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The Boston Spelling Bee Contest 2023

Word Bank Practice and Evaluation Due Dates - GROUP 4

1 absolutely 100 delighted 201 jewelry 302 respectful

2 accompanying 101 designed 202 judgment 303 resplendent
3 achieve 102 designing 203 junk 304 responses
4 acquisition 103 disappear 204 kilometers 305 retirement
5 acupuncture 104 disappointment 205 knowledge 306 roadster
6 adventure 105 dishearten 206 knucklehead 307 robbery
7 adventurous 106 dissimulation 207 labyrinth 308 scrabble
8 afford 107 dough 208 landscape 309 security
9 against 108 drift 209 leather 310 selfish
10 aggravating 109 drugstore 210 leisure 311 service
11 allowed 110 eager 211 lethargy 312 sheet
12 almost 111 easygoing 212 lifeboats 313 shelter
13 already 112 elbow 213 lotteries 314 significantly
14 although 113 elderliness 214 luckily 315 silence
15 ambush 114 elderly 215 mainstream 316 sledding
16 amusement 115 forgery 216 maintain 317 sleeves
17 amusingly 116 friendliness 217 manufacturers 318 slippery
18 apartment 117 frightened 218 maximum 319 smooth
19 appearing 118 electricity 219 meeting 320 sneeze
20 application 119 eloquent 220 merchandise Evaluation words 246-320:
Evaluation words 1-20: 120 embarkation 221 middle January 5, 2023
December 15, 2023 121 embarrassed 222 military 321 society
21 appropriate 122 enactment 223 minority 322 softness
22 arachnophobia 123 encyclopedia 224 misspelled 323 soliloquy
23 architecture 124 energetic 225 misunderstanding 324 somersault
24 arithmetical 125 enormous 226 modest 325 source
25 aromatherapy 126 enjoyable 227 mugging 326 southeast
26 arrangement 127 enrapture 228 muscle 327 spinach
27 arrange 128 entertain 229 naturally 328 spoon
28 artificial 129 enthusiasm 230 neighborhood 329 sprain
29 ashamed 130 environment 231 newspaper 330 squirrel
30 associates 131 environmentally 232 nightingale 331 started
31 astonishing 132 equipment 233 nonchalant 332 stateroom
32 asymmetrical 133 essential 234 obstacle 333 stenographer
33 athlete 134 ethnic 235 psychology 334 stories
34 atmosphere 135 everything 236 psychosomatic 335 stressful
35 attempt 136 examine 237 pump 336 stripes
36 attention 137 executive 238 orbit 337 structure
37 attorney 138 exercise 239 outsiders 338 struggles
38 auctioneer 139 exhausted 240 overeating 339 stunning
39 axis 140 exhibition 241 overnight 340 stylish
40 bankruptcy 141 experienced 242 paragraph 341 suburb
41 battery 142 express 243 parallelogram 342 suddenly
42 bouncing 143 e-zine 244 paralyzed 343 suggesting
43 bowl 144 fall down 245 particularly 344 suggestion
44 branches 145 fascinate Evaluation words 171-245: 345 suitable
45 breakable 146 fallen January 5, 2023 346 surface
46 breathe 147 fashionable 246 patient 347 surprised
47 breeding 148 file suit 247 pattern 348 surroundings
48 brightness 149 fireplace 248 peacefully 349 sustain
49 broadside 150 flexibility 249 penalty 350 symphony
50 buggy 151 flickering 250 perhaps 351 tablecloth
51 bureaucrat 152 floss 251 persuade 352 tattoos
52 camouflage 153 footballer 252 phenomenon 353 techniques
53 canceled 154 footprints 253 physics 354 technology
54 carbohydrate 155 forbidden 254 piercings 355 temperature
55 career 156 foreign 255 pigeon 356 thunder
56 carpenter 157 fundamentally 256 piracy 357 tournament
57 celebration 158 gangplank 257 platform 358 trademark
58 century 159 gathering 258 pleasant 359 traditional
59 chaos 160 getaway 259 pleasingly 360 transportation
60 characteristic 161 gigawatts 260 pleasure 361 terminals
61 charcoal 162 gorgeous 261 polite 362 thought
62 charming 163 government 262 pollution 363 travelers
63 cheerful 164 gravity 263 popularity 364 treatment
64 chemistry 165 grounds 264 power station 365 turbine
65 childhood 166 guaranteeing 265 powerful 366 uncommon
66 chronological 167 guidebook 266 powerless 367 underground
67 circumference 168 guidelines 267 pregnant 368 unforgettable
68 claimable 169 guilty 268 presentation 369 unhappy
69 clever 170 happening 269 prevent 370 uninhibited
70 cliff Evaluation words 96-170: 270 previously 371 unique
71 climate December 29, 2023 271 printed matter 372 unknown
72 coefficient 171 hateful 272 probably 373 unmistakable
73 cohesive 172 healthy 273 procession 374 unusual
74 collection 173 heart 274 proof 375 update
75 colonies 174 highlight 275 proper 376 upper
76 comfortable 175 hospitality 276 protests 377 valuable
77 commissioner 176 human rights 277 punctual 378 vegetables
78 communication 177 hydrogen 278 punishment 379 violent
79 complex 178 illegitimate coefficient
puzzling 380 volunteer
80 comprehension 179 impatient 280 pyrotechnics 381 waitress
81 congratulations 180 impressive 281 quicksilver 382 warmth
82 connotation 181 improved 282 quorum 383 wasting
83 conscious 182 incantation 283 quote 384 waterfall
84 considerably 183 includes 284 rails 385 websites
85 constitution 184 inconvenient 285 rainforest 386 weird
86 consumptive 185 increase 286 ranches 387 wetlands
87 container 186 individual 287 realistic 388 wheelchair
88 convenience 187 innocent 288 really 389 wheeze
89 countries 188 inquiry 289 recommend 390 wherever
90 creativity 189 inspiring 290 reconciliation 391 while
91 criminals 190 instructor 291 recreational 392 whistle
92 crowded 191 integrity 292 reflexology 393 wickedness
93 crumble 192 interference 293 rehabilitated 394 wildlife
94 culture 193 offered 294 reinforcement 395 winning
95 currents 194 old-fashioned 295 relationship 396 wonderful
Evaluation words 21-95: 195 oppose 296 remarkable 397 wranglers
December 22, 2023 196 interpersonal 297 remembrance 398 wrapping
96 customer 197 interview 298 request 399 yelling
97 dangerous 198 investigator 299 requirement 400 zipper
98 decongestant 199 involvement 300 rescheduled Evaluation words 321-400:
99 decreased 200 jackpot 301 resonance January 5, 2023

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