

the information from the user and sends it to the microcontroller (Arduino Uno). HC-05

Bluetooth module utilizes CSR blue canter 04-external single chip Bluetooth framework

with CMOS innovation and with AFH (Adaptive Frequency Hopping Feature). It has the

impression as little as 12.7mmx27mm. The HC-05 module is a simple Bluetooth SPP

(Serial Port Protocol) module intended for straightforward remote sequential association

setup. Bluetooth Serial Port Protocol (SSP) is designed as a wireless serial connection

setup, and is simple to use. The Bluetooth serial port module is advanced Bluetooth

v2.0+ Enhanced data Rate at 3Mbps modulation with 2.4 GHz radio receiver with base

band (Malav et al., 2019). Arduino along with HC-05 and mobile applications allows us to

control doors from anywhere in the home and constantly keep watch on it.

Response Time

Rouse (2016) defines response time as the “elapsed time between an inquiry on

a system and the response to that inquiry.” Furthermore, Rouse elaborates that

“Response time deals with the total time between a request for service and the fulfillment

of that request” and that testing for Response Time is necessary for the assessment of a

variety of technologies — including Arduino-based devices or systems.

Response Time tests are used as a measurement of system or device

performance and functionality based upon the runtime speed (in seconds) of the said

system or device, in order to adhere to user satisfaction. The desired response time

rating of a system or device is the lowest possible rate of response. Kumari (2023)

mentioned that the length of the Response Time of a device or system is directly

proportional to its abandonment rate, which means that the higher it takes for a device to

respond or fulfill the user request, the higher the possibility for the user to abandon the

use of the device.

Response Time testing can be done through “conducting performance testing for

the system under realistic and high load conditions to track the time difference between

input and output requests” (Kumari, 2023). This performance testing of response time

can be measured in four metrics: (1) Average Response Time; (2) Maximum Response
Time; (3) Error Rate; and (4) Peak Performance, which will all be through varying levels

of distances. In addition, the basis for the interpretation of Response time can be seen

in: (1) 0.1 second being the perfect response time; (2) 1 second being the acceptable

foundation of response time; and (3) 10 seconds being the maximum response time.

Anything above 10 seconds is considered unappealing for a Response Time Test.

Miller’s (2023) formula for the Response Time Testing for Customer Inquiry is

“Average Response Time = Total Amount of Time to Respond to tickets / by the Total

Number of Tickets x 100.” Subsequently, this can be substituted in device performance

Response Time Testing as “Average Response Time = Total Amount of Time per Trial (in

seconds) / by the Total Number of Trials per level of distance x 100.” A general example

of this substitution would be for a distance of 1 meter from the device, a total of 3 trials

will be conducted, recording each elapsed time it took for the task to be completed.

Afterward, the recorded seconds will be added and then divided by 3. The result will be

the Average Response Time. If the Average Response time is lower than or equal to 10

seconds, it is considered acceptable and good.

Accuracy Tests

Maxim et al. (2014) defines accuracy, which is also termed as overall accuracy

and test efficiency of a test, as the overall proportion of correct test results. Accuracy

tests are performed to test the number of correct trials to the number of tries attempted.

In other words, these are the proportion of correct test results out of the total number of

trials. Baratloo et al. (2015) asserts that a good accuracy percentage depends on the

test being performed, but the closer to 100% accuracy the better in all cases. This also

aligns with this study with the aim to reach up to 100% accuracy percentage rate for its

triple-door lock system. Science Buddies (2012) states that repeating your experiment
more than three times is much better, and doing so may even be required to measure

very small changes in some experiments. A general example for testing the accuracy

percentage rate is; out of 25 trials, there were 20 successful trials and 5 unsuccessful

results. To compute then the accuracy percentage of the test is 20/25 = 80% (Maxim et

al., 2014).

