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Story of Mary

Here is a quick introduction of myself;

Mom: Eucharist
Siblings: Martha, Lazarus
From city of Bethany
Hobby:I loved to listen to the words of Jesus. Even one day my sister, Martha, got mad at me for
always sitting there and listening to Jesus instead of helping in the house to cook and clean in
his presence. Jesus told Martha that I was doing the right thing by sitting at his feet and
listening to his word because that is most important than hosting him and doing chores instead.

Now let’s get to my story;

My brother, Lazarus is the friend of our Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus used to stay in our house with His disciples and teach them and I used to sit down at his
feet to listen His words.
I also was blessed to wash his feet and anointed with expensive perfume of oil.

When my brother got severely sick, I sent a message to Jesus for him to come and heal Lazarus.
When Jesus came, Lazarus had been dead in his tomb for four whole days. Jesus asked to
remove the big stone covering the tomb, and He called out, "Lazarus, come out!" To everyone's
surprise, Lazarus rose from the tomb, alive! It was an incredible miracle, and people saw that
« Jesus is the resurrection and the Life »
After Jesus died in the cross and was buried in the tomb, I went there with all the other women
and found Him alive: « Truly our Lord Jesus Christ is the resurrection of our life.
We need to listen and follow His commandment.
God bless you my children . »

Any questions?

My questions (extra candies):


Who are my siblings? (tell 1 each)

Where am I from?

If Jesus came to your house, is it better to go to the kitchen and cook for him or sit down at the
living room with him and listen to his word.
What happened to my brother and what did Jesus do?

What is the main lesson of my story. (Jesus is the resurrection and saviour of life) (2 candies)
Tell me one of the quotes I told you to repeat. (2 candies)

Older kids:

What did I do with Jesus feet?

What happened to my brother and what did Jesus do?

What are my parents names? Mandatory

What is the main lesson of this story. (Jesus is the resurrection and saviour of life) (2 candies)
Tell me one of the quotes I told you to repeat (2 candies)

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