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Properties of a silica-reinforced polymer

for dental restorations

R . L . Bowen * D .D .S ., Washington, D .C .

T h e incorporation of vinylsilane-treated fibers, particles, or a combination of

silica powder into an organic polymer these. T h e term “ reinforcement” usually
reinforced the material. This reinforce­ is reserved for instances where the physi­
ment gave a number of properties re­ cal properties are improved; the term
“ filler” often implies no improvement of
sembling more those of hard tooth tissues
physical or chemical properties. Particles,
than those obtained with unreinforced
rather than fibers, were selected for use
dental resin. T h e same resin filled with
in the material described iiere.
silica not having the vinylsilane surface Irregular shaped particles of vitreous
treatment had inferior properties after silica (General Electric C o .’s Clear Fused
equivalent immersion in water. Quartz Powder), with special surface
treatment, were used for the reinforce­
ment. Except where otherwise specified,
A n esthetic and permanent restorative the particles were vinylsilane-coated and
material that could be placed directly were fine enough to pass through a no.
into the cavities prepared in anterior 100 sieve of the United States standard
teeth would be an important contribution sieve series, having dimensions of ap­
to dental practice and public well-being. proximately 150 microns (about 0.006
Such a material, which would have less inch) and smaller.
solubility, sensitivity to desiccation, and T h e organic binder for this reinforce­
brittleness than the silicate cements,1,2 ment was specially prepared for this
and have greater dimensional stability study, because the commercially available
than do the methyl methacrylate direct monomers and comonomers did not ap­
filling resins,3’ 4 has been in demand for pear to be as promising, with respect to
many years. T h e present lack of a mate­ polymerization shrinkage, as the comono­
rial complying with these requirements is mer system to be described. This system
a problem worthy of extensive investiga­ was especially designed to have low
tion. polymerization shrinkage.
T h e tests reported here were under­
taken to determine whether the desired P R E P A R A T IO N O F M A T E R IA L S
properties could be obtained with a re­
inforced organic polymer. In industry, Surface Treatment of Silica Powder • It
plastics are commonly reinforced with is well known in the reinforced plastics