Parajuli (2021), defined accuracy percentage rate test of RFID technology as

how well an RFID system can correctly identify and track items or tags. He emphasized

that it is necessary to test the accuracy of RFID Technology and Bluetooth Module to

confirm effectiveness and accuracy of his units to do its work and purpose. Firstly, in the

context of RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) technology, the accuracy percentage

test is defined as: RFID Accuracy = Number of Correct Identifications / Total Number of

RFID Readings ×100. In this context: "Number of Correct Identifications" refers to the

instances where the RFID system accurately reads and identifies the RFID tags or items.

"Total Number of RFID Readings" is the overall number of attempts made by the RFID

system to read tags (Parajuli, 2021). The result is expressed as a percentage, with 100%

indicating perfect accuracy where every attempted RFID reading was correct. The same

formula was also used to test the number of wrong identifications for RFID modules.

According to Maheswari et al. (2023), the accuracy of the performance of GSM

modules is necessary to evaluate the total success of a security system. The test allows

one to identify how well the GSM can send messages and make emergency calls. It

should be placed in a signal-rich region for errors to be prevented while it is functioning.

For calculating the accuracy percentage of the GSM, the formula is defined as Accuracy

Percentage= (Number of Successful Messages or Calls / Total Number of Operations) ×

100. In this formula: "Number of Successful Messages or Calls" represents the instances

where the security system successfully messaged or called the needed information.
"Total Number of Operations" is the overall number of attempts made to message or call

to relay important information. The result is then multiplied by 100 to express the

accuracy as a percentage.

In testing the accuracy percentage rate of Bluetooth-smartphone application,

Parajuli (2021), defined accuracy percentage rate for Bluetooth unit as a method of

evaluating the precision and reliability of a door lock system when operated through a

smartphone application via Bluetooth. This test aims to measure how accurately the unit

performs the intended actions of locking and unlocking the door, and it is often

expressed as a percentage. The formula for calculating accuracy percentage can be

expressed as Accuracy Percentage= (Number of Successful Lock or Unlock operation /

Total Number of Operations) × 100 (Parajuli, 2021). In this formula: "Number of

Successful Operations" represents the instances where the door lock system

successfully or unsuccessfully executed the locking or unlocking command as intended.

"Total Number of Operations" is the overall number of attempts made to lock or unlock

the door. The result is then multiplied by 100 to express the accuracy as a percentage.

Furthermore, James et al. (2007) argued that the number of trials and operations

obtained from the accuracy test can impact and influence the validity of the said test.

One trial might not be representative of a subject's more general performance.

Moreover, it is generally advisable in scientific research to conduct multiple trials to

increase the reliability and validity of the findings. A single trial may not adequately

represent the system's performance under various conditions or account for potential

variability. Therefore, James et al. (2007) emphasized that the number of trials and

operations done should be more than 3 trials in order to evaluate and assess the

function and accuracy of different modules and systems.

Djupsö and Almosaw (2018) asserts that for a door lock system, an inaccurate

operation could have security implications. Therefore, high accuracy is usually desirable

to ensure the system's reliability.In evaluating and interpreting the accuracy percentage

rate of the tested units such as RFID Technology, Bluetooth HC-05 Module, and SIM900

GSM. Islam and Rajee (2022) states that a system with a 100% accuracy rate implies

that every attempt to lock or unlock and turn on or off the door was successful. In other

words, the door lock system performed flawlessly, and there were no errors in its

operation during the testing period. On the other hand, Allwright (2022) states that if the

result is over 90%, it implies relatively good. Between 70% and 90% is Good, between

60% and 70% is Okay, and lastly below 60% is considered Poor. These interpretations

allow researchers to understand and evaluate the level of accuracy in their research


Consistency Tests

Consistency refers to the collective characteristics of a feature that is all

throughout the same without contradiction (Merriam Webster, 2023). It is important when

doing experimental research in order to assess the consistency among the tests and

results. This will prove the validity and reliability of the output and signifies the efficacy of

the study (Mosterin, 2011). To verify the consistency, the subject of the study should be

replicated or the action should be repeated multiple times to see if all the trials would

yield the same results (Research Methods for the Social Sciences, 2020). Accuracy and

consistency are the key factors to measure the quality of the study. Inconsistencies in

the data can make research papers questionable and would have a big negative effect

on the overall study (India, 2015).

