Mustcu Policy Document Edited 2022-1

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1.1. This policy document assumes a foreknowledge of the constitution and describes the
policies of the ministries recognized in the constitution and the general running of the CU.

1.2. This document is not above the CU constitution but it forms one of the administrative tools
of the CU.

1.3. The interpretation of this document shall be done at ministerial and docket level and
in the general gathering of the CU.



 There shall be an Executive committee meeting on Tuesday or any other day as deemed
 The members shall not miss more than two meetings of all the semester meetings unless with
permission from the executive.
 In case of an apology, it shall be passed to the Chairperson and the Secretary.
 All agendas and venue shall be sent to the members a day prior by the Secretary.
 Members shall avoid any form of distractions e.g. phone chatting, unnecessary movement etc.
 The chairperson shall call the meeting to order.
 Meetings shall be started with a prayer and an exhortation at most ten minutes.
 Reading and confirming of minutes of the previous meeting.
 Matters arising shall be discussed.
 Agendas shall be discussed in detail.
 AOB’s shall be raised and meeting closed with prayer.


 Sub-committee meetings shall be attended by all the sub-committee members.
 Meetings shall be held at least once every month.
 Meetings shall be chaired by the coordinators in case of his/her absence the secretary shall
head the meeting.
 The subcommittee secretary shall communicate the agendas, venue and time of the meeting a
day before the meeting.
 The coordinator shall call the meeting to order.
 Meetings to be started with a prayer and an exhortation at most ten minutes.
 Reading and confirming of minutes of the previous meeting. Matters arising shall be
 Agendas shall be discussed in detail.
 AOB’s shall be raised and meeting closed with prayer.

 On Monday there shall be:
• Bible study which shall involve all members of the CU as from 5.00pm to 6.20pm.
• Intermediate band practice from 7:00pm to 8:20pm.
• IT and publicity from 7:00pm to 8:20pm
 On Tuesday there shall be:
• Block A ministerial practices at 5:00pm to 6.20pm.
• Décor ministry meeting from 5:00pm to 6:20pm.
• FFC classes running from 7:00pm to 8:20pm.
 On Wednesday there shall be:
• Free Wednesday 1st week of the month.
• Years’ fellowship (Anzafyt, Endeleafyt and VukaFit) 2nd week of the month.
• Leaders’ prayer and fasting, Anzafyt and VukaFit 3rd week of the month.
• Free Wednesday 4th week of the month.
 On Thursday there shall be:
• Prayer and fasting for all CU members. The conclusions shall happen from 5:00pm to 6:20pm
as follows:
➢ Evangelism 1st week of the month.
➢ Welfare meeting 2nd week of the month.
➢ Prayers 3rd week of the month.
➢ Brothers and sisters’ forum 4th week of the month.
• BEST-P classes at 7:00pm to 8:20pm.
 On Friday there shall be:
• Ministerial devotions from 5:00pm to 6:00pm.
• A revival or night events e.g., Talent Night, Worship Night or Kesha from 6:15pm.
 On Saturday there shall be:
• Beginners band practices from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
• General band practice from 4:00pm to 6:30pm.
• IT and publicity meeting from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
 On Sunday there shall be:
• Two services.

 There shall be two services on Sunday depending on the venue capacity and number of CU members.
 All the services shall run for a maximum of 2 hours and 15 minutes each.
 The first service shall run from 7:30am to 9:30am.
 The second service shall run from 10:30am to 12:30pm.
 The program shall be as follows:
• Devotional prayer session 10 minutes.
• Praise and worship 35 minutes.
• Concerted prayers 10 minutes.
• Choir and Giving 10 minutes.
• Announcements 10 minutes.
• Sermon 50 minutes.
• Conclusion 2 minutes.
 The Chairperson’s desk shall be responsible for inviting the preacher.
 The Chairperson shall delegate to any member of the church to conclude the service.
 Punctuality shall be observed in all CU activities contrary to which explanation shall be given.
 There shall be Associates, Sisters’ and Brothers’ Sundays once every spiritual year or as
decided by the executive committee.


 The program shall run as follows:
• Quiet time 15 minutes.
• Devotional prayers 10 minutes.
• Praise and worship 35 minutes.
• Creative and Giving 15 minutes.
• Announcements 10 minutes.
• Sermon 40 minutes
• conclusion 2 minutes.
 There shall be special event Fridays as deemed appropriate by the executive e.g. Talent Night,
Prayer Night, Worship Night etc.

