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Kapayapaan Integrated School


The Lived Experience of Students with Blended Family

A Qualitative Research Presented to the Faculty of

Senior High School
Kapayapaan Integrated School
Calamba City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

Practical Research 2



May 2, 2023
Kapayapaan Integrated School

Table of Content


Chapter 1

1 Background of the Study


2 Literature Review

3 Theoretical Framework

4 Conceptual Framework

5 Research Problem and Hypothesis

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6 Definition of Terms

Chapter 2

1 Research Design

2 Sampling Participant

3 Data Instrument

4 Data Collection Technique and Procedure


5 Data Analysis
Kapayapaan Integrated School

6 Transcription

7 Ethical Consideration

Chapter 3

1 Results and Discussion


2 Summary of the Study


3 Conclusion

4 Recommendations
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Curriculum Vitae
Kapayapaan Integrated School

A. Background of the Study

Family, a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption,

constituting a single household and interacting with each other in their respective social
positions, usually those of spouses, parents, children, and siblings. The family group should
be distinguished from a household, which may include boarders and roomers sharing a
common residence. It should also be differentiated from a kindred (which also concerns
blood lines), because a kindred may be divided into several households. Frequently the
family is not differentiated from the marriage pair, but the essence of the family group is
the parent-child relationship, which may be absent from many marriage pairs.

A blended family or stepfamily forms when you and your partner make a life together
with the children from one or both of your previous relationships. The simple definition of a
blended family, also called a step family, reconstituted family, or a complex family, is a
family unit where one or both parents have children from a previous relationship, but they
have combined to form a new family. The parents may be in a same sex or heterosexual
relationship and may not have children with each other. A blended family, also known as
stepfamily. A broken or blended family is one that includes severed relationships within the
family unit.

Understanding Blended Families

By understanding the subtleties between the definition of a blended family and the
definition of family in general, the finer points of blended families come to the forefront.
While parents with children from different parents face additional challenges, blended
families also enjoy advantages of a unique family structure and blended family statistics
show both points. Taking a closer look at your blended family allows you to appreciate the
Kapayapaan Integrated School

uniqueness and value of every member of your family, no matter what biological or legal
relationships may or may not be present.

The purpose of this study was to query blended families by surveying and
interviewing them in order to determine what adaptations adequately describe their
process of family formation and maintenance. What occurs when the formation of
relationships takes place? What adjustments do these families have to make when they
restructure their households?

This study aims or endeavors to reach a deeper understanding of how a break in the
relationship with a parent as a consequence of a parental separation. In this case, lots of
students here in KIS have been experiencing a blended family. This study will help the
students here in Kapayapaan Integrated School to be aware of their situation and how it
affects the behavior of the students here in Kapayapaan Integrated School. The main
purpose of this study is to share more information about those students who experience or
has been experiencing a blended or broken family. This study aims to investigate how
students in KIS cope up or what are they experiencing being in a blended family and how it
can affect their performance in school and the way they communicate.

B. Literature Review

Understanding Blended Family Stability

Families are complex units, and blended families remarkably so. Blended families form
when one or both individuals have children from previous relationships. Blending
harmony; however, these family types often experience untold difficulties before a
healthy family emerges (Marsolini, 2000). Many challenges that exist within blended
families have been identified in the literature; however, blended family stability has not
received sufficient
Kapayapaan Integrated School

investigation (Dainton, 2019; Kumar, 2017; Papernow, 2018). Blended families confront
obstacles unique to them, and these families and those seeking to support them will
benefit from gaining insights into factors that foster stability.

Family Life Cycle

Studies conducted at the Healthwise Medical Institute on the Family Life Cycle Stages
give an in-depth overview of familial developmental phases, both emotional and
intellectual (Newman & Newman, 2012). Each phase includes challenges in family life
that allow one to build or gain new skills as he/she grows (Newman & Newman, 2012;
Messinger, 2014). However, not everyone passes through these stages smoothly
(Messinger, 2014). Situations such
as divorce or the death of a loved one may influence how well a person passes through
the stages, especially if one is very young (McLeod, 2019). The goal of the life cycle is to
create a new blended family with children from both partners; divorced parents should
seek counseling about remarriage complexities (Messinger, 2014; Perry-Fraser & Fraser,
2016). When there are children involved in the marriage, and the parents share the
parenting, the children may now have a maternal home and a paternal home (Messinger,
2014). In a child’s life, sudden and dramatic disruptions may be extremely stressful
(McLeod, 2019). Stress that escalates to extreme levels may be detrimental to children’s
mental health and cognitive functioning (Evans et al., 2011; McLeod, 2019; Shonkoff &
Garner, 2011). For parents, stepparents, siblings, or stepsiblings bonded by blood or love,
experiences through the family life cycle may affect who they are and become adults
(Newman & Newman, 2012).