The features that will be covered by the consistency test only involve the system

testing of the door lock which are the functionality of the Goodlock software app and the

sending of commands through SMS by the GSM. Based on the study of Parajuli (2021),

the consistency of the software application will be determined by the following actions:

(1) Signing up the new user in Smart Door Lock android application, (2) Logging into

Smart Door Lock android application, (3) Entering a wrong password and using the

"forgot password" option to set the new password of the user, (4) Pairing Bluetooth of

smartphone with Bluetooth module HC-05. As for the GSM, the part of the system that

will be evaluated is the (5) “Lock”, “Unlock”, and “No Action” notifications appearing after

sending the right and wrong SMS Commands.

To measure the consistency using numerical values, the actions that need to be

carried out should be done 10 times. Greenberg and Barnow (2016) asserts that having

multiple trials is important because it constitutes an essential strategy for generating

results. This approach yields reliable data that does not solely depend on luck or

chance, but rather based on the performance of the device. Furthermore, in getting the

percentage of the system’s consistency, the formula will be the same as the accuracy

test, wherein Consistency percentage = (Number of successful operations / total number

of operations) x 100. In interpreting the results, consistency scores close to 1.0 or 100%

provide clear evidence of a relationship, while scores less than 0.70 or 70% indicate

substantial inconsistency. By this, the researchers can have quantitative analysis on the

quality of the output’s system.


Direction: Give at least ten (10) related studies from local and foreign research in

descending order from present to year 2005. Write one (1) study in one (1) paragraph

and titles must be italicized.

In a local study conducted by Ruaya (2023) entitled Smart Lock Technology:

Developing and Enhancing Home Security using Android-Based Controlled Door

Locking App at Surigao Del Norte State University, Surigao City, Philippines, it aimed to

investigate the development process of an Android-based controlled door locking app

and to assess its effectiveness in enhancing home security. In the experiment, it involved

the development and implementation of a prototype. From this, the app’s performance

was tested in terms of usability, accuracy, efficiency, portability, security, and

maintainability, in which each parameter was scored in a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the

lowest and 5 being the highest. For the system it provides different functionalities which

are: (1) user authentication through fingerprint for security purposes, (2) a Bluetooth

module (HC-05) acting as both the transceiver and receiver of the Bluetooth signal

between the Android smartphone and the device controlling the door lock, (3) an Arduino

Uno processing the inputs and commands from Bluetooth to control the door lock, and

(4) Android smartphone serving as a user interface. Moreover, through the app, users

can create accounts with necessary details and authentication credentials, can remotely

lock and unlock their doors with a tap or a PIN/fingerprint authentication, and can grant

temporary access permissions to others, specifying the duration and allowed time slots.

Also, the app sends real-time notifications to users when specific events occur, such as

door lock/unlock actions or access attempts. In this study, results showed that usability
scored 4 out of 5, accuracy scored 5 out of 5, efficiency scored 4 out of 5, portability

scored 5 out of 5, security scored 4 out of 5, and maintainability scored 4 out of 5. With

this, findings revealed that the android-based door locking app demonstrated

commendable performance across different tests. Along with this, it has proven to be a

significant step towards developing and enhancing home security in the context of

modern smart homes. Furthermore, Ruaya’s study is similar to the researchers' study

because it uses an app to control the smart door lock, including user registration and

authentication, remote locking and unlocking, and real-time notifications. Along with this,

it will utilize a Bluetooth module and Arduino Uno that will serve as one of the main

features and components of the system. However, the difference between the related

study to the researchers' study is that the researchers' study will use two other modules

for the door lock aside from Bluetooth, which are the GSM and RFID Technology.