 The fellowships shall run as follows:
• First year’s fellowship on the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 5:00pm to 6:20pm.
• Second- and third-years’ fellowship on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 5:00pm to 6:20pm.
• Finalists fellowship during the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 5:00pm to 6:20pm.
 The fellowship program shall be:
• Opening prayer and songs 15 minutes.
• Teaching 40 minutes.
• Conclusion 10 minutes.
 The program of a particular year shall be made by year’s fellowship committee, Anzafyt committee
and VukaFit committee of that year.
 The program shall be ratified by the executive committee.
 The first years will have a transition dinner at the end of their academic year.
 The years’ fellowship shall have accountability partners.
 Years’ fellowship committees shall be in charge of assigning the accountability partners within their
respective fellowships


 There shall be two leaders per prayer point appointed by the executive to head the respective prayer


 It shall run from 6:00am to 6:30am.
 The devotions will be held from Monday to Saturday.
 The order of the morning devotion shall be;
• Prayer session 20 minutes.
• Sharing the word of God 5 minutes.
• Announcements and a conclusion 5minutes.

 The devotions will be held every day except Friday.
 Members from all prayer points shall converge in one venue for devotion and intercessory on
 Shall run from:
• 7:00pm to 7:30pm for non-residents.
• 6:30pm to 7:00pm on all days for campus residents except on Saturday where it shall run
from 7:00pm to 7:30pm before intercessory.

 The program shall run as follows:

• Prayer session 20 minutes.
• Word 5 minutes.
• Announcements and conclusion 5 minutes.

 Intercessory prayers shall be held after the evening devotions.
 Shall run on Wednesday and Saturday every week.

 Shall be held in all prayer venues for one hour after normal evening devotions.
 For campus residents, it shall run from 7:00pm to 8:00pm and for non-residents, it shall rum from
7:30pm to 8:30pm.
 The program shall run as follows:
• Prayer items 5 minutes.
• Prayer 50 minutes.
• Announcements and conclusion 5 minutes.

 There shall be a mega intercessory at one prayer venue from 7:30pm to 8:45pm.
 The program shall run as follows:
• Prayer items 10 minutes.
• Prayer 1 hour.
• Announcements and conclusion 5 minutes.

 The media docket shall be responsible for designing the certificates in consultation with the
 The following people shall be awarded certificates:
• Outgoing executive members and Subcommittee heads.
• Nominations Committee members.
• Outgoing CU Patron.
• FFC and BEST-P students.
• Any special committee members as deemed fit by the executive.
 Recommendation slips and certificates will be availed to all finalists who have served in various

 There shall be Anzafyt and Vukafit dinner that shall happen per academic year.
 The MUSTCU Family dinner shall happen once per spiritual year.
 The organizing secretary shall be responsible for overseeing the dinners.
 There shall be utmost one docket party per semester.
 The coordinators of various ministries shall ensure that the proposed budget is accommodative to all
 All parties shall be approved by the executive.


 The invitation letters to the facilitators shall contain a policy that states that time spillage by preachers
shall not be accommodated.
 Any preacher / facilitator who passes on a heresy should be stopped by the chairperson during the
service by issuing him/ her a notice to stop and interrogate him/ her thereafter.
 The secretary shall be responsible for communicating and welcoming the facilitator/preacher or
otherwise he/she delegates.
 The Chairperson(s) and one of the executive members shall accompany the preacher(s) and thereafter
see them off.
 The Chairperson shall be responsible to delegate that task to any of the executive members.
 Any of the CU members may be appointed to see off the preacher.
 The Chairperson and the secretary will be in charge of the preachers but may delegate to any
members to receive the preacher.
 Preachers shall not be invited to minister more than two consecutive times.

 The Executive members have authority to convene and dissolve any special committees when need
 Composition:
• At least one of the members of the Executive shall be in the committee.
• Any committee shall be composed of an odd number of members and shall not exceed


 All CU information discussed at Executive level shall be kept confidential.
 All CU documents shall be kept safe in the CU office.
 Any information that concerns/ affects the CU at large shall be relayed through the laid leadership
 No critical CU information shall be handled casually or informally.


 All letters addressed to the administration shall have the respective office bearer’s signature.
 All letters from the CU shall have the CU logo and stamp.
 All notices and posters made shall be addressed appropriately and approved by the executive.