industry that vinylsilane treatment of vacuum and was reduced in viscosity by

glass reinforcements, used with appropri­ the addition of 10 per cent methyl metha­
ate resin systems, gives improved water crylate and 10 per cent tetraethyleneglycol
resistance to laminates.5 The silica pow­ dimethacrylate monomers. This comono­
der was surface treated as follows: The mer solution was stabilized with 0.01 per
powder was sifted into a 1.0 per cent cent hydroquinone.
aqueous solution of tris(2-methoxy ethoxy) A d d itio n a l N ,N -dimethyl-p-toluidene
vinylsilane to which sodium hydroxide (approximately 0.5 per cent) was added
was added sufficient to give a pH of 9.3 as needed to give the desired hardening
to 9.8. One half per cent of the silane time. For convenience, this comonomer
was used per weight of the fused silica. solution or its polymer will be referred to
This slurry was dried at approximately as “B IS -G M A .”
125°C . (2 6 0 °F .), with occasional stir­
ring, and cooled. Benzoyl peroxide, 1.25 M eth od of M ixing Material • Specimens
per cent per weight of treated powder, for testing were prepared by mixing the
was added. The peroxide was dispersed powder into the B IS -G M A liquid using
in the powder as an acetone solution. This a dental agate spatula on a glass slab, in
solvent was removed by evaporation with much the same way that dentists mix
the aid of a vacuum pump and intermit­ silicate cements in practice. A practical
tent stirring. T h e dry powder was again consistency8 was obtained when approxi­
sifted through a United States standard mately 70 per cent of the treated silica
sieve no. 100, except where otherwise in­ powder (1.0 G m .) was mixed with 30
dicated below. T h e silica powder before per cent of the liquid comonomer solu­
treatment was hydrophilic; after treat­ tion (0.4 m l.; the density of the liquid
ment it was organophilic, as defined by was approximately 1.1 Gm . per milli­
a test method described by Iler.6,7 liter) . This ratio of powder to liquid was
used throughout the testing procedures.
Preparation of Com onomer Solution • Seventy per cent silica by weight gave a
T o serve as the organic binder for the material with approximately 55 per cent
silica reinforcement, a cross-linking, co­ silica by volume.
monomer solution was prepared. This
liquid was primarily the addition reac­ R E S U L T IN G P R O P E R T IE S O F M A T E R IA L S
tion product of bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) di-
methylmethane and glycidyl methacrylate. Hardening Tim e • The mixed material
T h e addition reaction between the bis- hardened in three to eight minutes when
phenol and the glycidyl methacrylate was tested at 3 7 °C . (9 9 °F .) according to the
catalyzed with 0.5 per cent A^iV-dimethyl- American Dental Association Specifica­
p-toluidene at 6 0 °C . (1 4 0 °F .) for about tion No. 9 for Dental Silicate Cement.9
13 hours in an inert atmosphere, with T h e certified silicate cements and the di­
continuous stirring, until the reaction was rect filling resins tested fell within this
essentially complete. This addition reac­ range.
tion was followed by observing the in­
creasing absorption of the aromatic ether Hardening Shrinkage • T h e average vol­
groups in the infrared at approximately umetric polymerization shrinkage was
1,040 cm .-1 (9.6 microns wavelength). measured by the dilatometer method of
Th e reaction product was washed with 5 Smith and Schoonover,10 except that the
per cent aqueous sodium hydroxide and density was determined individually for
then with water to remove the (20 per each specimen to obtain specimen vol­
cent) excess bisphenol used in the syn­ ume. T h e average apparent densities of
thesis. The product was dried under the silica-reinforced B IS -G M A resin, the
BOWEN . . . VOLUME 66, JANUARY 1963 • 73/59

T a b le 1 • V olum etric hardening shrinkage o f the silica -rein fo rce d BIS-G M A resin and o th e r filling materials

N um ber Average C oefficient

M a te ria l of volum etric of
d e v ia tio n *
specimens shrinkage v a ria tio n f

per cent per cent per cent

BIS-G M A resin re in fo rce d w ith vinylsilane-coated
silica th a t passed through a no. 325 sieve 6 2.7 1.1 41
(shrinkage measured fo r 60 minutes)
M ethyl m ethacrylate (m onom er-polym er solution)
reinforced w ith vinylsilane-coated silica that passed 5 2.8 1.0 36
through a no. 325 sieve (shrinkage measured fo r
30 minutes)
Silicate cement (shrinkage measured fo r seven days) 3 3.3 0.5 15

U nreinforced d ire c t fillin g resins, tw o different

brands (shrinkage measured fo r 30 minutes) 4 6.2 3.1 50

*Standard deviation = / Six —x)2

\ n —1
fC oefficient of variation = Standard deviation

silicate cement, and a commercial direct ment9 except that the weighing bottles
filling resin were approximately 1.6, 2.0, were weighed after drying at 9 9 °C .
and 1.2 G m . per milliliter, respectively. (2 1 0 °F .) and 110°C . (2 3 0 °F .) to detect
T h e volumetric shrinkage data are given organic leach products which might have
in Table 1. Smith and Schoonover re­ been volatilized at the standard drying
ported volumetric shrinkage of 6 to 8 temperature of 149°C . (3 0 0 °F .). The
per cent for direct filling resins, which solubility and disintegration value for the
is in agreement with the present data. reinforced polymer was 0.04 per cent by
This is at least twice the dimensional weight. The values for silicate cements
change of the reinforced resin (2.7 per normally range between 0.4 and 1.3 per
ce n t). cent.
It should be emphasized that part of W hen the solubility of the synthetic
the shrinkage measured by this method resin, reinforced with vinylsilane-coated
occurs before the material hardens. In silica, was tested by the method used for
dental practice, only after the material denture base resins,11 the average loss of
has reached a critical stiffness and weight of the specimens was 0.01 per cent
strength does the continued shrinkage ex­ or 0.003 mg. per square centimeter of
ert significant forces tending to pull the surface area. T h e average solubility was
material away from the cavity walls. A one tenth that of specimens which were
test method for measuring hardening made with silica that did not have the
shrinkage that excludes volumetric shrink­ vinylsilane coating, but were otherwise
age of the material still in the fluid state identical.
would have more meaning from the clini­ Comparative values for the anterior
cal viewpoint. direct filling resins are not presently avail­
able, but two self-curing denture base
Solubility and Disintegration • Solubility resins lost an average of approximately
and disintegration were tested according 0.10 per cent by weight or 0.03 mg. per
to the American Dental Association Spec­ square centimeter of surface area in this
ification No. 9 for Dental Silicate C e­ test. Silicate cements were too sensitive