The study entitled Automated Hybrid Smart Door Control System by Edozie et al.

(2023), conducted at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Kampala International

University, Uganda, presents the design, development, and implementation of an

automated hybrid smart door control system. The system aims to enhance home

security by utilizing a combination of Bluetooth technology and a fingerprint scanner. The

research successfully uses hardware components, including a Bluetooth module,

fingerprint scanner, and a Microcontroller system powered by a +5V power supply. The

programs are written and uploaded to the Microcontroller chips using the Arduino IDE.

The Microcontroller helps in the enrollment of the user’s fingerprints and administers the

storage of fingerprints. The smart door control system utilizes both Bluetooth and a

fingerprint scanner to unlock or lock the door. When using the Bluetooth module to

unlock the door, users first activate the Bluetooth feature on their smartphone and

establish a connection with the Bluetooth module, enabling communication between the
devices. Once the user's phone is successfully connected, the application offers the user

the option to either press "unlock" for door access or "lock" to secure the door. Upon

selecting either option, the system activates a solenoid lock to either grant or deny

access. In the case of using the fingerprint scanner, users engage with the system by

placing their enrolled finger on the fingerprint scanner, prompting the system to activate

a solenoid lock to either grant or deny access. This process ensures a secure and

efficient means of controlling access to the home. The study highlights the system's

effectiveness in enhancing security by reducing the risk of door-breaking thefts.

Additionally, the automated hybrid smart door control system caters to the needs of

physically challenged individuals, allowing them easy access to their homes without

third-party assistance. The research concludes that the proposed system is user-friendly,

with less circuit complexity and improved security features, making it a cost-effective

solution for home security. In relation to the current study, this study proves that using

Arduino-based Bluetooth technology in controlling smart door control systems, unlocking

and locking the system, is effective in ensuring the safety and security of homes.

Another thing that the study proves in the use of the solenoid door lock that opens and

closes based on the option picked by the user. However, this study’s difference to the

current study is that this paper uses a fingerprint scanner to also control the smart door

control systems. Another difference is that the current study will utilize Bluetooth, RFID,

and GSM in controlling the smart door lock system.

In the study of Anaza et al. (2022), entitled Design of a Lock System Using RFID

and GSM Technology presented the design of a security lock using RFID system and

GSM technology. This study aimed to address the efficiency of the said modules. The

proposed lock system works by identifying the user with the use of an RFID tag in which

it will be authenticated by sending the correct 4 digit code to its mobile phone using short
message services. The hardware of the lock system is composed of power supply, the

RFID system, the GSM system, the display unit, and the alarm unit. Micro C software

was used to write the program and to debug any errors. This is simulated using Proteus

in parts and in whole. The simulation results of the study were satisfactory which proved

that the design of the lock system will work according to how it is designed. This study is

in line with the current study because it will also use RFID system and GSM technology.

Moreover, the researcher’s study is different from this study for the following reasons: the

former will use 3 different modules which are RFID, GSM, and Bluetooth instead of RFID

and GSM only; an app with passcode will be created to give commands; and a Bluetooth

connection will be utilized aside from the GSM feature.

Another study by Sandesh Parajuli (2021), entitled RFID and Bluetooth based

Smart Door Lock is a study on developing a Smart door lock system using RFID sensor,

Bluetooth module, Android App and Arduino Uno. They aim to create convenience and

security for the users in the field of door lock systems. This study was designed to

simulate an electronic solenoid lock, which will be controlled through a Bluetooth

enabled smartphone and RFID tag. Moreover, the study developed a software

application, through which a control is established by sending a command via Bluetooth

to the Arduino circuit. Furthermore, this door lock system is the combination of different

technologies in which they deemed the android smartphone and RFID tag work as the

task handler, Bluetooth module and RFID reader as their command agent, Arduino UNO

as controlling and data processing unit and lastly, solenoid lock as the output unit. For

testing the effectiveness of the door lock system, Parajuli only tested the accuracy of his

units and consistency of the system once. His study revealed the effectiveness of

combining RFID and Bluetooth enabled software door lock systems in having a secured

and convenient door lock. In relation to the current study, this study is relatively similar to
the study that was being proposed by the researchers, as the researchers in this study

will also utilize RFID Technology and Bluetooth HC-O5 module as one of its variables.