Independence Stage

The stage most prevalent in this study is the independence stage, which is the most critical
of the family life cycle (McGoldrick et al., 2011; Newman & Newman, 2012). During
Kapayapaan Integrated School

this stage, an individual develops the unique qualities and characteristics that define
intimacy(Fraley, 2018). This identity is vital to development during the young adult years, in
people establish and maintain close relationships and learn who they are outside of their
families (Fraley, 2018; Olson, 2011). Current research reveals that developing an intimate
relationship depends on how successful a person is at developing his/her identity earlier in

Family Development

A family comprises one or more parents and their children living together as a unit
(Garland, 2012). Families grow and develop over time; the most obvious evidence for family
development lies in their individual development, particularly children (Anderson et al.,
2010). What once was known as a family is continually changing, and everyone may
characterize it differently as they encompass the relationships they share with the people in
their lives (Cartwright, 2010). Studies show that although marital relationships can be the
source of life’s
most enjoyable experiences, they can also be the most painful (M. V. Russell et al., 2013). In
the United States today, the gender roles of both men and women in marriage have
changed dramatically, and the economy has played a large part in gender roles as more
women enter the work field (Messinger, 2014; Pietroluongo, 2019). These changes have led
to complex family compositions and a growing diversity of family forms and relationships
over the life course (Messinger, 2014). The dissolution of marriage and remarriage often
brings multiple sets of grandparents, stepparents, and other significant development to the
equation (Messinger, 2014; Pietroluongo, 2019). A family’s approach to later life challenges
evolves from its earlier patterns, life experiences, and cultural worldview (Carter et al.,
2015; Pietroluongo, 2019). Prior research has established that adolescents’ perception of
belonging to a family is associated with a range of well-being indicators (King & Boyd, 2016;
King et al., 2015). Adolescents who grow up in blended families report lower family
belonging levels than adolescents in two-biological-parent families (King & Boyd, 2016).
However, little is known
Kapayapaan Integrated School

regarding the factors associated with adolescents’ perceptions of family belonging in

stepfamilies (King et al., 2015). Family development also focuses on the systematic and
patterned changes experienced as members move through life and the personal application
one may bring to the table (Cherry & Gans, 2019).

The proportion of children living in blended households has increased dramatically due to
high divorce rates, remarriages, single parenthood, and cohabitation (Coleman et al., 2015).
Research has estimated that more than 2.3 billion households are blended, and the
statistics rise daily (Pew Research Center, 2015). Usually, these families have difficulty with
boundaries by nature, leading to a stressful life for everyone involved (Cartwright, 2010;
Demo & Buehler, 2013). Some of the participants studied may have suffered from post-
growth, depression, and anxiety due to separation from a biological parent, resulting in
emotional abandonment and attachment issues (Isaac, 2015; Willis & Limb, 2017).

C. Theoretical or Conceptual Framework


This research seeks to explore the lived experience of students with blended families in
order to gain a better understanding of their unique experience. To do so, this study will
explore a symbolic interactionist perspective, which emphasizes the importance of
individual interactions and the role of symbols in influencing behavior. Through this
perspective, the research aims to understand how students with blended families
interact with their environment and how their experiences shape their interactions,
behavior, and relationships.
Kapayapaan Integrated School

The study will also draw upon identity theory to explore the role of identity in the lived
experience of students with blended families. This theory looks at how individuals
construct their personal identities and how their identity shapes their behavior and
interactions. This will allow the research to gain an understanding of how the students
construct their identities, how these identities shape their interactions, and how their
experiences are affected by these identities.

Blended families are families where two adults with children from previous relationships
come together to form a new family unit. The theoretical framework that can be used to
understand the live experience of blended families is the family systems theory.

The family systems theory suggests that families are interdependent and function as a
system. Any change in one part of the system affects the entire system. In blended
families, the system is disrupted by the addition of new members and the blending of
different family cultures. The family members have to navigate and negotiate new roles,
rules, and relationships to adjust to the new family structure.

The theory of social exchange can also be used to understand the live experience of
blended families. According to this theory, individuals enter into relationships based on
the expectation of benefits and costs. In blended families, the adults and children may
have different expectations and experiences of benefits and costs in the new family
system. There may be conflicts and tensions when these expectations are not met, or
when there are inequalities in the distribution of benefits and costs.

Finally, the ecological systems theory can be used to understand the live experience of
blended families. This theory suggests that individuals are influenced by multiple
contexts and systems, including the microsystem (family), mesosystem (relationships
between different microsystems), and macrosystem (cultural values and beliefs). In
blended families, the adults and children bring different microsystems and cultural
Kapayapaan Integrated School

backgrounds, which can influence their experiences and interactions within the new
family system.

Overall, these theoretical frameworks can help understand the complex and dynamic
nature of blended families and provide insights into how to support and promote
positive family functioning in this context.

Based on some concepts presented, the researcher came up with the conceptual models
of the study.

1. Family Dynamics: The dynamics of the family, including the roles and relationships of
the adults and children within a blended family, are a central factor in how the family
functions and shapes the experience of living in a blended family.

2. External Factors: External factors such as community, cultural, and economic

influences can affect the family dynamics and the experience of living in a blended family.

3. Identity Development: The process of creating an identity as members of a blended

family is a key component of the experience.

4. Resilience: The ability to cope with challenges and adapt to changing circumstances is
essential for building a successful blended family.


