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Service or Product Line

Products and Services Provided: Our company offers a comprehensive TVET College
Management System, designed to streamline and optimize the administrative processes of
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges and vocational schools. The
system includes the following key modules:

1. Trainee Management: Provides trainees with information on occupations, prerequisites,

and seat availability.

2. Occupation Management: Allows administrators and trainers to input course details,

assign instructors, set prerequisites, and manage course materials.

3. Employee Management: Facilitates efficient communication between administrators

and trainers, leave management, performance evaluation, and professional development

4. Resource Management: Enables administrators to assign rooms based on course

requirements, track room availability, and handle scheduling conflicts.

5. Library Management: Empowers trainees and trainers to search for and request books,
manage borrowing limits, and receive notifications for due dates or book reservations.

6. Fee Management: Generates invoices, tracks payments, and allows trainees to view their
financial statements.

7. Assessment Management: Allows for the creation of assessment schedules, handling of

assessment registrations, and management of grading and result processing.

8. Trainee Career Services: Maintains a database of graduates' information, tracks their

career progress, and facilitates communication between graduates and the college.

9. Notification System: Provides messaging platforms (email and SMS) and announcement
features to enable effective communication within the college community.
10. Trainee Attendance Tracking: Allows trainers to record attendance, generate
attendance reports, and notify trainees of any attendance-related issues.

11. Technology and Research Management: Includes modules for managing technology
and research projects, tracking status, and monitoring technology transfers.

12. Mobile Accessibility Service: Offers mobile accessibility and self-service capabilities
for trainees and trainers to access information, perform tasks, and receive notifications
through mobile devices.

13. Report Generation: Generates reports and provides analytics on various aspects of the
college, including enrollment trends, graduation rates, course evaluations, and academic

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