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Hello Good evening everyone, id like to introduce myself before we start.

My name is Ramiro
Caiban and my presentation Will focus on three main áreas:

-- Which personal qualities should be rewarded

- Which types of rewards a company can offer

- Why rewarding employees has a positive effect on performance

Beginning with the first point : Personal Qualities to Reward

Effective reward systems go beyond simply recognizing individual achievements. They also
encompass recognizing and appreciating the personal qualities that contribute to overall team
success. These qualities include:

 Initiative and proactivity: Employees who take ownership of their work, identify
problems, and seek solutions should be recognized for their proactive approach.

 Collaboration and teamwork: Employees who demonstrate strong teamwork skills,

actively contribute to team efforts, and foster a collaborative environment should be

 Problem-solving and creativity: Employees who exhibit strong problem-solving skills,

think outside the box, and come up with innovative solutions should be rewarded for
their ingenuity.

 Adaptability and resilience: Employees who can adapt to change, overcome

challenges, and maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity should be
recognized for their resilience.

 Communication and interpersonal skills: Employees who communicate effectively,

build strong relationships with colleagues, and foster a positive work atmosphere
should be appreciated for their interpersonal skills.

Now, Moving on the next point Types of Rewards

Companies can offer a variety of rewards to recognize and appreciate employee

contributions. These rewards can be categorized into two main types:

 Tangible rewards: These include monetary rewards such as bonuses, raises, or gift
cards. Additionally, tangible rewards can also include non-monetary gifts, such as
company merchandise, paid time off, or lunches.

 Intangible rewards: These rewards focus on recognizing and valuing the employee's
contributions and achievements. Intangible rewards can include public recognition,
promotions, opportunities for professional development, or flexible work
My next point deals with Positive Effects of Rewarding Employeesand let me explain
that in more detail:

Rewarding good work has a multitude of positive effects on employee performance

and overall organizational success. These benefits include:

 Increased motivation and engagement: Employees who feel appreciated and valued
for their contributions are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work.

 Improved performance: Rewarding good work reinforces positive behavior and

encourages employees to strive for excellence.

 Enhanced job satisfaction: Employees who feel recognized and valued are more likely
to be satisfied with their jobs and less likely to seek employment elsewhere.

 Reduced turnover: A culture of recognition and appreciation can help retain top talent
and reduce employee turnover.

 Stronger company culture: Rewarding good work fosters a positive and supportive
work environment, strengthening the company culture and building a sense of
community among employees.

In summary, Rewarding good work is an essential aspect of effective employee

management. By recognizing and appreciating employee contributions, companies can
reap the benefits of increased motivation, improved performance, enhanced job
satisfaction, and reduced turnover. A culture of recognition and appreciation creates a
thriving work environment where employees feel valued and empowered to
contribute to the success of the organization.

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