Paper 09 Utari Indonesia

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AYIC ( ASEAN Youth Initiative Conference) Scholarship Programme in

Collaboration With Waskita Karya

Utari Ayuningtyas
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis


Infrastructure infrastructure development in Indonesia is very large. In the 2017-2018 Global Competitiveness
Report compiled by the World Economic Form (WEF) institution, Indonesia ranks 36th out of 137 countries
included in the GCI list. This rating is an increase from the previous year's rank which ranked 41st in Indonesia.
Even so, Indonesia still has many problems related to infrastructure, technology and energy market efficiency
(Ramadhan, 2017). It is hoped that the infrastructure development currently being carried out can provide
significant results on outputs that have been issued for the creation of a better quality of life in achieving the
sustainable development goals.

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

Broadly speaking, infrastructure development is an important part in determining the success of a country's
development, where infrastructure can be a driver of economic growth that can improve a better quality of life.
Like the construction of road infrastructure which is an important point in every access to travel between cities,
regions, and even the State. Imagine if a country does not have adequate road access, it can be ascertained that an
economic slump will occur that is not in line with population growth. This will certainly hamper the development
of a country, because when the infrastructure conditions of a country are weak, the country's economy will run
inefficiently. Like our country which is vulnerable to natural disasters. During the rainy season (annual) it is not
uncommon for roads that are only made for several months to be severely damaged or the bridge collapses due to
flooding. This may occur due to the development of cheap materials (a little bit of asphalt) and low quality human
resources used in realizing development projects or lack of funds in maintenance needs (after the project is built).
In addition, road infrastructure in remote villages that are still untouched by the development of the world today
which will surely make people around the difficulties in activities such as difficulty reaching children to go to
school because of traveling too far to go or some people who are having trouble getting treatment. As experienced
by residents in the interior of West Papua in Maybrat Regency. The quality of education that is far from the poor
makes it difficult for citizens to access education, especially to be able to send their children to high school, maybe
this is just a dream. Not only access to education but also such as transportation, electricity and health facilities are
still very limited (Pahun, 2013). It is hoped that the government can immediately contribute to infrastructure
development not only in big cities but also to remote areas in Indonesia. So that Indonesians can improve a better
quality of life in the future.

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