Living in a blended family is a complex experience that is shaped by a variety of factors.

Family dynamics, external influences, identity development, and resilience all play a role
Kapayapaan Integrated School

in how individuals and families adjust to this new living arrangement. Understanding the
complexities of blended families can help students better understand their own
experiences and the experiences of their peers.

D. Research Problem and Hypotheses

This study attempts to determine the strategies of students in coping up with

Blended family issues of Gr. 11 student from Celerio in Kapayapaan Integrated School.
Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:
1)What are the struggles/adjustment that you have experience living with your blended
2)How did you cope up with your blended family situation?
3)What is your realization about your blended family?

E. Definition of Terms

To better understand the key constructs of this study, the following terms are highlighted
for further discussion.
1. Adult Attachment – Attachment is an emotional bond with another person, i.e.,
parent,friend, or romantic relationship (Jensen et al., 2015).

2. Biological Parent – The father or mother whose deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) a child
carries is usually called the child’s biological parent (Brown et al., 2015; June & Black,

3. Blended Family – A family unit consisting of one or more children raised by a

remarried biological parent and a stepparent (Dupuis, 2010).

4. Innate Attachment – An inborn need to attach to a caregiver or a single attachment

figure. Attachment is an innate human survival mechanism (Jensen et al., 2015).
Kapayapaan Integrated School

5. Nuclear family – Also called the elementary family, in sociology and anthropology, a
group of people united by parenthood ties consists of a pair of adults and their socially
recognized children. Many strategies exist to help families based on nuclear family
systems (Dupuis, 2010; L. T. Russell et al., 2016).

6. Phenomenological Study – An approach to qualitative research that focuses on the

commonality of a lived experience within a particular group. The approach’s fundamental
goal is to describe the phenomenon under investigation (Creswell,2013).

7. Stepparent – A stepparent is the spouse of someone’s parent and not their biological
or adoptive parent (Kalmin, 2013; Speer et al., 2014).

8. Remarriage – A marriage after a previous marital union has ended through a divorce
or death (Amato & Kane, 2011).
Kapayapaan Integrated School



The design of this study is Qualitative. Qualitative research design is the most flexible
experimental technique. This research was done/ administrated at KAPAYAPAAN
INTEGRATED SCHOOL (KIS). The researchers ask about the information of their participants
which includes their name, age, gender, grade, section as well as their family status. This
researcher conducted this research to learn more about the situations of Students in
KAPAYAPAAN INTEGRATED SCHOOL that has a blended family situation.

Finally, the research will use an ethnographic approach to gain an in-depth understanding of
the lived experience of students with blended families. This approach will involve
interviewing students and their families, observing their interactions and behavior, and
analyzing their environment through qualitative methods such as participant observation,
interviews, and document analysis. This will provide an understanding of how the students
experience and interpret their environment, how these interpretations shape the student
Kapayapaan Integrated School

B. Sampling and Participants

Setting: The study will take place at Kapayapaan Integrated School, a public school located
in Snake Rd., Manfil, Kapayapaan Village, Canlubang, Calamba, Laguna. The school serves
students from various socio-economic backgrounds, with a mix of traditional and non-
traditional family structures.

Population: The population for this study is grade 10 students who attend Kapayapaan
Integrated School and come from blended families, defined as families where at least one
parent has remarried or formed a new long-term partnership with a partner who is not the
biological parent of all the children in the family.

Sampling: A purposive sampling strategy will be used to recruit participants from

Kapayapaan Integrated School. Participants will be selected based on their self-
identification as coming from blended families, as well as their willingness to participate in
the study.

The sample size for this study will be the grade 10 students from Patience. This sample size
was chosen based on the resources available for the study and the desire to gain a detailed
understanding of the experiences of blended families within the specific context of
Kapayapaan Integrated School. Participants will be recruited from different grade 10
sections, genders, and family structures (e.g. stepfamilies, blended families with half-
siblings, etc.) to ensure a diverse sample.

Participants will be approached individually and asked to provide their informed consent
before participating in the study. The study will use structured interviews to explore
participants' lived experiences of blended families.

C. Data Instrument

The instruments that will be used by the researchers in this study are interviews and
a prepared questionnaire. In addition, they will also use an observation on Garde 10
Kapayapaan Integrated School

Patience -students that has a Blended Family Situation. The type of their research is
qualitative, which is why they will be using it as an instrument.

An ethnographic approach in qualitative data analysis of students with blended

families involves studying the cultural practices and perspectives of these families. In this
approach, researchers immerse themselves in the daily lives of students with blended
families, observing their interactions and behaviors, and interviewing family members to
gain a deeper understanding of their experiences.

The following are some key steps in conducting an ethnographic study of students with
blended families:

1. Fieldwork: Researchers spend time in the homes of students with blended families,
observing their routines, interactions, and activities. This may involve participating in family
activities such as meals or outings, or simply observing from a distance.

2. Interviews: Researchers conduct in-depth interviews with family members to gain insight
into their experiences, perspectives, and cultural practices related to their blended family
status. These interviews may be structured or unstructured and may be conducted over
several visits.

