Rahma Ahmed Saif Sheet 2

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Name: Rahma Ahmed saif

MNG202: Environmental Impacts of Projects
Dr. Nora Yehia
How to identify the quality of the EIA Report?
:A quality EIA Report has the following characteristic
It is well-structured and uses non-technical language supported by
data and well-executed analyses
It provides information that is helpful and relevant to decision
It results in the satisfactory prediction of the adverse effects of the
proposed actions and their mitigation using conventional

Is it necessary to review and licensing the EIA report and why ?

Review and Licensing of Final Report
It is the final check on the quality of the EIA report submitted to
obtain a
.project license
Once the EIA report is submitted, designated authorities will usually
through it thoroughly, weighing the methods used, data,
measures and conclusions to assess the impacts of the planned
Their review will determine whether or not the project adequately
major environmental and social impacts and other risks, and whether
or not to
grant a licence to the project proponents, or to request project
This means that a good quality EIA might still lead to the planned
development not being permitted to go ahead based on the identified

What should the EIA report include?

.Proponent details and Index
.Executive Summary of the EIA
.Project description and alternatives
.Legal considerations and environmental regulations applicable
.Description of the physical environment
.Description of the biological environment
Description of the socio-economic environment
Define the types of evaluation and analysis required for EIA
Evaluation and analysis of impact
,The type of evaluation method or tool, for example
Weighted/scaled matrix -
Network, GIS, index method -
,.Cost-benefit analysis, etc -
.Expert systems may also be useful for this evaluation
These types of evaluation used to quantitatively evaluate the
due to the proposed action, should be highlighted in this part of
the report
Why Do an EIA Report?

Reporting is an important part of the EIA process, therefore it is

very important to allocate enough time for writing the EIA report
in order to :
• Convey the outcomes of the assessment and proposed
mitigation actions
• Provide information for decision making.
• Process the outcomes of each EIA step and ensure they
are presented as stipulated in the terms of
• An EIA report should be complete, easily understood,
objective, factual and internally consistent. These
objectives are difficult to achieve in a process that involves
many contributors, different types of impacts and
mitigation measures and a number of specific plans

Specify the information required to identify the Site and

Surroundings assessment.

• The site and surrounding areas should be described in

this chapter, in accordance with the prevailing
• Published literature and educational and government
agencies can be the major source of information for this
chapter. This information can be augmented by field
What types of project information needed?

• Site preparation
• Construction, operation on site
• Transportation.
• Amongst this classification, all major activities should be
identified and shown in the form of a bar chart to convey
the implementation as well as operation of the project.

Discuss the Environmental Effects of Project Operation.

• The anticipated impacts of the project operation on the

environment should be described in this chapter.
• Impacts on air quality, water quality, agriculture, and
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems have to be stressed.
• A logical use of the information presented in Chapters 2
and 3 should form the crux of Chapter 4.
• EIA methods such as matrix and network, together with
tools such as prediction models, may be useful at this
• All direct and indirect (first order and higher order) impacts
should be speculated at this stage.
• To assist in this exercise, tools of prediction modelling
may also be used, if necessary.

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