 Any vandalization of the CU asset shall be on the cost of the member involved.
 The CU assets shall be updated in the asset register every semester
 All the CU assets shall be kept in the CU store unless advised by the executive.
 The Asset Management Committee shall be accountable of the CU assets.


 No one is allowed to be in the stores when there is any ongoing CU activity.
 One shall be held responsible for any unreported damages that occurred when one was in the stores.
 Avoid littering of the stores.
 The different groups using the stores shall be responsible for cleaning the stores.
 A timetable shall be formulated by the heads of the groups.
 The keys shall remain in custody of the Instrument and Hospitality coordinators or any other person
as appointed by the respective subcommittees.
 Any person entering the store must sign in the log book.

 The vice secretary will be the administrator of the CU office.
 The CU office keys shall remain in custody of the chairperson, secretary and one copy shall be kept in
the CU canteen.

 The budgets shall be prepared by the subcommittees and submitted to the Treasury two weeks before
the A.G.M.
 All expenses should be well recorded and receipts forwarded to the Treasury by the subcommittee
 Every sub-committee member is expected to work out his/her duties to ensure smooth running of the


 All ministers shall be expected to be well groomed with propriety.
 All ministers shall be expected to carry out themselves in an appropriate manner.

2.14.1. LADIES
 Shall not be expected to minister in:
• Trousers.
• Short skirts above the knee.
• Skirts and dresses with exaggerated slits.
• Tight clothing.
• Sleeveless and backless clothing.
• Short dresses with stocking.
 Drummers and videographers shall be allowed to minister in modesty trousers and long tops.

2.14.2. GENTS
 Shall not be expected to:
• Sag their trousers.
• Wear studs or plaiting of hair.
• Wear tights.
• Wear muscle shirts.
• Wear rugged trousers.
 Tuckable shirts should be tacked in.

 All ministries shall have a nurturing classes or induction to new members of the ministry.
 No CU. member shall go to minister out of campus in the name of CU without permission from the


 The prayer subcommittee shall organize for prayer days, prayer nights and prayer retreats in
consultation with the executive committee.
 The prayer subcommittee will be meeting monthly in which the reports from various prayer venues
shall be presented by the members in charge.
 The subcommittee shall appoint and notify the people to lead prayer sessions.
 Announcements to be made during the prayer sessions should be communicated to the person in
charge prior to the start of the session.
 All the announcements during prayer sessions are to be made by the subcommittee member in charge
unless otherwise.
 All prayer sessions are open and can be attended by every student who affirms to the doctrinal basis
of the CU.
 In consultation with executive committee the subcommittee shall identify the prayer venues in and
out of campus and thereafter a formal request shall be made to the individuals in charge of the venues.

 Each group shall have a range of five to seven members, each year represented.
 The Bible study group members shall agree on the venue of their convenience and notify the Bible
study Coordinator.
 The discipleship subcommittee shall map the member’s areas residence and group members based on
 Bible study shall start on the third week of the semester.
 The subcommittee shall keep records of the bible study guides studied.
 The Bible study shall run from 5:00pm to 6:20pm.
 The Bible study group leaders shall be trained before commencing of the bible studies.

 Anzafyt shall be conducted by the induction committee.
 The classes shall follow the curriculum.
 The first meeting shall be convened by the chairperson of the union.
 There shall be CU awareness and its affiliate body FOCUS in the first three meetings of the
 A report shall be given after every month by the vice chairperson.
 The induction committee shall record and maintain a database of all first years.
 The facilitators shall be approved by the executive. ENDELEAFYT
 Endeleafyt shall be conducted by the years’ fellowship subcommittee.
 The classes shall follow a curriculum.
 A report shall be given after every month by the discipleship coordinator.
 The years’ fellowship subcommittee shall record and maintain a database for all second and third
 The facilitators shall be approved by the executive. VUKAFIT
 VukaFit shall be conducted by the VukaFit committee.
 The classes shall follow a curriculum.
 The subcommittee shall come up with a program.
 There shall be FOCUS awareness and ASSOCIATE registration.
 A report shall be given after every month by the vice secretary.
 The VukaFit committee shall record and maintain a database of all finalists.
 The facilitators shall be approved by the executive.


 Faith foundation classes shall be held on Tuesday at 7:00 pm to 8:20pm
 The classes shall follow a curriculum.
 Facilitators shall be trained before the onset of the classes.
 Facilitators shall be verified by the executive committee.
 Certificates shall only be awarded after completion of the course.