This study will also develop a software application to be integrated with the Bluetooth

module in locking and unlocking the electronic solenoid door lock . However, the study of

Parajuli (2021) lacked a GSM module, which is a way to lock and unlock the electronic

door lock system from distance through commands sent via SMS. This study also

greatly differs from the number of trials that will be employed in testing the accuracy of

its units and consistency of its system.

The study by San Hlaing and San Lwin (2019) with the title Electronic Door Lock

using RFID and Password Based on Arduino aimed to create a smart home security

system through employing the use of Arduino-based RFID technology and Passwords.

The study’s main processes involved the checking of an ID Card and the inputted

password, which are where the solenoid depends upon. The instruments involved in the

study included the Arduino UNO, a microcontroller, RFID technology, a power supply,

four differently-colored LEDs, a keypad, and a solenoid. The results of the study were

successful. San Hlaing and San Lwin were able to create a very “smart and secure”

Arduino based electronic door lock system device that works effectively in the real world.

In its relation to the current study, this paper proves how Arduino-based RFID technology

can be developed for checking and controlling passwords of smart door lock systems,

and thus demonstrates the efficacy of incorporating Arduino-based RFID technology for

authentication and control mechanisms in smart door lock systems similar to the

researchers’ study. On the other hand, this paper’s sole difference from the current study

is that this paper only explores the use of RFID technology and passwords, and not

operating with Bluetooth and a GSM module. The device created in this paper cannot
inform the user of the state of their door lock system, as well as cannot unlock and lock

the said system.

In a study conducted by Najma et al. (2019), entitled GSM-Based Door Lock

System, which aimed to make a GSM-based door lock system by controlling the door

lock using short message service, Arduino was utilized as the microcontroller, along with

a GSM module, keypad, LCD display, motor drive, DC motor, and buzzer. In order to

perform lock/unlock operations with the door lock system, their smart door lock displayed

three main features: a fingerprint sensor ; a keypad module that allows users to enter a

4-digit password; and a GSM module that notifies users via their mobile device if the

password entry is correct. They used a buzzer to provide further security, which would

alarm after three attempts if the user typed the wrong password. The results of their

study were successful. This study is in line with the researchers’ study as it also aims to

make a smart door lock system using Arduino as a microcontroller and utilizing GSM

module to send and receive notifications regarding the door lock’s state through the

user’s mobile phone. Meanwhile, the researcher’s study is different from this study in

terms of the following: the former will use Bluetooth, RFID, and GSM modules instead of

GSM only; will develop an app to enable user commands for the door lock; and

password authentication that will require the user to sign in and set a password unique

to every individual rather than using a keypad module to enter a 4-digit password, which

was utilized by Najma et al. (2019) in their study.

A study conducted by Rathod et al. (2017), entitled Smart Door Security Using

Arduino and Bluetooth Application aimed to design a low-cost and user-friendly smart

door for home security system using Arduino and Bluetooth technology. Their

methodology involves the use of Arduino Uno as the controller and various hardware

components such as LDR (Light Dependent Resistor), ultrasonic sensor, servo motor,
and Bluetooth module HC-05. The system used an ultrasonic sensor and an LDR (Light

Dependent Resistor) to detect the status of the door and communicate it to the mobile

application via Bluetooth. The main goal is to create a system that can control the

locking and unlocking of a door through a mobile application that they created through

MIT app inventor. The system is tested by sending commands from the mobile

application to the Arduino board via Bluetooth. The servo motor is rotated based on the

received commands to lock or unlock the door. The status of the door is displayed on the

serial monitor. Finding shows that the system allows users to control the door lock

through a smartphone application. Rathod et al. were able to create a low-cost and

user-friendly smart door. In relation to the current study, this paper proves that using

Arduino and Bluetooth modules is effective in ensuring the safety and security of homes.

