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Verbs I

Today I will learn the

most common verbs in
When we decide to learn English, it’s
essential to identify commonly used
words so we can communicate simply
and clearly.

Today, we will learn the most popular

verbs in English!
These are the most important verbs to start with:

Be Have Do
I am have do
You are have do
He, she, it is has does
We, they are have do

Here are some examples:

I am 25 years old.

I have two children.

I do my homework every afternoon.

Say Go Make
I say go make
You say go make
He, she, it says goes makes
We, they say go make

Here are some examples:

He says funny things all the time.

I go to school every day.

I make friends easily.

Know Think Take
I know think take
You know think take
He, she, it knows thinks takes
We, they know think take

Here are some examples:

I know the sky is blue.

He thinks he knows everything.

I take my morning coffee at 7:00 a.m.

See Watch Speak
I see watch speak
You see watch speak
He, she, it sees watches speaks
We, they see watch speak

Here are some examples:

She sees clearly now.

we watch TV every night.

He speaks five languages.

Hear Listen Feel
I hear listen feel
You hear listen feel
He, she, it hears listens feels
We, they hears listen feel

Here are some examples:

I can hear the birds singing.

She listens to her friends attentively.

They feel happy with their new car.

Use Give Call
I use give call
You use give call
He, she, it uses gives calls
We, they use give call

Here are some examples:

She uses a nice perfume.

I give my best everyday.

He calls his mom every morning.

Try Ask Need
I try ask need
You try ask need
He, she, it tries asks needs
We, they try ask need

Here are some examples:

I try new dishes when I travel.

She asks a lot of questions.

He needs his passport to travel.

It’s time to practice!

Make sentences using at least ten of the

verbs you learned today.

Here are some examples:

I listen to the radio every morning.

I watch Netflix every night.

I use my phone during the day.

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