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Human Resource Management (HRM) is essential for effective people management,

encompassing tasks like recruitment, training, and performance management. It
extends beyond administrative duties to create a positive work environment and
align the workforce with organizational goals. Marketing Management is crucial for
organizational success, driving customer acquisition, brand building, market
expansion, innovation, and revenue generation through comprehensive strategies.

Operations Management focuses on optimizing production processes to deliver

goods and services efficiently. It plays a central role in ensuring resource efficiency,
quality control, timely delivery, and innovation. Financial Management is critical for
an organization's financial health, involving budgeting, forecasting, investment
decisions, and compliance, contributing to resource allocation, profitability, risk
management, and regulatory adherence.

Material and Procurement Management is vital for a streamlined supply chain,

contributing to cost efficiency, quality control, and supplier relationship
management. It involves strategic planning, negotiation, inspection, and
performance evaluation. Together, these functional areas form the core pillars of
organizational success, each contributing uniquely to overall effectiveness and goal

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