to desiccation and were too frangible to with the polymerization initiated by

be compared by this test method. benzoyl peroxide accelerated by an aro­
matic amine.
W ater Sorption • T h e uptake of water Even with the slight color change in­
by the silica-reinforced polymer was duced by the sun lamp and probably by
tested according to the method for den­ subsequent aging, as was demonstrated
ture base resins.11 T h e average water by Caul and Schoonover14 for direct fill­
sorption was 0.9 per cent by weight or ing resins, the shade and color of the un-
0.3 mg. per square centimeter of surface pigmented specimens matched the shade
area of the specimen during 24 hours and color of normal teeth. It is known
immersion. Identical specimens, except that this type of color change can be
that untreated silica was used in their diminished or eliminated by the use of
preparation, had an average water sorp­ ultraviolet absorbers and by other means.
tion twice that of specimens utilizing the
vinylsilane-treated silica. T w o self-curing Visual Opacity • Specimens 1 mm . thick
denture base resins, tested in like manner, were compared with opacity standards
showed an average increase in weight of against a variegated black and white
2.1 per cent or 0.4 mg. per square centi­ background according to Specification
meter. Silicate cements are too fragile to No. 9. The visual opacity was between
test by this method for comparison. 35 and 55 per cent ( C 0 .7 0 ) which is
within the range specified for certified
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion • A n silicate cements.9 T h e silicate cements
interferometric method similar to that and direct filling resins tested fell within
described by Saunders12 was used to the same range. Paffenbarger, Schoonover
measure the linear coefficient of thermal and Souder1 measured the opacities of
expansion of the silica-reinforced resin. human dentin and enamel and found the
T h e average value for six measurements averages to be 70 and 39 per cent, re­
on three specimens was 22 ppm per de­ spectively.
gree Celsius between 3 0 °C . (8 6 °F .) and
4 0 °C . (1 0 4 °F .) on dry specimens. The Compressive Strength • The strength of
comparable values reported in the litera­ the silica-reinforced resin under com­
ture are: silicate cement, 7 .6 ; dry poly pressive loading was measured by the
(methyl methacrylate), 8 1 ; hard tooth method used for testing silicate cements.9
tissues, 7.8 to 11.4; and silver amalgam, Values are given in Table 2 for the com­
22.1 to 28.0.13 pressive strengths of the synthetic polymer
reinforced with vinylsilane-coated silica
Color Stability • O ne half of the flat sur­ of various average particle sizes. Other
face of prepared disks of the silica-rein- materials, now in general use, are shown
forced polymer, between 0.5 and 1.0 mm. for comparison.
(0.02 and 0.04 inch) thick, was covered Specimens made without silica or with
with an opaque, reflective aluminum foil untreated silica had lower compressive
tape. T h e other half of the surface was strength than specimens made with vinyl-
exposed to the light and ultraviolet emis­ silane-treated silica.
sions of the source described in the
American Dental Association Specifica­ Tensile Strength • The tensile strength
tion No. 12 test for color stability.11 After of the material was also tested as reported
24 hours, the exposed portion, compared in a previous publication.20 In this test,
by visual inspection in daylight with the specimens were prepared with powder
unexposed portion, showed a slight fine enough to pass through a no. 400
change in color. This was to be expected United States standard sieve and were
BO W EN . . . V O LU M E 66, J A N U A R Y 1963 • 75/61