This study is similar to the current study because it also uses Arduino and Bluetooth

technology. However, this study utilizes Bluetooth technology only. The current study will

utilize Bluetooth, RFID, and GSM. In addition, this study used a servo motor as a

mechanism that physically moves the door based on the commands received from the

application. On the other hand, the current study will use solenoid door lock that opens

and closes based on the commands received from the three different technology.

In the study entitled Keypad/Bluetooth/GSM Based Digital Door Lock Security

System, conducted by Umbarkar et al. (2016), the researchers aimed to design and

implement a smart door lock security system with the utilization of a keypad, Bluetooth

module, and GSM module that are connected to the Arduino platform, to prevent

burglary from happening. The methodology of this study followed the use of a 4x4

keypad with four rows and columns that were connected to the Arduino board. The

Bluetooth Module HC-05 was also utilized for wireless transmission with a range of 10

meters that is also to be connected to the Arduino board. Two Arduino boards will be
utilized, the Arduino Mega 328 and the Arduino Mega 2560. It was then connected to a

power source converter, the LM2596 DC-DC buck converter, and the servo motor. The

servo motor operates the door lock key to open or close the door lock due to the key of

the motor rotates clockwise and anticlockwise as per the command given by the Arduino

controller to open and close the door. To open the servo motor, a password of 1234 was

used and a password of 4321 was used to lock the door. A 16x2 liquid crystal display

(LCD) was also used to display the processes performed on the Arduino board, like

entering the password and when the Bluetooth module is connected with the GSM

mobile Bluetooth then the message appears on the screen. The GSM Sim 300 is a

plug-and-play GSM modem kit that may be used to send SMS messages over a serial

interface. Simple programming commands from PCs and an Arduino controller are used

to operate the additional GSM functions. It has a standard RS232 interface that is

compatible with both computer and Arduino controller interfaces. The modem includes

every piece of external electronics needed to begin exploring with the SIM300 kit,

including the GSM SIM holder, external antenna, and power regulation. The built

prototype showed that all three modules operated the servo motor successfully to open

and close the door lock. It was found that the digital door lock system will initiate a

buzzer alarm for security purposes and send an alert message to a GSM mobile number

if a known individual tries three incorrect password attempts in a row. If the owner of the

GSM mobile number enters the erroneous password three times in a row, they will

receive an alert message on their phone. In relation to the current study, this affirms that

the utilization of keypad, Bluetooth, and GSM-based digital door lock security system

prevents unauthorized break ins from happening. The study of Umbarkar et al. (2016) is

similar to the current study as both utilizes Bluetooth and GSM modules connected to an

Arduino board. Despite the similarities in utilizing Arduino boards, different Arduino

boards were used. The current study will utilize the Arduino Uno while the study of
Umbarkar et al. (2016) utilized two different Arduino boards, Arduino Mega 328 and

Arduino Mega 2560. Aside from that, the current study will not use a keypad system,

instead, it will utilize another module known as the RFID module. In addition to that, the

current study will utilize a solenoid door lock that functions based on the commands

received from the three different technologies instead of using a servo motor.