3. Data analysis: Researchers use a variety of qualitative data analysis techniques, such as
thematic analysis or grounded theory, to identify patterns and themes in the data. They
may also use visual aids such as diagrams or charts to help organize the data.

4. Interpretation: Researchers interpret the findings from the data analysis to gain a deeper
understanding of the experiences and perspectives of students with blended families. They
may also compare their findings to existing literature on blended families to identify
similarities and differences.
Kapayapaan Integrated School

Overall, an ethnographic approach in qualitative data analysis of students with blended

families provides an in-depth understanding of the cultural practices and perspectives of
these families. This can help inform interventions and policies aimed at supporting students
with blended families in schools and other settings.

Interviews are often considered one of the most effective methods for gathering data
because they allow researchers to collect rich and detailed information directly from

D. Data Collection Technique and Procedure

The researchers select a data collection method based on the research question and
the available resources. The methods used include observation, interviews, and
questionnaires. This study used an interview to explain, better understand, and explore
research participants' opinions, behaviors, and experiences.

There are countless possibilities for experiments in the field of research, each requiring
special equipment to carry out the work necessary to find the answers to the questions. It is
challenging for everyone to be familiar with every tool accessible, especially given how
quickly technology develops and the varied requirements of a researcher.

For this study to be successful, various observational techniques are needed. We, the
researchers, decided to interview our target individuals using a questionnaire as a guide.
The researcher chose to conduct an interview using a questionnaire. As we formulate our
question, we check to make sure that it won't offend or discomfort any of the participants.
The questionnaire can assist the researcher in observing the participants' responses,
actions, utterance of words, and other behaviors.

The instrument will be used by the researchers in gathering the data will be researcher-
made questionnaire prepared for its purpose and patterned after several researchers. The
researchers-made questionnaire had 10 provided questions. The questionnaires’ part was
Kapayapaan Integrated School

subjected to know their stand or opinion on the lived experience of students with blended
family. The questions were drawn from the identified stand or opinion.

The importance and purpose of the research questions are:

To gain insight into the personal feelings and attitudes of individuals towards their parents'
second marriage and how this can impact their family dynamics.

To understand how blended families function and how individuals perceive and define their
blended family.

To identify and explore the difficulties and challenges that individuals face in their blended
family situation, which could provide insights on potential areas of support or intervention.

To investigate the emotional experiences of individuals in a blended family and how they
cope with the changes that come with it.

To understand the impact of seeing a happy and whole family on individuals who belong to
a blended family, which could provide insights on the psychological effects of being in a
blended family.

To explore the potential effects of having a blended family on academic performance,

which could help identify potential areas of support for students in blended families.

To identify strategies and coping mechanisms that individuals use to overcome the
challenges they face in their blended family.

To investigate how individuals adjust to the changes brought about by a blended family and
how they navigate new family dynamics.
Kapayapaan Integrated School

To understand the potential impact of family status on students' self-esteem and academic
performance, which could provide insights on how to support students in blended families.

To gain insight into the experiences and coping strategies of individuals who have
successfully navigated the challenges of being in a blended family, which could provide
insights on potential areas of support or intervention for individuals currently in a blended
family situation.

Overall, interviews can be a powerful tool for gathering data because they allow
researchers to collect detailed and nuanced information directly from participants, while
also providing opportunities for flexibility, clarification, and context.

E. Data Analysis

This research seeks to explore the lived experience of students with blended families in
order to gain a better understanding of their unique experience. To do so, this study
will explore a symbolic interactionist perspective, which emphasizes the importance of
individual interactions and the role of symbols in influencing behavior. Through this
perspective, the research aims to understand how students with blended families
interact with their environment and how their experiences shape their interactions,
behavior, and relationships. The researchers will also conduct an interview for those
students who has a blended family situation. The analysis took into account each
interview separately. The interviews revealed recurring sentiments regarding step
parent roles on days of transition. The age, relations status, household member’s
biological or adopted children, and custody arrangement were all mentioned in the
descriptions and in the interview. Each participants received a participant identifier,
and identifying information was obligated. In order to learn more about the research
on blended families at KAPAYAPAAN INTEGRATED SCHOOL, also knows as KIS, the
researchers also asked the guidance to identify the students from mixed families. This
is because there is a recorded additional information that may be required to know.
With that, the researcher’s will be able to understand more about the situation of
Kapayapaan Integrated School

those Students from Kapayapaan Integrated School (KIS) that has been experiencing
Blended Family.

F. Transcription

G. Ethical Considerations

While conducting the study, researchers took some ethical considerations into account. All
sources will be used by researchers in a professional manner. The information will be
collected in a correct, fair, and proper manner without any manipulation.

All of the information that the researchers have gathered will never get in public due to its
privacy. The information will be kept on private. In substitution for names, researchers will
use the terms participant. The researchers will make a consent letter for the Principal and
the adviser of Grade 10 from Patience students for the approval to be able to observe their
behavior during the 4th quarter of the academic year 2022–2023.

