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Safety Assignment Name _________________________

1. What must be learned before operating a machine tool

for the first time? /2

2. List three qualities of a safe worker. /3

3. Name three types of eye protection which may be found

in a shop. /3

4. State four precautions which must be observed in regard

to clothing worn in a shop. /4

5. Why should gloves not be worn when operating a machine? /1

6. How must long hair be protected? /2


7. Why must a cloth not be used to clear away chips? /1

8. Why should shoe soles be scraped before leaving the shop? /1

9. State two reasons why compressed air should not be
used for cleaning machines? /2

Safe Work Practices

10. State three precautions to observe before operating any machine. /3

11. Describe the procedure to follow when lifting a heavy object. /3

12. What should you do immediately after receiving an injury? /2

Fire Prevention

13. What three fire prevention factors should everyone become

familiar with before starting to work in a machine shop? /3


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