The study of Rajadurai et al. (2015) entitled Android Mobile-based Home

Security and Device Control Using GSM focuses on door-lock automation by making an

application that can wirelessly control the door functions using GSM and Bluetooth. The

GSM network was used as a medium for transmitting signals to the embedded controller

while Bluetooth was used for sending commands through the app. The particular app

that was used was an Android application wherein programming was written in

Java-based C language and the codes were stored in a non-volatile flash memory of the

ARM controller. With the IR controller sensor, the attached main controller will notify the

owner for verification if there is a person detected. The door will only open if it is

commanded by the owner through a replied message. Once the person enters the

wrong password, a new alarm message will be sent to the owner and the time buzzer

will be activated. In addition, the application will also give information if the door was

locked, unlocked, or slightly opened and can send back commands if the owner wants to

lock/unlock the door. If in remote areas, IP connectivity on Android phones will be utilized

to execute the commands. The controller was embedded linearly to the side of the door

lock. Its approximate range to be able to send commands from mobile was 10 feet away

from the microcontroller through concrete walls and the response time for the door lock

took 1 second. The features in this study which is the use of GSM and wireless

commands through mobile application is also present in the current study. In the current

study, however, the GSM enables the owner to control the lock and unlocking of the door
lock, even over long distances. In addition, the door lock will be connected to the

software app using Bluetooth, but the features only include the lock and unlocking of the

door command. Furthermore, the microcontroller that will be used in the current study is

Arduino Uno.

A study by Decena et al. (2015), entitled Security Access Control System for

College of Engineering Laboratories aimed to mitigate the cases of thieving inside the

laboratories of the College of Engineering department of Bulacan State University by

designing an RFID-based door lock system in which data feed was possible that

includes securing a room with authentication using an identification card. In addition, the

study has focused not only in security access, but also in instantaneous transfer of data

by using the RF (Radio Frequency) technology. Initially, the authorized person who

wishes to access a laboratory room of the department must present his/her RFID tag to

the RFID reader in front of the door. After scanning his/her tag, the PC of the faculty in

the said college will receive notification that an authorized person has accessed a

laboratory room. It is revealed that the designed system was effective in terms of

functionality, reliability, usability, and workability. With respect to the current study, this

paper justified that the security access control system is excellent with the use of RFID

technology in which the current study will also use. Moreover, this study will use a

solenoid lock as a component of the proposed smart door lock system in which this

paper has also been used. On the contrary, this paper has only used RFID as a

technology in accessing the door, while the current study will use three technologies

namely: RFID, GSM, and Bluetooth. Apart from that, this paper has used Arduino Mega

as the microcontroller, meanwhile, the current study will use Arduino Uno. Also, it is

noted that this study has included a keypad in entering a PIN code before accessing a

door which the current study will not employ.

Overall, after reviewing the related studies mentioned, the researchers have

realized that all door lock systems have their own merits. However, the majority of these

researches only use one or two imprisonment modules. In other words, modules such as

Fingerprint, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Global System for Mobile

Communication (GSM), Bluetooth, and others, are either employed individually or dually.

Each imprisonment module constituting the security system has its advantages and

disadvantages, however, security is not guaranteed if only one among them is used.

Similarly, in the study of Rathod et al. (2017), it only employed a single Bluetooth

application door lock system. The study can become concerning when an individual

lacks a cell phone. Moreover, another potential problem is how some dual door lock

systems like the study of Anaza et al. (2022), entitled Design of a Lock System Using

RFID and GSM Technology, is quite challenging when a friend or individual has no RFID

tag or SIM to access your door lock. Therefore, Ju et al. (2021) emphasized that there is

a need to increase the reliability of the security system, where two or more modules

must be combined when building a lock system. Parajuli (2021) in his paper entitled

RFID and Bluetooth based Smart Door Lock', recommended adding a feature where a

notification about the door lock’s status will be sent through the user’s phone. Therefore,

this study aims to fill this gap by combining RFID Technology, Bluetooth-enabled

software application, and GSM module as a arduino-based smart door lock system

which can be used in unlocking and locking the door lock directly, or indirectly from

varying locations; notifying an owner of the door lock’s state; giving access for trusted

individuals via Bluetooth module; and remain secured and safe through the

authentication processes integrated in the Bluetooth-enabled software application.