The participants will be the students from grade 10 patience that has Blended Family. The
researchers will also ask for permission from the parents of the participants and the
participants as well.
Kapayapaan Integrated School


This chapter presents the results and discussion of the statement of the problem and the
three (3) participant’s answers regarding the adjustments and coping strategies of Grade 11
Celerio in their Lived Experience with blended family.

SOP1: What are the struggles/ adjustment that you experience living with your blended
Figured everything out and finally accepts and
Acceptance stage understand their family situation.

Contented Contented and slightly happier on what he is

right now.
Independent Doing things on their own due to lack of attention.
Figure 2. Result

Interview Question 2: What are the adjustments you did with your blended family

The responses to the question regarding what Grade 11 participants did to adjust or to the
adjustments with his/her blended family situation.

All three (3) participants mentioned that they just accept everything that is happening and
they just go with flow because they are still their family after all.

“Noong nagkaroon ako ng bagong kapatid medyo bata pa ako nun, pero kung ngayon
tatanungin mo mas iintindihin mong unawain mo kasi kapatid mo naman yun e, kasi bilang
Kapayapaan Integrated School

matanda kana at may sariling pag iisip dapat ikaw na yung mas umitindi at makaintindi sa
sitwasyon niyo.” (Participant 1, 2023)

“Bilang ano nakasama mo na ang di mo tunay na ama syempre makikita mo yung bago
nilang pamilya and di ko tunay na ama uunawain ko nalang sila.”
(Participant 2, 2023)

“Inayos ko sya sa pagkilala ko sa mga kapatid ko at paggalang ko nalang din ssa kanila lalo
na sa nanay ko na kahit nagkamali man siya ginalang ko parin siya bilang nanay ko kasi di
naman magbabago yun at yun nakisama ako ng nakisama hanggang sa mas naiaayos ko
narin pamilya ko/naming.” (Participant 3, 2023)

All of the participant’s answers are in line. According to Umberson (2010) Family members
are linked in important ways through each stage of life, and these relationships are an
important source of a connected for the better understanding of each other.

Interview Question 3: Was there a lot of changes after your parent got another partner or
got married? If so, like what?

The responses to the question regarding what Grade 11 participants experience or changes
after his/her parent got married to another person.

The two (2) participants mention that after their new parents got married there’s a few
changes that happened in their family as well as themselves.

“Nung nagkaroon ng bago si mama hindi naman sila kinasal, pero kung ikakasal man feeling
ko ano, yung pagbabago niya sa pakikitungo sa amin, kasi magkakaroon na siya ng bagong
asawa mas pagtutuonan niya nayun ng pansin tapos sa bagong anak narin.” (Participant 1,
Kapayapaan Integrated School

“Maraming pagbabago tulad ng sarili ko rin nagkaroon ng pagbabago na parang

nagtatanong ako na bakit ganun, bakit hindi nalang samasama pero I realize sa pagtanda ko
na it’s ok lang kahit wala kang magulang sa tabi mo kasi kung saan nalang sila masaya total
matanda na rin naman sila tsaka wala din naman akong ibang kailangan kundi ang sarili ko
din in the end of the day.” (Participant 3, 2023)

Two (2) participants stated that after their new parents got marriage there’s been a few
changes. Underhill (2014) explains that family members may regulate each other behavior
and provide information and encouragement to behave in healthier way after the marriage.

The other participant indicated or stated that even after his/her new parent got married
there are still no changes in their family.

“Pagkatapos nilang ikasal wala naman masyadong nagbago ganun parin nag aaway parin
sila minsan.” (Participant 2, 2023)

According to Thomeer, et al. (2014) The statement focused that the well-being of parents
mean they provide care for each other that can contribute to social supports, stress and
social control mechanism that influence the health and well being of each other in
important ways over life course.

Interview Question 4: What is your reaction after your parents remarried to another

The responses to the question regarding what Grade 11 participants reaction after his/her
parent got married to another person.

The three (3) participants mention that after their new parents got married they just
became happy for their new parents because that’s their parents decision and they can’t do
anything about it.
Kapayapaan Integrated School

“Masaya, kasi kung mahal mo yung magulang mo susuportahan mo, kasi tayu anak lang
naman tayo eh, so bilang anak suportahan nalang natin magulang natin.” (Participant 1,

“Wala, ok lang sa una mapapatanong ka nalang na akala mo sa palabas lang nangayari yun
pero wala tatanggapin mo nalan kasi yun yung desisyon nila.” (Participant 2, 2023)

“Una hindi ko alam na mayroon akong kapatid sa nanay ko at akala ko ako, ako lang , kami
lang ng tatay ko ang una niyang asawa at, pero may mo… nung nalaman ko siya ko din nung
kinuha nako ng nanay ko nalaman ko na kinasal na at nagpakasal narin ang tatay ko at
nagkaroon na ng anak at nagging masaya nalang, wala naming problema sakin wala din
naman akong sinisisi sa buhay ko kasi nga anow ala din akong sinisisi sa mga bata, so ayun
nagging masaya at tinanggap ko nalang kahit na mahirap nakisabay nalang ako sa agos ng
buhay ganun.” (Participant 3, 2023)

All of the participant’s answers are in line. According Seltzer & Bianchi (2013) explains that
the effect of parental hood can also increase social Integration, leading to greater
emotional support and a sense of belonging and meaning in a family.