3.2.4. BEST-P
 BEST-P classes shall be held on Thursdays at 7:00pm to 8:20pm.
 The classes shall follow a curriculum.
 The facilitators shall be verified by the executive committee.
 Certificates shall only be awarded after completion of the course


 The missions and evangelism subcommittee shall be in charge of identifying places to go for

3.3.1. IN-REACH
 There shall be at least one in reach evangelism week every semester.
 There shall be a meeting once per week chaired by the in-reach coordinator.

3.3.2. OUT-REACH
 The outreach subcommittee shall liaise with church leaders for preaching opportunities for the CU
 For a minister to be allowed to minister outside the campus, one should be a BEST-P student for
effectiveness in ministry.
 Monetary appreciations for ministering shall be handed over to the treasury of the CU.
 The ministry may receive financial support from the treasury in consultation with the chairperson.

3.3.3. SCHOOLS
 The schools’ subcommittee shall identify the facilitators.
 All the facilitators shall be approved by the executive committee.
 For a minister to be allowed to minister, one should be a BEST-P student.
 Monetary appreciations for ministering shall be handed over to the treasury of the CU.
 The ministry may receive financial support from the treasury in consultation with the chairperson.

 There shall be practices and prayers as scheduled in the weekly calendar.
 There shall be a one-hour devotional meeting before the beginning of every service where all
members are required to attend.
 It is mandatory for every member to have a Bible and writing materials during all meetings.
 All members should keep time and cooperate with the leader during all praise and worship ministry
 All praise and worship meetings are mandatory for all members, unless under very genuine reasons
upon which failure to attend one should not minister.
 Every member attending all the sessions should minister unless under genuine reasons known to the
Praise and Worship Coordinator failure to which a two-week suspension shall be given.
 All apologies should be passed to the Praise and Worship Coordinator in time.
 There shall be registration of new members at the beginning of every semester.
 Every new member must attend a nurturing class as directed by the Music Coordinator.
 Inconsistency of a member for three consecutive practice sessions shall require a follow up by the
subcommittee members. Unwillingness of a member to recommit after follow up shall lead to
termination of membership.
 Instrumentalists shall be required to set up instruments during the first 15 minutes scheduled for the
 Members SHALL NOT use their cell phones during all praise and worship meetings.
 The Praise and Worship subcommittee in liaison with the members shall come up with songs to be
practiced and hand them over to the instrumentalists for the band practice.
 Practice sessions shall include learning of new songs, vocal training and other music techniques.
 There shall be at least one open forum per semester for the ministry.
 The subcommittee in liaison with members shall come up with the book to be exposed.


 There shall be two practice sessions; on Tuesday from 5:00pm to 6:20pm and on Friday from 5:00pm
to 6:00pm.
 There shall be a prayer session as scheduled in the weekly calendar.
 There shall be a one-hour devotional meeting on every Sunday from 6:30am to 7:30am where all
members are required to attend.
 All choir meetings are mandatory for all choir members unless under genuine reasons otherwise one
shall not minister.
 Members shall pass on their genuine apology to their choir coordinator before the meeting.
 At the beginning of each semester, new choir members shall be required to register.
 Inconsistency of a member for three consecutive practice sessions shall require a follow up by the
subcommittee members. Unwillingness of a member to recommit after a follow up shall lead to
termination of membership.
 Members shall not use their cell phones during choir practice.
 It is mandatory for every member to have a Bible and writing materials during all meetings.
 Instrumentalists shall be expected to set up instruments within the first 15 minutes scheduled for the

 Members shall be expected to be in the meeting venue within the first 10 minutes of the scheduled
 Practice sessions shall include learning of new songs and others activities related to music.
 All members shall be involved in all choir activities.
 The team shall be engaged in reading and exposing at least a book of the bible each semester.
 The choir subcommittee in liaison with the members shall come up with songs to be practiced and
hand them over to the instrumentalists for the band practice.


 The subcommittee shall meet for one hour once per week on Saturday or any other day as agreed by
the members.
 All instrument ministers shall be part of either Praise or worship or choir ministry.
 The ministry shall meet for practice in accordance with the weekly calendar.
 The instrumentalist Coordinator shall coordinate the meetings or any other person(s) assigned.

Time distribution for Saturday practices.