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Criteria for Grading

The activity will be graded based on the following criteria. I will give you two (2)
submission attempt with an average of sixty (60%) for the first and forty (40%) for the
second attempt, a total of 100%. So make sure to write a proper chapter 2 and revise it
properly on the second attempt to get a good grade.

Criteria Very Good Good Acceptable Unacceptable Score

The writer’s The writing has The central The purpose

central a clear purpose or or argument is
purpose or purpose or an argument is not generally
argument is argument, but consistently clear unclear.
(20%) readily may throughout the
apparent to sometimes paper.
the reader. digress from
the main topic.

Balanced Information Information Central

presentation provides supports a purpose or
of relevant reasonable central purpose argument is
and legitimate support for a or argument at not clearly
Content information central times. Analysis is identified.
that clearly purpose or basic or general. Analysis is
(30%) supports a argument and Reader gains vague or not
central displays few insights. evident.
purpose or evidence of a Reader is
argument and basic analysis confused or
shows a of a significant
thoughtful, topic. Reader
in-depth gains more maybe
analysis of insights. misinformed.
topic. Reader

The ideas are The ideas are In general, the The writing is
arranged arranged writing is not logically
logically to logically to arranged organized.
support the support the logically, Frequently,
purpose or central although ideas fail to
argument. purpose or occasionally make sense
They flow argument. ideas fail to together. The
smoothly from They usually make sense reader cannot
(15%) one to clearly linked together. The identify a line
another and to each other. reader is fairly of reasoning
clearly linked For the most clear about what and loses
to each other. part, the writer intends. interest.
The reader reader can
can follow the follow the line
line of of reasoning.

The tone is The tone is The tone is not The tone is

consistently generally consistently unprofessional
professional professional. professional or . It is not
Reflect the and For the most appropriate for appropriate for
appropriate part, it is an academic an academic
tone (5%)
for an appropriate for research paper. research
academic an academic paper.
research research
paper. paper.

Sentences Sentences are Some sentences Errors in

are well-phrased are awkwardly sentence
well-phrased and there is constructed so structure are
and varied in some variety in that the reader is frequent
Sentence length and length and occasionally enough to be
structure. The structure. Word distracted. Word major
structure and word choice is choice is choice is merely distraction to
word choice consistently generally adequate and the reader.
precise and good. The the range of Many words
(5%) concise. writer often words is limited. are used
goes beyond Some words are inappropriately
the generic used , confusing the
word to find inappropriately. reader.
one or more
precise or

The writing is There are The writing has There are so

Grammar, free or almost occasional many errors, and many errors
free of errors. errors, but they the readers is that meaning
spelling, don’t represent distracted by is obscured.
writing a major them. The reader is
distraction or confused and
Mechanics obscure don’t
(5%) meaning. understand
what he/she is

Compelling Professionally Although There are

evidence from legitimate attributions are virtually no
professionally sources that occasionally sources that
legitimate support claims given, many are
Use of sources is are generally statements seem professionally
references given to present and unsubstantiated. reliable. The
support attribution is, The reader is reader
(10%) claims. for the most confused about seriously
Attribution is part, clear and the source of doubts the
clear and fairly information and value of the
fairly represented. ideas. material and
represented. stops reading.

References Although most Most references There are no

are primarily of the are from sources virtually
peer-reviewed references are that are not-peer sources that
professional professionally reviewed and are
journals or legitimate, a have uncertain professionally
other few are reliability. The reliable. The
Quality of approved questionable reader doubts reader
sources sources (e.g, (e.g, trade the accuracy of seriously
government books, internet much of the doubts the
(10%) document and sources, material. The sources. The
agency magazines). sources are from sources are
manual). The The sources is 10 to 15 years. from 15 years
sources is within 5 to 10 and more.
within the last years.
5 years or

Total (100%)

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