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am/is/are ■imjijfj

11111111 Complete lhe sentences. Use lhe words in lhe bnx.

am ('m) is ('s) are ('re)

am not ("m not) is not (isn't) are not (aren't)

1 David's new bicycle is ........... blue.

2 A: Are these your books?
B: No, they ..•.re-n'.t....
3 My children .. 8 and 6 years old.
4 I .................. interested in baseball. I think it's boring.
5 We can walk to the supermarket . lt \",'(1/t. far.
6 A: Are you a teacher?
B: Yes, 1.
7 A: those birds from South America'
B: The red one. .... , but the blue one
8 When .. your birthday?
9 Kate and Sandra at work today because it is a holiday.
10 You ....... wrong. 9 x 9 is 81, not 82.
11 ............ this is the right bus for the ciry centre?
12 A: Where ................ my shoes?
B: ln your bedroom.

111111 Complete lhe sentences. Use one oi lhe question forms in lhe box + is ar are.

Where Who What

How Why Howmuch
What colour How old

1 A: Wh<".re- are- ....... my keys? B: On the table.

2 A:. .................... the time, please? B: Half past five.
3 A: ..... your headache now? B: Much better, thank you.
4 A:. ......... the holiday photographs ? B: ln your handbag.
5 A:. .... that clock? ll: Three hundred years old.
6 A: ..... your new shoes? B: Red.
7 A:. .................. Simon happy today' B: Because it's his birthday.
8 A: ...... Maria frolTl? B: Spain, I think.
9 A:. ....... these trousers? ll: They're ,C 40.
10 A: ......... that man in the car? B: My uncle.
11 A:. the banks closed today? ll: Because it's a holiday.

.ili Write positive or negative sentences. Begin in Box A and choose an ending Iram Box B.

PeteF'.s, t9aFeH:ts at work this week. J'm on
2 The Andes holiday.
3 New York the capital of the USA.
4 Football am/am not a hot country.
5 Paul + is/ isn 't + good for you.
6 Britain are/aren't very high mountains.
7 Ali the shops British. She's An1erican.
8 1 º" lrnliday
9 Too 1nany chocolates closed at lunchtime.
10 Sally's teachcr 21 years old today.
a popular sport in Britain.

P<>fq'ç_paye,nfç _ aY<- ..on. ho.lí ...

2 The Andes
3 Ncw York

11111[1 Look ai the picture oi a lamily group, and ask questions about lhe people. Read lhe answers to lhe
questions lirst.
YOU: 111 Who'ç thatJ11an?
MARIA: That's my father. He's a dentist.
vou: (2) ... ?
MARIA: Hc's 45.
vou: (3) that .. . ..... mother?
MARIA: Yes, it is. She's a dentist, too.
vou: (')

MARIA: Thi}t's my sister, Laura.

vou: (:i) ........... ?
MARIA: She's 23.
YC )U: ((,) .. your brother?
MARIA: No, it's Laura's husband.
(7) .

................. .

vou: (8) those
MAR.IA: Yes, they are. That's my 111:other's father and
my father's n1other!

Units 3-4 Append1x 4

.:li Use the words in the box below to write sentences. Some of your sentences must be questions
(Where is ... ?, Are your parents ... ?, etc.). Use each word at least once.

is/isn't Your ar
p e nts expeneive
an engineer
amlam not
Jim'e t,ook at work
Anna hoW
Spanish are/aren't
Wh ere

....Am.�a...í.s"'t.Sr•�ísh............ .
2 Whe� is )ím's �9!:.?


ltelj> j>ttt àeààe àie sw1m listen have forget write

arnve p]ay begin start çome stop wm work laugh
live lie wear tie cry dance dig make rob

+ -ing t ➔ tt, p ➔ pp, etc. e ➔ ing ie ➔ ying

he/pí� -fvttí "�·························· d�dí�� d�í�

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