• Ferrying and connection 15 minutes.
• Devotion 15 minutes.
• Training of beginners 1 hour 30 minutes.
• Main band devotion 15 minutes.
• Main band practice 2 hour 15 minutes.
Time distribution for Monday practices.
• Ferrying and connection 15 minutes.
• Devotion 10 minutes.
• Practice 50 minutes.
• Conclusion 5 minutes.

 All apologies shall be communicated to the coordinator before meetings.

 Absenteeism without apologies may lead to suspension from ministering for one week or any
other action as agreed by the subcommittee.
 The members shall be grouped into teams that shall minister in an alternative manner.
 The instrumentalist’s coordinator shall assign members to clean the store at least once in a week.

 The committee shall:
• Oversee the storage and repair of the instruments.
• Coordinate the operation and timely setting up of instruments during the CU’s activities
and while on hire.
• Organize for at least one person from the instrumentalist’s ministry to accompany the
instruments when they are being hired out and shall do technical inspection of the same
upon their return.
• Make proposals of replacement and purchase of more instruments as the need arises.
 Instruments usage is restricted to registered instrumentalists only, or with consent of the leader.
 Damages shall be reported to the coordinator and recorded in the damage log sheet.
 If any instrument is to be taken out of the store, it should be with the consent of the coordinator.
 The instrumentalists shall be responsible for the return of all instruments to the store.
 Before any repair of the instruments is done, there will be a trace of the cause of the damage in the
log book.
NB: All the instruments should be handled with utmost care.


 There shall be a meeting held once a month.
 Topics of discussion shall be agreed upon in the sub-committee meeting after engaging brothers on
issues affecting them.
 Topic selection shall be guided by the brothers’ manual.
 The meeting shall be coordinated by the vice- chairperson or otherwise delegated.
 Brothers’ meeting shall be an open forum for all members.
 Meetings shall be held for one hour and twenty minutes.


 The ministry coordinator shall oversee the running of the ministry’s meetings.
 Sisters shall have at least one meeting per month.
 The secretary in consultation with the coordinator shall be sending a word of encouragement to the
sisters once in a fortnight.
 The subcommittee will come up with topics to be discussed in the open forums.
 Topic selection shall be guided by the sisters’ manual.
 The subcommittee will meet at least once a month.

 All catering assets shall be kept in the store and no member shall keep the catering assets in the room
unless advised by the executive.
 There shall be a docket meeting on Tuesday from 5:00pm to 6:20 pm which may include Bible
exposition of the selected book, hand on skill, or any other activity.
 The ministry members shall attend prayer sessions as scheduled in the weekly calendar.
 Subcommittee members should have a meeting at least once in two weeks.
 Proper communication about the coming guest shall be made to catering coordinator a day before by
the CU secretary.
 All members shall actively participate in all catering activities.
 A member shall only serve if he/she attends at least 3 weekly activities. In case of failure to attend
he/she shall communicate to the coordinator.
 One caterer shall join the guest on the dining table.
 All the expenses shall be well recorded by the Catering Treasurer.
 The catering subcommittee shall be in charge of the speaker’s house.
 All cooking activities shall be done at the speaker’s house.
 There shall be registration of new members at the beginning of every semester.
 Inconsistency of a member for three consecutive meetings shall require a follow up by the
subcommittee members. Unwillingness of a member to recommit after follow up shall lead to
termination of membership.

 The ministry members shall attend prayer sessions as scheduled in the weekly calendar.
 There shall be a ministry meeting on Tuesday from 5:00pm to 6:20 pm which may include Bible
exposition of the selected book or any other activity.
 The subcommittee shall come up with the book of study.
 Inconsistency of a member for three consecutive meetings shall require a follow up by the
subcommittee members. Unwillingness of a member to recommit after a follow up shall lead to
termination of membership.
 All ushering assets shall be kept in the CU store.
 All ushers serving during the services shall have their sashes on.
 All ushers serving shall not sit before all members have seats and settled.
 Ushers shall arrange all venues prior to the meetings.
 There shall be a prayer session before the Sunday service for one hour.
 After service the Ushering Coordinator shall ensure that all assets are returned to the store.
 There shall be registration of new members at the beginning of every semester.

3.9.3. DECOR
 The coordinator shall delegate on the church preparations.
 The decors shall be washed at least once in every semester.
 There shall be registration of new members at the beginning of every semester.
 The ministry members shall attend prayer sessions as scheduled in the weekly calendar.
 All members shall actively participate in decor activities.
 Inconsistency of a member for three consecutive meetings shall require a follow up by the
subcommittee members. Unwillingness of a member to recommit after a follow up shall lead to
termination of membership.
 The coordinator shall ensure that all the assets are kept in the store.
 All assets bought shall be recorded in the asset register.
 There shall be a docket meeting on Sunday from 5:00pm to 6:20 pm which may include Bible
exposition of the selected book, hand on skill, or any other activity.