T a b le 2 • Com pressive strengths o f the s ilica -re in fo rce d B IS-G M A resin and o th e r d ental materials

N um ber C o e ffi­
A verage
of Standard cient o f
M a te ria l* compressive
speci­ d evia tio n v a ria ­
mens tion

kg./cm .2 psi kg./cm .2 psi p er cent

Synthetic BIS -G M A resin re in fo rce d with
vinylsilane-coated silica th a t passed through 5 1,050 15,000 63 900 6
a no. 100 sieve but was retained on a
no. 325 sieve
Synthetic BIS -G M A resin re in fo rce d w ith
vinylsilane-coated silica th a t passed through 5 1,340 19,000 77 1,100 6
a no. 100 sieve

Synthetic BIS -G M A resin reinforced with

vinylsilane-coated silica th a t passed through 5 1,600 23,000 26 370 2
a no. 325 sieve
— 1,600- 23,000-
Silicate cements15 — — —
1,900 27,000

U nreinforced com m ercial p o ly (methyl

m ethacrylate) d ire c t filling resin 5 750 10,700 42 600 6
2 ,1 0 0- 30,000- —
Human den tin 16"18 — — —
3,500 50,000

Human enam el17-19 — 980- 14,000- — — —•

3,940 56,000

*The specimens were tested according to the American Dental Association Specification N o. 9 fo r dental silicate

T a b le 3 • Tensile strengths o f the silica -rein fo rce d BIS-G M A resin and o th e r d ental m aterials

N um ber A verage C oe fficie n t

M a te ria l* of tensile of
d evia tio n
specimens strength varia tio n

kg./cm .2 psi kg./cm .2 psi per cent

BIS-G M A resin re in fo rce d w ith vinyl­
silane-coated silica th a t passed 10 280 4,000 49 700 18
through a no. 400 sieve

BIS-G M A resin fille d w ith silica not

c oated w ith vinylsilane but otherw ise 7 105 1,500 21 300 20
the same as a b o ve
Silicate cements (five typ ical brands) 26 49 700 21 300 43

Poly (methyl m ethacrylate) d ire c t fillin g

resins (fo u r com m ercial brands) 21 280 4,000 42 600 15

Human dentin 9 530 7,500 105 1,500 20

Human enamel 9 105 1,500 26 370 25

*The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37°C. (99°F.) fo r 7 days and were tested wet at 23°C. {73°F.).

immersed in distilled water at 37°G . for of these fillings in dental practice, espe­
seven days before testing. Typical tensile cially when these cements are used in
strengths for this and other dental mate­ Glass I V restorations. Such fillings are
rials are given in Table 3. T h e low tensile exposed to functional loads which in­
strength values for silicate cements may duce tensile as well as compressive and
explain in part the occasional fracture shear stresses within the material.

T a b le 4 • M o du li o f e lasticity, in tension, o f the silica -rein fo rce d BIS -G M A resin and o th e r den tal materials

N umber Modulus o f Standard C oe fficie n t

M a te ria ls* of elasticity devia tio n of
specimens x 10» x 106 v a ria tio n

kg ./cm .2 psi kg./cm .2 psi per cent

BIS-G M A resin reinforced w ith vinyl-
silane-coated silica th a t passed 10 0.112 1.6 0.014 0.20 12
through a no. 400 sieve

S ilicate cement 5 0.2 Ì 8 3.1 0.0626 0.89 28

C om m ercial d ire c t fillin g resin 6 0.0183 0.26 0.001 .0.01 4
C om m ercial d ire c t fillin g resin
containing 2 5 % glass fibers 5 0.020 0.28 0.0021 0.03 11
Human dentin 7 0.197 2.8 0.0555 0.79 28

*The specimens were stored ¡n distilled water at 37°C. (99°F.) fo r 7 days and were tested wet at 23°C. (73°F.).