Interview Question 5: How is your new parents with rules?

The responses to the question regarding what Grade 11 participants reaction after his/her
parent got married to another person.

The three (3) participants mention that their new parent/s just go with the flow of rules
because they already know their limitations.
Kapayapaan Integrated School

“Samin sa bahay naming wala naming rules kasi di naman ganun kahigpit yung mama ko,
kasi alam naman naming limitasyon namin so go lang din siya/sila.”
(Participant 1, 2023)

“Dati sila nung tunay kong magulang syempre madaming bawal, ngayon sa amin sa step
father at sa mama kong priorities nila ang bago nilang anak na babae at syempre ako Malaki
narin ako.” (Participant 2, 2023)

“Kami kasi sa family namin ano kasi kami e, hindi naming minsan nababantayan ng nanay
naming so, kumbaga lahat kami may sarili na kaming desisyon sa buhay at nag stand up
nalang kami for ourselves tsaka alam narin naman naming mga limitasyon naming kaya
nasanay narin kaming magkakapatid.” (Participant 3, 2023)

All of the participant’s answers are in line. According Thomas & Umberson (2017) they
explain in their recent study that a connection from a figure/adult in family is related to
better understanding of a family, especially fathers.

SOP2: How did you cope up with your blended family situation?
Manages to be positive in life even he’s not with his real
Optimism family.

Considers everyone’s feelings and choose to understand

Considerate and be happy.

Interview Question 1: How did you cope up with your blended family situation?

The responses to the question regarding how Grade 11 participants cope up with his/her
blended family situation.
Kapayapaan Integrated School

All three (3) participants mention that they just go with the flow of their family situation
and they understand everyone who’s part of the family because that was the things they’ve
need to do for the better of everyone.

“Para sa akin bilang panganay inuunawa ko nalang kasi wala narin akong choice eh kundi
mahalin sila para mas maging ok din.” (Participant 1, 2023)

“Wala lang kasi kumbaga parang nakasanayan na yung mga bagay nayun kasi nung una lagi
din sila nag aaway kaya mas maganda nung di na sila nagsama, iniitindi nalang namin
lahat.” (Participant 2, 2023)

“Nakakayanan ko nalang siya sa pakikisama at sa pagsunod sa mga gusto nila na ikakabuti

korin.” (Participant 3, 2023)

All of the participants answer are in line. According to Thomas (2016) explains that the
support and strain from intergenerational ties during a stressful time of balancing family
roles and work obligation of everyone who’s part of the family.

Interview Question 8: How would you describe your blended family?

The responses to the question regarding how Grade 11 participants describe his/her
blended family situation.

All three (3) participants described their blended family as a happy family.

“Masaya, wala naming halong kahit ano like galit kasi masaya naman kasi may bagong part
ng family.” (Participant 1, 2023)

“masaya siguro over 100 mga 60% ganun.” (Participant 2, 2023)

Kapayapaan Integrated School

“Kahit magulo kami masaya parin ako kasi ng amula naman bata ako wala akong ibang
naranasan kundi pumasok mag isa, kumain mag isa hanggang ngayon nadadala ko parin
siya kaya masaya.” (Participant 3, 2023)

All of the participants answer are in line. According to Seltzer & Bianchi (2013) explains that
the effect of parental hood can also increase social Integration, leading to greater
emotional support and a sense of belonging and meaning in a family.

Interview Question 10: What kind of emotion do you feel when you witness a happy, whole

The responses to the question regarding what Grade 11 participants feel or what kind of
emotion he/ she feel when she sees a whole and happy family.

All three (3) participants mention that they

“Parang masaya nalang din kasi yung pamilya nila buo tapos yung amin parang ano hindi
siya buo. Masaya ako kapag may nakikita akong buong pamilya kasi kompleto sila, buo sila
swerte nila kasi iilan lang yung may ganun.” (Participant 1, 2023)

“Wala ano syempre naiinggit ka pero Malaki kana kaya mona din yung mga bagay nayun.”
(Participant 2, 2023)

“Emosyon na maungkot nagtatanong tsaka nagtataka pero hindi ko naman siya inaapply sa
sarili ko na “ah patapon buhay ko” masaya parin ako kahit ganun sila iniisip ko nalang wag
nalang sana mangyari sa kanila yung mga nangyari sakin at kung may ganun mang mangyari
sa kanila mag grow nalang sila at maging masaya.” (Participant 3, 2023)
Kapayapaan Integrated School

All of the participants answer are in line. According to Newman (2012) For parents,
stepparents, siblings, or stepsiblings bonded by blood or love, experiences through the
family life cycle may affect who they are and become adults. They accept everything
about their family and other family as well.

SOP3: What is your realization about your blended family situation?

Loved his siblings as family and didn’t condemn
Percieving Them for being a blended family

Happy but can’t avoid comparing her

Comparing Family to others.