 Subcommittee shall be involved in the day-to-day activities of the department.
 The subcommittee shall organize and co-ordinate members in order to offer the best services to the
 The subcommittee members shall be selling books before the service starts and after the service and
any other day their service is needed.
 The ministry shall offer sales of stationery and literature materials.
 All the CU library books shall bear the editorial library stamp.
 The editorial books shall be offered for two weeks duration.
 No one shall be allowed to have more than one library materials at a go.
 If a member is not in a position to purchase a copy and desires to read it, he/she will be given the
copy for two weeks at a charge of 20 shillings.
 A book shall be renewable if no other CU member is waiting for the same book.
 The following penalties shall hold due to the violation of terms of service:
• If a member shall misplace any of the books given, he/she will have to pay for the lost book.
• If a member returns the book in a bad condition (torn, dirty) he/she will be responsible for the
repair of the book and if it’s beyond repair, the affected member shall have to purchase the
• If a member fails to return a library book (stamped) on due date, a 5 shillings’ charge (fine)
per day shall take effect.
• If a member fails to return a library book (not stamped) on due date, a 10 shillings’ charge
(fine) per day shall take effect.
 The ministry shall acquire stationery and books and other literature materials through the following
channels upon the approval of the executive committee:
• Purchase books from FOCUS-Kenya library.
• Purchase books from relevant sources such as bookshop and have receipts for the material
• Donation of books by the members of the church and any other party willing to do so.
 The profits accumulated shall be used to acquire other stationery and literature materials.
 There shall be prayer session as scheduled in the weekly calendar.

 The subcommittee shall come up with the book(s) of the week and have it publicized during Sunday


3.11.1. MEDIA
 The media ministry shall comprise of the IT and publicity dockets.
 The Media subcommittee shall convene once per week on every Saturday afternoon or as agreed upon
by the members of the ministry.
 Any apologies shall be communicated to the media secretaries in time.
 The subcommittee members shall:
• Ensure safe storage and management of all the media equipment.
• Report any required repairs to the arts and media coordinator.
• Coordinate the operation and timely setting up of the media equipment during the CU’s
• Make proposals of replacement and purchase of media equipment whenever need arises.
• Organize recruitment and training of new members into the ministry.
• Ensure that the media equipment shall be operated by registered members of the ministry.
 The ministry members shall be having prayers as scheduled in the weekly calendar.
 The publicity subcommittee shall be in charge of designing of posters.
 All posters shall be approved by the executive committee.
 The media subcommittee shall be in charge of designing of certificates in liaison with the executive
 Inconsistency of a member for three consecutive meetings shall require a follow up by the
subcommittee members. Unwillingness of a member to recommit after follow up shall lead to
termination of membership.
 The serving publicity coordinator together with the arts and media coordinator shall keep custody of
all CU’s social media credentials with confidentiality. These credentials shall be handed over to the
next coordinator and changed to enhance confidentiality.
 No CU content shall be posted outside the official social media platforms (e.g., Personal YouTube
channels, personal Instagram accounts, personal Facebook pages etc.) for personal gain.

 The ministry shall have weekly meetings. Every minister must attend the meetings on Tuesday and
Friday as agreed on by the members.
 The ministers shall attend prayers as scheduled in the weekly calendar.
 All members shall uphold integrity.
 Inconsistency of a member for three consecutive meetings shall require a follow up by the
subcommittee members. Unwillingness of a member to recommit after a follow up shall lead to
termination of membership.
 Apologies shall be sent in time to the coordinator.
 Recruitment of new ministers shall be done from the CU members at the beginning of every semester.


 The welfare subcommittee shall device means to fund the welfare kitty.
 Donation of items shall be open throughout the semester.
 The donated items shall be given out to the needy.
 There shall be registration of new members at the beginning of every semester.
 Members shall attend prayers in accordance with the weekly calendar.