M odulus of Elasticity • T h e distribution on the location and orientation of the

of stress and strain within a restored tooth specimens in the teeth.17"19
when a load is applied, is influenced by
the differential modulus of elasticity Resistance of Surface to Indentation •
(stiffness) of the two or more materials The resistance of the materials to inden­
involved. T h e modulus, defined as the tation was observed by applying loads to
ratio of stress to corresponding strain, specimens with the Rockwell Superficial
gives an indication of the amount of de­ Hardness Tester as reported by Sweeney,
formation that will occur in a material Sheehan and Yost.21 In this test a steel
when a load is encountered. Thus, for a ball, 12.7 mm. (0.5 inch) in diameter, was
restorative material, the modulus should applied with a minor 3 kilogram (6.6
be approximately as high as that of tooth pound) load to the flat surfaces of speci­
structure to conform to the general re­ mens which were between 1.5 and 4.0
quirements of dimensional stability. mm. (0.06 and 0.16 inch) thick. The
' Stress-strain curves were plotted and minor load (3 kilograms) was used for
the modulus of elasticity was determined the fiducial reading and the major load
in tension for the silica-reinforced mate­ of 30 kilograms (66 pounds) was applied
rial described earlier except that the for 10 minutes. T h e depth of indentation
treated silica particles were fine enough was read to ± 0 .0 0 1 mm . (± 0 .0 0 0 4 inch)
to pass through a no. 400 sieve. Moduli with a dial indicator. Per cent recovery of
were also determined for human dentin, the indentation was calculated from the
a silicate cement, and two commercial residual indentation depth (minor load
poly (methyl methacrylate) direct filling only) ten minutes after removal of the
resins (one of which contained about 25 major load. T h e age of all specimens was
per cent glass fibers averaging about 0.5 120 hours or more. D ata on the compara­
m m . in length). tive resistance to indentation are given in
T h e values for the modulus of elas­ Table 5.
ticity in tension, determined from the
initial, nearly straight line portion of the Toxicity • T h e acute oral toxicity (L D 50)
curves, are given in Table 4. The modu­ for rats, of the comonomer described, was
lus for human enamel in compression is tested by an independent biological labo­
reported in the literature to be in the ratory and was reported to be comparable
range of 0.10 to 0.84 x 10® kg. per centi­ with that of the liquid of a silicate cement
meter2 (1.4 to 12 x 106 psi) depending and a direct filling resin.
BO W EN . . . V O L U M E 66, JA N U A R Y 196,3 • 77/63

D IS C U S S IO N A N D C O N C L U S IO N der could be incorporated into a given

amount of resin than could untreated
It was the purpose of this work to make powder. This higher silica to resin ratio
a preliminary comparison of some of the would be expected to result in a relative
properties of a silica-reinforced resin with decrease in hardening shrinkage, coeffi­
silicate cements, direct filling resins, and cient of thermal expansion, and flow, and
hard tooth tissues, and to determine if a relative increase in modulus of elas­
further investigation of such a material ticity.
would be justified. This report is not in­ Altering parameters of the material de­
tended to set firm values for properties scribed in this report, such as the kind of
of a particular material formulation. surface treatment o f the powder, particle
T h e surface treatment of the silica par­ shape or size distribution, or the nature
ticles appeared to be crucial in the present of the resin might well lead to better
system. W ithout the vinylsilane coating properties. But even without such im­
on the particles, the water sorption and provement, the vinylsilane-coated silica
apparent solubility of the composite m a­ particles impart to the resin many prop­
terial was higher and the strength was erties with better values than the other
lower. Whether or not copolymerization direct filling materials and further inves­
occurred between vinyl groups on the tigation should certainly be pursued.
silica and the methacrylate groups in the
resin cannot be ascertained by the limited SUM M ARY
data reported here. However, after the
specimens were exposed to water for one The incorporation o f vinylsilane-treated
week, a comparison of the tensile strength silica powder into an organic polymer re­
data for treated and untreated silica sug­ inforced the material. This reinforcement
gests that in the case of the treated silica gave values for some physical properties
the adhesion between the silica and the that more nearly matched those obtained
resin was not so low as to decrease the on hard tooth tissues than those obtained
composite tensile strength. on unreinforced direct filling resins. When
Qualitatively, more of the treated pow­ 70 per cent vinylsilane-coated silica was