Interview Question 4: What is you realization about your experience having a blended

The responses to the question regarding what Grade 11 participants realize with his/her
blended family situation.

All three (3) participants realized that even though there’s a favoritism they are still happy
for what they have right now because now they can better understand each other.

“Sakin masaya siya at the same time mahirap din kasi may favoritism. Mahirap pero masaya
din naman kasi wala ka naming ibang choice kasi kapatid moyun, kadugo mo.”
(Participant 1, 2023)

“Narealize ko syempre nung una masaya kasi di kona maririnig mga away at may sari sarili
silang pamilya at narealize bawat yung nanay at tatay ay may sari-sarili na silang pamilya
bilang nakakatanda uunawain mo nalang kung gusto mo magkaroon ng buong pamilya,
Kapayapaan Integrated School

gawin mo nalang sa sarili mo and e-apply ang mga natutunan mo kung ano ang mga bagay
na dapat at di mo dapat gawin.” (Participant 2, 2023)

“I realize na kahit ano kahit magulo pamilya ko kahit di man kami magkakapatid sa ama’t
ina nagkaroon naman kami ng pagmamahalan sa isa’t isa nagkaroon din kami ng Samahan
na itinuturing namig kapatid and isat isa, masaya wala din kasi kami sinisisi dahil sa
magulang namin lahat din naman kami iniitindi naming ang sitwasyon ng bawat isa yun lang
ganun.” (Participant 3, 2023)

All of the participants answer are in line. According to Giligan, Suitor & Nam (2015) they
explain that parental favoritism and dis-favoritism of children can affect the closeness of a

Interview Question 7: Are you happy with your current family situation?

The responses to the question regarding what Grade 11 participants feel about his/her
current family situation.

All three (3) participants mention that they are all happy about their current family
situation because right now they can all understand each other and their family situation is
clearer than before.

“Masaya ngayon, kasi noon mahirap talaga parang ang gulo-gulo yung parang hindi mo
alam kung okay paba talaga noon or what, tapos ngayon mas masaya na kami kasi mas
naliwanagan ka na “ay parang mas ok na”.” (Participant 1, 2023)

“Syempre mas masaya, naging masaya nadin si mama sa bagong asawa, hindi na tulad ng
dati na lagging stress.” (Participant 2, 2023)

“Minsan masaya, minsan magulo pero ok narin kasi nasanay narin kami sa gantong
sitwasyon naming, siguro pag iintindi nalang din kasi minsan may bhindi pagkakaintindihan
Kapayapaan Integrated School

dahil sa walang communication alam moyun masaya na magulo.”

(Participant 3, 2023)

All of the participants answer are in line. According to Mailick (2017) He explains that family
relationship can be characterized by both positive and negative aspects that may affect
elements of stress in a family. This study also mentioned that siblings play important roles
in supporting their parents and other siblings as well.

Interview Question 9: What is the best thing being in a blended family?

The responses to the question regarding what Grade 11 participants think is the best thing
being in a blended family.

All three (3) participants mentioned that the best thing that happened to them being in a
blended family are they become happier and they are able to grow for themselves.

“Para sakin ang pinaka magandang nangyari sa pamilya ko ngayon ay parang mas nakilala
naming ang isat isa at nagging close kami at dahil ang bagong kapatid namin ang pinag-aano
naming yung pagmamahal sa isat isa ay napapakita naming.” (Participant 1, 2023)

“Syempre mas naging masaya kasi dina tulad ng dati na panay stress si mama ganun.”
(Participant 2, 2023)

“Ang pinaka magandang nangyari e yung nag grow ako kahit mag isa lang ako kahit walang
masyadong gabay ng magulang since kinder I assist myself kahit sa pagluluto maaga rin
akong natuto sa gawaing bahay ganun sa pagnenegosyo nagkaroon ako ng mga realisasyon
basta nag grow ako kahit wala sila.” (Participant 3, 2023)

All of the participants answer are in line. According to Coleman (2018) remarriage and
blended families face a unique challenge but are met with a standard solution. It explains
Kapayapaan Integrated School

the statement above that even if you are part of a blended family you can still be happy and
able to grown for your own.



A. Summary of the Study

The study titled "The Lived Experience of Students with Blended Family" aimed to
explore the unique experiences of students who come from blended families.
Blended families, also known as stepfamilies, are formed when two individuals with
children from previous relationships enter into a new union. The research focused
specifically on understanding the perspectives of students within these blended
family structures and how it impacts their daily lives and overall well-being.

The researchers employed a qualitative research design and conducted in-depth

interviews with a diverse group from Grade 11 HUMSS students. Through these
interviews, the researchers examine various aspects of the students' lives, including
family dynamics, relationships with parents and step-parents, interactions with step-
siblings, and overall emotional experiences within the blended family context.

The findings of the study revealed several key themes regarding the lived experiences
of students in blended families. Firstly, participants highlighted the complexity of
navigating multiple parental figures, such as biological parents, step-parents, and co-
parents. They described a range of emotions, including ambivalence, loyalty conflicts,
and adjustments required to maintain harmonious relationships within the family.