The treasurer shall:

• Receive and also disburse under the direction of executive committee all the monies belonging to the
CU, issuing receipts for all monies received and preserving vouchers for all the monies paid by the
• Maintain a record of all the CU`s assets and liabilities.
• Ensure that proper books of account of all the transactions are preserved and available for inspection
by auditor.
• Prepare the CU`s budget in consultation with executive committee.
• Present the books of account for auditing by the internal auditor and to the external auditor one month
prior the AGM every spiritual year.
• Ensure that the CU chairperson inspects and signs the books of account monthly.
• Ensure that the tithe is submitted to the FOCUS Kenya secretariat monthly.
• Disburse the monies to the respective dockets. The money shall be received by the coordinators of the
dockets; any balances and receipts submitted in time.
• Ensure that NO money is given out without a signatory of the receiver.
• Notify the executive committee the cash flow of the CU after every two weeks.
• Ensure that the secretaries of each docket submit a comprehensive report of all the assets and cash at
the end of each semester and signs upon submission.

The finance subcommittee shall:

• Regularly check the CU`s account.

• Control the spending and ensure that the budgetary limits are kept within the stated time.
• Ensure that the CU`s records are audited at the right time for both internal and external auditors.
• Assist the CU`s treasurer to prepare the yearly financial report.
• Prepare the budget draft and present it to the executive committee for approval and consequent
transmission to the AGM by the CU`s treasurer for approval.
• Count offerings and tithes immediately after the service in their own convenient place within the
university; at least three members of the committee MUST be present when counting the offering and
no any other member outside the finance committee shall be involved EXCEPT when need arises.
• Prepare a semester’s financial report of the CU as at the last week of the semester. (All the sub-
committee members must be present)
• Ensure that the offertory bags are returned to the respective responsible members after counting the
• Ensure that all the dockets and ministries prepare a comprehensive annual budget and submit it by the
third week of every financial year.
• Ensure that records of all the expenditure are well recorded by all the dockets to ensure transparency.
• Ensure that the treasurers of the dockets submit any money that is not circulating in the docket either
from any contribution, project or any other source; the treasurers of the dockets shall not keep any
• Ensure that the books of account are available for close checking to any member of the CU upon
notification to the executive committee and approval.

3.13.1. CANTEEN
 No keeping of bags or any other luggage in the CU canteen.
 Canteen subcommittee and the canteen attendants shall hold a meeting once per week.
 Apologies shall be passed to the canteen coordinator before the meetings.
 Transactions in the canteen shall be verified by the coordinator in consultation with the executive
 Number of assistants in the canteen shall not exceed two at a given time.
 Any transaction made in the canteen should be clearly recorded daily.
 Any money from the CU canteen shall be given out in consultation with the subcommittee
 Members should be in assigned tasks.
 The CU canteen will be operating from 6.30am to 10.00pm all the days of the week except on Sunday
or otherwise advised by the executive.
 The CU canteen hygiene must be maintained.

1. A person shall be considered as an associate of the MUSTCU if he/she was a member of the CU by
the time of clearance.
2. There shall be an annual associates’ weekend of all associates in MUSTCU which will comprise of:
i. An annual associate meeting in which the associates will choose their new leadership and
look into their books of account.
ii. An associate Sunday where the associates will run the cu services.
3. However, the associate leadership shall hold any other meetings as deemed fit through the year and in
any other venue but with the consultation of the non-resident coordinator.
4. The MUSTCU Associates leadership will serve for two spiritual years and will not be eligible for re-
5. Formal communication shall be made through the CU Secretariat for any Associate needed to
minister in the CU ministries; follow up shall be made by the non-resident coordinator.
6. If an active associate loses his/her close relatives(parent/guardian/sibling) or succumbs, the CU
through the non-resident coordinator will send their condolences as deemed by the executive
7. The Associates shall support the Christian Union projects when called upon to through the non-
resident coordinator.
8. If an active associate has a wedding, the CU through the non-resident coordinator will send an
appreciation of amount not exceeding Kshs.1,000.

 MUSTCU shall enter into partnership arrangements institutions/organizations with the aim of
working together to achieve the shared objectives. Such organizations include: campus-based
ministries, churches and Para-churches.
 All partnerships shall be in line with the partnership policy.
 The MUSTCU shall withdraw from any partnership according to the partnership policy. Models of partnerships between the CU and other institutions:

The MUSTCU can enter into two models of partnerships:
a) Partnerships that are initiated by the CU; the CU seeks out institutions/organization for partnership on
an event or programme either within or outside the Campus.
b) Partnerships that are initiated by institutions/organization seeking partnership with the CU on a
programme they run either inside or outside the campus.