T a b le 5 • Resistance to indentation o f the silica -rein fo rce d B1S-GMA resin and o th e r dental materials

Depth o f indentation Recovery

N um ber
of C o e ffi­ C o e ffi­
M a te ria l meas­ cient A v e r­ cient
A ve rag e Standard ard
ure­ of age of
value d evia tio n d e v ia ­
ments v a ria ­ value v a ria ­
tion tion

M icrons Inch M icrons Inch p e r cent p e r cent p e r cent per cent

Synthetic BiS-GM A
resin re in fo rce d with
silica that passed 9 55 0.0022 8 0.00031 14 77 6 8
through a no.
325 sieve

Silicate cement 10 40 0.0016 2 0.00008 5 83 4 5

D irect filling 0.0038-
resins21 — 95-115 0.0045 — — — 60-80 ___ ___ _
Human dentin 11 46 0.0018 1.6 0.00006 3 85 2.7 3
Human enamel 11 33 O.OOÌ3 3.4 0.00013 10 86 3.8 4

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resins: dimensional changes resulting from polymeriza­
affected by desiccation, and had higher tion shrinkage and water sorption. J.A .D .A . 46:540 May
tensile strength than silicate cements. 1!. Guide to dental materials. Chicago, American
T h e same resin filled with silica not Dental Association, 1962, p. 67.
12. Saunders, J . B. An apparatus fo r photographing
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National Bureau o f Standards, Washington, D.C. 17. Stanford, J. W ., and others. Determination of
1. Paffenbarger, G. C .; Schoonover, I. C., and Souder, some compressive properties o f human enamel and
W ilm er. Dental siiica te ce m e n ts: physical and chemical dentin. J.A .D .A . 57:487 O ct. 1958.
properties and a specification. J.A .D .A . 25:32 Jan. 1938. 18. Stanford, J. W ., and others. Compressive proper­
2. Skinner, E. W . A comparison o f properties and ties o f hard tooth tissues and some restorative m ateri­
uses of silica te cement and acrylic resin in operative als. J.A .D .A . 60:746 June I960.
dentistry. J .A .D .A . 58:27 Jan. 1959. 19. C raig, R. G .; Peyton, F. A., and Johnson, D. W.
3. Paffenbarger, G. C .; Nelsen, R. J., and Sweeney, Compressive properties of enamel, dental cements, and
W . T. D irect and indirect fillin g resins: a review of g old . J.D. Res. 40:936 O ct. 1961.
some physical and chemical properties. J.A .D .A . 47:516 20. Bowen, R. L., and Rodriguez, M. S. Tensile
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4. Coy, H . D. Direct fillin g resins. J.A .D .A . 47:532 several restorative materials. J.A .D .A . 64:378 March
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5. Vanderbullt, B. M., and SImko, J . P., Jr. Silane 21. Sweeney, W . T.; Sheehan, W . D., and Yost, E. L.
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The Indispensable Drudge • The printed literature of medicine remains the indispensable
archive of its scientific, clinical, social and economic progress, as well as of its philosophy; the
permanent depository of discovery whether in the physical sciences or in the development of
ideas. And in order that the record may be legible, the editor, like Samuel Johnson’s lexicog­
rapher, a harmless drudge, enjoys also a reflected and anonymous indispensability.— Joseph
Garland. The Journal of the Canadian Medical Association3 Jan. 30, 1960.

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