Secondly, the students discussed the dynamics and challenges associated with
integrating with step-siblings. They highlighted both positive and negative
Kapayapaan Integrated School

experiences, including building new relationships, adapting to different family

cultures, and managing conflicts arising from differences in upbringing.

B. Summary of the Results

The study focuses on thenlived experience of students with blended family and was
conducted among grade 11 celerio students at kapayapaan integrated school. This
study aimed to determined their unique perspective, challenges and strengths with
family structure.

By delving into the lived experience of the students, researchers seek gains a
comprehensive understanding of their emotions, concerns and joy in navigating
blended families. This understanding can guide then development of targeted
programs, resources and services withim educational institutions and communities to
address the specific needs of these students.
Exploring the factors that contribute to positive family dynamics and successful
transitions can help strengthen family relationship and promote healthy
communication and cohesiveness. Additionally, understanding how the experiences
of students with blended family impact their educational outcomes can inform
strategies that support their academic success and overall well- being.

This insight gained from studying these lived experiences can also influence policy
decisions, leading to the development of inclusive policies that recognize and support
diverse family structure. This contributes to creating an environment that fosters
equity and inclusion within educational systems. Ultimately, the goal is to create an
environment where students in blended families can thrive academically, emotionally
and socially.

The study's findings revealed various themes, including students' accounts of

adjusting to new parental figures like step-parents or co-parents, and the difficulties
and benefits associated with it. They described experiencing conflicts of loyalty, mixed
Kapayapaan Integrated School

emotions, and the need to adapt in order to establish and maintain relationships with
multiple parental figures.

Moreover, the research highlighted the impact of blended family experiences on

students' well-being and sense of self. Students expressed their requirement for
emotional support, validation, and open communication from parents and other
family members to navigate the unique challenges they encountered. The results
underscored the significance of creating a supportive environment within the blended
family structure, as well as the role of external support systems like counselors or
support groups in helping students cope with the dynamics of blended families.

C. Conclusions

After conducting research on students in blended families, it can be concluded that

these students face unique challenges and experiences that can impact their
academic and emotional well-being. The blending of two families can result in
changes in family dynamics, living arrangements, and relationships that may be
difficult for students to navigate. These changes can contribute to feelings of stress,
anxiety, and confusion, which may manifest in academic struggles and behavioral

However, despite these challenges, students in blended families also have access to a
wider support network and resources, including step-parents, step-siblings, and
extended family members. Research suggests that the quality of relationships within
the blended family can greatly influence the academic and emotional outcomes of
these students.

Overall, it is important for educators, counselors, and parents to be aware of the

unique needs and experiences of students in blended families and to provide them
with the necessary tools and resources to succeed academically and emotionally. By
Kapayapaan Integrated School

fostering positive relationships and maintaining open communication, students in

blended families can thrive and succeed in their academic pursuits.

In addition, the research suggests that effective co-parenting and communication

between biological parents and step-parents can greatly benefit the academic and
emotional outcomes of students in blended families. It is important for all adults
involved to prioritize the well-being of the students and work together to provide a
stable and supportive environment.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize that every blended family is unique and may
face different challenges. Therefore, it is crucial for educators and counselors to
approach each student in a blended family with sensitivity and to tailor support to
their individual needs.

Overall, the research highlights the importance of understanding the experiences of

students in blended families and providing them with the necessary support to
succeed academically and emotionally. By recognizing the challenges and strengths of
these students and working collaboratively with families, educators and counselors
can help to ensure their success and well-being.

Other factors that may impact the academic and emotional outcomes of students in
blended families include the age of the child at the time of blending, the number of
transitions and changes in living arrangements, and the quality of relationships with
biological parents and other family members.

For younger children, blending families may be less disruptive as they are more
adaptable to change, while older children may struggle with the loss of their previous
family structure and relationships. Additionally, frequent transitions and changes in
living arrangements can be disruptive and stressful for students in blended families,
which can impact their academic performance and emotional well-being.
Kapayapaan Integrated School

Finally, it is important to recognize that students in blended families may benefit from
additional support and resources, such as counseling services or support groups.
These resources can provide a safe and supportive environment for students to
discuss their experiences and develop coping strategies to navigate the unique
challenges of their family situation.

In conclusion, the research highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing

the unique challenges and experiences faced by students in blended families. By
providing tailored support and resources, educators and counselors can help these
students to succeed academically and emotionally, and to thrive in their blended
family environment.

D. Recommendations

The following recommendations are made by the researchers based on the

discussion of the findings:

1.Everyone should never invalidate someone’s feelings for being affected by their

blended situations.

2.Don’t base your own point of view on your own perspective or understanding about

handling blended families.

3.Always be a kind and generous daughter/son in your family whether it is a blended

family or not.

4.Don’t invalidate someone’s feelings and emotion mostly your family.

5.Try to understand someone’s situation for everyone’s good.

6. Family bonding, to maintain the happiness of family.

7.For future researchers it is recommended to investigate or to know the lived

experienced of students with blended family.

Kapayapaan Integrated School


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