REVIEWED IN 2022 21 Principles for partnerships between the CU and other Organisations:
The following principles should underpin partnership building between the MUSTCU and any

i. The CU should ONLY enter into partnerships with institutions/Organisations whose objectives,
values and doctrinal basis (if Christian) are not in conflict with those of the CU.
ii. The partnership should add value to what the CU is already doing or bring in new value to
something the CU is not doing but is important. It should not duplicate, compete with or replace
what is already going on in the CU.
iii. The partnership should be mutually beneficial and only be founded on the principle of equality.
The CU should not be seen as a junior partner and it should not be skewed to the disadvantage of
the CU.
iv. The partnership should be without strings attached: The conditions and terms of partnership
should be free from concealed motives and the interest (both immediate and long-term) of both
parties should be put on the table at the onset of the partnership.
v. If an active partner has a support need, the CU through the non-resident coordinator will send the
support of amount not exceeding Kshs.1,000. Procedure for entering into Partnerships

1) The decision to enter into a partnership with any institution/organisation must be discussed by the CU
Executive Committee.
NOTE: No individual CU leader, Committee, Subcommittee or ministry in the CU shall get into any
partnership arrangement with any institution/organisation without the permission of the Executive
Committee. The decision must be minuted in a duly constituted Executive Committee meeting.
2) Any partnership which will exceed the term of the serving CU Executive Committee must be
endorsed in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the MUSTCU.
3) The CU Executive Committee should do a thorough background check and develop a document
containing the profile of the institution/organisation, its doctrinal basis, leadership, activities, and
affiliations, among others.
4) A meeting shall be convened between the institution/organisation and the CU to help the
institution/organisation understand how the CU works and to explore the various aspects of the
partnership to ascertain with confidence that the partnership is viable and good for the CU. The aim
of such a meeting should be to gain clarity on the nature, level and future of the proposed partnership
with the group, and specifically on how the CU stands to benefit from that engagement.
5) The Discussions and consultations with the institution/organisation should lead to the development of
partnership agreement or Memorandum of Understanding which should ideally include:
a. The Preamble.
b. The objectives of the partnership.
c. The specific activities, tasks or programs for engagement.
d. The obligations of each partner in the partnership.
e. The duration of the partnership.
f. The exit clause.
g. Reporting, Evaluation and termination of the partnership.

6) Throughout the entire process of finding out about the institution/organisation, the consultations on
the kind of partnership up to the signing of the partnership agreement, the Executive Committee
should consult regularly with the FOCUS Staff based in their institution and the CU Patron and
(where necessary) the Advisory Committee for advice before making any commitment. A copy of the
partnership agreement or the Memorandum of Understanding shall be submitted to the FOCUS Office
and kept in the custody of the Campus Ministry Facilitator or any other Officer assigned by the
FOCUS Office. General Guidelines

a. It is wise to have short term partnerships with possibility of extension after review and evaluations
rather than have long term or open-ended partnerships.
b. Because of the interdenominational nature of CU, special care must be taken when entering into
partnership with Churches so that the CU is not seen to be leaning on any one Church/denomination.
c. Where ill motives are discovered once the partnership has begun, the partnerships must be
discontinued immediately. There MUST be a clause in the partnership agreement or MOU that frees
the CU to discontinue any partnership if it becomes necessary to do so.
d. Because of the transitory nature of CU leaders, documentation of partnerships is critical for leaders
who come after to make reference. There should be a file (both soft and hard) of all the partnership
the CU has entered into.
e. Communication with the partners shall be done regularly in a view to raising awareness on the needs
of the ministry, updating them on the progress and for obtaining feedback.

 Any person(s) who shall violate any of the policies:
i. Shall be informed by the ministerial leader or by an executive member (for those policies
that affect the CU at large) and appropriate measures shall take effect.
ii. An immediate measure shall take effect as for those policies which have outlined
iii. If any minister is found to have a questionable character or conduct, they shall be handled
by the disciplinary committee.
 The Executive committee as mandated in the constitution (Chapter 10) shall take disciplinary actions
for those policies that are not outlined as in (iii) above; this shall be done according to the procedures
outlined in the constitution.


 This document is open for review from time to time as it deems fit to the CU members and leaders;
such reviews shall be towards the smooth running of the Union and shall seek to achieve the aims of
the CU.
 The reviewed policy document shall be laid before the executive committee for approval and later to
the union members in a general meeting and shall be passed by at least two thirds of members


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